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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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much, but we nd terial cinder, steel, and silver ark enough to be service combreness and has en tinction of not appealing that likes more spectacu- J s and when choosing a. is, fairly sure to choose se the startling possibll black are almost unlimti- can be more distinguish , than black in some of ut the woman who wants ttention can achieve her re effectually through ments of black than by self in crimson or orange. true of taupe, however, thas kept the latter col- slusive in other seasons, opularity. But there are hat it will be rather too dence for exclusiveness coming season. Last 3 taken up very generally piece trotting and many is found their way into Still, cleverly handled, 1 undoubtedly retain its artness through the com- Mee, tells FemalePills Years the Standard and recommended for lments, a scientifically nedy of proven worth. from thelr use is quick nt. For sale at all drug e. Ome. now for th Dally News, 2 SOLICITOR Will ated as Your Or arantee the Judicial Districts Wetaskiwin ALGARY. -stf ay O50 FOTSbe+otem o full line srial - upply Co, iness fF WORK, ur work. You will ply Co. ty MEDICINE HAT. To put 145 Lots onthe market This Property has never been placed on the market bef re. are on the market for the first time. LOOK AT YOUR MAP AND YOU WILL SEE THAT THIS DESIRABLE PROPHRTY Is SITUATED IN THE CENTRE OF ALL THE PRESHNT INDUSTRIBS. BETWEEN NORTH YUILL, ROSEDALE AND CITY VIEW. No Poor Lots will be sold All Lots will be 50 ft. THE PRICES ARE LOW If Ein Ss Watch our advertisement for further particulars : We will offer a PRIZE OF 25.00 for the best idea of a me c Br esocteoctonte ete etoateageete te egestas eoatoate aio eo elo siog for selling this property quickly ADDRESS. x ALL CONMUNICATIONS TO Seto eeSheieteeatedoeateetetosteeteetons thod 3 - G. MacBean Co. IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING PPO Ooooes etestestecececreeceatetested NOTES OF THE FAIR Reggie Bray s exhibition with his trained horse Prince in front of the grand stand was quite as much enjoy- ed as Were any of the pafd atttactions. nce has a wonderful amount of ntelligence, and Reggie is to be com- plimented upon the manner in which he has developed it. The art exhibit by the pupils of the public schoo proved a great drawing ard. The water-color work was es- eclally admired. It looked familiar to see George farkwick s face at the entrance gate again. It would hardly seem to be fair without George. Col. Sisson s magnificent Percher- on Israel caught the eye of the rmers. It might be mentioned that) Ihe also caught the eye of the judge. He is by Philemon and of Louisette land is consequently bred in the purple. Pig pens are needed and when pro- per ones are rected doubtless some good stock will be shown, There fare plenty of pigs being raised in this district now and no great trou- ole should be experienced in creat- ing some healthy competition. Mrs, Blythe handled her high- stepping hackney mare to perfection im the ring. She certainly showed ithe mare to the very best advantage. Some of the patrons of the fair raised objections to the. extra quar- ter which was asked for admission to the grand stand and refused to pay it. However, as the grand stand was icrowdeded both days, the Directors howed thir wisdom in making the harge. Mr, W. R. Lowes, of Edmonton, SIDNEY TROUBLE i Years Reticved in Three Thanks to PE-RU-NA. . 5. FIZER, Mt, Starling, Ky., cay 1 have suttered with kidney and Biadder trouble for ten years past. Last March I commenced usinr na and continued for three months. ot used it since, nor have I fel who had charge of the light horses, stated to the News that he could dis- cern an improvement all through as compared with last year. The Hussars band was laboring under difficulties, not only were the members badly shaken up when their bus upset, but they were given music to play for the dancing which they had never seen before, It seems a pity that with so many well bred cattle in the district that more of them are not shown. There must be some way of reaching the cattle-breeders and rousing some en- thusiasm amongst. them Miss Dorothy Crissal made quite a Sensation as a mounted girl-guide. E M Thornton carried off 14 first prizes and 13 second with his vege- tables. Dr. MeKereher who judged the heavy horses states that the classes were good all through and that he was especially pleased at seeing such good stuff amongst the brood mares and foals. Mike O'Hara's exhibit. of soft drinks couldn't help but make one thirsty to look at it Jos. Shakleton, the poultry show Judge, says the exhibit was an ex- cellent one morelocal birds would have been welcome. The judging of the Baby Show at Medicine Hat seemed to hold out ter- rors for the regular judge. He did not appear. Did you have your palm read at the fair or did you get palmed for anything. There were lots of paimers, better known as touts and fakirs. Esra Pearson kept up his good work, He has been taking prizes with his horses all over the west, and his name appears a few times in the Hat prize st winners, BELGIUMS. The only Belgiums- shown owned by A. Haazen of Regina. Stallion, 4 years and over: 1, Robert De Lenckbelck; 2 Black de Belles; 3, Bruno De Longpoint. 3 years: 1, Garnement Cay; 2, Bienfalt de Dave. Mares 3 year old fillies: Brugere; 3, Garnine. 2 year old fillies; 1, Lawren; 2, Moratte de Lart. Brood mare with foal, Julle La- laig. Clydesdales, imported Staflion over 4 years: Calg; 2, Toles and Sallows; Gobbatt. Stallion, 2-year-oldj 1 E, Pearson. Filey, 3 years: 1, 2, and. , D. Cameron. were 1, Gosselle; 2, 1, D. Me- 3, A Louise ae Filley, 2 years: 3, Kelly. Brood mare, Cameron, Foal: M. Cameron. Special for imported brood mare, with foal at foot: M, Cameron. Special best foal in class: M. Cameron. Clydesdale, Canadian bred Stallion ever 4 years: 1, J. Arm- strong; 2, G. Cullay. Stallion, 2 yea Filly, 2 years: Sallows. Filly, 1 year: Armstrong. Brood mare, foal by side: 1, W. E, Alderson; 2, A. Cole; 2, E. Cole. Foal derson; 2. AZ Cole; 3, B. Cole. f Special by H. D. Bennett for best stallion, 4 years or over in this class: J. Armstrong. Special by Canadian Bank of Com- merce for best 3 registered Clydes- dales, silver medal: M. Cameron. Percheron Stallion, 4 years or over: 1, F. 0. Sissons; 2, C,H. Wall. Heavy draught (unregistered). Pair. of geldings or mares in har- ness, 1400 Ibs: 1, W. Fenton; 2, G. 8. W. Tooker. 1 and 2, D. Caigall; foal by side: M. E. Cole. , D. Cargill; 2, J. 1, D. Cargill; 2, J. Compafatively few persons are ac quainted with the fact that since Andrew Jackson no President of the United States has served two conse- cutive terms except General Grant. Subscribe now for The Dally News. (ae Nie DOMINION/ Sailings from Mon Saturday for Liverpooh calling at Quebec. ae Canada, Aug. 24, Sept. 21, ct. 19. Megantic, Aug. 31, Sept. 28, Oct 26 Teutonic Sept. 7, Oct. 5, Novi 2. Laurentic, Sept. 14, Oct. 12, Nov. .. SS. LAURENTIC, 8.8, MECANTIC) Largest and Finest steamers in Canadian trade, Staunch and Excellent accommodations RATE SERVICE .8. Teutonic and 8.8. Canada carry one class (2nd) cabin onty. The best these steamers affor at moderate rites, also comfortable third-class two, four and six-berth rooms. For reservations, rates, plans, l- lustrated booklets, etc, apply to railway or steamship agents, or to W, M. McLEOD, C.W.P.A., 83 Main St, Winnipeg CENTENARY OF THE COMET. is famous, was observed today with division of destroyers, an elaborate Glasgow, August 31 The one hun- dredth anniversary of the launching of the steamer Comet, which marked the beginning of the shipbuilding in- dustry for which the Clyde district Programme was a naval pageaiit og ing the day thousands ron of first-class battleships and a where the Comet was built. At the cor- celebration conducted poration banquet speakers of prom- under the auspices of the corporation inence delivered eulogies on Henry of Glasgow The chief feature of the Bell, the designer of the Comet. Dur- be 3,650,000 male voters enfranchised of persons/by age alone, and the Clyde, participated in by a ee teat the shipyard in Port Glasgow women and newly naturalized citi- ars, It ts estimated that 5,000,000 new yoters will appear in the general el- ec-ions next November. Ther will about 1,350,000 We Can t All Be Farmers We Can t All Be Wage Earners We Can t All Be Captains of Industry in safe investments. offered to the public. 000.00 per month, Real-Estate ASK THE ABOUT IT 395 Toronto Street But we can all of us make big money We also have Medicine Hat snaps and good farm lands at low prices and easy terms. REDCLIF is the Safest and Best Investment now REDCLIFF has four large factories in operation and making REDCLIFF famous as the high-grade Building Products centre of Western Canada. These factories have a present pay roll of over 30,- More Factories Are Coming More Railroads Are Coming Is Booming Laie STONER AGENCY Phone 396
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Image 402 (1912-08-31), from microfilm reel 402, (CU1744139). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.