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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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stb, 1912 Tuoeday, March 6th, 1912 + gt; Valis ings of BOARD ok better, stter, last TABER TEAM HERE TO-NIGHT nai) SPORT Reedy etoetp ate ate ete eteatpatecteateate state sietie toate die shoe donee Googe aloateeiosteefoaio tate ste Reed ee gesr rosso oe se on se eo epee hecho steep tpateatoet-t NEWS SOME ERRORS IN. ro i cost less Aree? three and one-half million Stetson Hats were sold last year. This is the best endorsement-that could be given any American product, and we are proud to offer for sale a new and splendid line of these Hats. Call in Great Line-Up. Taber Hockey Club, challengers for the Allan Cup, are on their way East to play for the cup, but will stop off n Medicine Hat long enough tonight to play a local t The game ought to be a good one, in fact the best that hag been seen here this season. Medicine Hat will give the visitors Just as strong an argument as they have met with this winter, taking into consideration the Edmonton game, The Hat players, some who have not appeared on the local line-up this TABER PLAYS LOCHL HOCKEY TEAM 10-NIGHT Fast Game of Hockey against Allan Cup Challengers Expected at the Rink tonight Hat Team was -a + ACCOUNTS The accounts ordered paid by the city councll Iast Bight were as fol- lows: Petty expenses, (Feb:) Alta. Government Telephone . Alta, Government Telephone . Alta. Government Telephone . Alta. Foundry Machine Co. Alta, Foundry Machine Co. Alta, Foundry Machine Co, Alta, Foundry Machine Alta, Foundry Machine Alta. Foundry Machine Alta, Foundry Machine Co, Birnie Bros, 5 oF 167.11 3.76 year, they being railroad men, have arranged to be In so as to play the game tonight, and if the locals don t trim the visitors they will give them as warm an argument as they have. had in some time, The locals will likely line. Up as followa: R. H. Buchanan Go. . Goal, Collier; point, Inglis; cover J. T. Bell Sons point, Heinn rover, Williams; cen- J, C, Beveridge tre, Wilson; left wing, Porter, right Canadian Brasg Co. wing, Paul. Geo. Campbell . Dalton, Routledge, Clark, Cory Kerr, Kirkham, Crockett. Can. Westinghouse Co. Can, Westinghouse Co, Can. Westinghouse-Co. Turpin Bros. The Man's Store Where You Get the Big Dollar's Worth Trial NVINCE GAME LAWS OF WESTERN CANADA nt UE A pont little booklet, compiled our customers and made to arg UIGE EE dhs. vest pocket, containing game laws of Manitoba, Sas- katchewan, Alberta anc 400. a fe Columbia and Ontario, also oth- ; T5e. er useful information to the sportsman. This. booklet will be glatiy mailed with our compli- tents to any desiring same. THE CANADIAN ARMS SPORTING GOODS CO Winnipeg, Man. TEDDIE S BOOM STARTS Drug and re Roosevelt, Campaigners FADER Getting in Line First ting. Fired Yesterda; isp Gun was y sain 01 CW. A. P. Dispatch) RR YOU 3 The i ) Washington, D. C., March 6. Sune National Talt headquarters in Wash: ES FREE. ingtom today gave out the following: Senator Joseph M. Dixon, of Mon- tana, the new chairmen of thie Roose- velt National Fxecutive committee, to- day, took formal charge oi the cam- paige for the former president for re- to City Hall. aylor s nomination by officially opening spa test-agalnst the refusal cious eadquerters in tho Munsay Asquith to receive a deputation, prov- isfe r Building in Washington. ed a fiasco so far as concerned the This buildmg is owned by Frank nattonal display of the militant pow- Munsey, the well-known publisher and ers and canning, which was, predicted ry Draying. owner of w stsing of newspapers in by the organizers, About fifty women on to all orders. rastera cities, He is the personal in- Se seein the damage Ce Sale. iri y. i was inconsiderable as compared wit ve timate Triend of George W. Perkins of was inconside New York, director and formerly chairman of fiance of the Interna tional Harvester Company, Mr. Be kina is given credit ty Walter L. Pou- ser, directh of Senator La Follette's campaign for being the lt; Gnod Angel ot the Roosevelt presidetitial- boom which theans that he is the campaign collector as well as q substantial con- tributor to, the Roosevelt campaign fund. B MOOSE JAW LOST Regina Champions Won last ight s Game by 9 to 3. (W. A. P. Dispatch) -Moose Jaw, Mar. 5. Playing the home team off their feet and excelling in every department of the game, the Regina hockey team winners pt B. Division of the S. 8. P. L. skated oft the fce at the Royal Rink last night 3-seore im thetr favor. From the face of the re- sult ft was never in doubt. The dis- play of the home team was very med- focre, while that of the visitors was brilliant in the extreme. C0 CONSUMPTION eat C Canadian Citizen iewed the War onsumption mption and it is a Mr. Edward Gurney, og in Muskoka year Iy termed a classic on Muskoka Sanatorian, institutions of like PANHANDLE CATTLEMEN MEET OW. ALP. Winnipeg, Man, March 6 With a greatly strengthened team, the Sab- katoon Hockey team tonight defeated the Port Arthur aggregation by the score of 5. goals to 1 ina game which was marked by heavy checking. Al- though the Saskatoon team won the game they did not win by four goals. tocmake the trip cast, and therefore the Port Arthar team will make the McDonough s Team Took Second Game With Completely Changed Line Up Saskatoon - Defeat- ed Port Arthur by 5 to-1 Score, but Lose out on the Round for the Big Tinware. Can, Fairbanks Co. -. Can. Fairbanks Co. .. Can. Fairbanks Co. . . Fairbanks Co. . General Ble, Co . General Blec, Co. . General Biec. Co. General Elec. Co. General Elec, Co. . General Blec. Co. Can. General Blec. Co. Crane Ordway .. -- Crane Ordway .. . Dominion Bridge Co. . Elliott Co. .. Elllott Co. Elliott Co... +. lt;4 Eimer and Amend .. Finlay Co. . Finlay Co, .. Glasgow House General Gas Light Co. Gartshore Thompsou Dispaved tour through the copper country to lay the winners of the group for the Stanlen Cup. was one hundred per cent stronger than: was presented on Saturday night while the Port Arthur team pluy d their same line-up. Four new men wore the Saskatoon uniforms and werd an aggregate improvement over their predecessors. Pipe quith. London, Mar, 5. The much adver- tised meeting of the suffragettes in Parliament Square last night to pro- of Premier While the milftant suffragettes were vainly endeavornng to break through the cordon of police around Parlia- ment Square, 200 medical students or- ganized a raid on the suffragettes, who. promised to-pay them-back in their own coin. Marching to the bullding occupied by the Women s Press in Charing Cross Road where there was a big display of suffragette Uterature, they bombarded it with stones, smashing all the windows to an accompanment of cheers from the delighted spectators, Another band, bent on retaliation, attacked the In- ternational suffrage shop in Adam Street, the Strand, smashing a dig plate glass window and. wrecking the front of the building. In the mean- time the suffragettes were being b cher named Russie. + and called Rajah Bresnahan pol * When Jack Chesbro lost a wor Suffragettes Given Several Bad Jolts Kept from Parliament Buildings by Police Medical Students. Wreck Women s Houses Others are sent to Jail at Hard Labor Mrs (W. A. P. Cable) PREP EREPE EEE EE PEE EP EEE EEE ++ When St. Louis traded Three-Fingered Brown - f Jack Taylor + Charles Webb Murphy stood in the lobby of the Waldorf . When John Anderson stole second with three on. b When Merkle failed to touch second and tost-a-pennant. Foundry .. . Gartshore Thompson Foundry .. Gen, Supply Co, of Canada . J. J, Hewitt : Hays Mfg. Co. Hewitt Armstrong . Hewitt Armstrong - M. R, Heck Co. Pipe Jarecki Mfg. Co. L. E, Knott Apparatus Go. L. B. Knott Apparatus Co. J. J. Lait. Dees Long Co. .. +. London Foundry Co. balked in all attempts to hold a meet- ing. The police, who were forewarn- ed, adopted immediate precautions. McPherson Bros. The police were stationed at-short-in- Marshali Hardware Co. tervals along the main thoroughfares Marshall HardWare Co. leading to parliament while a solid A. McLean... .. line of foot police lined. the curbs. Med. Hat Blectrical Co. Tondon, March 5. Two suffragertes Metric Metal Works . who took part in last night's window Roy Myers 2. .. smashing campaign in Victoria street Robt. Mitchell .. in the Vicinity of the Houses of Par- T. McAvity Sons liament were sentenced . bya Bow Metals Ltd... St ska Mussens Ltd. .. - a Street magistrate today. to two month's imprisonment with Bani ta. Natural Gas Journal .. ie J. Pettet .. 2. The magistrate has numerous cases Frum Cae against suffragettes, cight of these 3 arising from serious acts of last Fri- day when-ageused caused damage of 25,000 and others in connection with last night's disturbance. Burmals Brick Co. Burmals Brick Co. Burmals Briek Co. Purmais Brick Co. Purmals Brick Co- Purmals Brick Co. FARMERS BANK WRITS J. H, Preston .. lt; Toronto, Mar. 5. The Farmers Bank James Robertson Co. .. today issued a writ against Dr. wW. Stovel Co. .. .. .. Std, Drain Pipe Co. Std. Drain Pipe Co. , C, Snowden C. . Snowden . Turpin Broe eee ev 21.254 Beattie Nesbitt and C. McEachren for 3.350.67, principal and interest on three promisory notes. McEachren was formerly an employee of Dr, Nesbitt, The Wilson Stationery Co... 30.00 Western Canada Lumber Co... 18.65 PEEEEEE EEE ET + + PEPEEEE EE EEE 265 Asked that By-Law be H.W. Ir land Co. . G. M. Johnston 38.50 G. M. Johnston . 20,00 Lawrence Defies As- G. M. Johnston 48:59 *+ GALT CARS, + eg ea full floating rear axle, WANTS 10, im Deputation Waited on Council Last Night and Submitted. . A deputation from the Medicine Hat Agricultural Society waited on. the city councl last evening and asked for a grant of 10,000 from the city towards improving the exhibition grounds and erecting new buildings. President James Fleming was the first speaker. He asked that the council consider the matter of plac- ing a by-law before the people to grant the 10,000, He sald that this amount would put the grounds and buildings in first-class shape, provid- ing the increased accomodation nec- essary and at the same time place the society ina good financial position, G. M. Johnston said that he di not think that the soctety was asking for too much money, the society's land was worth it, and the city was getting Sood security, He thought that a by- j law submitted and supported by the Council and the society would carry. C. 8. Pingle said that he thought that the Mayor and Aldermen all ap- Preclated the benefits to be derived from a good Fair. All the society was dong was asking the city to guaran- j tee thelr bonds, the money being rais- A soncietal alle. Powerful and efficient motor, enclosed, luding valves, flywheel, transmission, clutch in fact poasibl ich in an air-tight, ofl-tight and dirt-proot aluminum housing, yot so eaally aeoeasible that way iaaediainiy reached ay. simply removing one of the quick + powerful and always ready for the hardest work under any kind of conditions. elimating danger in axle trouble and-a great deal of tire-trouble;-t.e three MEDICINE HAT AGENCY Tourist and Roadster, FIVE A Value for -the- Money in Canada. The Reasons Why: Tn the chassis there Las been ad a style and a standard of construction pera cannot weaken and that will stand up the most trying tests in motor car depend- ability. LET US SHOW YOU THE CAR, BETTER YET, GET A DEMONSTRATION. 2 3 438 Fifth Avenue -od-by-debentures,-and-the-city would Will also appoint a committee meet hold a first mortgage on the society's the society directors next week re Property. If this is done the society the city's annual grant would be able to greatly improve their buildings and give an exh'bition that would reflect great credit on the city and district. He spoke of the new ) grand stand erected last Year,and Quoted remarks that had been made that 1t was too large, but on citizens day. it had been crowded to capacity. The proposal was, although definite Dlans had not been drawn up, to en- large the building for the display of manufacturers goods, Last year there was practically no room for this and they could not sell space. TODAY'S MARKETS cloved 101 5-8;- May, new;-opened 101 1-8, closed 101 closed 102 May oats Opened 48 7-8, closed 43 7-8; July opened and closed 43 5-8: extra No, 1 feed, May, opened and closed 39 1-2, May flax opened 183, closed 182. Cash Prices Wheat No. 1 Nor. 97 3-4; 2 Nor. 94 1-2; 3 Nor. 90; 4 Nor. 82; 6 Nor. 70; 6 Nor. 60; feed 55. Oats No. 1 C.W. 41; No. 3 C.W. 36; extra No. 1 feed 37; No. 1 feed 38; No. 2 feed 34, Barley, No. 3, 60 1-2; No. 4, 60; re- jected 47; feed 46. American Markets Minneapolis, Mar. 6. May The nformation was given by Pres. Fleming that over and above their present indebtedness and figuring the price of their and at the low rate of 100 per acre, the. society still had to their credit 17,000. Ald. Howson, representative of the council on the society's board of di- rectors, said that the society was prac- tically a municipal owned institution conducted by these business men. Ho could not see how the city would be taking any chance by granting them the money asked, and he was strongly in favor of it. Mayor Spencer said that he did not think that there was anything that Was of more benefit to the city than the exhibition, It reflected great cred- it to the city, was of a great benefit to the district at large, and therefore of a benefit to the city, He said that the council would submit the by-law. and assist in having: it carried. He wheat opened 1081-4, closed 108 1-4, Chicago, Mar, 5 May wheat op- ened 103 3-4, closed 103 3-8; July op- ened 97 3-4, closed 97 2-4; Sept. op- ened and closed 9-1-2. For all kinds of job printing, try the-News Job Department. Shiloks Gure STOPS COUGHS Price is caure PRICE. 25 CENTS 5 Cols Ton Are you going to share in t profi ts on this Vast 3 Amount of Coal. Winnipeg, Mar. S May wheat, old, ily opened 108 opened 107 1-4, closed 107 1-8; July on Graham Island which Expert drillers a the 35-cent tasue (which be well under way. the drilling of the property will most fully. and accurately define ts coal value and at 30,000,000 tons, taking When Mr. Alexander Faulds states that The American Canadian Coal Co, baa 30,000,000 tons of Coal, you can depend on it, that the conl is there. The American-Canadian Coal Company. Limited, is one company operating to-day ment Crown Grait, hence maximum security. to the shareholder. The drilling operations months; at:the-end-of which time -shares-should-have fixed valis uf 1.00 each, since absolutely guarantee its coal areas, which the engineer has-so conservatively estimated with three seams on the property, while th re are really six seams: The first shares sold by the. Trustee share; later a limited issue at 25 cents Ber gbare; per share on January 24th. owns its property by virtue of a deed direct from the Govern- TO DRILL PROPERTY. re to commence to drill the property at once. Long before is the present issue) is all sold out, the work of drilling will shotild not require more than three - Into consideratidh only abit half the property and dealing hort time ago were at 20 per cent. per ; the third issue was offered at 35 cents e Weatern Lor, and Pole Co. 38.93 + BASEBALL'S 20 BIG BLUNDERS Thos. J. Fleager .. .. -- 93.25 + ae Geo, B. Elltote . 16.65 + (From Detroit Journal 4 When Cincinnati traded a kid named Mathewson for a great pit SMALL BLAZE toys Calbago tor: A small fire occurred this afternoon . at 134 Braemar Street. The conflagra- tlon broke out near the kitchen chim- ney. The fire brigade were on the spote with thelr usual - promptness through which they were able to ex- tinguish the flamts with the chemical oliceman. 1d s championship on a wild. pitch. Do not overlook thi 60 cents per share, and a of immediate profit throu: - very great. clearing. The land in ad in Euroy aie much, vended ia being conqa Pee oattaoenaged own Province, within hospitals in Muskoka: vestvedeath-rabe from on reduced tweaty-five (Special to News). El Paso,-Texas, Mar. 5. Hundreds of well known figures in the Texas. Btock Yalsing industry rounded up in El Paso today for the annual con- vention of the: Panhandle Cattlemen's fation, The convention will fast three days and bids fair to- outstrip in Interest and importance all of the Previous meetings of the association, Many question -of live importance are slated for discussion at the business sessions, which will be liberallyinter- sperned with features of entertain- ment. The local committse has pre- pared an elaborate programme of steer roping and broncho riding con- testa, for which several thousand dol- lars in prizes are offered. pewibilities ot ra sane Timi arry on and extend the on wo very cbeccfally, help in the grest and tt is being done a yent for the trosteos of Honpital for Coovump- make, that from f when thie jase ip to the it day, Tas ever been refused joxpitat-becsuse nel ge, Chairman of the ce, 4 Spadina Ave., or F 9 When Marquarad ++ When Bill Hinchman loaf d on *h-St.-Louis, October 4, 1908, i* When Sherwood Magee belted F' 1b. F ander, Ww, a ae i SUBSCRIBE NOW for the Dally News. ik when Matty graved one for Baker. Grooved one for Baker. + When Charles Webb Murphy panned the national commission. When Clarke Griffith allowed Miller Huggins to leave, Cincinatti When Pittaburg and Detrolt passed up Grover Cleveland Alex- When Cincinnatt allowed Marty O'Toole to get away without Apparatus, and Tt was Hot necessuryt . to have recourse to the use of water. ENGLISH FOOTBALL his grounder to Bobby Wallace at + cis bendieeeetssseasiiee ee bt CAP. Cables London, Mar, 5. Sheffleld United defeated Bradford City yesterday in a league game by seven goals to three. inner on the bugle. + trial. PEE EE EE oe + When Haghey Jennings underesttmated Babe Adams in: 1909. * Is 2 Cleveland let Ed. Killian go tu Detroit. ASQUITH TO AK AT. fe ) When Bresnahan made faces at Umpire Billy Klem. + DUBLIN ON HOWE RULE 4 3 When Horace Fogel switched his famous Herrmann-Murphy + + +b letters, h Dublin, Mar. 5 It fs re- of When McGraw parted with Mike Donlin prior to the 1911 - f world s series, *h will speak here during the 14 When Lou Criger touted Ty Cobb as a bonehead. ne Easter recess on Home. Rule, qe + + FREER EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE FEE EEE Eee 3 ee The Company is ft ' which s not far off. MAPS, PLANS AND REI Medicine Hat. buy in now at 35-cents*have the satistacfjon of knowing that they are -in-the: pathway make the difference between 35 cents amt 50 cents 15. cents per share within a few days that Js 150 on 1,000 shares, and t'only , Aside from the coal, the value of the property, the value of the super rights are It 8 really the n arest body f land to Prince Rupert city which Is guttable for farming purposes or market gardening fully paid up and non-assessable; 4s issued: : Don't forge at you fre in on th Remember this is Iimited issue at'3S conte. Don't wait Il the Closing date 374 Toronto St R. A.-AIRHEART, Special Agent. LPOCECO OOO OL LT OOEES ie fact that the wAxt tasue to be offered will be at 50 conta or subsequent Issu at 75 cents per share; therefore those who gh the advance t6 st least 50 cents per share, You actually cash to handle 1,00 shares. is perfectly. level, free of stone, and: the timber on light a Mmited Mability corporation, and the shares are issued as that * when you pay 35 cents per share a certficate Ea8e. in The American-Canadian C al Co., Ltd., ou buy to-da foo CALL AT THE OFFICES OF THE TRUSTEE, CAPT. WILBUR JOHNSTON AND SEB Morris ee Bldg. Lethbridge. PORTS ON THE PROPERTY. BAS e ee
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Image 370 (1912-03-05), from microfilm reel 370, (CU1742960). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.