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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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BSeesgsesesees oe 5 66Ob0bbbRSEROCLEAEES ee INBER COMPANY f : LIMITED Have purchased the Lumber Business of Fi ntay Company bts Limber Yards in the chief cities and towns of Alberta, it knows the demands of the people of Medicine Hat and knows how to supply them. It will carry its usual high qual- ity of all building materials and will maintain its already well established reputation for prompt service and courteous treatment. Watch for their advertisement in this paper next week. : I * ; CROWN LUMBER- COMPANY, Head Office, Calgary Eee tecececeepay Be eeebenoteeeeeted SR OPO PP eeepitectopeees Loctoateetedeaedeodtecectodtedy WERE ENOL 8 LOGS SCONES EHS: SEL I SE Orrresse reese ee Eee sseEeeeeseEeeasegs gt; TWENTY-FOUR YEARS CANADIAN wiry coupon pouice ae epg oe re PACIFIC (Conticnied trom page. thie) - Cecil tater on, Pinkerton said, I preference to being shot at). Mean- UNTERNATIONAL 1) Seaton Serr tae So Fee ore ee rar cs edict esas ae ftoae Oil Set wie fe ine DRY FARMING CONGRESS and will continue the business at the same location. Inasmuch as this Company maintain ; 5 s ifer, so they sent him to month, he is going to take a pleasur LIVE MERCHANT: ADVERTISE IN THE NEV all they sent for New Caledonia. ertise to the West Indies, Ba then 8 E The Capital Investment Co. and, in the season, indulge in his fa- 420 MAIN ST. PHONE 799, Ratio T taened into , i America asking me to find out if Partment of Scotland Yard. in recent HAYDEN CHURCH. Sealed cat nna Ay: here really weren't few millions years and there has been no one to oe tingiibo get you as you d, Bat, ; belonging to them over bere. approach him in ability. He is as WHAT SHE WANTS. 2 , game a man, and as clever a onea8/ T want you to build me a fash- 3O,.and . LETHBRIDGE, fortunately for you, you tamed up GOS APTER TOM O'BRIEN. i7 , Tam tnd as clever a. Gne. a ; fi E ALMA , ine tie stowaed the poles ste- se ain the United Stale, too,/busions Ou Rom ae oi LOOK at These Main Street Prices and in the service of the American As a fact, Froest s admirers do 'the style of house you want? asked Goveranegb - thei Siosah hist weal aot ice whi. ho adiize sect; thal thereat COMPARE THEM WITH TORONTO ST. PRICES Yes, laughed Froest, TZ had October 19-26, 1912. another plain-cloth te pick : nade at SINGLE FARE Sha ab ae Pleeudilly Circus. owe 2 orton Tom O'Brien, who even- strength, or his shrewdness. The Not exactly. I want one of f) Main St. Prices Will be as High as Toronto St. : . For the Round Trip, weren't losing sight of you. ae a a oe ye ia e Lon- secret henge ze gt; those modern places. You know the Prices in a Very Short Time. mber.of Geing dates, Oct. 19-25. Froest was borrowed in 1684 by express mur- to me, is the elimination un- kind T mean one with a living room Heturn limit, Oct. 28, 1912, the United States Government in 4e ime the Scotland Yarder. William necessary, and like Roulstabille in too big to keep warm and a kitchen TOWNSITE Block 5, 50 ft, on Main St, 100 ft. from City Hall. Best buy in the business section. 34,000, terms. Exclusive listing. Block 15, 50 ft., on Main St. at 750.00 per foot. a t 4 are Pinkerton described this Lig. Ameri- + The Mystery of the Yellow Room, too small cook in. it 7 connect ith the pros ution ol 00 to in. Detroit Free For uaa Soy : Oe ei ton ae ie St can erook s career fromi his beginning he always has taken hold of the Press. Ticket Agent. ti 2 y, aaetighae as a newsboy on the trains between right end of his wes Wg ee fn Gon- R, . MeNEILLIE, h revall-ot this amustvenlution Albany and New. York-te his end in der his direction 4 Scotland Yard Block 16, lots 28. and 29, Main St, 40,000.00. S 4) Dist. Passenger Agent, big mystery which, Seta the French conviet settlement at New drew the net of evidence tight NEW MANHOOD Block 14, 25 ft,, on Main St, with one-storey building, 1000.00 n to the : 4 the aid of photogeaph the bad sto Ca edonia as we sat in Froest's den around Crippen, anid of the scores The Dr. Metzger per foote e should if . Jen yes, stolen deliberately from a t the Yard. He told how he began of stories they tell of his shrewdness Vitalizer Body Toronto St, 50 ft, in block 23, with two-storey brick store and a FE matrimonial agent whom he visited to go wrong. by selling ten cent/one may be recalled because it is Battery is the office building, 62,000. greatest self-cure for weakness and debility the world has ver known, No drugs, tio medicine, no diet- ing; no. unusual demands of any sore; Just c ase and sent out of the room on some StitPlasters to farmers for ten rather funny. pretext, while he purloified the pic- llr bills, and how he climbed up) Near a tyingalow im the country, a SOMEBODY WAS MIXHD. tnre from his desk. Sy tag, i Vann sree te NIE men wat found dod Bead down i 3 Mr: Van Neere (entertaining a few Dead There was an ugly bottle of bruise om his forehead; and as the i ee eee, en ae om O Brien . never asked for local police believed there had been . cobwebs off the bottle, William. Midlands, named Marshall, who de- * thing easy, said Pinkerton. He /foul play, Inspector Froest, as he Toronto St, 100 ft. corner, 50,000. Main St, 50 ft, in block 16. 1000.00 per foot. Ten years to pay in. Lots 1 and 2, block 2, corner, 1150.00. 100 ft. corner, close in, 2250.00. Considering the location, the best buy in the Herald. i: a oe 00,000 had been Was a game man and he wanted the was then, went down to: investigate all dissipation and reone ie sor; Bot Tlfrom his room in a London hotel, HatYest thera was and got away with Ho looked aver, the this iavendon wid themes. ie COUSINS SISSONS SUE TESS Be Tysal toen demonstrat isk tae cmap, 2 Fei Hew tad, een series Sess rit ee rogr Stok 2, Gwe Jot. HERO atc, terme hhad not been stolen at all; but had and How you Kept him from putting Mate ea ary aside Teak cage CENTRAL PARK a been appropriated by the lawyer, and Bullet in that fat stomach of . rheumatism, weak back, the latter. b to do yours I don t know, finished the ambi ; ness, stomack, Hver and iat ale Block 29, two lots facing Chicago St. one Dlock from the park, ay A NEXT TO KIN FRAUDE. Ametican detective admiringly, beam- iy - orters, agoatle. and stops: 900.00 the pair, : i CANADIAN ff wstirn ter ance ne en his famous fen. 2 By Men arund satteror toccnes a See ee i a a biggest series of next- To let oe, Froest water-butt. - i coarebie ice eee aie is ad ALTAWANA . Bri per cent T BDI ives PACIFIC fails tailpis on aang coe eae es alter escaping Te was Bke Sheclock Holmes jeo- Pet cent greater service, and ts sald Block 6, corners. Good burs at 826.00 each. i : of millions. awaiting American from oustody in the United States turing Lestrade apd Gretson, but-one f . Jow price, without addeqvcost i 2 a py Our FILLER ; ANNUAL feteits in Hngliad. The millions in he took refuge in Paris, Ele had ot Frowst s hearers wis not towvine- ful aa eee Nee ack area iets i Ober i chancery myth is one that dies hard never forgiven me, said Froest, ed. Impossible he cried, and to THE METZGER. VITALIZER in this country, and Moore found for getting him at Albany, and he prove that it as impossible le - co. HARRISVILLE dupes by the thousand. These he was in London before I knew it and Jeaned over the watembutt. A sec- Rohl Block, Cor, 7th Ave. and 8rd Some excellent lots in the highest and best portions. at 170.00 SPECIAL RAIL FARES bled white and then vanished. He two English pals of his have told me ond later his heels were in the ir wena Calgaxye Alt each. was the leading lawyerin the State that they stopped him from finishing there was 2 splash, and if Froest fad putcsil) del In connection with of Tennessee when this bright jidea me in Regent street by pulling him not fished him out promptly he sure RIVERDALE Lots 1 to 20, Block 8, 250.00 each en bloc, This is the most de- sirable property in Riverdale. Lies just above the river and 2 struck him. into a doorway. gt; ly would have proved the superin- ee eae TICKETS But he was an Bnglishman by After that I got busy and dropped tendent s theory to be tight. TO HOMESTEADERS, ETC. Round trip rate from Medicine birth, said Froest, adding, ve on O Brien while he was attacking 4 In his achive service days, Fro- every lot 18 level. Hat to Montreal, 61255 to St. you read Ouida s novels? cod English porterhouse steak and ct was a amstars of dinwine anil COAL FAIRVIEW. John 69.25. Only Under Two Flags, chips in Gatti s restaurant in , the make-up, and coul dress any art f a ears ely oe bale, Ni the reply. Strand. He saw me coming and got at a few moments notice from ped- es oan: That's all you need to have ceed) out.quick and he thought he'd given lar to priest, such priest, too es Cc AL I HOUSES 3 to. see Moore, said the detective, )me the slip, but I was Uehind him in would convince the Pope himself of Return limit 5 months from for he was for all the, world like the strect before he knew it, and as his innate saintiiness. Since then he Bate nt Sesce. the hero of that novel the We were too many for him to -have has traifi d many a pupil, and from Liberal extension privileges. i pany ge That a ie he threw up the the big red-brick building on the Por taithee Ritcensation, rail eT igi Sponge. That's his Colt over there, Hmbankment you, will see go forth Large or small quantities and STHAMSHIP TicKETs,. Weighed seventeen stong, thoush at vations times city men if silk sntppea to any station. apply to L. A Dobbin, Ticket 2Adn t g bit of stomachs Frankie here sent O'Brien tik hats, carpenters, Ghaltie Rowe: andl eee Agent, or write to magnificent tawny ta aes his Are poe. aa, be oak br a men whe-icok like doctors all . of Storage: Esplanade. , manners. went b ere ye ke other them the superintendent's henehmen, Pint Piseietr Apat, Raa Aneten Boal Amrican crook named. Rell Wadlle aod wach playing apart (2 te ex- S. TAYLOR CO, ari : went: to: Tmaorepon principle 'at the Nor ion, ai want-lending figkt wit ce Gaigary, Alta. hs Se GeGnite Object; and ed to behead him, but the authorities his an sits. Rear Tie Bee Room 17 Becket. Block. W. Sat. K. O6t, 21. than Pl gked him'up a bit. thare decided that as he had merely pulling the strings. g 0, Box 813. UFinally when the United Si ates wiped out snot man he'd only When he quits) definitely, Two houses nearly completed, modern and up-to-date in every way, To be sold at practically cost of construction. Stnall re- +. tainer asked until construction is completed in ten days. KIPLING PARK The finest subdivision in the South End, level and adjoining the Industrial site, 250.00 per acre if sold xt ones, SUBDIVISION See us for good subdivision Duys in west and south ends of elty. Seo us for cheap acreage adjoining the city. og OUR. LISTINGS, Smokeless, Domestic, Engine and Blacksmith's Coal, next
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Image 684 (1912-10-15), from microfilm reel 684, (CU1744439). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.