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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Perfect Flour The Perfect wheat, perfectly ground by perfect pro- cess in a perfect mill, by perfect millers Royal Household Flour Gives perfect results in all baking Ask Your Grocer for it FOR SALE BY LePAGE BROS. MEDICINE HAT Le PAGE BROS. THE ONE-PRICE CASH STORE BOS SCHOOL CLOTHING Hundreds of boys have returned to school dressed in one of our new fall Suits. We still havea few watches left and we want every boy in town to get acquainted with our Boys Clothing, and will continue to give free with every suit at 5.00. and over a good reliable boys watch guaranteed for one year by the makers.. You may need the suit a little later if you do not require one now. Boys 2-piece Tweed Suits in Norfolk and plain style; iatest pattern bloomer pants; sizes 24 to 28. Prices 3.00 to 7.50. Boys 3-piece Suits in all the newest-styles and pat- terns; bloomer or plain pants; sizes 29 to 35. Prices 4.50 to 10.00. Fall Quality Style Book, Ladies Home Journal Pat- terns now on sale at our pattern counter. LePAGE BROS. Phone 28. 388 Toronto St. Loafing Wives Blamed For the Unhappiness of ee Great Many Couples Think the Way the Wife Lounges About in Many Amer- ican Homes is positively. Criminal, Says Mrs. Charles Edward Abbott, Housewife and Writer for Magazines. . gt; : : vHY 18 A HAPPY MARRIAGE? al Woman's i League, and have sold stories now and then to the maga- zines. And still I always have time for anything I want to do. And you think other women occupied? . she was asked. THINKS IT IS CRIMINAL FOR WIVES TO LOAF. I think the way they loaf about is. positively criminal exclaimed Mrs. Aubott. I have just returned from a brief visit to a fashionable summer resort in Maine. The summer hotels shelter hordes of these parasitic women.. They are carefully marcelled, massaged and skewered into long corsets to assume a slenderness they have not (and never will have, since to forge them- The late David Graham Phillips Gave a blont end brutal answer to the antithesis of this question in his imost widely discussed novel, The Husband's Story. According to Mr. Phillips, the why of the unhappy marriage in America is simply the general uselessness of the American Wife. This doodlewit, to use one Of the novelist s - choicest terms of vitupecation, divides her time among the bridge table, the ballroom and the mbtor car, while her husband wearily staggers on from day today in the effort to multiply the millions his wife demands of him. Here s what a New York woman says: That the loafer-wife, even more than she who is merely a domestic ignoramus, bears the chief respon- sibility for the unhappy marriage is the theory of Mrs, Charles Edward Abbott, chairman of the Ways and Means Committee for the Little Mothers Aid Association. Mrs. Ab- bott is prominent in several other clubs, and is a frequent contributor to the magazines. WIVES WITH EMPTY HEARTS: un They ornament the long piazzas in rows and gossip mbout the new ar- rivals, backbiting each other as well. The business man is behind the proposition, in the city, working his best. He bas to, in order to pay the five or more dollars a day necessary to feed, water and stall the woman hhe has married. Ahd she is craven -eruel enough to suck bis blood and grind, his bones to make her bread and pay her bridge debts. The hardworked American pu: neds man certainly has his antithesis in his. wife, who dawdles over her clotted: all the morning and plays bridge all the afternoon, while the dog and the parrot do what they can to make a happy home, Ohild- ren are out of style, and the selfish, extravagant wife of today considers herself unfortunate when they come. In many cases the hardworked husband is also a hoodwinked one, for the principle is true of his wife that Satan always finds. some work for idle hands to do. Amd the over- childten, not my own. * For'six years fed, overdressed prosperous middle Lave been chairman of Ways and class woman takes to conquests, im the Little Mothers Aid drink or bridge because her poor, itio served aterm as/empty head and heart are fit for for the Profession- sete. else, Nature abhors 2 vac- i Sho shirks work and lt; Tesponsibility of all kinds; nor does she want cbildren. And with both heart and head empty, what has she to offer. in exchange for her living? YT do all my bustiand s typewriting + 3nd maintain a settlement home for some. sixty-five of his employees. I also Superintend the management of my home amd am bringing up two selves is the chief object of the day). Policeman and Left Acting Chief Brown, Lethbridge, the Victim of a Disgraceful Brawl in Noisy House. HIS FACE SUT BY GLASS Helen Cline Arrested at Scene But Man Who Made Cowardly Assault Made Good His Escape. Lethitfridge, Dept. 11. Beaten until senseless, cut and bleeding from sev- eral wounds on his face and body, Acting Police Chief Brown was fourdl Monday night about ten thirty in the house of Helen Howard, First Avenue South, where he had evident- ly been set upon by thugs, who purposed assaulting the police oflicer. Brown was almost unconscious when found by Sergt. Geoghegan, who hurried to the house on a call from the mistress: of the place: The lat - ter was in hysterics when the ser- geant reached: the scene. Brown was-unable either to give a clear account of the affair or a. de- scription of the man who is suppos- ed to have done the ded. He had a terrible gash under his right eye which had been made by a drinking glass, and th floor was littered with broken g..sses and cups, and wrecked furnituiv. showing that there had been a oattle before the Acting Chief was put down. The Howard woman was in a complete state of collapse, and even yesterday morning could not give a connected account of the trouble. WOMAN AN ACCOMPLICE. One of the participants, a -wonmn giving her name as Helen Cline, is behind the bars at tHe police sta- tion, and will be held as an accom- plice. She was arrested in a room at Joe Fong's yesterday morning about five o'clock by Sergt. Geoghe- gan, who worked ll night om the by Unknown Thugs Beaten Helpless House for sale in Riverside Park, 5 coms, bath, cellar and verandah; with vacant Of tion of one of the men supposed to 2) ft. adjoining on Broad- have been mixed uy in the. fight. He Block 9. Price for lot goes by the name of Frank Smith, is a, stranger in the city, and has ovi- dently departed for parts unknown, leaving no trace whatever of his whereabouts, The whole police force is out after the thug. The penalty in such cases is seven years, THE STORY AS KNOWN. So far as the police have been able to learn the Cline woman arrived in the city Monday afternoon on one of the local trains. She went down to the . restricted district at the Point, but was ejected from the houses, although she made a deter- mined effort to stay. In the evening she had a late supper at Jos Fong's restaurant on First avenue south, af- ter which she went to Helen How- and s house where she begged to be allowed to. spend the night. The mistress of the place took her in, not knowing there was anyone. with her. The man, who is supposed to be Smith, came jin also, and the pair Proceeded to raise trouble. POLICE CALLED. It became so'bad, and the Howard woman was so roudly abused that, she went to a nearby livery stable and called for the police. Brown went over, and no sooner got itis head inside the door than he was struck, Inthe meantime Helen How- ard was running about the town looking for police, going as far as the C.P.R. station i her search. When she came back the fight. was going on and the owner of the house becoming hysterical again went after the police. She got Sergeant Geoghe- gan over the phone. When he arriv- ed at the house the man and woman had gone. CLINE WILL NOT TALK. The Cline woman who is now * at the police station, refuses, to givean, account of the affray, offering the opinion that she was not responsible and had nothing to do with it. She will be held, however, until some trace is got of the man or men con- nected with the assalilt. Pingle, Wales Bell 4th Ave, corner of Esplanade, Half-minute past Post Office. PHONE 701, 2700; cash 900 gt; balance ar- ranged. House for sale In Block 11, Riverside, lots 15 and 16, 4 rooms. Price 2300, terms. On Broadway. Two bouses for sale in North Yuill, Block 6, 4 rooms and Verandah. New houses ; will let for 20 per month; on 560x150 ft. Prive 2800 the lot, terms, House for sale in High School Annex, Liock 21 on Alberta St 5 rooms, bathroom, basement. Electricity and gas. Just built. Every con- venience. Price 2600, terms, 1000 handles this destrable property. Ross Street, Block 7, 501150 ft. Shack. Price ' 1500; down 500, We have 60 houses for gale. Farm 5 miles from Medicine Hat. 100 acres broken. 5 room house. Never-failing well water, 10 acres mar- ket garden. Cheap; easy terms, We want listings. We have many buyers awaiting any- thing reasonable in price. We will sell you only what we would buy ourselves. Before you buy anywhere look us up, or Phone 791 for the firm which has one of the best selections in the city, APPEAL WILL TEST TRUE. METHODISM Alberta and Saskatchewan Conferences Issue .Call For One Hundred Young Men From East For Min- istry. case. Thie police als, have a descrii unm, and those who will not work or study must needs play. q HUSBAND APE OFTEN HOOD- WINKED AS WELL. When the American man wakes up he will cease to be such an easy mark. No one can take advantage of a business man with his eyes open. And the thousands of women lolling about the summer hotel Planning a winter , of tea: would all live longer and die happier, if they had to go to work, either in their own homes or at whatever they nfight be best fitted to do. are not even good sports, with the redeeming traits that be- long to most live wires. They are just heavy baggage to hold a man s nose to the grindstone, dead weight to keep him from climbing and no ornament. to share his succes if he, in spite of his handicap, achieves one, The childless home, the empty head and the cold heurt. are responsijtile for the hard, selfish faces t at we meet everywhere. m Let the wife look to her duties before the hustand finds out how very easy, comifortable and conven- ient it is to do without her. LETTER CARRIERS Trades and Labor Congress Considers Their Case at Convention. THE DEBATING IS LIVELY St? John Asks for 1913 Con- vention and Saskatoon for That-of 1914. (W. A, P. Dispatch) Guelph, Ont., Sepp 11 Considera- tion of the Resolution Committee report furnished lively topics for de- bate at the Trades and Labor Con- ress this morning. The first resolu- tion covering the grievances of letter carriers was carried unanimously af- ter Delegates Hoop, of Winnipeg, and Christian Swartz, of Victoria, had painted a pathetic picture of the con- ditfon of these civil servants, espec- fally in the west. On the fight between the Amalga- mated Carpenters -of Montreal, and the United Brotherhood of Carpen- ters the Congress refused to take ac- tion. The secretary's report showed receipts of 15,699 and expenses of 19,801. Montreai and St. John are after the convention for 1913 . Saskatoon, with true western enterprise, is cam- paigning forthe following conven- tion . Vancouver wants it in 19: What is claimed to be the largest touring automobile ever built, a car haying a wheel base of 198 inches, Tras been completed for the chief in- spector of the finances of France. Ol Ortimsky of Philadelphia, one of the Hl 6 Jesding American ecclesiastics under the See of Rome, RUTHENIAN BISHOP. FOR THE WEST HAS BEEN APPOINTED Will Rule Over the G: bs Catholics of the Prairie He Provinces. oe WELCOME NEWS-FOR LOCAL CATHOLICS Many Bu in This Parish Seberated by the Different Language. : Dispatch) Winnipeg, Man., Sept. 11. Word. has just been r ceived here of the ap- pointment of Rev. Nicholas Boodka, of Galicia, as bishop to rule over the Ruthenian Catholics (Greek Rite) of Western Canada. It has not yet been decided whether Bishop Boodka will reside at Winnipeg or Edmonton, or Some other western centre. The announcement of thie import- ant appointment comes from Bishop Bishop Boodka was born in Galicia in 1877 and was ordained in 1905. The announcement of the above ap- pointment will be Feceived as wel- come news by the Catholics of Med- eine Hat. There are many Ruthen- fans in this parish, but they were sep- arated from other Catholics by thelr inability to talk English. The new Dishop is expected to relieve the sit- uation when he takes cliarge, MAY NOT COMPETE FOR 45,000 PRIZE Canadians Barred From the Contest for Best Five Bushels of Wheat. (W. A. P, Dispatch.) Winnipeg, Man., Sept. 11 Cana- dians are debarred from competing for the prize of 45,000 for the best five bushels, of wheat shown at the Northwestern Development Leagues Fair. When the announcement: was made of the prize being given, number of Catiadian farmers sent for entry blanks. Replies were sent them saying that Canadians would not be allowed to compete. The States elegible are Montana, North and South Dakota, Washington, Idaho and Oregon. Tn searching for the most durakje wood in the, world from which to build a mansoleum for their late em- Peror Chinese architects selected A small want ad in The Daily News Classified Column will bring results. timber from the Philippines. Toronto, Sept. 11 An-sppeal trom the Methodist Conferences of Saskat- chewan and Alberta for 100 young men to enter the ministry and fill ex- isting :vacancies, is published in the current issue of the Christian Guar- dian, and is characterized editorially by. the Guardian as one. which will test the Methodism of this country as it has not been tested in many days. ( The dppeal is signed by John A. Boyle, president of the Saskatchewan dent of the Alberta Conference. RIVER IMPROVEMENT CONGRESS ERT Burlington, Ia., Sept, 10 A six- foot channel from Minneapolis to St. Louis is the slogan of the several /htindred delegates who were present here today at the opening of the eleventh annual convention of the Up- Der Mississippi River Improvement Association. The sessions will last three days and will be followed by trip to the great Keokuk dam. The association is composed of represent- atives of Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin, and every city of importance on the Upper Mississippi is represented at the con- vention. Thom2s Wilkinson of this city, president of the association, called the gathering to order. eee ecctaleeesivereeeew ae UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of a Power of Sale contained in a certain Lien Note made by Guy L. Dunham to William R. Penland, bearing date thie fifteenth day of July, A. D., 1912, thereby will be sold at the garage on th rear of lot ten (10), in Block F , on the Esplanade (near the hospital,) on Tuesday, the seventeenth day of September, A. D., 1912, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, one McLaughlin- Buick Automobile, Model 16, Engine 10484, Serial Number 2915, Terms: One-tenth at time of sale, balance before delivery of car within thirty days. R For further particulars apply to W.-R. Penland, Medicine Hat, Alta. Dated this eleventh day of Septem- ber, A. D., 1912, 53-4 WANTED LADIES' AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jewelry, guns, revolvers, valises, suit cases, stoves, musical instruments furniture, Democrat waggong, bug: ies, harness, bicycles. carpenter tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and ithers, bought an sold, Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co., 312 Fourth .avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P. 0. box 358 Phone 295, The Best Prices Paid for the above. 2eDe '4 MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on harid the best selection of Secon Hand Tools im the city. We carr? Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness and s nice new line of: winter goods Conterence, and T. P. Perry, presi- Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, etc., ads under these treadtags, 26 words, one day . + 26 25 words, three days .. 50 25 words, alx days .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate, No ad accepted-for less than 25 cents, Casb must accompany the order, Phone yoye ad to No, 13 ring 2, and it will recelve attention. HELY WANTED. WANTED AT ONCE, SALESMAN for shoe and furnishing department, one with general store experience pre- ferred, Apply stating experience and salary expected to box 125 , News office. tan Stewart Co, 30 per hour Ogilvie Mill aite tre St, Calgary. enson, 120 Ottawa St. East. Pe FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT IN WANTED Laborers by the Canad- Apply 2-te WANTED AT ONCE 50 carpenters WANTED Dining room girl. Apply Redclift Hotel. Si-tt WANTED Men and women to learn barber trade. Summer rate now on. Situations guaranteed. Special Fates to ladies. Particulars and cata- logue free. Moler College, 609 Cen- 294dtt WANTED SHINGLERS, AT ONCE. Must be first-class. Apply A. Dick- 58-8 WANTED A MAID FOR GENERAL house work. Apply 619 Braemar St. 52-6 WANTED' GOOD CARPENTERS. Rooms To RENT. modern house; all conventenge: phone; central locality, on hill, Ap- ply 701 Ottawa, or phone 262. 62-t TO RENT TWo FURNISHED BED- Foome, three minutes walk from de- pot. Gentleman preferred. Apply 280 Balmoral St 52-3 ROOMS TO RENT IN MODERN house. Also stable with 3 stalls and large hay loft. Apply 201 Balmoral Street, 538 LOST AND FOUND LOST ON BRABMAR. FOURTH Ave, or an Si-th Ave, and Montreal St. gentleman's gold-filled watch and fop. Initials J.B, 8. engraved s8-tf 0D fob. Finder please leave watch at J. EB. Stoddart's, Jewelery Store, Main St, 51-8 ae LOST ON SATURDAY. NIGHT BB- TWEEN Bowling Alley and Dream- land Theatre, a hand-carved ring, of on: Ogilvie Mill job. Boarding camp little value to any-but owner, Re on site. Canadian Stewart Co,, Ward to finder upon leaving at News Ltd. 38-tf office. 51-3t SE LOST AT EXHIBITION GROUNDS on Thursday, diamond ring, small size, Return to Mr, Turpin, 627 Main St. Reward given. 45-tt St ROOMS WANTED. eS WANTED AT ONCE, BY YOUNG man, room in private family; quite central and modern; none other need apply. Box 1348 News . 52-tt ae, gt; FOR SALE kee ee PIANO FOR SALE OR RENT AP- ply 304 2nd Ave. or phone 593. 53-3 ees a FOR SALE ONE SINGLE BED- stead, complete; practically new. Al- learn the art of printing. Must over 14 years of age. man News Job Department. MEN. 50. to, 100 weekly. Best proposition on the market. assistance given. GENERAL DRIVER WANTED ONE knows the city. Apply Hewitt Armstrong. KEEPER and Stenographer. Apply Mrs. EB. Lively, Bowl, WANTED GENERAL Apply Mrs, A.C. Hawthorne, WANTED AN EXPERIENC female cook. Bank. 5 years. Apply at 801 Toronto St. in care of four children. Eldest years, SITUATIONS WANTED. ition, WANTED TO BUY in Old Survey, Herald or Park. Give prices, terms, etc., to te oe 9 -B8-tf, tral Park. WANTED TO RENT Braemar St. or vicinity Address Box 566, city. A SUITE OF ply to News office. BOARD AND OOM. r without room. Street. ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED Apply to fore- WANTED 2 ENERGETIC - SALES- Our men are making from selling iavery Ask for Mr. Hill- house, Room 4, News Butramg 6i-6 nee) RN EN SERVANT. WANTED Apply to Mrs. J. C. Hargrav. Si-ttl wena wane WHO f1-8t WANTED EXPERIENCED BOOK- Apply Hollinger Agency. 51-3t WANTED AT ONCE HOUSEMAID, Sugar Main Street. 49-te SERVANT. 713 Toronto St. 49-t /28nd HF monogram on left shonld- eee ans Medicine Hat, WANTED MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 123 Toronto St. 44tf WANTED As LADY COMPANION TO help, in care of four children, eldest 47-tt WANTED NURSEMAID TO. HELP Apply 801 Toronto St, 47-tt Wantap rouns jady desires: po- 5 years business experience. Apply H. G., post office box 18, s0tt ee WANTED TO BUY Bullding tots Central . Box 510. Owners only need apply. ne ee aeeTe ea WANTED TWO ROOMS, FURNISH: ED as bedroom and sitting room on preferred. 48-6t wanted for light House keeping. Ap- 43-tt lt; BOARDERS WANTED WITH OR Apply 308 Braemar 50-6t ig Must, be first-class men. Apply at S0 an electric fron. Apply 230. Bal. Hotel Cecil. 52-6 more 52-8 WANTED A SMART Bor T0 FOR SALE ONE FANCY COLLIE be 08. Apply 120 E. Toronto St. 52-3 ae tt GAME LICENSES FOR SALE AT Marshall-Mitchell Hardware Storo Toronto Street. 51-3t FOR SALE A FINE FIRST CLASS boarding house, central location; 12 steady boarders; furniture and busi- ness. Apply box 982. 49-6 TO RENT T N4NT WANTED for vacant store on fhe comer of Montreal Street and Sr Ave. Fine location fer any business, Reasonable rent. Living Toom? overhead. Immediate posses- sion. Repairs and overhauling will be done. Apply to G. G. MacBean Co. Imperia? Bank building. oate T STRAYED 50 RGWARD The above will be payed for information that will lead to the recovery . of one brown gelding with white stripe on nose, 5 years old, and weight about 1300 Ibs. er; one gray gelding weighing about 1300 Ibe., branded ) on-left thigh. tg These horses were ) last seen at Pete Weiss on the 13th of May. R. HL eat ete STRAYED 1 bay mare in coit, with colt at foot, about 1150 Ibs; with hal- ter; also 1 cow, black and white, with horns cut; also 1 small cow, red and white. Any information about same at 201 Yuit l street will be re- warded. 53-3 ae eens eens ee STRAYED ON TO PREMISES OF 5 the undersigned, two miles north Bowell, 2 year old boy mare, no brand. C. Richardson CORY RNa 25 SME Oe) FURS, FURS FURS FURS LADIES* and gents fur coats remodelled. Own skins made up and dr ssed. Apply J. W. Crisall, Medicine Hat, Agent for the Andre Van Veen Co. Ptione 278. P, ; Box 725 Be 7-3m P. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS - WANTED TO PURCHASE LOTS IN lished 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Herald, Cousins and Sissons and Cen- Apply G. G. F,, Box 940, Medicine Hat, Alta, 51-tf /Partmer. Phone 19: H- 8. BROWNE CO, Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Rancb FURNISHED Bae a con sales conducted any here. House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere, Consult us, our ex perience at your disposal free. Phone 208. H. B, Browne Co, 519. To. Tonto St, Iszate STOCK AND FURNITURE SALE A Specialty. Prices right. Call or write P.O. box 826. 102 Main St, Medicine Hat. G. 1. Satterlee. 44-8 WANTED ROOM ANIS BOARD 1 for good place, Address box 125) OFFICES TO RENT. Main St, upstairs in News Modern conveniences and well We buy everything mentioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 50 Subscribe NOW for The Dally News. South Railway Bt. or Phone 687. t ed. Very central location in city. Apply at News office. private family. Willing to pay well News office. 58-3 TO RENT FINE LARGE OFFICE 20x24 ft. in size, corner 4th Ave, and block. ht the IN +. . CORSETIERRE 1, JPIRELLA Corsets mage to/meas- ure, guaranteed for one year against breaking or rusting. At office in Pingle block, Main street, from 2 p, m.to6 p.m. Office phone 594. At house, 7 school Avenue, opposite east side of High School, in evening. House phone 699, or write P. O. Box 72,.Mrs, Matthews, Au 22-3m a tt Subscribe now for the Dally News 63-3 COND I Tnionis Outbre et COLONIA British a o Winnipeg different v and the Ger ed here yc members through W Neilson, jo member fo Cheshire, 1 for a book there was British na We hav Proletariat war, espec thelr fellov England tt as dead 5 whose cost He went and disesta aide issues. the land ts hold an auc that, La different vi dent Germa Menace to pire, 2 men by a persi toward nay Great. Brit Cheap mon making of would hap) ment Jf thi pay Germa as. was thi as7iz For desp many arniy type of spe usually big bases. The prop Simplon tu the French
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Image 453 (1912-09-11), from microfilm reel 453, (CU1744052). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.