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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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lay monthly meeting of the will be held in the parlor Methodist church on Monday 1 Will Net-Teave Comfortless 1 Will not leave you comfortiess: 1 will come unto you. Lo Iam with you always, even unto the end of th true, we cannot always feel this pre- se: se, But we can always know that t is there, always think of It, so Jong as thought endures, always rest. The W. A, of St. Barnabas church will meet im the Indian schools on Tuesday at 3.30, vine Rev. Mr, Sibley accompanied by his wife, spent the week-end in the city, They are on their journey home from China where they have been engaged in missionary work for the Inst six years. On Sunday morn- Sib upied the pulpit in: p the Methodist church. His addi it in Bol was listened to with Fapt attention consets and was full of interest to al, es- Tt is like passing through a sur pecially to those of the congregation gical operation. The time comes for interested in missiohary work. the ordeal. The anaesthetic is ready. The evening service was taken by You stretch out your hand to your Mrs, Sibley whose Very interesting friend, Don't leave me, don't for- talk on the Women s part-in-the-great/ sake me. The-last thing you-teel is, missionary movement for the uplift of the clasp of that hand, the Inst thing the Chinese, was njoyed most thor- you see is the face of that friend. oughly by the large congregation Then a moment of darkness; a blank which filled tre church to the doors. and the first thing you see Is the On Monday they: left on The Crow face of love again. So the angel ot train to yisit Mra God's face stands by ug, bends-above the Rev. Mr, Harrison and Mrs. Hat- us, and we may know that he will be rison of Claresbotm formerly of' there even when all else fails. Amid Medicine Hst, the mists that shroud the great ocean A number of the members of the beyond the verge of mortal vite there W. M.S. accompani d them to th is one sweet, mighty Voice that says. train. Before:taking their departure, *I will never leave thee, nor forsake Mrs.Parkins,-on behalf. of the So- thee In all thy afflictions I will be ciety presented -Mrs Sibley with a- with thee, and the angel of m: tace Deautiful boquet of roses and .car- shall save thee. that we may hold fast to this cruth. There may be a moment in the very depth of sorrow and anguish when nce .ts hij B use We are stunnesl, un jabot and tunjo frouts is a-good de- tail A draped tunic over an underskitt af accordiam plaiting limp and nar- row in Hes about the feet is an- other version of the accordion plaiting skirt idea. In some frocks the plaiting forms only a petiteoat charming inthe skirt front Blackand white is as usual an oft Kepeated combination, aod blue and white is very popular, the blue being-used in all shades from Nat- The old medium blue tones, usually Becoming, figure wing. cool end novelty waist ot lace consists of motifs of lace, three kinds joined together. All such waist have the neck gollarless and the sleeves set in. Among-soft materials for blouses there are many pretty and inexpen- sive crepes and voiles. Even . the wear remarkably well, and their sav- ing in laundry bills for a season is an appreciable eeonom French ribbon-work flowers, used in the form of wreaths and hidden by overdraperies, are one of the most charming new features of even- siderably among the Ward ; Ter gowns. summer toilettes, usually in connec- tion with white, and are especially Pretty, in the linens, sponges and silk voile, marquisette and tulle. An uncommonly good looking oos- tume in this coloring had a Nor- coltar-and-cuff straps of white eponge and big white pearl buttons. The plain skirt was of white eponge. The Norfolk, with slight variations of cut and detail, dy the way, is enormously popular this summer in everything from white serge and white cbarmeause to linen. tweed. It is, of course, always in- formal in air, but the plain Nor- folk suits of white dull finish satin or charmeause worn with dainty TONIC TREATMENT FOR THE STOMACH The Modern Method Most Successful in Treating In- digestion. old-fashioned methods of treat- ing indigestion and stomach troubles are being discarded. The trouble with the old-fashioned methods was: that when the treatment Was stopped the trouble returned in an aggravated form, The modern method of curing indi- Beatlon and other stomach troubles is to tone up the stomach to do its nor- mal, work. Every step toward recov ery is a step gained, not to be lost again. The recovery of the appetite, afternoon at such m place as a country club or sporting event or on the street. Separate Norfolks, too, play an important role im outing. tire, and ome of the latest things in this class is the separate Nor- folk of soft natural tone tussor with black collar and cuffs for wear the disappearance of pain, the absence of gas all are steps on the road to health that those who have tried the tonic treatment remember distinctly. Dr. Williams Pink Pills are a tonic medicine, every constituent of. which is helpful in building up the digestive organs, and is therefore the very best Temedy for chronic diseases of stom ach-trouble. The success of the treat Hations: If We Would Help Others A life of strict honesty and moral- - FADS AND FASHIONS + PEPEPE EP New York, August 3. Women who fs not enough. Something else is needed, or-the life falls far short. In a. mission fleld in Africa a native chureh elected an elder There Hi e the- ambition two candidates before, the people; dress in accordance with fashi the reason for the choice that W48 looking forward with great made between them was that, while/t, the autumn openings of the pre both men Were straight, the one cho- ont month. The secret of the com- sen was straight and considerate. To ing styles is well guarded but it is be considerate of people Is to show fe to assume that the everlasting love toward them; and 2 strisht problem of the ruling silhouette wi Yife. without love is a forbidding one aeain be brought into prominence in indeed. In earnest, active Christian the displays. Of course, nothing de- work we are constantly under the snrite is as yet known, but hints temptation to leave out love: but/ shat have come from Paris, indicate when We do so, we leave out that) that the coming sithowette will be which God himself is. Oh, to be al- . compromise like that of the sum- ovingly, tenderly considerate of 27 but that a little more latitude others in all our dealings with them' wil be given to width of stirts and Ii ix one secret of winning genuine +. araperies. ectoperation; and the lack of it is al it may be expected that the A auturon w depend, like ause-of unreckoned and often unrec- ognized inefficiency, Self is the only * 2 : thing, that prevents a full outflow of ont me: Soe ee ve gto, Jove; if we are dead to self, and alive tom Plaiting for shirt : ist, nothing will blind us to THis method of eee greater our fellows need of the love ee by puts them always in first place. the slim silhouette permi e : introduction: of countless - changes and variations. One sees simple skirts entirely accordion plaited, mounted a little high at the waist Ae eet ay Own ear P8O- sod topped by aaintly pictureegas little. boleros. Silk. or cotton voile, And ae he ented + coms, and take arquisette gnd tulle are favorite : kicks with i As one of them, in that sweet time of materials for such kitts, with the ee ) Pethaps a searl girdle of the bolero silk or of contrasting color drop - Ot sterling tes Rogues oa 2 ping its long ends over the plaited desired: 3 skirt. But I shall be content to esad m coat need not-be of the bol- quest : efo Persuasion, may have tails of Gaining the best things peace, and some kind, and there is not of ne love and rest. cessity a coat, for charming little frocks are turned out with the ac- When I Go. Home When-I-go-home it will be evening, t ee ae oe Yet, though I be a failure, worn and and dodi accordion plaited in some Door, sheer stuff and merely floating They will not turn me from my Fath- sleeves om Watteaulike shoulder and er s door, train drapery of lace or other con- trasting material. When go home Instead of the entirely plaited stained, skirt ome may use the plaiting only For winds have beaten me, and in a sheer tunio veiling and a storms have rained And earth has clung to me by vale long tunic of accordion plaited tuile and hill, or other thin, transparent niaterial But they will take me in and love me over plain or figured stuff is us - still. ually effective and becoming, detract- ing not in the least from, the straightness of the silhouette yet giving the touch of motion which marks the skirt of this season's Vintage. A plaited brings the bodice into harmony with the T shall be travel When I go home O, will it-not be heaven se To be restored, accepted, loved, for- given? Sorrow and sighing are for clinging underakirt. Phe- straight ace blouses in black or white are OVE manEning frocks, A pretty novelty is the wash net blouse with plaitings at the. waist to match the Pierrot collar, These are worn with the tailormade. Net waists also have short sleeves with two ruflfes of lace ora tulle plait- Some of the new blouses have full loose sleeves shirred into the arm- ribbon through beading . or size and gathered to fit the arm with ribbon through beading er form a ruffle below the gathering. The body is shirred on jthe should- ers along the shoulder seam. Other blouses are. shirred around white lawn, or of on the ends. The Byron collar of embroidery, lace or embroidered lin- tenis worn with a soft tie knotted in front, or a single jabot. These blouses are also made of handker- chief'linen, hand embroidered, with Plaited frills at the Rri Lave blouses are sometim s trim med with mousseline de soie piping in colors. All-over lace blouses and those of wide filet insertion, com- bined with shadow or Venie lace, are. very fashionable. Thet polo shirt- wiast of China, Shantung or taf- feta silk is mew and much liked. It iz the plain-tailored waist, made with-a box-plate with tiny peart buttons in front, long shoulders, with sleeves of full length-set in and stitched flatly, with a turn-over cuff and link buttons., The collar is a high turnover, the corners held down by- Pearl buttons. With this soft, double collar one m es mu m-hand and pin,,a sailor knot of messaline, a bow. of velvet ribbon with a small square bow, or a square bow and short end cravat. in lingerie style may be made very dressy. with lace insettions length- wise Striped taffeta Russian blouses with a peplum are hand- some with a ite skirt. Some waists in striped effects are made up to have the centre of the waist, back and front, striped and- the re- mainder of the garment plain. . considered vero smart, worn with a white satin tailored skirt, a fine lingerie or a black satin skirt. A a Dr. Martells FemalePills Nineteen Years the Standard Prescribed and recommended for women s ailments, a scientifically roam; skirt, and this same design may be T shall have found my bliss when I carried out for fall and winter go home. wear with fair-eertaint; . Marianne Farninsham. ness. A line of tiny buttons down HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Block 22 1100 pair, terms. Block: 31 850 Block 21, 525 each, terms. i ROSEDALE (Special) 2,100, terms, 50 ft4 Block (snap). . CENTRAL PARK Block 27 600 pair, term: 840 patr, terms. Block 8 850 pair, terms. Block 16 900 pair, terms. Biock 23, 900 pair terms, corner. Biock-25 800-palr.. terms. Block 20 840 pair, termis. Block 13 1,000 patr, terms. HERALD Block 13 1050 pair, terms. Block 5, 1,200 pair, terms. Block -3, 850-pair, terms. Block 82 1051 Block 86 100 ft Block 9, 750 pair, terms. Block 6 600 pair, terms. Block 7 600 pair, terms. Block 85 100 ft. corner, 3,100, Block 87 50 ft., 1,500 ,terms. SEE US ABOUT YOUR INSUR- prepared remedy of . proven worth. The result from their use is quick Permanent. For sale at all drug stores, e.0.8-1i pair, terms, fi RIVERSIDE 0, terms. t. corner, 3800, ternis. -most sheer of the imported crepes 4th Ave, corner of Esplanade, Hait-lnsle Post Office. SPECIALS TO-DAY ARE Powell, bik 2, 550 per pair. Riverdale, lots in blk 3, 185 ea. Riverside, blk. 12, 500; blk 7, corner, 400 each. bik 13, corner, 600. Herald, bik 21, 500; blic 22, lots 21 to 24, 1800, Riverside, bik, 9, 735 per pair, Central Park, blk 21, 420; blk 24, 400; bik 17, 400. Hill Division, good lots for 175 each. Riverside, bik 19, lots 250 each Trackage, near Grocery Co., on Columbia Ave. Valuable site for rear of a Valuable manufacturing, ete. North Yuill, bik 8, 900; bik 9, 865. Cousins Sissons, bik 6, lots 300. High School Annex, bik 1, 735. Herald, bik 1 and 2, lots 500 each aed ues: Riverside; 5 room brick boyse in bik 8, for sale, High School Annex, 4 room cot- tage, bik 21, for sale. Townsite quite a number of 00d lots, BPsplanade and North Ross St, Good buys. Give us a call before you buy Remember we are 8 get. ting new listings, and will give you our best services In or- der that your purchase may be a success. for - Christiania, Aug. 3. King Haskon is proved by thousands ot -VH. reached his fortieth birtittay cases like the following. Mr, W. W. Swain, Grand Valley, Ont. says: For Several years my mother had the use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills. She was treated at different times by three doctors, but thelr efforts did am electric belt, but it proved worth- less. She suffered much during this time and food became distasteful. The trouble also affected her nerves and her general health was on the.verge of a breakdown. One day a friend who Was in asked her to try Dr. Williams Pink Pills. Without very much hope that the Pills would prove successful when other medicines had failed, we elesa got her chatige, and got six more boxes, by the time these were used mother almost well, and she kept on taking the Pills for a short time longer and was completely cured. She in now a healthy and streng woman and is never bothered with het stomach -in any way. I hope this statement will bring relief to other sufferers. doubtful value, when you have sttch positive evidence of th benefit fol- lowing the use of Dr. Willfaris Pink boxes for 2.50 from, the Dr. Wil- liams* Medicine Cq,, Brockville, Ont. x sos fe + Es fe oho ofe afe ofe ofe ofe of + yes? THINGS. + a bh hobs dete oe eo ob ee oh His fleet consisted of three vessels, the. Pinta, the Nina and the Santa Maria., He expected to find a west- em passage to India, but instead, covered a continent. Whe party consisted of about 120 men, ninety of whom were mariners. Of the lat- ter, some were prisoners released for this purpose, as few sailors. were trip. For that matter, few men to- sels so small and frail as those composing the fleet of Columbus. Only one of the three ships was a decked. craft, and the seamen on board the other tere exposed during the voyage to all the fury of the elements. It was not until Oct. 12 that a landing was made om one of the Bahama islands SS The first official map of the town of (Chicago was recorded eighty- two years today, The town ideal. both sucviped al TAR ont by the canal commissioners not a difficult task, since the village, im- i covered but three- eights of a square mile. lation at that time was about a hundred. Most of the inhabitants were traders in furs and skins and all them went armed, with due re- gard to the scalp-raising habits of some of the neighboring Indians. The tavern was the social centre of the village, and there on nights the hubters and -trappers-gathered to eat, drink and be morry. There were also two general stores, a schoolhouse, a church and a group log cabins. Within three years the village grew into an incorporat- ed oity, with a population of 550, a townsite of 500 acres, and nearly 200 buildings. HAS QUIT TURKEY (W. A. P. Cable) terms, ANCE. Athens, Greece, Aug. 3. The Turk- Wh Island of Nicarla, (also known as Tearia, in the Aegan Sea) today pro- claimed its independence of the Turk- ish government. The inhabitants, who number about 14,000, seized and imptisoned all the officials uble from which she got of Denmark. Sinee-he-was- not avail. Then she was advised to try weeks we could see a- dettaed Why-experiment with medicines of Pills? Sold by all medicine dealers,1 or by mail at 50 CeHtEw-Dox or six day care to risk their lives in ves-, should be one of him as he anniversary today, having been born: August 3,.1872. He is the second son of the late King Frederick VIL people in 1005 he has steadily grown in the favor of his adopted subjects. The King s popularity among the Norw gian people is shared to the fullest extent by the Queen, who - before her marriage was Princess Maud of Wales, daughter of the late King Edward VIL. IT WILL GROW UP- on YOoU when you form habits of neat- ness and learn to be fastidious in your dress so that you are always presentable in good so- ciety-or-among your friends in business. It costs so little to have your clothing kept-in per- fect condition and made to look like new that you cannot hesi- tate to bring it to THE GLOBE ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office o1 ture taken he hasn't had a pie Braph since that funny looking one in the cut-away coat that he was married in. ( Twas noon wedding, you know.) Xes, mother says twas a good one of him as he looked then, but reaily, for the sake of the family, there looks now. There s Photographer in your town. The BARTLETT STUDIO, FOURTI AVENUE. E. Bartlett, - Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Raflways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation Room 14, Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat Phone 420 TENDERS Bids are wanted for the-bullding of ferry of the standard government type, at Redcllff, Alta. Detailed draw- upon application to C. W. White, Sec. Treas, of Village, Redclift; Alta, 17-6 TENDERS Sealed tenders will be received ad- dressed to the undersigned upto 6 1912, for the erection of a ten room brick and stone, public school build- ing in the city of Medicine Hat, Alta, Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of W. T. Williams, Architect, Medicine Hat. Each tender must be accompanied bya certified check for an amount equivalent to 2 per cent of tender as guarantee of good faith. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily sccepted, (Signed) R. M. NAPIER, 13-kAug 10 Seo.-Treas. Medicine Hat School Dist. No, 76: ings and blue print will be furnished x o'clock p. m. of Saturday, August 10, J Situations. Wanted, Help wanted, Kor Bale, Lost, Found, otc., ads under these ings. 26 words, off day .. .. 25 26 words, olx days 1.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 25 cents. Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No, 18 ring 2, and it will receive attention. VANTED A good smart girl about 18 years of age. Apply Kaiser Cigar Co. 21-3 WANTED Servant girl, 20 4 month. Apply to Mrs. W. Hig- lging, P, O, box 772. 21-tt NTED To work Jn town. to Mrs. Mitchell, 805 Es- 21-tt pA Apply planade, WANTED Ginl whois willing to go to ranch, Apply to Mrs, James Mitchell, 805 Esplanade. 2ott -WWANT Stenographer;one-who-carr take charge of office. Apply to 'T. F. Dawson Co. 21-tt WANTED Two good live solicitors, Ask for W. Toombs, at Kaiser Cigar Co, cor. Toronto St. and 4th Ave. 19-3 ANTED A maid for general housework. Must be capable. Ap- ply to 420 Braemar. lott (CARPENTERS WANTED Must be first-class, Apply to Hotel Cecil, 19-3 SALESMEN are drawing 7500 to 100.00 Der week selling our oils, greases, and paints direct to the con- suming trade. Big opportunity. Men h team preferred. Inland Oil Works Co., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Jul 30-dim WANTED AT ONCE Good dining room girl. Apply Royal Hotel. Mist ase WANTED Small team outfits for ditch wrk. Have 2000 miles to let. Sizes of ditches from 3 to 8 foot bottom. Janse, McDonnell Co., Bassano, Alta. erat ANTED Men and women to learn barber trade, Summer rate op. Situations guaranteed. Special Tates to ladies. Particulars and cata- tre St, Calgary, aoeatt SITUATIONS WANTED, SITUATION WANTED Person liv- ing in country requires position as house keeper, or man and wife te- gether. Apply to box 1338 News of- tice. JF you want a rest from managing your hotel, you can get reliable middle aged couple with nine years Practical experience and best ref ences. C. E. Comley, 328 St. Mary's Ave, Winnipeg. 19-6 WANTED Position by young lnay as servant. Apply 1337 News office, tie day, Saturday and Monday be- tween 2 a.m. and 6 p.m. Apply D. G. White, 413 Ottawa St. 19-3 R SALE Natic from S to 10, in y Cheap. Mark Harris, Globe Cl ing and Pressing Co., rear post oj fice, 4th Ave. 206 OR SALE At-a Sacrifice, furfi- ture in a newly furnished cottgse, Will also. rent cottage, 5 rooms And bath, four blocks from post offic 30.00 per month. F. M. Gither Land Co,: HOUSE TO RENT Ciose in. F hewly furnished complete. niture for sale, on terms. Inqui or 619 Toronto St. is newly fixed up for light housekrep- ing. Apply to H. L. Pruitt, ENANT WANTED for Yecant store on the corner of Montreal street and 8rd Ave. Fine Iocatlon for any business, Reasonable rooms overhead, Immediate posses- sion, Repairs and overhabling will be done, Apply to G. G. M4cBean Co. Imperial Bank building. (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) New Wall Paper Estimates cheer- logue free Moler College,-99 Gen- biack etdmg, ROOMS TO RENT. RENT Two furaishod rooms, suitable for Hght housekeeping. Apply 23 MII St. 18-3 TO RENT- Modernly turnished rooms with board, and use 28-woray mrss dave. 50 Ant to zor ala B near ny ROOMS WANTED. WANSTED Board and room, close to city hall, by gentleman. Price not considered. Apply box 2204, 21-1 J ANTED ad ed room with private family, where breakfast and supper can be had, Must be on the hill. Apply box 1339, News, 21-3 edamame satin eh es ROOMS WANTED Suite of nicely furnished rooms for light house keeping, near business section, Ap- ply to box 1886 News office 20-3 lt; BOARD AND ROOM. BOARD AND ROOM iret class board and room. Apply to 308 Braemarst. gt; 53 18-6 LOST AND FOUND LO8T Long tan canvas motor coat, having leather strap about the knees. Reward when delivered. Ap- ply to News office, 21-3 LO8T Between post office and C. P. R. roundhouse a nickle case Watch. Finder will be suitably re- warded by returning to T. Tyler, 431 King St, or at post office, 18-3 LOSt A pear sunburst, . lost be- tween Mr. W. T. Finlay s and city ball. Reward will be given when. de- STRAYED STRAYED On July 26th: fromthe NE. 1-2 8. 4, T.12.R. 5 one. bay two white hind feet, . fet- losks clipp etehtre US Ibs, with leather halter and shank. 00 reward for delivery to owner. RK. J. Butzon, on S.W. 1-4 8. 24, T. 11, R. 9, at Winifred. STRAYED 1 bay mare 5 years old, - 1 blue grey gelding 3 years old, brandea right shoulder, Re- ward for information to H. B, Browne Co., Auctioneers, Medicine Hat. Phones 295. and 703. 20-tt . IMPOUNDED branded e blotched brand on left jaw, deformed on front foot, weight 1000. L. Smith, Poundkeeper. 19-6 Trel mare, weight 111 80 REWARD The above will be payed for information that will lead to the recovery . of one brown gelding with white stripe on nose, 5 Years old, and weight about 1300 Ibs. Brand HF monogram on left should- er; one gray gelding weighing about 1300 Ibs,, branded .) ca left thigh. These horses were ) last seen at Fete Weiss on the 13th of May. R. E. Starks, Medicine Hat. 16ate et BUSINESS CARDS, fo MATERNITY NURSING Apply to 114 Dominion St. 20-5 miscmzaxsous Wr LADIES AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, ; pewelry, guns, revolvers, valises, suit stoves, musical instruments, furnitune,-Democrat waggons, bug- ste is, DICyelse carpenter tools, etc, raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and f thers, bought: and sold. Apply to the Harvard Talloring Co., 312 Fourth avenue. opposite Dreamland theatre. P. 0. box 358. Phone 295, The Best Prices Pad for the above. 28Dte. PUB MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods, We buy everything mentioned above and pay-the best prices. Call at 504 South Railway St. or Phone 587. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS W: 4 HENDERSON CO,, ciartorea accountants and auditors, (estab- - shed 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge. A.B. Gibson, C.A., resident Partner. Phone 198. Burns Block. 276att AUCTIONEERS HH: 8. BROWNE CO., Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto Bt, Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- where, House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere, Consult us, our ex- Derlence at your disposal free. Phone 103, H. B, Browne Co., 519 To- Tonto St. sate W. E. WRIGHT Customs Broker. Consignee and forwarding agent, as- sembler and executor of papers for shipments going into the United States. Commissioner in B. R., Real fally ufrnished on cost of Papering your rooms, Phone 156. Estate Broker and General Agent. MEDICINE HAT, Picking Suit at ' The new Brand marked 01 er been ot show sue array of nine year Medicine yours nov Turpi The Man's Get the B OUD CY. 10 Hl Veteran Ba and Hi Ei Old--Cy Yor first big leagu land Nationals ago today, int mainder of his Ohio. - Dente identified with but his princi the relling act Tuscarawas State, from w ty-two years fortune as twirlers of agricultural a near the tiny which metrop ways retired tween basebal he kept hims pass all reco a major lea his baseball stil. a youn womparra wit of his-age. I great believer besides const health, has si of the realm street, 25 Pe In point of it is doubttu ever be equ: son. entertain pass the You ies, but it i able to turn ficially credit has appearet bring the nu Old Cy bega Ohio, and at George More the Canton, and Pennsy land offered the Tuscawa ped at that 4 worm. few months ter in the Cleveland us ty-two years fair. There collection s when he tre he presentec ance. Cap J White Sox and they set Young's get spread to bleachers. was not in won an eas day no fan wha. The New a hot race first five te pennant. Manager 1 Cardinals, Is the star twi Vermont tea
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Image 209 (1912-08-03), from microfilm reel 209, (CU1743856). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.