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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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brain. wore glasses constantly, had them changed five times, did not seem to get along in school. a She has worn glasses prescribed By Dr. Miller nine months and has not had Her health is much improved, she is progressing nicely in school and s best money I ever spent. I have been compelled we trouble with them. My headaches w curing-giasses from Dr. Miller, I am living m.a new world. pleasure. Write me if you choose, ing with almost unbearable headaches, difterenc between my eyes that I could never be relieved, But after wearing the glasses prescribed by Dr. Miller, aetag and my vision is wonderfully improved. I have counselled atleast fifteen Specialists but headaches. - Df-Miller isthe only man who gave me Vis thing I had not done in years. able to do-before, EYESIGHT. SPECIALIST. lt; CONSULTATION FREE. THE VOICES OF HIS FRIENDS 1 was suffering with the most cxtrome Da my right eye and thru that side of my bi homie phystetan trem steadily growing worse. I went to Calgary and was treated by one of the leading Bye Specialists there for nearly two months and he finally sent me home to die, with what he When I returned home, I was persuaded to visit Mr. Miller who was thep-in our city, He, told me my trouble was-entirely muscular, bed glasses for me, and I over a year. My suffering sewing for Christmas of 1911 than I had done for six years previous. I am living in Nelson, B.C. MRS. HARRY HOUSTON. Specialist 4 time she - ler an list's care for over tWo'years and during this Me ee a kor Ob a but was scarcely ever without headache. asses since childhood and always ain DOW My glases are no longer a burden, but a. Before leaving San Francisco I counselled thr e ofthe leading a z also very bad vision. They tol nor could my vision be improved. During this time thirty years.I have been a sufferer of baa vision and extreme headaches. oa bigs Rone Were able to improve my vision or relieve my I could recognize my. friends across My eyes are doing fine and ty K ddaches are gone. jJOHN Fo MILEER ASSINIBOIA-HOTEL : HOURS 4 To 5. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT or 1 pronounced cancer of-the He preseri- am wearing them now Is gone. I did more She headache since. is really getting fat. Its the 7 MERS, A. BLPARKER, York A. C., Celtic Park, Lit cago, 1 Hurdle Records 70 Yatas, low (indoor) 8 2-58 Ro- .4, bert Eller, Fordham University, And John J. Biler, Irish-American A. C., Madison Square- Garden, N.Y. City, 78 yards low 9 1-Ss. John J. Eller, Irish-American AC., Celtic Park, LL 250 Yards 24 4-58. John: J, Eller, Irish-American A. C., Pittsburg, Pa. 260 Yards, low 29 1-58. Jno. J. , Irish-American A, C., Celtic ark, Ll, Jumping Records Nine. peg Jumpe 103. ft. TA, tt Adams, New York A. C., Celtic Running hop, step and jump 50 ft, 11 in, D, F, Ahearne, Irish-American A.C, Celtic Park, L. T. Throwing 56-1) weight 56-Pound welght for distance 38 ft. 9 78m. P. J. McDonald, Irtsh- American A. C,, Pittsburg, Pa. J 8 -Pound weight for distancb 40 ft. 6 3-8 in. M..J--MoGarth, Montreal, Canada, S -Pound welght over bar 15 4 1-2 in, Con Walsh, New York-A. C., Madison Square Garden. Throwing the Discus 141 ft, 4 3-8 in. M. J. Sheridan, Ir- fsh-American A. C., Celtic Park, LI. Throwing 35-m Weight. 54 ft. 11 im, M. J. McGrath; New Throwing 58.1) Welght for Height 46 ft. 6-3-4 tm. M. X McGrath, Chi- SEA eee GEESE OR ITIETEteSTSsaE4 eer tet NOTICE Situations Wanted, Help Wasited, For Sale, Ls t, Found, ete, ads under Is, of course, one which will bring the greatest number of replies or answers. It 1s a written, and hence fn its brey- ity there must b wit-wisdom, The Want Ad. can only inter- it the reader on the basty of hig interest. Each .eader in interested in each and all of the ve essentials to every Want Ad. These essentials, in the order of their mport- ance, are, first, the names of the article or thing advertis- ed; second the quality of the article or the kind of thing advertised; third th . price.of the article or thing advertis ea; fourth, the address, Cphone, or street number) of the adv rtiser, and, fifth, the mame of the advertiser, When the above essentials are fully and truthfully stat- ed th the Want Ad, the best ad accepted for leas than 25 cents, Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and it will receive attention. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Young gifl to take child out In afternoon. Apply to Mra. T. F, Dawson, West Allowance, 15143 WANTED Youne Indy lady to work in clgarrstand. Apply to box 1000 News. office. 15243 SITUATIONS WANTED FYOUSEKEEPER S. PLACER WANT- ED by competent person in or,out oftown. Apply 145, New office. Board AND ROOM TO RENT or Street, Tuesday, January 9, 1919 ROOMS TO RENT board only. 611 Toronto St. 15343 prep ape gp ea fPOR RENT Cheertul, warm up- stairs front room. Five minutes law that Increased demand i RAMA oprtatl the, Guiphar irae one day a: ees we sale, 7 eee) x ath Teen ae 26 words, throe days ... 60 WURNISHED ROOM TO LET, mod The Want Ad. te the brief 25 words, six days .. .. 1.00 erm conventences, 642 Monfreal a De on dhe. Chas ie aver: Additional words at same rate. No St, . Bode ROOM TO RENT An modern, con- Yenfences. Apply, 701 Ottawa * agate Rooms to. RENT With all modern conveniences, suitable for gentle- men, Apply 133 Ottawa St. Phone azar RENT Nice warm front in modern house. Apply Hi: 8. BROWN CO., Live Stock and General Auctioneers; farm fnd ranch sal s a spectalty; house sales of furniture will recefve our special, attention, Go : sf results are obtained; but ia ibessitheasteseseeee setts rset st proportion to. the number of these . essentials ommitted from the Ad., does th advert- HELY WANTED, cect oat ana se ANTED Salesman for M dicine Hat, article which selfs in COWLEY, ALTA, had more or less way iT pro- have MISS MARCELLUS, STENOGRAPHER, PINCHER CREEG, ALTA. . Eye Specialists, as 1 was suffer- id me there was such a great I find my headaches are rapidly decre- MRS, D. McQILLIVARY, NANTON, ALTA. CARDSTON, ALTA: MEDICINE HAT. sennsonnsoansensses dn NELSON NOMINATIONS MANY NEW CHAMPIONS ACHIEVED Athletic records for 1911 were-mer- the smashing of the torious on the whole but at the came time only a few new marks were es- tablished, It was also true that many who held titles at the end-of 1910 are a still holdiig the top rang with-e-Her- culean grip. 5 In-baseball the Athletics, world s champions of 1910, repeated, as did Ty Cobb in the role of leading batsman. Winks. Chick Evans gv American- ore 18, Jack Johnson still holds: the heavyweight title, Ad Wolga t the lightweight honor, Abe Attell the fea- therweight crown, while Johnny Cou- Baseball Athletics. lon wears the featherweight belt. National League champlons New sectan a ae ee Pea eae e phit: Champion college team Princeton. lory the lowering of the American league champlons Phil- panes records for trotters for the adelphia Athletics. to wagon, also for the half mile, yhat was the greatest feat of all troit. z LePAGE BROS. ON with good warm collars. make a complete -clearance right now. AND THE PRICES ARE 1. THE TRADING COMPANY'S OLD STAND. 888 TORONTO STREET. HONORS DURING PAST SEASON world s record for trotters hitched to wagon on a halt mile track. At Goshen, N. Y, Uhlan trotted a mile in 2.02 3-4. Harold- Hilton,-of England; the national golf honors by playing - a sensational game on the American as the leading golfer and .Miss Margaret Curtiss carried off the honors. World's Champlons Philadelphia Leading batsman Ty Cobb, Here s 2: -Ghance-to Sine Money MEN'S WOOL SWEATERS i Here s a itn for The tha va the seatlg of our over-buying in this line, The sweaters are good and all woal, some Have high elose neck, and some are buttoned at the neck We simply had few too many of them and are going to -00 EACH LePAGE BROS. GOO roto sels ote eee Pugilism Heayyweight Jack Johnson, Chi- tanded for arated De- - Barppss-Racing Won 31,900. National-champton Harott tH fit ton, England. W. Evans. Margaret Curtiss, Boston: cago. Middleweight No champion. Welterweight No champion. Lightweight Ad, Wolgast, Cadillac, atherweight Abe Attell, York, Bantamwelght Johany Coulon, Chi- cago. New Wrestling World's champion Frank Humbolat, Ta. e Middleweight Henry Gehring, Cleveland. Gotch, Most successful trotter R. T. . Most Murphy. successfal driver Thomas Won 91,510. Golf - Putting the Shot 24-Pound shot 38. ft. 10 11-16 im Celtic Park, L. 1. gt; Throwing the Javelin . 165 ft. 23-8 in. , Snedigar, Olym- pic club, Pittsburg, Pa.; 166 ft 1 in., . Snedigar, Olympic club, Sin Fran- cisco, Cal. Billiards and Pool Holder Of 181 and 18.2 balk title, Willle Hoppe. Holder. of three-cushion od Altre- do De Oro. ie of pool title, Hifredo De Oro. line Auto Vanderbilt cup race Lozier car, driven by Ralph Mulford; 74.06 miles an hour, lt; Grand prize Fiat car, driven by David Bruce-Brown; 74.45 iniles an hour. z oes tour Won -by Maxwell rein Fou race Nationat car, ariv en by Leo Zengle. . Santa Monica road race Nati gar, driven by Harvey Herrick; 74.60 miles an hour. / (We A P. Dispatch). Nelson, B, C.,-Jan, 9 The munici- pal nominations today brought forth fo surprises. For mayer, Harold So- long and JohnH: Annable; for Alder- men, West Ward, Ald. Tom Madden, Ald. P. J. Gallagher, I. A. Austin, Al- bert Bunker, A. T. Walley, W. N. Cun- lifte; Hast Ward, Ald. J. A. Gilker, Ald, Georgson, Wm. Rutherford, W. H. Houston, P. J. Clenser and -Her- bert Keefe; for School Trustees, Dr. E, EB, Arthur aiid R. G. Roy. The present membets are opposed by W. J. Labadie and Chas. H. Sewell. PORT ARTHUR HOTEL BURNED Port Arthur, Out, Jan. 8 A loss of 20,000 was caused by total destruc- tion-this-morning of Royal Hotel, one of the city landmarks built in 1883. SAN FRANCISCO TO TRY NEW PLAN Bfeoheode le dette ote ETE EEE EEE every office. Apply by letterbox, 144 News, 160d iser curtail the results to his Ad. Each Want Ad. ts an deoloeokt ie WOMEN TO speak and Moler System Col- t., Calgary, dtl RAEN AND . LEARN barber. trade, oe ee petits free, lege, 609 Centre Si The News, Phone 13. ee FUK BALE. FoR, SALE 90 records. for Halson Phonograph. . Nearly all.4 min- fute and in g od pondition, Price 15 for the jot. Medicine Hat Fire , De- partment, a4satt R SALE Stock of ladies --gents-clothing, furnishings, boots and slices, worth abotit 1500, to be sold in 10 days for 50 cents op the dollar. Buyer can rent the premises. Store, 5 living rooms ahd barn, j0 per month. Horse, 5 years WORTH MORE 1000 50 ft, ot Toronto st. 525 50 ft. Inhlustrial flat. 425 50 ft. Central Park. 720 50 tt, i bik from H. Seb. 1900 50 ft, bik 11, Ottawa. Whes are a few of our snaps. Call in and look them over. We also want listings. wuramer - ve money, seription can be entered for our reg ular weekly sales on the Market Square. Cash advanced on goods con- signed for absolute sale. Apply H. B, Browne Co, 366 Toronto St. Medicine Hat, Photie 481.. See our announcement elsewhere: of auction bale, MISCELLANEOUS WANTED LADIES' AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jeweiry, guhs, revolv rs, valises, pult Cases, stoves, musical instruments, furditure, Democrat waggons, bug- sies, harness, bdicy les, carpenter tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and fexthers, bought and sold, Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co. 12: Fourth avenue, opposite PHone 296. The Best Prices Pald for the above. 23Dtt. MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO, The above have on hand he best selection 9f Second Tish driver, suitable for Iady; also esg-and Democrat wagon. Apply to The Harvard Talloring Co,, 312.4th EAve,, opposite Dreamland. 132d1m - Hollinger Agency Main St. Phone 483 fdr sabe CHEAP A horse. Gentle; S : broke to ride or drive. 120 Otta- AUCTION SALE - - ON THE MARKET. SQUARE FOR SALZ Well drilting machine. Complate with. gasoline. engine, 00 feet capacity. In good repair. Will sell cheap for cash; if taken at nee PO. Box 33, Carlstadt) Alta Furniture, Stoves. and Bedaing, new -and second-hand Clothing, Clovks; Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- yolvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harnet and a nice new line.of winter goods. We buy everything mentioned abori and pay tl South Railway St. or Phone 587. tf PRESSING CO. beg to announce that they are opening a cleaning-and pressing establishment opposite. the Fire Station on 4th Ave, All work best prices, Call at 50 ON FRIDAY JANUARY 12, 1912, AT 10 CLOCK PROMPT. When we shall offer for Sale by Public Auction a large quantity of Driving and Heavy Horses, Cows, Oxen, Single and Double Harness, Buggies, Wagons, Bob Sleights, a quant Implements e. . Entries for this Sale can be made up to 12 oelock on diy of Sale, at the offices of the Auct- foneers, 366 Toronto Street, Medicine Hat. *Phone 481, FOR SALE 1 cooking gas stove, dou- ble ovens, in perfect shape. Will sell cheap for prompt sale. L. P. 0. Noel, 615 Balmoral St. 15203 LOST i FOUND. cember, one dark Bay, the other Ten dollars reward for their recov ery. 15006 JfOUND Scart pin at last, Tennis paying for this ad and proving pro- LO8T Two colts, about end of De- black stallion with whi ead, from range 4-13-4, west of 4th. dance. Owner can have same by perty. Apply to News office. 150dtr Suaranteed to give satisfaction. New and second hand goods bought and sold, Mark Harris, Prop. 151d6 LEGAL. T)AVIDSON WILL, Barristers, So- licitors and Notaries, Medicine Hat. Offices: Corner of Toronto St. and 4th Ave; Telephone 614. -P. 0. 2 105D WI TIAM P. BUNDON, Barrister, Offices: Pruitt Block, Room 2; lephone 674, P.O. box. 640. 68Dit BUSINESS CARDS. Stans THAT ATrRicr * Geo, R, Robin on, Medicine Hat. : Leading American golfer Charles National woman champfon Miss National champion seventh con- secutive time) William A. Larned. National doubles champions R. D. Little aid G, F, Touchard. National woman champion Miss Hazel Hotchkiss, San Francisco. Yachts and Powerboats Internatio; motorboat winner Dix IV. Leading sailing crafts Morton F, Plant's Elena. and Smith Cochran's Westward. Running ahd Track and Field - Athtetles Yards 4a.FC Kuhn, C. A A, San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 8 Mayor James Rolph, Jr., the successful tan- didate of the reform element in the late election, was inaugurated today, together with th other offictats-etec ted last fall. Coincident with the be- ginning of the Rolph administration San Francisco puts into operation a new form of city government almost identical with the commission plan. The plan provides for the handling. of city and county affairs by a commis- sion of elghteen member GIFT OF A DYING TOT Tubercular Trouble Help the Consumptive Poor telechild shall loa them. We Savinga of a Little Child Dying o: A ; How true it in many diferent walks Dominion NOTE Tke Auctioneers intend to hold these Sales weekly on the Market, and farniers and others can now depend on a regular Sale for cattle, pro duce, or anything they may haye-to-dispose of. WEST LAND REGULATIONS, . Ny person who is the sole head of lt; -a family, or any male over 18 years old, may hemustead: quarter section. of available Dotninion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. 'The appli- Lands Agency or Sub- Agency or the district. Entry by SYNOPSIS OF C.NADIAN NORTH- oat loins rights of the Dominion, appear in -person at the purse containing-money. Apply Chief of Police. 311. z SYNOPSIS OF COAL MINING REGU- LATIONS. tion of the Province of British Colum- twenty-one -years-at-an- made by the. applicant. tn POUND on Main St on Jan. thd, Owner may have same on paying expenses. 1b0dtt organ tar FOST 1 gold ring, initials G.B.D., in Spencer Todd's store Sat- urday night Finder kindly phone As2att fn Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, the Yukon Territory, the Northwest Territories snd-in a por- bia, may be leased for a term. of -annuel-rental of 1 an acre, Not more than 2560 actes will be ime to one applieant. lease HURT Be Chicago, TM, 50 Yards 6 2-5 8. A, Omaha, 15 yards apart, finish 7 2-5 8. FA. Chicago, Ill. 60 Yards low hurdles, 3 yards apart, 15 yards to 3. Kletcher, Notre Dame, mL. ; Celtic Park, L. f. z FP, Kuhn, C. A. 60, Yards-high-hurdte, three hurdles, 15 yards start and R, G. Haskins, C. A. finish 6 4-5 Chicago, 125 Yards 12 1-58, Gwynn Henry, own a copy of a letter writter hy a lady of St. Jobn, who only month astoton: her little child, (rears, of tabercular trouble. own words t ll the story. better than 1t ear he told in avy other.way, Sho, writes. tc the Secretary of the Muskoka Free Hospita ptives ab Ciravenburee ia Ul While my loved of wad ned some Iiterature fut + She asked me whn per asking for sub ptions to the Muskoka, Free, Hoxpitu Pommumptives,.d showed her the ren the ihe Op dside. . pul not give what she had in he -220 Yards 21 1s. RC. Craig, Un Dithh wetver e, versity of Michigan, Cambridge, Mass. ive it to the dictoraind he would send it One Mile 4m, 15 2-53, J, P. Jones, who wng too aick sehen he came sia bs m enclong an express orgler for th Gp Cornell Untversity, Cambridge, Mass: meer fa 3 Two Miles 9m. 25 1-51 8. Berna, you wil *Y cornell University, Cambridge, Mass. nigh it wa os : rors, 2 iley Lint, Se: Grote Y. letter is typical of many that at q Bonhag, Irisi-American A.C. Trav- siaeant ly cageived at ehe hon offs op ors alana, N.Y. Murkoku Hospitat, 347 King Se W 3,000 Meters Run , (indoor) m. These come trom all parts o Ps be Se Amert: ot prt its ure received from any oe 5s, -G. V. Bontag, Irish-Amer - eee 3, A. C., New York. Av thd prewnttime there aro 15 S 5.000 Meters Run 15m. 23 1-5s. 4 vente in roridence in the Muskoka Fi * pina, 128 of whora are unasle to pay F Louie. Scott. douth Paterson A a oe a i Sie soot Colle Park, L. 1. sno miach lis than actual cont. of Seles Ten-Mile Team Race 44m, 9 2-53, Irish-american A. C. team (M.D. 8 foe; Huysman and M, J.-Ryan,) Madison the Agent er Sub-Agent of the ts. trict in which the lt;ights applied for are situated. * In surveyed territory the sand must be described-by sections, or legal sub- divisions of sections, and in unsur- proxy may be-made at any Agency, on certala conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother vr sister, of intending bemesteader. -Duties. Six months residence upon and cultigation, of the land in gach of three years. A homesteader may live -withio nine miles of his homestead on a farm of least cres solely owned and-occupted by him or by his facher, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister, In certain districts a ndmesteader in good standing .may -pre-empt a quarter-section alongside his home- stead. Price. 8.00 per acre. Duttes. reside upon the homestead or Fesapooe aa wouite hr saeh oF six yeare from date of homestead en- try (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty ucres extra, shall be staked out by the applicant himself. Each application, must be accom- panied by a fee of 8 which will Te re- funded if the rights applied or are not available, but not otherwise. A royalty shall-be*paid on the merchant- able output of the mine at the rate of five cents per tom The person operating the mine shal) tarnish the Agent with sworn returns accounting for the full quantity of merchantable coal mined and pay the royalty thereon. If the coal mining rights are being operated, auch returns should be furnished at least once a veyed territory the tract appiled-tor, Mate 3- SINGER SEWING MACHINES an Sherlock, claseen of fanaFalbe: W: J. Fleming Office 381 Main Street. S IMPORTANT Lost in C, P. R. yard Dec. 20th, Steel Staff about 6 inches in length, 10 inches long with screw top. This ia part of electric staff. system and Very necessary-to operation of trains. Anyone finding saine would confer fav- or by returning to Medicine Hat yard E. Bartlet a Munlelpal Engineer. Phone 48, Burn s Bik, Medicine Hat. JBANs0, CORNET, TROMBONE. t stenx WwoRKS * gt; jenctosed in black rubber case about A hemesteader who bas exhausted his homestesd right and cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may enter for purchased -homosten in Certain dis- tricts. (Price 3.00 per acre. Duties Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth 300.00. Ww. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, this advertisement will not be paid for Lown Muskoku tives has heen opened, not a single pationt. haa ever been, refused, admission Haring the nine years that Free Hospital for Con: Square Garden, New York. because unable to pay. Sept. 14-D-6m. are Signa that attract. City Sign Works. -N-B. Unauthorized puvtication of year, The lease will Include the coal min Ing rights only, but the lessee moy bi able at the rate of 19:00 an acre. For. full the Department of the Interior, 01 of Dominion lands, : W. W cory, Deputy Min ster of tae Interior permitted to purchase whatever avoil- rtace rights may be considered necessary for the working of the mine information application shonid be made to. the Secretary of tawa, or to any Agent OF, Sub-Agent N. B. Unauthorized publication of OFFICE TO RENT Ice in the News Block, jao x 25 t in stz , well lighted, steam heated, modern conveniences, APPLY TO: Phone 476. 4eDte, this advertisement will.not be paid for Sept. 14-D-6m. INews Office. j the benefit of the Wookty VOL. 2 NO 15 Report on terestir The annual report oY Justice for the yea Sist has jast been issu the six penitentiaries ee Some of the statisti interesting reading wl the: mass of figures The average populat itentiarles was 1834, than the previous yer year 334 prisoners w Darole and 15 were p treal City provided mc any other, having a to Souver second with 13( with 114, The total cost of penitentiarles was 52 revenue derived was ing the net expenditur Alberta s: penitentiar this was, gross expend Dreamland theatre, PO. box 701, 1 revenue, 902:3-net-e1 the report says: We regret to state th of committing juvenile Sentlasis-te- stil t00 ton is composed. of In 4 -Feare-of-age: At- Paul penitentiary the stitute. fifteen per cent table-condition s parti restrictions placed upe by. the: provisions of + and partially-to the fa members of the judicia ize the unsuitability tary for persons of im doubt, the. incentive is linquents a chance to trade; but the trade sh itentiaries. are restrict small number of appr employed. Even those employ d are in nece with mature criminals ence fs not conducive 1 Alberta Peniter During the year the 4on-increased from 14 during the year 45, al released on. parole, or from the inception of March 31, 1911. Of th have violated their cor ation and have been r penitentiary, Dealing with his rep formation of prisoners role from atiy of the Dominion, W. P.. Archi to be the ultimate obje sons, the treatment of Monl SNOWPLOW WITH PLOYEES IS REPOR Spokane, Jan. 10. swept down upon the ro Cut Bank, Montana, 1 several men. are sald I Ma LAST NIGHT S TRAIN SECTION OF TH A snow blocade east responsible for a geners today s traffic, the res all trains from the east some hours late. West very late. Some of th should have arrived lai seen to be idly steering depot shortly after no: trains that should arriv. not expected to turn morrow. Definite in specting the locality of not yet been obtained bi stood that crews are shifting the huge banks preventing th making headway, With eter at 20 and more be jan extremiely difficult n the'snow. On the train this afternoon which night, a nut required b A
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Image 46 (1912-01-09), from microfilm reel 46, (CU1742630). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.