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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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he premises of , 2, 4, Evergreen colt coming two Ips down face, ip. 161-46 WANTED D For State No, 181 , com- londay in Febru- ling to abilities Wm. Wellington, ad. wetf wanted for Feld- 1 Dist. 190. Sal- o ordinance, T, ton P, O. 166d4 RENT In Imperial bank al. suites. AU .- Apply News baat EERS pre 0O., Live Stock ctioneers; farm p clalty; house ill receive 366 Toronto St. ne 481. See our here of auction NEOUS 3 AND GENTS* , shoes, watches, vers, valises, suit cal instruments, ; waggons, bug- yeles, carpenter a and.furs, horse hers, bought and darvard Tailoring avenue, opposite P.O. box. 701. st Prides Paid for 23DKt. IAT HIDE, FUR The above have - lection of Second city. We carry nd Bedding, new lothing, Clocks, Rifles, Guns, Re- Buggies, Harness, 2 of winter goods. mentioned above rices. Call at 504 or Phone 587: tf CLEANING AND beg to announce ed a cleaning and ent opposite the h Ave. All work satisfaction. New goods bought and is, Prop. Phone Jan. 30. G. See the A P. ing Co. 165dtf cts, outfit break- Apply Furrow, 16506 AL. NDON, Barrister, ry, Medicine Hat, itt Block, Room 2; ). box 540. 63Dit 3 CARDS, Sertifi d Maternity ast Allowance. Box 16146 .. MACHINES and. ning Pianos and Jone: at room two Assinibola Music 16508 Ea wleos waa OTMAN nographer , correspondence, folding and Con- , Imperial Bank 05. Fourth Avenue. rtlett pria Land Surveyor pal Engineer. Bik, Medicine Hat. sis AN, GUITAR, TROMBONE, hone im 2. 27. Stockholders Miway, at thelr an- e toduy, voted to al stock from 36,- 00. The added cap- ood, tmstort-to-th w lines oF purchake The road was built: Rogers and fs stil astate. 1800 cvples daly, 080 streulated Im city cae desdey. Advertioars in Dally get Denatit of the Weekly country circulates no extra charge, Books open to advertisers, MEDICINE HAT NEWS WAP. AND C.F. aif TELNGRAPESC SERVICE VOL. 2 NO 170 lt; Bpg MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA. MONDAY. JANUARY 29, 1912 Conciliation, Watchword So Says Sir Edward Grey, of British. Foreign Minister Britain quests of other European Nations Especially in Attacks G.B. London, Jas. 29 The new foreign policy-of GFekt Britain has attracted Uttle attention and it may surprise the world and far-seeing people to learn that Grect Britain, which acted as a mentor in the presentation of exploitation of the far East, is now unwilling to interfere with a realiza- tion Of the cupldity of European na- tions, and thelr ambition to extend (CW. A. P. Cable) ture, but vastly increased military x- penditures- a8. well. That policy, ndded-Sir Rawara, if carried out, would soon leave us without a friend in Burope. * he Yoreign secretary declared also thiat it is the duty of any government, whether Liberal or Conservative, to Fesist a policy of that kind. Sir Eaward gave a very plain talk, but said he was willing to sacrifice former principtes for the sake of thelr possessions at the expense of China na other helpless countries. fram aining good friends with the rest Tt is not going too far to) say China has been left at the mercy of any powerful-nationor nations which have been check heretofore by fear of Great Britain's displeasure. This revelation of Great Britain's strange attitude Was inade by Sir Bd- aoa ata political meeting in Ob- woure Hamlet, Speaking of attacks on his forelgn policy in the press and by supporters of his. own party, Str Edward made a direct reference to Russia s proposed annexation of Mon- golla, saying that If Great Britain is going to interfere. actively in Cen- tral Asia questions far beyond the In- dian frontier, you ate going to incur fot omly-a-very heavy naval sa 7 Pope gt; Will be of Burope. He virtu Persia had been thrown overboard, to secure a conthitiance of Russian friendship. -- The source of this attitude is found in the fear that Great Britain s in danger of a- lt;lash with Germany as the outconie or the Moroccan differen- ces, From now on conciliation: will be the watchword of British diplom- ndon, Jam. 29. A special des- patch to the Daily Mail from Peking, states: that telegrams from Peking, published in New York, continue to have a baneful effect there. The New York Herald has made th charge that Great Britain is Med to With- Rumor Says Near Fature-will see- Eminent Roman Catholics Advocate Withdrawal. (CW. a. P. Dispatch) Moronto, Ont., Can. 29. A Montreal sptofal to the Mail saya: The near future will see the No Tenmtte decres withdrawn so far as it applics to Canada. An appeal is being made inset to the Pope parsonally to with- draw it. The appeal has the endorsa- tion of eminent Roman- Catholics. There is mo reason, the correspondent states, tor believing the Pope will withdraw the decree. plomats will not Interfere with Con- China New - York Paper Working secretly with Japan for the partition of China. Actually, the sole. object of the British polley is th: maintain the integrity of the Chinese Empire, and establish peace and stable government, the) British Min ister, Sir John Jordan, acting-in full harmony and accord with the Ameri- can and French ministers. Sir John Jordon continues to receive threaten- ing letters showing an unmistable in- spiration for. constitytions of the Her- ald s telegrams. wary 8th, published in the Herald, makes the allegation that the Russian action in Mongolia raises the parti- tion spectre and is the logical conse- quence of the British-aiding and coni- forting the revolutioiist It alleges farther action has been-takeii by-Great Britain to preven American capital- ists from Jending money to the Man- cha government whereby assisting the chief object of the war, tieing Premier Yuan's hands and greatly stimulating the revolutionary movement, The edict of Thursday night, making compli- mentary mention to the friendly action of Great Britain in assisting the cause of peace, gives dental to the Herald's statements, stated, was due to the retirement of Reginald McKenna as First Lord of the Admiralty against whom the in- Aictments of Lord Cherles are mainly directed, The establishment ofthe war . statt by. Winston Churchill, the new First Lord of the Admiralty, datisfied one of Lord Charles most-urgent de- mands, but nevertheless the book, aa issued, contains a trenchant attack on the British naval, policy of the last the evils of which, the author says, have gone deep and will taka a long time'to cure. DUKE OF FIFE BRITISH SHIP SANK; 24 LOST Wreckage has be n Picked Up. off Scottish Coast Been Missing Since Jan. 15. Ww. Holl, Jan, 29. It is practically cer- tain that the British steamer Genoa of the vessel has been picked up on the eoast of Berwickshire, Scotland. The s Traini in Ditch -Broken Rail Causes Spill near Dauphin, Man. Cars over on side but Hurt. 2 CW. kB. Dauphin, Man., Jan. 29. The Cai adian Northern train No.1 was wreck- ed abont six miles east of Dauphin at 4.20 this morning. Five cars Jeft the rails and are over on their sides. No one Was serid The cause is supposed. to-haye been w Dispatch) roken rail. No; 2 met Nz. sat Paul- fon and brought the passengers back to Pauphin and another train was mede up here to take them oft The track Will be repaired early this af- wilt Jeave about 2 o'clock. BERESFORDS CRITICISM OF TAG AVY 1S PUBLISHED Attacks Britain s Naval Policy of the Last Ten Years Many Evils Have Gone ais he Says and will take * Long to-Cure. (W. A. P. Cadle) London, . Jan, 29, Admiral Lord Charles Beresford's book on the Brit- ish naval policy since 1902, which has been looked forward to with great in- terest and the publication of whichi he eve of Sts r- sue-a-fow months. ago. s out today The suspension of the publication is explomed-by Lord Charles who says Yrat asthe book was about to be pub hed the First Lord of the Admiralty was removed and the board of the ad- miralty was reconstituted. Now that the new board has been formed he does-not see any reason for-turther dolay in the-publicatton ofthe book. The title of the work, The Betrayal, 1a the keynote of the text, though the revision ft has undergone since its withdrawal last November has prob- ably taken out much of the sting. The withdrawal of the book, as already a Jan 46th-for Riga ments hayd now. Brother-in-law of. George Passed Away in Egypt. OW, AP, Gable) Assouan, Upper Egypt, Jan. 29. The Duke of Fife, brother-in-law of King. George of Great Britain, died here at 6 o clock last evening... 2. MONTREAL READY FOR BIG ELECTION 29. Sn lt; ecclesiastical scandal, LIBERAL PARTY 0 GREET CHURCHILL Demonstration: fon will be Giv- CW. ALB; Cable) he Liv ral party, hopes to Campensiite Winston Spencer in his plana in favor of home for his disap) egard to Tule at Ulster being upset. To do this they Will reorganize demonstration in ton with, his. visit to Belfast, more striking lines than would deen, the case if the home rule demonstration had deen allowed to proceed. without mo- estation. . Military authorities in Du- blin have arramied to send troopi here should thelr presence be considered necessary for the maintenance of or- CW, AP. KP. Cabrey London, Jan, 29- Lewis Harcourt life 1s to be made miserable if the suffragettes can o anything to make) ft 80, In reply to deputation Mr. Harcourt, who 8 Secretary of State for the Colonies, reiterated his oppo- sition to-- woman suffrage, and the head of the deputation deciared that women of Great Britain would do all RUNAWAY STREET CAR INURGD 12 St. Paul Car Crashed into Load of: People Some Hurts are Serious. OW. A. P. Dispatch) St, Paul, Jan. 29 An mpty Selby Lake Trolley car. which had got be- yond the control of Motorman Swan- son, crashed into a filled car at 8.30 o'clock injuring twelve PRICE, FIVE, CENTS Canada s Wireless Messages Amaze . King and Quen of Spain Officiating at Opening of. Wireless Station at Madrid Receives Message from Premier Borden and Hon J. D. Hazen. Madrir, Jan. 2 Distance The Marcon Long Wireless Telegraph, 25 aniles from. Madrid, was formally. ened yesterday by the King of ) who was accompanied by the Queen and her two brothers. There were present also the Minister of the. In- terior, War, and the Minister of Marine, the British Ant Italian Ambassador and passengers, hagsador, some of them it is believed: sertoushy tyre nan civit eA satillary nother Motorman Swanson of the empty car Jost a leg. ae Holy. Grosi..c College and Montreal Factory are both Destroyed by Flames. . any * ty. a B Dispatch) Farmham, P.Q., Jan, 29 Farmham was visited by a serious conflagration this morning when fire broke out in Holy Cross College which is situated on the north shore of: the Yamaska River, For a time it threatened ad- Joining property. The fire broke out at 6.30, About 160 boarders in th building succeeded in getting out without injury. The fire spread 80 quickly that when the firemen arrly- ed on the scene the place was a'mass of flames from bottom to top. and they were, powszless to cope with it, The Joss will be probably 90,000 only par- tialiy-coyered-by insurance. Alfred Leroux,. aged 16 has con- fessed to setting fire to the college in their. power for bis discomfort. His today to Sherift-Bosvert bread, she sald, was buttered, and he had no sympathy for working women. REVELATIONS RE EXPECTED WHEN Famous Russian Statue one of the Centres of Scandal which will be Aired, OW. 2 P. cable) Gzenstochau, Russian Poland, Jan. en- telling fratricide, robbery of the Jew- els of the famous Black. Virgin of this city, the elopement of a monk with a notorious wor:an and the or- igin of-a dissolute circle of monks in the Pauline Monastry of Czenstochau is expected tobe revealed in court (W. A. P. Dispateb.) Montreal, Jan. 29 AN arrange- ade for stating of the polling stations for Thursday s municipal elections. There was some difficulty in procuring suit- Able. men. to act as. deputy returning officers and clerks, but the 638 poll have now been manned, All saioo1 will be closed throughout Thursday from 7 a.m. to Tp.m when the ballot boxes are closed, The warnings of Articles 240 and 241 of the city char- ter concerning corrupt practices are also being distfibuted to the polling stations where they have to be affixed poth outside and inside the building. Warning is given that any person voting or attempting to do so in an- other person's name,'dead or fictional, or who votes twice, renders himself Hable to, a penalty of 00 and two months in jail. TORONTO DEPUTY CHIEF MAY TAKE CALGARY JOB. (CW. A. P. Dispatch) Toronto, Jan. 29. Deputy Chief of Police Starks, of Toronto, may himself accept the position of Chiet of Police of Calgary if offered to him, The re- port that he had recommended . De- tective Miller of Toronto s not true, This Saorning, sald Ctark, celved a paper from Calgary which stated that the salary had heen raised to 3,500 and to a good man 5,000 might be paid. I would consider It seriously -if-the- salary was made. 5,000. You see that the western cit- fes are showing the east that . good salaries. will have to be Stettler, Alta, Jan. merton of Lowden Lake, was senten- ced to two months hard Igoor for stealing-two loads of wheat-valued at 410, Ho 1a wanted on two other se fous charges. t re- paid good next month, when Father Damazzy Macoch is placed on trial, accused of theft and homicide. The case is at- ous Interest throughout Poland. back nearly three years when the discovery was made one morning that the magnificent jewels: offerings to the Black Virgin in the Ozenstochau lic Cathedral were miss- ing. The figure of the Virgin, formed out of Ebony, is one of the most fam- ous ecclesiastical statues in the world. It fs sald to have been discovered by, Saint Luke, and is credited with many marvellous miracle workings. It is visited yearly by 200,000 pilgrims and gifts valued at 3,000.00 adorned the Statue, havi been sent by priests, em) perors, Kings and private individ- uals throughout many centuries. NON-CONFORMISTS ALARMED (C. AY. Cable) + London, Jan. 29. During the next few weeks the leading: dissenters are holding. services in all parts of the country regarding the crisis question in te latest phase. The recent papal declaration as to the immunity of priests and others from civil prose- cution has considerably alarmed the, non-conformists of England. EEE EEE EEE EEE THE OGILVIE MILLS. The representatives of the Ogilvie Millitig Company, who were In the elty on Sat- urday, expressed themselves as much pleased with what they saw. . There are two or three other locations which are under consideration and + no decision will be announe- + ed for at least a month. of Manager Hlack has left for . Phebe ob dee ebeteck sf the east jo lay the Medicine -- Hat proposition before his +f Board of Directors. Ph bebe et Its commencement -dates. pmet e teetn, 3 is now Dlaced at 125,000, OW. A, Ps Dispateh.) Montreal, Que. Jan. -29. For the secontt tine withip a-weele-n general fire alarm has been turned in arid the Montreal brigade called upon to turn out in full force. This morning the alarm was turned-in for a fire at the big. mills ot Shearer /Brothers and aa 3 cm thirty streams which were played OB, the building, it was impossible to stop the flames which had gained great headway before they arrived, The building, with all ma- chinery and tools belong to employ- ees, is a total loss. The loss will pro- vably reach 85,000. Much of this is covered by insurance. DIED IN CHAIR: MURDERED GIRL Sing Sing the - Scene of an Electrocution of who Killed Young Girl. (CW. A. P. Dispatch) Ossinging, N. Y., Jan. 29. Albert Wolter was put to death-in the elec- tric chair at Sing Sing Prison at 5.41 o'clock this morning for the murder of sixteen-year-old Ruth Wheeler nearly two years ago. The girl came to Wolter s flat in New Xork in search of employment and he killed her after she had been mistreated. - Wolter left a statement with Warden Kennedy de- nying he hgd committed the crime. CAUGHT 1 ICE Pe on: Ferry haa Har row cw. ALP, Dispateh.) Wycliffe, Ky., Jan, 29 The thir: teen or more persons for whose safe- ty-fears were expressed last night Notwith: choked the Mississipp River landed here early today and were returned to Bird's Point, Mo. The party had reached Bird's Point, Mo., last night by train and engaged a boatman to ferry them across the river to:Cairo. They were caught on the Ice floes and it was feared had lost their lives, KOOTENAY COUNTY JUDGE Ottawa, Jan. inet counctl an order in council was passed appointing Georse 0. -Thomp son, a-well known lawyer of Cran- brook, a couiity court judge for the xootenay district, A division of western grain growers had ap ap- pointment with Hon. G. F. Foster to- day to discuss the new grain. BIN, but ailed to show up on accownt-of-be lated trains. Man when they-were-caught tithe tee-that - ties. Aranjuez is the central station of the wireless telegraph system in Spain, icted by the- foy. the purpose of International Ex- ternal Telegraph Service. The. first messages. wete addressed in turn to the civil authorities in the towns of Barcelona, Cadiz; Teneriffe and Las Palmas, Canary Islands, at eich of which Marconi-stations . have been- erected, Their Majesties sent next the follow- Ing messages to Englanding messages, to England: To Queen Alexandra: One of our first Marcon messages is for you dear atint, to send you our most affectionate love. (Signed) Ena Alfonse. This was followed by a message ad- dressed to King George and Queen Mary on board the Medina which had Just at the time. sailed trom: Malta: the King of Italy Their Majea- lea Saa the following: At the) ent of thangurating the public station /of wireless telegrapby, I beg to salu Yqur Majesties and at the same time alliTtaly ag the tather- land of the ventor, Marconi. messages with the with Italy,.and y came-to hand without touching the telegraph oF cable, with equal speed and accuracy. The absence of the) great invent from the scene of this sdditional tri- umph Was niuch regretted. His early visit to Spain was, however, promised, and nowhere will he be received with greater enthusiasm. roo 10,000 Imperial os Defez gt; by Republicans San Francisco, Cal., Jan, 29 An imperial army ot 10,000 men under General Cheng Fun was decisively de- under General Wong Ching near Fu Chan yesterday, according to a tele- gram received liere today by the Chi- 400. Manchus Killed in Twenty Mile Ammy also Captured City of Chi Vaik, - (Ww. a. P. Retreat Rebel s cise HE Dispatch) nese Free Press. Four hundred Man- chus are reported killed, The Im- perlaf army retreated twenty miles to Wong Han Ho. Wong's army, which wumberea ,000, captured the city of Chi Vark in Hantung Province. . ea ete ee Edmonton, Jan. 29. In a fire: that broke out at three o'clock this morn- ing and caused 50,000 damage, the greater part of theRichelieu Hotel Edmonton's: Big Hotel, nea Richelieu, Burned ey Dirpateh) : was burned out. Bight-two guests were taken from the building in safe- ty and-housed in nearby hotels, Winnipeg, Jan. 29. The Manitoba provincial police are investigating some prospectus of the Minitonas pla- cer boom. Tt is said that an organized Ww. AP, Manitoba Gold Rush California Expert Discovered that it was Bad Prob- ably Salted and Prosecutions May Follow. Dispatch) scheme to make a big killing was on- ly frustrated by the prompt visit of a California mining expert who prick- ed. the bubble. Prosecutions may be instituted. Tha survey co the Ansley Corl Mine St Whe Proposed spur line has been completed from the mine to the city limits and all that is retardina thie work of completing the survey is thie depth ofthe snow im the city. Two lines hava pren surveyed both work- ing up to the city limits so that they can be joined onto the city's industri- al 5: The surveys as made so far are very good and allow-for-a two per sent grade, At the-poesent time Mr, Ansley is Jooking into the matter gto the fim ishing of the formation of the com- pany and it is expected that the spring will see the starting of the Survey of Line to Ansley s Coal Mine is Copia Two Routes Laid Out to City Limits with Two per cent. Grade Will Soon Start Installing Machinery. than he would pay to pire a man to shovel coal did be want o nse pteami, The next matter to be dealt with now is the building of the city s in- dustrial spur to the city limits to connect. with the spar to.the mine. WANT CHIEF'S JOB Calgary, Jen. 29. It is reported here that Chief Detective Stolyil ut Winnipea will be an applicant for the vacant, job of chief of police here. A telegram from George + thney, chiel of police of. Kamloops, notified Use Calgary police that George Tasto, who had been atrested in Fernie, and was being faken by Rothmey to Kem oops, bad eacaped en route. Jor the f chiet of police of Calgery. Don t miss The Switchman's Tow- Mr.-Ansley- says that the-will be alte er, shown at the Star Theatre Mon- to run his machinery cheaper by sss aay wd Tuesday,
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Image 151 (1912-01-29), from microfilm reel 151, (CU1742831). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.