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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Wednesday, January 17th, 1912 MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS An Official Presentation ee es eS pei i Galt* Galt but .in violation of the Ne Temere The Galt Cars of the Ne I emere Decree law, be. not only acts against his T 4 ae duty as a Catholic but also most ourist Roa Ist STATEMENT OF ROMAN CATHOLI C VIEW OF THE CASE IS MADE BY staenefully aa . man; for be Sows FIVE MODELS ; ; that his relatives and co-mpligioniste Five Passenger Two Passe HIS RACE ARCHBISHOP MeNELL OF VANCOUVER. ga ae 2 partum rege ger pei nereeag Fore Door Fore Door iefiicts hardshtp. It is not the law, a hei Vancouver, Can: 16. In view of the mupication enabled people to move eestee Cane o ae ween Felly Rastayet se Newest Bosch Magneto; grat divenity of opinion on the Ne eaaily from plase to place, and it was graye see ctw taw ia 28) Floating Rear Axle a aare easton Temere decree, His Grace Archtiishop often a maxter of doubt what rele question has in some cases the effact believe this is as yi Sea siatoes ee ot Tampa. and tail lamp; laen, a McNeil has given the followine offcial abould assist at the marriage, a of breaking up families. P . mohafr top; sdth enve- , feature not found in any other Canadian- WATCH RRPATRING Zrplanation and definition of the quent litigution cgtried to the church una : pg a Rattroad Watches reanire now famous decree: tribanals in Rowe evidenced tle S000) scans thale Silas hoee is no oe oe windohieta horn fl ; fon skille i ae - eae eld; horn; full' the services of very society ima ito rules and re- of reform. It wus not an cesy task i07 Gs tho law deel or in the quthor- iP tet ne set of tools; chains; at high prices, - 25 jack and tile repair kit. 7 gulations. This importance in each/to draw up an amendment. It had to ti Ease depends on the influeste of the secure such publicity that ineach case ee ae ae Even leaving aside the matter of full equipment, where can you find, ut equal prices, cara which com. Society and the interests they aflect. the marriabe could be duly-proved ia bine so many high gradeg as Full Floating Rear Axles; Unit Power Plant, fully enclosed; Cor Nizhowt Those of the state give us civil lew; court, and such uniformity im differ- wee east Feed and Graviey Oling System, with It positive and wafaling Testa: aa Tatts onint puepension he gt; Mtehen atch tx not Tap- ff and thoes of the church, canon law, ent countries thet movements of POP liner ene Sid LORE LNT alas GSGatIOMN BUA abel i 7 nue properly, put it in From the doginning tle Catholic ulation would not result in marriage nomical and exceptioually easy riding in fact, a high arede Gar at a MResiuu price the Gait Touriat or : ore eunranteo satistaction. U/C Se a , gt; full scope is learly appreti nded, Soon eee in a uutshell the Gait car i a Bl a i ee eee Y aa : ete : a e Galt car is a scar with uredtun rane ' a CPR. Watch Inspectors. jmaking ee P, P- After much study end discussion it it will be found that the expert know- ' lt;tlons, perusal of our catalogue and further Miveatigation will conslusively prove the price. of the Gait car i Ww. ELLIOTT (Seen 2s as Pen EN pra Coneted thee, ta oll com cee ledge of mien stored up in our centrel ives the greatest car yalue on the market to-day. Senet ta Senator Aj G. W. cea TE a rae cae ee ee CANADIAN MOTORS, Limited, GA a ok wos, wie AND OPTICIAN the discipline of daily life. This func- il persons baptized: in the Catholic of continuous administration, made 2 gt; LT, ONT. Treaty of J church would te canotically valid no mistake in this important matter. LET.US SHOW YOU THE CAR: + : fF 8 428 FIRTH AYENUB -tween all D lt; Issuer of Marriage Licenses tion is quite distinct from that of teaching. Doctrine is one thing and/only when contracted in presence of The church strives mightily to safe- x discipline is another. the priest of the place'in which the the family 4 coustal Ties coos law caso toto esivtmcalsnaetings ig Gishcnted, ond at last teat op Taumigeyomt Commlca do as series of rules-amd dtcisidlis laid two other witnesses. There are tw6 not resort to them. TO contract mar LOOKING TO NORTH DAKOTA by name. The Progressive Rey ubli- Washington, Jan. 18 dows, as occasion required, by cow) exceptions. In places seldom visited riages by rule of law instead of ca ans have been actively at work for Cumber of North Dakota by Priest, and not so visited for price, with solemnity of form and a (Special to News). some time in the interest of the La the Senate today to mm Mp complete collection of them fills many month, the marriage may be VabAly nystem of registration which makes ey Fargo, N.D., Jan. 17 lt;With the as. Folette candidacy, but untit th prea i fy President Taft's arbit ( argo volumes. As-times-and-customstrontracted- in presence of two witr higamy difficult, asd ele F senabittng of the fekealin Gis, tis Democrats sHOWH E eae party little activity, As North Dakota is amendment, . He argued city it is expected that before the end one of the strongholds ofthe pro- terms of the treaty In no of the present week some line may Sressive movement it is thought like- the constitutional rights be drawn on the probable choice of the Democrats of the State will in- n r aid they-compel arbit Dy Gisuse, -amendmentor-repeal. For Fany-priest, instead of tho priest of thef countries all this i great st contribute th tmany years it has (been felt. that a place, may validly assist. The law on- te z vhorough revision 1s meeded. The ec- joins upon the priest to. enter the cumulation of cemturies of emactment names of the married and the wil conteins ranch that is dow.fiinl now Or nesses in a register, with place and scarcely applicable to modern condi /date, and also to make note of the tions. At the Vatican Council in 1869 marriage in the register of baptisms. 10 STUDY STRANGE Hf the contracting parties were bap the bishops insisted strongly upon the SESS SSESTS gmeNTa DISEASES - years ago appointed a commission to cice of the marriage to the priest of 50 re- change, the laws of the church vary nessts; and in dase of danger of death, which is uniform in mony difleremt to the stability of family Mie, and Se WORLD his is what the Ne Temere sectires to members of the church, Manager Chance, ot Uke Coble, Bgures cline more to Woodrow Wilson than traditional question of A first State in the Union to declare. its 5 a ESE One Year Equals Expendi- ,,, neia march 17, when both the Re- Britain spent 44,000,000 on the Democrats of North Dakota for ) yi. Harmon, though the Ohio Jey such as the Monroe GOING HIGHER YEARLY j2s-srt icc natura turned ture ost ec Wigdee We ae eae a el ShfloksGure Boyce I eseist in revising and codifying the the place where each was. baptized, ecanon law. that the marriage may be there h the presidential nomination. From the Naval Defence Last Year. i. tnat North Dakota will bo the S ernor bas many warm aduilners, immigration. Ratificatlo in this direction. The primaries will Year of Napoleonic War. Because tt, The result ig new series of enact- corded, Agent rashin, 4 covers. ments, published from time to time, i gent OR ened election and will declare their prefer- HEALS Taserations. tccording .as-the work of the commis- The setting of these imposter ) for China Next Week. An instrictive address on modern Bce for the presidential nomination STOPS COUGHS raice. 2: cruise Peeee eb tene Pearces, antes armaments with special reference to : Sequel of Elopme) sion progresses and ue of them s the OTS tnuchtelked-of Ne Temere law: This MONS the presence of the prloet eel) . PE Cat fous lnwen, SSeRtial condition: -ia Hngland the jeattle, Jan. 17, Dr. Herbert F. suieiicoent f- lt; Peover civil law makes the presence of a re-/Coe of Seattle, an agent of the State ted by the Council of Trent im the a ese Board of Has E l sal for Ghina Siem wecrons Great Britain ant Siac vpiich had for -ite Ei tTar an essential condition of tegat 7 few da; z fSbject. the abolition of seaet marri. VOHY. The Catholic Church mikes os of diseases which rai ted ght the presence of the priest arf essential ios which: pi ages. The chu ys tinged nae is a that country and which z Ter people to contrast tipir enaiplagea COmdition of canonical validity. -The Z der of A. . Boyce, Sr, e ed gt; gia Presence of the wnqgisttrar is one way of The cost of Britain s peace estab- fm presence of thei: priest tat a sateguandiog the civil eficcts of mar- T0T, out of the, Keep the bubonle iishment last year, ho sald, was Just this a a ty . plague out of the city, and for years ae ee SL oF Treat, 0 refoneg Fieg , aa the presence of the priest heo Data a bounty of 10 cents about equal to the nation s whole mill- 2 grive abuses, endctey that marriage SMesuards the religious effects, on Gogh rath ERE Shere. are wOrsey Ty, one. Feral, expenaitates 22s : ; mostly costly year -of the Napoleonic night. He took the indi oe ly; The case was then t should be solemmized m presaice of ut I find it very difficult to enter into /diseas s than the plague in China. . Yeast three witnesses, one of whom the thought of those who saf that the Dr. Coe plans to trace silk, spices, 70h. durtag the, death struggle with ws i France. . Judge Swayne's district Gast year the naval expenditure speedy trial, The State ars + te clared It will start in Mr. Business Man are you i the-comparative strength and-cost of : ired i navies and to the results of the com- z 4 : spot in Texa ; B if t i ead, the millionaire A: er, was indicted at noo the County Grand Jury should be the parish priest. This was 2Ne Temere lew interferes With the bides and other imports from points gpade am essential condition of valid- Civil law. A married couple obtain a in Orient to shipping ports aa 1 one ri ( 44,392,000) was more than twelve x in every parish. . ei teel Tt varish where this Taw off legal separation in . divorce court and to find out through what infect- ites higher than three years ago, Following the stateme provided also that it should mot af- ty. This second marriage is valid in 8Te Handled. ee aes aware that THE NEWS a at ee hoes JOB PRINTING DEP- grand jury late yester 7 evidence hushed up untl ARTMENT isnow.equipped uty Sheriff Mossick we the comncil was published, and it was and one of chen: marrips a third per- ed districts they pass and how they ,24 was just about covered by the was suddenly brought ton Heights Sanitarium fect validity where mot so published. civ law and has all the civil: effects jern science has traced forty- Ty) figures of 1897-8 were higher ia the cout of a six months'couree,three r. seo narri t ime it ig tWO Sreat European epidemics to the MiGhtse the in some countries it was duly pub- of marriage. At the sande time it, is pean epidemics Te one Tiehed, and fin Gthers, -eopecially in mull and void in canom law: It isnot Orent, including the slack: Death, ae a en ar Pies ae Protestant countries, it was wever accepted as a marrigge in the Catho- smallpox, diphtheria, Asiatic cholera s. want pack to them it yould have published. lic church. There is shere mo interfer- 2d the bubonic. plague. Other 14. upon 32 millions. sterling every 2 : 7 i : strange diseases exist there unknown pags nips z with all the most modern During the seca century the poe ee te oir law. This tag all PANN tal science, They are, inj ar, 0 Teturm to. the ers. The : ares 2 day and asked for Mrs. administration of this law tiecame in- the effects it was intended to tave 8 People s Budget of taxegy(1909) yield- machinery and latest type guar e told him she w creasingly difficult. Facilities of com- to inheritance of property, the legal the main, intestinal germ contagions. 44 ne supposed And i ae Tenet ali as tasty of supporting tbe children, ete, At the Chinese drink only teo- hich) tter remitting all thatyAnd returing f faces with which to turn out There is more show of interference in ea ee ae are Pro-ley an income tax fed perhaps 5 E up to a shilling : - Commercial Printing. MONTREAL WITNESS S2 2S It happened recently thet an Eng- lish, womam was marnet tegelly in rs 2 METROPOLITAN AND NATIONAL eS ee as St yo aout beaulitut pictare; en GE i ets NEWSPAPER domed ter, retained to Bis own cons. titled Home Again. bas brought : : 5 si Co try, and there entered into second *Uch an enofieus amount .of new An official returmewas issued by the us : subscriptions to The Family Heralaladmfralty last Aigust covering the - .- trong an HLASEOUS) marsing, satin a- and Weekly Star, that the publishers ten years 1901-2 to 1911-12. He found .. ed by us and will receive ed-by French law. There is no legal 3 fare finding it impossible to keep up comparing the frat year with the last es : remedy in such cases. People do sotlwitn the silfing of arders, but in the that: the naval expenditure of th) i our careful and prompt at- comms Of that paper-this-week we sreat nations advanced as follows. tention. i marriage'iaw ag an attack og the 41i-. positive guarantee from the Millions. Millions. a British steamer Wisto Tights and liberties of Englishmen. pypiish: a : ers that every subscriber to Great Britain .. .. /18 up to 44 : Bach country provides such legisl- tnar great weekly for 1912. will re- France ......-- 16 Sk gate giao Se le ace aatcleaee- se HE-NEWS, LIMITED: See SEW sabscribers or those In whose Fegand to the other, and no offence is ,gain. Their guarantee is sufficient Germany .. lt;. .. -- : 3 ieee eonot eee eo i bees taken exceptional mases-of i a i ji * of the homes neither edition bas bee my eae indivi land subseriberymeed not feel anxious Austria .. .. ee eer wn with ihe regularly for at least two years, that /dual hardship resulting from advan- although the picture may be delayed Italy .. .. -. fs, since t has been so tage taken of difference in civil law. for a few weeks. Those who have United States pryanaer ae 2 . Much less is there room for objection not yet subscribed to The Family Her- Japan .. RICHES z -- eomes, the duties . PUBLIC GUARANTEE * cocoa and dried i Your next order for Job British Steamer 1 ef Aberdeen Aberdeen, Scotland, The Daily Witness on trial . 1:00 Regular rate, three dollars. The Weekly Witness and Canadian Homestead on trial 65 Regular rate, one dollar. For Sale Wonderfully. Enlarged wi: t divergent laws are io twolaid and Weekly star should do s0 at - different departments of life, the civil once and make sure of having a copy Beveraf trios of thoroughbred and Improved and the spiritual. In her- legislation of the picture Home Again. We Partridge Rocks. Hither Eng- E ? the church has. in view the-marriage learn that the Publishers are contem- Tish or American strains. Also , , its circulation is being doubled, and 's comtract considered as one of tit plating something for next season that some young cockerels. the most popular-paper MonE - seven sacraments. The state. regulates will make this picture even more vi OKLAHOMA RETAIL MERCHANTS Anadarko, Okla., Jan. 17 A large. attendance marked the opening here: today of the annual convention of the A: J. N. TERRILL, chureh-going people. Its marriage considered as a civil con- uable than,at present, One doll r pays Oklahoma association of retail mer- 12 Boplanade, or at News oftice p, subscribers love It Yract. The present Anglican Bishop TOF jon to the chants. The sessions will continite MAKE IT YOUR of Oxford, Dr., Gore, states this very Paper, and the picture. two days, during which time the par- whan E 7 clearly in q recent number of the Bir- Sae cels post, the relations between the ee a a ieee - Prisoner ot a CHOICE FOR191 2 mingham Diocesan Magazine, this: DEMOCRATS HOPEFUL Jobber and retailer, advertising meth- every Teete: knows of the ravages of this moval to Gha Ww. A. Henderson +t tie atore re ee ITT can not be taken for granted IN SOUTH DAKOTA ds, co-operative delivery and other dis ase; how, too 'often, the bread-winner of Senter 9 Com an thie een ates Spout this of- et church law and the state ae subjects of interest and Importance the falls a victim, or the ntence tv ORY it wor gould aoe ie ae ar eee Te (Bpecta ar way to te Teal ESS eee eee pete : CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND g, oq Petiod of whistory .. - The law of) Pierre, 8. D., Jan. 17 Leaders: of SSHING WIL life, is re Z ee eee xUDITeRs ere a econpetied by tit pase oleate te 8 divotes ter Oho Tiemenatie ateg ee none ii amie ec This Crusude, like the old, is a Boston, Mass., ca (Esta iz .e f ny 2 i, dive comp ly Tou up here lay to is gt; 5 (Estabished- 1882) advertisement or the paper in which Qo) ee ae Bietehy tre Yup: the selectias ot-a0y eis theta winning The death rate from in the electric chalr will be of Rev, Clarence Riche this province shows a decrease of over 25 gn the few years. u . Nearly 6000 of these poor sufferers have been cared for in our Consumptive Homes in Muskoka and near Weston. To-day we have 300 under treat- Sere mca URC they had ie boaye 200d ck through fear of contagion gain admittance into other Siete In the Muskoka Free Hospital alone we art now the announcement must ne ea wane idential convention at Baltimore and : ed when sending the subscription alpes, Tapurlages mn JOHN DOUGALL, SON, Publisn- janager. ers, Dapt.H. Witness -Block, Montreal. at of his sweetheart, Avis of exeeutlve clementy GIRL PERJURE land maintains it. It is conviction eirich ters heen growing in my ownry mind. that consistently with our own system the conference is the nearest Principle ougit to lead us to aive / pprmmen 1 sae ao ne et th gequ tion to work im the Interest of the plaim notice to the memfiers of our . In 05 Pro- Voodrow. Wil on boom for the Dem- Fuurch that our law gives no sanction 8Tess Wetween they Republican tacy rie sree tho Denlocrala OF Gduth, Dakofa OTMOS, DremMiatlel nummintion: T . lis proposed to organize in every con- fe es ST te egies ae gressional district with a view to cap- owas . turing the delegations to the national A. By Gibson, C. An Prone No. 198 Burns Block SSS ee Somewhat Different Portraits pictever to remarriage after divorce, J. Jessop Nott it vou were to crow wheat for tx-legd thet those who contract eushImer: teon years chances are you Would riage vorfeit ihe privileges of church been tonnd-net s her child. She will b Presbyterian home, In addressing her a dict the Judge said: * brought in a verdict of Bave let you go on 1 tence. You have nad a i + Ufe and are not altoget Deplorable Con civil Jaw, except where civil law un Yertakes to define and exforce the px- There is Only One vileges of chureh communion, and in gaty z Canada the law assumes no such - Bromo Quinine duty. The objection most frequently uged That is against the Ne Temere jaw is that it Tet Susp ae oot Laxative Bromo Quinine ties in mixed marriages. Thousands Se ul maecnge axe comtracted USED THE WORLD OVER TO OURE A OOLD IN ONE DAY. tsion aie we openers ie aS Always xemember the fall name. Look Ll before priests and other witnesses. for this signature on every box. 250. The objection bas 0 place is these Er Empalmer know How. . (Practice makes Per- communion. scene crates. convention at Baltimore. The chief i Parlors and Residence, 23 To- /fect).. We have been pleasing the) rnis is the penalty inflicted om those ane : promoter of tie movement fs John A. caring for 156 patients. 128 of these cannot pay ae ana: Street eth eae eae YEARS, there) 14, violate canon Nesey forieit Prize List for the Poultry Show Aylyard of this clty, for many years single cent peels oc cost of their maintenance, 15: pay Case of Mother o : js something in the name. the privileges of eburch communion. I/can be obtained at The News office. a prominent Democratic leader in 0c. per day, 1 pays 57c. per day, 12 pay 50c;-0r-less i THE BARTLETT STUDIO, fam quite unable to see how this can The entry list closes on January Wisconsin and former candidate for dx . in Bath Rooi . (over Binning s Store). te considered ax interference with 19t 157 t the governorship. pee Cay. : : Torbnto, Jan. 17. Ma Chas. Johnson Funersi Director and Embeimer Patton nt 300 Main St , corner Third A Office 1 Main 8t., Phone 188. Open Day and Night. Moamments, For Sale Room Cot- tage, South Yuill, near Linseed Oil Mills. Terns Easy. a W.R-Simmonds CROSSLEY BROS. CARPENTER ave CONTRACTOX Builder Contractor, es eo 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 the promise of the Master's reward? l we J. GAGE
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Image 94 (1912-01-17), from microfilm reel 94, (CU1742638). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.