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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Page 2 MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Thursday, April 11, 1922. q Medicine Hat Dews then e of men. e Presently the train . FRIDAY, APRIL 12 The , Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Ltd, evert stopped to take on water, and the conductor asgow OUSE J rrireeaine atts ote, trate Stove Medicine Hat, ante ieglected to send back a flagman, A lim- YOU WILL NOT GO FAR WRONG IF YOU ALJ. N. TERRILL, Etttor, ited express running at the rate pftenmiles PHONE: HONE: . hour came along and bumped the rear TAKE THIS AS A GUIDE IN VOTING. VOTE EARLY. N P e Editorial, Advertisiog oud of the first train. The drummer was ; Y Reportorhd, and ew Window i : eat, 13 BINe s. Ctreulation and ifted from his seat and pitched head first in Job Dept the seat ahead. His silk hat was jammed RING 3 1 : hi : aaa DAILY SURSCRIPTION RATES 1 Gown over his ears. He-picked himself up s iyi alk Rakes Bes oo and settled back in his'seat. No bones had ff g, inchise For the By-iaw. , e i ate game catet ee eee fiw been broken. Then he pulled off his hat, a iptibseit tier tar eed in Ss 3 months, delivered.. 1.00 3 months, by maf. sc looked at his fellow passengers, drew a long tic f : Pp a Seay caine 1 aes breath, cecalanienes up, and said: Railway Company. a 2 , stanery GRRE as ottan. on: deste est bey By 8 Well, they didn t get by us, anyway. z i ae HOUSE CLEANING TIME OFTEN SUGGESTS puntunec every mortar in sixteen oF more pages, a wae ar thea in the By-Law to spend 90,000 contains a eumma-y of the news of the week. a * ly inquired Pro- : MEW, CURTAINS. Pee eal a nee . foeaee Twiggs, nes T love you? eta cain Gon ss F ive stock of , vance months, m advance..sce Well, grimly remarked the Erratic 4 We are showing a specially attractive stock of 1 sear in advance....81.50 Thinker, ePndartaia that some authorit- Pany, Limited. . draping materials this season. Thursday, April 11, 1912. jies regard Here s that dollar I owe you SS ass about the acme and epitome of satisiae ory, if not Saccharine, sentences. in light tints is one of the newest drapings for the bed room. -We have just opened these. MORE NEW BUNGALO NETS, NEW BURLAPS, NEW NADBRASS, ETC. The House of Fashionable Dressers - By-Law to aid the West- : ern Porcelain Manufac- turing Company. T THE TIME the gentlemen interested Anviren hoop bounded through the area in the formation of the Steel Company railings of a suburban house and played approached the council, relative to the 2 Ve with the kitchen window. The wo- solicitation of certain coneessions from the 8. Waited, anger in her eyes, for the ap- city. News dealt somewhat exhaustively pearane of the hoop s owner. Presently . El ws propositior inting out h he 2 SaEnes : By-Law to grant * establishment of a baste industiy of this vs- Please, T ve broken your window, he egies eee : I ture undoubtedly meant the location in said, tand here s father to mend it. gt; Medicine Hat of many subsidiary manu- And sure enough he was followed by a Laundry. factories. A by-law has been prepared and stolid-looking workman, who at once start- will be submitted to the burgesses tomor- ed to work, while the small boy took his row in connection with the matter. It has boop and ran off. been published three times and every voter That'll be four bits, ma am, announced La e should by now be fully conversant with all the glaizer when the window was whole By-Law to buy new Fire 5 - t the details and provisions of the eesenicnt. onee more. Fighting Apparatus. : ie As is gene: icwn, the otect sour bits ? g: thewoman. But - is being evolved through the a ae your little boy broke it the little fellow of the Iron Rolling Mills, the demand for With the hoop you know. You're his fat- the products of which have: imereased to e, aren t you? E it such proportions as. to have outgrown the Don t know him from Adam, he said. By-Law to aid the Alberta present capacity, although the mill employs He came around to my. place and told me vy. ase ; eighty hands and works night and day. The his mother wanted her winder fixed. jompany. necessity for the establishment of an open- You're his mother, aren t you? hearth steel furnace thus becomes apparent And fhe eman shook her head also. and the intention is to instal a unit which Lippincott s. will possess a capacity of from thirty-five to fifty tons daily. It will be 107 . For the By-Law x iy tons Ly. wil Vitilized for i 5 the.melting of steel bars and malleable iron THIS DATE IX cine Hat Steel Company 2 which are not now handled, as well as of in- 4 April 11 Against the By-Law. ferior scrap from all over the country. es P miglish : which is not at present amenable to tl 770 George Canning, celebrated Englis . process in yogue at the Rolling Mills. y/statesman and. orator, born. Died - : B With th 'construction of the furtace, the 77 Aus: 1827. : By-Law to spend 5,000 For'the By-Law i tcompany will make steel billets -which-rm 1788 Uanited States Congress proclaimed in improving the City s 3a be heated and put through the rolls once the end of the Revolutionary War. Park in Central Park and converted. into the class of material re- 1861 The Pennsylvania legislature took Subdivision. Against the By-Law. quired, instead of haying to be run.throu; the first official step in the loyal : e the mill oest as at present, thereby in- States for the bee ne ee Union, ; creasing the capacity of the plant one hun- by appropriating , or a reor- dred per cent. o sary eonibat or of the ilitia, By-Law to spend 16,000 For the By-Law q There is ample serap in the West to keep 1877 Many lives lost in the burning of the to build a Young Wo- a plant of this capacity running continu- Southern Hotel in St. Louis. s men s Christian Asso- Let . ously and the eoncern will be in a position 1884 Charles Reade, English novelist, ciation building. P to ee out fos aa eae euriens are used. died.) Born at 3 a i in the manufacture of nails and will estab- 1804 United fine Workers convention a) sal Br. lish a factory for that purpose. Columbus ordered a general strike. Hielp eee ne ee Be Railway. i Flat bars ean also be made for conyer- 1897 War declared between Greece and y-Laws. Put the *'Jokers up to your Sion into pipe, ranging-in size from tatf-an Parkey P Conscience. : . inch to two,and three inches in diameter. The installation of a pipe mill, nh i Der RES e ins on of a pipe owever, is 3 5 SE z aa othenaivs anipomuemand if will require CHS 18 MY Cotte BIRTHDAY . meslseniait a considerable: capit re Veta es 4 Every D A is guaranteed. The demand in the West has now reached Gen. Walter T. Duggan. the stage, though, which almost overtaxes Brigadier General Walter T. Duggan, U. Vie ( oP Re Lt N Dominion Corset Compan the Eastern mills, making i next to impos- S- A. was born in England, April ii, 1843. Z ya s Gusher pany sible fo receive supplies, unless on Geer As a young-man-he came to the Onis Ver ay : Ss x Malere of the famed Ss many months in advance. Under these cir- States and settled in the West. At the be- ( Fy ah CWS cumstances a pipe mill should prove a safe ginning of the civil. war. he enlisted as al 6 and profitable investment and it is under- Private in the Fifth Wisconsin Volunteer b7 caves i / eee ES stoor that a very considerable amount of Infantry. He served-from Hee a ee sal Bc aaa aaa aan ar cae When. you batld, * ponsiae Sete Soler tedoeee local capital h i ted in the 2 rtant C QUALITY first. Don't be per- : ee Se ee inthe eo fles. Two years ago after the close of the 4 news about our bargains in suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- OYAL BANK Tm view of this extensive program the war he entered the regular army as SeC- F pianos has reached the limits BER because it's cheap use the granting of a site and the gas concession: ond lieutenant of the Tenth United States Eo ar abit ay Ga wank very best. We have it, and ev- OF CANADA, ri amount to almost nothing, . Infantry. . He was promoted through the 1 erything the Builder requires. i CAPITAL AND RESERVES. ..... 16,000,000 Tt might be menti: ilarg- Successive grades of the service until he plano or a player piano nofr is ss Sabiet sieck of ANCMEREG ched the rank of brigadier-general short- 2 - i ills i: . hance. W Ke - Sfany arman owes his suseess 14 (hd fact that tie bad the Fight: ment of the Rolling Mills is now under way Hee wase watived: for agediy100T, your chance. We make ex E 4 DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, FE Bank bebind him. and the orders for the machinery for the f a gt; tional . Comoe f BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH z K bedind Bim ies ctlentene services of a fully eaulppea g manufacture of nuts and bolts has been Since his retirement General Duggan has Plon* casy terms. Sone ak ie eae s na ee mapiciie HAT BRANCH placed. One order on the file calls for the made his home in Los Angeles. sg ey cheat ale aaa poastare j 3. ourth Avenue: C.H. McDunnough, Manager supply of nine hundred tons of the output 0 . eee eee ee Lodottodte rte tonote te eies Morgan Doors, ATULATIONS TO Dr. William Wallace Campbell, director celebrated The ratepayers are wisely viewing the by-law as one which should have unanimous ASSINIBD CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL ae PP eeecteteseteteye oteetoetesioioeste ol gt; e Su; 'The assured benefits to acerue;of the Lick Observatory, 50 years old today. Eg 3 Sifrom the plant are substantial and the pos- Jenn W.- Weeks, venResentative in Con- LOW POSTS 1 rE 1 erial Bank of Canada sibilities are infinite. gress.of the 12th Massachusetts district, 52 ( gst 1 Siege Ss : SR ee years old totays Pe 4 Th Capital and Rest ... .. 11,993,800 JUST A LITTLE FUN Charles H, Hughes, Associate Justice of ; Total Assets ... . 72,000,000 4 the Supreme Court of the United States, 50 : Main Street DEAVER A-GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. The American Jeweller in describing-a years Ad i hhh heril BOARD E SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES, . railroad accident in which a well-known re- Col. John Van Rensselaer Hoff, father + B. G, WILKINSON, Manager.. presentative of an Eastern Clock Company, of the United States Field Hospital ser- - F Medicine Hat Branch. took art, says: (He was one of those wide- vice, 64 years old today. MOVING BODY OF . NS GENERAL KEARNY SAPP LPO HONOR WOMEN OF conFEDERAy The central figure depicts a Sonthern MORE EPISCOPAL BISHOPS (Specia to News) perenne tr ae eC cement tates tome wae THE MERCHANTS BANK 22 gt; ..0222 3) oS too mac oS Sa rea mor tenting te meaory o ao well FINLAY CO. Caroline s everlasting memorial tol yeaning laurel to lay at the wo ko-the call OE GE Presiaag Bivap Perto e nery; the Yomats of General OF CANADA a tie Women of the Confederacy, said ciber puree repredeutiing the Gonth, he Rt. Bev. Demiet 6. Tuttle of Mis- philip Kearny, who was killed in the THE LUMBER PEOPLE ioe - Established 1864 Se Tee cee ee ee eer ene, necription S0Ut the Hpiacopel House of Bishops atte of-Chantilin, Va., while leed- 1, 0, BOX 2 PHONE 67 9 aes Capital and Reserve Punds .. .. .. .. 0. 0-5 oe 11,458,578 jet erected independently by alon the monument says: . tin - this assembled in this city today for uw ing-his division of the Third: Army + We give specit attention to SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. No State, was unveiled here today with monument tions unborn sbail special meeting. The object of the Jcorps of the Army of the Potomac, Gelay In withdrawals. Two or more persons may open a Joint aecount and elther pary can withdraey money. Our deposits have Increased from 19,126,021 In 1901 to 963,494,580, W. 0. JOY, Manager: +: + 3 Medicine Hat Branch me splendid ceremonies. The Governor tear the voiges of great people tes- meotiog is understood to be to Sill were removed from the family vault 3 snd other officials, the State mili titying to. the sublime devotion of the: vacancies mow existing jx the House lin Trinity churchyard today to the qHE INTELLIGENT AND i - : Veterans and delegations of college women of South Caroline in their at Bistops: Several-sees-are-now-ve- -City Hall. Tomornow the tody will RPFICIENT SERVANTS taryi the United Daughters of the country's need. 5 cant, among them South: Dakota. Thi te placed om a special train and tak- are those who read the best papers. jj Confederacy, the United Confederate see contains many Indians end there eq to Washington, where it will te Therefore the want ad column of the students and other visitor com alll 79 cong 4 GOLD IN ONE DAT fet ews talk of cresting remensts interred in Arlington cemetery, an ap- best home, paPor fs the logical med- i parts of the State participated in the) Tako LAXATIVE BROMO: Quinine diocese for the Indians anit electing am rropriation of 16,000 baring teen um which to obtain the most capable conmeiaitpe: Tablets. Dincalets Fefhind money it 1e 70Siat. cleepyaias to be Cabop oft: made. ty General Kusety's howe Delp: Use the News Want Ads. 5 '. The monument was designed by F. tai ROE a oe State of New Jersey to gover the News Want Ads. Pay. Try. Em. Wellington Ruckstah of New York. tare ie rare Spee shee nee ee oF SO Prime eT ae cnet of removal and ceremonies. SUBSCRIBE NOW for the Daily News.
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Image 581 (1912-04-11), from microfilm reel 581, (CU1743295). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.