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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Fy Tot, 191 WE ARE OFFERING EXCEP1- IONAL VALUES IN DIAMONDS ur baying is dowe dire-t from Eurocean firms, thes ss -ing you G. W. ELLIOTT JEWELER AND O TICIAN lt; fesuer of Marringe I senses PANATOFRiIUM Thateher and M '.ellan. HOt ebotetut Cleaning and Pres ng Work eat lustre, not- BOSSE SHEP E OO ntains twenty- gt;. . ste eis 2E. M. CA VKER, aire sean 2 ad, short face, 3 +3. iujous, some 3 Phm. y with a twit : Drugiist Sot 3 complete stock of Toilet Articles case * .Sreshars caey tet eth KTOU cines, 7 tmpnomcve, Dispensing of P rscians Pre. cat en ot 2 cee mily. The t- South d occasions Ry i some foreign ee th occasionally For Sale several trios q tiorwughbred Peretiee Rock. Either Eng- Cf ish or Americ .a strains. Also , some young ce-kerels. Te A.J. TERRILL, a S812 Esplanade, rat ows office b- ieee p : WW SHdeTSO se LEADER Co mpany Decorating. RACTORS AND CHARTERED 2cCOUNTANTS AND lt;UILD Sgomx wes You AUWITORS Poe pLacinc vor 4 (Beta? ished 1882) -t FOR A BUILDIFG MATES FREE ext te City Hal Winaipeg, Leth ridge, Medicine Hat A. E. Gibse:, C. A, Manager. Phone No. 188 Burns Block wield eit Progressive leading copper men appeared site an hnportast bearing upon a touring COPPER. INQUIRY BEGINS Special to, News. Boston, Masa Feb. 2 A today before Genera Charies K. Darling, as 2 United States mouy inthe sult of Willlam Wall end Louis Foss of Boston saatcat The piaintiffs are the and instituted suit in the United States istrict court at Butte, Mont. to have set axide the ale of the Parrot pro- yerties to the Anacond Company on tie grounds of insuffictent consider- ation and frard. It is charged that 1895 men in control of the Anacon-/ Company formed a conspiracy to/ Pose ot Seikus possession and that ley hate cE CAecer The inguiry in- tm Unsesctions of the Parrot and iffairs of other leading copper com- anies, but the far-reaching effect wnat oe determined at this time SEPT s 45 thObLeY CAMPALON (Special to News). : wnbury, Conn., Feb. 2 A party of Waimn suffrage advocates who are mling a trotley campaign of Con- mr citeut Feagheg- Inne tomer to gt;venthr 7Hutherford said Mr. Fletcher trolley Yer stitable and ellisient man for th ories of meetings. The mn fe regarded as one of the (3g Unique and successful plans yet devised to bring the equal suffrage caise before the people. The tour be- tion as to wheth r Canadian editions a week ago at Bridgeport and) were used where prossitle, He was as- the was no danger oi we continued unt virtually ers city and town of importance Nuvwes State has been visited. The party includes a tumber of jthe mest noted suffragists of England ticized by 4 eor mittee and in a num as America. ieap ROADS MEETING AT DEADWOOD (Special to News) DeXtwooa, S. D., Feb. 2 With the Minnesota and North nth Dakataon the programme addresses, the State good roads tion which opened in this city conventions of its kind ever) this section of the country. sidn oar tomorrow. The participation of Sow Dakota and the neighboring transer fs to be discussed, also plans for im- provec highways to the Yellowstone Nationa Park and other places. of scenic interest In this part of the countr, umber of commissioner, to sive Ube Parrot Copper and Silver Mining h Companr. owners of 1210 shares of Parrot stock the Parrot assets for the pur- amises to be one of the most CONSER ago would Te: falftled and thar these tlemonstratioy fame would pay their way, exclusiiy ofthe manager's sal- VATIVES PAD GH TABBUE ary. Eee Stee had ttn in operation ibbdehidiidhie we years, had to id put on to ett farms in two years teoptinued from jae one) WeaSk the resdleviey .Nerier peu cen jlange the Calgary N schoe OF years im getting. All the farms ac- else would buikl mew Normal sc w0ls. / ined I st year were paid for, though Harold Riley, Gleiclan, was iI the department Sad, not yet teen able ed that the principal teachers ++ the 19 decide on a s at Stony Plain. Calgary Normal schoo with twit sa- Considerable criticism of the estim- Jaries were: W. G Carpenter, 92,300; ates for expacimiital farms was level- 3. E. Lowkes, R. H. Roterts and A. ied py Messrs, Mithener and Hoad- E. Hutton at 2,000 cach; ley on the ground heat no new settler Pisber; 1,500; Mrs. Ellis Brown could hope to fallin. tho-methods or (part time, music), 510. is. Ruth- tne expenditure advpted in connection lerford inquired the aumber of it) with them. Mir. Mitbower asked what epeetors -of-nchoois. Hon: Mit- farmer could apeikd 13,000 om farm chell replied that last yest shree ad- suiidings, and Mr, Hoadley ttiought Mitional inspectors weve savoletedi timt 40 assist the Yettler the depart- bringing the total up to I gt;. Duriag ment should demonstrate what comld the present year it was be 20d to Hgh-'+. done with themes that the set- ten the duties of the inspr tors by tha a Tappointhent of an addit onal shoo Aethim reply said the organizer meking two ol savant sures OF the department on ara Roughly i wer reuwsonable jhad 222 schoo 1 lexpenditures with g iew to: showing Regarding vte supervise ot schools what should be dome where possible, Miss 0. among foreigners, Mr. toadle) sug it every, it round of I: gested that he was tee hing a school /ihe sexperierental om was perfect rise of the first curiain Ul the tine lustraca, oF political economy wn ch meQhtbar? aye they endeavored eS a political influence, Mir. Rileys of ube farmer how be Se iapeove on the Opposition; Mr: M tchell nis past methods, The Cuiklings put and Dr, Ruthorford discountenancet a sere sugh aa would be practically Air: Hoadley's sugpeion, and Dr. permamart, He bad' wiole grist ot Was /Jetters from farmers who wished to know how better class af stock could ba introduced in'y the province and he knew of go better waly the of placitg pure bred stock om the lexperimentul farms say twenty-five lcows on ouch amd selling their off- spring to the farmers. Charles Stewart, Sedgewick, said the buildings on the ,trovernment ex- perimental farms were position. On tha estimaic or school reading books Mr. Tweegie raised the ques- sured by Hon. Mv Mitchell that there Americanized his tory yotting fat. the schools. The readers were beiig very carefully cri- ber of instances the. books would bo re-edited, particulurly the hiss tories. - Dr. Stewari and Dr. Rutherford urged the prevision of consolidated schools. Bir Michener asked if the goverment .ed--given up their in- tention to rake the experiment of consolidate schools, Hon, Mr. Mit- chell repli that it us q matter for legislation, and the government in- tended to make- provision wherabs, school dis lt;icts omid co-operate very usaiul work ia proved methods which: could adopt woen their tler, but also the man who had heen here some time. Opposition speakers ther information from the minister of asked for fur gt; to build corsilidated schools. Mr. Mich- jpericultare im-pepand to the: cost of thou ght that, (dic government did Working of demostration farms. Mr. Patterson was informed that there fot sex s0 progressive os the late were 150 acres of land unter cultiva- tion at Olds, which had cost some- thing under 15 per acte to prepere for cropping. Tt was correct that 13 head of stock were lost in wreck heard of the matter during yo pre sit parkiamen. He thought the gov'rmmient sould mmke the ex: perimesit. Dr. Ruthorfond was of the Jopimion that consolidated schools had Wile on their way to UuMeieine passe the experimental stage, and Hat demonstration farm. The depart- that ae governmncnt might ba pre: ment Was endeavoring to adjust the fered to bear small proportion of joss ith the CPR. Tha stock bad the cost of trying them . purchased from lr. Bull, of Ontario, who had Tent th? department * faree by a noted English writer, W. Ee teet eed eae ae music peawa + PERE EE EES teh tb The tfeatrical event of the seasdal will take place next week when Geo. edian, and his incomparable company. of players come to;the Opera House for one week's visit commencing Monday, Tob, 6, This season Mr. Summers has un- doubtedly the eirongest supporting company playing Canada to-day and including in Its merhbers the follow- ing well known players: Mabel Ruth. Belle Stevenson, Frank G. Long, Campbell Stratton, Harry Lindsay and several other clever artists. Mr. Summer's first offering will be gorgeous scenic -and mechanical reduction of the , mirth provokini comedy, An American Abroad, and as Tommy Swift, a Chicago pork- yochier travelling abroad: Mr, Sum- mer imipereyuites character that assures local -g08rs one: cor guter from the drop on the last act. During his stay bere Mr. Summers will offer a change of play nightly, and as he carries.a carload of beautl- ul scenery and effects, each play will receive a presentation never before attempted by any stock campany tour- Ing western Canada, ded in his repertoire will be found the following well known suc- cesses: David Harum, Baby Mine, Eord-Chumtey, The-Newly Weds, The Music Master, Jim the Pen- man, and several other royalty piays. . At the Opera House to-morrow af- ernoon and night Mr, William Hay ers will be the vfferingin-athree act H. Risque, The title of the piece is Dear Old Billy and, concerns the dilemmas of a good natured and kind- nagged by a domineering wife, who like the proverbial-worm at last-turns and decides to legally rid himself of the virage. The articles of separat- jon stipulate that ne is to pay her annually seven hundred and fifty pounds, and it is distinctly understood that, should they be so unhappy as to meet she Is not to speak to him, an- noy or interfere with him, nor make known in any manner their relation- ship to each other. Through an oversight, however, there-is no clause in the ocument of separation that prevents her being wherever he is, and this technicality she takes advantage of in most. thorough fashion never f Poteet 2a 00 H, Summers, Canada's -popuiar-com Shredded Wheat, 2 + Dairy Butter, 3 Ibs tpnodod - so rp So-afo-eg 50c broom cash or der Saturday a ium Store. Best Cranberries, 2 Maple Leaf Baking icCormick Jersey rrham Corn Stax Lombard Phung, sj Robin Hood Porro Climax Straw and Pure Plum Jam, re Faney Cake Biseui Amber Coffee, reg. Choice Elora Ceylo - Case Eggs, per doz. All Girls and Bay: 40c., to clear at .. E Phone or ly old'-gentleman who has submited oe d ill for twenty years to being ; erpetually and it wi gt; tended to. OSS Premi Cor. Prince: S EG OO j) --Rex. Patterson said the rural ths i ve 1g to be on the spot whenever an Sf sche ts were handicapped by the bull worth about *1000' free of unkind fate places her husband in an E shorsage: of teachers. Consolidated Sharge, which animal was alSO Tt embarrassing situation, which hap- inthe lt; gt;sot ea atz months'couree three sc ls were advocated by the United ee the ereck., pers frequently, as Dear Billy being a mene weenas Formers of Alberta, ait he bplieved W--F. Puller, Lacomie, said that genial soul; :s attracted the attent- SOUTHERN ALBEBTA MEDICINE BAT. Le, avi Daccoee, Subjects taught, Write for partleulars MONTREAL WITNESS Hehat-the mone terid-have to be the members understood that tle sum of 125,000 they vor last year for the purchase of oquiyrrent of five de monstration farms ould provide for their full equipment. He, thought the minister of agriculture should reduee the amount asked far under th sam: head titis year, the sum asked for be- ing 120,000. He did not think 1 was necessary to provide stalls costing 100 per cow. An expenditure, o: 3) Per cow would better meet-the views thes, would telp in solving the teacher a:fficulty, Hon. Mr. Mitchell said the govern- paant thought it would not be a fair test to spend 92,000 or 3,000 on.con- dlidated schools in one district amd spent in more than one placa. . Con- golidated schools had siot been found to do all that, was claimed for them. He believed the school trustees. in convention would not desire any fin- ors you will understand way Preular Studio in these parts HE ave: THE BARTLETT S17 P , is black, very are black and hiss of Arabl, have the rich krabl. id and excels In our opin- st popular ti by crossing It ciently tus hat will aver- onderfa mut- Ts to convert Builder Gor 'sactor, 708 4th Ave. Phoze 434 to-day terrible tail. ng from in- e made and sary conces- to this eour- ) our second we shail be comnerted there Is very s wonderful wild fur pro- will have ple against i FoR SALE W.R.Simmonds CARPENTER axp CONTRACTOR do net con- auch inferior LAIT hep cannot A CARLG Repairs promptly attended te raded Kara eNruEAL STREET 5 chan broad- a Phone No. 335: lt;7 Zigal their hardi- RESER vi cetuees te C - ain pj rson Co. Dr.Martells Female Pills Karas wa pavsutars sand Mor the beet Embeimers Nineteen Years the Stand:ird a, and were ase ote oe we Prescribed and recommenddd. the climate, P bi ) women s allments, a scientiffcs'ly ee ik prepared remedy of proven wort 1 The result from their. use is quick six months, i : and permanent. For sale at all dri or CROSSLEY BES. Regular tate, three dollars. Dally Witness on trial e Weekly Witness and Canadian Homestead gn trial 65 . Regular rate, one doliar. These-tiat rates are offer-d to NEW subscribers or those in hase homes neit: er edition has beer taken regularly for at least two is, since it has been so Wonderfully Enlarged and Improved so and fs ibe most popular paper 2nong church-soing people. Its. subscribers love ft MAKE IT YOUR CHOICE FOR 1912 At the abore fniii Compaen + -F:.00 nes see abet Ge Spent ai any CANADA'S BEST - lancial, assistance for cqnsolidated Of the practical farmer. While full We cater to tot class of patrons WhO METROPGAITAN AND NATIONA' scot: jue would simply sak for tye Dermaded of the UH of thee w GOIS gt;, not Ba NEWSPAPER hools, in ox ee price. If you will compare necessary egislation. He thought it C thonght if they were to be Sur work and prices with that of oth- POms and Courageons wold be some time ysiore congolid. placed in each constitmency, 40,000 Biel schools would be satistadforily vas too great a sum to spend in afr one place. There were a ereat many: than worked.amd-not-until the school dis- to.d Something in the matter, Ta eet eet ts cee se they: Ine education estimates having been ccnsidered serially were agrped to. :on. Duncan Marshall informed Mr. Hoailey who asked the system of ap- Mr. Hondiey: 41 wil mova that the pointment in regand to judggsat fairs, tem te reduced from 120,000 to that it was one of the-difficult prob- 960,000.7 lems of the department. They had John Kemmis secomied. made rule that societies wanting Qn a vote beng taken nine voted judges had to apply, before a certain for the motion and 15 gainst. Dr. date, and if the societies were willing Rutherford and W. . Puffer voted the department would be very glad to ageinst the: governmnt, have-them provide their own judges, This 45 the smallest majority the: Wys paysad sapaf jo uopssjes oy, government has had since the A. the superintendent of fairs. G. W. debate. Tt was noticeabla that Ais lye emer hs oe sma sede Hoadley. thougirt a board-com- alf. the government henches were fer. They would also e: joy it. - Subscriptions sent in - these rates should either be Recor: mnied by this advertisement or the paper in which JOHN DOUGALL SON, Publish ers, Dept, M.HLN., T-itness Block, Montreal. a WAR: TED Best Prices paid per cord deliver- ed at Medicine ; Hat THE a. P. BURNS Posed os some of the most ex empty, the members no doubt expec- stock men in the province would be ting that no serious position would of assistance in advising the depart- be offered to the estimates. ment in. the selection of judges, On the item of 3,000 put down for Hon, Mr. Marshall said some of the destruction of timber wolves, W. the best judges of stock . were men F. Puffer called attention to the need who were continually sellinghorses ofa iounty on Coyptes. It would sur- and cattle ati the department had prise people if then knew the damage to exclude them in their endeavor to done in the province to the poultry getdisinterested men. Mr. C. E, industry by coyotes. The value of (awis, who held the position of su- the coyote skin was not sufficient ip- penintondent of fairs, was a graduate ducement to their destruction. The in arts andia graduate in agriculture, skin was only valuable during part AM a tala OF good Gxper Bice Pom the year; Swhereas-it-- waste The On the question of the grant of simmer timb when the skin was 10,000 to the Board of Control of Valueless that, the female coyote did the Dry Farming Congress ot Leth- most damage. He thought the boun- ridge, Hon, Mr. Marshall said/be bad jty on coyotes should mot have been Yeon given the privilege of appoint- removed. When the bounty was in ing fifty members of the board, und force the coyotes were much less in he had asked the co-operation of the evidence and caused only, . snall president -of-the-United-Farmers, the amount of damage, He moved the Calgary, Board of Trade and some oth: addition of a supplementary estimate ler representative men in appointing of 5000 for the destruction of coyr them. The whole board would. decide ores * on the expenditure of the money. The Full particulars of the operation of that the better course was te allow CONTRACTING CO. .0.4.-10m gt;. the experimental farms were given byi the agrictiltural committee to dis Hon, Mr. Marstull in reply to Marole the matter, Sailalis Cl - : fA The Premier's suggestion was fon of numerous well-meaning fem- ales who all want to minister to his wants, and, being loth to give affence, submits, with results that invariably place him in compromising positions. The critics, the public and theatri- lcal managers of reputation and ex- perience, who saw Mr. Hawthrey am his excellent company in this play during their four months run in Chi- ago, part of which endured through a hot wave that succeeded in closing the doors of thtee theatres In that city, unhesftatingly declare that a re capable or better, balanced com- pany has not been assembled in many years. COLLEEN. BAWN PICTURES AT DREAMLAND TO-NIGHT Kalem s rematkebie pietucves Colleen: Bawn * the famous Frist: Play by Dion B3ucicault will if shown, at Dreamland tomight. This play Portmyed completely and in deatil in three full reels of pictures and every scene in the pictures was taken right in te exact location in Ireland es described in the original play. The story, has to do with the love afiairs a, of Hardress Cregan, an Irishman ot igh birth, and Eily O'Connor the Collen Bawn-? These two mect, fall in love with each other and marry, secretly, Cregan s mother desires that be wed his heiress cousin Anne Chute in order to save the family's finances.; Danny Mamn, q simple mind+ ed cripple servant of Cregen s, ima- -gittes-he-is doing his master , good turn by doing away with bis low hom wife so he decoys: her away to a lovely island and atifempts ta drown her. She is saved by Myles, an old lover, ard Danny is tally woutsded, Cregan in the meantime, thinking that-Bily has committed suicide abgeis to wed Anne but through the confes- sion of Danny the wedding s imter- rupted in a dramatic fashion by, the appearance of the Colleen on the scene and: everything ends happily for all ne orchestra, arid q sperial Ly Miss Portillo. z APOSTOLIC DE: Rome, Feb.- 1. Pope Pius: to-day apponted Monsignor Giovanni Bon- zano rector of congregation for pro- pagation of faith to be apostolic de- legate in United States and credi hm titular Bishop of Mo of Mortino. ure QUICKLY wTOrs covaNa. CURES COLD MEALS THE THROAT AND LUNGS. 26 CENTS gran Sees Office and the Marcon to-day, but in the the Intercollegiate Allowance Soegeegeeg ik, CONNECT EV OF Tet Soetestes Recent Complaints ove to be Overcome b Great Britain: . don, Feb, 1 The- New correspondent has nnommeing-that gotiations which have been. g hetween: the British Governm the Marconi Go, for over a y mors of which shares recently rising to 14s. completed. resulted in 3 In fact the arrangements it betwen representatives of t Co. quire certain formal sig which in the case of ordinar ess would have been fortt present 1 re delayed by the habitual r Under the new scheme the Company will be in a position 1 enormous. developments, while yet impossible to give details fbe-said that the contract init system of communication bet the British Dominions through world, Every. part of the on which itis the Briton s prou that the sun never sets, will t FOOTBALL RULES MEET Special to News. New York, Feb. 2. The mem Football someernede Committee rounded up at the Special mu: promised by the House this morning: for a tw : meeting, Yale, Harvard, Pri ennsylvania, West Point, Oar orneit,Chicago,-Minnesota, 1 bit, Annapolis and. other lead stitutions were represented. A appears to be lttly present game among the mem the committes no radical chan expected to be made in the ru' year, opposition TO RACE FOR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP. (Special to the News.) Edinburgh, Feb, Mueh manifested In the three-cc
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Image 175 (1912-02-01), from microfilm reel 175, (CU1742883). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.