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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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s Saat Ma oe Ma Moatelestesteste Moteesiens a a ae et ea a Se Imperial Bank of Ganada sot oS o4) os 0 ms so Ss S see z MEDICINE HAT-DAILY NEWS--- Thursday, April 18th, 1912. We have just received our Spring Styles in Rain Coats. These are English goods and quality un- surpassed. All new models and at prices you will like. NEW UMBRELLAS, NEW FANCY PARASOLS. The House of Fashionable Dressers CAPITAL bank behind him. Fourth Avenue : Sehotietenions : vention to a railway which has already Medicine Mat Dews iin issistea by the British Columbia gov- Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Ltd, every (riment by a guarantee of bonds to the ex- lawful evening at Its office, Main Storet, Medicine Hat, Alta. tent of 35,000 a mile. This small gift does ts A. J. N. TERRILL, Efttor, PHONE: HONE: Battortal, Advertising Reportozhl, and Ctreulation and News Dept Job Depts. 19 BING RING 2 72) DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1,-delivered.... 4.90 , 2 year by mall. . ,. 3.00 months, d -livered.. 200 months, by mall... 1.50 3 months, delivered. 3 months, by mail... .76 1 month, delivered....88 as Addresses changed as often as desired, but bot, wow anc old al reeser ust be given, WEEKLY NEWS. Published every Thacsday in *ixteen of more pages, and contains eumma-y of the news of the week local and district . 6 months, tn advance 75+ 1 year in advance.... 1.50 8 months, in advance. .500 Thursday, April 18th, 1912. CLEAN-UP DAY HE citizens are asked to observe Wed- day of next-Week, as-a publie holiday. the purpose of declaring it such-beiig to en able all householders to cleanse and purify their back yards in order to do as much as is possible to destroy the breeding. places of that pestiferous little disease spreader. the house fly. i Flies have large families and many o , them. Dr. Howard, starting his eal ula- tions April 15th with an over-wintering fly. which on that day lays 120 eggs, estimates that by Sept. 10 from the initial brood ther: will have issued 5,598,720,000,000 adults one-half of which are females. Clearly, it is useless, except as a means of promoti: el rary fort of-atamily;-to-set- flytraps or spread flypaper, since the in- sects thus disposed of are as one to a mill- ion. 5 To cope successfully with the fly it 1s probably better to fall back upon prevent- ive measures like that adopted by the town of Brookline, which every year makes a systematic crusade against the mosquito, and this year, is fighting the fly as well. Public and private dumps, dwelling houses, back yards,-barns, pools, swamps and va- cant land, in fact every inch of the town, is carefully inspected and all places where these insects are liable to breed are thoroughly treated with oil, Property owners have been asked to co-operate witli the Board of Health and the work will be carried on until October. We commend this good example to the attention of other municipalities. The fact stands withi- out argument that if there are few breed. ing places there will be less disease for flics to carry. In short, a method like that pu- not appear to have excited even a whisper of protest from anybody on the ground, presumably there is no use wasting time in fighting against the inevitable, Ottawa: Journal. Lost, strayed or stol- en a delicate little war, several months old, last heard of on the coast of: Tripoli some weeks ago. Any information will be : efully received at Rome: or Constanti- iople. Liberal reward for its return in condition will be paid by the Ameri- van press, Toronto Mail and Empire. Statistics uvering a period of 20 years-show that in the city of New York the insurance com- nies retained 53 eents out of every dollar paid to them in premiums. It is alleged that there is an insurance trust operating in the United States, and there may be a call for investigation. THIS DATE IN HISTORY April 18th 1775 Ride of Paul Revere from Boston to Lexington, 1823 George Cabot, a noted leader of the Federal party, died in Boston. Born in Salem, Mass., Dec. 3, 1752, 1853 William R. King, thirteenth Vice- President of the United States, died in Alabama, Born in North Caro- lina, April 7, 1786. 1861 Harper s Ferry seized by the -Gen- federates. . 1874 Remains of Dr. Livingstone, the ex- plorer, interred in Westminster Abbey. 1854 Uuiversity of Edinburgh celebrated the 300th anniversary of its found- ing. 1888 Roscoe Conkling, New York states- man, died... Born Oct. 30, 1829. 1906 Large part of San Francisco des- troyed by earthquake and fire. 1911 Benjamin F. Bush elected president of the Missouri Pacific Railroad. SS et, THIS IS MY 69th BIRTHDAY Josiak Wood iah Wood, the new lieutenant-gover- of New: Brunswick, was born in Sask- ville, N.B., April 18th, 1843, He graduated at Mount Allison College in 1863, studied and was ealled to the New Brimswi Wee Help to Nature Ore is the latest Paris idea of a Proper corset, to suit the prevailing corsetless figure effect. And the latest La Diva and D A crea- tions have just hit this off. No distortion, no cramping, just the enhancing of the form divine according to the latest style of dress. La Diva 820, shown in cat, ew Directoire Model combining ail the newest i all extreme features. It is finished English coutil, boned with *Wabone and with valenciennes lace. Six suspea- ders, draw strings, hooks, ete. An imported guality woold cost 7.00. Our Srrer tax Biv pair guaranteed an entirely new corset of THE DOMINION CORSET COMPANY A QUEBEC Makers of the Celebrated D A Corsets eeTeeoaeasensense eo ehonconsee eg AND RESERVES. Many a man owes his success to the fact that he had the right Phis-Bank offers: its clients the services of a fully equipped king organization, MEDI HAT BRANCH . H. McDunnough, Manage: e Late toet Poste tactestetes cesta tots ; Soatedtestedfesfeetrdl. eLoeresonteetestnage sfeeteaeatesgesee st THE MERCHANTS BANK delay in withdrawals. Aecqunt und elth Capital and Reserye Funds Capitai and Rest ..... . . 11,993,800 .. Total .Assets-. . 72,000,006 A GENERAL BANKING BU: SS TRANSACTED, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES, R, G WILKINSON, Manager, Medicine Hat Branch. SP, Manctaleote Se tede se cece nedtesteateatenteetoctecte Seassteetecfosteateatoetecteegeeteate : poletototetetepefot Part of the pro noted that thous: ities ands-of dollars witl-be spent in telephone OF CANADA Established 1864 . 11:458,878 We give special attenti ACCOUNTS. No Two-or more persons may open a Joint pary can withdrae money. Our deposits have increased from 19,426,091 In 1901 to 863,404,5 0. W. 0. JOY, Mumager so: tt + Medicine Hat Branch Ieinininfeinininieinininink 1 oe Seling A Want Ad n the Daily News Will Bring Results. tawt. sued in Brookling is the only effective way in which to swat? the fly. a sy LEST WE FORGET 1 N the mad hurry-scurry for the quirement for material wealth, i would almost seem that He times interposes and in a fraction of ond puts at naught man s mightiest trivanee, which otherwise might inculca so complete a feeling of security as to rend- jer possibica torgettumess of Ommipotcice: The entire civilized world has suddenly paused aghast over the Titanic horror. The afflicted ones can be numbered among the thousands, Sorrow is universal. Let the lesson be universal also. Son -- WATER FOR THE HILL water supply as they did. last seasor News is advised by City Engineer Gr that the fear is ill-founded. On the ar of the new engine next week and immc ly subsequent to its installation, a n iterial improvement will-b noticeable this connection. o HE West Canada News Letter of Win- i : In view of the big ap- propriations carried in the by-laws japproved bythe Medicine Hat ratepaycrs interests, including shipping, lumbering, manufacturing, farming and stock-raising. His political career began in 1878 when he was an unsuccessful candidate for the New Brunswick legislature. He was elected to the house of commons in 1882, and sat con- tinuously yritil 1895, when he was called to. the senate. -He-resigned his seat iy the s n- ate last month to accept appointment as, lieutenant-governor. -0. CONGRATULATIONS TO Richard Harding Davis, novelist and playwright, 48 years old today. Bishop James Atkins, of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, 62 years old: to- day. , Dr. Williani A. Shanklin, president of Wesleyan Uuiversity, 48 years old today. William- --Jerome, former district at- torney of New York, 53 years old today. t3 Stee Tablets, Druggists: refund m TRIED EVERYTHING WITHOUT RELIEF Uatil took Frult-a-tives Sanwa, Feb, 5th, 1910, I have been a sufferer for the ONT, CALIFORNIA SUNDAY SCHOOLS (Spectal to News) Chico, Cal, April 17. With Sunday school workers present from all over the State, the forty-fifth annual con- vention of the California Sunday School association assembled here to- day for a session of three days. Prom- inent among those on the programme are the Rev. Charles F. Aked, D. D., of San Francisco, the Rev. Claude Kelly, D.D., of San Jose, and Mrs. Mary Foster Bryner, international superintendent. Vancouver, B. C., April 17 N. J. Jenkins, an electrician of Central Park, was returning home last night on his motor cycle when he was knocked down by an automobile driv- en by F..Jones of Portland Oregon, the auto wheels passed over Jenkins and killed him. - TO CURE A.COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO , Quinine one it BW. GROVES signa- Be. fails to cure. ture js on each box. lumber for years and hever ha z a single complaint from any o our customers, ; price, quality or promptness ins deliv JUST A LITTLE FUN A sculptor s adventure during the taxi strike is told by a Paris contemporary. Overtaken by a downpour of rain, near din- r time, he took refuse in a doorway. At the moment a gentleman passed, well dress- ed, and carrying a large umbrella.. The seulptor saw his opportunity, shook hauds with the stranger and installed himself under the umbrella. It was a coincident that they should have met, he had heen looking ont for his acquaintance for the past fortnight. He talked incessantly about rons, the whole story. 'The Gas Gity Lumber Co y Office and Yard opp. Flour Mill Phone 233 Branch Yard at Bowell Ne ciedocetvoeie SecesDecestetoeteteetetontecntece i Jast week's election;-a-record-season-of building and construetion work is now be- i Special satisfaction is he- jing expressed in the vote approving the spur line to.the Ans y cogl mines, i th dditional ouree of ftel for power purposes it is he- ieved that the industrial campaign for new industries will be given a fri impetus from this tim further in- ance of the activ hi Southern Alberta this sum- 0 PUBLIC OPINION Winnipeg Free Pr We have been so busy keeping wateh on the Mann- one zie activities here in Winnipeg that we over- looked drawing special attention to the six iypothetical family and other matters in- til he reached the studio. Then the sculp- tor discovered his mistake and apologized. The apology was accepted coldly, so the man-with-the-umbrella was-inyited to-in- eyoi The sculptor entertained his fam- ily with the ruse, One member remarked that his tie was disordered. He put up his hand. His pin was missing, so was his watch and his-purse. f the devil to a little congregation in a remote Welsh-valley. Said the minister: The devil is bound round the middle with chains and round the arms with chains, and round the legs with chains. But John Jones, point- ing to a man in the front row, he can reach you; and you, David Evans, pointing to one-in the middle row, he can reach you, and pointing to one at the back, John Wil- llion dollars in cold eash which the: promoters recently gathered in at O This was in the form of a cash sub- ams, he can reach you. And then a. man the gallery cried out, Why, the thing spect the studio. He declined, and bade au Ft-was a Welsh-minister who described FRIENDLY RIVALS, both giving light and heat to bu- manity. The sun can only serve us bart of the day, while electricity Rover ceases to supply a given lo- eality with LIGHT, HEAT AND POWER. If you contemplate any electrical in- stallment tn your home or business consult us before going ahead, W can save you money in more ways than one, Medicine Hat Electric COMPANY Sght as well be loose. MAIN STREET PHONE 440 QUALITY first. Don't be per- suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- BER because it's cheap use the very best. We have it, and ev- erything-the-Bullder requires; P. 0. BOX 29, FORMALING DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store : Plans Prepared. a a CROSSLEY BROS. Builders and Contractors. 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 NO. 368. THE J. S. FOLLIS Light and Heavy Horses for sale at F. S. Yulll Street. : Loose, Leaf System The News Job Department has every facility for sup- plying the most sati factory, When you build, consider A select stock of LUMBER, DOOBS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS. We have the agency for the celebrated Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOUD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL- LOW POSTS BEAVER BOARD Ww FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE PHONE 37 FOR SMUT 50c... .Quart 25c....Pint BUILDER and CONTRACTOR Estimate Free. Braemar St.) HOTSON LEADER Decorating. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS: LET US FIGURE WITH YoU BEFORE. CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING PLACING YOUR ESTIMATES FREE. Office Next to City Hall. P. O. Box 304. Estimates Free. Plans Prepared. 2 8 728 Contracting Co. 103 TORONTO ST. Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Gravel Exeavating a Specialty. All Times, YON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, Phone No, 415, 'P. 0, Box 31. OPEN 1 Pr a Let Us Los Mone E PER TO BU Pay Of or Improve SEE OU Write, Ph The Cana Investmer Phos Imperial Bs Medicine Pooseeroooes Phr Complete stoc Drug Sundries, cines, etc. scriptions a spec: 204 South Ry. Sarees is the time t SOUTHE C 5 Dru : Dispensing of Sai eaneraae INC UBCPRL Stenographers Always WILLL - PAT Cont Shop Fitting Given-Pron BOX 183-Imo. Ju As Residence Of Phone 626 Job work pre -Eeok-me up ii built. Special that class of we HOUSES City Sal Heary Teams i ve - Fo ue Light-and- Hay Fred Phone 85. W. A. Co CHARTERED A aul (Estab Winnine A. B. Gibson Phone No, 198 House SAND EXCA HEAVY CONCRE Phe J.J. +116 MONT TRE INTELLIG c EF are those who Therefore the w best home pape um which to ob help. Use the Shiloi STOPS cova
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Image 632 (1912-04-18), from microfilm reel 632, (CU1743314). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.