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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Fernenattly your overalls Gon often run up against a teat Uke the above: but DONT FORGET Gat tie ure gumlnioe which wil etand this rain wil walstand the Wear and tear Of your Gay's work. LEATHER LABEL OVER-HAULS ARE DOUBLE SEWED on every seam with tread Fapsed na polling strength f ten pounds. Every pocket i crematitched atthe corote with three tees. Thick whit thee things mean to you. Yoor LEATHER LABEL OVER-HAULS wit hang oqvther intl the fabric i worm cut. They cont more per garment But LESS per year. (Qreash are tbe BEST ECONOMY, WE.ARE THE. AGE H. S. lrelan C.P.R. Men s Store South Railway Street 66 99 Cor. Ottawa St. Fair Week and Third Ave. Fair Store ? Phone s1 LEONARD FLANAGAN, PROPS: Up-to-Date Groceries, Dry Goods, Ladies Hel, elt. A 5.00 Special D Mr--Kealy could understand that. STOLE A WATCH: COT SIX MONTHS Police Made Quick Work of J. Dolson, Who Stole C. A. Krauss Wateh. J. L. Dolson, an American, was sentenced-to -six mouths imprison- ment by Mr. Kealy at the police court this morning for stealing a watoh Valued at 25 from C. A. Krauss. Phe-potive mates smatt capture in this case, arresting Dolson half an hour after the Matter was reported to them- HELL-EN DAMN The First Words Learned by For- elgners When They Come to Can- ada, Says Magistrate, The first words that a foreigner learns to say in this country are hell and damn, and all such biblical ex- pressions, accor to strate Kealy. Perce ee He made this assertion in a case Drought against local farmer by a German farm hand for wages dus. The case hinged on a contract signed by the plaintiff that he would accept 250 for six month's work, but. Mr. Mahaffy, who represented the plaintiff, held that at the time his client did not understand Eng- lish. Mr. Laidlaw. said-that the first thing a foreigner learned in this country was in reference to contracts and money, but Mr. Kealy did not agr e with him. The more beautiful umd expressive-words were the first cudiments of the . English language acquired by fore'eners, he said Hell and Damm and all such biblical ex- pressions. * To prove that the plaintiff under- stood English a book was produced, which he had read and which was in English. On being asked td explain Guninian, the German, admitted reading it, but did not un- derstand it. He only read it to edu- cate himself in English, Once when he was studying Greek ho WE ARE MAKING A SPECIAL OFFER THIS WEEK OF THE FOLLOWING GOODS: 5 Ib, tins of Baking Powder, regular price 20 1b. sack of Sugar, regular price 6 cans of Tomatoes, Moose brand, regular price . 1 Ib, Coffee Beans, Empress , regular price. 10 Ibs. Ha. Table Syrup, regular price .. 3 Ibs. Blue Ribbon Tea, regular price Total . THIS 5. C WEEK CASH + We want you all to try this Special. We guarantee all our goods. Money back if not satisfactory. GOODS SENT C. 0. D. LEONARD FLANAGAN. . 125 . 1.60 . 1.05 40 . 120 6.25 oe They Are Made GOURLAY -ANGELUS PLAYER i THAT YOU HEARD AT THE FAIR ON THURSDAY SOLD ONLY BY THE MEDICINE HAT MUSIC CO. South Railway St. Under the Big Fiddle. Notice of Removal 3 GEO. CAMPBELL, - Tailor oring business from Toronto St: to 831 North y 5 Suits made to order as usual. Ladles and Gents Clothing Repaired, Cleaned and Pressed by expert hands. Work called for and delivered. PHONE 486, tt. i JACH MEAL A PLEASURE Mother's Bread LOOK FOR THE LABEL. TASSIE BROS, read the Bible in Greek, but it was all 'Greek - to him: gt; An order for the amount claimed was made. SHIPPED TO STATES. The remains of Chas. A. Bell, who died of typhoid fever at Brooks on Wednesday were shipped by Jes- sop Nott last evening to Athol, Ida- ho, for burial .POLICE COURT. At the police court this morning J. Goodwin was fined 3 and costs for drunkenness. The moathly business meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Bar- nabas Church will be held on Tues - day, Sept. rd, in the Indian school at 3.30. MRS. F. W. MILLS, Seo. W.)U. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Tho music pupils of Mrs, Crisall, L. R. A. M., will commence lessons, fall term, on September 2nd. 40-6t Mr, Thurn, of Walsh, was alone jn his auto when it upset. It was an- other that upset in which the ladies were riding. Miss Bert Crawford and Miss Zm- ma Collier Jeavo tomorrow for the Calgary Stampede. After taking in the Stampede Miss Collier will also nn CHIEF DIET OF POORER GERMAN CLASS Agricultural Chamber of Rhine Pro- vinee Issue Interesting Figures. REALTY REVIEW Many a thing that cannot be done has been done. visit Edmonton and Olds. je music pupils of Mra, Crisall Will commence lessons, fall term, on September 2nd. 40-6t TODAY S MARKETS. Liverpool, Aug. 31 Close wheat, Spot, steady, No. 1 Manitoba, Se 7d; No, 2 Man., 8s 4 1-20; No, 8 Man, S 8 1-84, Futures quiet. Oct. 7 8. 8 1-44; Deo, Ts 5d, Chicago, DL, Aug. 31. More favor- able weather and big receipts north- west today Jed to mueh stop loss selling of wheat. Expected large world s shipmients were also adverse to the bulls. About the only support came from shorts who wishes'to oven np ow ng to their being no session on Monday. The apening was + to lower. December started at 938 to 94, the same change from last night as the market taken altogether. A decline to 933 followed: Oats weak- ened with other grains. December started. a-shade down at 32 and sagged to 323. Winnipeg, Aug. 31 Marked im- provements in the weather in the Canadian West and British Isles Wrought about a sharp decline in the price of October options. Qats were steady. Flax firm and advanc- ing. t With a renewal of confidence in crop conditions there was more ac- tivity on the market than has been in evidence for the last few days. Receipts were light, there being little of the old crop to market and no serious movement of new- wheat as yet. 68 cars inspected; 70 in sight. Octover wheat opened 93, closed 923; Dec, 893, 882; May 948, 933. Oats, Och 35 , 358; Deo. 333, 331. Flax, Oet., 164, 163. CASH PRICES: a No. 1 north. 1058; No. 2 north. 1034; No. 3 tiorth. 98; No. 4 north. 874; No. 6 morth. 663. Oats, No. 2 C.W. 43: No. 3-C.W. 413. Extra No. 1 Feed 424; No. 2 Feed 37:- Barley, Noi3 554; No. 4 at. 125. Mimeapolis, Minn., Aug. 31. Sept. wheat, 91, 89 May 968, 953. bse Ohicago, Aug. 31: . Wheat, 008, WEP? ess Wi, 8s Nay ofa, oh ENGLISH CATTLE. (W. ALP. Cable), Co,, Liverpool, cable today that .the Birkenhead market held firm at the prices last cabled, quotations being, for States and Canadian steers, from 13 1-4 to 13 3-4 cents per pound; gen- eral conditions unchanged. Fall Millinery Opening Saturday, August 31. L. J. McLEAY, Imperial Bank Block Basement. REAL ESTATE ALTAWANA Block 10, Lots 8-4, 1,000, cash. Block 4, Lots 25-30, 1260 a pr. terms. RIVERSIDE Block 13, Lots 11-16, 735 a pr. terms. Block 15, Lots 36-40, 600.2 pr., terms. HERALD Block 5, Lots 28-29, 1600'a pr... terms. Block 3, Lots 8-11, 950 a pr, terms. oe e Block 7, Lot 16, 600. Terms. Block 17, Lots 39-40, 750 8 pr., terms. CENTRAL PARK Block 29, Lots 1-2, 735. Term: Bik. 5, 37 ft, 875, terms. Block 27, Lots 31-32, 575, terms. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Block 27, Lot 32, 525, cash. Block 21, Lots 29-80, 1100 pair. Terme. Gs ly Rel Co Fire, Life, Accident, Hail and Plate Glass Thvuranc . 410 Main St. P. 0, Box 816, Houses 24 of under some nearing comple- tion. Fully modern. various kinds construction, Apply to W. A. ROSEWARNE Our Fall opening, Saturday, Aug. 31, where we will have on display Trimmed Hat and Novelties. I. J. McLEAY, sabia eek Beis SuilPPED TO MOOSE JAW The body Of John W. McKenzie, th horse trainer, who died from ex- haustion at the fair grounds on Thursday, is to b shipped from Jes- sop Nott s undertaking parlors to Moose Jaw tonight for burial, The deceased who was an Ontario. man, was one of the best known horse trainers in the west. For the past seven months he has been employed by Mr. J, D. Ferguson of Saskatoon, and out of eight horses he has train- ed, durii: that time six took first He was for many years considered If , the champion jockey in the northwest Dut-owing to an injury to-his knee he had to give that business up, and took to horse training. many friends in Moose Jaw are taking charge of the funeral. Commencing Sunday, Sept. Ist an extra sleeper will be added to No. 62 from Calgary to Modicine Hat and No, 61 trom Moilicine Hat to Calgary. Passengers may remain in sleepers at Calgary until eight o'clock in the morning. L. J, McLeay s will show a nice range of Ohildren s Hats at their opening on Saturday, August 31. Imperial Bank Block. in the world. in Real Estate. tjzhe . Builder and Owner. Phone 800. BiGH Prize at many of th western fairs. lax, rejected 160; condemmed 4 Dee, 925;--913) e Liverpool, Aug. 31 John Rogers Now Is Your Opportunity INVEST IN MEDICINE HAT The live prosper- ous city of the West. Has the largest gas field Industries are pouring in. will Soon rank with the largest cities of Canada. Seize the opportunity for profitable investments Procrastination is the thief of T DAY GVER ASSINIBOIA MUSIC. STORE. MAIN 8 BREAD FOLLOWS IN THE SECOND PLACE 8 1-2 Pounds of Potatoes, Ounces of Meat to Each Person, (Special W. A. P, Cable) Berlin, August 1 The Agricul- tural Chamber of Rhine Province has fust published some statistics: which afford a striking corroboration of statement made recently by Socialist in the Reichstag to the effect that potatoes are the chief diet of the poorer classes in large sections of Germany. The Agricultural Chamber, which isa body legally constituted to gath- er information for the Government on agricultural matters; -has been studying how the peasantry lives. It publishes the family budget of 30 peasant families with annual in- comes ranging between 471 and 290. About two-thirds of them had the higher figure and owned small farms of from 10 to 47 acres. It wal found that the average daily consumption of potatoes of the 30 families was nearly 3 1-8 pounds for each person, whereas the consum tion of meat was less than 3 ounces; jof butter 1.13 ounce and slightly more than one pint of milk, of which near- ly half as skim milk or buttermilk. The most important article of diet, after potatoes, was. bread, of which each person consumed nearly 14 2-3 ounces daily, besides four ounces of figur. The only other article of food mentioned in the report was eggs, of which each person ate one about every fourth day It must be mentioned for the pro- per appreciation of these figures that the Rhine Province is ne of the richest agnecultural provinces in Ger- many, and that the persons covered by them are far from being among the poorest people in Germany. For ex- ample, a labor paper has just been publishing the family budgets. of Silesian miners, which show that they eat almost no meat at all, and the small quantity consumed is chiefly cee, ee Eee + + + ae EEE EEE EEE Ee NOTE While we welcome all com- munications from our readers, we wish it to be thoroughly understood that we do not necessarily sub- scribe to or endorse the opinions expressed by our correspondents. All letters must be signed by the writer for publication as we publish no communication signed with anomymous names, even though the name of the writer accompan- fes it Ba. COMMUNICATIONS The News Editor, City. Your reporter has evidently cult mistake in reporting me as saying that there was much opposition frum the property owners on Toronto St to the scheme (subway), ete. F sald nothing whatever about the Torgnto St. property owners in: my report. What I said was that I had ap- proached either personally or by letter, every owner of property on South Railway Street in the blocks affected excopt three as to their at- titude towards turning S. Rallway St. around with the result that all wey heartily in favor of the. street being turned except the owners of the corners on Toronto and Main Sts. These owners had stated that they were conyinced that the chgnge would make thelr present frontage on the two streets named practically nit and depreciate the value accordingly and they refused to consent to the change. being made, As these corners are; the key to the whole situation nothing can be done except buy them out Yours truly, 8. B. McCLELLAN. Kaiser's OJ Timer 10c Cigar. Subscribe how for the Daily News. You can make money in Medicine Hat Real Estate, even if you think you cant. The Rich Man of 1913 Will be 1912 s Investor 2 lots, Block 20, Cousins and Sissons, 600 pair, 20 lots, Block 12, Central Park, 900 pair. 20 lots, Block 14, Cousins and Sissons, 560 pair. Good Building Lots, Blyck 20, Herald, 800 pair. WE REPRESENT: The Mercantile Fire Insurance Co. The Occidental Fire Insurance Co. The American Central Fire Insurance Co. The Great West Life Assurance Co.; Also the Loan Department of the Great West Life As- surance Co. Ocean Steamship Tickets all Lines, PERRY, SEWELL PERRY Hutchinson Block, Toronto St, Medicine Hat, Alta. rar TO-NIGHT IN BASEBALL PARK OPEN AIR DANCING Under the auspices of the Labor Day Sports Committee. On large platform, lighted by electricity. Rygg s Union Orchestra consisting of four pieces,Piano, Violin, Cornet and Drum Come and get in form for the Prize Waltz on Labor Day. Phone 1 Oe MecKinnon 's Ltd. Our Bread is ona Pedistal of its own The public demands good bread and we supply it. There is a certain satisfaction about getting good bread that only those who have tried our But- ternut bread can appreciate. It is uniformly the sane excellent quality. Try it once and you will eat ' . no other. F, B, McKINNON, President. J, B, RICHARDSON, Gen. Mgr. LIVE MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS MGN'S DRESS SHOES Patent Blucher and Patent Button, J. T. q It Bell;.makers. The last word Wilishoe making. Price Per Pair H.W. t-. Main Street. ited fofenleeeetoetectot ul VE MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN ireiand Co. ; Phone 54,
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Image 403 (1912-08-31), from microfilm reel 403, (CU1744133). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.