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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Page-6 NESBITT CHANGED Was Dismissed but Re-ar- rested Again On Charge Less Serious. WILL FIGHT EXTRADITION MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Sa ot COLLAR BUTTON An imstant later the Grightoned ani-/ ci icy waters of the harbor. The rig swayed on the edge of the guard rail sete miss este AROUND WORLD phe arose from those om board the ed the hair raising incident. A rush Year Trip, Stud Paying was mode to the atiige, he occupants Al the Expenses. exancra Soca TAKES INVENTOR and then safely r ghted. Muamwhile Camosun amd the whatt who witsess- Takes Family for Three- of which quickly tumbled oat un- BIG TEXTILE (Special to News) Boston, Masa, April 22 The third national exhibition of textile mach- tnery; mil supplies and general-tex (ile products under the auspices of the Textile Exhibitors Association opened here today at the Mechanics Building abd will remain open through the entire woek., Every pro- cess Of manufacture Is shown and special department 1s devoted to pow- er machinery and appliances for the THE BUSY B s have made it a te THE MAYOR ha proclained a BRIGHTEN UP DAY. WE agree with him and Monday, April 22nd, 1912. ed Prego eieatecectoenete este elo afeate ate ete ele ete dio ate aarete sioaie octet os ris Being Held in Chilo SOLD SOME TO Seneration and transmission of pow- PEI Doctoi elng ; FIJI ISLANDERS * fF mitts ana factories. The ex- cago Without Bail Hear- rye of the clectric searchlight hibition Bas ettracted textile wieti ' ing on 26th. from the vessel were quickly turned trom jupas Oe mmeteed team, who tetsg In Some Foreign Gountries (roa was unlit conteee outaad cx 7 Chicago, 11, April 22 Charges of es Tapidly made for the shorewr Geo. B. Covell Sold Tons New tugiand. During the week sev- eet forgery against Dr. W, Beattie Nes- jured from the high plunge and) of Studs. eral important organizations, among ah bitt, former president of the Farmers /colt dath- them the Master Mechanics Associa- Bank of Toronto, Canada, were dis- The accident has stirrol the whole/ 4 collar button was to George B. tlon of America, the National Associ- SEE ( Tulss d today and he was immediate- Community and the government at/ Covel, of New York City, what the) ation Of Cotton Manufacturers, the y arrested on a new warrant charg- Ottawa, umder whose control the wonderiul lamp was to Alsddin, The American Cotton Manufacturers As- We all must commence at once... This will mean six digs devoted to a aecd Write, ing a lesser offense. Counsel for the former banker de-/ cided that extradition to Canada would be resisted, and United States Commissioner Foote, who issued the fant charges the former banker with fraud, making fraudalent statements to government officials of the Dom infon of Canada, as to the condition of the Farmers Bank of Toronto. The change in front in the Nesbitt case came yesterday after Nesbitt's counsel had decided to have ils client walve examination on the for- gery charge and proceed to Toronto to face his accusers. W. D Greer, or the Criminal In- vestigation Department of Ontario wharf is, is being roundly censtred sory of what it accomplished or through its neglect in not carrying what its owner accomplished with it out the proposed improvements f0F/ reads like an extraordinary novel of which parliament long sinc authotiz- Jiventure, but Mr. Covel thinks it is ed the expenditure. jlittle more than a plain tale of busi- Templeman, then menb(r for Comox sting mote then three years. It Atlin, secured an approprintion fot) might enable them to exirle other the enlargement of the public whert, worlds if there were emy more within and at the time the govemment GP rack People i foreign Tasds mar Pealed to the countiy the appropria- vented t the button, end in many tion was in the estimates. The new x : . eountries Mr. Covell sold copies of it Sercee wit 6 mae ca oe ae eee were called in mm Chis i Chinese it them in a the contract let to W. G. Gillette, Of tie The New York Evening Mail is Victoria, who, with he partmer, J.A. Juthocity for the story of Me. Covell Macdonaldi built the wharf approach. oq his button. It says in part: eke wiaake tothe wae Bed of The Covelis finished the last lap matter. H. S. Clements, M.P., for the on their joumey when they acrived in -provincial- police; filed new charges; Sistrict, was appeaied to bry letter and New York from Le Harve Mr-Covelt which the Canadian officials believe by telegram, but only within the last) wore his original capital in his shirt Would be supported by the evidence. Attorney W. K. Patterson, counsel for Dr. Nesbitt, then decided that al- contract, for some season unstated, though the charge was an offence less serious than forgery, he would Tesist extradition. DEFECTIVE HARNESS SAVES MANY LIVES day or two was the exeextive of the TO No grow excited when Citizens association advised that. the marvelling persons told him be hed done en unusital thing, It's nothing, he said modestly. Anyone could do it, provided they had faith in their collar button. I bad faith im mine, because I imveneed it myself. J had a ton of them made te: fose we started out. : Aha interrupted an interpreter, who thought he sew great light. But Mr. Covell forestalled him. had not een signed. Meanwhile,;sum- mer is fast approaching, the wharf is daily becoming more dilapidated and this greatest public convenitnce for visitors to Stewart lies neglected. SECOND TRIAL IN GENTRY MURDER CASE sociation and the Knit Goods Manu- facturers, wll hold their meetings here. With sixty 500-candle pow r elec- For ali kinds of job printing, try the News Job Department. CITY OF MEDIC spice the same. old-fashioned house-cleaning, not only in our homes, but the stores, public buildings, streets and park. We want to brighten up the town for spring and- make everything clean, bright and cheerful. warrant, held Dr. Nesbitt without Previous to Sir Wilfrid Laurier go rie Hghts the chandelier of Lon- Tnstead 5 E saga aalithst eating lesan greene ceases wane lone It fe oe i dee eee toe ae of each individual plies at intervals, let us all start at once Z hates tion for April 26th, The new war- a he brilliant in the world. an ighten up our-homes, as this is to be an annual house-cleaning for the Meal city, and we must not stop at our own door steps, We don t only want to make our own homes bright and cheerful, but to enliven the whole town. We want yuse-cleaned as well and everything made and span. Nature is putting on her best dress and why should we not do . Here is Our Suggestion of a Programme The Ca Investn (Coples of By-laws covering Lawn Service Hours BY-LAW No. 287. A By-law to amend By-law No. 160 of the City of Medicine Hat THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORA- TION OF THE CITY OF MEDICINE HAT hereby enacts as follows 1. Section fifteen of By-law No. one hundred and sixty of the City of Medicine Hat is hereby repealed and the following substituted therefor: (15) Consumers of the city living MONDAY All rugs taken up and beaten in the back yard; curtains removed, pictures taken off their hooks, and wood-work and painted walls washed. . TUESDAY Floors serubbed, worn floors painted with inside floor paint, or varnished.. Fixtures washed and furniture varnished. FRIDAY bles THURSDAY Arnaments washed and dusted. Clean curtains put on windows. Stove pipes and radiators enam- elled; scratched chairs and ta- varnished. painting day. SATURDAY Yards tided, leaves brushed Make (Special to. News) meen ne ; : . EI Reno, Okla, April 22 The j SN 0, he said, on rene because I in the localities described in the sche- nae . : a Stenograph Owing to Dilapidated Condi- or Maurice Weightman, one of the, WSS itaid my original capital would dulo to this claus: shall not use the WEDNESDAY. Eivay, sticks misked Ups. ete; ne tion of Wharf, Team defendants in the Geptry murder case roll under q oureat and get lost thet water for was windows with Windows cleaned, carpets put nt th ae fl r worn, Jumps Into the Icy Wat- at Oklahoma City, Was called for T laid i stich g stock. I got thei: to hose, or in fountains or upon lawns, down, furniture -replaced and painted with porch floor paint. trial here today having been brought ell What's mote, I sold them, ad Rardens, grass plo's, boulevards, i hung. Din ict or Jto BI Reno on change of venun Abe Prot paid ell our expeanes fot tttesta of sldowaits cxcept between Pictures hung. Dingy pieture suNDAY Snavee o the hour -deseribed in the said sched trai touched. up with gold GOVERNMENT BLAMED Dozen Passengers Have) Narrow Escape from Tra- Weightman isaceused of complicity our three and q half-year s trip. in the murder 6f T. J. Gentry, who Pressed for more details, he explain was shot and killed in his home on the night of Jafuary 7th last. The fo ses the world. The prospects for ed. that he-had-ohrays had a desize+ABe Such purpe murder ' fileged to have resulted such a trip. were very dim, however, hall use water fo: outside the said ule and no person hours, SCHEDULE paint or varnish. The Day of Rest. ger, you want your homes : ee All that portion of the city lying north and east of the following des- Tronl a conspiricy Tormed by Sirg, untit-the spring ot 1908, when be in- 7 othi i P sperous than freshly painted Alverta Gentry, Wife of the lai THe: ly p 1s gic Death. Stewart, April 20. By the breaking of deiective harness and the snapping of q doubletree, a fearful disaster was happily avertid iate on Friday night when the steamer Camosun lay berth- ed at the government wharf. A light threeseated stage, driven by Pete Lowe, one of the most care- ful teamsters in the town, and crowd- ed with q dozen: people, had reached a point nearly opposite the Westholme Lumber company's freight shed when, man, Weightman her brother, and Jesse K. MacKay whets said to hare been on terms of intimacy with the wife Mrs Gentry has been convict- ed and sentenced to Ife Imprison- ment for her share in the crime. fon (0 secure immunity, attaching all the blame upon the wife and her brother. NOTED EDUCATOR TO TAKE? BRIDE vented q collar button that would-ac tually hold 2 collar in place, and. that ) woul? not roll out of sight, because it had square edges. The carly orders for this button were encobyeging, aod he decided to sell them himself. Ordening the ton and started westward with bis wife of collar tuttons depleted, but the of them aforementioned, he shipped them ahead in small consignments: In September, 1908, he found him- self in Seattic with his ortginal stock cribed defining line, that is to say, commencing at the bank of the South corner of Blk D (plan 32380), thence southerly to the lane way of said lane way continuing through the lane way of Block B to the West Road Allowance, thence southeriy to the lane way of Block L , (plan (61685), thence along said lane way to Eighth Avenue, thence southerly along said Avenue to Main Street, thence easterl; along said street to tehewan river at the north west homes and well-kept yards and streets. in beco our city administration the best in the West. Let us get together and boost Medicine Hat. We can if we all take part isc carr iiceraestecty the best kept, our streets the cleanest, our citizens the most progressive, and 3. ge Residence + Phone 6: to pass an incoming rig, the driver a eau ha aa family exchequer in better shape than ded hi x i been ss fie Seventh Avenue, thence southerly guided his team close ta the left of Nashville, Tenn, April 22 Many * **? meee 7 h B 66? 99 erates tr, Teton 22a wating ce to He tor ila at e i suf Montel tet The Busy s sean adt- uotived tek Hi3ss Geaelobtsy lanuthern scciel-ciectes aaa ok edaeas toe Deen tS Wike peeeebel C-ten amos. easterly, alee sais Street: t0) Look me ei ea Fourth Avenue, thi itherly-aloug. a 2 built. Spe twelve inch guard rail wes out of tional Institutions of the North and it Suotier Hetle damyhter, who was OCF) TM eee a treet, thence The targest Stock of Hardware in The City. Baltt oo alignment -and thefromt wheel struck the South arrived here today to at- northerly 2 Then. in December of that the projection. There was a sharp/tend as guests the wedding of Fe tal at Ved scond ton of collar bifftens came Exdusive Agents Sherwin Williams Paints and Nacaisties. Berry Bros. Varnishes ck followed by the rearing of the Mary, Hannah Johnson to Dr. Phil- 1 thence easter i i oat ote neee err ee ea Paes Neate eee oey ander Priestly Claxton, United States long, amd Mr. Covell started from ria tbe oe of Blocks 47, 63 8-2 rere Commissioner of Education. whick Seattle with bis family to introduce) Tg io the int fig Bolt: of will be solemnized tomorrow. in his button into Hawai lt; , Hill Road, and the Road Allowmnce DALLAS HOST OF ODD FELLOWS lt; Christ Church. Miss Johnson, who While down there some one tipped i sging from Rallway Street to Fac- City was the brarian of jie Camesie imn off that the Fix Islanders wereliorg sires. cence direct south tol Datos, Tex. April 22 The annual All GOOD Investments rary jashville, is the daughter tiring of. sea-shells as ornaments, 50 mzabeth S ited Factory ae. oS Heavy 1 of Mrs. Hannah Payne Johnser of- ovell cavaicadetc. se gate top Dal See ee ae oy 0 a ene (Terms z Virginia end a lineal descendent of F jis and did a rushing business with 4 7 ana 10 (pian 483M), thence east aera 5 Lot 2, block 7, 700. Terms. Lots 27, 2 J with 4, fi land th State Rebekah assembly, . rr ta 27, 28, bik. 8,.- 525.- Pair. CITY OF MEDICINE HAT Lucy Spotswood, daughter of the not- tie big chiefs, all of whom provided erty along lt;1 Elizabeth Street to which opened their four days session) Lot , Dlock B: 700. Tone. Terms. Lisht Lots 27, 28, block 13, Term: Lots 16-to 20,-bik,-18, 680-palr. CENTRAL PARK ed-colonial governor of Virginin.-Her 1000. father was George 8S. Johnson, a son of the tate Col. Anthony Wayne Joh: S60. Dr. Claxton was a member of their with five-strand mecklaces Columbia A + 1200. cash, . thence direct south here today, have attracted several e inttons said. Avenue to the north bovnd-/:nausand Oddfellows and Rebekahs- From the Fifis Mr. Covell took sjary line of the south east quarter of from all parts of Texas to this city family to Acstralia, where emother Section 30, thence easterly along This morning the grand lodge and Copy of By-law extending the First- class Fire Limits BY-LAW No. 2 the faculty of the University of Fen- +65 of collar tuttons onferei py cable sald boundary line to the East Roadithe Rebekah assembly held their D ne ony 4 At iN 0 cash. A By-Taw fo amend By-law No. 203)/ esiee Defore he-waw appointed. B4-/ menited him. He sold thes tu few Allowance. Tie hours shall be 730/joint opening meeting at the Majestic TH 55 ois, block , 210 ea. Terms. Sis eee Neato vf the City of Medicine Hat Ucation Commissioner of the United) J otis and then started for home ty P.m. to 9 p: . Theatre, where-they were welcomed M Lots 16 to 25, block-5-. 300. 335 cash. All that portion of the City lying South and Wert of the said defining GEORGETOWN CU TO CELEBRATE jtine, the hours shall be 5.30 p.m. to Terms. Lots 7 to 13, block 15, 530 pair. Lots 26 to 30, block 15, 530 * by the Mayor of Dallas and several other prominent citizens. Past Grand Master W. F. Boggess r spon- States by President Taft. Lots 39, 40, block 24, 850, 450 cash. THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORA- TION OF THE CITY OF MEDI- CINE HAT hereby enacts as fol- way of Asia and India. WE WANT YOUR LISTINGS. TO DEDICATE NEW CAMPANILE. lows : 7 720 pm ded on behalf of the grand lodge ; Mat Sesion 37 of Dy.inw Na veqseg Reet DENOTE (Special tothe Newn) a og eprmiiing to veal Ma oF ae ened tell 6H TT. W. FORSTER cuanten +223-be-and-the-same*ts hereby am- sin in a decade Geer ies Wee: Washington, D. C.; April 26. During in this by-law it sbali mean that/the Rebekah assembly of which she Moneyto Loan Insurance ended by striking out all the words ois. wit be gladdened durin ih ithe coming week Georgetown Univ- water for lawn service shall be used /ig the president. An elaborate pro- J Phone 400. '368 TORONTO ST. Box 819 therein after the Word Commencing oor ine week by the sound of the fam. (crit, / *2 hold a celebration that throngh novl or sprinkler not gramme has been arranged for the - and inserting thereof : : aid belle or thie Calabaiiie Ok 8E erste ne even se era ee than one quarter of an inch in rwo meetings. Winniveg, That the intergection of the , protions than the great centennial cele aiameter and no open hose sbali be : ms see South Saskatchewan river and Sec- sku , Prey since the old Campan- ipration that was held there some used for thle purpose. Read the Sail Story im the News. A Want Ad in the Daily News Will Bring Results. me ond Aventie therice south along Sec- je work of years ago. The Wading feature of DONE AND PASSED IN OPEN one No. Strest rebuilding has been carried on. To- Stree day the beautifultwwei ase e ae thawed iweatariy along Balmoral 27) ce ere Dever mene Sek crs sta Carrol, the 1911. as before. Every feature has been i Street to North Railway Street, taientully reproduced, from the won- /ONBGer of the university. hte event) thence north along North Rallway dertyi bronze statues to the famous Til Ue attended by hundreds of at- s st to Brames Street---. ence forthe ecund of: whieh) Pe umni and other friends of the insti- s Gn ope west along Braemar Street to the Ping X. has often expressed a yearn tpt tce ecsne eat last nna Jane between Fourth Avenue and ing since he quit Venice for the vat- py a iare goaur HtallWway-Brseet, thence north ican. The formal dedication of the RO Catholic chure along said lane to Ottawa Street,/new Campanile is set for aext Thurs- thence west along Ottawa Street to/day.. The municipality has issued an Fourth Avenue, thence north along invitation to Italy and the world to Fourth Avenue to Montreal Street, attend the ceremonies, which will be thence west along Montreal Street. conducted on an elaborate scale. Stara yaar mor wer SONS Cure : VANCOUVER HORSE SHOW That By-taw No. 237 of the Cityof along the Macleod trail to the lane ws ourcnsy stors couaws. curcs cows Medicine e in Block 65, Plan 61685, thence west- wy S 7 rae ee dicine Hat be and the same ie MEGLS CHEE EURO) hereby amended by adding the fol- erly along the lane im (Special to News) liowing words at the end thereof : LOOK HAPPY Seventh Avenue, thence northerly Vancouver. B.C, April 22 Many slong Seventh Avenue to the lane in/breeders and lovers of fine horses provided, however, that water may Yesterday Is dead forget it. be used for the purposes described not exist don ond Avenue to Balmoral NCIL THIS 2ist day of June, sned)-D.- MILNE, Mayor. A BR PERRY, Steretary-Treasurer: BY-LAW No. 272 . A By-law to amend By-law No. 237 of New Jersey maintains hn the City of Medicine Hat standard of public schools * fHE COUNCIL. OF THE CORPORA of about 20 cents per day per pupil. tiox OF THE CIT OF MEDI- CINE HAT hereby enacts as Yol- TOWNSITE 93000 Terms. 100 ft. Braemar St, blk. 86 92600 Terms, 100 ft. corner, Braemar St, bik. 85. 650 Cash 50 ft, DIK. 99. 600 PAIR Block 17, Herald, inciuding cor- ner 1800. Terms * Who'll Be First ALTAWANA 1400 2 lots, block 11. corner, WHO GETS THESE? 105 ft. by 150 ft., corner, being lots 23-26, Block G., Barclay St. Only 2100, ALSO T Terms. Block 3, Plan 1491, thence easterly are here from all over the nortb- 9600 Lot 2, bik. 9, Dominion ae. slong said lane to Sixth Avenue, west for the fifth annual exbibition Tomorrow does herein in any part of the city between * ve oie Rortherly-slong Sixth Avenue of the Vancouver Horse Show Ase Worry vieche Sat deer the hours of cight and nine o cl ck in 1000 2 lots, block 14. Amit ty je aeioaing pas st. Pe to the South Saskatchewan river. sociation, which opens tonight and sea arith that new tb morning S WE WANT YOUR 3 PASSED.IN OPEN. COUNCIL this continues through the week The ae Spring bat or new suit we DONE AND PASSED IN OPEN GIVE US YOUR clay St, being lots 6-10, 2 1sth day of April, AD, i912. show this year promises to eclipse could certainly make a pleasing photo COU 17th day of April, 1912. LISTINGS block H. Only 2000. LISTINGS (Signed) NELSON SPENCER. Jlall of tts predecessors. Prizes ag- Of JOU. ae cs NELSON SPENCER, - pene thepn.Jo 6. ABs 9 MS 1. Bis Mayor. gregating 8,000 have been hung up sappy Mayor. We Have Buyers call. I (Signed) H. BAKER, and cover nearly every class of ree Ae ee (Signed) -H. BAKER, ; City Clerk. Clerk. 'ehoedse berse. Over Binning s Store.
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Image 662 (1912-04-22), from microfilm reel 662, (CU1743326). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.