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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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uu build, consider irst, Don't be per uy - CHEAP LUM- o It's cheap use the We have it, and ev- Bullder requires. stock or LUMBER, SH, FIR FINISH, K, MAPLE, BIRCH FLOORINGS, the agency for the Morgan Doors, OR BEAUTIFUL OOD FIBRE, LATH DAR POSTS, WIL* W POSTS AY CO. IALING 2 SMUT . Quart -..Pint PAY MORE 's Drug and Store : : 3. CURTIS SON LEADER Decorating. 2 RACTORS AND BUILDERS FIGURE WITH YOU PLACING . YOUR T FOR A BUILDING MATES FREE. Next to City Hall, Minininininlninininiulntat SLEY BROS. ea and Contractors. Ave., Phone 434 0. Box.304, mates Free. ns Prepared. STABLE PHONE 402 728 J. S. FOLLIS racting Co. TORONTO ST. ing. Sand, Coal Gravel rating a Specialty, leavy Horses for sale at Ali Times, 7 AND EXCAVATING and Sand for Sale. .. . Phone No. 411 0. Box 81. Simmonds tR anp CONTRACTOR promptly attended to, Phone No. 335. Phone 433. ern HOLLINGER AGENCY .FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY Lots 1-20, Block 14, Cousins and Sissons, 280 per lot 1-3 cash ; 6 and 12.months. Also 125 feet, Block 27, Central Park for 1500, cash; 6 and 12 months, Lots 23-26, Block G, Herald (corner) 125x150 (snap) Terms, 1-3 cash; 4 and 8 months. Terms Terms, 1-3 2400. Jews Will Commemorate i Destruction,of Temple In every Jewish synagogue impres- sive services will be held this even- ing, When the Tast-of the-Ninth-of Ab will be ushered n,commemorating the burning of the temple In. Jerus- aleum by the Roman soldiers under Titts in the year 70 A.D. The des- truction of the temple marked the political death of the Jewish people and the fast of the'Ninth of Ab fs one of the most solemn events of the Heb- Tew calendar. The day gfqmourn- ing. begins at sundown his evening and continues through tomorrow. In the places of worship of th orthodox Jews the faithful will He seated on low stools or upturned Tafehes dn stockinged feet, while the reader, swaying to and fro, will:chant in a plaintive, mournful tone the Book of Lamentations, aJleged to Baye been Written by the prophet Jeremiah, and which by many scholars s con- sidered the greatest work? from the Uterary viewpoint, to be found in the Jewish Scriptures. Many.of the syn- gogues will be draped in black, and in some of them a feature of the ser- vices will be: the recital of special dirges, called Kinnoth, written by Hebrew poets centuries ago. Ac- cording to custom, Ziontsts will make collections for the national und at all synagogues tomorrow. The Cen- tral Zionist Bureau someyears ago set aside the Ninth of Ab to swoll the coffers of the great movement which has for its object th establishment of a Jewish nation in the Holy Land. As the ninth day of the month of Ab Was the: on Which the temple was destroyed snd the Jewish nation mded, it is appropriat that this day ishould be observed by the movement which aims to cdfject the scattered sons 9 Tar al and o re-establish the Jewish centre of gmAyity In Palestine, k the Zionist Targe Jewish make house for the fund, 3 Baireuth iq today th those music-lovers to: is gdd and his son, prophet and interpreter Wagner Festspelihaus tes evening with Die Melis will close August 20, inci program two performances. t Ring and s ven perforhiange of Parsifal . The little German oalty fe the centre of the real-Iaht of Wag- ner, and this adds to the interest for the Wagnarians'who gather there from all parts ofthe world. Tbe visitor can inspect Wahnfried, the Wagner villa: where the master Gnco lived. He can see the grave in the farden where the remains of the com- poser rest. He can meet,, perhaps, Oosima, the widow, and Siegfried, the son, of the creator of Die Melster- singer. Cosima Wagner was once the Wife of Hans Guido von Bulow, Pianfst. and composer, who was once a-devoted follower of Wagner. The latter repaid the devotion of his sub- ject by eloping with his wife, for whom he had discovered an affinity spirit. Unlike most romances of Cosima ved happy ever afterward, and their son, Slegfried, is n w the principal director of the . Festspicl- hans at Batreuth, In the church calendar, today ts Mary Magdalene Day, It is the four- th birthday of Prince Jiimo, second son.of King Alfonso and Queen Vic- toria of Spain, an unfortunate young- ster who has recently undergone sev- eral operations in an attempt to save im from deafness. A yoar ago to- day the United States Senate passed the Canadian reciprocity bill, later refused by: the voters of the Domin- fon, . FIRST THINGS. Yale University derives its name from Elihu Yale, a nEnglish colonial official who died on this date in 2731. Yale was born in Boston, Mass., and held many important posts under the British goyernment. He gave lber- ally to the infant college at New Ha- ven, Conn., established in that city in 1718 as the succ ssor of a school at Saybrook, Conn. . His remains lie buried at Wrexham, jn Wales, On his tome is this epitaph ; Born in America; in-Eurpoe bred; t Atrion traveled, in Asia wed, where long he lived and thrived, in London dead. Much good, some ill, he did, 80 hope all s even, and that his soul through merey s gore to heaven, You that survive and read this tale take care for this most certain exit to prepare, where blest in peace the actions of the just smell sweet and blossom in the silent dust. Loose Leaf System The News Job Department has every facility tor sup- that unconventional. sort, Wagner and plying the- most satisfactory THE PRICE or HOMAGE NCE when Kang Edward VII. paid a visit to Sheffield, 7 all the fires in factories and plants were allowed to Not a wheel in Sheffield turned for twenty- The primary object of this was to lift pall of smoke that hovers over that wonderful steel-produc- ing city, and to ensure, as faras man was able, a bright day and a blue sky for an auspicious occasion. - die out. four hours. Sheffield s expression uf respect. UT the action was unique it was unprecedented it was unthought of that those hundreds of mighty furnaces, raging night and day, and those seething boilers, with quivering valfes, should ever be allowed-to G,It. was , cool. , This extinguishing of fires cost Sheffield hundreds of thousands of dollars the price of the effort to get back again to high-power efficiency. not to a king, but to a superstition the su; Beavers Caus Floo Damage, Eburne,.July the No. 6 and No. 7 roads, was flood: By Gnawing Through the Dykes Heavy Tides at Lulu Island Break Down Weakened Protection of Gates No deys came ir the dyke was nnable to A large tract of farming Jand(b Lulu Istand between by the unteual batb. angs O; ea today through a eurlods turn of affairs . Beavers, gnawing at the dyke At that point, had so weakened it that when the heavy tides of the last fuw withstand-the pressure and gave way The land flooded was in grass, and no damage Is said to have been done The dyke bas now been RECENT MURDEROUS ATTACKS M. LEPINE Chiet of the polite of Paris, who has planned suits of armor for his men. Parls The recent series ci-murder- ous attacks by motor bandits upon the Paris police hak set M. Lepine seek- ing for some form of protective arm- or which will render his subordinates bullet proof when face to face with armed criminals. As a preliminary a special steel Berlin Wihelm Volght, the fam- ous captain of Koepenick, who svt an are wort ning w.tew years EEO OS Bis explore we notding up. the town of Koepenick by the aid of the kalser's soldiers, 1s, the central fisure in another hoax. A few days ago the Berlin papers published a telegram from Loudon atating that Voigt had died in a hos- pital there. Columns of obituary a0: tices were published, and the sto1y of his exploit was retold. Yesterday the papers printed an indignant Istter of protest from Voigt, who says he is In excellent health, and has no thought of dying. Voigt has been living peacefully in Luxemburg on an income received from an anonymous Berlin widow ae tokes of her admiration of his suc cess tr footing the 7: He was traveling ftom Luxemburg to jLauscha, in Thuringia, when he read the report of his death ti. the trafu. He got out at Coburg, and, tak og h s stand in the market place, started selling picture posteards.of himself, shouting Here is the world amed captain of Koepenick. I am not dead but allve and kicking. The: police arrested him, but when he proved his identity they let him 0. It 1s suspected here tha: the story of Voigt's death has beer started to attract public attention to him pre- vious tp his appearance in a music Police hief Plans Armor For Hts Men THIS. PRECAUTION BREASTPLATE (8 TESTED Hoaxer King Says That He Is Not Dead FAMOUS. CAPTAIN OF KOEPENIC K HAS ANOTHER JOKE AT EX. PENSE OF PUBLIC RE ADS OWN OBITUARIES BY PARIS APACHES sUGGESTs breastplate of the kind worn by the Britta life guards has been manufac turgay and was subjected to se. vere'toste yeatorday with a viow to teotink te Dullet stopping value. The armor, which 1s intended to be worn under: Ordinary coat or over: coat, was plaged upon a mannequin o: lay Agure: When a detective, armed with a Browning revolyer of small Sher, fired at the atee-protected maa hequin from distance of fifteen yards) the Dulles falled to penetrate. A heavier Browning was then tri ot the caliber of the Weapon eed tat one of the notorious bandits in. his, last fisht with the police. - The rer sults were leas satiatnctory from the point of view of the police. Two of) the small steel plates forming the cuirs sg were completely shattered by tho heavier bullet, which penetrated the body of the mannequin. Lightness and hpenetrability are the essential qualities sought for. in the police cutrass. and as the result of further experiments t Is believed these qualities will be obtained. It a intended to add headpleces to prow toot the neck and face. When a satiafactory model has been found and approved M. Lepine will have a number manufactured. These will be kept at police headquarters, and in future, when a Paris detective or policeman is about. to proceed te arrest or search for a dangerous criminal he will first of all buckle on SPENCER TODD. PHONE 40, rey. A Reduction of 20 per cent. off.the Following Lines in our Men s Wear Department. A chance to buy high-grade at medium prices, Meh-grade Sm i The Hartt, PATENT OXFORDS Regular 5.25 for PATENT. BLUCHERS Regular 5.75 for .. TAN BLUCHERS .... Regular 5.75 for . GUN METAL BLUGHERS .. Regular 5.75 for .... These are all the very latest styles. Spencer Tod The People s Store his armor. thin part of the door .with an old pillow/chen table (being raised or Io case (or heavy white?cloth). Pin on your waists, using have bad this for yeafs without tear- etc. ing a waist. Below this place 96h shoe bag, and at the side a iong4 Make your closet door hold your row beg for your umbrella, z waists by covering the upper A discarded Piano stool at USEFUL HINGS will be a great rest while prey fety pine. I the vegetables, scouring the Have You a Cellar to Dig If so, let us give you a priee-on it. Sand and Gravel Hauling. Heavy. teaming. - : - EXCAVATING A P. RHINARD COOK BO BOR ST o ak WILHELM VOIGT Known as the captain of Koepenick, in the uniform he wore whgn he hoax: ed a German regiment and the mayor hall. rstition Girt business men in Canada pay an unwitting homage, that hot weather justifies letting the fires of business energy go out. They stop Advertising im the Summer months. season. advertise. D. Advertising ? jy paying homage to tradition, custom, super: tion, they, have allowed Su . You know how dull it can-be when ummer to become lo you know how brisk it can sti their A ik you don t be made by Do you realize how much momentum you now lose in the Summer that must be regained in the Fall? DONT LET YOUR ADVERTISINGFIRES DEa OUT THIS SUMMER. Advice regarding your advertising problema is available throu adian advertising 503 Lumsden Bi write, if interested. ney, or the S Toronto. 60RD MALDANE, ENGLANDS NEW LORD CMWVCELL OFF LOCUSTS WRECK AIRSHIP Flying Man 1s Blinded by Myrlads of. the Insect Mairid. A cloud of locusts nearly caused the death of Juan Manvaca who was flying at the aerodrome at Bajo, near Maa:'d; Owing to winter and- spring today was 96 Fahrenheit in the shade clouds of locusts have deen devastating the environs of Madrid. It was while flying at a height of sixty fect that Juan Mauvals drove his machine into a cloud of the in sects, which blinded him, and he fell to the ground. When-the spectators rushed up to him they found he had 2 miraculous escape, being almost un- injured. His machine was wrecked. Mall Robbery in France Paris. A man giving the name ot Rousset har been arrested on a charge of stealing letters from the Inst. Central American mall. He was found to be in possession of nine let- ters from-Cuba, Mexico and other Darts of Centra America containing checks. Ono of them was for 1 of a town. 2 . seeDoedontontoateetostoetegs op pein e AR Suffragette in Man's Dress z the end of a home rule meeting addressed by C. E. Hobhouse and W. Nedmond. M.P., at Bristol last found in an anteroom disguised ag man, wearing a soft felt hat, a d xy the police and ejected. She was pursued by a large crowd of people, who roughly treated her, and she eventually escaped in a tramway car. Twelve Men Fire on Dancers Paris Twelve men with revolvers in their hands marched into squa at Billancourt where people were dancing in the open air yesterday, and amused themselves by firing at the crowd. They killed one man and go clear away before police help came. ., Iretand s Joan of Aro Dublin Lady Aberdeen visited IAmerick in connection with the cru Sade against tuberculosis, and t wag stated at a large meeting that she was regarded, on account of what she did for the country, as the Joan of Arc of Ireland. Settee Mietecteeoatentedontotoey Seite We can supply you with the latest improved Loose Leaf Systems at Eastern Prices. Keep the money at home. Get our prices before sending out of the city for these goods. e We carry a full stock of Binders , Indexes, Ledger Sheets, Account Forms, ete. for this work. We make a speciality of Loose Leaf Binders, in Gor duroy and Leather, Canyass and Leather; Oanv i Job Department Medicine Hat News, Ltd
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Image 122 (1912-07-22), from microfilm reel 122, (CU1743834). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.