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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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- 500.00 REWARD ECZEMA SUFFERERS READ OUR GUARANTEE READ BONA-EIDE OFFER BELL BALM In onjunction with BELL S P.S. of A. * 7 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Thi te to cert Bank of that the Belt Remedy Company , Rave IDEs to be fo om Eczema oF cther were akin disease, p BX-The world famous raonal oui that conjunction with Bell's P. of A Yours very truly, BELL. pet Haim, 19 oo; ig a bona fide and adsolute rem Yeare and found tented 01 eruptions and found tp Chronic cases After every with Bell's PS. of A, will al ions and your eset ill be cured quickly Bai Bell's P. S of Aa fangut ches dr 7 aadrens compiled Free eonsu Reta compeehenaive book lata, sent free by Dermatoto: si sartrare. Spon Boot e iar at BELL REMEDY CO. witetig ince ssa FAMOUS CAMORRA TRIAL SHIFTED 10 ALRESTAURANT Place where S mae was Bed and Execution plan- ned. PROCEEDINGS HEATED Keeper of House said he never Served more than 10 at once. dipeetion cece ew. A /P, Cabres absolutely without re 500.00 REWARD SUFFERERS t De-euri by the. Ml was transferred from Viterbo Waterloo to Bagnoli, where In May i908, members of the Couola, a member family, and his wife, who was Marie Cuttineltt; a woman whom Cucuota- had reformed. The prisoners refused to make Use of their privilege to at- tend the day's proceedings, but the Sw Strsdacnt? rest-of those concerned were present. The court, Jurymen, repdrters and the scene of the banquet. An enormous: crowd of curious persons were on Phone 433. GOOD BUYS 30 feet one Block froin High School 800. 50 feet Rosedale Trackage 1,500. - 50 feet on Esplanade 1300. Choice Residential Lot on 4th Avenue 1400. sons at a time: The lawyers for the. DRSECRATION OF FLAG AL VANGOUVER MEETING L.W.W. s Tore Flag from Borden s Picture and Threw it to the Floor Socialist Speaker Called his Audience Mob and Slaves. 150 fests on Dominion St. Block 9. Vancouver, B.C., Feb. 3. Belgre a the wall above the platform attract- edthe attention of g short long- haired Socialist who was busy sel- ling papers. He climbed on top of the table end tore both flags from the-wall, taking out his tmifeto-cut the rope which fastened one of them threw them on the platform and then when be got down off the table he picked them again threw them om the floor. protiice s picture was not touched. During the proceedings, the like crowd of hundreds of Socialists members of the Industrial Workers of the World, who thronged Dominion hall last nigtit, the Union Jgck was tom from the wails and thrown on the floor where it remained until the end of tiie meeting, which was called to protest against the actions of the spolice in the street troubles igst Sun- day when Free Speech riot occurred The flag incident happened before the meeting started. Several men were the hall selling copies of the Western Clarion, the local Social: ist ongaa, when two fags which fram- to a nail. up and going about Ss a And aa LePAGE BROS. Good Display of Eclipse Whitewear All specially marked for thle February. Saie Vistt- special sale of whitewear and you will not be disappointed. In buying this Une of whitewear six months ago we gave each line our special attention in selecting. the ladies of Medicine Hat and the district whitewear made in Canada at the lowest Sistent with quality. Three Grand Specials for Saturday No. t quality, A duck. per yard, No. 2 quality AA duck, one grade better than above Mue. Reg ular 18e,.. Special for Saturday 1244c. yard. No. 3 Grafton's standard point, the free from filling, at 150. per yard. In order to offer the most perfect posible prices con- Regular price 16c. Saturday only 10c. delain cloth k and-Hight perfect 75 different patterns in buyer in visiting one of the wholesale ount the Cotton department manager..with a big stock of Cott on Ducks that he was anxious to dickering we got them at our-price and we are now able to sell you good quality ofeCotton Duck at considerably less than we usually pay for the same article. LePAGE BROS. The Trading Co s Old Stand, 388 Toronto Street. QOL ALLE, LON a little eeSeefeey sembly for power to construct lines Prairie Pride Patent Flour stands the test, but always satisfactory results it is the FLO which to-place-your confidence ask your dealer for it. we Hit-MiingCoy Limitod not only hand to watch the affair. e The proceedings in the court room at Viterbo has been noteworthy for their heated character and those to day were of the same nature. The lawyers for the defence tried hard to convince the jury that the restaurant Was far too small to hold a Camorra obfef s banquet. Being un- convinced thre Judge measured the room himself, going over the dimen- sions carefully. The keeper of restaurant was called in. He testified be had mever served dinners. in. his establishment to more than ten per- z 384 Main St. Camorrists were jubilant over thig, testimony and over the general result ic of the visit-and after the day's pro- which was crowded to thedoors. The ceedings they invited the Judge and meeting which conteimad several g- memb rs of the jury to a picnic at dies was quit and orderly, and al- Fossillipo, a village in the commune though the applause which gr eted the ofNaples. The proceedings were speakers and their remarks was at/ adjourned antil Saturday when the times vociferons-there-was- -no-more court-and. the r st concerned will excitement than that which frequently, make visit of inspection to Torre occurs in an onlinary meeting. To- Del Greco, where the murders were wards the close Frank *. Olson, who committed. The trial at Viterbo is acted as chairman, made the an- Scheduled to be resumed on Feb. th. nouncement that there was a possibil. ity that during the troubla on Sun- day, one of their number had teen f Lilled, murdered te said, ; and tet Seed Oats for Sale caused q tumult for a moment. .0'f ee E. T. Kingsley, a Socialist well- 500:bushels of Regencrated:Ab- known throughout Canada, was chicf wndance'Oats,,clean, plump, fin. speaker: Mr. Chairman and the est oats Im Import- moby be beget, end ducing the rest ed from Seed Mouse last year, of hia. speech fie referred: to bis amdi- 56 . bushel. Oats went over Ca 100 bush ls to the acre. soca se Se ee ore Red Fife Wheat This Is good seed. and clean. Qdessa Barley Six rowed variety,,a good strong grower. J-Mp COOPER, NORTON. P. 0. OLD SKELETON FOUND (W. A: P. Cable) London, Feb, 2 A human skeleton which scientists now claim to be the gt; oldest yet discovered, dating back pro- lt; lt; bably 10,000 years, has been found near Ipswich, England. -It is declared The Industrial Bureau to be much older than the Galley Hill offer Mam and to reveal every indication of being a much superior type men-j 50 IN PRIZES tally and physically to either the Gal- a ley Hill Man or the Neandethal var- op qe best four articles of not au over four-hundred words,-des- eriptive of the.adyantages Medi- LAPEER EEE EET EE is ot ee establishment ,o industries. + CORRESPONDENCE wiek Prise er Second Prize Note While we welcome all Com- Fourth Prize . munfeations from our readers, we The material to be vied ino wish it to be thoroughly understood four page folder that can be put that we do not necessarily subs- in a No. 7 envelope. Facts. and cribe to or endorse the opinions ex- figures put up in the most at- pressed by our correspondents. All tractive shape will influence Jetters must be signed by the writer. the judges in their decision. not necetsarily for publication but Prizes to be awarded by the . be sole judges as to whether any : article is worthy of a prize. Dear Sir, As anticipated the gen- era meting whlen wes hardin. the competition closes, Feb. 12, 1912 Feounci chamber to discuss. the pro- Ai dros yoregereee 1022 posed Medicine Hat Electric Ratlway ) Company's bill, according to the THE INDUSTRIAL BUREAU newspaper eports, discussd every- thing except the one important point, Bex 63 Medicine Hat, Alta: 0 far as the city Js concerned. ; TEAM It is not a question of whether it is mgood or bad bargain between the company and the city or not. It /5 a question of Whether w are to give away our street. railway franchise or aver our sret railway tranenie orl TW DH PEORD PROCTOR: opportunity to express thelr decision in the matter by ballot, as provided CONTRACTORS by our city charter, We cannot overlook the fact that Mr, B kg, solicitor for theaapplicants, gives notice in the local press that they will applyoto the Legislative As- For all kinds of Brick, Stone, Cement Work and Plastering... -PHONE 539. BOX 394 of electric railway within the city of Mediclie Hat. This Is a question of the rights of the city to controi their own affairs, There was evidently a gheat deal) of discussion as to whether the rights of the city were duly protected or not, and t seems to have been mutual ly agreed that It was an avaricious piece of legislation cunningly devised and poorly executed,-and it would be ; advisable to get the advice of a solic- itor on the subject before proceeding turther, D, MILNE. APPLY TO TENDERS led tenders marked Tender for Chureh, will be recelved up to noon ot February- 6th for the purchase of Knox Church. bullding and lot uated near. the corner.of Queen and Tenders to be accom- panied by marked cheque equal to five per cent. of amount of tender. necessarily accept Address The NOTICE Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, ote, ads under iences. Rent 20. Immediate pos- session, H. B, Browne Auc- E. Allowance, 25 words, one day 36 words, three daya 25 words, six days . Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 25 cents. Cash. must accompany the order, Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and it will receive attention. Board will not highest or any tender. Secretary Knox Church, box 184, Med- deine. Hat. WORK WANTED WANTED By married man post- tion on ranch as foreman. Ten Years experience ,in west, Under- stand horses, steam plows and dry STRAYED farming. Apply-Farmer, Box 1021 News office, A. Dickinson WANTED A general servant, Apply B.C, Drake, 418 Toronto Street, House Plans Farnished. Estimates on Conerete Walks and Walls. TO RENT RENT Oftice room over Souch's Drug Store, re one FFOR,RENT Large barn, Columbia LOST AND FOUND, a FOUND Patr of glasses. Owner can 16946 20) REWARD, for the return of D2 brown inare and colt, white fave, heavy mane, and tall, branded on right thigh, has star on right shoulder, Seen last with her colt north of Bowell. Frank Carey, Med- ographer, Agency, Apply to Hollinger izatt AMEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN particulars free. Moler Syitem Col loge, 609 Centre St., Calgary. 204dti WANTED Capable maid to do gen- eral house work and cooking. Highest wages. Apply A. J. N. Ter- Sone, Alta, F-1-ltw barber trade, rill, News Office. . tt LADIES SILK DRESSES WAISTS, GLOVES, ETC. ROOMS TO RENT Room TO RENT AN modern con- and General Auctioneers; farm Yenlences, Apply 701 Street: FOR RENT Furniehea room, mod ern. Apply 123 Toronto St. 160dtf - Ottawa Tava at special attention. Goods ot any de- scription can be entered for our reg- ular weekly sales on the Market Square. Cash advanced on goods con- signed for absolute sale. Apply H; JFOR-RENT Nicely furnished warm front bedroom. Apply 632. Mon- B, B; treal St. Seca oe Q OR 8 Furnished rooms to let, suit- able for Ught housekeeping. 323 Mill St,, Phone 607. Let Us Loan You the Money-at PER. CENT. TO BUY BUILD Pay Off Mortgages or Improve Real Estate. SEE OUR PLAN ROOMS TO RENT and on -very large room with a bay window in a ment Simaers house, with, the jase, of tbe . Galen et ee piano, Suitable for three or four gen- on tlemen, with every convenience. Ap- ply at 648 Braemar St ROOMS WANTED OUNG married couple desire two siog furnished rooms, south of city ball 40), preferred, Box 301, FUR BALE. S FOR SALE Two nice yandotte cockereis.Ap- ply to J, Barreau, Main St. (COCKER Write, Phone or Call * The Canadian Home Investment Co., Ltd Phone 649, Imperial Bank Bufiding Medicine Hat, OR SALE Pool room and bowling barber shop, bacco, ete; property and buildings in- cluded, 60 ft, frontage. For price ap- ply Fred Wheatley, Brooks. LOST Ou YOURD. JFOUND Between News office. and Tace course a gen Owner can have same by applying at the News office and describing the coat, and paying for this ad. 167dtt cane jOST 1 brown mare and 1 grey gelding and pay gelding, all bran- ded Bon tett-shoulder. All- have thelr manes roached. These horses Were Jost from a field 4 miles west of Irvine. 26.00 Reward. James Craw- tord, or L. D. Porter, Medicine Hat. cigars, to- overcoat. Beaten Soft Block 12, Sth Yuill for (QFFICES TO RENT in Imperial bank building. Several suites. All modern conveniences. Apply . News Hollinger Agency 384 Main St. SYNOPSIS 8 Rent ete REGU- AL, mining rhghta of the Domtaton. in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and - BUSINESS CARDS. Aiberta, the Yulion Territory, the Northwest Territories and in tion of the Province of British Colum. leased for a term of twenty-one years at an annual rental of 1 an acre, Not, more (han 2,560 classes of insurance. acres leased to one applicant. omce aac Application for a eee ee made by the applicant in person to the Agent er Sub-Agent of the dis- as a sign:of good faith EA. Industrial Committee, who will . ae ae SYNOPSIS OF CaNADIAN NORTH- LAND REGULATIONS. bia, may be ANY person who s the sole head of 2 family, er any male over 18 years old, may hemvetead quarter section of available Deminion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli- cant at the Agency ior the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any Agency, on certain conditions, by tather, son, daughter, brother vr sister, of intending hemesteader. Dutles Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles.of his hom farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother -or..sister .. - Tn certain districts a nomesteader in good standing may rre-empt a jongside his home- lease must be situated. In surveyed territory the and muat. be described by. divisions of sections, and in unsur- veyed territory the tract appiled for shali be staked out by the. applicant himself. Bach application must be accom- panied by tee of 5-whtch will bo ro- funded if the rights applied or are not available, but not otherwise; A royalty shall be paid on the merchant. Seeretatjal work, correspondence, able output-of the mine at.the-rate-of/ tive cents per ton. The person operating the mine shall furnish the Agertt with sworn returns accounting for the full quantity of ercbantable coal mined and pay the royalty thereon. royalty arene sete oot otee E Bartlett, B-A-Sc. be furnished at least once a mother, quarter-section stead. Price 3.00 per acre. Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six- months in each of six yeare from date of homestead en- try (including then time required to earn homestead pa Duties. The lease will include the coal min- ing rights only, but the lessee permitted-to-purchase whatever avail- able surtace rigt necessary for the working of theming at the-rate of 10.00 an acre. ent) and cultivate jomesteacer who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in certain dis- tricts. Price 3.00 per acre.. Duties wonths in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth 200.00. Ww. W. CORY, OFFICE-TD-RENT Fine large Office in the News Block, 20 x 26 feet in size, well lighted, : steam heated, modern convencences. Must reside six B. Unauthorizea publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. Sept. T4-D-6m gt;- srops colums SE e- News Office. T7843 icine Hat POT. 20, Fe GSW WANTED A bookkeeper ana sten- LOST bay gelding 6 yra. old, with white face and big white spot-on belly, and white hind legs, branded with over V on left jaw. Lost, about 18 months ago. 10 reward. B. Boytinck, Irvine, Fel-tw BAILED HAY Take price, F.0.B. cars, A.B. Smith, AUCTIUNEERS FH: 3. BROWNE CO., Live Stock sale, 17246 cast-off clothing, shoes, watch 16843 17408 17146 South Railway St, or Phone 687, Dressing establishment oppoatte 154att por- GINGER SEWING MACHINDS an Sherlock, Manning Pianos and Organs for sale and to rent. All Evening Appointm: Rati Public Stenographer Municipal Engineer, ufy Industrial Spur Railways, OLIN, MANDOLIN, GUFEAT, JBANJO, CORNET, TROMBONE, Rte SSS YB. Unantrortese pubttentton ot- thls advertisement will not be pald for .A. ADSIT Tel Sept. 14-D-Gm.. - a - tl, e ce 17343 te steate ney oe vs RENT One five roomed (new) fully modern cottage. All conven- os i o- fs So fe re Sod rs ; taatt Ave., will hold 20 head of herses. Apply to A. C. Cooper, 877 Es Si anes eaiaade have same by applying at the News office and paying for this ad. 17848. Advertiser -has a few cars of good prairie hay for sale at lowest market at 866 Toronto st. Medicine Hat. Phone 481. See our announcement elsewhere of auction SHAUCHNESS ADDRESS ARN G.P.R. Presid Officials West in Sp i Calgary, Feb. by the secretary congress, Sir Thomas Shat the proposition of liver an address Lethbridge. Thomas will Canada in a specis Hon.-R. L Borde ter, the Hon. Robs of the interior; M: ter of agriculture vice-president and DIPLOMATS T WANTED Contracts, outfit break- Furrow, 1esatt WANTED LADIES' AND GENTS Jewelry guns, revolvers, valises, puit jeases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- harness, bicyeles, carpenter tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse bsir, wool and f-ithers, bought and sold, Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co,, 212 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P.O. box 701. 23Dtt. Lethbri THE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand t8 best selection of Second Hand Tools in the eity. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harnes: anda nice new line of winter goods, We bny everything mentioned above. and pay the best prices: Calt-at-50+ THE GLOBE CLEANING AND PRESSING CO. beg to announce that they have opened-a cleaning and Fire Station on 4th Ave. All work Staranteed to-gtve-satistaction. New and- second hand goods bought: and sold. Mark Harris, Prop. Phone remain th re till ange what is to b body has lain ther smuggler and a c frontier were sho sacks. Matters 1 a statement by tl which is supporte trian soil that th Austria and carri othe boundary, his head: in Russ Austria. STOLE 1 Calgary Hote Himself to ments. Sollcitor, Notary, Medicine Hat, Offices: Pruitt Block, Room:2; lephone 574, P.O, box 640. 63Dtf J. Fleming, CORSETIERE Spirella Corsets made trict ik which the dphts applied for to order. Guarantesd against breaking or rusting, Phone 694. or send card to box.72. Mra, Jean Mat- ia, OF legal Sub- thew, Pingle Block, Main St. 1 8dim cw. a. B Caigary, Feb. 2 thefts took piace Thursday morning tel, 228 138th ave mediut pairs of while the occups A. G. TROTMAN bout 130. The occupant and told the that be could co wanted them: bac cided fhe wonld 4 and Con- veyancing, Offices, Imperial Bonk Building. Phone. 695. Fourth Avenue. CALGARY B: Dominion and Alberta Land Satveyor bank clearings sh -per cent.over thy Wook Inst: year. 133,910 against Water. Supplies, Sewage tIrrtznttom, may be considered Flaite. Burns Block, Medicine Hat, Phone 484 information application ve should be made to the Secretary ot the Department of the Interlot, Ot- . y Agent or Sub-Agent of Dominion land:
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Image 176 (1912-02-02), from microfilm reel 176, (CU1742836). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.