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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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i TO TRY PHYSICIAN FOR WIFE'S MURDER Said to Have Murdered Her and then Threw Her Body into Ravine. WAS HIS 3RD WIFE Claimed he Had Three and Love for Second was the Motive. Oregon, IIL, Jan, 10 Intense n- terest intrest is manifested in this section in the approaching trial of Dr. Harry Elgin Webster, the young Chi- -eago physiclan who ig charged having murdered his wife and thrown her body Into a lonely ravine in the southwestern part of this couhty on September 16th, last, It is expected the caso will come to trial in the Ogle County Court next week, though the defense Will make hard fight for: continuance. Wobater's case in one of the most interesting in the criminal annals of northern Illinois. The young man was rear d in this section and his youth held forth every promise of a bright future: His ambition to seo ure a medical education was fulfil- led through the assistance of his par- ents and sisters, who denied themsel- ves in order that he might have the money necessary to go through a Chi- cago medical college. The viotim of the murder, Mra. Bessie Kent, Webster, is said to have been the third wife of the young phy- Siciania1904, at Racine, Wis., he is said to have married Miss May D. Graff, a young Chicago woman who later divorced him for desertion and cruelty. A year ago this month Dr. Webster married Miss Zoe Varney of Cedar Rapids, Ia. The same week, according to facts brought to light by the: police tnvestigation, he secretly marrie Miss Besslo Kent, a young nurse whom he met in-Chicago hos- pital in which he was serving as ap interm. His love for his: second wife, Mrs. Zoe Varney Webster, is believed to have furnished the motive for his de sire to rid-himself-of the third wife: His term-of service as'an interne was, about finished and it was his inten- ion to join his second wife and es: tablish himself in the practice of his profession. On the morning of September 16 he fs alleged to have lured Mrs, Bessie Kent Webster away from Chicago, on the pretext that he wished her to meet his parents who resided near the town of Dixon, Arriving at Dixon the couple drove away in an automobile and that was the last time th young woman was seen al- Ive. Some days later her body was found concealed in a ravine, The victim had met death through a knife wound in the back of the neck which the medical examiners declared could have been inflicted only By Lperson having a knowledge of surg- ery. There -was evidence that the young woman was drugged before she was killed, he discorery or tha body Ted to the arrest a'few days later of the hus- band ofthe victim. , Following his arrest Dr. Webster Is sald to have admitted the murder, but later. he denied that he had made any confes- sion. In view of the strong evid- ence against him it is generally belie ved that the defense will make a plea of insanity, TO ELECT TWO SENATORS Richmond, Va., Jan. 10 The gen- eral assembly of Virginia convened today and organized for its regular biennial session. Early in the ses- sion Will come the election of two United States senators. There will-be no contest for either toga, however, fas the results of the recent Democrat- ie primary insure the re-election of both Senators Swanson and Martin. The former. will, get the short: term and the last named the long term. Following the election of senators the legislature will elect a score of jndges and various other officials. The legislative business of the ses- sion promises to be of more than or- dinary interest and importance. Ov- ershadowing all other mieasures will be those relating to taxation, the li quor question and the contract sys- tem of prison labor. HONOR MEMORY OF FORMER GOVERNOR Raleigh, N. C., Jant 10. A marble. jbust.of Governor Samuel Johnson, one lof the earliest governors of North Car- olina, was placed in the rotunda of the State House here today. The cere- Imonies were-in charge of the North Carolina grand lodge of Masons, of which Governor Johnson was the first grand master, aware that with all the Your next Prifiting be small would tention. ah Prairie P Patent Flour not only stands the which to place your dealer for it. The Medicine Hat Milling Co COMMERCIAL PRINTING Sy) Mr. Business Man are you ARTMENT is now equipped machinery and latest type faces. with which to turn out Commercial Printing. ed by us and will receive our careful and prompt at- fe satisfactory results it is the FLOUR in THE NEWS most modern order for Ji ob it large or be appreciat- ride test, but always yields confidence ask your THE MERCH -KGENERAL BANKING OF CANADA SPREE PPR ERE ANTS BANK Fleur had acted without authority. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF EQUITY, INDIANS WANT. WHITE MAN'S COURT TO DECIDE CHIEFS IN PICTURESQUE GARB ASK PREMIER TO INTERVENE IN THEIR TROUBLE TROUBLE. Sits at TILES IN-QUESTION REQUEST WOULD BE GIVEN CONSIDERATION. The nine British Coltimbia Tndiant chiefs who passed through this. city a week or so ago on their way to Ot- tawa wilted upon the other day to ask for a sottl of grievances of lovg standing. They vere introduced to the premler by J. M. Clark, KC,, of Toronto. Jn his remarks Mr. Clark outlined the history of the difficulties which date from before confederation, the claim being that the pravince has persistenly refused to acknowldege the Indian title and obtain a suFren- der of, it upon equitable terms. The petition presented accordingly prays thut steps be taker to protect usufructuary-rights of Indians in all. of the lads not surrendered, or atter: nately, that the whole question of the rights of Indians be submitted to a judicial committee of- the privy council for decision and settlement, Mr. Clark laid stress on, the cir- cumstance that in June, 1910, the justice department prepared quest- fons to be submitted to the privy council and on submitting them to, LaFleur, K.C, counsel for British Columbia and to J. M. Clark, KC. counsel for the Indians, Mr. LaFleur consented. The province of Brit- ish Columbia subsequently took the ground that in so cowsenting Mr. La The Indians made brief statements to the effectithat they desired to have the white hian s law courts decide upon their rights. The premfer Ustened courteously and assured the Indians that their request would re- celve considetation. CHARLESTON RACE MEETING -ENG-OPENS. Charlotteston, S. C., Jan. 10. An ambitious effort to make this city the real centre of winter racing-in Ame- rica. was+ inaugurated to-day with the opening of the seveity-five-day race meeting planned by the Charles- ton Fair and Racing Association. The management is pleased with the pro- speots. for -success. dreds: of thoroughbreds are now red at the local course, and additional ap- plicationh. for stable room are being received. dally.- Gathered in Charles- ton for the first time are. manyturf- men whose faces are familiar on the metropolitan tracks. Thirty thousand dollars has heen set aside by the promoters of the meeting to be expended in purses for stake events alone. -The program provides for twenty events of this character, fifteen of the horses of the: more mature division and five for the the meeting will be the Palmetto Derby, one mile and-a quarter worth INDIANA RETAIL LUMBERMEN: (Special to News) Jan ean nual-conYention of the Retail Lumber Dealers Association of Indiana be in this clty today, -with headquarters at the Claypool Hotel. The pro- gramme of the meeting provided for the discussion of numerous questions relating to the retafl lumber trade. OWA MASTER HOUSE PAINTERS Waterloo, Ia., Jan. 10 The Iowa Master House Painters and Decora- tos Association, which was organ- ized at Davenport last fall, began its first annual convention in this city today. President J. W: Newburgh of Dubuque presided.. The meeting will ast three da: 10. Nearly Owenstioro, Ky., Jan. very county of Kentuckyeyvas repre- sented at the opening h ip today of the State convention of the American Society of Equity. The discussion of. he co-operative. movemont-and. other matters of great importance to the farmers promises to make the meet- ing one. of-tmusual interest. / THEIR MAJESTIES SAIL FOR-HOME (Special to News). Bombay, India, Jan. 10 King Em- peror Gebrge and Queen Empress Mary embarked on the-Peninsula and Oriental liner. Medina today en route tor England. As on the outward trip the steamship will be amder the con- NORTH DAKOTA BUILDERS (Special to News) ) Minot, N. D., Jan, 10. Legislation for accident compehsation and plans Sayings Bank Departiient Special attention given te the business of Ranche: MEDICINE HAT BRANCH to-keep North Dakota construction work in the hands of local builders were discussed here today at the an- nual convention of the State Associa BUSIN TRANSACTED and Farmers . ft at all branches Wz 0. JOY, MANAGER, fete tion of Builedrs Exchanges of North BORDEN PROMISED THAT THEIR - voy of two battleships of the British an For the Children How Margaret Carnegie Helped the Poor Children. 101, by American Press Association. A charming little girl who bas not been spoiled by: riches is Iittle Mins Margaret Carnegie, daughter at the steel magnate. Mr. Aodrew Carnegie Ives inthe most fushionable street In New York, -and-between-his-bouse-and-that of his fieighbor, Mr. LT. Burden, there is 4 vacant lot: Through the kindness of Miss Carnegie this lot-bas been given cover to the Parks snd Playgrounds as sociation, and all summer long poor children from the east side, looked up at the vine covered windows of the Fifth avenue houses as they romped and played and enjoyed the swings and seesaws that bad been provided for them. Mr. Carnegie stipulated only that the lot should be so well guarded that the children could cot annoy tlie residents of the fashionable neighhorbood. Halloween Lore, Throw a ball of yarn git of yout window snd rewind it front, within. re. peating (he paterboster bdekward at you do 0, all the while witching the ball. Presently, if you bav igood lek, you will bave a vision of your future husband's face: Take two jdng stemmed red roses and intertwine the stems. repeating S hese tines: . * Let my-Jove. be-whojly mine. If his heart be kind and true Deeper grow his rose's hue, Look in your glass whtle combing your hair, at the same time eating a apple and holding a candle in one hand. Yon must also be alone. you bave good tuck yon will see yout future mate's face peeping over you shoulder in the mirror. - They say that children who are bore -on Halloween have and retain througt their childhood the power. to conven with witches, devils and mischief mak Ang-elves. The Raisin Race. One of the jolilest of Halloween games 1s the raisin race. If you have never tried it don't fail to do so. this Halloween. Take a nic , clean white string. yard long and exactly In the center fasten a raisin. -Now. take two boys or girls, tle thelr hands behind them tween each one's teeth, At the word Go each thust begin chewing tne string for dear life + The one chewing fastest will reach the raisin Grst, provided he s not 0 nafortunste as to let the string slp from his accident which. is i ew. ing causes * pulling of the string. which must be carefully guarded ebb bbb bbb bbb tree Twine, twine and intertwine an end of the string he- Tthteee Hee EES : A GOOD WANT AD. ae + Is, of course, one which will + bring the greatest number of + replies or answers. It is a ob law that increased demand makes certain the quicker + sale, The Want Ad. is the brief- + est kind of an Ad. that ts ever +f written, and hence in tts brav- ity there must be wit-wisdom. + The Want Ad. can only: inter- est the reader on the basis of + his taterest. Each ceader. is - + interested,in each and all of + the five essentials to every +f Want Ad. These essentials, in the order of their import- +f ance; are; frst, the names of + the article or thing advertia- ed; second the quality of the J: article or the kind of thing + advertised; third the price of + hte arccle-or thing ed; fourth, the address,--+ - (phone, or street number) of +f the, advertiser, and, fifth, the +j- name of the advertiser. + When the above essentials are fully and truthfully stat- ed in the Want Ad, the best Tesults are obtained; but io proportion to the number of f+ these essentials ommitted lt; - from the Ad., does the advert- + iser curtail the results to-his lt; look for: them fa Phone 13. + PRESS ERLE EEE Oe feed ole fe fe ole he obs stools fe : T 1000 50 ft. lot Toronto st. 625 50 ft. Industrial fat. 425 50 ft. Central Park. . 720 50 ft.,-1 bik from H. Schr 1000 60 ft, DIK 11, Ottawa. These are a few of our snaps. Call in and look them over. We also want listings. Hollinger Agency 384 Main St. Phone 433 NOTICE Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, ete., ads under these headings. 25 words, one day .. 25 words, three days .. 25 words, six days ad accepted for less than 25 cents. Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No, 13 ring 2, and. it will receive attention. Septem eines HELE WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Foung girl to take chia out in afternoon. Apply to Mrs. .T. F, Dawson, West Allowance. 15143 WANTED Young aay to work tn cigar stand. Apply to bor 1000 offi 15243 JOUSEKEEPER S PLACE WANT- ED by. competent person in or out oftown. Apply 145, New office. 15243 HELP WANTED. Wantep sat mart for Medicine Hat, for an article which sells in every office, Apply by letter box 144 News. 15041 AMEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN barber tradx, special anmmer rate on, joln now and-save money, particulars free. Moler System -Col- lege, 609 Centre St., Calgary. 204dtf OR SALE 80 + SALE 80 records for Bdison Phonograph. Nearly all 4 min- ute and in good condition. Price 15 for the lot. Medicine Hat Fire De- partment: 1agast FOR SALE Stock of ladies and gents clothing, furnishings, boots and shoes, worth about 1500, to be dollar. Buyer can rent the premises. Store, 5 living rooms and barn, for 40 per month. Horse, 5 years. stylish driver, suitable for lad; harness and Democrat wagon. to The Harvard Talloring ( Aves opposite Dreamlan oR SALE CHEAP A horse, Gentl broke to ride or drive. 120 Otta- wa St East. ieeast ON THE: MARKET SQUARE ON FRIDAY JANUARY 12, 1912, AT 1 O'CLOCK PROMPT. When we shall offer for Sale by Public Auction large quantity of Driving and Heavy Horses, Cows, Oxen, Single and Double Harne3s, Buggles, Wagons,.Bob Sleights, a quantity of Farming Implements e, Entries for this Sale can be made up to 12 o clock on day of Sale, at the offices of the Auct-. foneers, 366 Toronto Street, Medicine Hat, Phone 481, H. B. Browne Co. AUCTIONEERS. . FOR SALe Well ariiting machine. Complete with gasoline engine, 300 feet capacity. In good. repair. Will sell cheap for cash, if taken at once, P, O. Box 33, Carlstadt, Alta FOR SALE 1 cooking gas stove, dou- ble ovens, in perfect shape. Will sell cheap for prompt sale. L. P.O. Noel, 615 Balmoral St. OFSICES FOR RENT (OFFICES TO RENT in Imperial bank building. Several. - suites. AN modern conveniences. Apply News office. 1s4att Additional words at same rate, No s ROOMS TO RENT BARD AND ROOM TO RENT or board only, 511 Toronto St. 16343 FOR RENT Cheerful,, warm ip- stairs front room. Five minutes walk from P. 0, 236-Main St..151d3 FURNISHED ROOM TO LET, mod- rn conveniences. 642 Montreal 160ate ROOM To RENT AN modern con- : -veniences, Apply 70I Ottawa, Birest, 1agate ROOMS TO RENT- with all modern conveniences, suitable for gentle- men, Apply 133 Ottawa St Phone 546, , Mate ROOM TO RENT Nice warm trout. bedroom in modern house. Apply 237 Ssplanade, 1s2ate St H- 8. BROWNE CO, Live Stock nd General Auctioneers; farm and ranch sales a special house sales of Turniture witt receive our special attention, Goods of any de- scription can be entered for our reg- ular weekly sales on thea Market Square. In addition to the above, un- der and by virtue of a certain .chat- tel mortgage we shall sell netirely without reserve, 1 grey mare about 1500, 1 bay gelding about 1200. benefit of the Weekly oo ne axtracharge. Booke ope VOL. .2 NO 155 train E In Raging Blizzards Quota of Acc ering in Cold St. Johns, Newfound In 4 terrible biizzar over. Newfoundland for days, the- snow. comple some of the telegraph Hine, the whole of tt SHORTSIGHTED COSTS So Says Rex Crea yeast advanced on goods Signed for absolute sale. Apply H. B. Browne Co, Medicine Hat. Phone 481. announcement tale, sold if 10 dafs for 50 cents on the, s52a3 T con- Lost Would 366 Toronto St. See our ewhere of auction Canada, through care norant farming, lost ot dollars last year, say dall, - writing in . Jan Monthly. You can't get the ts thing in- plain figures. the coal-bin instead of cents. One year's loss fr ex's faulty farming wou man jack of us fre fuel years.. Just think ip ove atoke up the furnace ton billion's a lot of money well worth working for. can help put it in the N fers, Doesn't matter af tailor, soldier, sailor, ri man or money-mad far to everybody. The indif shiftless farmer is q mat National importance: + mada to sce the error of have his feet-planted on path. It's high time bk ut of the comic supples fo work, Prod iim alo We'll discuss your ab work of the farmer's rey ter. In the meantime let situation, eA) -vin tion of Canada is the N MISCELLANEOUS WANTED LaDIES' AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jeweiry, guns, revolvers, valises, ait cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, harness, bicyel s, carpenter toolk, etc., raw hides and furs? horse hair, wool and f.Mhers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Tafloring Ce. 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre, P. 0, box 701. Phone 295. The-Best-Prives Paid for the above. 23008. THE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand-the best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods. We buy-everything mentioned above- and pay the best prices. -Call at 60 South Raliway St. or Phone581. GLOBE CLEANING AND . PRESSING CO. beg to announce that they are opening a cleaning and Dressing establishment opposite the Fire Station on 4th Ave, All work Buaranteed to give satisfaction. New and second hand goods hought and National C Set LOST Ua. FOUND: L O8T TWwo colts; about end of De- cember, one Wark hay, the other black stallion with white spot in fore- head, from range 4-13-4, west of 4th, Geo, K.-Robinson, Medicine Hat. 15006 ery. JFOUND Scart pin at Jast Tennis dance. Owner can have same by paying for this ad and proving pro- perty. Apply to News cffice.- 150dtt T n dollars reward for thelr recov- box 793. abe Offices: Pruitt Block, Room 2; sold. Mark Harris, Prop, 16146 Foreign Powers LEQRL, i peried that Ch: SES. cial +Governi AVIDSON Wi nD Heltors and . Noon PaO Completed. Hat. . Offices: Corner of Toronto St. Pel phone 614, .P. 0. Nanking, Jan. 11. The Minister Wag Chung We ganization of fhe provi ment is not completed. ason to believe: Premier Kas acceded to the holdh nal convention for-sett future form of governme LLIAM P, BUNDON, - Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Medicine Hat, BUSINESS CARDS. FOUND on Main st, on Jan. 2nd, purse eontaining money,Owner mgainst- The chewer who first reaches the great good fortune. A Halloween Test. A-severe test for Halloween ta for the entire company of boys and girls to fii thelr mouths with water and take up an entire bandfol of salt apiece, then. fillng out of doors. walle around the bouse three times Those who succeed in doing thin without swallowing any water or spilling auy salt will find their future mates in the first persons of the opposite sex whom they-meet The Halloween Party. We had fun at the Halloween party.. All the girls and the boys Made a lively noise At the house c Anna McCarty. T tell you we haa a merry set Bell and Sue, FY, t00. And-the dear little wee tot Margaret. Our- pumpkin tanterna, all aglow. Made the room look say We bobbed for apples. Dear me, what sport Our faces were dripping wet. We looked funny, you bet Like mermaids tall and mermalds short We counted the apple seeds with cate And the peeling threw On the Noor. Well we knew The names of our lovers would be there, e played one good Kame after anciber, When Margaret began to-ery: Tm tired I-11 Want, to go home to Jimmie brother Shiloi:s Gure STOPS COLGHS BENS THEZONCS PRICE, 25 CENTS Public for SIXT YEARS, ls something in the name. . THE BARTLETT STUDIO, raisin may eat It and will also have gt; Somewhat. three years; cultivate fifty acres and erect 200.66. you were to grow wheat for aix- ere Rowse worth Honey een years chances are you would Deputy of the Minister of the Interfor now How, (Practice makes Per- N, B. Unauthorizea publication of fect): We have been pleasing the this edvertixement will not be paid for there to hold thede Sales weekly on the Market, and farmers and others can now. depend on a regular Sale for cattle, pro- duce, or anything they may have to dispose of. SYNOPSIS-OF C.NADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS. ANY person who fs the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may hemustead quarter section of available Douinion land in. Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appl cant must appear in Dominion Lands Agency or Sub- Agency ior the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any Ageacy, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister, of intending hemesteader. Duties Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live ;within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his tacher, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In, certain districts a nomesteader in good standing may rre-empt a quarter-section alongside his home- stead. Price 3.00 per acre. Duties. Must reside upon the homestead or pre-cmption six months in each of jstx years from date of homestead en- try (neluding the time required to jearn homestead patent)+and cultivate fifty weres extra, A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and canhot ob- tain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead n certain dis- tricts. Price 3.00 per acre. Duties Must reside six months in each of Sent. 14-D-6m. may have-same on paying expenses. Apply Chief of Police. i50att T,O8T 1 gold ring, initials .B.D., in Spencer Todd's store 8 urday night. Finder kindly . phone 311, iad SYNOPSIS OF COAL MINING REGU- LATIONS. COAL mining rights of the Dominfon in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, the Yukon Territory, the Northwest Territories and in por. tion of the Province of British Colum- bia, may be leased for a term of twenty-one yeafs-at an annual rental of 1 an acre, Not than 2,560 acres will be leased ie appiieant. fon fora: lease must be made by the person to the Agent or Sub-Agent of the dia- trict in which the ights applied for are situated. In survey d:territory the and must be descrived by sections, or. legal sub- divisions of sections, and in unsi veyed territory the tract appsied ior shall be staked out by the applicant himself. Each application must be accom- panied by a fee of wnrcn will Fe re- funded if the rights applie? or are not avallable, but not ovherwise. royalty shall be paid on the merchant. able output of the mine at the rate of five cents per ton. +The person operating the mine shall furnish the Agent witlt sworn returns accountng for the full quantity ot merchantable coal mined and pay th Jeoyalty thereon. If the coal mining ights are being dperated, such returns shoul be furnished at least once a year. The lease will include the coal min. ing rights only, but the lessee may be vermitt d to purchase whatever aveil tle surface rights may be congldered necessary for the working of the mine tt the rate of 10.00 an-aere For full information applleation whould be made to the Secretary of he Department of the Interior, Ot awa, or to any Agent or Sub-Agent of Dominion lands. W, W CORY, Signa that attract. City Sign Works, ' Dakota, (over Binning s Store), Phone 475. 4eDut, Deputy Minister*of tae Interior NN. B. Unauthorized publication of Dominion and Alberta Land'Surveyor And Municipal Engineer. Ae Chang Hal. President displays unusual optimis Slans THAT ATTRACT. gt; Main 'st. SCR ge SINGER SEWING MACHINES ana Sherlock, Manning Pianos and Organs for sale and to rent All classes of insurance. W, J. Fleming, Office. 381 . gisio Street. eT : 4 IMPORTANT . i ) Present Membe Lost in C.-P-R. yard Dec. 20th, Steal Staff about 6 inches in length, enclosed in black rubber case about 10 inches Jong with screw top. This 1s part of electric staff system and very necessary to operation of trains, Anyone finding same Would confer fav or by Feturning to Medicine Hat yard E. Bartlett Returned 48 w balloting. ows: Right ae Centre of which 48 will be So paper does not try to timate results but says for members of the left * (Bpecial to the Berlin, Jan. 11. Germ the eve of the most por Tamentary election ever establishment of the em Tt is not surprising th the whole country, fully importance of tomorrow im a state of ferment Sith Germans, who take elections coolly: and de matter af fact and much to election demon There ete many cause tive to thake tomorrow great importance. The vous feature is ttt prot the resn't of the elect A, ADIT. Tlevhorio 68. Fic TREAT Fine large Office in the News Block, 20-26 feet n size, well stdam heated, modern 9 APPLY TO Fig advertisement will not be pald for Sept. 14-D-6m. News Office.
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Image 54 (1912-01-10), from microfilm reel 54, (CU1742617). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.