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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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20th, 1912 RM a Hi gt; R Lia RS- SSS Vv NGERS. DJUSTORS LER STRIPS, tf Windows. wa und doors. if doors. ing, 1 im. combined. ow, cold and 20 . 8 in 12 foot a. C0. PEOPLE . . 0. Box 29 5 Trial: - NVINCE ur PURE T JUICE RF - WITH. YOU ACING YOUR R A. BUILDING to see about M YOU ARE (0-H 156 and Rey- S wart willbe ing and show IEW SPRING SR samples a an estimate the rooms of STEWART Binning s Store. shed on att-kinds Paperhangiug eiieinicieinieinfed eleiebeleintoinie Faytor s isfer ivy Draying. jon to all orders, Sale. ivered. : NO. 349. foinieinineteetl Touse Mover OR SALE VATING TEAMING . TE WORK. ne 260. LAIT EAL, STRERT rand of . bt. Mona ne 100, POPP Heroes Washington player. the Springfield franchise in the new or Wodnesday, January-10th, 1912 ee 4 C ance of our Fur Coats, Coon Skin Coats, Calf Skin Coats, Felt Boots, Lined Gloves and Mitts and all Heavy Winter Underwear for men at 20 per cent DISCOUNT Consider what this means to you and avail yourself of the oppor- tunity. Cire i Se me Turpin Bros. yne Where You The Man's Sto Royal League Bowling League has been drawn up and the first. games were played last nif league this time. yesterday which make the Calgary bowlers who claim that they are the world s champs, look sick. His scores speak for themselves: 244, 245, 221, (mute sue Pp LeeereearerrGeGeOPOOOPeoooooode Soteeeeeee Ginther s Win First Games of The second schedule for the Royal ght, There-are four teams in the Jack Robinson bowled a few games 5285, total 1462, or an, aver- Jack Williamson Bowling Schedule Away on Second Section . teams Jack Robertson Pulled Some Big Scores. Jan. 26 Blacks vs. Royals; Bir- nies vs. Ginthers, ' Jan, 30 Blacks vs, Ginthers; Roy- 1s vs, Birnies, * Feb. 2 Royals vs, Ginthers; Blacks vs, Birnies, Feb, 6 Royals vs. Blacks; Ginth- ers vs, Birnies, tee Feb, Ginthers vs, Blacks; Birn- les vs, Royals, score) night's ers vs. Royals. ae Feb, 16 Birnies vs. Ginthers; Blacks vs, Royals, vs, Ginthers.* ys, Ginthers. als vs. Blacks., . ers ys, Blacks. : Neertediost Se e vA bd Sbwen M five bt Sesgesfedenteatens CAPO PID LELAND PELL LLL eh RT NEWS Brae cteatecgecgectetectertentestecrcpentosdeeteedreGreredeeeateeteetrte teste : of Second with Four Feb, 13 Birnie, vs. Blacks; Ginth- g Feb, 20 Royals ys. Birnies; Blacks Feb, 2 Blacks vs, Birnies; Royals Feb, 27 Ginthers vs. Birnies; Roy- Mar. 1 Birnies va. Royals; Ginth- Got the Big Dollar's Worth Mar, 5 -Ginthers vs. Royals; Birn- 169 188. 200 567 08. Blacee. eg ize 92426) Mar. Blacks ve, Royale: Birntes Co Te SE, - inthe: * Sinclati.. -179 166 192 537 Glnthers. FEEEET ERSTE a cutee. lt;g09 177. 176-562 Mar. 12 Blacks vs. Ginthets; Roy- e 1s-ve. Bien ut * BASEBALL NOTES a SS 995 837 880 2612 , Mar, 15 Royals... vs. Ginthers lt; The new schedule: Blacks vs. Birnies. EEEEREEE EE EEE Nap southpaw, trade of plaster- the Wi + gone back to his g at Guidesac, Tdaho, for ter. As Chattanooga will salary Kid Elberfeld falo-has put in a bl not pay the demands, But- 4 for the little Manager Harry Davis will make Sis. permanent home in Cleveland and make an-effort to place-tam- self Napville on the baseball map. Frank Baker, the. clean-up swatter, pas. purchased another farm. If the Athletics continue to win champion- ships Good Night will own the State of Maryland. The declaration of Manager Me lt;Graw that he intends to stand pat on the present line up of the. Glants, Should: set at rest the rumor that, Red Murray is to be given the gate. der named Kobner, former Sante Clara College. pitcher, If he makes good in the Pacific Coast league he will be sent to the Boston Red Sox. he Pittsburg Pirates pala 270 -tor-pitcher Marty O Taole and 27.00 tor pitcher Hendrix. The 27.50 was pate in railroad fare for Hendrix from Kansas to Pittsburg. i Smith, Ark. club, and Bill Shipley, the old Washington player, WHI take Tri-State League, - (Aiim Magee, a brother of Sherwood Magee, the Quaker slugger; will be given a trial By the St. Louis Browns next spring. Young: Magee was sweet hitter In the New England Lea- gue last season. :with-Falkenderg and Higginbotham on their pitching staff, the Toledo club has the tallest: pair of heayers in the American Association. Fal- kenberg is six feet four inches in he- ight, while Higginbotham s an inch shorter. The Washington team will play at Charlottesville, Va. Four Boston ing out at Thomas Jefferson's, old home w the Senators in the betting from Th 1 to 7 to 2 Mike Murphy will be some busy . this year. Besides his duties as at- pletic trainer at the University ot Peanalyvania He will train the Phita- delphia Nationals and also the Ame- rican team which will compete in the Olympic games in Sweden next June. Manager Fred Lake, of the Provi- dence team, has done quite a lot of hot-footing during bis. 22 years in baseball. diamond at Moncton, Boston Nationals in 1891. Barfe, 1893: City, 1896; Syraoune, 1898. Lowell, 1901; Nashua and Lynn, 1905) Boston Nationals, 18 Little Rock, 1906;/ Boston Americans: st. Louis Americans 1911 and Providence) + 1908; Bostoh Nationals, 1910; 11, i + FIGHTS SCHEDULED FOR. TO-NIGHT. va, Ginthers, Jan, 12, Blacks vs; Birntes; Royals - : ve. Ginthers, +f lee vs, Royals. Jan. 16 Ginthers vs. Birnies; Roy- . als s, Blacks. ers vs. Blacks: Sacramento has.signed a left-hon-) coast scrapper, now residing in Ed- monton, is fed In bis Tesing the bout teams won Championships after: work- ame reel CURL ; Starting his career on the New Bruns- wick, in:1890; Fred moved. up to the After quitting Boston he was with Muwnu- Kegyand- Providence in 1892, Wilkes- Toronto, 1895; Kansas Manchester, 1899; Birnies; Blacks Jan. 9 Royals vs. Jan. 19 Birnies vs. Royals; Ginth- BI Ber- Lauder Says Potts - Can Whip Bayley Medicine Hat Scrapper says that His Recent opponent is Due for a Walloping and Meet Him Again. good littl thers vs. Birnies. thers vs, Royals. Calgary, Jan. 10. 'Joe Bayley, the save himself, and could easily have continued the battle, but im any case fighter, but would have lost because of poor con- Mar. 19 Boyals vs. Blacks; Gin- Mar.22 Ginthers vs. Blacks; BIH . 26 Birnies vs. Blacks; Gin- Mar, 28 Birnies: lacks vs. Royals. April 2 Royals vs. Birnies; Blacks Ginthe xs. Ginthers Will Condition Himself BPRReorinted gon ? . While picking the winner in a horse rage 2 minute, unless one bas tip, picking show: is a horse of another color. It begins in the breeding pen. ana fancier spent a day mating a breeding pen for batching winners, tion of every jbreed. points necessary to win, disqualifications and. cuts for Gefects, and this fancier has carved bis bird into sections is Judging bim as to sbape, weight. color, comb, beak. eyes, face, eXrlobes, wattles. neck, breast, body. Tuff, legs, toes, tail, wings, back, condition, and thus he wi goes over each bird and marks the best for exhibition, always training extras for accidents. separate before the jndge. who ia more apt to ive the bite to an inferior bird that HE HONKS BEST WHO HONKS LAST. Honk yelled the bis gray gander. The day will soon be nere of these nolay roosters Werothers will be clear. When wilt that be? eried all-the quacks, Please name the Jucky day. We'll surely govble lots of rub When those bens get away. Sc Why, Iam told, said Mr. Goose, The Methodists are comii And when thelr conference is i The hatchet will be bumming. Than all the roosters hung thetr talls, Phe bens all puto black 2 While goore and duck dis celebrate With honks and quack, quack, quack But,-O crvel fate, ft was not so Come, get your tear Bars out And for these hapless rubbernecks i Squeeze out waterspout. Twas not the Methodists that came To gobble roosters down. But Baptists that love waterfowl Convened in that good town. And every rubberneck wot whacked. Not one was left in town, They even caugnt the tatlor s groove And swallowed it right down. M. BARNITZ th and Mlustrations must not without special permis- (TING AND TRAINING FOF low. fe 4s often a guess and th work ot all provincial corporation taxes, which has Hitherto been under the jurisdic- partment, has been transferred to the department of the provincial vecro- tary. large increase in the duties of the Tat- iter department. In the past E. Trow- bridge, the deputy provincial secre- tary, and registrar of joint stock com- panies, has ad charge of the collec- counts thes for the year 1910 real- ized 62,122.71. COLLECT ALL CORPORATION Edmonton, 10. Collection of Jan, ion of the provincial treasurer's de- The transfer will Involve a very ono pany fleense a (eee and fees, As shown by the public. ac- The various corpor- Rearranging Provincial Departments at Edmonton PROVINCIAL SECRETARY'S DEPARTMENTS WILL HENCEFORWARD TAXES. ation taxes for the same year amount- to 124,717.10. Taxea levied in respect to banks, Insurance, compantes, trast companiss, Joan companies, railway mileage, and telegraph and electric light companies will in future be collected by the de- puty provincial secretary. V. Gf Gos- nell; who has been in the treasurer's department for some years, has been, transferred to the secretary's office to take charge of the work. John F. Miller, the eye-sight spec- alist, Hotel -Assinibola, every after- noon from one to five, evenings by appointment. Consultation free. 161d winner to Hift the cup in a rooster THe comB A THERMOMETER. Have you noticed how a ben's comb shrinks, pales and then puffs up ruby red when she starts to lay again? That shows relation between ber cud and egg clusters, or ovaries. Have you noticed how a ctower's Aur Indt- Photo by.C: BE. Barnit A DISQUALIFIED COMB Qens and bis watties entarge snd- glow? That's a vign of sexual activ- ity. When caponized both comb and wat- tles shrink small. Tbat s proof enough. The comb is not-only blow buffer, but a health indicator. Phe bird in the cut has a, bad case of frostbite, and while suffering bis comb blade has turned. A clear red comb, health; pale, lo vitality, favus; yellow, jeundice; dark, poor circulation, weak beart, indiges- ton, cholera, apoplexy. Roup often loosens the comb, and it turns over. Lice on little Leghorns often cause their headgear to go crooked. Single long, . beefy. Phioto by C. M. Barnitz PIOKING THE WINKRE After selection the birds are kept fre trained to show off combs with bases, nearly always lo goes against he will get his bumps good and bad. Bjlly against Potts, Lauder belleves Potts few will give Bayley a severe thrashing. Bayley s st le would be meat for Potts, said Billy, and he knows more - The above is the opinion of Lauder; who has been spending days in.the, city since his return from Edmonton, where this very same Bay- ley put him on the tbat, which resul Lauder said Bayley was some scrap- per. He was very strong, had a hard wallop, and m- very pecullar-style of bis own- Bayley ts a very forcing fighter and wrestles his opponent all over the Ting. Without taking away any Credit from Bayley s victory ever himself, Billy is of the opinion he can Beat the coast scrapper. Lauder said ite entered the ring without any train- a -any-means mr shape. Billy also admits he under- estimated the.gbility of Bayley:-. The referee gave Bayley the detision in the thir when Lauder was taking the count, decalise his second, Jimmy Mc- Ewen, threw water on him. Billy also At a meeting of the Cuirling Club held last evening arrangements wor made for the entertainment of the-Mu- ple Creak curlers who arrive hereon the noon train, Thursday. Two games wili be played in the afternoon and two in the evening. .A couple of rinks, anyway, will be up from the Creek ana probably, thr e will come. The following six skips were selected to lead the Medicine Hat forces against the visitors: T. F, Jobinstone, W. Fe. Bray, Dr. Holt, John Benson; F. 8. Pingle and C. , Pingle. President Fleming snd Mr, Benson will be a committee to meet the Creek men at, the station, At the conclusion of the meeting Till s Colts, Pozed as follows: W. Curry : AW. Thomas Jack Dombrosky, Boh Moha vs. Jack.Dillon: 6 younds T. 4. Allan F. 8, Pingle,; 8-2 A. J. N. Terrill, 8-14 at Pittsburg. J.C. Luster exception of Abe Attell. Potts is good Jat covering up and playing a waiting the final game in the- President y6.- Vice President series was played off between Fred Pingle s rink and Ter- resulting in a victory for the latter by 14 to 2, which makes - Prestdent Fleming's rinks winners by 36 points. The two rinks were com- Frank Dombrosk? of Bayley's * chances ut ring would be Bayley. Pottsis also stronger and if Bayley attempted to rush or mix with Potts, it would be just playing into Potts game. : Besides, Bayley is smaller than Potts; aid would weigh six or seven pounds lighter. By appearsnce Bay- Jey looks even: smaller-than-he-reatty is, Bayley is well built, well mus cled and gs built on the lines of a fighter. Billy, in conclusion, said he would be glad to meet Bericy again, but next time would be sure to cou- dition himself, 2 ON- JONES SEACK TN Si; 1 Fans May go West- (W. A. P. Dispaten) oa Toronto; Ont., Jan. 10. Uniess Con. Jones gathers.up the Eastern players that he is after mighty soon, he may find it Impossible to sign any of the National Lacrosse Union or Big Four members. It-is-reported that Dandene, the Toronto fielder, has-siged for 35 a week for the seas Bilile Fitz- gerald'ts said to be willing to don a blue Jersey for 1500 or- 300 less than he received at the const last year, while Art Warwick and Georg Kalls are among the holdouts, Eddie Pow- ers fs another who it Is sald had the coast bee buzzing in his bonnet and he may go wevtward, Warwick has again signed to coach the Harvard lacrosse team. Willie Lewis Will leave for Paris faoon, where he bas a bout sched Jied t with George Carpenter, who defeaned displays his good points than to a good bird that rops-and hides i coop often to prepare him for con- 46 scon-loses-aitfear-and-is-eastly- ed. for Season Seve-) ne rowr eau bo wugne-py word or a Fwhich wilh give the judge a solar Keep your eye on the comb. It's.a health indicator. and in buying cocks select those with good sized combs and-wattles, other polnts equal. They make the best breetiere. : exhibition The birds placed in E? eqcs buys a five dollar The fellow who yets the straigbr article. soaked with old shell and 40 dirt. One of Pennsylvania s hatcheri had orders for 50,000 chicks on the books at one time, which shows that the one-day-old chick Industry is going some. It is fast supplanting the eggs for batching feature of the business. Mammoth Russian sunflowers when once started require little cultivation ui field a fine crop of seeds for molting and winter ration. We plant them all around our four acre run and thus make the fence row a golden d save on feed Kills. Caiifornia. has established a bird farm. at Haward, Ajameda county, where birds will b bred for distribu tion through areas devastated by In sect pests. We have fish hatcheries, pulifrog farms, alligator: tactories, '0s- Photo by C: M. Barnit TRADING BIVDY TO POSE. Gnement at the sbow snd there ts tamed by feeding dainties from the hand taught to strike a pose ang show off nis curves The trainer uses a stick next? Operators where rots snd spots ato age ae f or cane in directing the bird. as most red fe prepa tor market state that they Danderu Reported Having suagss use tls or. of torture often tnd embryo chicks In the eExs stir up the birds at the show, av en them out of the and simply. Se veproach bt any gf. to whe pos reset ee toes nies, ee d ai - ce, ft te Tere chat aay atte oe ee eeauaeteat wich thelr custard coftolene Ice cream. plexus. American shows are of such quality today that without Sue birds, thorough: ly trained and well prepared. no oni may expect to win, unl ss it s ap acci- dent or the judge a gold brick grafter. president of the New York Centra DON'TS. crease my longing for my tarm. Thi Don t feed much ry to poultry; it ferments easily aod 1s laxative. Don't fail to gather swamp. grass tor bedding the ducks and geese ip winter. Don't neglect ventilation. Jo sum- mer and winter keep the fresh alr busy onaning th dead alr out. Don't set the incubator lamp away fall of off. The oll will spoil and will also eat away the lamp metal. Don't ship dreased pouttry ton dis taot party you know nothing about If you do he may gold brick you. Don't advertise x ben at a value of 10.00, Rome one that's tippy will aay farmfand there ure many others. you're dippy or trying to trick with a ble gold orick. ieee tl ee WILL CONSOLIDATE Attorney:General Mitchell Mitchell, of Edmonton, eral and minister of education of Al- maritime. provinees-and-Ontario,-and aation of. schools. trict is able to bear the cost an ar- trich, bird-and-skuni-ferms,-and what. which cousins eat with thelr Read these words of W. 0. Brown, Do you know that the farther you get into the, world of influence the less satisfaction you find tn ft? Such suc cesses as 1 have attained in the rall- world have served onty to in- Brown family ts going back to the It you talk about fierole women you need not go to war annalx to fud them. They are all over this countrys / One of these just paid the mortzage of a New York tarm. fier turer Is too old to plow, so he drove while she d10 the plowing, titning over sod that had not been plowed for thirty years This delfeate womag hne cleat ed off the debt and Is now making the men sit op and take notice at her suc: teas in up to date farming and poultry. ALBERTA S SCHOOLS and Deputy Education Minister Looking into Manitoba System. Winnipeg, Jan, berta, and D, 8: McKenzie, deputy minister of education, arrived here (ant bustiess, Mr, McKen- zie also to make inquiries with re- ference to school consolidation. During the summer, said Mr. McKenzie, I travelled through the in Quebec picking up all the inform- ation possible with reference to educational: matters. I. am now vis- iting Mantfoba to obtain information with speciat reference to the consoli- There Is a strong feling in Al- derta on the question and in certain districts consolidations can- be ar- ranged. With our sparse settle ment it is possible that in many. cases it will be imposible to effect an arrangement as the cost might bq excessive. : Thi, move is, however, one in the right direction, and wherever a dis- rangement for consolidation will be made. Mr. McKenzie will be in the -prov- Ince for some days and will person- ally visit the districts where schools have been Consolidated, and ascertain how. they-are-working. lt; FAMOUS COMPOSER IN (W. A. P. Dispatch): prehensions are entertained by phy- GRITICAL CONDITION ATTACKS LOAN STOCK LONDON FINANCIAL NEWS ARG- UES THAT FLOTATION OF SE- VEN MILLIONS FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO DEVELOPMENT MAY INJURE OTHER PARTS OF CAN- ADA. London, Jan. 10 The Financial News criticlzes Sir William Macken- zie s methods in issuing a seven mil- Mon pound loan for the development ot Northern Ontario in December While, it argues, there is exaggera- famous ssus-at auch a time. is b to react unfavorably upon Canadian interests, the fact remains it has done Dominion inter sts a bad turn and his plain duty is now to recognize that the-particular railroad over-which -he- presides is only a unit in Canadian enterprises: He must see that in making provi- the Dominion s activities over which his responsibility extends, he does no- thing which shall damage the mar- set tor other interests, just as much entitled to consideration. TODAY S MARKETS * Winnipeg, Jan. i0. May wheat (014) closed 100 3-4; May (new) opened 99 7-8, closed. 100; July closed 101 1-4. May. flax opened 200, closed 198. Winnipeg Cash Prices 8 Nor. 86 1-2; 4 Nor. 80 1-4; 5 Nor. 71; 6 Nor, 61; feed 51.1-2. Barley, No. 3,641 - American. Markets Minneapolis, Jan, 10. opened cloned 1-8, closed 93 1-2. STAR THEATRE Perhaps you are not aware that th: sicians in regard to the health of En- poser, who condition since last n has become much worse. He is now conscious only at intervals, and his wife s the sole person he recognizes, x lt;a m Sout Boeseee es ms e manage it Mishers instead of at regw seg Beeceesensnenee x soageee * Pa printed 12-page issue handbill size, Iss 2a so-0 0 e oo and then, It suspended Iss ro co ores *s ee portant to them, me 0-4 eS oe n wspiiper, to serxe Its pat dable way? the city, your advertising time aot merely now and oe more than the size of a ne nee of Your advertising Harry Lewis. aes sohecrthe NOW foe The Dally News Auhacrfhe NOW for The Dally News. POgeardeadedrtoteeerteee Ges This News And Your Store Wout you consider that this News p el jsued gocording to the mood tervals?- Would you think a geod newspaper if at another time? that It was serving It constituency effectwally f, now some time when the publishers felt Inclined i Your store serves your patrons with store-news, through Its advertising. They assume that there Is-al- ways store news worth telling store news that Isr im- + It Is not a8 poor policy for a store, as it wonld be fora If your store. Is important to the people af Ets Monday, Wednesday Sore: FOES f its pub lar, stated and Invariable In- at one time with one-page, Would you feel ue entirely t be resumed at tronsin a spasmodic, is:Important to them all of the then, Tho size of your advertising space shoald not vary any wspaper varies, and the appear- shou Wheat No..1 Nor. 94 1-2; 2 Nor. Chicago, Jan. 10. May wheat open- ed 94 3-4, closed 95; Sept opened 93 sion for the needs of that portion of May oats opened 41, closed 41 1-8.
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Image 51 (1912-01-10), from microfilm reel 51, (CU1742619). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.