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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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E HAT Dart Feel Cold This Morning ? For work we have a good 5 tion of Gauntlets and and we keep as good as can able prices. IN DRESS GLOVE Deit s and Fow some shades, 1.25, 1.50. GENUINE MOCHA unlined silk Hned, 1.25 to 2.00. If 80, take it as a tip that you should call at the C. P. R. Men's Store and look over the Gloves. Gloves from celebrated makers, bought, and sell them at reason- we have in dogskin, Silk Mned, 1.50; unlined 1.00 and 2.25; capeskin, beautifully soft, neat fitting glove, hand- C. P. R. MEN S STORE OR HITS AT LAND SPECULATION Sorry to See it Gaining Such a Foothold in the City. Mayor Spencer, in the event of the street railway being built, is im fs- ec ort be city s land; which they at present own, 6 workmen to build houses on it.The prices are getting too bigh, 18 the Mayor's reason, He also comes down hard on the real estate sp culation, which: he says is now going on in th city, Iam very sor- ry to see such a: thing gaining a fodthold, be says, and it ausht to and be put down at once. H. 8. IRELAND, 9 Cor. Ottawa St. and Third Ave. THE FAIR sinc LEONARD FLANNIGAN Fall Underwear We are offering some exceptional Underwear for Ladies and Children. instance of our low pricing: LADIES TWO-PIECE SUIT marked at 65 per suit. Good value for 1.00. LADIES TWO-PIECE SUIT, all wool, marked at 1.50 per suit. This line is sold regular at 2.00 We have some special bargains in Children s Un- derwear, Cotton and Wool. Here s an You Can make no mistake in - The Gourlay LISTEN We had the whole Canadian market from which to select our Pianos. We had every reason to decide very carefully. We chose the GOURLAY. FROM A: BUYER S STANDPOINT We do not mind telling you that the GOURLAY costs us a little more than we can purchase other good Pianos for, but we have secured the best that is known in modern piano building upon which to Stake our own reputation. The Medicine Hat Music Co. South Railway St. Under the Big Fiddle. values. in MODELLING HAS PRACTICAL USES Inventor of Plasticine: De- livers Instructive Lecture Before City Teachers at Alexandra School. The teachers of the city were treat- ed to an interesting lecture at the Alexandra School this afternoon on the uses of the modelling substance, plasticine, by William Harbutt, AR.C.A. Plasticine necded no in- troduction to the teachers as it is Inow used in practically all the nor- mal schools and many of the public and high schools in Canada, but Mr. Harbutt,whofavented the ma- terial and gave many- Sew suggestions as to the means of imparting Imowledge by means of it. it, Through demonstrations he indi - cated how modelling with the sub- stance could be made a preparation for practical work. The formation of lornamental designs.. tanght the boy how to form the same things out of iron. Many of the secrets. of car- pentry could also be taught through the modelling. Mr. Harbutt declar- ed that training in work with plasti- cine could be made fo tea infinite- ly more to the pupil than a mere artistic embellishment. Seventy-five Per cent. of the boys attending the Schools were destined to eam their livings s. Modeling with Rew material in the man- ual training class might be the means of giving the boy an insight into the fundamentals of the work even before he left school to enter the workshop. He also proved, thet modelling was valuable as. an,artis- tic training. Mr. Harbutt, whose home at Bath, England, is a leading author ity on modelling with plastic sub- stances. He is well-known in the art circles of England and. bas delivered many. lectures on the subject the Old Country and in Canada. Af ter touring Eastern Canada he is Tow passing through the West. Great appreciation was expressed by the teachers who attended the lecture. We have-never-sold a piece of property that our customer did not mak it. Get inline asd, mas WRIGHT DAY Medicine Hat will be the Winnipeg and distributing centre for Southern Alberta. BALMORAL 87. ROY STREET A good six-room house, fully jj Fully modern house, 9 good modern, for 5150. large rooms, two balconies and verandah; full basement; CLOSE TO HIGH SCHOOL a furnace; best hardw: * from 2450 to 2600, on sasy ish throughout. Gas and - lectric fixtures. 6003, A GOOD ASSORTMENT GOOD LOTS IN ALL PARTS of houses in North Yuill rang- OF THE CITY. ing from 2400 to 4500. Rental Agents for Hull Block. Phone 790. Main St. some money. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Block 26, Lots 15 and 16, cor- ner, 1260, terms. ALTAWANA Block 5, lots 2 to 22, terms. z 1260, BENDING Block 33, lots all ' 200. each, terms. Block 34, Lots 21 to 34, 185 each, terms, RIVERSIDE Block 3, lots 25 to 36 cach 400, terms. gt; i HERAL Block 14, lots 33 and 84, 1050 pair, terms, Block 17, lots 31 and 32, 800 palr, terms. TOWNSITE SOUTH Block 61, lot 3 and halt of 4, 3000, terms, COUSINS AND SISSONS FALL 1912 -iA Es COME WITH THE CROWD AND GET AN UP- fO0-DATE AND OVERCOAT. TO CHOOSE FROM. CAMPBELL 331 NORTH RAILWAY. OPP, C. P. ER, DEPOT EAT IT ONCE FOR OUR SAKE, THEN YOU WILL ALWays EAT iv FOR YOUR OWN SAKE. MOTHER'S BREAD 100K FoR THY LABEL. TASSIE BRos. PHONE 256 Block 4, lots 1 to 5, 300 each, terms. List your property with us, we have the buyers. WACBEAN C0. Houses 24 of various kinds under construction, some nearing comple- tion. Fully modern. Apply to W. A. ROSEWARNE * Builder and Owner. Phone 800. vor of the city leasing. part. of the SOCIAL AND PERSONAL The Rev. Canon Stuart, M.A., of Canterbuty; Enigland, who will ar rive this evening, will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Collier, and his daughter, Miis Stuart, will be the. guest of Mr, and Mrs. C, 8 Pingle. r Obas. W. Sterns, J. W. Redmond, Jas. Sterns, Geo. Burgess and R. A. MeIntyre motored up from Maple. Creek yesterday in C. W. Sterns big ear. Mr. Sterna reports the roads in) fairly good condit on. They were Rests at the Ainerican Hots over night and left this morning for Ma- ple Creek, Rev. Dr, Graham, Secretary of Education of the Methodist Church, will give an address in the Methodist Chareh tonightat pm. A cordial invitation is extended to all, Mrs. Watkins, of Vancouver, is visiting Mrs. F. G. Forster, Mont: real Street. Senator Watson, of Portage la Prairie and. Mr. Wilson, of Porto Rica, are im the city. Tacey will be shown over the Southern Alberta Land Go s works by Mr. C. C. Me- Gregor. Mr. Finn of the Mr. Nye of Spokane, representing the New York Central lines, are in the city. S. S. Montreal reported at Quebee on 16th at 8 o'clock. Passengers ar- rive on special train at Winnipeg on 18th at 21 o clock. S. S. Lake Champlain reported 150 miles west of-Innestrahall. Due at Liverpool at 18 o'clock today. Miss Mangaret Mitchell entertained a number of friends yesterday . after- noon in honor of-Miss Heather Har- grave. . A guessing contest featured im the afternoon s pleasures, Miss Morrison securing the first prize and Miss Augusta Quinlan second. Robt. Collier of the News staff, Ieft last evening for a holiday at Banff. . Many Will Attend Mission of Help Inquiries Numerous Can- on Stuart Comes to City After Great Success at Judging by.the number of inquiries regarding the addresses to be deliver- ed on Thursday- in. St. Barnabas Church at 3.30 p.m. and.8-p.m, by the Rev..Oanon Stuart; M.A: of Canterbury, England;'-'th opening services in connection with: the Mis - sion of Help to be held by the Angli+ ean Church in Medicine Hat will be largely attended. Canon Stuarticom s to this city after meeting with 4inqualified success in Saskatoon. Concerning him -the Saskatoon Saturday Press of last week says: Tt must needs'be.a big Mission of Help that can enroll as its advance agent such a Church dignitary 39 a Prebendary: of Canterbury Cathedral, the ecclesiastical entre) of the Churel: of England. Rev. Canon Stuart, who holds that high office in the Anglican Chureh, is the forerun: net of the mission which is to be held throughout the archdiocese of Rupert's Land during the month of October. And after Sunday's re- markable gatherings, there will be mone to deny that the reverend gen- tleman is the most fit and proper Person to prepare the way for such a campaign. Dr. Stuart's sermons were splen- did examples of combined eloquence and sound theology. There is some- thing magnetic about the preacher, who is a big man of fine physique. His words: are persuasive without losing their honest ri strength: and individuality, but there is in his discourse something which attracts and fascinates the listener. He is man who talks, not preaches; leads, not drives. In a word, Dr.-- Stuart is admirably adapted for iris partica- lar and important work. Allam Line, and SIX MEN FINED. this morning, four for being drunk and two for disordely conduct, they having exhibited a much too pug- nacious feeling towards one another than the law allowed. All donated 3. The Knight Bros. have taken over the Hmporium and intend making, a specialty of ching, lange the mame to Knight Bros. Bazsar. Houses for sale on easy payments or will exchange for real estate. Ap- ply to Hotson Leader. b -tt Watch for theQOpening This store will be open on the 25th September with a complete new stock of CLOTHING, GENTS FURN- ISHINGS, BOOTS and SHOES, F ng bargaina for the op n- ine: wi Come and let us get busy, MEDICINE HAT CLOTHING CO. Corner Toronto and North Railway. 57-15t ? Six young men appeared im court HGH CLASS INVESTMENTS Altawana 50 ft, Block 10, 1,100 pr., cash. Bending 50 ft., Block 3, 500 pr., terms, Cousins and Sissons 50 ft. Block 19, 750 pr. terms, 50 ft., Block 11, 865 pr., terms. Great opportunities only make you feel ridiculous wn- less you are prepared for them. A man without funds, one who cannot buy Medioine a Hat Real Estate, fs less to be pitied than the man who hae the goods but lacks the nerve to invest, Neither are prepared. Houses for sale and to rent in all parts of the eitp, Big Investment Opportunities In Cousins ang Stusons. Get prepared for 1918's boom by buylng wi a USUnIenmenereeneeeeeeeeeeee Below is Usting form, If you have property to sell please fill in this blank form and malt to ua: Riverside Park 2100 ft, Block 18, 750 pr.. terms, - Medicine Hat, Sept. Perry, Sewell Perry. We recommend and can deliver this property today. Gis ly Rely Co Fire, Life, Accident, Hall and Plate Glaze Insurance. 10 Main St. P. 0. Box 816. I hereby list following property for sale with you, aubject to usual handling coutmission: Sub-Division Block . (Signature) New Grocery ana Provision Store WE HAVE JUST OPENED OUR NEW STORE ON COLUMBIA AVE, WITH A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF GROCERIES, FRUITS, PROVISIONS, c We fully realize ih QUALITY, Teiga and SERVICE are es main factors in bringing trade to any store, and for this reason our aim will be to give the best quality with the lowest possible price consistent with good goods; and with quick service and prom pt and courteous treatment, we hope to merit and to win a share of your patronage. By doing a strictly cash business our customers know they are not pay- ing for other people s goods. We buy for cash and save discounts, and we have no bookkeeper s salary to Our expenses are lowe: id tomers get the benefit. ae eee Everything in Our Store is Fresh and New Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. We Would Appreciate a Trial Order From You Phone 808. Goods sent C. 0, D. to all parts of the city. Phone 808. HEMEON BROS. CASH STORE. CORNER SOLUMBTA AVE. and SUIZABETE, STS. We Furnish You With Bread that equals any that Mother used to bake. It's so good that once you try it, you'll see the folly of bothering with home baking any longer. Suppose you take a rest for a Week and have us supply the bread? We think you'll like our Butter Nut Bread as well 8..your own,- perhaps betters Try it anyway. J, B, RICHARDSON, MGR, McKINNON S LIMITED Phone 105 A GOOD LIVERY H.E. Brown Co. Will Look After All Citizens Wants in This Line. H. E. Brown and Co. have now their livery im good running-order and are catering to all trade im this line as well as draying and truck- ing. They also have an auto for quick. trips. The barn is on Fourth Avenue and is known as the Medi- cine Hat Livery. Subscribe now for The Daily News. SNAPS OLD TOWNSITE 1850 Lot 14, Block 80. 1550 Lot 23, Block 80. 4000 Lots 9-10, Block 36. 2000 Lot 17, Block 1: Lot 17, s 25000 100 ft, Block 22. COUSINS AND SISSONS 330 each 21-30, Block 17. 840. pr. 34-85, Block 2, 550 pr 1-2, Block 34. fee Dr 81-82, Block 1, pr t-20, Block 24. 805 pr 35-36, Block 11. HERALD 750 pr., 33-34, Block 17. 785 pr 35-86, Block 17. 750 pr 39-40, Block 17, HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 840. pr- 24-26, Block 28, 1100. pr. 8-6, Block 20. 1250 pr 9-10, Block 26. 3600 pi 24, Block 21. 1000 pr. 9-10, Block 28. 900 pr 9-10, Block 31. 600 pr 81-82, Block 2. CENTRAL PARK 700. pr. 21-26, Block 28. 425 pr 21-27, Block 27. 500 50. ft, Lot 10, Block 33. 31000 pr. 9-10, Block 11. 800--50 ft, Lot 18, Block. 88. 900 pr 6-10, Block 22. Dae DRESSY SHOES FOR FALE WEAR Now on Sale LADIES HIGH CUT BUTTON SHOES London Brown and Patent Very Smart Styles 700 pr. 29-30, Block 29. SOUTH YUILL 5000 11-12, Block 6, Colum- bia Ave. : 1200- For 60 ft. on Columbia Ayve., Block 18. 1500 Lot 20, Block T. corner. 31026 Lot 18, Block T. B.F.SOUCH, Phm.B. DRUG STORE, TORONTO ST. H.W. Ireiand Co. Main Street. Phone 54. lntnfatetnt ota LIVE MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS
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Image 496 (1912-09-18), from microfilm reel 496, (CU1744118). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.