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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Tuesday, Janwary 16th, 1942. GOVERNOR BREWER TAKES ote of fs ofe ope ote ofe fe ope of fe he ofe de OFFICE + * A GOOD WANT AD. HELP WANTED, 1608 copies daily. 900 ctreaiat copies Thursday. Advertivers Denefit of the Weekly country no axtra charge. Hooks open to 6 ANEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN NOTICE barber trade, special summer rate on, joln mow and save money, Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, . For Sale, Lost, Found, etc, ads under Particulars free, Moler System Col- (Special to News). Jackson, Miss., Jan, 16. The inaug- uration of Earl M. Brewer of Clarks- dale as governor of the State of Mis- s, of course, one which will bring the greatest number of sissipp today was attended by the lege, 609 Centre St., Galgary. 204dtt usual ceremonies conducted in the TePlica or answers. It ia a pa efron aay a presence of members of the legis law that increased demand rey tree Yaya. ap SALESMEN WANTED For latest VOL. 2.NO 160 4 ture and many other spectators. Fol- makes certain the quicker eeotdec three Gaye: and most perf ct gasoline light sale, The Want Ad. is the brief est kind of an Ad. that is ever. written, and hence in its brev- ity there must be wit-wisdom. The Want Ad. can only inter- est the reader on the basis of his interest. Each ceader is interested in each and all of 25 words, six days.. .. 1.02 in the world, Cheapes Remi Additional words at same rate. No known to science, rslusive vertl. ad accepted for leas than 26 cents. tory, big profits, permanent business, Cash must accompany the order. . Macharen Co,, Calgary, Alta. Phone your ad to No, 18 ring 2, and 159 Tu, Th, Sat. as it -will-receive attention: . - lowing the installation of Governor , Brewer the oath of office was admin- istered to Theodore G. Bilbo, the new Newtenant-governor, Sub-Con 1 Hon, 6. J.-Doherty B NATIONAL BOARD OF TRADE . . . foe. s i (Special to the News ) - Z Washington, Jan. 16. With a three- a 2 GB jaay programme calling for the discus- Bee a sion of many of the Important mat- PSs 5 J ters pending before Congress, the Na- os tional Board of Trade begap ite forty- : i 3 secoid annual meeting at the New +f the article or thing -ndvertis- In Conjunction With BELL S P.S. of A Witlard Hotel today. Nearly one hun- Segond the-quality lof the - jared commercial organizations scat- . article or the kind of thing tered throughout the countr were dvortised; thir: ne the opening. Theo of Eczema or any other Skin I sively can be cured privately In your own home Ing has set ailde tomorrow Tor the ROOMS WANTED tha sis ccf: WANTED two or tires furnished rooms in modern house, suitable HELP WANTED FEMALE. GSNBRAL SeRVANT WANTED A. the five essentials to every Want Ad. These essentials, Pe Bares. ase a Nene ecto ee ne tm the order of their import +75 of ieee wn i Tae cently Appoint ELP me) t) ' ance, are, first, the names of VE ee ae OFFICES FOR RENT Defendants ha ply 28 Esplanade, 16848 QFFICHS TO RENT in Imperial Yank a se WANTED Ar ONCE A general sor- 34 ao ft. var Mrs, J. M. Cameron, ae ottiee ae : : Nora Ry- 8 x pisdaer headway being made with Hebe fe oe ole he oe ohooh he obo ob ooh denteefe rte ob obs oe oh Bh i i hh a ls Positively the world's only nd absolute cure for Eeogema and all forms of Skin. Bab fourth, the address, by the use of BELL BALM, in c mene tion with P. 8, of A. Why suffer longer? Order Inti maton. tostiay; - Combined remedies reac for use, ahippod-securaly packed, to any addross, consideration-pf the corporation -prob- (phone; or street number) of WANTED, ve programm a Upon etelpt of price .sisserecere ese 3 lem. Other leading matters of- dis- . the advertiser, and, fifth, the SUAS eee WANTED House: to rent, unturn- igheseaeicy, cers red 10 Sonne Note A. coinpre Bo MRED CORDED: PY. cussion will include the subjects of eminent phygiclans, sent free to ul sufferers upon requ banking and currency reform, the cre- CURE aes P.S.of A.) FREE ee cre tain ts name of the advertiser. When the above essentials are fully and truthfully stat- ed in the Want Ad, the best results are obtained; but in : Hon, , J. Doherty's bill t XOUNG WOMAN, light house- - shed preferred; no family; mod- : Bi ork or t look ater ealdren 72, Onventencen, Apply ton. eae tence Address F. Willard, Cuty, 15649 WiKinson, Imperial Bank. - 155-46 -JeeDUY BPPO e es ee which will inquire Into the AUCTIONEERS vice, the power to namte-sub Panama canal free to American const- Howse WORK WANTED by Eng- deen ek hbo Fe oy fe fe oho ofe fe ole obs fe ode ote A.SULF UR BATHS : i vise shi . sioners, including expert Guaranteed Prrousnt to your bome Nature s greatest Consultation wise stipping. proportion to'the number of -f lish woman a few hours a day. Senet eee ee Under germiclde and antiseptic. it in the bath By . these essentials ommitted jone 607. 15743 FH : B. BROWNE CO., Live Stock seen te eke Fe ee Serene Giversal aun ales SB FOR MURDER ON THE HIGH SEAS *K from the Ad., does the advert- and General Auctioncera;: farm HM eae ore te con Personal Meeuid oe tn every home, and every wravelier DArmatologists si iser curtail the resulta to hin of ROOES 50: RENT: tnd ranch ales a specialty; house Ee (Special to Newsy Ad Each-Want Ad. a Fs oom To REN eee our ora Sle. OOM TO RENT AN modern con- special attention: Goode ot any de petson under investigation +f opportunity; look for them in +f Sp ah New Pisa oe. venfences. Apply 701 Ottawa scription can be entered for our reg- th right to have counsel at Boston, Mass. Jan, 16. The case of gt; visi Id oe fe d against conta ie Sager cokes sae nr lt Rack Beiss for ante voile Bp tt Our Offices William DeGraft, accused of murder F street. : 149dtf ular Weekly sales expense, Sir Wilfrid: Laur ni 7 ed for trial +f om the Market THE BELL REMEDY COMPANY oo oe Berna Guiet aaitl eb RAE Oe EE FPWO light housckeoping roome on wusre- Cash advanced. oa goods .con- eriectciag ean ool Offices 710 to 712 Somerset Block (Adjacent to Jaton s) - Court in this city.. The victim of. the ground floor. 03 Toronto . St. Signed for absolute sale. Apply H. PORTAGE AVEN' PR, RANMRENORe: Any venbrin wissioss, WINNER. 2G, CANADA alleged murder was Captain Charles LEsatt Browne Co, 306 Toronto St. aks gainer: tpt ee Se D, Wyman, who was killed while he L ee Medicine Hat. Phone 481, See our Leal ce gy a lay asleep In: hie bunk on the barge UP? Po want Five room tat, contra Shhounosment elsewhere of auction Se Rcestny osen Seaaten Glendower, while the boat was on its Couens SzAts BELONcS location. Apply at Trider s fruit * meghbere ot: tha: Onposltxtn 6 way to this city from Philadelphia COUGHS Prick.'ss CENE store, 423 North Railway St. 155-46 m8 e : The question of renewing the agree- /last June. The victim head was) CELLANEOUS ques S Ae iners to a ment with the operators, however, beaten in with a hammer or some oth- TO RENT Large furnished front Wanrep tapms anD Guar will overshadow all other matters te-jer blunt instrument and the state- feo modert: comventenste.- Phat cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, fore the conveMion. The present/ments of the crew are; sald to have oe 3 73606 seweiry, guns, revolvers, , SiceEn oO RENT Furnished room over Fos- 48 S, stoves, musical instruments, ter's Saddlery, Main Street, suit- furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- able for two gentlemen. 16843 Sle8, harness, bicyeles, carpenter tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse FOR BALE. hair, wool and feathers, bought and Let Us Loan You the sold, Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Money at JFOR-SALE 80 records for Edison is Coe., 312 Fourth avenue, opposite 2 Phonograph. Nearly all 4 min- Dreamland theatre. P.O. box 701. ute and in Boodveendition. Price 15 agreement oyill expire March 31 next. indicated that DeGraff, Who was cook on Wage Demands 222252 8 Sct fact that a general strike of both the crime. F ' bitmminois and anthracite miners is among the possibilities. The situa- tion is the anthracite field is the mord alarming, as a strike. of the hard coal (Bpectal te the News) d miners is always mote serious in its Washington, ,Jan. 16 Representa- Annual Convention of Mine Workers of America will iniea ne haquine eromess Discuss Salary Schedule which Expires on March Sist, Next. Peasantry Selling the from Hunger anc copsequences than. suspension of tive shoe manufacturers and tanners Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for Tndienapolis, Ind, Jan. 15. The action in the matter will as usual be work by tne bitumindus miners.' The from various parts of the country ap- for the lot. Medicine Hat Fire De- the above. - bu. Ravishes the Cou advance guard of delegates to attend cit to the committer which will meet district organizations in the anthra- peared before the Tariff Board today : partment, is i) eee cp ee es Se im joint confemnca with the operators cite feld have held their separate con- to give their views as to the best PER CENT. Gb Wadind: He THE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR 2 4 next mouth, ventions. These gatherings adopted methods of conducting the investiga, lt;oane ita ke eovea an ie. AND JUNK CO. The above have London, Jan. 17. Horrible on hand fBe best selection of Second Hand Tools in the eity.. We carry Purniture, Stoves and Bedd Im addition to the ordinary routine resolutions demanding 20 per cent. im tion of the board inty the leather i ii th fousiness the convention will Inst wreese in wegesr-e-decrease.of about /schedule, In addition . to consulting tions prevailing among the ot impanance to const- 17. per cant. im working hours without With the shoe-mem and tanners the 7 Apply to owner, 508 Roy Street. 15746 RUILD outh Eastern Russia are many matte a Pay Off Mortgages FOR SALE Choice-pure-bred White oT Hin a telegram from a doctor der. Tt is genetaMly onceded that the crrespondiig decrease i -pay, pay Poard will send its own gents into pF Tipe Ral wetate Wyandotte cockerels. Price e wecond hand Clothing, Clocks, burg, which 1g published he report of the tellers of the recent wa- ment by weight exclusively, and other the field to study the industry and ae E : 1.75 each. G. I. Lofquist. 15741 Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- special article. The doct tional election for officers will. show oncesscasa gather statistics upon which to badd, SEE OUR PLAN volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, starving peasantry In the go a ST oe Pw ot its- conclusions. uN 'OR SALE or will exchange for 8nd a-nice new line of winter goods. jot Orenburg-on the river, The operators have not given any official notice of their intentions, but) a eal hey taxe 05 faten- FLORIDA DEMOCRATS Write, Phone or Call tion of granting these demands. tral (Special toNews) The Canadian Home the mine Workers argue that the i8-) J, -yeonville, Fla, Jan. 16 The : PRESSING C announ al. feased cost of living ae made neces- moriga State Democratic Committee Investment Co., Ltd. jeter. 1845 rat they are inate tlokne se a dleaking iat f a a ae operators went into session here this afternoon 49: For SALE Stock of ladies and Pressing establishment opposite the hold that sliding scale created +, setect the date and make other enone gents clothing, furnishings, boots Fire Station on 4th Ave. All t : aes 5 : . re work rangem nts for the coming Statg pri. peri and shoes, worth about. 1 guarante -Medicine Hat real estate, generai We buy everything mentioned above store business, small town, on main 24 pay the best prices. Call at 504 phaving received any assista line C. P, R. Good district, three ele- South Railway St. or Phone 687. f vators, one other general store. Stock lt; about 4,000.00 Apply box 321, News T GLOBE CLEANING AND Towa as president over Tom 1. Lewis, his opponent. Edwin Perry, the sec- retery-treasurer, had no rival for the ate a mary elecion tw wae camttdstes tor : sold in 10 days for 60 cents on the Md second hand goods bought and year as well an that of the bitemin- or resigaing front tte National Civic ance i the price of coil od that guvernor and otter Btate officers-amd dollar. Buyer can rent the premises. s0ld. Mark Harris, Prop. Phone ME Sir George Askwith no flat advance in wages is possible/member of Congress; Whether a pres- under present comditions. ous workers, Federation. Mr. Mitchell, it will be It :8 probable that the convmntion recalled, recently made charges that Store, 5 living rooms and barn, for 169. SS Jan, 30. * idential primary for the selection of re 40. per month.-Horse, 5 years old, acy by both Uarties i sy The Conciliation Board promises to delegates to the national convention - e Do pe sill lant tw wesks. of longer. The ieee oes eee Gue thelte a bons of contention also, Tha ig hall be held aldo will be dtermined y RS re gaa eA ae Peat Coal Strike will i composed. of three representatives of Y the committed, Ww APS pod ace wating te. hi d4th PYAVIDSON WILL, Barristers, S0- 425,000 ft. Central Park. Ave., opposite Dreamland, 132dim ,, , iiters and Notaries, Medicine Manchester, Jan. 17 The - 580.00 50 ft. Block 14 Herala: : Hat. Offices: Corner of Toronto Su sals-made to employers and and 4i 1000,00 50 tt: Bik. 11, Alta, 40ST Ou FOUND: eae ie a bere a an eos trade. conterepey the mine workers and three. opine eee oe Lin: opmeaoey It GEORGIA LIVE STOCK ASSO. sion to. pettle * diferences,as they (Special to News). wana, box side from tiine to time, The minas Athens, Ga, Jan-16 The large andj 100000 50 tt. Toronto st.- T,0ST 1 sold-ring, taitiale GBD, wr oS peea Asewitte seeteete declare that the methods of work of ?epresentative attendance. at the op- 720.00 Cholce building Lot in Spencer - Twid's store Sat- Gatos +e eae a ee Board of Trade, appear like the Conciliation Board ar cumter- ening session of the eighteenth annual j near High School. urday night. Finder kindly phone , , Medicine Hat, an end to industrial wars wl witeting of the Georgia Dairy and Live 1825.00 4. Roothed House on. 11. * 1s8ats ee Pritt Block, Room 2; AM been wo costly to both aid ock Association which met today in 50 ft Yot Blocks trom oe pen wiNinG EGU. lephone 614, P.O: box 640, 3Dit suggestion of Str George Ask the auditorium of the State College Station, all fenced, trees LATIONS, BUSINESS ; framed In such a way, 1t cat of Agriculture in this city, augurs gt; c. : eae its principles without inj fully before the Strike Sommission wel for the success of the two days It will Pay you to enquire about COAL mining rights of the Dominion, GINGER SEWING MACHINES and rights 6f the other. ..Ne will be demanded egain. Notable am- convention. Former Senator James these. in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Sherlock, Manning Pianos and under the terms of the proz jong these is the so-called check-off, p. Price, of Farmington, one of the Alberta, the Yukon Territory, the/Organs for sale and to rent. All ihe entitled to take pation Om: the system under which the operators largest dairymen in his section of the HOLLINGER AGENCY Northwest Territories and in Por- ciasses of insurance. W. J. Fleming, gion: of Bie enployateny: cf a aeduct from the miners pay checks state, prosided and delivered his an- 94 Main ,Si 7 Phone 488 Die rer be leaned, for a term of OMice 381 Main Street ists vhich shall: involve. the the union dues amd turm the amount nual address. Several noted authori- oe twenty-one years at an annual rental - of machinery of the mills wit Complete Clearance Sale of all kinds of Furs. Furs of every Sort Furs of every Style and Furs of every a Price deducted over to the officers of the ties delivered addresses on their spec- of 1 on acre, Not more than 2560 ing six months written notic union. As this involves the recogni- ial branches of live stock farming. tine eaeed hese Seplieant E B s provisional settlement be Go on Sale to-day at a series of discounts p tion of the United Mine Workers by Following the established custom the SYNOPSIS OF C.NADIAN NORTH- fede bor ake appuicaue it ates Le ar the mills will re-open Ja the operators it has been steadily op- Georgia Breeders Association will; WEST LAND REGULATIONS. the Agent er Sub-Agent of the dis- The agreement between th that should empty the department within 5 zo Dominion and Alberta-Land or + it It fs e the balance af the month. The assortment g/t yn oe ae a erasures oe wy yr ee oe eee eres Pa a ere 5 Bee eae is good the qualities, as you know are Ie Ga awa ane a re eee neti ANY person who is the sole head of In surveyed territory the iand must ous gteoment mada es * a family, or-any male over 18 years be described by sections, or legalsub- Phone 484, Burn s Blk. Medicine Hat. the finest shown. it shall last one year, oily. This bas ld, may homestead quarter section of divisions of sections,and in-ungur- * * Burn s Blk. Medicine Hai Tf you have been shopping round eu tg? bean lemended over and over again, available Dominion and in- Wanttobs, vexed. territory. the tract appiled, for have seen that our regular prices are far but the operators have always stood fer eae mice Ae MMR tan Ce ee sie ey ow with the out for a longer term. Dominion Lands cy or sh application - sR Miomeh pice eut you are fTered thea mime intone re ene tage that Sig yal Pitas Oia uA) Fer athe if select i le at any on. rh Sn finest shopping chance in Fine Furs to be 3 aan a ee ice ee Gertain conditions, by father, mother; not available, but aot xmerwiss, A : : e and. ae te : yeom; daughter, brother vr sister, of royalty shall be paid on the mercbant- et (Telephone eta had. : is unusual for the wage agreements in intending hemesteader. able output of the mine at the rate of You will find no trouble xyour both the hard and sait coal regions a Duties. Six. months residence upon five cents per ton. I Seventeen Year Old and cultivation of the land in eath of; The person operating the mine shall Purs a a three years. A homesteader may live furnish the Agent with sworn returns ticketed for this sale. within nine miles of his homestead on accounting for the full quantity of H while Parent wi Wounds in Bod: it is a presidential election year. Gel This gives the avine workers orgnniza- e tion a strong weapon, because by: they are all specially priced and to expire simultaneously then, too, Wardrobe a farm of at least 80 acres solely merchantable coal mined and pay the owned and occupied by him or by his royalty thereon. If the coal mining father, mother, son, daughter, brother rights are being operated, such returns simultaneous action in several mining or sister. should be furnished at least Moose Jaw, Sask, Jan. 17 ePA G E BR oO Ss. MB eee Se fenee cout eee Stee LADIES SILK DRESSES fa. ceri. dietristd 6 Bomeeaaese Your: ae ents of Wood Mountal cL dition approaching a -fuel famine. tn good standing aay, Preempt A) The lease will include the coal min- cba - ts Street. 2 juarter-section alongside home- ing rights only, but the lessee may by i were astounded to fearn oe, Feats Trading Co s Old Stand, 388 Toronto zy WAISTS, GLOVES, ETC. atead. 3.00 ae aot. Duties. porated to purchase whatever avail. -seventeen-yenr-old-daughte +. +e. EPISCOPAL IN, ES 3 i le upon the homestead or able surface rights may be consid ss Sood See ees F MISSI) ARIES BEET. pre-emption six months in each of necessary for the working of the tne Perry has ben Placed un . six years from date of homestead n- at the rate of 10.00 an acre. t as chatged-with-having-phot-t (Special to News) : try (including the time required to For full information application 4. Assessment Notices ed her father who, has beer Austin) Te Jen de The anaual carn honiestead patent) and cultivate should de made to the Secretary of + Tax Notices fitty ucres extra. 3 the Department of the Interior, Ot- ax NOCHE Taw Hospital sinse ./the 1 convention of the Missionary Depa 5 oo CA homesteader wid has szhsisted tawa, or-to-anr Agent or-Sub-Agent indes eae Appeared before the- magis Pra rie ride . ment of the Southwest Episcopal hin homestead right and caaugt ob- at Dominion, leeds gen Fax Reminders Liable ee zi Chureh opened here: today with ser- tain a pre-emption may enter for a oon Ww. W, vory, Receipt Books A eee nce vices at St. David's church; where Bis- purchased homestead in certain dis- Deputy Minister of tae Interior. 7 etter Paper ae nenety Paha Patent Flour hop Winchester of Arkansas deliver- tricts. Price 3.00 per acre. Duties VY. B. Unauthorized publication of *t* er Pape: evidenee was given, She At the at- Must reside six months in each of this advertisement will Rot be paid for. on bat On entering the three years, cultivate fifty acres and Sept. 14-D-6 ed the opening sermon. Perry claimed he had shot Envelopes, ete., etc, ternoon session, which was held -et) parect 3 tot 00. 4 not only stands the test, Dut salvage yields All Saints Chapel, Bishop Lloyd, the ce yee TT cony, NOTICE RE a ee PERSONS 3s en d didentaNy with an automs satisfactory results it is the FLO president of tie general board of mIs- rine terge Office-in the News Block, Deputy of the Minster of the Intertor. 2 ROWNSITE d - * cc which to place your confidence ask , your sions preset Phealenatee weret ays IE Test in alse, well Tghted at Pirate meres DeMtention oF Orders get prompt attention. 5 oc pare. ood His date dealer for it. 2 welcomed by Goviipor Colquitt 2nd +aragm heated, modern conveniences, Sept. 14-D-6m. My oly authorized agent for the NE vee a : .., the Mayor of the City and appropriate ; sale ot be, qoltbetion ct payments of ayghty and then went out The Medicine Hat Milling Co Limited 3 resvonses were made: Tho gathering APELY 20S Signs that attract. Clty Sian Works (lots in Seven Persons townsite is H. site: Saini to chastise her wit will remain in session ntil and In- AY g, Phone 478. 4epe, HL. Foster. MEDICINE HAT, TA ; ews Of fice. iman eececeowons g Thursday. 3 A Subscribe NOW for The Dally News, 3t-w-Jan. 4. J. K. Drinnan, pe dei
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Image 88 (1912-01-16), from microfilm reel 88, (CU1742623). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.