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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Postttvety the wor a swift and sure destroyer of monlals from some of Besema or Bee of BELL bined remedi Pesuipe ot price Nete A comprehei enly and absolut Y germ skin di most promin of A. ALM, in conjunction with Beli P. , ead: soled tate seat Fe ie all radorere upon reuese, Write Corday. BELL S P.S. A sULrAUR CURE GUARANTEED UNDER PERSONAT SUPERVISION traveller should carry It PORTAGE AVENUE. REFERENCES Bredtreet s or FAREWELL ECZEMA BELL BALM In Conjunction With BELL'S 3 ther Skin Discase you positively can be-cured privatel tagion. Write for book. Price for large bottle 1, THE BELL REMEDY COMPANY OMicee T10 te T12 Somerset Block, Adjacent to Eaton's. discovery. Tf you suffer the torture in your own home by the for longer? Order to e3 Why aut upon FREE CONSULTATION 2 lez of A At Our Offices oars WINNIPEG, MAN. + MUSIC DRAMA gree; be Tried at Bel- lingham. Bellingham, Feb. 8 A dead girl will appear against a living man dur- ing the March term of the Superior Court here, when Fred L. Stone is placed on trial on a white slavery charge, Stone was once convicted on this charge, but the Supreme Court, remanded the case for retrial. In the meantime the alleged victim, Adele de Lecompte, a 16-year-old girl, died. As the statutes provide that a criminal must be tried in the presence of the complaining witness, the stenographic report of the dead girl's evidence will be read to the jury. It will be the first case of the kind in the. state. TO-NIGHT. The Music Master, it by Mr, Summers. carte LePAGE BROS. 3 : oe Fine Display of Eclipse Whitewear and White Goods. PLETE EEE ET THE MUSIC MASTER the ibeautiful iv-drama in which David War- sa wae firet recognized a one olfxid impression on the mort jaded of the greatest Y actors on the English sp aking stage, will be the offering of the Summers Company tonight, and suffice to say, more sumptuous pre- sentation has never been. given this world famous play than that accorded As the kindly, sjenpathetic old mu- sic master, Anton von Barwig, who has a cheery greeting and pleasant SPO ereeererdeeroadee ageerendearereteeteartess hers for every comes im contact, although-bimself stfiering untold mental spesisb, one with whom he) ost spots on fuce; horneless, four years old, branded ett rita. tast seen AUCTION SALE in Robin- son's Cooley. 5.00 on the for locating, John Ross, Central Park. Medicine Hat. F. s-stw MARKET SQUARE FOR SALE Feb, 9th, 1912, at one O'Clock Prompt. The Auctioneers announce a very favourable entry of divers and heary work horses In which are several matched teams, milk cows, harness, buggies, waggdns FoR SALE 200 Men s and Boys Caps saved-fron) Hicks fire, pric- ed from 1.00 to 1. each. Sale price 25 to 7 Must be cleared. Al- so quantity Tailors Dresamaking Trimmings and Linings. 1 show case fit te -by Ffeet, 1 drawers, bargain: Jouds of hay, Se At 8 o'clock will be offered the Globe Cleaning Pressing Co., 4th Ave, r ar of Post Office. 17946 entire contents of two houses of furniture remored to the Market for convenlence of salty gt; Also a very large quantity of eects too numerous to mention, Terms Cush. i x No Reserve Entries for this accepted up to 12 day: For further particulars, tn CITY OF MEDICINE HAT to Notice ig hereby given that the 2 city fort 1912 has been prepared and is now: open to inspection at my office in, the City Hall from 10 sm. to.4 pam.-on every judi lal day except Saturday, At thelr new Ofices, S19 Toronto St Medicine Hat, 25 words, three days .. .60 25 words, six days 1.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 25 cents. Cash must. accompany the orde: Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and it. will re etve attention. Se ee eciat HELP WANTED, Se YVANTED At once an elderly lady (o look after sick lady, Apply box ENERAL SERVANT W. NTED Highest wages, paid. Apply 238 Abate particulars free. Moler System Col- Centre St., Calgary. 204dt1 WANTED Immediately, Servant, Apply in evenings, 119 competent. West Road Allowance. i8a3 and on that day from 10 a.m, to mid- day, and that any ratepayers who de- sires to object to the assessment of himgelf or of any other person must within. twenty days after the date of this notice lodge his complaint in writ A. Dickinson ROOMS TO RENT Feenisnep ROOMS TO RENT Modern house... Apply 289 Mon- treal St, north of track. 17546 frown his wife and child, whim he dearly Joves fend for whom he has searched for years in vain, Mr. Sum- mersattains perfection equalled only by the great. Warfield bimself. It is q truly lovable character, re plete with humor, pathos and beart- throbs, and one that will leave , vi- Bhone-689. BUILDER 120 Ottawa St. House Plans Furnished. Estimates ing at my office, Dated-this-5th-day of February, 1912. A R. PERRY,, Feb 8-15-22. Secr tary-Tieasurer. , NOTICE. NOTICH Is hereby given that an ap- FROM TO RENT AN modera con- Street, FOR RENT Furnished room, mod- ern, Apply 123 Toronto St. 160att OR RENT Nicely furnished warm front bedroom. Apply 632 Mon- treal St. agate playgoers- Mr. Summers supporting company, who have proved their. stellar worth) to local theatregoers by their excel- lent performances of the past week, all fully adeyfuate to cope with the extra heavy demands made upon them in the presentation of The Music Master, undoubtedly the greatest comedyrdrpima. ever produced im the United States or Canada: SPANISH VILLAGES WRECKED BY FLOOD Rivers have Overflowed their -Banks Communi- cation is cut off. Plication wi be made tothe Legis lative Assembly of the Province of Alberta, at the present session there- of, purstant-to the extension of the time for receiving petitions for Pri- vate Bills, for an Act to incorporate a Company under the name of The Medicine Hat Electric Raflway Com- pany, with power to construct lines of electric rallway within the city of Medicine-Hat, and from the:said city in an easterly direction to the so-call- ed village of Dunmore, with return route over separate line from the gaid village of Dunmore to the said City of Medicine Hat, and from the city of Medicine Hat in a Southeasterly di- rection to Hifk Water Lake (so catfed) and to maintain and operate the said lines of railway, and to acquire and develop water power sites and rights, and to construct, maintain and oper- ate plants operated by water or oth- er power.for the development of elec- LADIES SILK DRESSES WAISTS, GLOVES, ETC. DRY CLEANED. RENT 2 rooms, furnished, for light housekeeping. 323 Mill St: 1eatt modern conveniences. Apply to 199 Balmoral St. Arias WANTED. acne tareee a ee (ANTED From owners only, lots in Central Park and High School Annex. Apply, stating best prices and terms-to Box 1112, News office. on 17gatt Wa4STED To buy a large second- hand box stove, suitable for burn- ing paper, refuse;etc. Apply to the foreman, News, City. KUK SALE. FOR SALE Two nice poses? oe craea ret eeteorereees Many ladies have taken advantage of our special prices on Nainsooks, Lingeloths, Neadapolous Sheeting, Pillow Cottons, Em broidery and Insertions. The above lines are specially priced for this sale. Our range is very large. WHITE BEDSPREADS 72 x 90 AT 1.75 EACH This spread is made from a fine white cotton warp wired design, which covers the spread, finished at edge With half inch hem, free from filling. Spectal price 1.75. each. a, a WHITE BEDSPREADS 72'x 8 AT 225 EACH Fine white spread made of satin damask, varied design'of Maple Leaf, which covers the spread, border finished with wired cord 9 in. deep, which surrounds the spread, ends fringed. Special price 225 each. LADIES FANCY BELTS. Set of travellers samples bought at 25 per cent off wholefale price, about 100 in all, selling at t5c. to 7c. each. On-sale for the.week end. All displayed on Bargain LePAGE BROS. The Trading Co's Old Stand, 888 Toronto Street eee eget deteteepe ray to sidsiotime ofthe aloater lt;W P,Gable tricity. and to generate, distribute White Wyandotte cockerels. Ap- Madrid, Feb. 8. Serious failures are reported from all parts of Spain and Portugal, Many rivers and smaller streams have overflowed thelr banks inundating entire villages. All com- munication by rail, water or highway is interrupted, and this fact is pre- venting a despatch for help to the stricken towns. (W. A. P, Cable) Lisbon, Feb, 8. The number of vic- tims of floods in Portugal is not known, but it will be large. Large numbers of injured are being brought to and cared for in hospitals in the flooded districts. The River Tagus is raging, carrying down corpses and debris of all kinds. Many ships which were anchored in the navigable sec- tion of Tagus were sunk at the first onslaught of the torrent, and others were swept seaward with a great mass of debris from the upper.part of the river, including uprooted trees and live stock. Crops through the flooded district are ruined and all communi- cation by wire severed. Mr. J. B, Howson s wholesale and The A. P... Burns CONTRACTING CO. LTD. ffice and Factory, GEERAL BULDERS AND CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS SUP- PLIES, PLANING MILL, HEAVY TEAMING. Spring will soon be here. Janade. If you anticipate erecting a house oF- matter how large or how small, we are here with the goods. We carry a full stock of builders supplies, lumber, lime, sand, gravel, cement, wall plaster, window and door frames, sash and doora,.ail Jdnds of mauidings..etc., ete oe MILL WORK A SPECIALTY WE ALSO DO PAINTING, DECORATING AND SIGN PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. GET OUR PRICES Phone 100. building of any kind, let us give you a figure on the work. No retail liquor store is now located at 812 South Railway Street, three d east of the Bank of Montreal, 1 For Sale New Gasaline Vacuum Cieaner 20. H.P. In the best of condition. Terms. Owner leaving city. APPLY BOX 179-3t. 744, NOTICE filed the necessary memorials er of Irrigation, at Calgary, Alta. Prairie Pride Patent Flour not only stands the test, but always yields satisfactory results it is the FLOUR in which to place your-genfidence ask- dealer for it. The Medicine Hat Milling Co y., Limited and for the right necessary works . as shown w st of the 4th Meridian. 7th day of February, 1912. W. N. KELLY, The chamber today voted 500,000 NOTICE Is hereby given that in ac- cordance with the provisions of The Irrigation: Act, -the undersigned has, and plans Tequired by Sections 13 and 15 of the said Act, with the Commisston- The applicant applies for the right to divert sufficient water per second . from the South Saskatchewan River on the North-East quarter of Section 18 township 13, range 5, west of the 4th Meridian, for irrigation purposes, to construct the by the memorial and plans filed, to enable the water so diverted to be used for the said irrigation purposes on the South-east and South-west qUaTtErT Fime Targe Omice In the News Block, (ticts Price 3.00 per sere. Dutles Of Section 20, township 13, TENE 3, P in B1es, We three years, cultivate fifty wores-and Dated at Medicine Hat, Alta., this Ww. and sell electricity for power and otf- er purposes, and to construct, erect and.maintain all necessary buildings, ), machinery, appliances and. conven- fences for the purpose of the said rail- way, and also all and every necessary and usual rights, powers and privil- eges incidental thereto. Dated at Medicine Hat, Alberta, 18 January, 1912. WILLIAM A. BEGG, J. 26-4tw Solicitor for the Applicants NOTICE. . The annual meeting of the share- holders of the Medicine Hat News, Limited, for the purpose of electing a board of directors and for the consid- eration of such other business as may come before the meeting, will be held in the company's offices, in the city of Medicine Hat, on Weduesday, the 14th day of February, 1912, at the hour of 8 o'clock in the evening. gt; By Order, A. J.N. TERRILL, -Seeretary Let Us Loan You the Money at 5 PER CENT. TO BUY BUILD Pay Off Mortgages. br Improve Real Estate. . SEE OUR PLAN Write, Phone or Call The Canadian Home Investment Co., Ltd. a, Phone 649. Amperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat, Alta. 17847 Seed Oats for Sale 500 bush ls of Regencrated Ab- -. undance Oats, clean, plump, fin- est onts in the country, Import- ed from Seed House last year, Gde a bushel, Oats went over 100 bushels ta the acre. Red Fife Wheat This is good seed and cleans Odessa Barley Six rowed yarlety, a good strong grower. J. M. COOPER, NORTON. P. 0. SYNOPSIS OF CaNADIAN NORTH. WEST LAND. REGULATIONS. ANy pefaon who is the sole head ot a family, or any male over 18 years available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan-or Alberta. Dominion Lands Agency or Sub- Agency ivr the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any Agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister, of intending hemesteader. Duties. Six mouths residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles-of his homestead on of at least 80 acres solely owned and-occupted by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a nomesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter-sectiom alongside his home- Stead. Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six months In each of six years from date of homestead en- try (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A hemesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot ob- tam a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in certain dis- STAPLEFORD PROCTOR CONTRACTORS For all kinds of Brick, Stone, Cement-Work and- Plastering. PHONE 539. BOX 394 OFFICE 10 RENT steani heated, modern conveniences, erect a house worth 300.00. cory, ty of the Minister of the Interior. B Unadtthorizea puorication of: APPLY TO Feb, Applicant. 8-66w gelding and bay gelding, all bran- old, may homestead quarter section of made by the applicant in person to. cant must appear in ra: at the Price 3.00-per acre. Duties:/royxity thereon. If-the-coal anining ply to J. Barreau, Main St 17446 R SALE Bedspring and mattress, in fine shape. Cheap. 634 Mon- treal St. 17848 FURNITURE OF ten roomed board- ing house for sale, with privilege of renting house. Central. Apply for particulars to box 1022 News office. FOR SALE 1 yoke of oxen, f yrs. old, weight 1800 each. George Pearson, twp, 14, range 6, S.W. 1-4 sec, 3. 17743 E Seed wheat. 500 bushels of seed wheat for sale, will sell-at 1.00 a bushel, Warranted not frost- ed and clean. Call or write, N. Schmidel, Coleridge, Alta. 178-2ta LOST Ou FOUND. OST 1 brown mare and 1 grey ded Bon left shoulder. All have thelr manes Toached. These horses were lost from a field 4 miles west of Irvine. ford, or L, D. Porter, Medicine Hat. 168att SYNOPSIS OF COAL MINING REGU- LATIONS. COAL mining rights of-the Dominion: in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, the Yukon Territory, the Northwest Territories and in a por- tion of the Province of Britiah Colum- bia, may be leased for a term of twenty-one years at an annual rental of 1-an acre. Not more than 2,560 acres will be leased to one applicant. Application f6r a lease must be the Agent or Sub-Agent of the dis- ict in which the-cights-appliet tor In surveyed territory the sand must be described by sections, or legal sub- divisions of sections, and in unsur- (veyed-territory the tract-appsled for + shall be staked out by the applicant himself. Each. application must-be accom- panied by a fee of 5 which will to re- funded if the rights applied or are not available, but not otherwise, A royalty shall be paid on the merchant- able output of the mine at the rate of five cents per ton. The person operating the mine shall furnish the Agent with sworn returns accounting for the full quantity. of merchantable coal mined and pay the rights are being operated, such Should be furnished at least ones a year. The lease will Include-the coat ing rights only, but the lessee may be rpermitted to purchase whatever ayall- able surfice rights may, be considered necessary for the working of the mine at the rate of 10.00 an acr For full Information application should be made to the Secretary of the Department of the Interior, Ot- tawa, or to any Agent or Sub-Agent if Dominion lands. W. W. CORY, Deputy Minister of tae Interior. :- B- Uneuthorized -pubHeation- of, this advertisement will net be paid for. Sept. 14-D-6m. News Office. LET Nicely furnished room. gies, 25.00 Reward. Jamies Craw - TO RENT Ns pa pee NT One five roomed (new) fully modern cottage. All conven- fences, Rent 20, Immediate pos- NOTICE Jsoxsion, 1. B, Browne Co. Auc- Situations Wanted, Help Wauted, tloneers, Toronto St. Phone 481. For Sale, Lost, Found, etc,, ads under at2dte these headings. ee oS words one day .. .- 6-s POR RENT Largo barn, Colutibta Ave., will hold 20 head of horses, Apply to H. , Cooper, 377. Bsplanade, Palace Livery. 171d1 mo. ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED os SCOTCHMAN wishing to board and Foom With Scotch family. Apply to box 463 News. ats OFFICES FOR RENT ees, TO RENT in Impertal baak- building. . Several suites. All modern conveniences; Apply News oftica. 1bAatt AUCTIONEERING )VANTED List all kinds of stock and household goods for sale at oublic- auction. Office with-G. E. Dun lt; ham, 95 Toronto St, Phome 368. Geo. Satterlee, Auctioneer, 17946 MISCELLANEOUS WE have splendid properties in and near Seattle to trade for ranch lands, improved or unimproved, in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Delightful climate on the Pacific... Coast. Get in head of the Panama veniences, Apply 701 Ottawa. Canal.. Write The Realty Traders, Na. 334, Hastings St. W., Vancouver, B.C. AT8d1mo. WANTED Contracts, utfit break- ing, northeast. Apply Furrow, Sdtt cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jewelry, guns, revolvers, valises, uit cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- harness, dicyeles, carpenter tools, ete., raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and f-.thers, bought and sold, Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co, 312, Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P. 0. box 701. Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for the above. 23Dtt, THE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand tie best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves. and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods. We buy everything thentioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 504 South Railway St. or Phone 687. tf .GLOBE CLEANING AND PRESSING CO. beg to announce that they have opened a cleaning and Pressing establishment opposite the Fire Station on 4th Ave. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. New ana second hand goods bought and sold. 17546 Mark Harris, Prop. Phoue 169. Jan. 30. x jaCLEANING AND PRESSING CO. has opened in the Pingle Blook,.Room 3, over drug-store; Main St. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ladies work given special attention. Goods called for-and delivered. Phone 353. G. Hopper, Prop; 176dimo. LEBAL. WiLuiaM P, BUNDON,. Barrister, Solicitor,. Notary, Medicine Hut, ae Offices: Pruitt Block, Room ?: lephone 674, P.O. box 540. 63Dtf BUSINESS CARDS. GER SEWING MACHINES and Sherlock, Manning Pianos and Organs for sale and to rent. All classes of insurance. W. J. Fleming. Office 81 Main Street. JDRESSMAKING. WANTED -.Mrs. Bunting will yisit ladies at their own houses. Tailor made costumes a speelalty. Perfect cut .and fit. 426 x Toronto St. 17941 ( ORSETIERE-Spirella Corsets made to order. Guaranteed against breaking or rusting. Phone 594 or send card to box 72. Mrs. Jean Mat- thew, Pingle Block, Main St. 168dim Sa. gt; Evening Appointments, Rates Reasonable A. G: FROTMAN Public Stenographer- Secretarial work, correspondence, Typewriting, Manifolding and Con- veyancing, Offices, Imperial Bank Building. Phone 695. Fourth Avenue. E. Bartlett, B-A-Sc. Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Railways, Water Suppiles, gt;a Irrigation, Burns Block, Medicine Hat, Phone 484 OLIN, MANDOLIN, GUITAR, ANJO. CONRET, TROMBONE, Xt Telenbonp C, 4. ADSIT Format ddnds of-Job Printing. fg-- gt; his edvertisemment will not be paid for. Sept. 14-D-6u the News Office, f ork to *Kmas trac Bags rang from 3.00 we will sel discount of You can set window wit marked. Extra: Spring San Century B and Light A neat little for our custom fit the yest. p game laws of katchewan, AM Columbia and er useful infor sportsman. gladly mailed - Bae chnapy THE SPORT Winniy ow The finals in the were played off a day evening resul Skip Holt after : contest. Sid Holt, Joe Porter, Dr. Holt J. Williamson, TO PLA Leave To-nig Play To-n Collected Trip. Medicine Hat's team leaves to-n for Calgary whet Mary's Juniors t This-fs-an-ann ally proves . mi teams-are said to last year. The locals too to defray their ed in all 89, thi: railroad fare whi The team will goal; D, Coulter cover; R. Porter centre; M. Core: left wing, P. and D, Woodhou .TODAP Winnipeg, Feb opened 103 1-4, opened 103 3-8, opened 103 1-8, - May oats opet 3. July opened Extra No. 1 fee May flax open Cas Wheat No. 1 1-4; 8 Nor. 90 1 Nor. 78 3-4; 6 3-4. Uats, No. 2CN 36 1-2; extra No feed 35 1-2; Ne Barley, reject Ameri Minneapolis, F ened 106 3-4, clc 107, 5-8, closed Chicago, Feb. 103 38, closed 9907-8. eloped. 97 4 3-4,
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Image 210 (1912-02-08), from microfilm reel 210, (CU1742839). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.