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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MA DUMULN DY did wet DIV WO BOWELL ry 22nd, 1918 TAPT TO ADDRESS NAVY LEAGUE WOODROW WILSON IN TOPEKA (Bpeciat to the News) Topeka, Kas, Fe roo + . . Feb. 22. We row Washington, D. C., Feb. The Wilson, Governor of New Jersey and DR: seventh annus convention of the candidate for the Democratic presi- PRICES The Light Van Brunt Navy League of the United States be- gan today with a pilgrimage of the * o delegates returned to the city for the 54, parraagh and Miss Darraugh annual inner, which had Secretary of the Nav Meyor, Maj. Gen. Leonard were visitors to Medicine Hat last Wood, Rear Admiral Wainwright, for- x Tuesday mer Spesker Cannon and a number rry Cahoon retusaed to his home of other notables acheduled among the Stead south of the town last week speakers and guests. President Taft Tuesday. Joe Endersby was a visitor to the sd Drill, Singe or Double Disc or Shoe ?iacnsevccns i tomorrow in Memorial Continental - cream separator home with him first Hall. of Inst week. MAN WOMAN AND CHILD Huctor Ross from Medicine Hat is , visiting with Larry Cahoon fot a tew : days. George Coulthard drove out to the home of Mr. and Mra lL. M. Mansfield last Wednesday, Mrs. Coulthard re- maining for a few days. Mr. Sturlevant his returned from spending the winter in Saskatchewan and left town on Mriday for his son Halsey s homestead Bear Orangeville. J. Delinks was a DUSiness visitor to dential nom nation, came to Topeka today as the guest of honor and prin- cipal speaker at the Washington day dinner under the auspices of the Kansas State Democratic Club. THE HOLIDAY IN WASHINGTON. Special to. News. Washington, D. C,, Feb. 28 The National capital kept the customary holiday today in celebration of the 208th anniversary of the birth of Gea. Washington. Meetings of patriot'p societies were held in commemoration of the day, all of the executive de- partments of the Government were closed, while the members of Congress assembled in the senate to listen to the reading of Washington's fare- well addrees by Senator Kern of In- diana. Re Is a protection and guarantee against alum which is found in the low priced baking powders. To be on the safe side when buying baking powder, examine the label and nlors, as you calt ) tag the fyers in according to thelr CHI PSI CONVENTION. (Special to News). There are many reasons why you should use suggestion of my was handing eat a Light Draft-Van Brunt Drill. We will men- the Hat Thursday, Sec Meet ove eee cn take only a brand shown to be made Oe Pree fe tion a few, sla Change your faee see the assort- ernity, which was founded at Union from Cream of Tartar. the stuff wouldn't Because it possesses everything to make a Per- Bat Of: AOR Poa College in 1841, met at the Bellevue ie one Mr. Brule made ing trip to the Hotel in this city today for a three- hemist, eame to fect Drill. Cam be correctly fitted with Bye J riat saturday evening. George has day session. Delegates were in atten- emicals te add to Glasses or Spectacles on short In Construction it is the Strongest and most Dur- opened a barber shop in one of the dance representing the chapters of able Drill Built. baton See te ke antes rooms to the rear of Mr. Mansfield s the society at the University of Cal- ete es called The Dove of Peace, is to be distance ftyers, 7 we office and will be found there evory fornia, University of Georgia, Univ- 4 produced next October in New York. S cai hac has, ee) it has proved to be the Lightest Draft exact examinations and nals saturday until farther notice craity of Wisconsin, University ot - PLAYS AND PLAYERS musical comedy is to be produc: Drill Built. ing 01 proper lenses to Mrs. L. M. Mansfield and Mrs, c. Minnesota, Standford University, Un- F ed by Henry Savage, called Some- med. The yellow ou see here swim- elr natural colors yas yet ed up and tock a In Seeding it does Perfect Work. These are the essentials of a perfect Drill. Th life of the Dises is in the Bearings. Van Brunt Dise Bearings are especially hard. They suit the Individual sight. Do not delay if you even think you need glasses, but come where you will get the most. expert service and prices that are right, Phone 596. Richardson were Medicine Hat visit- ors on Saturday evening. Tt is an unusual thing for one gentleman to treat another to cand- jes, no matter what the occasion, but iversity of Wisconsin, University of Michigan, Cornell and the leading New England Colleges afid untversit- Jes. AMBASSADOR JUSSERAND AS. EEE EEEEE EE Mrs. Langtry le to be seen im a suffragette sketch. Cecilia Loftus made a big success in where Kise. Taylor Holmes will be the star. At. the Abbey theatre, Dublia, .Nu- gent Monck's School of Acting re- centlp guve a performance of *Mo- te, here you will . rt F San Francisco. , are absolutely dust proof, no sand ge in or on one of our Bowell friends bas caus- a Darragh'a Wife, z the centre of the the Beari y N ah FV F teins lighte 2 ed a precedent in this line, it being ORATOR. Lewis Waller is muking a big reviv- Philip Bartholomee, anthor of that part ef the e Bearing. o oil running: ont, this lightens FID. Ml air t iin ) resorted an actual occurrence, after al of Henry V. im London. Over Night, will have bis mew the draft and reduces the wear. One oiling will the masque ball was over at Red- (Special: te) tha: News): Mrs. Patrick Campbell's son, Alan comedy, Little Miss Brown, pro- g thelr ancestors: armly believe that ae protuberances in the course of t highly developed ers and seats, r your trouble im interest-you-hav thibe ee. Seer. sow a quarter section. And all Bearings worn out will be replaced Free of Charge. We will make the best prices and terms. Optometrist and Optician. Over Doty s Tu-Th, For Sale Improved quarter section near Bul s Head Station 1000 cash. J. Delinks spent Sunday at Suffield. cliff. Redcliff can certainly boast of haying a lot of fine looking gentle- men, and when one can don a skirt, and induce another to buy sweets, what ho. come off the perch You et buy something for the rest of us. W. C, Hedges came up from the Hat Sunday for a visit to his farm. M. Robertson visited Medicine Hat on Monday. Chicago, Ill., Feb, 22 Ambassador Jussador, the French representative at Washington, was the Washington's birthday orator at. exercises held in the auditorium this morning under the auspices of the. Union League Club. Ambassador took for his sub- ject What France Was for Washing- ton; What Washington was for Franoe. At-a meeting of all nation- alities this afternoon, also under the auspices of the Union League Club, Campbell, bes written play. Marie Tempest is to appear in Lon- don in a com dy called At the Bara), Clara Blandick is appearing in o sketch called Behind the Foot- of Robert Chambera story, The Hope Booth is to have the only fe- minine role in e playlet called The Life. A spring production is to te made duced by W. A. Brudy. Lottie Williams has a sketch called Good-bye, Pierrot, by Rose Stahl, which she is shortly to produce is vaudeville, Zangwill s play, The Next. Reli- gion, which was prohibited by, the London censor, will not be produced in this country until next steson. act play, A Romance of the Under- srs in the orchard 4000 ual paymer sido tan ie tae 14000 in 4 equal payments. In- C- Robertson and Jack MacLean 5.254 Ris, the New York sociologist sf Robert Chumbets . story, The world, ? into a three-ect play, amd terest at-6 per cent. wee visitors to the Hat on Tuesday. 4 ' : spoke on The City and Its Duty to Commom law. Catherine Calvert. will play the lead- and swarmed 480 neres near Seven Persons, E. L. Schaffer returned from North 14, People. Mrs. Fiske is to appear in New ing role. g, gilttering ane. well improved. A bargain 25 Dakota, Tuesday, with a car of effects i or i SG ae isa York in an English comedy entitled The Glassblower is the title of a the oun. f Feb, 15-Thurs. 10-w per acre. Horses, Cattle, Imple- including soveral oxen. x et d . wil Benzi J GC TO DEBATE JUDICIAL RECALL Lady Patricia. Ivrical comedy by John Philip Sousa, 5 Srarretoedetrteetente Leetectestoetretentontententeeeegedge fines Tea Hes aa vith pisos at UU yon com peasaeaioon cata foe Kathryn Osterman is soon to ap- which will have its premiere at New oe alr price. Worth your atten-' / Aropped of Tus oni ain for a ta News) re eer caerehia GAIe Al Havensy Coeas ovata i tion. many friends in Bowell. Eu 0: Feb, 22. Th 1 i 2 months. rae), Ore Feb 2 -Tha: auntal ean Gasiea) eon Z eral times at 2 each successive e surface of the from view. It st unusual sight 1 to behold. it 1d transceadentty manner, keeping ddenly from the , simmultameoesiy, y circled the ex- rising higher and J anc alighted om wonderment were assed them to the while Ee ran over i THE RAILWAY. PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON, ENGLAND. (Established 1849.) Quarter Section, well impreved 80 per acre. Real Estate men take notice. J. N. OVERHULTZ Stay among us Jerry. Mrs. Richardson visited a couple of days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield first of the week. I have bought two boxes of chocolates Mind you, Lowney s.tao; . With one, I treated friends enroute, The other I meant for you. debate between teams of the Univer- sity of Utah and the University of Oregon takes place here to-morrow evening and promises to be one of the interesting events of the college year. Oregon will support the affirmative, and Utah the negative side of the ques tion: * Resolved, That Judges Should Charles Rann Kennedy, author of The Servant in the House) bas written another play. Jefiereon De Angelis is soon to go into vaudeville with a sketch entitl ed The Traveling Dentist. Thutlow Bergen has established stock company, The oldest and on pany in the world. 30,000,000.: Policies do not discriminate against Rail- way employees. Claims paid, over Represented be W. C. Switzer. -. G. A. Krauss. Medicine Hat, Alberta. Seren-Persons; Feb 15-4tw Canada. POTATOES We have for sale a limited quan- tity of Vermont Gold Coin Pota- toes for-seed: These potatoes are one of the best white var- 4eties-and-often-sield as high as five hundred bushels per acre. They are recommended by the a They triedto coax it from me, But that they could not do; Yet satisfied with the one they got, They swiped the other one too. I ve got their names and numbers, Those who did the stunt, Next time I buy them chocolates, Indeed, I bet I won't sD. With fine -weather conditions farm- fers have been coming freely to town anid the prospects look rosy for a good ctop, Much wheat still remains he Subjected to Popular Recall. Ladies of Culture and Re- finement Use Salvia Hair Tonic. It Makes the Hair Beautiful. At last a remedy bas been discover- ed that. will positively destroy this pest. S That Dandruff is caused by germs ts-accepted-by every. sensible person. Dandruff is the root of all hair evils. SALVIA will kill the dan ruff germs and remove Dandruff in ten days or Aphie James, an act called Holding q Husbund. * the widow of Louis printing James, is to appear in vaudeville in which is tho first important one of MEET TO DISCUSS PRINTING INDUSTRY Toronto, Ont, Feb, 22. Several hundred master printers and publish- ers from points throughout. Ontario, Quebec and-the Maritime Provinces, in St. Paul, with) met in Toronto today to discuss busi- jeht and. system tn the industry, The conference, its kind held in Canmde,ill last two A comic opera by Wallace Irwin, days. not only stands the which to place your Prairie Pride Patent eur, satisfactory results it is the FL test, but alw: sags gonfidence ask your Paul Armstrong will make his oie Gove it E: i ital f 5 of ht messages, the Sete ree lk. farms lia the hands of the farmers who are money back. dealer for it. vend k holding until prices get somewhat Pingle the Drugeist guaran- owe oe New Orleans, to 2.50 Per Buse fact toes St It will grow hair, stop itch- The Medicine Hat Milling Co Voy Limi n of ten or twelve ) G. . SPURL, fans passed here (Signed) MORRIS: ranklin, Pa, and at 11:16 o'clock. me running back oung womea who k up positions on m, straining their he river. because Ai only, white is Brandram s B. 3. Genuine White Lead. and sag inc White the ideal proportion, 4 because it is finer, more uniform, covers B Ddecause it is the result of 31 years urface, last experience, in mixing miore surface, lasts Songer and holds its Which includes sacks. James Rae Feb, 22-atw ALBERTA STOCKYARDS A mumber of residents have been indisposed Tecently but the cases have sii-been mastly, caused by cold. Mr. and Mrs. Wolof the Union Bank gave a whist rive last Wednes- day evening and it proved great suc- cess. Mrs. Geo. Beattie proved the winner for the ladies and Mr. W. G. Scallard carried off the gentleman s prize. A most pleasant evening was themselves to be the right people in the right place and received many expressions of thanks for their catertainment, paints for the colors longer, threm We-tear that ir Scotland leaves) hair thick and abundant. It prevents hair from turning gray and adds life and lustre. SALVIA is a hair dressing aat has become the favorite with women of taste and culture, who know the se0- generaus boitle costs ing scalp, failing hair, and make they leading druggists everywhere, and in J sPety the miisicel tolent being: of higiy Medicine Hat te Ping Drugs (order: Mr. ead irs. Wood proved Th : Day Phone 311. Night Phone 537.P. O. Box 550. + Alberta Foundry Se MEDICINE HAT Manufacturers of Engines, Boilers, Milling and Mining Supplies, Waterworks Equipment rty excitedly dis- ai any other more tn this Tong le wo A aS SS fee us eae ace, ues es Building Castings, Etc, -. ; vistoly affectea - is guaranteed pure and Febrnary 29th, 1912, at) a up is share im the Desr- Dealers in Structural Steel and Irom Ete. oes apie eee the formulas printed 12 O'clock. erage ake: cy tas'taal. toe QUOTATIONS UPON REQUEST. . the captain was fasting reflection faded the distant party locate the He buret loud ani. Slowly they quickly into thetr to be at reach- eir pleasur: could -the old captain. whose furrowed ea of joy at the ent his train. 4 we wp of the m, carrying with aa. gem foot, He and p vsently... n swimming tow- he captain fed praised them ax human Marathon g tile talk, now. pd tt, for this ts women, famous Le us figure on your requirements. Our yard 1s the most modern; our stock the Inrgest, best and most completes our prices low as the lowest. We are, therefore, in the best position to give you good service, ....No order too large for us to handle or too small to receive our best attention. Ask to have our representative call. s Western Canada Lumber Co., Ltd. 750 HEAD-OF HORSES CARLOAD LOTS OF YEAR- LINGS. CARLOAD LOTS OF TWO - - YEAR-OLDS. CARLOAD LOTS OF MARES AND GELDINGS. CARLOAD LOTS-OF SUCK. ERS. WELL MATCHED TEAMS OF MARES AND GELDINGS OF CLYDE AND PERCHERON + BREEDING. 80 per cent of this 750 head are Mares, also Heavy Work Teams, General Purpose Teams, Single. and Double Driving Horses, Saddle Horses, ete, ete. cn Is un exceptionally good ch of Horses, with plenty of the and feather, and anyone In want of good horses will do well to attend this sale. TERMS CASH NO RESERVE. A LAYZELL many years in the railway postal ser- vico in the States bot bas determined to change his trade and join his bro- ther-in-law ia the machinery business here. fs Mr. W. M. Cotter has moved to town ure heading north again but it accordingly moved West. 7- The large bunch ci ant pe round town gre heading north again but it is whispered a few left their hides be- hind not far from town. Mr. Oliver Frisley is now restored to health again and. bustling around. ir. Geo. Beathe, . setr., has been confined to bed fora week with. am acute attack of Inmbego, but has pas- ood the crisis and his language cordingly has been modified. The echo'' of the echool meeting last Saturday is given as the cure of his Tombago, the school being only two blocks away. A Norwegian, not very proficient an the English language, so far, met your scribe the other day etd compleined that the Anecdotes (antelopes) had Your Plans and we will tell you accurately how little lumber you can get along with, We can do this be- cause our lumber , does not cut to waste. It is full length, fully easoned and free from soft spots. That kind of lumber saves you time and money both. Let us see your plans. The Gas Gity Lumber Co y sesso 3 Doors, Fir Finish, and ee Brass and Iron Castings and Fittings of all kinds le on short notice. Attention Given to Plowing and T Thresh- ing Machinery. thu Alberta Foundry MachineCo., Ltd Rotertetonertedtoatecteaeateatesdte seatectenteateeseseses eerste Lobereheretete-hetereie: THE-REVESTOME SAMA C0, If you intend building, let us figure it with you. We will give you an accurate bill of the material-required. Our stock is the best in the city, and our prices can t be beaten. Headquarters for Cement, He peretereteos Plaster, Sash, good straight dimension. N W 106 6th Ave, E. Calgary. Mr. Stubbs of Carlstadt hotel has g Office and Yard opp. Flour Mill ews nt A I Street. t : Ph a ds. Pa ry Em Phone 2278. Ytw been it for week but bas mow re- Z Pause Braoch Yard at Bowell . one 59 Yard, North Railway y . eeder of the New 3 covered. Zrercococorcooscescose hepetetetetetoteteretesetetebebede tetete-tote lt;f
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Image 305 (1912-02-22), from microfilm reel 305, (CU1742968). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.