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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Botl oy Sw eege ME er Four MARKET. Page tenfty, all realizing good prices. Two Fifteen fan as Sore Sea ee Overcoats. A large quantity of bodsteads, chairs ond other furniture was sold) At Half Price cheap, wooden cased clock being mocked down at two bits. A Few BORN eed Birth On the 27th ult, to Mr. Mra. Artha Moore of Edmonton, merly of Medicine Hat, a daughter. MATTY BALDWIN AND PAL MOORE (Special to News). New Orleans, La, Feb. 3. Matty Baldwin and Pal Moore, who were the prinerpat: vout-in New York several weeks ago, are to meet in a return engagement of twen- ty rounds in this City tomorrow after- noon, Baldwin was credited with a victory over Moore in the ten-round contest in New York, but Moore is Sweaters and Cordigans At Half Price Saturday in a bout at twice that distance. Locat ring followers expect to see one of the fastest battles that has been palled off in the Crescent City this winter. STANDARD ENTRY BLOCKS. Toronto, Feb. 3 The Ontario Am - standard form for entry blanks for all sanctioned events. Only such en- tries as are made regular will be ac- cepted by secretaries and the forms z Will be preserved tor registration-and+ inspection purposes. Imperial Bank of Canada Capital and Rest - Total Assets . A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. There were several horess sold S0CTs nes i the enotion in the market place YE Articies los confident that he can even the score gan * nusiness fromr Maple Cree last night m owners on application at Eliot's tai- Jor shop qa Toronto street. Subject in the Presbyterian claro Sunday night A umiform marriage Tomorrow belng Youtg People s, Day, it will be appropriately oBs rt- ed at Knox church at the evesing ser vice which will be under the direc tich of the .PS.C.E. Mr, Wendall Page will read paper on Korea The Land and its People, and Mrs. A. F. Flyna, The Church im Korea. There will be two special musical se- lections, one by the quartette, and the other solo by Mrs. Marchant. Mr, George Musson of Lethbridge is in the city on business. Me W. Le Weir is in from Sullcld. Messrs. Eugene Roth and B. Murray of Bowell are im the city. Mr. C. Martyn of Pincbar Creek is staying. in the city. Creck, came into the Hat. last Mr. David Cargill, rgncher of Pei night. He states that in bis opinion thereis more moisture in the ground now than there has Leen for some years. Horses are looking well and there is every prospect of a brisk de- mand for stock of all Teaves for the ranch tonight. Mr, Babcock of Seven Persons is in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Buckner, Miss S. Smallwood, Miss Alice Freeman, Mr. R. Moore, all artists of the - Dixie Company, leave the Hat today. Mr. V. Lancey is in town renewing acquaintances. Mr. N. Baker of Calgary left here last night for Moose Jaw. Messrs. Simon Thomas and H. Beattie left this moming for the ranch. Mr. Wo the city. Mr. F.C. Nelson is 4 McIntosh of Irvine is in the city on Mo Ey AUS, Mir Bind and her occupied by Johnston + : MUSIC DRAMA * EEEEEE EERE EE Theatre goers who enjoy the kind of show, that is written and acted for purely latghter creating purposes will be -glad-to know that at the Opera this aftetoon and exain tonight*Mr, William Hawtrey ond his notable compaiy of London players will be a Billy, which is being classified as the langhing hit of two continents. This piece comes almost direct from Chicayp where it recently closed tun of nearly four montht.- Tha critics of that city Have been unanimous in praise of the comedy, and. the pre- senting company is spoken of'as be- ing one of the best cxpasiaahica is in Chicago iit many years. The ac- tion of the piece centres a kindly, lovable -,old geatleniam - Wil- liam Smith), portrayed by Mr. Haw- trey, who for twenty years has been the He at last rebels and has artic,ts of separation drawn, that, on penalty of forfeiting ter annual allowance; pre- SE WEERINGON, MEUTGCE Medicine Hat Branch. MONARCH THEATRE (The Home of Good Pictures.) Today s Program of Photoplays- . Yankee Drama +++ Imp. Comedy Their Afternoon O11, . Nestor Comedy Mutt and Jeff Break Into Society, Nestor Comedy ee Admission 15c Doors Open at 7.30 Children 10c Matinee every Day 3.15 and 4.15. DREAMLAND THEATRE (THE OLD RELIABLE) The Girl and the Cyputtenr, Winning Miss, TO-NIGHT Nonthiy Current-even' The Thiet and the Girl A Thriting Melodrama. full of fun and-taughs. 4 Plece chee d. aiosk Wente titastontod song by Miss Portillo. Shows at sharp 745, 845 and 9.45. . 10 and 15 cents. on Prograngne Swords and Hearts? ..-. + Spike Shannon's last Fight? A great drama ol Song, Home, Sweet Home Madame Pattle Tay A New. York Cowboy, cess ay ee es Selig Film A sido-splitting Comedy Drama of the West. MASONIC. BALL IMMENSE SUCCESS ES ATTENDED THE SOCIAL EVENT LAST BEAUTIFUL DECORATIONS AND HANDSOME GOWNS MADE BALL ROOM SCENE 4 BRILLIANT ONE. The Masonic Ball last evening in the Opera House proved to be the leading event of the, season, for gran- dure, elaborate decorations, pleasure, attendance and beautifully . gowned women combined. Fully 150 couple attended the event, which by a long way outshone and outelassed any of a similar nature of the season. Same of the most beau- tiful gowns immaginable, were pres- biematicized the latest creations in r , During the season most pertinaciously have the ladies of the Hat vied with one another in this matter, but they all seemed to have made a supreme effort last even- ing r sulting in the lending of a most wonderfu effect to the ball room. (OF evening's programme was conducted by the Masonic Brethren in charge, could not be too loudly sung. The loudly aclaimed their-admiration- for the beautiful decorations of the ball room, while the atrangements of the programme went off without a hitch. (Ever the-bretiren themselves could: not help but sing their own praises when they saw the results of their efforts being. so successful, and well they might. The opera house proved Daily Performance at 8.15 and 4.15. Admission .. and 10 cents 10 and 15 cents Evening Performance 8 and 9. Admission .. .. -- poteseecesethessereent th Ready for Business (SS A. M. Wright will be found in his old stand ready to attend to any and all business which he may be favored. oF ae rete inte eto ertente tong a es Ms A. M. WRIGHT +) JEWELLER. TORONTO ST. 0-44 Re S so 2 st so- rate 2 Roe st News Want Ads. Pay. Try Em. to-be-a-bower of beauty. The piain- ness of the walls was relieved by ban- ners bearing the different insignias of the brethren; while the stage itself was completely transformed. The background of the decorations were bunting and-flags, while the front of the stage was just packed with beau- titul flowers, a: veritable flower gar- den would. best describe it Many ave up the pleasure of a few dances Just for to sit among the flowers and Watch the other dancers. Strung all through the hall also were garlands and bunting. The members of the preceptory and chapter, the former with their plume bedeckea helmets, swords, and tie Istter wearing thelr Jodge regalia, lent a pleasing touch to, the decorations. Music for the event was supplied by Leonard s orchestra, and from nine o'clock, the grand march, up till two o'clock, myraids of couples could be seen gliding gracefully over the floor to the strains of waltzes, two steps, three steps and lancera. A buffet luncheon was arranged on one side of the hall-and-from- 11.30 to 12.30 luncheon was served, after which dancing was resumed. it Is due to the Committees In charge: am a part most succesafully.also, ee the News Office. ent, in: fact the whole-ball-room-em- uniforms and The event which was under the aus- pices of Assinibola Chapter No. 126 and Crusader Preceptory No. 54, was without doubt one of the best arranged attelrs-ever held here, and gr and greateredsl ents tonmament ere to-night He The floor committee, W. G. Johnston 1 thelr For all kinds of Job Printing tr7 conse Sew ties, . tatiouship to him. There is no clause her heing wherever he is, which fact furnishes the-playwright with oppor- tunities for situations that are ax- tremely laughable. The company in support. of Mr. Hawtrey is composed of only players of distinction and in- cludes E. H. Kelly, formerly leading man with Bertha Kalisch; Bernerd Fairfax, formerly with John Drew; Harry Redding, formerly leading juv- enile with William Faversham; Harry Lonsdale, formerly with E. S. Wil- lard; Miss Jane Burby, eight seasons with May Irwinf Miss Cassie Jamit- the Mary Manneting Co.; Miss Leura Clement, for the past three seasons with Billie Burke; and Miss Mary Morrell. s GEO. H. SUMMERS Hanager Lotz of the House is indeed fortunate in securing Summers and his big company of players for a one sesek s engagement beginning Monday Feb. 6. Mr. Sum- mers and. his company have been past and was only. .enabled to come where on account of the Lyric theatre there clositig today, which gave him one open week, In the meantime he fhas received requests for iris company ties and it was only through the el- furts of Mc. Lotz that he finally con- sented to comic to Medicine Het, Im- merry nakers; each -end every one; -mudiateiy aiter hisenguyesiient here the retdris to Calgary fora twelve weaks stay at the Sherman-Grand, W. 'B. Sherman's begutiful new half-mil- lion dollar-thcatre. In coming here Mr. Summers assures the patrons of je local Opera Howse that be brings his company intactwith a complete: scenic production for each play to be Presented, and thendin les bis im- meuse success in Canada; be has never misrepresented even to the min- utest detail, Regarding his support- ing company, every member. is. an. tist of wide experience and abilitu ani efise and naturalness that one can- not refrain from admiring, Am oe erican Abroad, q play that wl tantly appeal to lovers of good whole some comedy, is the first play to be presented by the Summers Company, Monday night, and for a tong time when you think of the fanny situa tions that take place during its ac- tion, you'llsmilo,, then you'll laugh. It is truly a play thet will recall many pleasant metnories of an even- ing enjoyably spent. For tha remain- ing five nights of his visit bere. Mr. Snmmers will, presemt the most popu- lar plays in his reportoire, includin; Raby: Mine, The Music Master, The Wroug Maer Wright, Tore Chumley, (The Newly Weils, and David Harum. Seats are now on jsale for An American Abroad at Pingle's Drug and Book Store. New York, Feb. 3. C. F. Konkin of Chicago the Interriational champion won the evening game of class A 18-2 balk line amateur billiard. champton- defeated Joseph Mayor of Philadelp- NOTICE The Marshall Hardware Co., Limited, hav- ing sold their business;all aceounts are now payable to Messrs. Marshall Hunter, at their office in the Assiniboia. Hotel THE MARSHALL HARDWARE CO., LIMITED slave of a domineering woman zette, published at Calgary, contains making known in any way her, re- 2 it ing article or exist in the articles, however, preventing son, formerly with Beerbohm Tree; Miss Ruth Tomlinsoh, formerly with local Opera Canada's foremost comedian, Geo. H. for that weekfrom several other ci- and assume their respective roles.with after Xou've seen this hilarious farce, Block, formerly -Co. Real Estate, , SS Pel: OTasp Ministering to Christ) will be the Pastor's sermon subject at the motn- ing secVice in the First Baptist cburch tomorrow. Be sure your sins will find you out, will be both text and subject at the evening service, In ad- dition to the usual gnthems hy the choir, solos wil, be sing at both ser- vices, in th moming by M/S, N/ Eh nate Ves Th Call till, ST. BARNABAS ANGLICAN Sunday, Feb. 14th, at ll eam. thy Your ideal home is now within your grasp if you act quick. We have just listed a house that is without an equal in this section of the country for conveniences and price. e Right Party Can. Rent This Peoseriy. or phoiie today and get further particulars, or, better come in at ouce and arrange to view this exceptional opportunity. Ser the Lond Bishop of Qu e e e a 3 Sian wel ences, alter The theq 366 Toronto St. Phone 481. will be a celebtation of Holy Commu Real Estate Dealers. tLeans and Insurance. the evening service 7.90 p.m. A FRUIT COMBINE Trade Gazette Intimates that Such an Organiza- tion is Partly Responsible for High Cost of Living. TH eee E MARSHALL-MIICHELL HARDWARE i, LD. Wholesale and Retail. Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Builders Supplies. Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing a Specialty. The current issue of the Trade Ga- lin that city of an alleged combine of iru and produce wholesalers. Prices. Saturday, Our baying Is European firm the jobbers p Drop in aud G. W.1 PANA Thatcher Cleaning an Gus G. L. Dunl Corner of Fi Tor are fully gone into and it is shown that one firm said to te outside the so-called combine is, selling fruit-and produce at from 25 to 50 per cat cheaper than is quoted by other wholesalers. The question affects not Galgary, but also the retailers of the west. every town and city LIFE INSURANCE REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED For Medicine Hat District Only good producers need apply. State references and exp rience. Good opportunity for capable, per- son. FW. W. Stewart; Maneging Director. THE MONARCH LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Winnipeg, Man., Canada. (Communications: confidential.) moses INVESTMENTS Real Estate CENTRAL PARK. Blk. 9, 2 Lets Blk. ii, 2 corner lots; oa Blk, ii, 2 lots . Bik. 16, 2 lots.. 785.00 Bik. 15, 2 lots, 850.00 Bik. 5, 100 ft. corner, offers considered. Bik. 12, 100 ft. facing North, each : 400.00 HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX. Blk, 22, Choice Building Lots, and - 625.00 650.00 675.00 elose in (Snap) each ........-. 400.00. HERALY SURVEY. 50 ft. lot, cor. Barclay Herald . . 1250.00 50 ft. lot by 150 ft., Barclay . 950.00 POU For Several trios Partridge Re lish or Amer some young AS 812 Esplanad a a a Ww. A. Co : HARTERED J AU (Bstal ae Winnipeg, Leth A. B. Gibsos Phone No, 198 500 pair 6 and 6, Bk. 17, C. Park 250 each, Bk. 19, Cen. Park. 600 pair, Bk. 21, Cen, Park. 1050, lot 5, Bk, 86, Braemar St, 8725, lot In BE. 8 Ottawa St. 850, 50 ft. Bk. 20, H. S. Annex, 570 pair, Bk, 18, Hs 8. Annex, 700, Bk. T, near-Flour Mills, 825, 50 ft, Bk. 15, near. Flour Mills, 8000, new modern cottage, Ot- tawa St 3500 New 7-room house, Brae- maa St. 800 cash. f B. F. SOUCH Phm. B. Ea Bik. 97, triangle, lots Pand 2 Block 82, 5 ft. at Blk. 52, Main St., 100 ft. 5 Some good inside-business properties. Also. trackage. SOUTH YUILL Blk. 18, 6 roomed house on Columbia Ave. with 25 ft. lot . 2000.00 Bik. 14, 8 roomed house . Bik,-44,.50 ft. lot . gt;..... Bik. 12, two 50 ft. lo s, each . Blk. 5, facing King St. .:.. ALL ON TERMS. Cut this out and keep it for reference, and if you do not see what you want or if you want to sell, call at the office of: : 50 ft. cor. splanade. cous) ks 1550.00 Bina, 2 Tots 650.00 j Blk. 15, 2 lots .. + 650.00 Prog ; ae We cater to that s Z ant (GOOD), 3200.00 ae a tat poe On Main Street, * 3 Pe ze gi Blk. 87, 50 ft. Braemar St. ...... 1150.00 tho pert. Blk 92, 504 ings St.what- 2 THE BARTLET NOWIF IT S A SUIT? Just look at the corner win- dow in the C, P, R. Men s Store, you will find values of 20 and 825 sults for tot 18.00 McGregor Berry BURNS BLOCK, MAIN 8T., UP STAIRS Royal Exchonge Assurance of London, England. Acadia Fire Insnrance of Halifax, N.S. These are new spring goods. We make alterations without charge. A competent tallor on the premises. We lean and press sults, usual cost 1.00. Then try the (.P.R, Men s Store Liye: there ing. 175a1 hia by 400 to 23 7 4 5 List your property for sale with A. Hartley Block, North G, Trotman, Imperial Bank Build- Railway St. lt; Company, Liverpool, cable today that cents per pound in the price of cattle Birkenhead market. Buyera speculated freely in fat cattle and dealt apparently with rougher sorts, States and Canadian atears mad from 13-1-2-to 14 1-4 cents per pound. Sheep were Sold as follows: 5 cents and ewes 12 cents per pound; hogs, 15 cents, ENGLISH CATTLE ooo), Feb. 3 John Rogere was a reduction of one-half arm wag hanging by .a shred. aued to Nesbitt. Wethers 13 ing. Toronto;Feb.-8- Fhe body of en: unknown man, supposed to be Grand Trunk brakeman Charles A. Nesbitt, of Burlingtow, 28 years old, was found; on the railway tracks near Port Cre- dit station this morning. The righ The only mark or Hientittestign was e memberehip card of the LO.P, card s- List your property tor sale With 7 G.-Trotman, Imperial Bank Bafld 175e
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Image 184 (1912-02-03), from microfilm reel 184, (CU1742867). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.