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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDION HAT DAILY NEWS Fifteen QOvercoats At Half Price A Few Sweaters and Cordigans At Half Price Si aturday A GENERAL BANKING fr SAYINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. BR. G. WILKINSON, Manager. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mis, AM. AfcMahon wishes to thank her many friends tn this city and in Dunmore for their kindness to her during Ner recent bereavement in tne toss of her husband, and also the toitowing who-sent tributes in the form of floral offerings: Wreaths. Mr, and Mrs, Alrheart, B. of R.T. No. 304, H. Kyle, Messrs, Barbert and Broderick, a cross, Mr. and Mrs. H. Read, spray; Mother and Father, pillow Mrs. (Col.) F., 0. Stssons held a reception on Saturday, at the resid- ence on the Esplanade, and which was attended by many of the leading soct- ety folks of the city. The large drawing room was pret- ily decorated with flowers, the color scheme deing pink and-whitey Master D, Sissonn waited at the door and guests were ushered into Hthe drawing room by Mr . JA. Car- bort, who wore a heautiful gown of pink, elaborately trimmed with gold over lace. The hostess, Mrs. Sissons, wore a handsome gowb of gold lace over yellow with black trimmings. Mrs, W. Crawford wearing pink Te- Heved. with white lace, and Mrs. W. H. Turpin in an. attractive yellow gown presided at the table, while Mra. MoFadden in pink with Battendurg, fiace-and Mrs. t. Taylor in White satin cut the ices. Misses Heather Hargrave, Marie Crouse, Hazel Carbert, and Jessie Cousins attractively gqwned in white jest During the afternooti music was provided. greatly to the M ieaare of the guests. BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Medicine Hat Branch. eaeeereeateeteeetete MONARCH THEATRE (The Home of tan of Honor, The Derelict, -... ++ Cupid and the Ranchman, .- Admission 15c Doors Open at 7,30 Children 10 Matinee every Day 3.15and4.15. i Good Pi ures.) T day s Program of Photoplays- . Bran Western .. Rex Drama Nestor Comedy .. Pathe a pREA Me nN TO-NIGHT : ALKALI IKE S AUTO A Song by Pent miss this Show, You'll say comedy you will remember a hum- - dinger. be THE COLONELS SON A war drama, thriller, THE GYPSY, With Flo Lawrence in a new role. Miss Bessie Portillo, latest orchestra Muste, Shows-at sharp 7.45, S45and 9.45, . RELIABLE) . a : TO-NIGHT i it Is one of our best. 10 and i6 cents. STAR T Prosramm lt; Paul and Francesea, Jones Perry, .- Deseriptive of Tiumbering Intensely interesting. Lucky Horse Shoe, .. BYifage Hero ... - Daily Performance at 3.15 and 3500. pair 5 and 6, Bk. 17, C. Park 250 each, Bk. 19, Cen. Park. 000 pair, Bk, 22, Cen. Park. 600 pair, Bk. 21, Cen. Park. 1050, lot 5, Bk, 86, Braemar St. 725, lot in Bk. S2, Ottawa St. HEATRE 4.15. The Indusgrial Bureau offer 50 IN PRIZES For. the best four articles of not over four hundred words, des- criptive of the advantages Medi- cine Hat hes to offer for the establishment of industries, First Prize .. 20.00 Second Prize . 15.00 Third Prize ., 10.00 Fourth Prize . 5.00 650, 60 It, Bk, 20, H. 8. Annex. 670 pate, BE. 18, H, 8. Annex. 700, Bk. T, near Flour Mills. The material to be used in a four page folder that can be put in a No. 7 envegppe, Facts and figures put up im the most at- they have secured the agency for RETURN AFTER A SUCCESSFUL TRIP TO EASTERN CITIES MESSRS. MeNALLY AND LAWSON HAVE SECURED . AGENCY POR SOME ES LINES. MMessis. Joseph McNally and George Lawson, the two young Hatters who will open an exclusive gents furish- ing store on Toronto street in Hewitt Armstrong's old stand, returned to the city yesterday alter an extensive wip to States on a purchasing trip. report a most successful and- at the same tine aost pleasant. timp. exclusive Sale of the up-to-date goods Of sonic of the big -houses manufactur- ing gents furnishings and clothes, the sip has proved a great education to us they stated. We visited all the leading cities, and. through the kind- ness of the manufacturars were shown through the different factories, shown their plates and designs for all the latest summer and fall goods. During their trip thep visited St. Paul, Chicago, Minneapolis, Detroi Toronto, Hemilton, Buflato, Roches- ter wnd New York and also. stopped off at their old home at Simcoe for short time. We have made arrangements with the firm whose goods we will Handle to have a complete . stock of up-to- date spring goods bare for our open- hing Waidh we expect to fod about March Ist. Our store fixtures are now on the way. The whole interior of the building will be finished in Mis- sion wood, Eurly English style as it called. ond will be elaborately de- sorated and finished. - + The new firm has made arrange- mms to handle the uptodate goods of the following firms: : Coply, Noyes and Randall, toth- ing manufseturers,Hantittya. This firm, which is one; of. the oldest in Canada. cater to the most faskionable of the cast. High class specfal tail: oringe ig their specialty. Kine and Borsalino, hats. Dunfield s tailor-made shirts. Mr. Dumfield was formerly shirt designer for Fairweather Co., Toronto. Arrow Brand collars, shirts and neckwars. Exclusive agency et the neckware, z Perrins gloves. As nearly. ail the spring and summer stock f shoes will Te in by the time thit the new have decided not to.put in a stock of shoes till fall but they state that a couple of lines of the most stylish put in large fall stock. MEDICINE BAT BOARD OF TRADE A meeting of the Board of Trade. will be held in the City Hall on Tues- day, the 6th February, at 8 o'clock Mr. P. L. Leach, commissioner of the Associated Boards of Trade of Soutt- ern Alberta, will address. the smeet- ing. Your attendance: is requested. R, M, NAPIER, svcretary: Medicine Hat, 28rd Feb., 1912. 17642 Shilohs Cure STOPS COUGHS Paice as conse BEIGE. 15 CENTS + Wagon Vacuum Cleaner, splendid in- CLUSIVE ELLENT Kasterm Canada und the They Besides making agreements for the firm is properly in running order they and up-todate shoes made and will NOTICE The Marshall Hardware Co., Limited, hav- ing sold their business, all accounts are now payable to Messrs. Marshall Hunter, at their office in the Assiniboia Hotel Block, formerly occupied by Johnston .Co. Real Estate. THE MARSHALL HARDWARE CO, LIMITED hb eb eee tb bbb bb 18. 50 realistically produced by Mi to-make one inthe + MUSIC DRAMA. +f 2 (eel that he Js in the widst.of : real storm. . For. the remaining Lehbe Ee eee eee five nights and'Saturday matinee Mr, s Summers will present, with a com- .. PANY aq Dicte scenic, Glectrical and mechant-+ GEO, H. SUMMERS COMPANY Ag PC Scenic, elec bee 2 OPERA HOUSE, TO-NIGHT, eal production for the follow- ned? ing popula The distinguished comedian, Geo, MT Wright H. Summers and his big Company will open onc week s engagement at the Opera Iouse to-night in. the lgugh-producing comedy, An Ame- rican Abroad, a play that only re- cently closed a two years run in New York where it proved to be one of the Biggest hits of a decade As Tommy Switt, s Chicago pork- packer travelling abroad, Mr. Sum mers portrays one of his. favorite . seats. for An amietiean Abroad are ape Oo Pingle s. Drug and Book CPR. PLANS * Duluth, Minn, Feb. 6. Rumors ate prevalent that the Canadian Nor- Real Estate Dealers. within-your-grasp if you act quick. We haye just Jisted a house that of the country for convenience The Right Party Can Rent This Property. Call or-phone today and get further particulars, 0 or, better 1, come in at once avd arrange to view this exceptional opportunity. He. C. Pettet Co. 366 Toronto St. Phone 481. Loans and Insurance. therm rogi will invade Cuyana Iron Range and in this connection it is said the road will fouild into St. Paul and Minneapolis. The same ru- characters, which is an assurance of an evening of continuous. merriment. Frank . Long, Belle Stevenson, Mabel Ruth, Campbell Stratton, Harry Lindsay and-F.Doritiy will-all have very strong parts and will be geen a tiheir very best. . A more ef- fective scene than that of. the third act Which depicts a London street. with a snow-stormraging in all its fury wottld be hard to imagine. and una that will certainly bhild to that range. It is sald to have tomnage contracts on Mesaba Range. Seateateedectenteentoateateagocteate lt;fosteedteetectesteetoeteeetotee i E. Howson Wholesale : : Wines and Spirits. Now. Located at 312 South Railway St. Soafo-f Pout ene Sesgessegeateetesiedteets oe oy sates 1 s ote Re e rs East of Bank of Montreal, al. 3 Telephone 79. x vizai2 Serr reerr gene secteetratests Sree goede creientenecrntoniese eesdeetoatentesteetr reer Ms 3 e of eS reat siete eateets Sates Ss S meat The Distinguished Comedian Geo. H. Summers And His Clever Company PRESENTS. Se feel e yestment, earning capacity 20 to 30 per day, first class order, and cheap for cash, owner goiug-out of-business: APPLY JAS. H. DRYMAN. MOOSE JAW, SASK, EE The Hilarious Comedy Drama. TMA MA ARGH Z Wholesa i Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Builders Sipolesr Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing a Specialty... THE MARSHALL-MIICHELL HARDWARE CO.,LTD. Phone 26, Foronto St. Medicine Hat Real Estate INVESTMENTS CENTRAL PARK: Agta ees. c. 11, 2 corner lots, . 1, 2 lots. ots. 215, 2 lots, . close in (Snap) each 50 ft. lot, cor. Barclay Hera 50 ft. lot by 150 ft., Barelay . 50 ft. cor: Esplanade (Snap) . Blk, 13, 2-lots Blk. 15, 2 lots .. . 5, 100 ft. corner, offers considered. , 12, 100 ft. facing North, each . 400.00 HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX... - Blk, 22, Choice Building Lots, and Id . OLD SURVEY. Blk. 55, Toronto St., 50 ft. . 625.00 650.00 675.00 785.00 850.00 400.00 1550.00 . 650.00 . 650.00 3200.00 Blk. M., 50 ft. opposite Hospital 1100.00 - On Main Street; Bik. 81, 50 ft. Braemar Bes os 1150.00 Blk 92, 50 ft. Fewings St., what offers. Blk: 97, triangle; tots + and-2.. Block 82, 50ft. et, Blk, 52, Main St., 1001 . Some4ood inside business properties. Also trackage. SOUTH YUILL with 25 ft. lot Blk. 14, 8 roomed house '. Blk. 14, 50 ft lot . Blk. 12, two 50 ft. lois, each Bik. 5, facing King St: Bik-48,-6-roomed house on ColumbiaAye- ALL ON TERMS, Cut this out and keep. it for reference, and if you do not see what you want or if you rane to sell, call at the office OUR SPECIAL 20.00 SUITS eS ATTRACTING ATTEN- TION. We bhve sold-a number of these authorative style Spring Suits, and fhe yalue Is remarkable. You will do well to observe REMAINING FIVE NIGHTS AND. SA DAY MATINEE THE AMERICAN AB. ROAD, BABY MINE, ISHMAEL, THE MUSIC MASTER, and THE NEWLY ARE 15 15 CLEVER ARTISTS GORGEOUS TAGE /aa8e6l B Lae 825, 60 ft, Bk. 15, near Flour tractive shape will influence our windows and to call and 2 SETTINGS Mitts, the judges in their decision. look them over. lt;4 . Sng sew meters catinss OF Fram amare ye ACARLOAD OF SCENERY AND EFFECTS . 7 industria Committec; wii ee : * er en asaee, Bipe- Prec igerante whether any *0 TROUBLE TO SHOW FOU fg paras smaaeet. Ginoclion Silos Tebscisyi0i3 RESERVED SEATS NOW .ON SALE AT z ges Feb, -12,-1913 : : Adarean your artiste P-R-MEN S STORE PiNaze s DRUG sroRE. B F SOUCH THE INDUSTRIAL BUREAU HS. es rth je De Box 638. Med le) 01 * Tb. ; car ieecal wary nay Bt. z Poaki Prices 50 cents sind 1 00 . orioontoatentectoefeeteacongontorte POPP OOGD 4 Harrisburg, Pa. Feb. 5. In- pursu- alice of call issued by Governor Ten- er an Interstate conference sto: mest: liere this. week to devise ways and means of checking, the chestnut. blight which is lars worth of blight already has spread over tatge pari of is feared that it will soon make its way. into neighboring States unless stopped, PLAN FIGHT ON BLIGHT 7 of: Gregor Berry BUENS BLOCK, MAIN ST., UP STAIRS 1025.00 - 785.00 1. 3500. 00. :. 2000.00 . 2000.00 550.00 575.00 800.00 NATIONAL CANNERS? CONVENTION operation ble timber. The eastern Pennsylvania and tt Special to News. Rochester, N. ., Feb. 5 Active co- in makes for better OD. the moyement which/ agriculture andi ig tobe one of the leading subjects of iscussion at the annual convention -of- the National. Canners Association, which began, im this clty today- with: a large attend- ance, The: convention will continue in sesajon untit Thursday. do stectecteteet doe octodtods ie DIAD Our buying f Buropean fir the jobbers p hy oh 9 Cc. q 0 4 Several. trios Partridge Re dish or Ame some young Ad 812 Esplanad W. A. Co CHARTERED Au Bsta Winnipeg, Leth A. EB. Gibso Phone No. 198 Prosi We cater to tha want (GOOD), at a fair price. our work and p ers you will-w the most Popula THE BARTLE1 For Sale tage, Sou Linseed Fer CROSS Builder 708 4th A J.Jes Funet and 1 Parlors and ro Phone 145. Chas. Funers Parlors ct 300 3 Office 237 Open Day and N W.R.S CARPENTER Repairs pr Pt Dr. Mart: Nineteen Y' Prescribed women's ailn prepared rem i reoult fr permanen: wtcres.
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Image 190 (1912-02-05), from microfilm reel 190, (CU1742886). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.