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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ai Monday, Junuary 15, 1912 Giraile VerTorento St. School SOP oTSTroooed (Mise penis Cl RESULTS OF. EXAMS. vaeeeerts Other results of the Xmas exami- Fias exaai-jieegater De Daniel nati ns of pupils of The Hat schools illlan Wilson ave been made public-and are given Harl Cooper .. ow: Robt. Malcolm Grade VIL, Montreal Bt see Arthur Brotherton Eddie Armstrong 82 Alfred Barker 3340 Florence Cain 68 34 wilted Chotnlere 16 4426 Addison Day - 46 30 Winnifred Barber .. Marion Deney x 82 52 44 zg Ruth: Williams. . Bt 32 16 Forence Dubeau 18 74 20 4 Fa Ovsney. Fate .. Mable Evans .. 25 60 38 Elmer 5 Leslie Byans .. 24 38 28 Arehiel Hawthorne pan yale ca dd ocaa tak Ernest Johnston . 10 32 18 Bazil Lawrence... ab ab 20 10 Gorton Lewin 19 58 28 4 May Northagt 18 78 26 40 Herbert Preiser 80 4048-10, Minnfe Prendergast . 16 66.ab 3 John Shellhorm. . 16 64-30 60 Linale Ueberhein 40 10 39 Gladys 4s 83-7 Robert Worth .. 50 30 18 cae On Jan. 24 You. Take No Chances Whatsoever. By the above caption the read- er is to understand that here- with follows a proposition to the public which ts in every sense of the word fust as set out in the heading. You may invest as small an. amount of cash as 10.00 if you invest 100 your profit is 100 Flo, McNichol Francis Register . May Lewin ay a4, Harold Ferguson . H. Laing W. Helmer . quality, which is estimated to he J Trunk Pacific, ; At least 0,000,000 of tons. The Grand Trunk Pacific wilt ..Such is the report of Alexan- pour thousands of tons of der Faulds, the eminent coal- freight into Prince Rupert, and mine engineer, whose estimation the ships from all corners of the and word are taken by the -world will-bring thelr cargess shroWdest-and-most careful fin- tor be unloaded at Prince Rupert anelers in America. and shipped across the cont - Mr, Faulds has been very nent by Rallway hence enor- on morning of 24th of January. careful in his report and his fig- mous demand for fuel. Thore ts no risk. : ures are considered. conserva- The American-Canadian Coal .. You take no chances of term- tive, Co, is the nearest coal mine to ining such profit, nince you-buy - -These shares hav a pur yalue- Prince Rupert City by many under ,certain conditions. of a-Mollar-each and are issued miles, being distant about. 72 A Umited block of stock in as fully: paid. miles by ferryboat, therefore It the. Amerfean-Canndian Coal That is to-say, when you have s sure to receive its share, if Co, Ltd, held by Capt. Wilbur pald the 2c a share your stock not the greater portion of the Johnston, Trusted, ix now being Is paid for In fall, 2 coal sales through the excep- sold at 260 share in blocks of It ts a Canadian corporation, tionally low freight rate estab- 100 shares or more. the- -British Columbia charter -Ushied, sinoe-it wilt-be-an-alt- A subsequent issue of shares was issded by the Government water route gt; is to be offered by Capt. Wilbur at Victoria. The Canadian-Ameriean Coat- Johnston on Ymprning of 24th The directors are well known Company's property fronts of January,-on which the price business and professional men wWill be not less than 35o per- Just as the stock from the share, or an exact sdvance of great coal companigs went a- 10c per share. begging at ten and fifteen cents The cash payment to handle immediately after the incorpor- the 26c issue is 1Cc per share ation of the companies, and tin cash with application a ally became worth a dollar per remalider is payable in three share, so you may look for hi: equal monthly instalments of 5c tory to repeat itself in the Am- per share, Se erican-Canadian Coal Co., Ltd. Therefore if you invest 10c in - Almost every reader of this cash on a hundred shates your paper can remember afew. outlay is 10.00, years ago less thay fifteen of On the morning of the 24th the the Crow's Nest Pass Coal Com- market price of the stock is 35c Pany s shares being offered with per share your profit is 100 very little success at 10c per or precisely 100 per cent of your share and quite recently the cash outlay. Great Northern was obliged to You. buy 1000 shares, your Pay 380.00 per share for the profit is 100.00. same stock. Don't you see that by taking. Just think of It a man who advantage of this offer with the bought a hundred shares, pay- price of shares held by Capt: . guarantee that the price will be Ing me per Sere meer 10.00 Wilbur Jobriston, eustes: will 36e, and: that a, subsequent is- or -mavance be offered at 60c, you therm for the same holding a He intends to put the giee to are taking no chances? Thoxe few years later 88,000, to say a dollar per share. - who are alive to the situation mothing of the enormous advan- Don't wait until the Iast day will tike advantage of shares at tages. tanuary 28rd and then ex- the low price of 25c each and --Now the American-Canadian Pect to pick up 25e shares, since thereby participate in immed- Coal,Co, occupies-a unque posi- the issue to be sold at this petee, jate profit. tion; belt close to one of the s very lmited. -The American-Canadian Coal greatest -coal markets in the If-there are-any- points. con- Company owns direct from the world Prince Rupert - City cerning. this proposition which Government a large portion of and Prince Rupert is a termin- you want to know.about. write which Graham Island, under us offone of the greatest rail- or call at the office of the Trus- ON HUDSON BAY Hes a body of coal of the finest Ways in the world the Grand tee, Wilbur Johnston. THE OFFICE OF THE TRUSTEE 18 OPEN DAILY FROM 9 AMG TO 9 RM, ROAD: CALL 4ND INSPECT THE ENGINEER'S REPORTS ON THE PROPERTY. Instructions Issued to Con- Medicine Hat District Offices are located with T. F. Dawson Co. ; . tractor who is to Lay Mr, R. A.-Airheart representing the Trustee. etic i Railway. 5 is Mr. J hnston will accept all Applications and Reservations of Stock. Bthel Bentley... 7 gt; GW. AP. Dispateh) 3 P: Hattie Brehm .. . 28 5. Proceed at once osteo Pn Poem ; gt; b ? Bert Bray .. . 78 were the words given - .John Castle 56 ob CartlsS5 3 + oe today to J. D. McArthur, who had the c roe iming Up Pp Towns Sontract for the Hudson's Bay Rail C6. Fa arming Congress * WATCH REPAIRING Railroad Watches reoutre the services of a sl we meive the same personal e gly attention to every wateh left for repairs that we do to the highest grades of rallroad ween, watch 1s not tan: ning properly, 1et t pat It ia orde 58) paith Walke: s Bila Horton go Mary Holt Tackle Earl Beatrite Gerry... SL eiiitan: Littiefora D. L, Joyner . 52) wil Waite... Kitty Heath 61 me T Galena Day... . 43) ae OS Lucy Rose 63. risall Percy Richie... . 80 fe eek a Wiltred McKay... *S Rarmond Limbert * ot 43 M Edgar Colter... . 30 45 poe Mecerser Edna Matchett... 1s iG. McCutcheon . . .. Grade V., Toronto Street School (Miss Refd s Class) Lath 56 59 70 44 72. 8, i 64 64 88 24 20 44 927 60-70 Jas, Williamson. o Lillian. Forrest ieee do ONE Bugene Burton at Henr Brown 15 Grade VE, Toronto Street School Elfzabeth Birosh . nas ao (Miss Preston's Class) Frank Crissall Laurence Richle . . 63 pte GeaNetonaee. Myrtle Maneretyc: lt; e 3 2 g gt; gS Atbert Cownarn- Marguerite: Duttibia.. ee nawara davis 68 76 82 Beatrice La Londe- . 54 Deona Draudson 8242 Lewis Fatt .. EBB 48 Vera Robinson . ... 19 Matilda Porter . .. 39 75 26 ertie Finley a 40 44 B. , Cooke... +, * 45 Casper Olson 16 64 52 32 teo Firth . a 68 68 Iris Nesbitt 19 42-73 25 ernest Grey 881.32 Grade YI, Toronto St Sehoot Murlel Smit 20 65 50 33 : S86 et jerald Rankin 14 0 121. 6068 64- q as iinian Perthale - 22 39 79 11 38 om Willie Cockerill . 21 68 68 8 16 28 252 610 48 Hazel Colter... . 18 44 66 17 Harold Knight . 39 46 4987 65 S8i rity Liggett... 24 88 52. 20/win Kissinger ..... 49.28 Lydia Kalnin 14 38 0 26 Rose Littleford a3. 42 Eva McLarnan -.. 17 54 48 18) Lottie Laird 82: 56 Flora Campbell ... : 13 51 42, 30 Rosie Lewin... 58.64 tuth Morrison 14 40 50,728 Mosie Levin .. y 64 lian Hamilton... a 43. 66 I7 Donald Limbert . - 44 Grace Cameron .. 15 24 41 43 Regie Manzur .. 60. Walter Larson 17 37 29 38)Murrtel M Laren . 80 Doris ae 19 86-53 13 M. Blanche Millican 84 11 35 58 18/Anne McKennle .. . 62 23 32 29 28 Mable MgkKenntle 48 13 43 37 19 Lualla Nelson . 38 Perry Greenwood ... 14 15 40 34)May Osborne 6s Greta Penhale 7 44 39 11 John Pickard 48 Ella Brydges .. 26. 41 22 Maude Pattefson Vera Penhale 10 3823 91 Roy Johnsth 26 59 2 a/Michael Pudwell MORE LIGHT Jacob.Jordan ....... 9 30 39 3 Katheleen Rossiter can be easily arranged for if you Clifford Waklin .... 11 19 17 28/M. send for us and have us wire your Vivien Porter 18-2637 0 /inion ome for lectricity. Bverithing Johanna Sillak . 2. 11. 0 13 0 Benga - that pertains to Effie Luno a eS: 850 0. THE ELECTRICAL BUSINESS Margaret Anderson, absent on ac- count of sickness. START WORK AT ANCE John Cain, -absent on account. of Gan be found hers. : sickness. The-individual or the large: con- tractor can purchase his supplies : here mgst reasonably. Our stock Rudolph mabe. ateent aac ig-80 extensive that t captains, unt Of Sines: Marjorie McKinnon, abseht on ac- count of sickness. something electrical for everybody. Medicine Hat Electric)... stiox nesats crate - COMPANY (Miss Miller s Class) MAIN STREET SEWRLER AND OPTICIAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses ter miles'from Masset Inlet, one of the finest harbors on Graham Island, and les almost opposite Prinee Rupert City. The American-Canadian Coal Company owns its surface rights outright, This means it will have a big townsite of its own and several thousand acres of farming land. The Compsny owns, and by virtue of ts titie can operate for erude oil, and it is the intention of the directorate to develope the carboniferous wealth of the property in a very short time. Negotiations are under way now with the drilling company to begin work. As the drilling progresses Sereeitt ae eee ow roe jAlice Grant Vivia Derr soos Q SHS sete Wales . right tock.of the ITS, for is tae oc ot wold rpontioneron thie nighta a Week, at the SOUTHERN ALBERTA PHONE 430 REY. BORTHWICK peapit et a. Poa ey from LePai to Split Lake. Mr. Emanuel Eekman . 52 MeArthur had interviews this after- James Galloway 34 noon with Hon. Frank Cochrane, min- Willie Gordon ister of-railways, and Hor. Robt. Rog- Hugh Helmer ers, minister of the interior, and at urns W. AP, Dispatch) Montreal, Jan, 15. Rev. John Dou- gles BorthWick, one of .the beat r 1.25 R SOME rt Values ever ra ney flannel, or dress, some. rs, somie with ollar separate. nels and clos- various In s es, horse hide worth 1.60 1.00. sae Ist - 8, worth Iced to 65e. ke Gloves ya pair. ANUARY any piece of rican strains. Aleo young cockerels. A.J, N. TERRILL, jlanade, of at News office - W.A. Henderson Company CHA you to Keep tab on the bargains ae itt We sell on easy te Iittle every month. If you have ebildren 4t is not fair to de- Heonard Northam Thelma Rovinson ... 92 46 48 56 Bila Rutherford : 42 32 28 48) the close he was instructed to start work in the early spring and to rush start taking in supplies order that.there may be no delay in the sprng. Mr. Cochrane going fully into the whole question of the Hud- son's Bay road and after ferences with engineers and experts and long study of reports and sur- veys, decided to continue the al. 2220-48 /plan of the line from LePai to Split Lake, Just whether this will be the main lime or not remains to be de- Iily Sellar - 8 45 40 60lcided. The route from Split Lake tc Edna Satterlee... 78 61 42 7 Rosie Wendland 56 20 14 50 Dorothy Sovde BA 47 304 Catherine Dan - 98 47 18 H. Van Der Doorn . 28 38 48 Grade VL, Toronto St. School (Miss Kennedy's Class) git 80 60 Adolph Anderson . a4 Alex Agnew 2 63 48 7 Buth Ames .... 7 65 BB Earl Bell... . 32 BL 58 5 Leot sBrown . 35 8 64 40 Tirzah Cowburn .. 87 7 Albert Cameron... 81 82 Evelyn Daniel .. 52. 65 Jack Hawke -. 84 90 Rath Hawthorne 83 Hardy Huggins ...... 45 65 What Mr. Cochrane, house, wants to degide, is that the terminals are risht, the rowte right and the harbor right, The route can- terminal port is finally made. It is understood that it has-been practi- cally decided by the government to se- lect Fort Churchill as the terminal ot the Hudson Bay route. The re- port of the surveyors and hydrogra- phera who accompanied the steamer Stanley to the Bay in 1910, Is strong- Ruth Becker STE Se g ein favor of Churchill, It was stated that Fort Nelson was too shallow and the ship could not wen get within ight of tand, The haul to Fort Churchili i just as short and it is stated that a better route could be secured, Nothing definite in this re- spect has-been decided, but every- thing points to Fort Churchill as the Mosting at Granum. Lined ,2 7s alk about the rules and methods of preparing exhibits for the prize at the Congress et Springs for wheat; Albert. Lougheed; Lethbridge, Jan. 15 Secretary John 'T, Burns fired the first gun fi the campaign to develop the interest of farming Congress, when he address- eda meeting of the farmers of the distrietFriday on the occa- sion of their annual Poultry Show and Seed Fair. He sald. Mat the affair was a great success, and that tho Granum district is lucky in having the Bay. also remains to be decided. , community of tarmers who believe hewsald in the linet the best argicultural methods are none too good. The Poultry Show ard Seed Fair were both a revelation -o him for a town of the size of Cran- not be settled until tie selection of the , ana he ways could see that pl: priately named, In the afternoon there was a very large meeting of the farmers of the district in the Opera House at which addresses were made by H. McIntosh, one of the farmers of the Macleod dis- trict, who succeeded in capturing a Colorado. who mdae a practical farming talk; G. H, Hutton, superintendent of the agricultural farm at Lacombe; Arch: Mitchell, manager of the Mitclielt Nur+ series at Coaldale, who talked on tree planting and-Torestration,and Mr. F: 3, Grisdale, it with all possible speed. He wit Up for Next Year's Con- congress He-conctuted with x nair talk on methods of growing al- falta in Southern Alberta. 2 Jobn T. Burns was the last speak: on the programme, and was recelvod very heartily by the farmers of the o-.2ee in the Farming Congress an opportunity to acquaint themselves right at home with the best farming methods being wised in the best agricuitural states and provinces on the continent. Mr. Burns spoke very fluently, and left the Granum people with a larger and Bet- ter conception of the work of the Congress, and received many promises of support from that quarter. He dis- ed the nonsensical idea that dry: ming methods are for use only semi-arid belts, amd showed plainly that dry farming methods are sclenti- fic methods, and therefore adapted to good farming in any district. Dry- Farming, he explained, is farming to make farming pay, and it 1s for that known Anglican clergymen in the Ro- minion, died here last night at. the advanced age of 0 years. Fa years he had acted:as chaplain of the i Montreal jail. homes neither edlibn baa regularly for at least two years, that is ison JE fae. Ba gs gi nS the farmers of Southern Alberta are striving. . + Mr. Burns was much pleased with the success of the meeting, and thinks that-when the farmers institute work comes to an.end in the spring, there Will mot-be a farmer-in-Alberta, who will not know exactly what work the Dry-Farming Congress ig trying to do for the farmers of the world. Its circulation is being doubled, aiid 's the most popular paper among CHOICE FOR 1912 Ottawa, Jan. 13 Hon. J. D. Hasel- In the evening there was another d an, Minister of Marine and Figher- . largely attended meeting in the same ea, has received the report of the Apd tell your friends about this of- s building, at which a dainty luncheon commission which inquired into the fer. They would also enjoy It Hugh McKenzie 56 wae was wae sathanshy d ladies, 08 Grins tchewan-tiid Alberta figheries, Subseriptions sent if at Wiese rater Baeble Bijican oe Regina Jan-IS MAyOr Droi of At this meeting the talk was more It is being congjdered and-wil prob- shonld elther b aecqmpanied by this feseecteet 2 Quebec, president. of the Rock -City along the lines-of-the work of the ably be made public in'the course of advertisement or the paper in which termin: At the above Whitiwind Campatirn - Mona Lyle 52 s x Wilfred Lyn: 82 mat Harry Matthews . 9 TOBACCO FIRM FOR REGINA want into a We-put in mings and an LADIES SILK DRESSES WAISTS, GLOVES, ETC. ee 2 erty DEY CLEANED. Sg? C 2 s Tobacco Company of that city, who Dry-Farming Congress. P. L. keach, m day or two. The commission con-/ ou saw. the, appouncement must he mies Byoesr ees n left this evehing for hls home in the publicity coromissioner of-the Asso- fines of Jade McGuire, Dr, Soasel Set Zhe oe Lottle Rodborne . 47 east after two days visit with Bishop ciated Boards of Trade for Southern and . Prince. S a tenes ca Muriel Sneaton . 7 Mathieus, stated that his company Alberta, addressed the meeting, and ne hay . May Shields, sickness had decided to make their western told how that organization. proposed os fontreal, f Jack Shields .. - headquarters in Regina. Hitherto make the Congress the best that ot Ferne Stacey 7 Winnipeg has been their distributing ever be n-held by giving its suppo on 2 208 avy felf*soles. or 1150, 5 withe er 2.25 for 1.50. RY * cng: Johnson beg ani recter snd. tne a Sea soot Tee Ave. Ofleg 237 Main St. Phose Open Day and Night. Monuments. fe fe Soetetes For Sale 5 Room Cot- tage, South Yuill, near Linseed Oil Mills. WESTMOUNT LOST on. Fe poe Somewhat Different Portraits os ? Bred. Schneider . . .. Mabel Winters Marjorie Yuill Willard Yuitl Terms Basy. CROSSLEY BROS. Builder Contractor, 708 4th Ave., Phone 484 Chafles Huffman. . Lili Bennett, sickness, Evans Huckvale, sickness, Nellie Huckvale, sickness. Marshall Smith, sickness. are now negotiating with their city 2 for warehouse site here and will start building operations in the spring. Prize Lists for the Poultry Show can be obtained at The News Office. The entry ist closes on January 19th, 1s7att point for the, west, but the company and getting the farming communities of Southern Alberta to commence m- mediately to prepare exhibits for the Congress, The Association and the Congress will work Land in hand until the last day of the Congress in Oc- tober. W. H, Fairfield, superintendent of the Experimental Farm, followed with Grand Mere, Que, Jan. 15. Gram Mere defeated Westmount 9 to 2 iagt Saturday night in the Inter-Proyin- clal hockey leagi gamie. Te STOPS COUGHS 25123 If you were to grow wheat for ix- ten years chances are you would know. How. -(Practice makes Per- teat), We have been pleasing the Public for SIXTEEN YEARS, there fg something in the name, BErUnes THE BARTLETT STUDIO, over Binning s Store).
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Image 81 (1912-01-15), from microfilm reel 81, (CU1742611). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.