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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEVICINY HAT DALLY NEW Tuesday, Pevruiry 15th, 1918 Let us measure y Listen Let us measure you for that new suit yu for that new sult you need. Then you can get a fit and a cholce of many exclusive weaves and materials. You can get a high grade,-made to measure Suit from us at a price to sult your pocket-book.. Our prices are only what good materials and workmanship are worth. We can fit you and sult Se you. It takes only a few days from the time we put the tape on * you until we turn you out a well-dressed man. Barker Patten HIGH QRADE FURNISHINGS. : : TORONTO STREET SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr, Dr. Bolten and wife of-Trvine spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, F. J. Gants, Walsh, Born at Lethbridge Feb. Lith to Mr. and Mrs, H. L. Ripley, a son. Mrs, A. A. Smith, Toronto St, was + hostess at eight tables of whist Fri- says Calgary Divine. day afternoon, Mrs. EB. Pi rson and e Mrs, R. D, Smith taking the honors. At the evening services and Mrs, Grimmer and Mrs. A. M. Rey, Mr, Hench read D. M. Ramsay's Wright the consolation prizes, Mrs. articles on A plea for an affirmative A, P. Day, Mrs, Beveridge and Miss yotg in regard to chureh union, quot Giack aselated-the hostess, ing different paragraphs and phrases Dancing at the Hospital Bat to- ypholding church union. Arguments Horrow evening will begin st 30 s2.tnet-the union were published Yes: promptly, Mra. Crissal's orchestra terday. Some of the affirmative ar- furnishing the music until the arrival guments are, Fellowship. with Our of the Leonard Orchestra. Refresh- Brethren of other names is restricted ments will be served at midnight. n various ways. Nor do I know of Monday afternoon and evening Mrs. 5, feasible means gave organized JH. Spencer entertained tm her-us-/ union by which we can get rid of all wal charming style. She was assist- oo tctons.'* ga by, Mrs, Yuill, Mrs. He Ds Seay We cannot admit that co-operation Mrs, Atkinson, Mra Ready, Misi Slack and Miss Aldridge. In the after- .the ideal for which we ought to work and pray. If it were accepted noon ten tables of progressive whist were played, the prizes being won by 85-8 Settled policy It would imply. that we are determined to give up our Chas. Allen, Mrs, G. Johnstone, ee Presbyterian brethren to the Pull fel- Mrs, Pettet and Mrs, Williamson, In n the evening bridge was played at eight lowship of other bodies with which we a8 a church refuse to write into tables, the prize winners being Mrs. Cousins, Mrs, Smith, Mrs. Bell, Mrs, the same fellowship. Such policy one finds it difficult to believe that Drake, Mrs. Grimmer, Mrs. Crawford, Mrs, McLean and Mrs, R. D. Porter. Y person will defend. The consolation prizes were awarded Waste of Men and Money. While the principle of Christian to Mrs. Everard and Mrs, Phillips. Miss Ada Taylor has returned to/ fellowship should at all times include Vancouver after spending a couple of us to 0 enlon:ite cutee ency fs immensely increased in Can- months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor, Toronta-St -- ada bythe situation. in which + Christian Church find itself. Until Mr. T. Money of Whitla is in the Hat on business. lately the Methodist and Presbyterian Me. A. Thomson of Carlstadt is-in /Churches have been accustomed to the city today. duplicate each otlier in new districts of our country and they are both re- D. L. Woodhouse returned from Calgary after a week's holidat there. presented still in many old districts where It 4s not patent that the inter- A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. Imperial Bank of Canada ; 11,993,800 72,000,000. BR, WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. He says tit building is going on apace there and thet be wa surprised ests of the Kingdom of God demand te sce so few unemployel on the the presence of both. In this there s ranta: is waste of both men and money. The of money is not to be lightly The Bow Island Hockey tern passed Waste 3 b aes Hak cheir Yeearded but the waste of men is even i 2 si more serious. There is a terrible wey to Bassano. lt; dearth of ministerial laborers for the mission. field. The Presby Chureh alone will require 1000 labor- ers in the next five years, A. M. Wright's Jewelry store will be closed all day Wednesday. in order to-set-ready for the great Fire and Removal Sale which starts Thursday In Behalf of Basis. the 15th, as I will be foreed to move Do you approve of the basis of to another store for a short. time the Union? -. Question two: Our while the new block is being built. So come with the crowd and get bar- Church has bitherto held those doct- rines of faith usually dentified with The Marshall Hardware Co,, Limited, hav- ing sold their business, all accounts are now payable to Messrs. office in the Assiniboia Hotel THE STAR THEATRE *The Blind Half Breed s Defence, Out Generaled, Mike Hero .. .. .. Launching of the Battles . Marshall Hunter, at: their Block, formerly occupied by Johnston .Co. Real Estate. THE MARSHALL HARDWARE CO., LIMITED hip Rivadavia, .. . . .. Essanay-Western : - Selig Comedy Droma .. Another Edison Real Comedy . Edison. gains, 183dtf the great names of Augustine and Calvin. While not a word in the do- cument of the union refuses Hberty to hold and to teach that system in its entriety. lit 1s freely admitted that men who do not accept it could pro- perly subscribe the doctrinal state- ment. The plain fact is that the em- phasis of the truth which we our- selves teach to-day and in which we live, does upon the soverignty of God s grace but upon bis gracious love to the whole world. In our venerable confession of faith there is hardly word of that universal love and therefore the impression which t, makes upon the reader differs wid- EPWORTH LEAGUE Competitive concert on Tuesday-ev- ening at Sk; the young men of the Methodist church will giva the con- cert of the season; . Announcement will te this meeting whether. the feminine or mas- culine sex have achieved the honors at entertaining, A cordial invitation from the boys is extended to all. TOW PRICES. In Long Co.'s adv, yesterday a typographical error: occurred in the price should have been 50 cents each Which the doctrinal statement is so instead of 20 cents. The prices. offer- largely based. Presbyterian people ed at Long's February sale ara so Will not object to the change unless low that our pa Thasn t bad they are determined that while they the nerve to look at furniture since 2Y Keep their own minds open re- oe ee the nts 7 garding-the doctrines of grace, they aking the asistake: sseres gt; abe will require their young men to sub- S)'seribe to their ordination. We might make departures from our pre- sent policy of government which would forbid us to reckon ourselves Presbyterian. That any such dep- qnoted price on Kitchen chairs. The ly from that of the. two creeds on CHURCH UNION Rev. Mr, Hench s Reading for the Affirmative Vote for Chureh Union It Rests with the Presbyterians Sunday,; Assembly on policy found that while offcers and courts of the three Chur- ches bear different names, there Is a substantial degree of similarity in their duties and functions and that the-e are destructive elements in the government of each of the Churches which would add to the efficiency of united Church. * The Synod, Presbytery, and Gener al Assembly are to be retained. The assembly Power to ley matters of doctrine, discipline, gov- ernment and worship, but no such legislation cal become perman: until a majority of the Presbyteries haye expressed approval. This safe- Buerd against hasty changes is re- tained in the basis of the union, The Ministry. The annual conference or synod is to appoint a settlement committee. Phe pastorate is to be without a time Umit and the settlement committee will decide upon applicat settlement from niinisters and char- ges: within its jurisdiction. Training for the ministry will be a three years arts course, and three Years in the study of theology. There s.also a shorter course of four years Stldents who have marticulated-at'a university and is also to be preceded by two years preaching under presby- tery supervision, and also other stud- tes, For mission work two boards are Proposed, one for home missions and the other foreign. It is proposed to Keep thoroughly equipped colleges and to amalgamate any two colleges in the same locality doing the same sort of work. ae to law, some fear lest union condition into which the United Free Church was brought by the decision of the House of Lords regarding its Property. The danger, the Law Com- mittee, composed mostly of lawyers; Tecommended overcome by incorpor- ation by special act of parliament as. soon as the union had ben consum- ated. Rey. Mr. Hench will speak on Church Union in St. John s Church on Sunday next. RESTS ON PRESBYTERIANS (W. A. P. Dispatea, we Fab. 12. We believe that onus of adoption or mijecting the basis of church union rests with the Presbyterian church and on tha mexi- bers of that church rests the double responsibility as to whether or not it shall become an accomplished fact. Such was one of the statements made last night by Rev. W. D.-Reid, B.D., superintendent of Presbyterian missions in Alberta in an address on church union in the Hillhurst Presby- terian church. : The question of church union will tp discussed from opposite points of view in Knox and St. Paul's Pres- byterian churches next Sunday. Rev. J. A. Clark, an advocate of church union will exchenge pulpits with Rev. S. Bacon, Hillocks, . who is opposed to chiirch union on the proposed Hsis and will state the arguments from Ald theology mixed, open to us the deplorable Ottawa-Street,-50-feety Block 82 Ottawa Street, 50 feet, Block 80 South Rallway Street, 100 feet . 50 feet, Block 17, Central Park 50 feet, Block 8, Central Park ... 50 feet, Block 20, High School A 50 fect, Block 18, Herald 50 feet, Ross Street, 75.00 down, He 366. Toronto St. Real-Estate. Dealers. f Track Lots, Block 5, Riverdale, each Balmoral Street, 50 feet, Block 60 .. 50 feet, Block 6, corner Central Park . - 8800.00 ex. + 800.00 800.00 Price 400.00 . We have the best lst of property in North Yulll in the City. - 6 Roomed Cottage on. Esplanade, Lot 50 x 170 feet. Only ,. 8100,00 - Pettet Co. Phone 481, Loans and Insurance. oS s : : Wholesale 20: - Wines and Spirits. . - uth Railway St. 3 Doors East of Bank of :Montreal. Telephone 79. 172412 Reeaerehoeontesteeiodtectedtectoiodte Tocalla ny day this week and enjoy a cup of fragrant cocoaat our Free Demonstration of Ottawa, Feb. 14 details-of the bil nent tariff comm the house throug authorizing the ; the commissioner years, which wa the house rose. named the defini missioners was opposition trom ed to the provim places the opera sion under the ister -of finance, the commisston tactory should el ers than propose it should be redu a: statistical bure of necessary info The debate co o'clock when Mr posed three ame GRE HA London, Feb. 5-8 yesterday -as Stock Exchange tions between G will rise from L lt; Berlin, Buying orden came from Berlir London Daily Tel It was assumed something was Lord Haldane's ported that an ment concerning tions would be 1 Cowan's Cocoa, Cut this out. entitles the bearer on -f purchase of a. 20.00 suit, to any 2.50 hard + or soft felt hat free of Speech today. 1 that: the resigna was imminent, conferred on Sir ken by some san, that he succeeds The rise also t which would uni Lloyd-George arture is made s the basis of union Ideny. The sub-committee of the ADVOCATE PURCHASE OF NEW SCHOOL SITES his stamdpoint to Knox churei: ;congre- gation. TS DREAMLAND THEATRE (Old Reliable) fe An especially powerful drama in pictures entitled The Surgeon's Temptation Chocolate and Prepared Icing Se matter end decided just how far they would go this year so as to make the necessary preparations, secure teach- ers, etc. Mr. Hay pointed out the different courses taught, that is, Eng- SOOO oes LES POPP eoe uy a Home Direct er + you Can Save Money jore of Lumber arrived to-day for 10 of the 25 houses ig here this season. permit, these 10 7-roomed houses shall be rushed ahead, our Inter Shows at sharp 8 9 .. THE MARSHALL-INITCHELL HARDWARE C0., LIL * Wholesale and Retail. will be shown here to-night, together with the lively Western pro- duction Starlight s Necklace, a good comedy Betty Beeomes a Maid, will supply many a hearty laugh. Miss Bessie Portillo will appear in illustrated song. 100, Ie. Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Builders Supplies. Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmitning a Specialty. C.P.R. MEN'S STORE H. S. IREEAND. - North Railway Street. Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat we figare bt As soon as weather conditior tion to have them all completed within 90 days from time work is need first one. Handy to Fndustries and two blocks from New School. By speaking In time, an Intending buyer eduld have built-in many of his own suggesti payments, these like all without any nddition cost; and as to yar hh built here last year, shall be sold om extremely easy terms within the reach of anyone. - Adolph whine 411. Smith ars, seo C. W, Smith, 116 Montreal Sty Specia SNAPS .- 500 pair 5 and 6, Bk. 17, C. Park 250 each, Bk, 19, Cen. Park. 9600 pair, Bk. 22, Cen. Park. 9600 pair, Bk. 21, Cen, Park. 1050, lot 5, Bk. 86, Braemar St. 725, lot in Bk, 8 , Ottawa St. 850, 50 ft. Bk. 20, H. S. Annex, 570 pair, Bk. 18, H, 8. Annex. 700, Bk. T,.near Flour Mille. + 895, 60 ft, Bk. 15, near Flour Mills, 3000, new modern cottage, Ot- tawa St. 3500 New 7-room house, Brae- mar St. 900 cash. (Continued age One) A communication from Lieut. Col. Cruickshank qsked that the cadet corps in connection with tha schools oe organized here. He said that Medi- cine Hat was the only place im the province that did mot have them. Mr. Hay, stated that the corps were at one time organized bere but they kind of died out. Recently, however, he had awakened on interest and about 24 boys have signed to join, They will-be-supplied with the regula- 5 drifted Mr; Lazerte-is quatifed cadet instructor and he will likelp take over the work. A-dy-law was passed for the bor- rowing of 925,000 for current ex- penses. Tite report of Supervisor Hay show- ed that during the month of January there were 975 pupils in attendance at the aity schools, 385 af Montreal, 383 at Toronto, 163 at Alexandra, and 44 at the cottege school. With but the exception of but ome snat here and there, there is practically no more room in ether of the schools. Im fact, Mr. Hay stated that before the next meetiog of the board he would be obliged. to turn pupils away, despite the fact-that vbey had open- ed school in q store s an annex to the Montreal street school. The report also dealt briefly with the night schools, absence of pupils and also the physical-trcining at the Alexandra school the-good effects of which he (aid were already noticable. R. J. Dewie; inspector of the local schools presented his reports on the condition of ete. Mr. Hay presented a report on the the buildings, repairs, tion of the work.that dealt Twit by those classes. He, however, asked the Board to deal with the Hish-to-foreiguers, writing arithmetic pee ee ey up in matters come in-why the matter of having a higher class. Hp, also: walled attention to the fact ghat ' if the manual training and domestic science, and technical education were to be introduced that it ought to be dealt with at once. In regurd to the matter he said that it would be bet- ter to have the elementary class star- ted first and thereby gain ty the ex perience-uf-other-cities -who-hmtt-jump ed into both the clamentary and higher classes of the technical educa- and as the pupils tecome mora pro- We lnvite You - the day when it would be compulsory to have this most useful appliasce in stalled in every upstairs room. Necessity other of in tlon. The-device;-which consists of a safety clutch on ropa enstiles a per from attaining t That the Britis versations, have demonstrated by- countries there in- responsible. q) far as possible g cal feeling which their relations. good step towari and the advance the opinion in ti had been made German underst ing London would Teave the clation-of the tion at once and were to a great ax tent: inconvienced. Chairman Wilson, attended the recent convention and their visit, will deal with this mat- ter in their report. They,with Dr. Sinyth , Were also named a committed to deal with the suggestions in Mr. Hay s report. Dr. Smythe and Mr. Hay will re- schools, There was a full attendance of the board present. FIRE-AP-MONTREAL . - Montreal, Feb. 12 Fire broke out this afternoon in the basement of W. the corner Of Craig and St. Antoine Streets, resulted in the death: of man, and probable -fatal Injaries- others, Mr, John Rogers, manager Abbey Sait Co.,, was trapped on the third floor and burned to death. An- other man named Woodburn, injured out-g por-+by falling timbers, is now in the hos- nital in a dition. Other loccupants of the building suffered: slight injury. lt; who with Mr, Hay and Mr. Morrow who are to make writim report on). port at the next meeting on the mat- tet of physical education in the J. Hughes Company's bullding on Winnipeg Firemen Try Out New aud Most Effective Fire Escape. Mr. Victor Heyllaufi's many toca that another of his patented inven- tions is meeting with success. In ref- ference to his Hfe-saving device the Winnipeg Telegram says: The life saving device, the invention of Vv. W. Heydlanff, is; T ats confident, uble to supply a tong felt meed. It is some- thing ahead of anji of the present i apparatus, in: case of fires, fii exciatence, said Chie Buchan- an this morning. We-tried it, he said, in our, gym asin, and it works pertectly:) It will be tried outside from q five ota story tuilding also. Our bos are de- Highted with it ate would tackis- descent froni any height with it. The chief went on to say thet im many cases people in the rooms , of high buildings suffocated before belp reached then. If Mn Heydlaulf's de- Vics were in every room this. danger would be eliminaped. He doped to see friends willbe interested .io-learning , son to Gescend at an even rate oF speed from amy height to the ground. Its action is automatic. Mr. Herd- luuff had an incentive to setting bis brains to work on this device from narrow escape he himself bad- in serious fire. LEEEEE EEE EEE EE a - + LOCAL FREIGHT AGENT . Mr, A. the Inst two years has been Chief Clerkin the C.P-R freight office in this elty, has Deen appointed logal freight agent, succeeding Mr. BR. A. Sewell, who recently resigned thes position. gt; Mr Wil popularity amongst the busi ness ment Was attested by the fact that a very heavily sign- ed petition was presented to the management askifig that he recelve thls appolutment, PEPER E LEE EEE HEALS THELUNGS PRICK, 35 CENTS ier: curity by sendit higher, Besides between the tw ready apparent has been produ ment for diplon Premier Hi mond t for the London, Feb. : authority for st who was Junior Stewart Parnell against the Lo; retire until he duced the gover:
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Image 246 (1912-02-13), from microfilm reel 246, (CU1742847). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.