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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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you build, consider TY first. Don't be per- to buy CHEAP LUM- cause it s cheap use the st. We have It, and 6v- g the Bullder requires, lect stock or LUMBER, SASH, FIR FINISH, , OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH IR FLOORINGS. ave the agency for the ted Morgan Doors, : DOOR BEAUTIFUL T, WOOD FIBRE, LATH CEDAR POSTS, WIL Low Posts SEAVER S0OARD wy LAY CO. g LUMBER PEOPLE 30X 29, RMALINE IR SMUT 0c... .Quart Be... . Pint, T PAY MORE jle s Drug and hk Store :: it eins i. B. CURTIS y Sale Stables Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale, AND HEAVY DRAYING. Hay for Sale. ED McCLAIN PROPRIETOR JSSLEY BROS. Scan a lers and Contractors. 4th Ave., Phone 434 P. 0. Box 304. Estimates Free, Plans Prepared. STABLE PHONE) 402 723, i J. S. FOLLIS ntracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST. eaming, Sand, Coal Grav. ixeavating a Specialty. 4 Heavy Horses for sale a AL Times, S. LYO INTRACTS FOR cAVY-TEAMING DING AND EXCAVATING vel and Sand for Sale, PHONE 63, ret. Phone N PO, Box 1 F. Reynolds INTER, ETC, t samples In-Wall Paper. Eighth Ave, Phone 690, MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. dictment in Married Mai gers, thirty, complaint of MARRIED MASHER INDICTED UNDER NEW GHIO LAW Three Young Women Tell of Proposals of Rogers, Who Pretended to be)jived in Indianapolis before coming Single. 2 Cincinnati, Sept. 12. The first in- this county under the act was reported to Common Pleas Judge Bromwell today by the Grand Jury. The in- dictment is against Bd: . Ro- rivate detective, on 8 wife, Hattie E. Ro- gers, who had the assistance of cor tain young women who assert that Rogers proposed to them under the 1,200 as death claims. rigtense of being vomarried. The MATRIMONY BY young woman mentioned in the in- having been proposed to MANY PATHS LEADS i Other young women named as wit - nesses against him are Miss Rowelia BUT 10 THE COURT Bleak and a Miss Deppenbrock Peterson, as fixed in the indictment, ; was Aug, 12. Rogers and his wite Mise Takes Up Court's Time. to Cincinnati, but had separated there. The young women who are Kansas City, Mo. Bept. 12. He- they loaned him money under the be- home to go out in soctety and because lief that he would marry them, he got up from bed at midnight to roll a cigarette and smoke it, Mrs. jamated Association for divorce here. The woman dis- of Iron; Steel and Tin Workers paid missed hore first sult against Gordon 2,300 as sick and accident claims, two months ago, but when he cried by Rogers is Miss Fay Peterson. The time of the proposal to Miss Divorce and Breach of Pro witnesses against Rogers allege that Cause he cried when she left him at er ending June 30, Reta Gordon is suing David Gordon the average benefit being 24.69. For because a bottle of milk soured and the same period the association paid she would not go to the grocery for another she started the second sult, he alleges he is a slave to cigar- Learn now of Hosiery Really Fault-Free Let your next hosiery purchase be Pen-Angle. Examine these perfected stockings or socks closely when the clerk shows them to you. Notice the utter absence of the clumsy, troublesome seams you have been wearing. Hold them up and study how the shape has been knit into them not the fabric dragged into shape as in allotherhose. And then, when you wear them, see how snug and neat they fi - how shape-retaining their method of manu- facture how long-wearing our exclusive knitting process makes it sure your hose will be once you cease casual buying and demand only tes, TRAINS GIRL FOR WIFE, THEN HE WEDS ANOTHER Atchison, Kan., Sept. 12. A suit demanding 25,000 for alleged breach of promise to marry was filed in Atchison yesterday against Alfred Welsh, an insurance man and a re cent bridegroom. The action was brought by Eunice. Gamble, 17. v2are old, through her mother, Mrs. Ellen Shockey, of Atchison, The girl al- feges that when she was 12 years old Welsh spoke to her mother re- garding an ultimate marriage with her. Fer several years, she says, he dictated the course that should be pursued in the training of the girl, Welsh married Miss Bessie Kline a few days ago. BRIDE SKS DIVORCE BECAUSE HUBBY HUGS Fort Worth, Tex., Sept. 12 Just because her husband, Arthur Seaman hugged her, Mrs. Laura Seaman. pes- terday filed suit for divorce. Mrs. Seaman says her husband hugged her with such frequency, and often in public, that his demonstra tive affection became embarrasing and that he showed anger when she protested, SCARCITY OF HOUSES FORCES PEOPLE TO BUY. List your houses with THE HOUSE MEN, We have enquiries daily. Medicine Hat Real Estate Exchange, Room 8, Imperial Bank Building. tt Electricity 1s used in a pile driver Invented by a New York engineer to hoist heavy metal balls in a belt con- veyor and drop them rapidly on top of a pile. PARIS, CANADA Underwear, Sweaters, Hosiery NOTES FROM THE LABOR WORLD here are three thousand co-oper- ative dairies In Germany, Roumanta has trade union mem- bership of about nine thousand. Cement workers of Boston, Mass., have succeeded in organizing the waterproofers. The total benefits pald by the Cigar- makers International Union during 1911 amounted to 576,130.61 Ten now carpenters locals have been organized fn the San Joaquin valley of Califoriia, since January 1. The Coopers International Union. of North America held its annual con- vention at St, Louls, Mo., this week. The organizations of labor are steadily Increasing their membership in Spain and Increases in wages In all departments of fidustry are steadily being obtained - result The atrike of tevedores and freight handlers that. Fecently stopped all traffic in the port of Malaga, Spain, has been won by the workmen. The employers yielded to the union de- mands regarding higher scale of wages and more pay for overtime. Compensation for industrial acci- dents te gradually becoming an estab- Ushed fact in the United States, as, it has been for years in some of the European countries. Thirteen States in the country low have compensa- tion laws, all of them enacted within the last three years. Ten thotisand glass blowers will suffer a reduction of 20 per cent. in their wages a8 result of an agree- ment reached in-Atlantic City, N. J., hetween committees of the National Association of Glass Bottlue Manu- facturers and th Glass Blowers .As- sociation of America, TRUTHFUL ADVERTISING THE BASIS OF SUCCESS. Since the Ingredients Entering Perunr Are Known, Its Power as a Gatarrh Remedy and Tonic is Understood. COLUMBUS, OHIO. The ac- tive ingredients entering the most popular househoid remedy in the world have been made known to the public. This means anew era in the advertising of popular fam- lly medicines Peruna leads. Peruna contains among other things, golden seal, powerful in its pon the mucous mem- Cedron seed, a rare and unsurpassed tonic. valuable in nasal catarrh ions of the kidneys and bladder. Stone root, valuable for the nerves, mucous membranes as well as in dropsy and indi gestion. ALBERTA S MAIL-ORDER CENTRE This Sanitary ? Extension Couch COMPLETE WITH MATTRESS Upholstered in Green Denim. FOR 12.22 ht Prepaid to Medicine Hat Frei SAME AS cur DESCRIPTION: TWO IN ONE That s what one of these steel Extension Couches is; a comfortable couch for the day time and just as comfortable a bed for the ue edie in 2 moment. The folding cotton: matress serves as a cushion as walle ' AND: IF NOT SATISFACTORY YOUR PURCHASE MONEY AND TRANSPORTATION CHARGES WILL BE RE D. Order One To-Day, The Neilson Furniture Co. Ltd: 418 8th AVENUE EAST, CALGARY ag gnsaeaee Seafo-eteaeate-cfoatestectoete geste te teeeet Sostoatengecteagectecte iS retostetostentodgentostres Sat ALE Sretoeg Crete seteoteste essodtrssortn - 9 now 6, 6 now 4, 4 now 2 Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Pe Peat Soageets sechecteat iu SAL COMMENCING TO-DAY we sell our brand new up-to-date, apy suits, each tailored by the best firm in the country, a at.a 50 per cent. reduction. LLL OLLEL IEE PELE SELL LOO E OO OO ELTA OE HS SLOPES EOOOOS SALE Re ree BOYS SUITS Sizes 2 to 14 Years Finely Tailored i0e From 50c. to 2.00 wm ny SEEING SAM FEFF ERMAN, - 30 SXow 15 - 25 Snow? 12.50 EACH ONE AN EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN Every WE HAVE SECURED A FINE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES SHOES, All Samples, All Perfect, All Sizes, Values up to 400, 5.00 and 6.00: Come early and take your choice at per pair. . MITS, GLOVES GAUNTLETS Ladies and Mens all samples summer and winter weights Mens Best Quality, All Sizes - - iS BELIEVING - 504 SOUTH RAILWAY PELL PPP eee Soatesteateaoate toes ceggponeees ve ate aeate-eteatotestedtectedeete-stesteteaeste-atoate stetie cee ste euiltce s20-050420 Safe ogeate See eee ae 20 Suv 10 : MEN S PANTS Pair a Snap - from 3. OO to ou 50 BOYS PANTS : from 2.00 to 50c 1.50 SHIRTS and Boys , all sizes...Honestly Worth: double From 35c. Up 3
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Image 474 (1912-09-14), from microfilm reel 474, (CU1744134). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.