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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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i y the latest Prices. Keep the Get our We make Loose Leaf Seated Systems Loose Leaf We can supply you with improved Loose Leaf Systems at Eastern money at home, prices before sending out of the city for these goods. ; We carry a full stock of Binders , Indexes, Ledger for this work. a speciality of Binders, in Cor- duroy and Leather, Canvass and Leather, Canvass etc., and can make th em any size lution of retail advertising has brought to beng One oF two high grade-com cerns, backed by ample capital, who are syndicating out this kind of (Ilus- trations along with complete adver- tising service. Syndicating means y large sums nding to draw advertising Jens: those concerns to artists of bigh pictures that sult your and employ advertising writers of jnational reputation to get mp tter to go with the pletures Those com- plete advertisements ave sold In-tror sands of-different towns for use lo- cally and, because of this method of syndicating, can be bought, in a se fes of 52 one for each week in the year, for, aa law dollar per week with copper-plate electros of the MMustrations. Much of this latest style of advertising has been classed as equal to the best publicity that has made success for many of the dig de- partment stores and national adver- tisers, At the top of these columns wilh be found reduced facsimiles of those vertisements taken from a Bavaria s Bavaria entered upon his sixty-fifth year today and Munich, with other Bavarian towns. in honor of the oc- casion displayed flags and bunting, sang Te Deams, had a review of troops and perfunctorily drank to thd health of the king who remains shut up in the dastle of Fuerstenried, hopelessly insane and carefully guar- ded. All these celebrations are mere- ly a matter of form and in accord- ance with monarchical traditions, The Bavarians care but little for their king, whom many have never seen. He was insane when be suc ceeded to the throne of Bavaria af- ter the death of his brother Ludwig His 65th Birthday Celebrated and Drank By His People While He Lays in His Castle Closely Guarded; (Special to the News) 3 Munich, April 27. King. Otto of sible way, the insane monarch spends vervice of that class : This sort of wdvertising ts calted Syndicated ad- vertiaing Service. No merchant ueed be without the best means of successful advertising when he can buy illustrated service at so low a price as thi Jt is aow making success for thousands of re- tailers throughout the country and is the very latest in retail advertising. Remember always Mr. Retailer, that attention getting s classed as about-60-per cent of all Fetall waver tising and when next you write an advertisement without using the best means to get that attention, you are losing about 60 per. cent of the entire value of your announcement. Full particulars of this kind of sue- cess building illustrated syndicated advertising service may be obtained from the editor of this newspaper. Why be without the means of build- ing success for yourself, a means that has already accomplished it for thou- sands of other merchants in the same position ag you are? Mad King 2 Ps his days at the secluded castle. Froni, year to year his mental condition grew worse, while his physical con- dition, thanks to the excellent care of his physicians and-attendants, steadily improved. Mentally a com- plete imbecile, unable to recognize even his nearest relations, he has grown, physically, to a fine specimen of manhood. He is a giant in figure, possessed of tremendous strength and, in spite of his abnormal way of living, perfectly healthy. His condi- tion variesfrom periods-of-utte difference orspells of great dejestion to paroxisms of uncontrollable fury, extremely trying o his attendants, as they are uot permitted-oven- tors Job Department. ; 7 Medicine Hat News, Ltd. Sscneasesee whom been deposed on ae count of his madness and drowned himself i Starnberg Lake two days later, June 10, 1886. Even then Otto was confined at Castle Fuer- stenried, while Prince Luitpold, ap- pointed Regent for the mad Ludwig, continued as Regent for the even madder Otto. 3 Bavaria had not cause to com- plain for, under the wise and con- servative rule of the faithful Regent the country prospered beyond all ex- pectations. While the late King Lud- wig had spent many millions building BUSINESS BUILDING BY DUNDAS Advertising Manager vf the C. E. Zimmerman Co., Chicago. THE FIRST REQUIREMENTS OF AN ADVERTISEMENT When you sit down to write an advertisement for that space in your HENDERSON advertiseme: The ill done, being depicted: For a long time it was thought that comic pictures were the best means the readers of these lines are still of the same opinion. While this may be so to a yery Iimited extent, it has been found that they do not create that desire to read the rest of the ad- vertisement that fs necessary to its Success. Also because they: are comic they cause laughter, which means that the amusement extends to the contemplation of the goods and even to the advertiser himself. When an advertisement is laughed at, it seldom carries conviction to the minds of Dossible customers. A well drawn iMustration is the best means, not on- ty to attract attention; but to hold it and create interest in the rest of the i t ecm tration should have human interest and ac- tion should, as far as possible, enter into t by means of a figure of a man er Woman performing something or shown as having done something, the result of the something having been of attracting attention and many of castles and had saddled a tremend- ous debt upon his country, Luitpold enforced strict economy in all gov- erimient expenditures and not only settled the debts of the former king but accumulated a large surplus. Otto Wilhelm. Leopold Adalbert. Waldemar, the present. nominal roler of Bavaria, was born in Munich on April 27, 184 father was Maxi- Marie of Prusia. It is from his fath- er s side of the house that Otto in herited his insanity, a taint of which disease was-latent in quite a number of scions of the ancient House of Wittelsbach. When Ludwig II. succeeded his fa- ther Maximilian Il. upon the throne of Bavaria, the disease which finally incapaciated him from reigning and made the apointment of a regent ne- cessary, manifested itself merely in eccentricity. But, when Ludwig died 1 ou June 10, 1886, without leaving an heir to the . throne, his younger brother Otto, who succeeded to the, throne under the Bavarian constitu- tion, was already insane. This fact precluded his actual accession and, while he was nominally recognized as the lawful king and his head was stamped upon the coins of the realm, Prince Luitpold continued as regent, acids must be driven out. Liniments and rubbing may give temporary re- trouble. The sufferer is only wasting time and money with this treatment ind all the time the trou- ble is becoming more deeply rooted harder to cure. Speedy cure for rheumatism. Dr. Wil- on the impu: They purity thus root out the cause of the rhen- matism. Here is strong proof of the above state man, Midia three years azo my grandson, Rob- ert Luffman flammatory + s0 bad he could only walk fomeone helped him about. One arm moment to forget that under no con4 dition foree may be used against the king. The king has killed-several-off his attendants in his fits of fury, bell it is believed that in the last stage of the disease, which Otto seems now to have reached, these attacks will gradually cease. SPRING REMINDERS OF RHEUMATISM Raw, Damp Weather Starts the Pain, but the Trouble Lies in the Blood. Spring weatier Is bad for rheu- matic suffer: The changes. from mild to cold. the raw damp winds start the aches and twinges, or in the more extreme cases, the tortures of the trouble going. But it must be borne in mind that it is not the wea- ther that rheumatism. The rooted In the blood the le weather merely starts the The only way to reach the trouble and to cure it is through the blood, The poisonous - rheumatic lef, ut cannot possibly cure the kind of. ate e : MOLL OC TELS e TUESDAY- Floors scrubbed, worn floors make ev Brighten Up Week The Busy B s We all must commence at once. This will mean six days devoted to a good old-fashioned house-cleaning, not only in our homes, but the stores, lt; public buildings, streets and park. We want to brighten up the town for spring and ing clean, bright and cheerful. : Instead of each individual starting at intervals, let us all start at once and brighten up our homes, as this is to be an annual house-cleaning for the city, and we must not stop at our own door steps, We don t only want to make our own homes bright and cheerful, but to enliven the whole town. We want our walks, gardens and street house-cleaned as well and spic and span. Nature is putting on her best dress and why the same. oe Here is Our Suggestion of a Programme for this Coming Week. MONDAY All rugs tak n up and beaten in the back yard; curtains removed, pictures taken off their hooks, and wood-work and painted Wy d side : or varnished. Fixtures washed and furniture varnished: WEDNESDAY ots Windows cleaned, down, frames paint or varnish. , SI ul The Busy B s prs e Larg est Stock of Hardware in The City. Exclusive Agents Sherwin Williams Paints and Varnishes. Berry Bros. Varnishes Pa hate Retest Sestots Se-ale-sfe stoke steele sie-sie-see-ahe-one-ey Th SHPO SSSS SS SSSSSOSSOS THE BUSY B s THE MAYOR has proclained a BRIGHTEN UP DAY. WE agree with him and furniture replaced and pictures hung. Dingy touched up wit ae ST, AOL Saturday, A Sry Soeteeto call, Drageteretesdoey Le us i modern our pri best po No recelve have made it a Lugs 'PHONE. Be at I should we not do THURSDAY Arnaments washed and dusted. Clean curtains put on windows. FRIDAY elled; scratched chairs and ta- bles. varnished, Make this OF pain ke SATURDAY * Yards tided, leaves brushed * aay sticks Picea up, ete.; x ee ts - put orches scrubbed, or if worn, ee Seay painted with porch floor paint. , gt; ie oes icture gold SUNDAY The Day of Rest. ostoe . Segeatoa : * ee With the bright, sunny days of spring and summer, you want your homes cheerful. Nothing makes a city appear. more prosperous than freshly painted + homes and well-kept yards and streets. e Let us get together and boost Medicine Hat. We can if we all take part 9 ( he in this Brighten-Up Week, for it will soon become known-that-our homes are + * See the best kept, our streets the cleanest, our citizens the most progressive, and i is: dea ae y our city administration the best in the West: also Bir - oe 3, both Fir at your The Sedertordedtes tee tedetedetet SoePtirsiorteieetontoriofeteatedteatestoetecteateateaty There is just one liams Pink Pills. They act. directly Aeld-tainted blood. and strengthen it and nts. Mrs. Robt. Luft- Ont, says ; About was attacked with in- umatism. He became when SAYS ST. JOHN WILL GET TRADE Mr. Burton Stewart of Nor- ton Griffiths Company Discusses Harbor Works. Believes British Subsidiz- Company, which has secured .con- tracts for the work which will aggre- Bate. The large works planned for St. John harbor include a breakwater 4800 feet long, wharves for the Grand Trunk Pacific terminals, the dredg- ing. of a channel and basin 32 feet be- low low water, which will necessitate ithe moving of 10,500,000 cubic yards of dirt, and a large amount of reclama- tion in connection with the G. T. P. terminals. This dredging to a depth, It is hardly a year since Mr. Stew- art was in Vancouver, Today he ex- pressed himself as amazed at the won- derful development which has taken Place in the last eleven months. The building activity. of: Vancouver, he Says, has only been surpassed by the efforts of the city along the line of street improvement, and thec ondi- tion of the main thoroughfares, he Says, calls for a great deal of praise. Mr, Stewart will remain in Vancouver for about a week, looking after the one-of-those men who want to-eee them all. to the t satisfaction of the ipping Will Come to : Jooal newspaver, the first question plcture witha: toich of tummntty t Bavanaromole he had to carry tna slug, and ne 0d Shipping OMS tO e font at high GR a Tequire Company's interests her , atter which yousaould. Se ae ear ie pete t varia peaple. fete Canada. a their advertisement bring resultt is. What must be the fitst requirement of this adyertisement? I wonder how many men amongst Chants throtighout the United States who are now doing advertising, could answer thix queation satisfactorily: The. tiret-requirement of an adver- tisement is to attract attention. To catch and hold the attention of a pos- sible-customer necessitates something in the announcement that fs different from the ordinary run of type mat- ter in the paper and also different from the -us aT style of advertise ments therein. Further, that some- thing must compel the attention suf- ficiently to hold t till the prospec- tive customer reclizes that she or he Wants to read the rest of the adver- tisement for the sake of what is said in it, There are several ways of attract- ing attention. One is by means of a Striking headline in bold type, an- other may be planned by the use of plenty-of-whitespace In and around the ad, and one more means is* the use of some freak arrangement of the type matter. Attention may also be Got by combination of all of these ways. But there fs stilt another way of attracting atterition that beats The best means of at- tracting attention to an ordinary re- The flustration draw; ture ry j Bt should be well A badly drawn or silly pie- badORe. And the picture should not only be well drawn, but it should jblend Well With the yest of the adver- tisement. While it attracts attention it should also direct the minds to the other portion of the advertisement that creates interest. and brings con- vietion. Pictures of the reason * kind in advertising are the lat est Evolution in retail publicity. They have been used for 4 Tong time: in Successful national advertisinng. A glance at the Saturday Evening Post oF any good magazines will show this and it will also prove another thing, that comic pictures or caricatyres are not usually employed by those big ad- vertisers to exploit their goods. Having settled in your mind that good illustrations are the best and surest means of attracting attention to what you have to sell through your Newspaper, you will naturally go on find considerable difficulty in getting you do, you will probably find price to be away above what you can It has been found in small towns and espectally'in dealing with goods hat sell mostly to women, that a good Pah eit p afford to pay, And to use.a. bad pie- ture will be worse than no advertise- ment. What are you to do? Her tn'the cure: The natural evo- tail-advertisement lects on the goods and the Tt is better to do without the illustration altogether than -to-have a Otto's insanity first manifested it- life. re he would hea cripple for The trouble also affected his he will leave for the East-en-raute to England. the finest plant in the world, and the harbor, when finished, will he able to when the Pzince, then only twenty- two years of age, held a commission in the is actions Hi that it was considered best to call the young Prince to staff headquar- ters, decorate him for his services him back home under cort. In the hope that his condition would improve, he was sent to the castle of Fuerstenried, where he was jkepE under strict surveillance and careful observation. r But the poor madman's condition idid not improve. His disease pro- gressed and developed through its arious stages and when Otto sue- ceeded to the throne he was so far advanced in his disease that the learned specialists prononneed it as limenrabl . Sinee he was first taken to castle Fuerstenried;-Otto has -ne-+ Ver left the enclosures of the beauti- Mi turning to water and we had ttle hope for his recovery. The medicine 04 asa the U, end ang. the, United Sta hin didnot tto-more eid 88d-the.-nited States than seothe-the patn a Tittle, then provements being undertaken at St. John, ply between English and Can- adian ports, Is the prophecy of W, Burton Stewart, general manager of the Norton , HOLLINGER- He-docier-gav. he would be as bad as former occasion Dr. William's Pink Pills had cured my daughter of rheu- matism, and we finally decided toy try them In Robert's case. After the use of three of four hoxes there was a slight improvement and he contin- ued taking the Pills used 12 boxes when the trouble had completely disappeared, and he has not been afflicted with it since. mail at 50c. a box or for 250 from. the Dr. Willams leat The doctor said hfs blood wa: ever. On a Vancouver, B. C- Aprit 25 That the si which at present sall between Eng- British subsidized ships w Mr, Griffiths Constructior THE INTELLIGENT AND EFFICIENT accommodate the largest of transat lantic Iners. The plans for the immense drydock ie cS the Teigth at 900 feet, but Mr. Stewart explains that there is every possibility that this will be further increased to 1150 fect which will make it the largest in the ium which to obtain the most capabl world. fews Want Ads. until he had Sold by all medsvime dealers or by six boxes edicine Co., Brockville, Ont. RETIRES ON AGE LIMIT (Special to the News) Washington, D.C., April 27, Rear fal estate .exeept for occasional drives during the first few years of jhis confinement. As the disease pro- p, lgressed and the paroxisms of v lence to which the king was subj A trollable, - these drives had to be p: Good fllustrations locally and when abandoned,as-it was considered un- Pennaylvania the desirable to allow the people to wit- eer he-has h less shore di ness such violent outbreaks: Surrounded by faithful-attendants 2) contem poreries- He-reached the jand treated with all the deference due to his exalted-rank, watched by doctors and humored iW every pos- erland, was placed on the retired list fF today on account the hunt for those pictures. You may became more frequent and less con- Thomas at the which time he dmiral Chauncey Thomas, who was tly relieved of command of the fleet by Rear Admirgl South of age. Admtral age of 17 was ap- Naval. Acadetti trom Duting his tong. car- lore'S6a service and uidst of his nay- jointed to the Fade of rear admiral ip 1910, since. has-been divjsion and Phone Block 17, Herald, 6 lots, metud 1400 3 lots, block 11. 1000 2 lots, block-14,- 600 PAIR Ing corner 1800. Terms. Who'll Be First ALTAWAN. GIVE US YOUR . LISTINGS We Have Buyers ALL EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS Meet commander of the Pacific fleet. SS ST t i 3 TOWNSITE Hi f 3000 Terms. 100 ft. corner, Dost OESETS THESE? Braemar St, blk. 86. curiae 105 ft. by 150 ft, corner, bemg 2600 Terms, 100 ft. corner, oar ee 1 BI Ber Braemar St., bik. 85. se ees Mock Gx Barclay Hees Cash 50 ft, DIK: 99. elas St Only 2100, Terms. H NORTH YUILL Lot 2, blk. 9, Dominion ALSO St WE WANT YOUR LISTINGS Phone-thent-tn er. oull, or tra . will call, 125 t. by 180 ft, facing Bar- clay St, being block H. Only 2000, lots 6-10, Ot 0-10 00 0-040 OL OL OL OHOTOD:
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Image 706 (1912-04-27), from microfilm reel 706, (CU1743317). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.