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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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. Sa sTHE CHURCHE SS. gt; . RST BAPTIST CHURCH been borne by Hiv church there upon unrighteousness, and no in ual can find his life's true fulfil unless his life principles are whether I come and see you, or else de absent, may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one epirit, with task of sounding the moral note And the church must declare sibility of redemption to those have gone under. This is the d tive message of Christianity. jone who redeems the fallen. compromisingly persist the distinctive principles. for Baptists have always stood, part ly that which with them, a mighty emphasis Individuality, and personal bility to God, The sacredness to Interfere In and the soul must be Consistent Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Who has resigned and fs leaving the city. : are perhaps better, known are one mind, striving together for the faith of the Gospel ee ee This text is an Intensely personal ANGLICAN one, Mr. Holman said. Paul the Apos- tle, writing from prison, was uncer- Rey, J. C. Caider, Regina, occupied tain whether-or not he would ever a- gain be able to visit. the Phillipian church. The church was one) with which he had been intimately associa- ted, and the letter naturally is of strong personal character, It. was argely for this reason (Nmt Mr Ho than s lected a text from this. epistle. He Was bidding farewell 'to the people the pulpit in the St Barnalias yesterday morning, and taking ing, somebody is lying on a pain, and is appealing to. the God of Love and Mercy, to pout His richness from the fountain ingly intimate relationship. He had had the privilege of entering largely into their lives. He had shared their Joys and helped bear. their sorrows. He had married their young people and buried their dead, and what was even more important, he had had fel jowship with them in things spiritual In the deepest things of fife, spiritual relationships, he had been especially associated with them. And with es- pecial yearning and tenderness, Mr. Hclman said his heart Went ott to those who had been received into the ehurch s fellowship under bis pastor fite. And his final exhortation to them, - as fo all- On ; your con the Gospel of Christ; that whether 1 come and see you, or else be absent, J may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the Gospel. This scriptural exhortation is to holiness, unanimity, and courage. First, this text is an exhortation to holiness. Let your conversation be such as becometh the Gospel of Christ. There is a demand that the inner and outer life be true to the Gos- pel. And this is an ideal of, spiritual culture worthy of any man s striving. The demand is not-for goody-goody- ism, nor that you manage your life on someone else's conscience, but fora sterling robust righteousness, a life which in every thought, word and ac- tion is true to the Gospel of Christ. The exhortation was also one gt; to unanimity. Stand fast in one spirit with one mind. And faith in a com- mon Lord should assure this spirit, of unanimity. It Is-frue that there must in any democratic, organization, as a Baptist Church, pe differences of opin- fon. Things will be viewed from var- fous angles. But if all come together, earnestly secking the will of the Lord, ready, to sink personal preferences in the community interest, a happy issue will gurely be found out of every dif- ficulty. It is especially, important, +, Yolman said, that in the seeking of a new pastor, a spirit of unanimity shall possess you. And when the new pastor comes, rally round him with words-of encouragement to him and words of commendation about him to others. Surround him with sympathy, affection and the spirit of helptuliness. For this ig certain, that your pastor will be largely what you make him,) Generous, open-handed. enthusiastic support wilf-bring a return of gener- ous aggressive effort on his part. The third exhortation of the text is to encourage, and this is found in the constant urging to persistence in ef- re wig pnough of discour- agement, but it must be faced and ov- ercome. And the Church's effort should be along many dines, not one that would make the dead only. Since the people to whom the Church ministers liye tinder material conditions, and fm social structure, there is need for soclal RerVice. Often the practical usefilltiess of the church has been discredited..Men have said that they have found the spirit of fra- ternity tought by Jesus often better exemplified in fraternal societies than inthe church, And too often. the charge has been well founded. The church must realize its responsibility - o.suinister to men in the whole round vf ite, The church's mission is, in aw lafge part, to bind m n in the bonds of a glad fraternity, recognizing one Father, even God, Bot, atter all, the Jehuroi Ys the inspirer to everything ing a cross. that makes-for-human betterment.And Today how many j the Gospel of Christ las not shipping in the House ner to His side. some considerable joy this mo I T thou shouldst- I only yield thee what is thi thy will be done ious to have the respect neighbors, and we go about day in the ordinary course lives, and we want each one Says he will perform. And it when singing these hymns in to perform them, what hypoc would be considered by our men. it is that each person Christianity must be prepared A cross. were able to divide everyone into different classes classes., And it was. true of ple who lived upon earth whi was here, they were unknown, philosophy:. There to affairs whose object was the obser all ceremonies. connected creed. world. Jesus Christ temperament because He ofter holes, but the Son of Man where to lay His head. more than before the disciples and sal is the Kingdom of Heav: came to give to the whole ent mission than what had heard, or attempted since. He came to give H redeem the souls of men. that is what the Gospel Ss F REWELL SERMON true recoguition. among. men that they ;,en with the means of livelihood. How are brothers much effort ix being made that the Yesterday jorning In Figet Baptlat Again, the church must courageous: giory of Jesus Christ may be preached church Rev. CT. Holman. pr ached ly t'elst in its business of prociaim- thar mankind may look upon the Cru- a Farewell Sermon from Phil. 1:27: ins the moral message so essenti) (0 citied Redeemer and tive? If these only let your conversutign be ab te- society. No society, community. OF/things aro true, how we ought to do cometh the Gospel of Ubrist; that Mation, can live for long if found d jj things in His life that God urged And to the church is committed God is Farther, a Baptist chuch must in declaring is most fundamental responsi- individual must be ever emphasized. he personal responsibility of each man to his God must be declared. The right of any authority, ecclesiastleal or elvil, the relations of God) nied. The privilege and responsibility of each individual to have immediate access to God without the intervention lof priest, creed, ecclesiastical rite or observance, or any other thing, must be unwaveringly taught by. Baptists, This is the fundamental with Baptists, and other distinctions by which they the necessary results of this position. text 24th verse, 16 Chapt. of the Gos- pel: of Matthew Then said Jesus un- to His disciples, Any man who will, Jet him deny himself and follow me, How very much more we aspire to, Ihe said, than the things we perform. with whom he had lived in an exceed- somewhere I have no doubt, this morn mercy, to comfort them and ease their pain, And somewhere I have no doubt some sinner who is storm tossed and troubled, is crying aloud-to-the rich and manifold God of Mercy to reach down from Heaven and draw that sin- We sect In, no doubt, a spirit of the House pf God, and we send up to the throne 6f Heaven hymns of -praise that-we have just been singing What most I prize it near was mine, That was what we came here for this morning. All persons are anx- lof the other, that what that person to make any, pretention as we make dinary course of life, and were not If there is one thing that we cannot disconnect from religious life, professing earth, the cross of Jesus Christ. to carry ioe If we were to make provision, and each individual would fill into one or the other of the able to divide them according to temperament. There was, the Greek who devoted his whole life to the struggle tor a-knowledze ol Roman whose whole life was devoted government and varila- mentary administration. The Hebrew The Phoeneclan temperament sought to gain the ecommerce of the could not be placed in any of-these-classes. He was not of the Roman temperament be- cause when He could have summoned the hosts of Heaven to His ald, He allowed Himself to be captured In the Garden or Gethsemane and to be cru- cified: He had not the commercial footsore, and weary, and Foxes have He was not of the Hebrew temper- ament, because He was Interested in law, and He sald it was a live spirit could not be said to be of Greek tem perament, because he led a little child not be placed In these classes, was different from all other men. He came to the world with a very differ- previously or He came to Be crucified. He came to live a life of giving to mankind, and then He gave that life on the cross at Calvary, and Christ means today. It means carry- people are wor- of God? How many people are ivirg thelr time to tion the medical first, because tt Is the public worship of God? How many the polley of ou missions to send no mee present time worabipping 1a women in the field until a ductor ts Houses erected at gremt cost tbrough- there first, There are two reasons out the whole land? How many men for this, In the first place our board are ministering to the people, and do not-think it right to send a mis- what conaiderable amount of mon- sionary into the field, where medical fs no/,y ig being outlayed in providing these ald Is not procurable in cuse of slck- ivid- ment moral. the sto do. Otherwise if we come m - to the House of God and sing these hymns, and offer up these prayers, make vows and confessions merely to fi11 up time, or with the idea of get ting a lttle entertainment if this be true, what horrible mockery snd sham, It all Is, The cross of Jesus Christ is only sign or symbol to some of ug. We-took-upon the symbol hung upon the chains or suspended around Our necks as a symbol of the Author of Grace, but what a light way we have of viewing it, I don't mean to say w ridigule it, but what a Nght way we have of viewing it. Now the cross as- symibol is only a sign of a deep eternal thing, and Jesus Christ whose gospel We preach, whose Holy name we adore, interceded for us by His death on the cross. The words of our Christ that are dearest to His dis- ciples are Take up your cross and follow mi It you are a disciple of Christ, you must deny yourself and take up a cross, People are very apt to be confused in, their Conception of thelr bearing lof cross. There are some of US. ese fortunate than. others, Some of us do not want for anything so far as this world s xoods are concerned, and hive in luxury, Then some are physl- cally disabled from their earliest days. There are some of us for whom there is no home circle. Little children whose prattle made the home a. joy, are no longer heard, and people were inclined to look on these as crosses, but they were not the crosses Jesus referred to. These things were placed upon our shoulders: The cross He re- ferred to Was one. We must take up: Something that yan will yoluntarily bear pos- who istine- un- which- cutar- upon of the tly -d merely church for his bed of Great r down do for the sake of Jesus Christ.. of His When we think of all our colleges, once it was different. cross; fveedom:. When Jesus Christ came in- to the world He stirred men s impul ses, and drew them into a new sphe rning in give than to receive. graduating from school, I think m: words woul be: lout into the world to thrust out you ine, selves, You are to go out Into thi of thelr rorid to aid all humanity. day by of our to think we were sun is setting in the western BKY, i has e j ne onl we the deep joy of knowin rites we 70Ur having been in it fellow-, Glory, after all-we have The on earth Barnaba s Church yesterday. the peo- en Jesus Present year io making an cal College, which at Regina, was: the tO of the ed college, vance of with his acres, is one hundred thousand. port of the Medicine Hat at owing-to the fact that the peopl the funds for the erection of ing. (Diocesan College n walked able time. had not METHODIS TCHURCH ents in the city and wi volunteered for a station, are home on a yacation- live. He the: Methodist Church and delivered an excellent address. She said: At the request Of such He could) He world, He Work In West China. even been imself to board. work. and I want to tell you tonight of work this capable band of mission: tes is doing in China. I want to sp of the work from three standpot of Jesus ee an Sorahip ana-expendi- Unless this worship an ture is a sham and:farce, then every person--who-isadisciple) of Jesus Christ must take up and bear a cross. The looking about for something to schools, hospitals, and libraries, and of any generous act performed by men an women, We should remember that The world has been emerging out of dark- ness into light since God bore His into a condition of glorious teaching them that it was better ty If I were, ask- You are not to go hands and grasp everything for your- You are mot to give your material wealth all the wishes of your heart and brain. Be pleasant and practice all kindnesses to your fellowmen, and then when the that the world is a little better for When we meet about that throne of passed through, we shall have a deeper mean- ing of the glory of bearing on this Rev. Archibald C. Calder, rL.L.B., of Regina, preached at both morning and evening service at St- Mr. Calder has been engaged during the appeal throughout tne. Diocese for financial support for the Diocesan Theologi- is to be erected Already seventy-three bed. to the fund for this purpose since the beginning of the year. The cost u together with the site consisting of fifteen Mr. Calder is not asking the sup- Anglican people of the present time are now being called on to provide their church now in the eourse of build - He intends visiting Medicine to put the of the there 1s no Hs Sat os 1, of four oF five girls. but this will not be for consider Mr. and Mrs. Sidley; who were Mrs. Sidley occupied the pulpit in last night, several Indies I am going to talk this evening on the Women s Missionary That Is not part of-the Work in which I have been en- gaged. My husband and I have en- deavored to Work together in general The woman's mission- ary work however, fs very near our hearts, We love our Sisters Society, The missionary work is carried on in ness . The other is that whenever we go into a new mission field, the nredI cal worker is able to prepare. the work in pecullar way, because as the medical worker heals he sores and j wounds, and cures ailments physical- ly, the mindd of these jeople begin to love him-and-te Ie able to sow the seeds of the gospel as tue heart be- comes tender from having received his medical ald, The work in the capital of Western China was further ahead than other stations because It wag the first station opened, but there are still many workers needed there and in ey ery Other station throughout the land, Im Chan Yu Dr. Henry. is im charge of the Womgn's Hospital. and she is assisted by a foreign nurse by U at T mean Canadian girl, who has yol- wnteered for the work. So many of them go out and are needed in othe Will 4 lots i at 1 a Few Hours You Get the Chance m Riverside on Broadway, Block 13, at 300 eagh. 7 lots left in Riverside, Block 19, at 250. 20 lots in Riverdale left. 85. Phone your ad to No. 18 ring 2, 1g will receive attention. HELE WANTED. JANTED IMMEDIATELY An tally experienced in milking, App 889, Additiona words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 25 cents Cash must accompany the order. pertenced farm hand, and espec- particulars, Demonstration Farm, box to and Re Rec ex- ly for wa: Br asdst JARGH front office to let in the Im- perlal Bank Building. Posession branded Hat, Situations Wanted, Help wanted, Avsust 80th, P.O. box 792. 14d3t For Sale, Lost, Found, ete,, ads under - these huadings, STRAYED 26 words, one ae as 26 ow oaree: Sere eee tia 2. BO STRAYED One otoel gray mare, 25 words, six days .. . 1.00 aranded. Reward will be given for delivery of same H, EB. Browne, Medicine Hat. 1646 STRAYED Two bay geldings, white faces branded on left thigh. ward of 25.00 for return to dclitt Clay Products Co. -299dtf. STRAYED 1 bay mare 5 years old, 1 blue crey gelding 3 years old, Fight shoulder, Re- rd for information to Hy B, owne Co,, Auctioneers, Medicine Phones 295 and 703, 1846 (ANTED Good general se eader's-office good, live men, capable of 1 YOUR CHANCE We want a few evant. VV: Apply in forenoon at Hotson 16a5t ANTED AT ONCE Ground floor office th business part of town on Main Street or Toronto Street. Ap- ply-P.-O,box -92, City. dase First S Fall s Ope isting WANTED Retarn ticket to point im Sea Sy i ovat ote (ett oe ws ease eae aa ten left without an assistant, At pres- perfectly level lots Jiro a business getter here's: your Posslble,, Please write box 1821, News ff The pai vith good view of riv- chatice to make money. Box 1882 News Office. 143 ent we have a Chinese girl training as WH oA, jt tra specia a nurse, This girl belongs to one of er, in the Herald at * 1403 is all that the large Chinese cities, and first at 375 each ore LOST AND POUND is a a tended one of our girls schools. When en WANTED Ato ICH Carpentars om tury peor she came to us first we were all im- the Ogilvie Mill site, by Canadian- OST A pearl sunburst, lost be- them, wh pressed by her. She was quiet, yet Stewart Co. isatt tween Mr. W. T, Finlay's and city a, clever, and when we heard her story . Farha hall, Reward will be given when de- best that Sean eee one to her, sho weal PAT gl e, Wales /w ANTED A hoitekeper: A good ivered, Apply to. W. T. Pilay. 12tt Anes the flance of a man whom she did not position, of a family. Apply to Uke, and whom ber mother wax Bell box: 1980. News office, 18d6t MISCELLANEOUS Also Sli mined she should marry. - : ferwhe trained and educated this girt 4th Ave, gormer of Esplanade, VWVANTSD- A maid. Apply to Mis, C ANTED LADINS AND GENTS over Sho: had power to refuse to sanction the Half-minute from Fost Ottlee G. Mine. agate YY nose igs sicenin Wades seatamng. See: marriage, and this was done. They HONE 791. Jewelry, guns, revolvers, valises, brought her to Chunda and trained WANTED By the Canadian Stew- cases, stoves, musical lasrenen seep 20 her as nurse, and when she left she art Co., a responsible party to turniture, Democrat waggons, bug- was proving a very capable one Dr ggg gee oe of oe ofe obo obo of latte a camp on Ogilvie MII'S gieg, harness, dleyclea. carpenter Henry has a variety of work she bas aleoiee Heationa made at the abore tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse Turp cine anda evat aor Cue caee: yoy sunsns (oe tin Gol an fer, tout a Bo et + EXCURSIONS. ANTED- Apply to the Harvard Tailoring 8 chance to do religious work than even: WwW Small tedm outfits for) o, gig Fourth avenue, opposite Get the B missionaries; They are allowed to go into official and wealthy homes that dre shut to evangelical workers. With regard to evanglical work-in Chandu, Miss Princtown is at present in charge. These evangelical workers lin-China do very much the same work as a deaconess in Canada. time she does house to house visitation and when necessary she scolds the housewife, and if proper praises her. She invites them to church. If the husband joins the church;-they first, thing she does fs to go to that house and destroy the idols there. Of all: the workers Miss Princtown has been one of the most-suecessful. She has class- es for women, If she sees a woman who is- worthy of it, and will accept the training, or if she thinks it witty result in the woman bringing up her daughters any better, she Is given a course in the missionary school. Some men are giyen course in the evange- lical universities, and these we hope will soon become ministers of the gos- v men s wives should be. trained, Some are eager, and some are very, very. lazy, and don t want to learn anything. This work 1s very important, ang Miss: Princetown tries hard to show them what their duties-as ministers wives are, and tries to rals them to a higher level. I think there is'no work to compare with the educational work. We get the child, the man, the woman, in our schools, and we train them there as we cannot train them in any other way. Mrs. Sidley then gave a sketch of the work done in this line, and as fl- lustrations told many amusing ance- dotes, from her personal experience while working in China, In conclusion she sald whatshe had told was only a small thing compar- ed with what the church representa- tives were doing. The educational work is a great cause, and one that was very near their hearts. In their own home herself and her husband started a boarding school a year ago, and now they had 40 pupils.. Continus ing the speaker safd: I want to tm- press upon you that we need your need your money, greatly, but we need your pr more, You will not only sive Your ey and your prayers, but your daughters atso,and-you-will give your ownselves to the: missi n fields, and this we need more than anything else. This year there is not one volunteer from Canada for the Women s Mis- slonary Society. Last year there were seven. If I could only show you field after field that need these girls so much. Here two girls working, there one, and there is no. station that is not In need In our ow tion ve one young lady. . She fworks every day and every minute ; She needs help so much and no one has volunteered. Just think of it Our people in Canada are not as they were ten years ago. It is not because they don t know,and-don t read of it. We have mor misslonary literature tr are does it mean? Let us think about it, Dra about it, and ask God to stir our hearts that we may have more volun- teers for this noble work. r e a 3 le ho ot . ST PATRICK S CHURCH. At St. Patrick's Chureh yesterday at High Mass Rev. Father Cadoux read a letter from His Lordship Legals in regard to the Diocesian Semimary, and of the urgent need of Priests in the-West- In the past the East has supplied them, but now it was tho West's duty to start and edueate its own. The-Bishop-will pay a visit to the city. next, Sunday, and several the ar- eak nts. three branches, the medical, eyai a cal, and educational, and 1 shall men-' frmed at theFijh Mass. children will receive Holy Commun- ion-ht the early mass and be con- cell *f rent rooms, tages. apartments, plan a + pel . It Is very Mevessary that these *f . There's. f ers exoursion right here in + the city every day personal- + ly conducted, too, by readers sf of The Daily News. Want Ads. It you have property for home The suit is no brick, and Architect, to street. wrinkles. i9-kAug 10 Medicine Hat School Dist, No. 7 EavaVA HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. We'll Sharp your tools, Prices Shop back of C. ny a home seek- houses, cot through the Wants; bid pos- + stblestenants- come. and look at what you have to offe * The Wants cost but 26 for +f ome-imsertion, 3for 50c, om +f week for 1.00. Phone 18, two rings. PEEP EES EEE ES Popular Summer Man is the one who always neat and whose clothing doesn t bag at the knees nor gather in You can have your cleaned and pressed such a moderate price that there looking slouchy and badly groomed. We make your suit look like new when it Is renovated at THE GLOBE CLEAN- ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office on Fourtle Ave. necessity of dressed to the undersigned up to 6 o'clock p.m. of Saturday, August 10, 2912,fomthe erection of a ten room stone, public schoo ing in the city of Medicine Hat, Alta. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of W. T.-Williams, Medicine Hat. Each tender must be accompanied by a certified check for an amount equivalent to 2 per cent of tender as la guarantee-of good tatthr, The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Sec,-T: House Mover ND FOR SALE ING *Phone 260. Howley's looks NAPIER, o alten work, Have 2000 mi Tet. Bassano, Alta, WWANTED Men and women to Jearn barber trade., Summer rate now Special on, Situations guaranteed. logue free. tre St, Calgary. SITUATIONS WANTED. JADY STENOGRAPHER and ae + + ok + * desires a position at, onc + desires position of trust, or clerical work. Have fair knowledge of stenography and bookkeeping. Ap- ply to 1827, News office. FOR SALE 125, News office, OTICE Intending campers ing. Any size boat Lake, er, suitable for lady. Apply or call 609 East Allowance. from 3 to 8 oot bottom. Janse, McDonnell Co., Ce nn dress box 186 General Delivery, city. TOR SALE Two lots in block 9, City View. Chea - water Lake Boat for sale, carry four, as row boat,-also fitted :for saii- built to order. Write or apply to John Bull. Elkwater FOR SALE One roan gelding, about 850 Ibs., very gentle, good driv- files to 2eratt Dreamland theatre, P. 0. box 358, nA RRS ene 1 Hand Tools in the city. Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new 1H MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have mn hand the best selection of Secone We carrr hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, PRIVY COU UPHOL t volvers,Wagons, Buggies, Harness, typist re. Ad- 14aat SITUATION WaNTED ouss lady office i gat i6a3t at Elke 16d4t box 237 i6ast perience at- your disposal free. Phone 703, H. B, Browne Co, 619 To- jronto St. 7 and e nice new ne of winter goods We buy everything mertioned above -and-pay the best prices. South Rallway St. or Phone 587 Call at 504 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 5 0. chi accountants and auditors, (es ished 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Fed Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge, A. B./Gibson, C.A,, resident partner. Burns Block. Phone 1 2T5att A AUCTIONEERS . B, BROWNE CO, Live and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto St, Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Rancb and farm stock sales conducted any- where, House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere. Consuit us, our ex+ is2att BUSINESS CARDS. at Ross St. A bargain for cash. rect with owner and save com Box 949 City. JFOR SALE Cabinet sewing bargain, gt; Cost 38.00,. will 453, City. buggy In first: N. Ry. St. Hon SALE Lot, house and being 50x150, on Ross 5 unfurnished. Cheap for cash. box 1329, News office. To REND at Mre, Scott, 680 Toronto. T LET 4 roomed cotteg reas. rand 3rd Aye. Fine location busin ss. Reasonable rei done. Imperial Bank building. ROOMS TO REN RENT Modernly rooms with board, and bath, Apply to 203 Main St, let by. week or month, at able rates. Apply at Neve. Wright, Fight. estate office next Hull Block, Toron- WANTED, A. TILLEY wy: PHONE 56h. Sa t ern house. Apply box 1334. *OR SALE Lot with new shack, 25 ft frontage, water and gas, bik. 7, 322.00, Apply Rey. C. T. Holman, Doz 0 RENT Fully modern roomed brick house, 611 Toronto. Apply 911 Toronto St Next Door. /PENANT WANTED for vacant store on the corner of Montreal Street Deal di- mission. 16a3t Se machine almost unused, for sale at a great sell for 16d3t OR SALE One horse,,harness and class.. condition, Apply J. Isaac, or H. Morrow's store 1246 barn, lot Apply to 1246 AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE CHEAP gt; 6 passenger, touring, in first-class condition, 30 horse powei eauipped. Apply P. 0; box 597. fully tf 12a3t for any mt. Living a y ee sion. Repairs and overhauling will be Apply to G. G. MacBean Co. josses- lodtt ee J.J. LAIT 116 MONTREAL STREET ENTER furnished use of east (00D, bright furnished rooms to t reason- WB. ; MEDICINE HAT. W. E. WRIGHT Customs Broker. Consignee and forwarding agent, as- sembler and executer of papers for shipments going into the United States. Commissioner in B, R., Real Estate Broker and General Agent. -A.Sc -Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Plans, Ete. Room 14, Imperial Medicine Hat E. Bartlett, B Painting Paperhanging. Reynolds Stewart. 4th Avenue opposite Binnings) New Wall Paper Estimates cheer- fally ufrnished on cost of Papering your rooms. Phone 166. : Father really ought to have his pic- ture taken he hasn't had a photo- graph -since that funny looking one nthe way coat that he was married in, 3 (Twas you Imow,) R Yes, mother says twas-a-good-one of him as he looked then, but really, for the sake of the family, there should be one of him as he looks now. There's a Phot jographer in your town. B CI STUDIO, FOURTH AVENUE Somie Aeroplanes There As many As 120 seroplanes will take the coming 1912 French army matideuyres along with the unprece- dented number of 140,000 men, or one- fifth of the total army. The aero- planes comprise twenty sections, or escadrilies, of elght aeroplanes each. At present the War Department is en- gaged in laying out the plans for the 5 the aeroplanes Will. make gll the combinations which appear to be useful, + ANTED Board and room in mod- - For all kinds of job printing, try 16d1 the News Job Department. (Continue Canadian. parli enact that exis riages are lega Lord. Haldar would also be lament of Can cated in the q authority; the quently becant but superfiuou Notwithstanc addresed them arrived at the ment does not tion of sectior whole field of They consider a 3 ferring on pr exclusive pow ing to the sol in the province ception to the gards marriag ables the pr enact conditic which may ef contract. There have said His Lordi and are count o sarriage d tract of the p to any solem least as man contrary doct common law mon Is wot tion are cons would natura minds of thi words, also state. On tt appear to th that the who was ordinaril conditions There is no 1 ing oni the this construe ting on it truction con ings of the are in the 1 of the effect 91, and in there is ho considered t should not disposes of thelr Lords His Majesty ment as giv You can b full bras Harness sho One in. 5 in the Uni and fourte
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Image 167 (1912-07-29), from microfilm reel 167, (CU1743853). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.