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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS Monday, January 2 20.00 Values For 12.50 SEE OUR WINDOW BARKER PATTEN OPEN EVENINGS. SHES : Capital and Rest . Total Assets ..... MONARCH THEATRE, (The Home of PE 3 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. + RB, WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. Good Pictures.) oe Imperial Bank of Canada .. . - 11,993,800 T oday s Program of Photoplays. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS . THE TRACK WALKER . THE RANCHMAN S MOTHER-IN-LAW Matinee every Pays 3.) 15 and 4.15. E TO-NIGHT Sheriff of Tuqlumne, How Betty Won the Schoo) The Perfume Clue . . Selax Drama . Relfance Drama . Bison. Comedy Admission 15c Doors Open at 7. 30 Children 10c DREAMLAND THEATRE A Selig Western A Vitagraph Drama A Pathe Comedy My Rose from the Garden of Lore. sung by Miss Bessie Portillo Matinee at 3:15 and-4.15. Evenings at 8.00 9.002 The Warrant . . Her Two Sons, .. .. Birds of a Feather, ACT The Reed Trebor Co. in a AN : ++ Priees 10e. and Se, inet STAR THEATRE . Stegel ery funny farce IRISHSIAN S TROUBLES. Come and forget Your Troubles. .. Lubin Drama . Vitagraph Comedy Prices lie 10 Western Picture Plays at 3.15 and 4.15. P. Picture Play and Act at 8 and 9.20, The Question Box will be explained to-night. ries : 0: bt 0c. each there are scores whose word WB. MARSHALL. WARE. TIL ou MITCHELL BROS. ANNOUNCEMENT WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE COMPLETED STOCK-TAKING AND ARE OPEN TO SUPPLY THE WANTS OF THE PUBLIC FROM OUR WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF HARD. FOR PAST PATRONAGE AND HOP- ING TQ BE FAVORED WITH YOUR TRADE IN FUTURE, Marshall - Mitchell Hardware Co. i BEER BOTTLE FUSILADE J. Acton, Ont., Jan. 19. Last about midnight fusil Uiquor potties crastied through the plato Free Proms office here. Acton Js a local option night town and the Free Press which Is a strict tempers man's which resulted eng Imposed. The tei ce organ, had of empty mented upon u recent rafd upon Leh- ple are greatly incensed. com- a fine of 50 iT Rev, J. W. Morrow made a strong appeal to the mpmbers of the congre: gation last ight to unite im their eflorts on bebali of temperume. He took his text from the 2nd chapter 25th verse of Samuel. Throughout the reverend speakers sermon he held up to bis congrega- tioa the life of the Rev. Father,.Ma thew, a Roman Catholic pricst of Ireland, who lived in the early 80's and who founded ano organized The Total Abstinence Society, the larg- est temperance society in the world. Many high tributes dia Rev. Mr, Mor- row pay to this Fatner of temperance holding -him up as splendid ex- ample of what the gospel of Christ will do for man. He had no sectarian hitterment. He was in no way bigo- ted but strove to bring men together in the bonds of brotherhood. The rev- erend speaker then made reference to the many foreigners who are coming into Canada, and asked are we going to absorb them, and muke them good citizens. To succeed with this be ad- vocated-temperance, but reminded his congregation that these people were not quite as tad criminals as wes made out. To prove his conxention the quoted Winnipeg statistics om crim- inal nationality whicn showed 1532 Canadians, 1002 English, 980 Scots and they are supposed to te the salt of the earth, added the speaker. Some irish and the belance a small number Galiciags and Doukabours. That said the speaker ought to take im the Sails of our deceit: We ought to set them a better example, We do them more damage than they do us. In working for temperance said the speaker we could not do better than adopt some of Father Mathew's ma- xims. Begin with the children, bring them up to abbor strong drink, use the ballot, don t elect men who wilk make our laws and then break them him- self by intoxicaltion. Organize right. There are many. here who will smile iner duously at the mention of the pledge, but all men are not Hars and is as good es their bond. Teke the work ENI-READY 10 sa sus We have stock, the suits. They open, better than the samples and are the highest ae- hievement In clothing. Yon onght to see our suits, you do not contemplate buying. If you do you will be letter able to judge values. Just passed into first shipment of G. P. R. MEN'S STORE H. S. IRELAND. Opposite C. P. R. Station. Somewhat Different Portraits If you were to-grow wheat for six- teen-years chances are you, would know How. (Practice makes Per- fect). We have been pleasing. the ) Public for SIXTEEN YEARS, (ere 1s something in the name. THE BARTLETT STUDIO, r Binning s Store). For Sale 5 Room Cot- tage, South Yuill, near Linseed Oil Mills. Terms Easy. CROSSLEY BROS. Builder Contractor, 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 J. Jessop Nott Funerst--Director - . and Embalmer Parlors and Residence, 22 To- ronto Street. Phone 145, Motuments. SES Chas. Johnson Funers Direvter and Embaimer Parlors at 900 Main St, osrner Third Ave. Office 237 Main St, 'Phove 158, Open Day and Night. Mootimesta W.R.Simmonds CARPENTER Arp CONTRACTOR SSS HE CHURCHE Be eel In Irelast iT oy of Father Mathew, 1698 he curolled a quarter of a mil- Hion in the Total Abstinence Society, and when he want to the States add- fed some four million. The rpsulta of a a et low wages and living. In closing the speaker: made a strong appeal to all to orgunize, assist in the spreading of the good work of tem and the Gospel of i CITIZENSHIP NIGHT On Tuesday evening Sk the Epworth, League will hold their regular. mect- ing. Topic: Tip Constitution of th Empire. Several god addresses will be given and bright patriotic hymis, readings, te,, rendered. MEN S MEETING + A meeting of the men of tte Meth- dist church will-te held in the r se- ment this evening at Sk. This me: ing is for further discussion Of prsus for Men's Concert on February 19th The annual meeting of the coagee- gation of St. John's Presbytean church willbe held on Jan, 3h- A card party in aid of t. Putrizk s Church Buikding fund will be held. to- night at the residence of MMs. Lalonde 116 Ottawa. street. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Yesterday, morning Rev. Hench be- gan q Seties of sermons on the Lord's Prayer, the theme of the discourse be- ing The Eternal Father. A brief It is am old path to whose enkrance a path wellworn by many devout worshippers and interpreters. This prayer which Jesus taught his dis- ciples is as full as it ever was of fresh and vital truth. As wa come to our study, we can t help but be im pressed witir the brevity of this pray- er. Where else could we find so much meaning expressed in so few words? Did the Master intend this prayer to be used: exclusively? Some have . so supposed. But the prayers of the early church as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles prove that this is a wrong conclision.. This prayer was intended to be model in its brevity, simplicity and directness. Did the people to whom this prayer was tavght bave a clear idea of the Fath rhood of God? It was practic- ally a new aspect of God ther now 1e- ceived, as, in the Old Testament writ- ings, He, is spoken of under this title but seven times. They had always known Him as the Eternal, the Cre- ator, the Judge, the Caj of the Hosts of Heaven. They knew of His personality, tut little of His Fether- hhood.. But'to us who have received a fallkr revelation, esperially the revela, tion of God in, Christ Jess, this as- pect of the relation of Godto His people, is most fnll of meaning. We cannot lay too giuch stress upon this important truth todey, as so many forces are at work to undermine our Christian faith. When sp speak of the character or government of God, Jet: us ever remember He is our Fath- er. This is the highest conception of God the Bible givegeus. This truth also binds together all humanity into ome great family, When this truth is universally recognized, the Reign of Peace ? will be ushered in. Is. this. the ttue vision we should hava of God? If so, then take Him with you into your plans of a social or business character. At the evening gervice, Rev. Hench spoke on The Letter of Jesus to (Rev. Mr. and Mrs, Marchant, Mrs. Flymn and Mr. Ortner. THE CHURCH AND THE DEMOCRACY The Church md the Dc mocracy was the subject gf Rey. C. T. Hol- man's sermon in the Baptist church, last Sunday morning. In our modern social order, our democracy, is the chureh worth while, or is it's usefulness outgrown? asked Mr. Hol- man, in opening dhis remarks, It is a bold, and startling question, comtinu- ed the preacher, but many are asking it. And what is the reason for the question? For 2,000 years, the church Has beetr-inthe world, its religion is the final aud absolute religion and yet it numbers amongst its followers only . staal proportion of the inhabitants of the earth. In Christian countri s the principles of righteousness ar ignored and set aside by men in all walks of life. And thefe are large sections of society on which the Church is-not at all laying nold. 4 The nmestion comes to be-edmitting that the church has in some measure failed, is the faultyin the very idea of the church, or- merely q faiiure of PTeadherents of the church to realize its ideals? If the church dea is tint, Ther We tiist cling To a as-to our very hives, f usetutness. Can we justify the existence of the ohurch? os te the of 6 oof the synopsis of the sermon is as follows: - we turn our faces this moming. It is * claiming that wnt seek to exalt it to its) crowd. Whether we tike it oc nat the demgcmacy rules, and the vote of Barabbas counts as much as the vote of a Christ. This brings the whole matter to a bead. Is mot this vote which every inan bas terrible weap- on in the hands of bad man? Very solemnly a leading newspaper editor sakt recently to a gathering of min- istors Gentlemen, this is your prob- leng it is for you to get alter Barab- vas und moka of tim good ment ? This sums up at-oned the justification and the mission of the church. Jt is Yor the church to, deliver the m ral education, not the democracy. And this is a mighty task. The de- mocracy sadly n eds sich education. Tiris giant new being, the modern de- mocracy, dors not know how to pro- perly; control tbimself. His moral and intellectual faculties -ara-only partial ly developed, qnd if he is not proper- ly trained.wa cannot tell what irre- tional or immoral thing be may. do, or what isaster may result. That his moral education is necded re- prvires no-nront-- We have only to pick up the daily paper and read the sto- ries of revolting crime, frauds, swin- dies and grafts, gross and brutal im- morality im public and private life to become aware of this. This is the peril that besets our generation, that we forget that we are men and wom- et, and not heasts. . Life and manhood and honor are at stake in. the game we play. And in order that we may gain these ends, we must Have a mo- ral education. And. the church bas the moral mes- ON BALMORAL S8T., EAST is the. only logical place-in this town east of the slower to roperty to-day as the city are at purring IN A SEWER. We have 50 ft. lots on Balmoral 400.00 to 550.00 each. . These lots will. sell for 600.00 at least inside of 3 months. eae St. East, from Call, Phone or send for list to-day. H. C. Pettet Co. 366 Toronto St., Phone 481. Real Estate Dealers, Insurance and Loans, Open Tuesday and. Saturday Evenings. sage which is essential to the welfare of saciety. Without this message, so- ciety cannot well get om, or even ex- ist for long. Morality is the basis ob the whole social structure. And the cburch, with all her faults, failures, and shortcomings, is the only ugency which stands stalwart and joins square for the principles of righteousness 3-V. Murphy, travelling passenger agent of the C.P.R. of Calgary, pass- day. ed throygh the city today. D. McDougall, of Caigary, arrived Dunmore and is spending a short va- Mrs. Morrisey, of Mac- lt;iit Lethbridge, leod spent the week-end in the city and leaves tomorrow for Winnipeg. in the city yesterday. w. spent the week-end in the city. P. Gagnon returned to the eity T. O'Neill arrived in today cation here, H. Fairfield, of from to upon which alone society can long ex- ist. God forbid that we should. ever say The church is not worth while (SNe + SOCIAL AND PERSONAL + i gt; 04 s Mr. Robt. Gilroy of Toronto is vis- iting his sister Mrs. Wamlin J. Jobn- fpcmise eg Mr. R. A. Wright, jeweler at Leth- Fpridge, is here with his father till things are satisiactorily arranged with the insurance company. Mr. C. H. Hartley has bem called to Wyoming, Ont., on account of the illness of his father. Mrs. Hyslop will address meeting in St. John's Presbyterian church on Tuesday evening January 2nd at S o'clock, All are cordially invita to attend. Mr. R..G. McNeilie, district passen- ger agent, C.P.R. Calgary, is in the city today. Mrs. Jessop Nott will receive fot tial) first time this season at er home 422 Toronto street, Wednesday 24th. Mr. T..C. Srockdale arrived in the city on Sunday night, efter a very pleasant trip to Calgary, Wetaskawin and the north. fe will leawe om Tues- day for Calgary. Ra oS So Re os so) * s so 1 a8 vo so ee e Ms raateatet wT 2 ee Poste she Sorte adog 2 ets 2 8 MARRIED. Harmon Burland; on Sunday Jan. 2ist, at the First Baptist Church, Winfield Harmon, to Genevia Burland, both of Medicine Hat, by the Rev. C. T, Holman, MLA. Shiloh s Gure QUICKLY. stors couGHS, ScALa THe THROAT AND LUNGS. 25 CENTS DEPOT DRUG STORE North Railway St. Opposite C. P. R. oo me. rare . Ms Sogo oe oat ; -OPENEDJAN. 12, 1912 A COMPLETE STOCK OF FRESH DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, RUBBER GOODS, PERFUMES, BRUSHES AND EVERYTHING USUALLY KEPT Cure 3 100. 00 handles 1000 i So Pepoederd oe ON TUESDAY : JAN. 23rd, 1912 American- Canadian . Coal Co. s: 3: Stock : 3 Will be Raised to 35 cts. Per Share Buy now at 25 cents and take advantage of the cad- vance im price. : 0.00 handles . 100 shares Balance 3 equal payments. Remember Jan. ie price is 35 CENTS. R A. AIRHEART AGENT. Representing Capt. Wilbur Johnston, ,frustee. Medicine Hat : Alberta. 24 Se (Copyetgit, 1021. ty the New x New itttl hamlet up tr -big brain, big- sympa: kind was attracted by proposed a nov l appt Freeville, the man wa was democracy and-the ) Inulor Republic, a home whom society, in its reck ends, To-day the ontgro flourishing tn six States in other States: 1tis-abo fand. And a commission its introduction into that When he vega or stormed at, according erabbedness prevailing a He had no means. He t the temporary use of class d as a fanatic, a dt dicted that. the only uot ment wotid be the cata with that he was set-asi Working quietly and v: lt; of advantage to himseif erackbrain theory, simp ren who-needed-help,. tion-as the founder of around the world as an ship. At the present time-tt of It, has proved itself. It-has become no ternational tmportance early-sixteen years of amiost vittl, helpful and Juvenile problem because dies: have failed to do drawing, approval and where -It ts being writ It is alive and spreading Meanwhile it is of th the specialist but to th * probably known nothing Phe. word republic give any adequate notior - ville, and at the six oth ture commonwealths ex: actly what the termi 5 tion Is lodged in officers Aaa who ae te, peo They are the boys and lation, those who, in m the disciplinary type, ar here they are not ini would be to libel them, a Here they are citizens: This was Mr. George Take youngsters who ca to managing each other, managing themselves. IN AN UP-TO-DATE DRUG STORE. DOTOR S. PRE- SCRIPTIONS WILL BE GIy- EN SPECIAL ATTENTION BY A GRADUATE DRUGGIST. Thatcher McLellan Cieaning and Pressing work Guaranteed, GL. Dugham s Old Stand. 70-+ gt;z2 gt;7 Leepeieeteatosteaieete die hodtorto a ect dodo ate create sete ds i Ready for Business A. M. Wright will be found i in his old stand ready to attend to any and all business with which he may be favored. OS okey A. M..: - JEWELLER- WRIGHT TORONTO ST. - Gee et al Simple. As Mr) Geor And effective beyond all +I feel guilty when 1 been put upon me in thi the Junior Republl , our paper at Freeville re At tno Invention. I did leno portuct of my Iig old as man, as old as the It ts democracy, that s. young men and young w This comes well from the Republic, where he is can fall to recognize th the sympathy, the faith the application of that ticabie and the Junior F tm the progress of buma He is bo man with a ism to advance, unies: Metts that'this country democratic und that the capable of extending ber RS Seateatee *e Ry fot os os sootee be Sentostogostea Ps sof
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Image 120 (1912-01-22), from microfilm reel 120, (CU1742859). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.