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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ZEMA ECZEMA -- FARE WELL BELL Ta Conjunction With Positively: the world's only and absolut tlon a swift and sure destroye of Testimonials from Fo yz EC te cure for Eosema and alt forms of Skin Braps germ skin diseases hundreas cured Dt business mon, If you cat be cured pr'vately in your own hom P. of A. Why suite rely packed; to any me of Canada s most promine of Eczema or any other Skin Djseane you positivel bythe use of RELL BALM, in conjunction Combined remedies reac'y upon receipt of price Note A comprehensive eminent physicians, sent free to ul sufferers uport request Write to-day. CURE Guaranteed Under Personal Supervision to-day. of Eozerni A SULPHUR BATA to. your home Nature s brought eit in the bath germicide and antisep refroshes. and Anvigorates, cleans: Hes. Beli e P. 8, of A. the univers: should be In eVery home, and eyery should carry it as a safeguard 4 tion. Write for book. Price for large bottle, y THE BELL REMEDY COMPANY Offices 710 to 712 Somerset Block (Adjacent to Jaton s) PORTAGE AVENUE) REFERENCES: Any bank in, Wionlpes or Bradmieet's and: Din e its discover Wer the torturs longer? Order address, 3 written and compiled by FREE Consultation By Dermatologists I: Our Oftices fain: WINNIP G, CAN INFLUENCE OF MUSIC lex UPON THE HUMAN SOUL e Sones Wiiesse Gome the Ghords that are mmortalized by ies in Nature to Prove ating thro- Gomrposers? Many A E the Existence of Etheric Vibrations Flo: ugh the Air, LePAGE BROS. iizuram Price to AIL : That Persuasive Delic- ious Flavor in Oatmeal ve you ever thonght how lavish nature is with Oats. This grain i a r BETTER BODY BUILDER BETTER BRAIN-BUILDER- * BETTER NERVE B Than imy other grain-that grows, But the finest flavor es fm the- plump white Outs only the best plump white gt; milling: Oats are w Odilvie s Rolled of By Special Appointment to His Majesty the King Those who want the best, both in flavor and food value, insist on getting OGILVIE'S. iL ePAGE BROS. OGILVIES ROLLED,OSTS. The Trading Co's Old Stand, 388 Toronto Street. given to them by an extermal influ- ence that they cannot understand. The at times -when-the soul is still and mo thought of material things hampers their awakened ears. Many are the cases musician bas bees to sleep instrument and the vibrations ig impressed don which demonstrated the lt;xi Slides were o flowers, these vibrations by metrical shapes. volition ot of music. they were first uttered. as being the meditim on which sourds travel, orded on it and it may be that musician by attuning himself the atmosphere Pride Patent Flour not only stands the test, but alway: satisfactory results it is the FLO which to place your confidence dealer for it. The Medicine Hat Milling Co y 4 Prairi ields OR in Limited- are sometimes able to receive he stition Ly many materislistic arou receive spheres is no matter of conjecture but instruments of sdieace. inventions and before the vew cen tury amrives there things discovered that were undry of before, Perhaps-the great discovery of the twentieth century will be the discovery of the heaven world. PREMIER SIFTON ON recorded where) j mind absolutely et rest, and from out the void tere have come strains of music which pever- originated in the mind of the musician, Sometimes jumping fram . his bed the composer has rise a tb6 middle of the night It merely comsists of a trumpet wit a. piece of flat-giass at .the funnel ou which is placed some gelatinous sut- stance. A note is sounded imto the: from the notes are recorded on the gela- tine. With a clear note sounded there onthe glass a perfect symmetrial fom. A few yjar back lantern lecture was delivered i Lom of ax ethereal world atound and about us of which we know nothing. . The films that recorded the voite im- pression om the eidophone, and views almost beyond description in beauty were shown: Some of them were of dthers: of lovely landscapes * whilst some were of q perfect geome- trical character gt;- , i There is an easy mann r of testing some sand evenly over a picce of glass end tak- ing q violin bow -md drawing it gent. ly over the over tie edge of tite glass. ot8) Coss the rivers Jn ninety-nina cases out of a hundred Mass vinesiscus will cok ag peed ee oe oo ee ee the surface forming all kinds of geo- The Jantern lecture proved beyond all possibility of a doubt that there is world of vibration arouml us a ahaa aeeet Se On rere ee Tek Creek and the which records, all impressions, wheth- oe SYNOPSIS OF CaNADIAN NO It possibly has struck many people as curious that icicle, and frost for- mations take on the uppearance. of lifelike scenes. On tha window glass) Thi YESTERDAY'S MARKETS Winnipeg, Jan. 12 Wheat, May, (old( opened 101, closed 100 -8; May of (Rew) opened 100 1-4, closed 100 1-8; July opened 101 1-4, closed 101 1-4. May oats opened 41 1-4, closed 41 58, May flax.opened 199, closed 193. Winnipeg Cash Prices i Wheat No, 1 Nor, 96; 2 Nor. 92; 8 Nor. 87; 4 Nor, 80 1 lor, 71 1-2; 6 Nor, 61; feed-68 3-4. 3 Oats, No. 2 C.W., 37; barley, No. 3, 67; No. 4, 5 ; rejected 48; feed 44, Amerleah Markets Chicago, Jan, 12 May wheat op- ened 99 7-8; closed 99 7-8; July open- tific Geb.that can be proven by The twentieth century is the day willbe many 4, HV. CONSERVATION BOAR 93 1-4, closed 931-8. Minneapolis, Jan. 13. May wheat Changes in the Personnel) jencea 106 1-8, closed 106 1-4; July ee ee ae ene opened 106 7-8, closed 107 1-8, aes of ernment Lead t umber of New Board. i agriculture; Hon. Sydu y Fishery Hon. latter's tives and friends. How a no Nantel, minister of inland rerenae who succeeds William Templeman. The above i members of the commission by. their appointment as representing the. gov- ernment of the day, being provided for by the statute. The following. also will be members of the committee: Hon. Mr. Mathie: son, premier of P.E.L, in place of ex-premicr Haszard; Hon. Mr. Flem- ing, premier of New Brunswick in place of Hom, Mr. Grimmer, of, Ni Brunswick; Hon. Mr. Daniels, the tomey genetal of Nova Scottie im placg of A. K, McLean, resigned;. Hon. A; f,. Sifton, premier of Alterte, in place of Hom, A, C. Rutherford, re- signed; Hon. W. H. Hearst, aniniscer Mkely get ahead of ys, ing, where a pleasant shortly after the party broke up. Hyacinthe, in place of Minister Le- flamme, deceased; Edward Gohier. in place of Hon. F.D. Monk, resigned: ANOTHER TRAGEDY OF sm THE FAR NORTHLAND) mr Relief Party Stut Out from T Crek,, BC, Find Prospector. Lying Dead. in Bed with Diary Clasped in His Vancouver, B.C., Jam. 19. The re. Hie party sent om Dec. 30 by the gov- ernment agent at Telegraph Creek, B: C., tovrescue Ed: Etrrlich, a 60-year- old Bohemian, who was: reportel os dying from scurvy it his cabin on Catiyon.Creck, a tributary of the Taku river, returned last Saturday and reported finding Ehrlich dead. The bld'man was in bed with his hand clasping his diary. The last en- Pay Of Mortgages or Improve Real Estate. SEE OUR PLAN Write, Phone or Call The Canadian Home Investment Co., Ltd. Phone 649. Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat, Alte. A FEW SNAPS ed 94 3-4, closed 94 3-4; Sept. opened 418 Toronto St. (Sera SERVANT WANTED A. Mr, Joe Mort returned fram Vancou- 3) Ottawa, Jan. 12. The following ver where, he had been visiting for changes in the ,personne of the com some time. He expects to leave again tission of conservation Have jbeen an- in a short time for Winnipes. Imounced, The Hon. Martin Burrell takes the place of the late ministet of Alsask, Sask., spent s week with the parents, Mr. and Mra. A. Robert Rogers, minister of interior, Brandt, after which they left for Bowe succeeds Hon. Frank Oliver, Hom. Bru-jden, Alta, wh re they will visit rela- Address F, Willard, City. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Whitlock of things coming on, Albert? ts are ex-officio We are-patiently waiting for the in- A party of young people met at the Rose Valley Ranch New Year's even- evening was spent with games and music. At mid- night refreshments. were served and NOTICE * Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For. Sale, Lost, Found, ote., ads under 1.00 Additional words at same rate, No ad accepted for less than 25 cents. Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No, 13 ring 2, and it will receive attention. 26 words, six days HELP WANTED FEMALE. AID WANTED For general house work, Apply Mra, EC. Draks; 16643 P. Burns, 1statt s TIONS WANTED Y YOUNG WOMAN; light house- Work or to look, after children. 16643 HELY WASTED, APEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN barber trade, special summer Hite on, joln mow and save money, particulars free. Moler System Col- lege, 609 Centre St., Calgary. 20dtt FUR SALE. 3 zien Mr. Billie Hillenburg left for Wis- consin where he will look up old ac- quaintances. Look out boys, he will R SALE 80 records for Edison * Phonograph. . Nearly all 4 min- ute and in good condition. Price 15 for the lot. Medicine Hat Fire De- partment. 14satt FOR SALE Stock of iadies' and gents clothing, fumishings, boots and shoes, worth about 1500, to be sold in 10 days for 60 cents on the dollar) Buyer can rent the premises. Store, 5 living rooms and barn, for 40 per month. Horse, 6 years old, stylish driver, sultable for lady; also harness and Democrat wagon. Apply to The Harvard Tailoring Co., 12 4th Ave., opposite Dreamland: . 132dim es ee ee ee Se JFOR BALD CHEAP A horee. Gentle; broke to ride or drive. 120 Otta- 129at wa-St-Bast FFOR SALz Well aritting machine. Complete with gasoline engine, 800 feet capacity. In good. repain, Will sell cheap for cash, if taken at once. P. 0, Box 33, Carlstadt, Alta. T,0ST Two colts, about end of De- cember, one dark bay, the other stallion with white spot in fore- head, from range 4-13-4, west of 4th. Ten dollars reward for their recov- ery. Geo, R. Robinson, Medicine Hat. 15066 LOST Ui FOUND. this ad. Apply to W. Switzer. Apply Chief of Police. JUND A gold watch at the skat- ing rink. Owner may have same by proving. property and- paying. for 18743 FOUND Scart pin at last Tennis , dance. Owner can haye same by paying for this-ad and proving pro- perty. Apply to News office. 150dtf FOUND on Main St on Jan. 2nd, purse containing money. Owner may have same on paying expensed. 150dtt ryth ROOMS TO-RENT - BO4Rd AND, ROOM TO. RENT or board only. 611 Toronto St. 16343 ee FOR RENT Cheorful, warm up- Stairs front room. Five minutes walk from P. 0, 236 Main Se, 15143 eam FURNISHED ROOM TO LET, mod- gy TT SETeMneee, 649 Mental i6oatt magn SRR a ar der eee Room TO RENT An moaera con- ventences. Apply 701. Ottawa Addatt ROOMS TO RENT with ait modern conveniences, suitable for gent men, Apply 133 Ottawa 8t. Phone 546, Laadet einen alana ROM TO RENT Nice warm front bedroom in modera house. Apply 287 Ssplanade. 162att Ewo (TO RENT Five room fiat, central 165; OFSICES FOR RENT office. WANTED.. Wilkinson, Imperial Bank, spout very tad night end was very weak, and that he: hoped help. or death would come soon, Elhrlich's dog-was still alive, bat anable to stamd amd the rescuers shot the poor beast. Ehrlich was buried om his mining claim. Ehrlich and. Gus Meyfrs went from Dougies, Alaska, last June to. pros: pect: along the Taku. They located claims on opposite sides of the river, sew miles bat ten being-only g ew Coragis 425.00 50 ft Central Park. 550.00 50 ft. Block. 14-Herald. 1000.00 50 ft- Blk. 11, Alta- wana. 1000,00--50 ft. Toronto St. 720,00 Cholce building Lot near High School. 1835.00- 4 Roomed House on 50 ft lot 8 Blocks from Station, all fenced, trees age these. his neighbor and found him suflpring from scurvy and scarcely able to move. After gathering some firewood Meyect departed tor Nehling, B. C., 7 about fifty miles distant, and tele Nee HOLLINGER AGENCY 384 Main St. - Rhone 438 patty set out immediately, tra- WEST LAND REGULATIONS. -v ling-180-miles in four days. THE BOW PLATEAU Ny person who is The ether, as postulated by science all impress indelibly the notes and impressions that are rec- consciously ur otherwise to the ether vibrations receives the impressions of music that comes hurtling throvgh put its omy a part of the plain om ail quarters. Perhaps there .s away im the heavens a. natural music that comes down to this old world of ours, formed maybe these notes and then record them on paper -- for the benefit of the world at Terge- ring large Office in the News Block, The existence of- beaven far away o9 95 feat in hecome to be regarded as SYPET- steam heated, modern convenie inclined imen, but the existence of this world Phe And both were cast by nature's die. a farm of Upon the top.ot yonder height, Lifeless, all but the winding toad: or sister. Brings visions of another sight, Where water hag never flowed. 1 good-standing may Still further on my: eye It, strains, To a spot that nature made; Till water comes: to its ald. W: Bruckman: fifty wores extra. Ce a house worth 300.00, size, APPLY TO md us where no note is apparent- Ty. lost und where men so fitted may. It will Pay you to enquire about + sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years be described by sections, or urday night 311. LATIONS. Northwest Territories and in tion of the Province of British bla, may be twenty-one years at an of 1 an acre. Not acres one Application for a lease by the applicant in the Agent cr Sub-Agent of trict in which the eights applied are situated. 2 :: In surveyed territory the sf a3 Be ss it es old, may homestead quarter section of divisio sections, and dream of Prairie and)strean, ane Deminfon land in Manitoba, veyed Meoniore the tract appiled owned and occupied by him or by his royalty thereon. facher, mother, son, daughter, brother rigttsare being operated, such returns In certain districts a homesteader year. Pre-empt a A homesteader who has exhausted taw: W. W. CORY, Phone 478. News OFFICE sincsve Now tor The Datty News, Clair County Democratte Club a as : Bae a should be furnished at least once at the rate of 10.00 an acre. W. W. cORY, Deputy Minister of tae Interior, . his homestesd right and cannot ob- of Dominion lands. through the natural activit es of the e-emption-may.enter for a : celestial bodies, What more likely purchased Homestead in certain die- ; Abit: tose whose: a tricts: Price 3.00 per acre. Duties setts gee attuned to the right degree Must-reeide six months in each of this advertisement will notibe paid for. souls are attul 9 the er three years, cultivate fifty acres and Sept. 14-D-6m. East St. Louls, I, Jan, 12 Gover- Deputy of the Minister of the Intertor. nor Jndson Harmon ot-Ohto arrived N.'B Unauthorizea publication of nere today, to del wall lighted, nis: egvertoumeat wil mar be paid for- te ny terateien tor ite Donseen presidential T.0ST 1 gold ring, initials. G.B.D., in Spencer Todd's store Sat- Finder kindly phone Ab2att 08T Plattorm oft dray. Finder will be rewarded on return to ) City Sales Stables;-Phone 85. 15543 SYNOPSIS OF COAL MINING REGU- it GOAL mining rights of the Dominton, im Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta; the Yukon Territory, the por- 2 i : aF panied by a fee of 5 which will Te re- -merobant- The lease will include the coal min- quarter-section alongside his home- ing rights only, but the lessees may be jtead. Price 3.00 per acre. Duties. permitted to purchase whatever avail- Must reside. upon the homestead or ible surface rights may be considered onths In each Of necessary for the working of the mine of homestead en- try (Including .the time required to For full earn homestead patent) and cultivate should be made to the Secretary of the Department of the Interior, Ot- or to any Agent or Sub Agent Unauthorized publication of campaign for the Democratic nomination in Tifhois, Signs that attruet. City Sign Works, The address is to be delivered at a eper, mase meeting arranged by the st, ground floor. so Rorento * issatr location. Apply at Trider s store, 423 North Rallway St. sm TO RENT Large furnished froat Toom, modern conveniences. Phone 15506, (QQFFICES.TO RENT in Imperial bank bullding, Several suites. All modern convenjences.. Apply News bade WANTED House to rent, wafurn- ished. preferred; no family; mod- erm conveniences; Apply te i G. 185-d6 and. pay. the best prices. Call at 504 South Railway St. or Phone 687. of THE. GLOBE CLEANING AND PRESSING CO. beg to announce that they are opening a cleaning and 100 coptes dally. 099 cbreulat copies Thursday. Advertisers Denefit of the Weekly country no extra charge. Books open to VOL, 2. NO 158 lt;4 London, Jan. 15. It the t coal strike is ordered for Great Britain will pass thr worst industrial crisis in he The only hopeful feeling ar the bellef that many miner favor a strike but think that frighten the mine owners ir ing concessions by voting t It ia hardly likely that the ov give way, as they claim U tence fs at stake and they ford to grant the demands. conciliation board bas calle: ing for January 22nd in the way will be seen by tha bring both sides to a com attitude, ae . The probable effect of the Want Prairis Deleg: i sy Fru Ottawa, Ja AML arr: . have been completed for th minion Frait Convention to Ottawa February 14th to 1 gates have been. appointed except the three prairie pr has been pointed ont that t Ulsters War -Are Trying to Create * ing in England Tt. (W. A. P. Cable) London, Jan. 15 The excitement is growing in Ir ticularly in Unionist Uist A vigorous campaign ts 1 in'the house of creating in England against the-pr e e D He E 169, SEGAL. and 4th Ave. Telephone 61 . x 792. BUSINESS CARDS. 2 twit te-seer-ali types of nat rings round-the i sky carit-must appear in person at the himself. Si Ns THAT ATTRACT f e Dominion Lands Agency or Sub- Eack application must be accom- CITY SIGN WoRKS dscape wide, of which I dreatt) Agency tir the diatrict. Entry by Abounds In scenery that dazales the proxy may be made at any Agency, on funded if the tights applled for are ; vertain conditions, by father, mother, not avaflable, but not ovherwise. A daughter, -brothes orsister, of -be paid-on-the. intending hemesteader. able output of the mine at therrate of Puties. Six months residence upon five cents per ton. x nd cultivation of the land in each of The person operating the.mine shal It holds the eye, the heart ft thrills, three years. A homesteader may live furnish the Agent with sworn returns within nine miles of his homestead on accounting for thg. full quantity of Office 81 Main Street Jeast. 80 acres solely merchantable coal mined. and pay the If the coal wining Main St. IMPORTANT or by returning to And Hanielpal Engineor, i ery OLIN, MANDOLIN, GUITAR, ANJO, CONMET, TROMBONR, Dressing establishment opposite the Fire Station on. 4th Ave, All work guaranteed: to s've satisfaction. New and second hani govds bought and sold. Mark is, Prop. Phone Tan. 30, J)AVIDSON WILL, Barristers, So- licitors and Notaries, Medicine Hat. Offices: Corner of Toronto St. P.O. 105D, WILLIAM P. BUNDON, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Medicine Hat, Ais: -Ottioess easily Bonk apes 2; lephone. 674, P:0, box 640. 6 Dtt SINGER SEWING MACHINES an Sherfock, Manning Pianos and Organs for sale and to rent All - classes gf insurance. W. J. Fleming, ee Lost in 0. P, R, yard Des. 20th, Steel Staff about 6 inches in length, enclosed in black rubberease about 10 inches long with screw top. This is part of electric statt ogo and very necessary to operation ef trains. information applcation Anyone finding same WOUM conter tay 5 Hat yard E. Bartlett Powinion-and-Alberta-Land Surveyer Phone 484, Burn s Bik. Medicine Hat, es ) CPR. Trainman E Suffered Great News of tha miraculous deatts of a C.P-R gt; trainan: wreck which occurred at C other side of Swift Current ie just to hand. Tie trainman was asleep boose at the time that which was a Fear-ad colli red. ; Considerable damage rolling stock which it is s SENSATION Rumor that the Te Germany Putting the S 15. The rf lent men as tode, Briand, T erase and Alexkhdra Mill minor places in cabinet Senator Raymond Poinc: ated profound mpressio The fact ef their accepts foligs ig generally regar inelgreaare of solfdarit 2 patriotism of F Paris, J such pr geois, Arist Off all shares of opinion ment on the str ngth of Istry. Even monarchistic Cau is great cabinet ever for oft the line of National nee
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Image 76 (1912-01-13), from microfilm reel 76, (CU1742627). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.