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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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poor and filled with tha lseaved. kidneys of inactive t is mot only starved but ell. There are many con- ) impure blood such as t fpelle, nervous debility rofulous conditions, ulcers, white swellings, eto. Ali ye and cured by al Discovery ssing assimilation an eart tovio and great deal dneys, it helps to oliminate orpusclos, thereby feeding nervous irritability, take emit a dishonest dealer . * The. * Discovery ol of narcotics. Ingredi- sent free on receipt of Send 50 one-sent stamps V. Pierce, Bulfulo, N. Y. ll ieee N AL RIE SATURDAY 80; week End Specials 0 bOOPOOHo OHHH EHH o eg. 7.50; Week End , 3 Ibs. for 1.00. 0c... Week End Spe- k End Special 30c. d Special 2 for 35 or d Special 85c. per cans eek End Special 2 for: 1d Special 2 fF 26c, eek End Special 3 for k End Special 15 . or ek End Special 85 . a Yeek End Special 40 . ek End Special 20c. a Week End Spectal 25c, . per packet. eek End Special 1.00. per, Cayenne, Pastry Reg. 10 .; Week End jal 2c. Ib. pecial 35c. Ib. Special 50c. tin. a Special 25c. tin, nd Special 20c. Special 30c. Reg. 45 .; Week End Raspberry, Pineapple; eg. 1.00; Week End ecial 5 Ibs. for 55c, *k End Special 5 Ib, Veek End Special 20c, k End Special 35 per Special 3 for 25c. 15 or 7 for 1.00, fal 40c. per gallon ipecial 2 for, 25c. yecial 75c. each. cial 40c. each. Special 35 . for 35c, Tos. for 25e. Week End Special 5 elal 2 for 25c. End Special 2.50. lain, Reg. 3 for 25c. Special 26c. bar. I 2 for 35c. nd Special 2 for 35 , r 25c, d Special 22 for 1.00 eek End Special 40 . pecial 40 bottle. : Bnd Special 3 dozen End Special 35 . pecial 40c. Special 30c. nd Special 25c. d Special 2 for 25c, Loc. Special 50c. gallon, 3 Week End Special rs. Reg. 10c; Week lal 20. tin, . per Ib, cial 2 1b. for 35c. Spectat-15 .-or-7-1b, per Ib, or 2.25 per 1oe. per pk 1 10c, per pk. for 25e.; Week End . with dishes free, 2 CITY, C.9. D, Ow tAILWAY ST.: CG We have Two Blocks, Numbers 27 and 28 in GRANDVIEW division that we are : These Lots are all Good Level Lots, Guaranteed. TERMS : 200 per Lot; Only 50 cash; Balance in 3, 6, 9, and 12 mos., interest-at 8 per MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Page raf THIS IS OUR PROPOSITON : GOOD PROFITS. DONT WAIT. ALL THESE GOOD POINTS Go to show that we offer you a first- class buy. in GRANDVIEW. We are oing to sell these lots fast and THHY WILL NOT LAST LONG, and the roperty that you buy will make you We will gladly show you this property and you can judge for yourself if -itis not A MONEY MAKER. THEY WILL NOT LAST SO GET HERE FIRST. SEE US AT ONCE. YOU, MR. INVESTOR, GRANDVIEW is the best investment now for speculation, as the Po-stedte teste ated Soskestetoat i B reo otieiocs ate eteeoeeer repair detest cteefeedoatecteate PL PD Geel Cre odors etesteelr eee reindeer dview going to sell at 200,00 per Lot. other divisions are too high priced to make much money on a small ca; GRANDVIEW now you within a years time than anywhere else, on the same amount of capital invested. made money in North Yuill, Central Park and Cousins and Sissons. to start bi now on, GRANDVIEW is well known and has increased double its value this year already. GRANDVIEW next year will be worth 300 per lot at the least. GRANDVIEW is on the direct line of the ANSLEY SPUR. GRANDVIEW is in the direct line of the growth of the city. GRANDVIEW is next 3 Bending and adjoins Riverdale division being just the same distance Office, 2 miles. GRANDVIEW is one-half mile from the new CITY and is therefore sure of water. GRANDVIEW is only one-half mile from the new INDUS- TRIAL SITE. uying the cheaper that is where the big increa ses will be from ital. If you buy in make more money Now it is time property because from the Post, , C RESERVOIR Imperial Bank Building - - Behind F. C. Lowes Co. sooorroseoreeoreesrresreseorronreseorossooessooessereseorreoeseoreooosoogooonseseoeoeaeosess oe ame QLLINGER AGENCY m. For Real Snappy Buys See Us TOWNSITE Block 80, 50 ft., 1250, terms. Block 85, 50 ft. 1250, terms. Block 86, 100 ft., corner, 4000, terms, RIVERSIDE Block 9 50 ft. corner, 850, terms Block 9, 50 ft, 735, terms. Block 13, 59 ft., 735, terms. ALTAWANA Block 4, 50 ft, 1300, terms. Good for today only. A number of the abo: excellent place to build, 001-00 O-F0-HOLO-L00-H: HERALD Block 3, 50 ft. corner, 1050, terms. Block 3, 62 ft. for terms. 2 These are beautitutvtew tots. SOUTH YUILL Block T, 50 ft., 1050, terms. Block 8, 50 ft, 1050, terms. Block 28, 50 ft, 840, terms, Block 20, 50 tt., 1050, terms. ve are good view lots; an 1050, lL GO. UD Railway Passenge PITAL 5,000,000 AIMS PAID 30,000,000 u lished MEDICINE OLDEST ACCIDENT OFFICE OF LONDON, ENGLAND, HAT, ALTA. OFFICE PORTER BLOCK, E MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS Finish and Flooring a Specialty. Yard, North Railway Street. : FOPOTO+O LOLOL OLE OT EHO beLebe oteteteteLe : Phone 59 To Th8a rs Assurance Co. WOKRINGMEN S COL- LECTIVE INSURANCE FOTOLO POLObO+Orem Tit REVELSTOXE GAM We carry in stock a full line ? of Building Material Florida is the only Southern State +s CHERRY COULEE + + + EEE EEE EEE EE Mr. and Mrs. John Potter took ad- vantage of the nice Sunday by go- ing visiting. Harvesting has begun in earnest now. Only a few are afraid the grain is not quite ripe enough and have not begun yet. Fred Martinson called on Dave Set- tle on last Wednesday evening. Mrs. C. Foster took a very pleas - ant drive on Friday afternoon. The grain is quite a bit thicker than it was before the hail, only it is a little later, but will yield more to the acre, Mr. Hickmore was an early caller at Wm: Wilbur's on Thursday morn- ing on business, Wn. McManis, with the help of Herman Arndt, Jr stretched the wire around his fence last week. C. Foster spent last Wednesday in Bow Island, - Charley Johnson spent last Sun day afternoon with Martin Martin - son. Mrs. C. Foster and Mrs. Wm. Wil- bur and two children visited at the /T..Thorson home...on Sunday-after- noon. Save Settle was busy on Wodnes - day breaking a two year old colt. Hb bbb bb eb bbb leo oe sees a, BURG. + + PepPeeerers tore Harvesting is in full swing in the Newburg district and the grain is in good shape. The farmers state they need two, to two-and a quarter Ibs. twine to the-acre. Mr. Ludwig Stelter has sold his threshing outfit to C. Root Co., Hila, Alta. Mr. E. Henklemann and family and Mr. K. Stelter lett last week to reside in Bruederheim, Alta. Mr. John Hilenberg is on the sick list. Wo are sorry to hear of the sud- den death of Mrs. C. Schr of Irvine, late of Newburg. It was quite a shock to this district. Mr. John Lehr is able to work again after being in bed fot six Ueeks. He had a slight attack of sun stroke. : : i ; ; t i : Sa which boasts a Progressive Party Gubernatorial candidate. He is Wm. pitta reese pa tong JAUNT FOR GEOGRAPHERS + New York, Aug. 22. Of a highly distinguished and representative char- acter was the body of Jearned men that started from New York today on transcontinental tour under the aus- pices of the American Geographical Society. The society has arranged the tour in celebration of the sixtieth S STUDEBAKER over top of cushion. anniversary of its founding and of the completion of its new home The majority of the tourists are representatives of the universities and geographical societies of Burope. Sixteen countries are represented, among them Great Britain, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Belgium, Portugal and the Netherlands, The trip across the continent and return will occupy two months, dur- ing which time the tourists will cov- er approximately 10,000 miles. After crossing the country to Seattle, Port- Jand and San Francisco, visiting Yel- lowstone National Park on the way, the party will return through the Grand Canon and the Southern States reaching New York about the middle of October. PINE BLUFF 80 YEARS OLD Pine Bluff, Ark, Aug. 22 Pine Bluff today celebrated the eightieth anniversary of its birth, the town having been laid out August 22, 1882, a family by the name of Pullen mak- ing the original suryey, Subscribe NOW for The Daily News, SEAT roomy, with spring back andeushion. TUDE Three Quick shifters. WHEELS Sarven patent 7-8 in. wheels. BODY Concord style, 26x56 inches on bottom. 33 in. CONCORD WAGON GEAR 15-16 long distance Axles; concord side springs with equalizers front and rear. reaches, ironed full length. PAINTING Body black, gear green, carmine or maroon. BAKER SHAFTS High bend with heels braced. FITTINGS Curved leather dash, braced. length carpet. Price 75.2 e FREIGHT PAID TO ANY POINT WITHIN 100MILES OF MEDICINE HAT et , Hodges, one of the leading lawyers lot Tallahassee, and ne ie making a vigorous campaign again t Park Trammell, the Democratic nominee, JAMES RAE, MEDICINE HAT, ALTA...
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Image 340 (1912-08-22), from microfilm reel 340, (CU1744146). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.