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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAL DAILY NEWS ee s MORE SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED. Natty Styles In Tussor and New Styles in Tweed and Voile Skirts Special Lace Blouse In Black and Arab Silk lined 4.50 nett. . See Our tin Under.skirt at 3.00 YOU KNOW ABOUT ea Medicine Nat News Published by the Mediciue Hat News Cow Lid, every lacyful evening at Its oftiee, Main Street, Medicine Hat, Alta. A, J. N. TERRILL, E tor. PHONE: HONE: Editorial, Advertising Reportorha, and Cireulation and News Dept Job Depts, 1 y.a., delivered. .. 4.00 3 year by matl.. .... 3.00 months, d-lvered. . 2.00 6 mouths, by mail.... 1.60 3 months, delivered.. 1.00 3 months, by mall.....76e 1 month, delivered....85 Addresses changed as often as desired, but both now and old ad resser nat be given, WEEKLY-NRWS, Pubhishec every Thursday tn ixteen, or more pages, and contains cummn gt;y of-the-news of the week local and district of 3 months, in advance. .50e 6 months, in advance 75 1 year in advance.... 1.50 Monday, February 26ih, 1912 MUST WIDEN OUR STREETS. AST year a number of the property- owners on Toronto and Main Streets signed an agreement consenting to jallow ten feet across the front of their lots 1 to be used for street purposes. The object was to enable the city to ci streets' in question. At sent the width is oph gt; h will, of course be altogether too narrow when Medicine Hat reaches a size which will result in the business thoroughfares becoming congested with traffic, The means advoeated to relieve the sit- Buy Now: Buy All You Can We believe the foe real estate investment is in Medicine Hat Property. a Lot 4, Block 82. 735.00 cash. Lote 33 to 38, Block 20, Ss Park, . 650.00 Beri painy . New Modern House on Braemar Street on Terms. Real Estate e Lot 11, Bloek 87 50 x 130 ft. Water, gas and sewer. 1150.00. One-third, 6, Ade 8 a a3 1S 4 such consent, the munieipality would be en- 3 uation were excellent too excellent to be SSSSOLSS SHS SSS allowed to drop and a number of citizens FOHSSOSOSOS OSS Hr decided to take up the matter of re- enlisting interest in the idea. . Apparently the gentlemen who were re- sponsible, for, originating the proposition last year, did not follow the correct pro- eedure at least the method which they adopted varied onsiderably front that pre- scribed in the city of Winnipeg, where similar action has been found necessary. The exact nature of the initial steps taken in Winnipeg will be to hand in a day or so, but presumably, that city has had a clause incorporated in its charter conferring upon the municipality the power to designate certain portions of the city in which no building shall be erected within a specified distance of the street line. Whether or not the Council or property owner affected, takes the initiative will not be known until the information which has al- ready been asked for is received here. The Stata will also explain the point regarding ;(the lapse of time existing after notification is served, before the city acquires the pro- perty. of the Winnipeg By-laws it is apparent that long the lines indi- By-laws are be- e 2 an aggressive policy a i indi ist? cated is being followed. 3 vs are be j ing constantly passed restricting the own- te ers of property in certain streets from building within- twenty five- feet of the street line. This will provide for a thor- oughfare 116 feet in width. Medicine Hat s ambitions are not quite as great as those of Winnipeg on this point. The most that would be asked of a property owner-would be to cede a ten foot st across Labled-to-have 86 foot streets inthe business section. At the same time the property would undoubtedly be enhanced in value. It needs no great amount of perpesuity 5 Ito realize that it would be a difficult matter to widen Main and-Toronto- Streets, be- Ss Lots 1-to 10, Block 30, Central Park. 950, 00 per pair. Terms. ALBERTA REALTY AND +s DRG, MAN SET Stele Seeds tion on the corner must be regarded as the ; QOGLIEOE OLE OS eee keystone of the situation. No time must. is ROYAL BANK? OF CANADA. Incorpuroted 1800 Total Assets over and individuals. Medicine Hat Branch Rourth, Avenue : C,H. McDunnough, Manager y Potestecs Sastonts As 5 110,000,000 We invite the accounts of firms, corporations. tween South Railway Street and Fourth te easily be increased in width, as well as the connecting ayenues, be: youd- the single block mentioned... The Esplanade should also be taken into account in this connect- ion, Conditions for action are Fipe at the pre- sent moment. So ripe that a few weeks-de- Jay may result in the effectiveness of the proposition bemg blocked to a very con- siderable extent. The big Hull block, for which the foundations hayes already. been constructed, will be eompleted this season. Active operations upon it will begin in a few weeks and this building from its posi- be eereaeoie ss in seeing Mr- Sabet trying to-arrdnge with him to make the Soesesie sho oele tartare siete eee ehanges in his plans which will be neces- aa Upon the opposite corner, the Royal Bank, it is understood, will erect its new building in the immediate future. 0: Main Street corners effected, the Canac : Bank of Commerce and the City buildings hestestosteateaty have fortunately beeh erected some distance pack from the street; which will greatly facilitate the question as it concerns thjs block. A-street railway system, necessarily run- ning through the business gection-of the; ieee PRP EEREREEEEEEE course of a year or so the Council will hav THE MERCHANTS BANK 3 OF CAMADA Capital and Reserve Funds . clther Dare on withdraw money. Oar deposits have tnereased from 19426,001 In 1901 to 088,194,550. W. 0, JOY, Manager Gees fe. . 11458,878 we Ah special attention to SAVENGS ACCOUNTS. No persons may open a Joint + Medicine Hat Pranch city, is becoming a-pressing need and in the to begin its instattation. A moment's tc- flection is convineing of the fact that a street car line, even at the present time, would congest the business streets to a de- gree which would greatly impede traffic. Jo everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. fs-not-this the time for us to consider the which is even-fow almost upon us? 'y3 RING RING 1 43 DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES However, from copies obtainable? 797 3 S Avenue, but these two thoroughfares could widening of our streets to-provide for a day Supri a HE proposal to light our streets more effectively has been taken up by a number of our leading citizens in a manner which indicates that the matter will not be allowed to drop. Probably a deputation will wait upon the Council in rolarence to it. It would. be well if the Board of Trade and Industrial Committee give their views on the eepaticney of tak- ing up this matter at once. -0 gt; PUBLIC OPINION. -4uelph Mereury. A building in Galt that usedte do service as an armory has been turned: into a church. Just wait till m Hughes gets wind of this, New York Herald The British steam- er Consols has sunk off Cape Henry. Why give a ship such a name? a these days of war expenditure and, public extravagance, of course, -consols. go down.. Kansas City Journal So the colonel will spend another four years in the White House provided the people pick him up But th people must be really fussy about it and wear the air of a mob lynching its vietim, Manitoba Free Press Norman Angell, the peace advocate, recently aimed a shrewd blow at the theory that war must be kept in reserve for the protection of citizens a- broad, by citing the difficulties, England has oceasionally had with the Swiss repub- lic, where a large number of English peo- ple live. What earthly means have we, he pertinently asks,- of assuring by force their proper treatment? The British navy certainly cannot be instructed to bom- bard Berne, nor can an army march over- land to invest Geneva. The telegraph operators seem tu have adopted wireless as a verb, and al- though. wirelessed looks like the spiral spring on a lodging house bedstead the whole. family will probably have to be ad- mitted to the language eventually. 5 20: THIS DATE IN HISTORY. February 26. a 1635 First lepislntige ee assembly of Mary- land met at St. Mary s. The Bank of England suspended sh payments, owing to the finan- cial condition of England in conseq- uence of the long war with France. 1809 John Howard Payne made his first appearance as an actor at the Park Theatre in New York. 1815 Napoleon I. escaped from Elba. 1832 The Emperor Nicholas declared the kingdom of Poland henceforth an integral. part of the Russian empire. Pr of peace between ussia signed at Ver- 1871. es 1903 Rich: iatli 5 Gatling gun, died in New York. Born in Hartford County, North Carolina, Sept. 12, 1818. a THIS IS MY 66th BIRTHDAY. Bafale Ba iam F. Cody, the scout and showman who is known the world over under his cog- nomen of Buffalo Bill , was born-in Scott County, Iowa, February 26, 1846. At the age of 14 years he began his career on the plains as a pony express rider. When searcely 17 he joined the Seventh Kansas cavalry and served through several years of the civil war as a Government scout and guide. After the war-he contracted to fur- nish the Kansas Pacifie Railway with all the buffalo meat required to feed the lak- orers engaged in construction, and in 18 months killed nearly 5,000 buffaloes, earn- ing the name of Buffalo Bill by which Lhe is hest known. From 1868 to 1872 he was again engaged in the Government ser- yice as a scout, serving in the operations against the Sioitx and Cheyenne Indians. Some-years-later,-in the- battle of Indian Greek; he killed Yellow Hand, the Chey- tenne-chief,in-a hand-to- hand fight. Mr. Cody has been engaged in the show busi- ness the past thirty years, during which time he a as been seen throughout Europe and America in exhibitions illustrating frontier life. . Czar Ferdinard of. Bulgaria, 51 years old tteday. Thomas W. Lawson, Boston financier, 55 years old today. Elihu Vedder, noted American artist, 76 years old today. Camille Plaiamarion, French astronomer 70 years old today. Horace H. Lurton, Associate Justice of the eme Court of the United States, 68 years old to-day. bodily and throw him in at the front door, e cat a8 ne. doubt the seasons white satin, Mrs. W. Cousins, royal Mrs. Dr. Smyth, waite lace over black GONGRATULATIONS 0: yy Steen wo vont TEE EE EEE EE EET + + +b COSMOPOLITAN BACHELORS + + t EEE EEE EEE EE On Friday. night the doors oF he Cosmopolitan Hotel were trrown open im welcome to fully one bumired and fifty of ite rilimy friends and pat- At Home given dy its bachelors: peor ae J. Elliott, Mr. . Keller, Mr. A. W. Gleaves, Mr. St Crotteheshe, Mr. J. D. Snowden, Gemihaw, Dr. W. BM. Thomas, . Holtwook and Mr. M. E, Fi ee gt; hhalle-could could have been more in- ware the beilliently-light- Seicariaeiad tos bt cigs ie splendid music. During the earlier pert of the even img music and progressive. whist held sway, the honors forthe game being won by Mrs. R. D. Smith and Me. J. gowned in black satin; Mrs. KE. M. Cawker, who wore whitelane over white satin touched with black; Maro, S. Hayes, in pink satin. with flowered chiffon ovendress; Mrs. E. S. Hodges, wearing yellow satin with white lade; Mrs. J. Kochane, in flowered chiffon over satin, and Mrs. H. Stewart who dress. Among the gussts were: Mrs. Ewart, ig blue and grey foular silky Bip. W., H. Tutpin, in yellow satiny Mrs. H. L. Moore, in grey silk colienne; Mrs. J. Leonard, in silk exnbroidery over white sutin; Mrs. T. Depew, Leth ridge, pale blue broceded- satin; Mrs. G.. Evams, in old rose satin; Mrs. W. Treland, in grey silk foalard; Sis. R. D. Smith, in figured chiffon over white. satin; Mrs. Beveridge in black sequin over black duchess satin; Mrs. Blachford, in black silk; Mrs. Benwell, Irvine, im amethyst embroidered chif- fon over silk; Mrs. R. C. Black; ix purple satin with black lace tunic; Mrs. Forster, in pale blue silk; Mrs. W. B. Finlay, im pale blue cotienne over satin; Mrs. A. K. Grimmer, in beaded chiffon over pale blue sill, Mrs. S. T. Hopper, in pearl grey satin; Mrs. A. E. Harshaw, im old rose sa- tin) Mrs. W. G. Johnson, pale blue silk; Mrs. G. MacDonald, black silk; Mrs. S. Mclaughlan, blue sat, pear triminings; Mrs. Nicholson, black silk voile; Mrs. Napier, black) lace over mauve satin; Mrs. Dr. Smith pale blue satin, oriental trimmings; tin; Mrs, J. H. Spencer, mause sa- Mis. H. D. RB. Stewnrt, white ailk; Mrs. H, L. Tweed, paddy green, velvet with Irish lace trimmings Miss B. Cameron, white Marquisctte over veil over Tallow sctmy Misa os white marguisette over white Sati Le inn thack chiffon over yellow sa- tin; Miss W- Onnlifie, paleblue satin; Miss Dunne, pale blue cashmere; Miss Evans, pale blue cashmere, Miss Fra- scr, embnoider d tunic over white sa- tin; Miss Hargrave, pale pink satin with pearl trimmings; Miss Hay, pink satin; Miss Ireland, white satin; Miss Kemmedy, yellow satin; Miss C. Long, pink satin; Miss A. Long, white lace over white satiny Miss B. Mac- Lean, pale pink silk; Miss McLeod, green satin; MissMcDovgall, pink sa- tin with gold braid trimmings; Miss M, Mitchell, white satin with fringe trimimings; Miss J. Mitchell, pale pink satin; Miss Newmarch, beaded chiffon over white sutim; Miss Niblock, green chiffon aver pink chiffon; Miss Ogden, black chifioh tunic over pink Satin; Miss Patterson, white satiny Miss Pye; pink chiffon over satin; Miss Porter, yellow satin with pearl trimmings; Miss E. Rac, white eohienme over sill Miss Simms, figured chiffon over pink satitt; Miss J. Simms, pink chiffon over pink satin; Miss M. Stewact, white eolienne tunic over white sating yellow satin; Mies Irostem, old rose satin; Miss Watson, pale green silk; Miss C. Nicholson, black net ennic over yellow satin. The gentlemen present were Mr. Brown, Lethbridge; Mayor Menwell, Ir-, yine; and Mr. Royce, Mr. Chancellor, Mr. Mackenzie, Mr. Kent, H. A. Ma- vity, all of Calgary,H. 1. Tweed, Dr. Smith, Dr. Smyth, R- D. Smith, J. H.-Spencer, J Kochane, 5: Hayes, E. M. Cawker, E. 5. Hodges, (Mr. Blatch- ford, Mr. Beveridge, Mr. Hawthome, G. MacDonald, R. M, Napier, S. T. son, Mr. Evans, Mr: Depew, Mr. Hot- Sou, TT. D. Rv Stewart, B.C. Block, W. Inelamt, T. Taylor, A. Taylor, G. Cunlifie, J. Reaux, A. Meneely, S. Bannon, J. Bell, C. Long, H. Watson, Eee Dr. Carniicheal, R. Mitchell, D. Mitchell, J. Porter, E. Porter, T. Murray, P. Phoenix, C. Weir, J. T. Cuyler, B.S. Case, C. Fraser, W. Simmonds, Mr. Roche, F. Turner, B. wreen'and floral decorations, asd echo- ing with wore black satin with cube silk over- / Miss -E. Collier, -old roye satitn;--Miss 1 . Me- Build X Your Walls and Ceilings of BEAVER BOARD THEY Took better, wear better, last ost less than lath, plaster and wall-paper. Ld BEAVER BOARD does not crack, chip or disintegrate. BEAVER BOARD keeps out heat and cold, // 4 deadens sound, and re- 4 tards fire: BEAVER BOARD tos and easily put Hah took BEAVER BOARD can be used in a thou sand waysin every home. BEAN B FINLAY CO. The Lumber People. SOLE AGENTS. WILL CONVINCE you that our PURE LIME FRUIT JUICE is the Best. Pingle s Drug and Book Store : :: HOTSON LEADER: Decorating. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS LET US FIGURE WITH YOU BEFORE PLACING ( YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. 3 Office Next to City Hall. + R. B. Tayior s Transfert Light and Heavy Ds fr ae Attention to aur orders. Baled- Hay for Sale, Parcels Deliverea. PHONE NO. 349, House Mover SAND FOR SALE be EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. Phone 260. J.J. LAIT A16-HONTREAL STREET A CLASSIC ON CONSUMPTION. ws He Has Viewed the War Against Consumption Men, women, and children are all (oeing mowed down every day by this fell disease consumption and itis ord. Edward G: These words- of Mr. Edward Gurney, spoken at a gatheriog in Muskoka a year ago, may be fittingly a classic on consumiption. The socoads of tho Muskoks Sanatorinan, as do those of other institutions of a like kind, om this, continent and ip Burope, show very clearly that. this mucl tTncano ean be, aod ig being conaquered by can allowed inany wal se Mociom, Ia our own Province, wi the time that the hospitals in Tioakoke have been in existence, the death-rate from consumption has been reduced twenty-five per cent. sana possihilition of the sans. weal ie Canada are limited only by tbe means required to carry on and extend the work. For this reasoo We ery commetehy. wake oar readers to belp is icing tions at penton done ab * Maskoka. for the trustees of ital for Consum) , that from ti wan first opened, ap to, roe or tient has ever refused tale wing to this oopital beossse enable It isa fine the Maskoka Free Hi Mitebell, A. TL. Moore. Words of a Prominent Canadian Citizen Monday, Feb Turpin The Man's Stor Get the Big D Bupxeribe NOW. te
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Image 324 (1912-02-26), from microfilm reel 324, (CU1742962). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.