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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Fy 8th, 1912 FOUND. about end of De- rk bay, the other white apot in fore- 13-4, west of 4th, for their: recov yon, Medicine Hat. 16006 ) atlast Tennis. can have same by and proving pro- ws office, 150dtr St on Jan. 2nd, i money, Owner paying expenses. 1bodtt uationeer: specialty; will receive our- Goods of any de- tered for our reg- on the Market need on goods con- Apply He , 66 Toronto St. one 481. See our where of auction ES AND GENTS ng, Shoes; watches, olvers, valises, suit sical instruments, at waggons, bug- icyeles, carpenter des and furs, horse athers, bought and Harvard Tailoring avenue, opposite P.O. box 701. jest Prices Paid for 23Dtt. HAT HIDE, FUR O. The above have selection of Second he cify. We carry ;and Bedding, new Clothing, Clocks, , Rifles, Guns, Re- Buggies, Harness, ine of winter goods. 1g mentioned above Prices; Call at 504 . or. Phone 587. tf CLEANING AND O. beg to announce ning a cleaning and iment opposite the 4th Ave. All work ve satisfaction, New goods bought and Hs; Prop. 36140- GAL. 7ILL, Barristers, So- Notaries, Medicine rner of Toronto St.- slephone 614. P. O. 105D. copies nfy, 900 clreulated in city 00 copies Thursday, Advertisers in Datty cot Deuetit of the Weekly country olrouletiox Borate charge. BGdks open to advertinors, OL. 2 NO 153 lt; iie.,, BMEDICAL SUPERV O.INSPECT LOCAL S Board of Education Discusses a Proposai for Appointing a Medical Man to Make Regular Inspection of the Child- ren---The Truant Officer to Combine Duties trustees wete agreed that the matter of appointiry ba health officer was now. merely q matter of time and that it was'anu argent necessity thet a sys- tem ot medical inspection be adopted. A cofmtnittes consisting of Dr. Smythe he question of having medical in- ection of the local schools was one the matter of chiefest importance d at the school board meeting it night. It was also proposed wt a system of physical education f inaugurated and that the secretary the board -correspond with other Is in Alberta ant Saskatchewan a,view to eliciting information A-reypiest for the use of the base- ting the systems adopted in ment of Montreal street school two her towns. nights /week was introduced by Mr. fin the report of Supervisor Hay Becker and Jessop Nott and the mat- the board. BOY SCOUTS a recommendation that the office ter was reierred to the schools and traant officer, he combined with grounds committee. In short speech at of school h alth officer, and on to the boatd .Mr. Becker stated that e surgestion of Trustee H. Morrow at the present time the boys were whole question of having a health witliout q suitable place where they tor was brought up. DICTMENTS- ee NANT All the could have their meet. The school Buffalo, N. ., Jan. 9 That a trust and with attempting to monopolize the ithout a name has. secured control business. The individuals indicted 90 Per cent. of the business of man- are Hdwin Jackson, Jr., R.-Puntington and selling coaster brakes and Janies B- Droutiie of New Yor wploycles and motor cycles and a Albert F.7D. Page, Chatle: ge per centage of other bicycle ac- Way and G. P. Moore of Bristol, Conn., orles and thereby has violated the A. Grsham of Brooklyn, N.Y., Charles anti-trust law, is charged Glover and Clarence A. Earl, of New fictments handed down by a fed- Britain, Conn, David Whittier, Ralph grand Sury here today. D,. Webster, Leonard S. Whittier and there are.eight counts in the in- Bdward Dunn of Elmira, Y., Simon, ments in-which 18 individuals and Florsheim and John D. Hurley of Chi- corporations are charged with C s0, Kelly R. Jacoby and Emmett M. racy to restrain thelr own trade Jackson of Middistown, Ohio, d that of competitors .and jobbers k rubber case about ith screw top, This ic staff system and gt; operation of trains. ame would confer fav- - to Medicine Hat)yard urtlet s Bik. Medicine Hat. jearly Six Miles of Ooal Packed if Cars: Would be: Not Have the Gas- Citizens Save More Than 50 per cent. Through its Natural Asset, Through Medicine Hat's natural gas supply citizens are able to save bnually nearly 80,000 in fuel. Wete there no natural gas: supply in this Hatters-would be paying more than double they pay for gas in get- pg their coal supplies, but as nature has endow d The Hat with a most ul and apparently never ending *upply of natura) gas, citizens can a very little outlay and still sit ov inter months and sintlo at the thoughtot Chicago and other wealthier and r cities shivering in the cold. When the population of The Hat has jcreased, as of course it 1s shortlygbing to iterease, and in place of-our jousands we are going to have hundreds of thousands, the saving in coal is will be enormous and the amount of dollars saved annually through jo simple endowment of natural gas wili be enough to turn the hairs on 4. For thiik What it means In times of oal famines and strikes, when. rmersand ranchers are dreading the approach of win ns-turn pale at the thought of the bills they will avg to pay for coal ipped from far away, Hatters will stitf b comfortably reclining in thelr irs and reading thelr Medicine Hat News tinder the glgmor of The Hai Definite figures of the mount of gas consum d by Medicine Hat dur- and W.E. Hay was appointed to looky In his report to the board Supervi- into the: whole matter and report to sor Hay showed that the number of Tread x + idlynearing. completion, e Of twenty-five acres bias on and when citi- 4 org MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA, TUESDAY. JANUARY 9, 1912 VISOR PUPILS CHOOLS would be used from 7 in the evening until 8.30. Chairman Wilson, H. Morrow and Dr. Smythe all favored the proposition and left it in the hands of the committee to act upon as they saw fit. pupils in attendance in. the schools during ths past month was 887, In Montreal Street school the ayerage attendance was 93, this ieing: 24 more than usval whilst in Toronto Strect school the average attendance was. 80 this being lower tan usual owing to the small-pox tic, Owing to the absence from the city of-other members there was only the ivorm sitting, consisting of Chainma Wilson, Dr. Smythe and H. Morrow ANOCK AGAINST: VANCOUVER POLICE Insurance Men Up in Arms Against Recent Bank Robberies at the Coast. Montreal, Jan. 9 John P. Knight, agor tary Canadian Bankers Associa- tion bas recetved letter, from several ineurane companies, including Lioyds, complaining of what they term carelessness udifference, on ue part of the Vancouver police in era. to, numerous robberies of of banks in the western olty. They wait that even When private detect don tie force they te hot given assistance. : NO ELECTION FUN SAY BERLIN POLICE Have Given Orders. Forbid- ding all to Issue Bulle- tins on the Result,- Berlin, Jan. 9 Dr. Jagow, chief of the local police, has issued an order forbidding the newspapers or others to display bulletins of the election re- turns on the night of Jan. 12. The Socialists say that in 1907 when Socialist defeat was expected the police then not only allowed the bul- jletins but secretly organized strest demonstrations. Now they say the government looks: for defeat and pre- Pares to stop all demonstrations. ISG.N.W: TELEGRAPA PART OF WEST. UNION? COUNSEL FOR GOVERNMENT TRY. ING TO PROVE THAT SUCH IS THE CASE IN TELEGRAPH RATE provymoial Lb ICHESON IS GIVE DATE MINISTER WHO MURDERED LIN- NELL GIRL WILL G0 TO THE ELECTRIC CHAIR IN MAY PLE- ADED GUILTY. Boston, Mass., Jan. 9. A plea guilty of niurderin the first degree was nade by Rev Richeson in the nuperior cowrt today. 1 was-sontence ed by Judge Mandergon to be electro cuted, sometime during the week of May 19, 1912. Richeson fal plead- guil:y . when: arraigned after the indictment on the charge of pot soning Avis Lannell, of Syannis, Mass... his fiancee, but followina the written confession made public ou Sat- firday last, he today retracted that. plea and made q formal plea. of nil ty. Tt is understood petition may be made to Governor Foss and tlie SHIPS IN MED-OCEAN TWO ARE STILL mrsarye. Brest, Jan. 9. , and It is feared that shipping has suffered greatly, Ufe buoys bearing the forefgn names of. ships have been cast ashore; Tokio of Hull, Manehein ot; f Hamburg, Frey of Thuro, Creole of New Castle, Hump Edon of Suider- land, the Ider and Ballaireo of Gias- gow. (W. A. P. Cable) Naples, Jan. 9 The captain of the steamship Santa Anna reports that near Gibraltar four of his crew were wept overboard by a huge wave. All ere diowned. (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Washington, D. C., Jan. 9 All but two, the Mayrande azd McCall of the fourteen U. 8. torpedo boat destroy- avy Doe 18 at Js raging bere : DAILY EDITION W. ALP. AND (. A. P, TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE PRICE, FIVE, CENT Wreckage Strewn Atlantic Coasts Telt of Disasters FIERCE GALE THOUGHT TO HAVE PLAYED.--HA OC WITH MANY UNITED STATES DESTROYERS era, were caught in the terrific storm at sea late fast week while engaging in War game en route to Cuantanano, Cuba, are accounted for; uccording to a despateh from Rear Admiral Wina- ley, commanding the second diviston of the military fleet whfch has been sweeping the sea in little vessels. (W. A. P, Dispateh.) -Princetown, Mass, Jun, 9 A re: port. reached here early today that large steamer had-gone-ashore-on- she fnside of Cape.Cod near the en- trance of Pamet River. A heavy south- west gale is blowing. CW. A- . Cable) Bordeau, Jan. 9 The Spanish steamship Espana is reported a total loss, edecutive council of the State to com- inute the death sentence to. imprison- ment for life. THE FUTURE EMPERGR) WANTS TOLOVE ENGLAND Appears: vanaf for his Bad . Behi sh: - Will Allow WARD GREY. WITH A READY feenth Annual convention of the Yer- mont Maple Sugar Association began here today n connection with the State dairymen s convention, Presi. dent G. H. Soule of Fairfield deliver- ed the opening address. One of the interesting features of th. isan elaborate exhibition of maple Products, sugar and syrup, and of su- gar making apparatus. FOR MASONIC-HOME . .t8pecial to News Greensboro, N, C., Jan. 9. Inierest- Ing ceremonies attended the laying of the cornerstone here today for the tiome to be erected for the aged and indigent/ members of the Masonic fra- ; Hag SEryiDE to Get in Right Again. Loniion, Jan, 9- Canadian As- Ottawa, Jan. 9 That the Great North Western Tel graph Company which does business thi fhout the Dominion of Canada Te-a-PERCOr Western Union system of the Unit States was one. of the chief points (Weavered to prove in an inquiry eom- menced to-day before the board: of rallway commissioners as to the rates charged by the company. The in- vestigation which was ordered by the board in September last, as a result of pereliminary inquiry started by the Winnineg -Board of Trade and Grain Exchange, promises to be of a thorough character. The examination of Geo. D. Perry,. general manager of the Great North sociated Press is informed that Sir Edward Grey's communication to the foreign governments concerning: the SOT STWE a. P. Cable.) Berlin, Jan. 9 -Crown Prince Wil- helm 4s ow credited withiva dosire to emulate the example of his-father in cultivating the friendship of Eng- Hiami: Sinee thetuture emperor r seas Doininions to be allowd to with draw from Great Britain's Commer- Over- Seas Doms. to Drop from G. Bis. Trem FOREIGN COUNTRIES MEETING THE COMMUNICATION OF SIR ED- RESPONSE-COLONIES CAN: Xow a Gial treaties is meeting with ready Fesponse, except in the. vase of Swe en which has now formally agreed. The communication which had its ge- nesis at the recent imperial confer ence, has been either entirely ignored or met with the demand:for further particulars, megs turned from Dantzig he has done bis titmost, short of making a public dec laration, to make it clear that his be- havior during the debate ih the Reich- stag last. November was not intended as an anti-British demotistration but was meant to show bis oppositioh on. ly to certain features of the Germari foreign policy. It is stated that he earnestly-wishee-to be regarded as a friend-to England, and that-he- lias writteh to many friends in the latter fernity in Norti Caroltna andthelr: videws and orphans. Grand Master R. N. Hackett presided at the cere mony, The institution, which. is, rap- the outskir:s ofthis: Eepennin FRUIT GROWERS- With the annual meeting of the share- Govt. Will L Allow Alberta s- G. Ww. Zpphication Likely do, counsel for the government, wi the first evidence taken, Questioned fs to the meeting of directors Mr. Perry stated-that for-some Yeats past there bad been but one meeting an- in connection holders,-many of whom were 4 ntry along trose lines. - EMPRESSION- aaa CLUDED. REPORT. SUCCESSFUL SEASON CONSIDERABLE. AMOUNT OF Ovtawa, Jan, 9. Seen this morning :FUR BROUGHT IN. im rezard to report that -Premier Sil- (Special to News Madison, Wis., Jan. 9 What prom. ises-ta-hhe-one-of-the-best-anmuni-comey ventions fn the history of the Wisco -sin Stat Hortieultural Society aa-t sembled in the capitol today-and-witt tinge in sekeion ove Waanesday He jand Thursday. THe feature of the op- ening session was an address by W. H. Hanchett of Sparta on The New Bra in- Horticulture in- Wisconsin The programme provides for address- 101 ural experts, from several States. MEET TO DISCUSS TAXATION (Special aha Buffalo; N. ., Jan..9 The State Conf rence on Taxation, which was itica last year, began Tt second annual: meeting in this city today. The session, which will. last everal days, ig attended by numerous of publie organization: es by well known fruit growers andj these were sunsequently turned into + Bxamined again ae to the financial itanding of the conipany, Mr. Perry TBST hs Grea North-Western: Linaddition te-seveuty-fiv thousund aid in cash dividends the Sum-of 250,000. On a capitalization of fifty thousand dollars this would mean dividends of over one hundred per cent. Mr. Perry said that while large losses owing to the competition of the Canadian Pacific and the fong distance telephones. This. was par- ticularly: the case of the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, where the com- Pany. did most of its business. Mr, McMaster, who represented the Toronto Board of examined tod the-in- formation that telegraph. companies have no oint tariffs and that messages going over two lines, although the distance might be short, calls for the interested in-taxation and officials of PayMent-ot-two-tolte It was-at this point that the matter for reforms will y mead ad off dollars paid out in stock dividends, sieite a lange cmuntity of fate ier, a trader from V in th elgities they -had large profits, 0 (W. A. P. Dispatch) sen ot itera se See the Alberta Government would go in far been pretty -successiul this i Tes Ainerta r Borden said that such a Commmmica- Sion hed not yet reached ia'm. When Tas been marketed here. orought in aiiout 1,800 worth: yester- day. Gilbert Bear, an Indian from White Dog, on he Winnipeg River brought 600 worth of iurs in this week. Several other we'l-known trap- pers and traders have also brought ini eas considerable fur during the pkst cou- ple of weeks. The fur consists mostly of mink, fox and wolf sitins. CHARGE CF ROBBING sr BANK AT BEW WEST. Washington, Jan. 9. A battalion af, infantry consisting of 500 men will be sent by the United States to China to-heip-to-keep np-raiiwvay-eommunt- cations between Peking and the sea This force Is all in the opiufon of WIEE OF ACCUSED ,DENIES: SHE RECEIVED S100: FROM HER HUSBAND. Ow. AP. Diapateh.) toa, There: NODIPIERTION:WIEi BE ADE aint : ULT OF THE Ht g (W. AP, Diaputen gt; the letter was received he said it woul Be tured over to the deputy rinister of Justice for bis considctw States Sending 50 Infantry to China WILL BE EMPLOYED TO KEEP RAILWAY: LINES BETWEEN PEKIN - AND THE SEX COAST OPEN TRANSPORTS ENROUTE, despatch from Tien Tsin, veusels Were steering ia northerty atreotion. Imperial commanders are concentra- ting their troops In vicinity of Shang- hai, Kawan, Ching Wang Tao, and Hulutao. Pekin, Jan. 9 A combined farce of the past year aro not yet-obtainable puta rough estimate-can be-giv Snr arenes throughout the Stal Na less than 400 million feet of 45 was burned in The Hat last year, The conf rence will give Its attention to the existing methods of assessment lt;taken Into consideration. when the- Minister Calhoun that will-be-roqule main evidence as to rates is dn. John McNasinra, whose hasten ed-after-comsultation with other dip- * omi previous prov- ince of Can Shao Si number teri thon- jJomatic officers in Peking. London, Jan. 9. Transports be- longing to the Chinese revoluttoriar- -bean sightcid to north of ighal, Kwan, last point on way to fakden, under protection of foreign troops. According to a news agent's sand men has recaptured the town-of Shen Chow from the: Imperial. troops and s advancing on Honan to which city the Imperial relief columa which has been despatched to Shen Si, Re- inforeements sent forward to staff on Imperfalista ranks, Jand taxation in the State of New The counsel for the companies said York, the details of the tax laws and/ that the form of contract on telegraph suegpstions. for improvements it-blanka had. an mportant bearing on will not, however;concern itself with the rates, srhich must be higher nc the details of-focat-or State expendi /Cording to the abilities a ture-or any theoretical matters. jthe companies. W: larrested in New York dm a charge of having, rcbibed the Bank of New West- inster inthe Sclestia branch of the Bank of Montreal 318,000, Septemter 15, last, eid today that she had received any Lane duttor-of- disbursements forthe Ltgrgey sum-ax- 810M) trom her-tevebeoks dian Pacific was then put under j -was declared that the letter jelr industries au exact figure of how much has beer palggduring jf 1911 woiild be difficult to get, but an estimate gives mmewh re in the neighborhood of 360,000. Reckoning upon basta: possible to find out how much would be spent in coal w Me there no tural gas in the city. .It is estimated that a ton of coal is equal to 500 feet.of ,gas. Upon. that basis-it-would be-necessery-t6-burn 27.596 ins of coal in a year fn order to keep the city sufficiently warm for its re- irements. Coal in some parts of the province has gane up to 6 a-ton manufacturers antothers get a cheaper.and gometimes a free rat lt; ures in the News Block, size, well lighted, nodern conveniences, PLY TO Office. e,, Jan; 8 A -spepial ened today to inves regularities and inet local tire. ahd police), is expected that-rum- the participation o nfticers in pubIIG con- alleged grafting op- gt; 1 be called to the at- rand jury. it during the month it has-averaged 5, though the wholesale price aver- ea 3, Taking as a m between the two extremes it suffices for actical: purjoses to average coal at 5 a ton. Burning the required ount OP coal It Would then cost the city 197,930. a year in coal bills, be g 77,99,more than s now spent jn gas. This amount of coal Would, Setocked in the average ized railroad car, stretch for nearly six miles. is. means that t would take nearly six miles of coal cars to furnish fiough coal to be burned in the city for-a-year. Were it possible to com- oss the gas qvivalent of a ton of coal into coal-carts, the procession coal purchasable by the money expended:on -gax-would only stretch for bout two miles. These are facts and figures which ar Ittle Thought of when Hattors rn thelr gag each day, but often-when. shoppers turn up thelr noses: at e thonght of having to payw little mofe here n the weG tor goods, if ey Would consld r the great advantage-theyshare bver thelr fellow tinh: m on in. th way ofaving in natural gas, they would seo that Medicine ttle to o ain of In the Matter of high living. fat Nas little to. comp ie Trenton, N. J.,,Jan, 9 Tbe Jersey legislature met to ganized for its regular annual ses- sion, The seselon proinises to be of more than orinary Importance. The Republican majority was elected on a-platform pledging a number of Im- portant reforms. The party leaders are determined that the reform meas- urey demanded by the people shall go through and that the losislation shall be of such a character that Governor Wilson will not dare to exercise his right of veto Without endangering his chances to secure the Democratic presidentia nomination. New and or NEW JERSEY LAWMAKERS MERT a typical examination as to book-keep-+ ing, preparation of forms, ete. Fo ft. lot on Ross St. 400.00, 75.00 , down, balance any way to sult. H. , Pettet Co,, 366 Toronto t. 153att feeb bh ob eb bdech bbe SIR CHARLES WEAKER, + + st lt; Feeereneeeeeed London, Jan. .9 Sir Char- les Tupper s slightly weaker to-day. The symptoms are at-, arming. con- tainirg 1,000 was. sent to his wife who lives here, from New York. Mc- Nan 's whereabonts and his arrest in New York followed. 1 Ttast heard from. my husband September, said Mrs. McNamara. WITH BOTH LEGS BROKEN AND INTERNAL INJURIES QUEBEC MAN SUCCUMBS AT HOSPITAL: in NELSON'S. DEATH. RATE Montreal, Jan. 9 The fifth victim of yesterday's Canadian Pacific wreck at St. Vincent de Paul, succumbed this jorning, iter. Dufresne, 33 years of age, of Three Rivers, Que,, died this Morning at the Geperal Hospital. Tho unfor- tittiate man had both legs broken and suffered internal injuries. Th others Injured are reported to be doing well, son, B. C., Jan; 9 The tate of Nelson last year was one per cent., Canada, The fire loss lastyear, was 24,876. Electric light receipts were 9,000 over Jast-year, and a large profit was made, death 6 no, probably the lowest In REPUBLICANS GAEN. AP. fateh) Paris, Jan, 9. Complete returns of ot Senators held yesterday when a third of the fotal number of senators had to present thetiincives for te-election show a net gain of bight seats for the Repubtieans and two for Republican- Socialfett,while reactionuries lost 2. seats, progresives 4 and Soclalist- Radicals 4, aw. triennial. rections one hundred
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Image 41 (1912-01-09), from microfilm reel 41, (CU1742639). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.