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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ry 8th, 1912 NCE Eeoberbooforboobooforkeetee A. will meet so- eoday afteruooti att, s, 497 , Montreal r, of Calgary, was eveit Persons, he city, pent, PEGHHS eeryeerreerr ys feet Sieg 4 Ss Seegedonte de ostod E of Red Cross ne China Cup EOIAL th every three Powders, one Spake asaes eae efente osgeage aioateatectoets x te id Blackwell, nd Stephen's : 2 Ss; DCK OF HARD. * GE AND HOP- pUTURE, Re se) UCCE Pingle s, : 1d 1.00 15 p.m. WHITE for opectmin of new Avid . . MERRIAM CO., Peblichrs Sprinfill ase satin tle repe secre FREE et of ecb mare 30 LZ Phone No. 198 Monday, January 8th, 1912 bas been estimated that approximately Loata Ro Rete te certedtedt rostantoagoate Soatoateats NO MORE PANIES f 2,000,000,000 has disappeared from . rosette aie te eee aie sioaie siete eie eo sir aaoete Gs circulation, hoarded by people ,who DIAMONDS We have recently added to our large stock of didmonds . our special y 925.00 DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING cannot be beaten for value in Canada. Diamonds from 10.00 up to 550.00. Eee G. W. ELLIOTT JEWELER ANDROPTICIAN Iasuer of Marriage Licenses Held of the world s ction ad galture, The only new dictionary many yours, oa eb ut this new work. x the cout of six months course, three, nightea weok,at the SOUTHERN ALBERTA - MEDICINE HAT. AD Business Subiccts taught. Write Srcalifor particulars Several trios of -thoroughbred Partridge Rocks. Either Eng- lish or American strains. Also some young cockerels, 7, posed. the creation of postal sa unlimited amounts the money that is withdrawn from nati IN UNITED STATES Proposition to Permit De- Amount in posits to Any Uncle Sam s Bank. Washington, Jan. 8. A proposition to am nd the Postal Savings Banks Jaw 90 that deposits: In any amount may be received will be submitted shortly. Postmaster-General - Hitch- cock and others: in his department favor it, but will leave the initiative to congress. Its advocates believe that t will'In the end commend itself even to the bankers who originally op- Vinge banks; but who now agree that they are a good thing. The banks have seen within the few months that the postal savings banks fave been in operation over. 11,000,000 of hoard- ed money put into lreulation again, and that ta good for them, ; As the law stands no more than 100 canbe deposited in g postal sav- ings bank during any one month, nor can a depositer have more than 500 to his or her credit at any one time. Twice a year a depositor has an op- portunity to convert his deposits into Government bonds,so that it is: pos- sible for him to so invest 1,000 a year; but no more. I the Mmit is removed. I believe that the country will never have an- other serious widespread panic, said a high official pf the Post-Office De- gartment, In times of panic.It is the runs on banks that precipitate dis j aster, The strongest banks can be forced to close-their doors if all their depositors demand thelr. money at once. But if the postal savings banks are permitted to receive deposits in jonal and state be deposited at once in the postal saving: and the government can then rede- posit this money in the very banks from which It was withdrawn by pan- fe depositors. The Government pays 2 per cent. on postal/savings and the banks pay the-Government-21-2-per- cent. on the savings that it turns ov- er to them. Nothing would go further to create public confidence in qur banking. system than a change that would enable the Government to qb this in times of impending panic, The lehiamge may not be made this year, ut S predict that it will be made as goon as the general public.and bank- ers can be brought to understand just Fwhat it means. Of the 5,000,000,000 of money that has been issued by the Government it Carry their own evidence: with them, You can't deny the fact ; that there is'no-exeuse for any home to be without a plano. No make it easy to buy one by taking a very small amount monthly payments, If you want an Instrument why not buy this way? . ASSINIBOI AS, N. TERRILL, 0 12 Esplanade, or at News: + Burns Block J. Jessop Nott Funeral Director and Embalmer Parlors and Resiaence, 423 To- ca ronto Street. Phone 145. ments. Chas. Johnson Funere Director and Embsimer Parlors at 390 Main St. corner Third Ave, Office 257 Main St., Phone 188. Open Day and Night. Moonmente, CARPENTER np CONTRACTOR Repaies promptly attended to. *Phome No. 335. ts W.R.Simmords 1 WPA Main Street ITS AT SWEEPING REFORM that has accompanied- the fatro- duction of electricity into house- hold affairs. For instance, the old- time whisk brooms and hair brooms are now supplanted by ELECTRICAL CARPET SWEEPERS that save time, labor, money and do, the work far better. We have these useful novelties. Come and will not trust banks. Money has been brought In for depogit in the postal) savings banka that had green mould on it showing that it had been buried- for a long time: TAKING. THE GURE, Graphic Pen Picture of Carisbad and ts Dyspeptics. MUD BATHS AND VILE WATER The Victima Drink Often dnd Drink Deep and Absorb With the Evil Brew Large Doses of Misery An Un- pleasant and Costly Road to Health. A city shaped like cup:--eup'eon taining hot water. The sides of the city are clothed with pines, and in the: hollow lle the, waters where the dys peptics. of the world foregdther to drink and to be healed. They desire to be freed Crom excess of fat, from yol- low skins, from pains that catch one tm the small of the back and from the stiff joints that follow hard pon thie pleasures of the too abundant board. Ie Carlsbad you drink often and rink deep. Drinking fs your occupation. Your drinking glass is strapped Over yout. shoulders as you wander,'sipping from spring to spring as assiduously as any one bee, but you do not get honey. Your misery begins at 6. At Go'clock they call you, and you are expected to be shaved and decent before you face the world of waters and of miserable . sinnefs at 7 o'clock. if you bad not Jeistence in spite of tremendous ob- Mother's Insistence as Av- enger of Son s Murder Ends in Conviction. A SENSATIONAL FIGHT Railroad Constable is found Guilty of Manslaughter after Month s of Waiting. Redding, Cal, Jan. S. Danial Fieming, an employee oi the South- em Parifisc Railrotad, was found guilty of manslaughter Saturday the jury had been out -twelve-hours, Blemsing was accused: of the murder Sf George. Vallier, a Tacoma youth, ho met death on the roof of q Pull- ear ntar Redding on the night jof Aug. 25, 1910. Fleming will- te pentenced: next Wednesday. Phe trigkiot Daniel Fleming, which has consuified nearly twelve weeks in the Suppffor Court af Stiasta Count was brdught about ty a mother's in- stattes. Handionpped by the disin- ter gted attitude of tho authotrities, the Sollected, bit by dit the evidence thit eventually resulted in the in- dicttent of Fleming after coroner's fiit exoneration and his release on preHiminaty examination in Police Court. George Valier and Harry Goble, Tacoma youtlis, were removed from been a miserable singer, too, you would not be bere, but you have done those things you ought not:to have doneand you-have-teft undone those things you have dong, your penalt is Carlsbad. ea ror So you take your place at the end of queue 300 dyspeptics long and wish you-were dead. You very netriy are, to his for no morning tea sustains you; they forbid that; it fs strictly against the law. You take your turo at the Spru del spring uncomforted by the cook Everything contributes to your misery. A German. close behind you Is tread- ing on your beels and breathing toudly. down your neck. and a gentleman in a curious top hat fx conducting an or- 2 banks, Chestra with Tatenr tome you-merry: Be fails, You bate bim. And every moment you draw nearer to the, Spro- del spring. It leaps from the bowels of the edrth toward the roof of the colonnade shronded in its own steam, and a girl in waterproof overalls eatches. cu a giassful by means of long pole. Then yon retire to a corner with the evil brew and try to drink st. It taster of dead rats hot ones. long dead. Your character my be divinea by your method of dealing with it . It may be faced as one faces a pet beverage. with an air. or it'may be daiiied with in sips or thrown away. t may beat you altogether. but this ts rare. Tbe hardened dyspeptic who does bis year- ly care bas a trick witb a little glass Pipe. He is imitated by the'wise. Aft er the first fell glixs you lirry to the Uttle glass pip stall andbuy 9 lttie glass pipe for your very own. and halt an hour later you brace. yourself to- gether for the second dose. if you have sinned deepiy you may be order: ed-even three. but probably. you wilt be let off with-two-goes of Sprndel and one of something lighter. An hour afterward you may. buve an fpadequate meal of nour milk. one egg and a browny roll that would but: fle a dentist. During the morning you will be required to andergo a bath. ) posstbiy-of muds reeking-with-cnrtiye properties and very expensive as ex: pensive as the lunch you would ike to have afterward if they would tet Byven as it stands. your mockery Bea meal, fruit, rice and m bit of dolled bird climbs up to a total pitber- to anassociated with such elementary. inmuMiciencies. At 4 o'clock you: drink vening is beneath the digalty of words of any words. Sixty thousand of the sorrowful sub- fect themselves to these penwiities year- ly every summer. Bot in epite of the 00.000 you wilt probably be lonely sou in Carisbad. Its dietetic system does aot make tor eociability-or mirth. Hut as the days return to your cheek. your color ceases to b drab and your temper becomes Jess. vile. You tind you can tolerate your fellow man with some degree of courtesy even when be-breathes down your neck and clears his throat in the -region of your cr. There Is less of Bumlet about you and more of Puck, for your days are ordered now: more in, conformity with nature's pian and your reward is an equubllity thas is foreign to the life of broken iaws in the piace from. whence you came. Wor two-or three weeks this quickening process exuberance of health you return to your iand. When you are not here Carlsbad puts ts shutters up and goes away to cure itself of the tedium of tiaving cured yon, and by the time it bas finixhed you were not a cureguest for goth- fng. Still you were cured, and a cire is always cheap. But on the whole perhaps t would bave been cheaper if you had kept the ia London Mail. Interesting Spats. J suppose, says the lady next door, that you saw many really wonderful places while you were abroad. yes, indeed. replies the returned traveler. I think the most shivery of them all, however, was the catacorners have the nightmare about ot conscience. Proverb. 5 iste Medicine *Hat Electri COMPANY MAIN STREET PHONE 430 COUGHS, CURES COLDS. TF AND LUNGS. 26 CENTS 1 * the injuries Ihe had received, and re- more water. At 10 the long day closer Lawith-a-Bnal-guip.and the dinner inter go by the pink hues of health begin to will develop and continue until tothe With you Its coffera are quite com Yortably stocked against 2 holiday. for the roof of q sleeping car of a pas senger train that drew into Redding from the North on the night of Aug. 25, 1910. 5 - Both wete so badly injured about the head that Viillier died om thd way to hospital end Goble was confined bed for several weeks. That Vallier s dgith was due to concussion of the briis was the: t of a coroner s jury a. the ittquest advanc d the the- ory that the boys hed ji by collision with tunnel entrance ing their way ou the-rosf of the: sleeping car. eee Mrs. Valier of Tacottia, mother - of the dead youth, ching to the theory: that her son had been mupdered. A month later the body was: disinterred is Tacoma, and it was found than finger points showed plaigly of the throat. Then Mrs. Valliec, her sister, Mrs: Belimait, end Harry Goble came to Redding: in October, 1910, in quest of further evidence. Goble; weeks af ter the tragedy, suddenly regained his memory; which had tbeen shattered by called that he hed seen a big nian ? ontop of the sleeping car, choking Fwank Cooper, a hotel porter, de- clared that he had seen Fleming om the car when the trai came into the Redding -yards: Daniel Fleming was arrested -in Oakland Oct. 23, 1910, but his prelim- inary examination resulted in his ce Tease on Dac. 7. X ; Mrs. Vellier did not despair. Em- ploying special counsel, she took the tase belore the Shasta. County grand jury. An indictment charging miur- Her was-returned oa Heb, 1 of this year. It wad quashed on Feb. 22 on the ground that tha grand jury bed jen improperly influenced thy Mra, Vallier's attorney. Fleming, bhow- ever, Was again arrested, and on pre- liminary exaipination was held for trial. Mrs. Vallierr and her sister have been in constant attendance ot eke trial gt; whieh: fi and she thas given counsel for the state valuab'e aid. She has expend- cd-q fortutie im her determined effort ss trial hast a County more than 40,- cost: Shast: 000. Fleming was - Southem Pacific Railroad policeman amd the Southern Pacific Company has stood bby its for mer employe faithfully, its officials professing faith in Fleming's . inno- cenge, and the company bas constant- Jy met qll demafids of counsel for the defence in the matiter of expenses. Previous to his arrest, Fleming bore an excellent reputation, and her of witnesses from Oakland and other parts of the state testified aa to his good character. He has spent the greater part of a year in jail: SWEATERS FOR ARMY (Sperial to News): Washington; D. C,, Jan. 8 Bids for contracts for the manufacture of the tnew-woolen sweaters with which Un- cle Sam is to equip-hia sqldiers, were opened today at the quartermaster s office of the War Department. The sweater, which was recommended by the Infantry Equipment Board, is in- tended to take the place of the blouse in field service. It is to be consid- ered part of the surplus kit of the enlisted man. and will be carried in the troop wagons when not in actual use, used for daily wear, but it will come in handy for an extra sleeping gar- ment at-night wig Batthany's omnted to 600,000, In a vain tempt to save a vahinble Vandyke, g- 0t the stone age lived in heles in the num- Not only will the sweater be Vienna, Jan. 6. Fire. in Couns Lud- palace in Budapest Tdestroyed-the costly furititpra and col- lection of pictures. The damage am- at- Soto Se See e dogo dededeg Pate Seales gt; YOU CAN DEPEND UPON US TO SUPPLY. YOU WITH THE BEST -OF EVERYTHING AT THE VERY LOWEST PRI CES. Seto ctente ate dtoaea Spraque South Railway Street. Sertententetententeatentestenteateteetetreteeetnes Williamson i PHONE 33. DISTRIBUTION OF SEED GRAIN AND POTA. OES FROM EXPERI. FARMS By instructions of the Hon. Minis- ter of Agriculure distribution will be made during the coming winter and spring of superior sorts of grain and potatoes to Canadian farmers. Ibe samples jor * general distritmtion will consist of spring wheat (6 Ibs.), white cats (4 tbs.), barley (5 tbs.), and ficld peas (3 ths.), These will be: sent out from Ottawa. A distripation of potatoes (in 3 Th. samples) will be carried on from sevaral of the experi- mental farms, the Central Farm at Qttawa supplying only the provinces im regard to the soil. on their farms; and should also state what varicties they have already tested and in what way these ave been foand unsatisiac- tory, so that a promising sort for cheir conditions may be sent. Each application must be separate and must be sign d by the applicant. Only. one sample cam be-sent to each farm. Applications on any -kind ot printed or written form camnot baac- cepted. B As the supply of seed is limited, farnfers sate advised to apply-early to avoid possible disappointment. No applications can be accepted after Fob. 15th. All applications for grain (and ap- plications from the provinges- of On- tario and Quebec for potatoes) should be addressed to the Dominion Cereal- ist, Central Experiemmta Farm, Ot- tawa. Such applications require no We can supp) Get our seriding out for this work. We make a the latest improved -Loose Leaf. Systems the money at home. Binders , Indexes, Sheets, Account Forms, etc. ly you with at -Eastern ices . before the city for speciality of j postage: Applications, for potatoes, from farmers itr-uny other province should ye-addressed-(postage-prepaid) to the Superintendent of the nearest- Branch Experimental -Farm in that province. SEEKING INFORMATION RE THE STONE: ACE Berlin Professor Thinks that Pre-historic Man, was More Provident than he is Credited with. Berlin, Jan, 6 Not all the people earth of similar rude burrows, in the opinion of Professor Earl Schurshardt director. of the prehistoric section of the Royal Museum of Ethnology. Excavations made by: him th Liss: dorf, near Hamburg, have brought to light houses of the neilithie period in which the professor believes he has distinguished between a bedroom and general Hving room, He believes al- so that some of the houses had a cel lar, showing that prehistoric-man-w: perhaps more provident and foresight ed-than had been helleved. Professor Schrndardt thinks that the burrows found tn settlements of the new stone age were more likely designed for storehouses , than for dwelling places. He-believes he has iscovered in these recent excavations that the floors of the houses were even-covered with rude boards. Hole, lows in-the earth under the bed- room, he thinks, were filled with leaves, grasg or somc.ning of the sort, and skins were laid on this to form the bed, MASTER PRINTERS MEET IN DENVER Denver, Colo., Jan. 8. The first Col- orado congress of master printers met in this city today fora two-day ses- sion, The gathering 1s held under the Joint uapices of the Colorado Edu- cational Association and tne Denver branch of the United Typothetae of Ameria, the Count s hands were scorched. to order. Loose Leaf Binders, in Cor- duroy and L ather, Canvass. and Leather, Canvass ete., and ean make them, Job- Depart any siz men NEW TELEGRAPH AGENTS Winnipeg, Jan: 6 The following appointments to the Canadian Pacific telegraphs were announced today by Supt MeMITan: City Manager W.D- eit succeeding W. Rutherford, re- cently appointed Supervisor at Sour- s, Mr, Nell, who is a native of Ham- flton, Ont., and who has been with the Canadian Pacific for the past eight years, has been chief clerk to Mr, MeMitlan at Calgary for the last five years, and has also acted as re-) jHeving agent at Edmontoi, Leth- bridge and Cranbrook. Assistant Gly Representative W. Kennedy, Who bas been agent for the company at Regina, and previous to that.was agent at Fort William. Chief Operator W. K, Thompson, agen Saskatoon, succeeding W. J. Kane, re- cently appointed supervisor, The above appointments complete the re-organization whereby the up- erintending staff through Western Canada has been considerably streng- thened and augmented. J. R.-Russell of Regina has been promoted to be agent there and W. LORIMER HEARING RESUMED peclal to Nevis) Washington, D.C., Jai. 8 The sen- ate committee which-1s Investigating the election of Senator Lorimer of- Tilnois today resumed hearings. The announcement that Mr. Lorimer was to take the witness chair and testify In his own defense attracted a large audience that included many persons prominent in public life. Sen- ator Lorimer ig expected to remain on the stand three or four days. Thigs will probably-conclude the-fnveatiga- tion so far as the taking of testimony is-conterned. THEIR MAJESTIES - LEAVE CALCUTTA (Special to News). Calcutta, India, Jan. Extraordin ary .precdutions wore taken for protection of the imperial train. which carried King Emperor George and Queen Empress Mary and-thetr-suite from Calcutta today for Bombay. An crowd surrounded: the Cal- Jackson, also of Regina has been promoted to be agent at Saskatoon, Subscribe NOW fur The Daily News. ciltta station and joined In an enthus- taatle farewell demonstration. Their. tajesties will safd.from Bombay Wed-
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Image 39 (1912-01-08), from microfilm reel 39, (CU1742628). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.