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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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this city. honorable business. upright success. smile. merchandise. : BARKER High Class Clothiers. Gan We are happy, because our consciences are clear. The store weare going to work for-has-a-clear-conselence. We are happy, because we succeed, does the store we werk for sickaees th By her, dad PP F707 gt; hey-do w so elr compel t-methods Each week for a gtiole year we shall greet you in this paper always witha Our store folks greet you with a smile when you come in, and sell you tellable PATTEN 7 : - Toronto Street. PESOS OSS OSS : -Imperial Bank of Ganada - 11,993,800 72,000,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAYINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES, B, G, WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. We have hired out to the best store in THE STAR THEATRE Comie to the Star and see The Saving Sign, An Old Sweetheart of Mine, Gossip as it usually Begins and How it Should End. Miss Susie Carsellor, the Indy Accordian Soloist will please you, and The Three Bittners in a very pleasing sketch entitel The wait. To-morrow: The Cripper Trio Dreamland Theatre harmony singing and dancing. 15 and 25c, (The Old Reliable) Love und Hatred, Woman's Slave Kiddy nnd the or Matinee at 8.15 and 4.15. Prices Evenings at 8k and 9k. Prices - Edison Drama . Eclipse Vit Comedy Voalist : socraL AND PERSONAL Mesers, H. G, Wallan and A. Curran of Maple Creek are in the city on bus - head, 5 Mr, N. Dix of Suffield is in the city t day. Bult Springs. A. F, Bucknell.and Mr. and Mra. Knufon are in the city from Seven Persons, 4 Mr. Harry Beattie bas returned from Walsh and after a brief stay in th Hat will be off to the ranch again. Mr. V, McClain left the Hat yester- jay for his ranch, R. Watt isin the city from Winni- peg, Captain AH. today. Mr-J-Tarney-is-in-from-betnbridge- Mra, J. F. Lavey arrived at this placeron Saturday night from a three months visit with her parents at Greenville, Ohio, lt; The Ladies Aid of St. Job's Pres- byterian church will be at home in the basement of. the church at 8k ma Tuesday March 19, All the congtega- tion. are cordially ifvited. Master Willie Rose entertained a number of his boy friends to a birth- day party on Saturday March Qnd. Ald, Howson, andi Bell Is in the city onto street will not receive again un- til May. J. D. Eyerard will not receive again this season. Miss L. Hadder, formerly of Regina hao arrived in the city end will make ber home, here. Mr, Alex Middieeon of Lakebeld ranch, Coleridge, left yesterday for the Peace River district. He bas the best wishes of his many friends both in Madicine Hat and Coleridge, where be was very popular. SOUERIDGE RIFLE ASSOCIATION The amnial mesting cf the Coleridge Rifle Association was beld on the 2nd inst., the meeting being well attended by local rifle men. The following off- cers and committee were elected: Captam: Jas. Salmond. Sec.-treas.: F. HL Wright. Committee: H. N. Cavan, G. Jeo kins, J. Sallows, G. 0. Sallows, R. Shaw, P.Theim. It was jarranged to hold spoon shoots on the Ind and 4th Saturdays jn each month commencing in April 16th, the men to be divided into two classes, the Scratch or A class. All new members. or percentage men to be is Class B, spoon to be given for best score made im cack class. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES IN FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Evangelist Levitt to Hold Series of Meetings Here Last Sunday morning the pastor, Rey. C. T. Holman, announced that a two weeks series of special services would be commenced in the First Baptist Church next Sunday, March 10th, Evangelist Levitt of Lethbridge has accepted an invitation to conduct these meetings. Mr, Levitt is at pres- ent pastor of the First Baptist church, Lethbridge, but formerly had. consid- erabi 'experience in evangelistic work. He is a man of charming personality and splendid gifts, His experience in Y. MC. A. work; which bas been con- siderable, assures him a heat wel- come from the men of the city. Mr. Levitt will preach at both services next Sunday, and meetings will be held every night except Saturday. There will be special music at each service, 2 eS THE KIND YOU WOULD BUY, WOULD PLEASE MOST BUX- SNAPS 3 Two New Houses on Ottawa Street, South, both fully modern, 6 rooms each, on 50 Lot...Rent for 45.00 per month 2,400.00. First payment will handle both, balance purchase on easy terms. These residences cam be hongais singly. ERS. THEREFORE IF YOU WANT 70 GET THE BEST, AND THERE ARE PLENAY OF: 6.00 QUALITIES FOR 4.00, 95.50 QUALITIES FOR 88.76. 450 QUALITIES FOR 9.00. GET IN ON THIS SHOE SALE Agents for Great West Life As Hatehinson -eiltehes, president of the American Federation of Labor, today declined t give Judge Wright of the District Suprenie court, any assistance that he expected, saying: Hereafter to q adherence to decrees and judl- Beautiful Homes for Sale in all parts of the eity on Easy Payments now ready for oeeupation. 's? Two 0 ft. Lots, Block 80, fucing South. 2500.00 for pair. Terms. Give Us Your Listings. Perry, Sewell Perry Realty, Customs and Financial Brokers, Ocean Steamship Tickets. warance Co, and Canadian Rall- way Aceldent Insnrance Cx. Block, Phone 126, declared, would-be an edmisston that he had heretofore failed to com- ply With Iawful decrees. Mr-Mitchelt Said he had rather be convicted of contempt than be acquitted on any other ground than facts in the case. SUBSCRIBE NOW for the Dally News. C. PR. MEN'S STORE 1. S. IRELAND. North Rallway Street. AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MARCH -9 T. Lokler is in from his ranch at MEDICINE Ha DALLY NEWS BOLD-HOLDUP-IN-- CANADA'S PACIFIC OTTAWA OFFICE Man Walked Into Office and Pointed Gun at 156 year old Boy, : (WO A P. Dispaten) Ottawa, Ont, Merch 6 A-mam walked tuto the office of D naid Fra ber, estate agent on O'Connor street, today and pointing a revolver et the 1S year old office boy demanded con- fonta of the safe. This huppened yes- terday, afternoon although the morn- ing defore the-same mau bad walked fasto the office to ask a 80 loan. The -bny opened the saic and pushed out for assistance which be got im time to get back and overpower the hold-up man and take from him bundle of mmsigned checks. He was then given a the police. The man banded boy gq pepee saying he was) oat eS tat wal aga *R. Watson, Montreal. And this: name be kas given to the police. Just before the bold-up the weal fate man bad tuken 9250 from the Mr, Will Currie bas just imported a very fine Black Orpington cock for his breeding pens. Messrs, Thompson and Baleden huve-Just recetved-1 pen of Rhode Is- land Reds from one of the big Amer- Jean poultry breeding firms, The birds are bred In the purple and should produce. fing stock. ANOTHER WAR Duluth and Superior will ing to Do with Minny League. (W, A. P. Dispatch) Minneapolis, Minn, March 5 Pres+ ident John A. E. Elliott of Minnea- polis Wisconsin League, today called a meeting of the-league to be held at Minneapolis on Thursday to decide whether or not the league should be continued during the coming season. The decision on this point also affects the prospects of: Superior and Duluth which have withdrawn from: the Min- nesota League, though still belonging to this territory to organize o new association in concert with Canadian cities. Superior, Wis., March 5. The base- pall future of Duluth and Superior will not be affected by the decision reached at the (Minny) league meet- ing called for Thursday, according to President W. J. Sommer, of the local club. He Says that they are deter- mined to bave nothing to do with the (Minny) League twno represented by President Blliott and that t is im- material to present plans whether Du- luth and Superior are forced into the ranks of outlaws or not. NEW PHONE RATES FOR MANITOBA WON'T GO IN FORCE YET Winnipeg, Man, March 6 Tho Royal Commission appointed to in- Yestigate and report upon the conduct and methods of the administration of the Manitoba government telephon- es, has issued an interim report with- out giving any expression as to the result, of the investigation s-complet- ed and reported upom. It is there- fore recommended that the operation Fof rates announced to come into force on April 1st, 1912, be postponed until the commissioners have fully execu- ted and discharged thelr commission. TO PURCHASE ELECTRIC CO. ow. A Cable) Brandon, March 1 ell has decided to Brandon Electric Company for the purchase of its plant on the basis.of yaluation and a reasonable considera- tion for god will. STORE ee classy? Is the expression that applies most fitly to Tur- pin Bros new window, which are now boxed 4a with beautl- fol dark oak pannelling, transforming them into a thing of beauty and a oy Indeed to lovers of the art- ticularly attractive after nightfall, as they are ilumin- + od by a soft radiance admitted + through stained glass leaded +h Mghts in the rear of the panels. Heavy EPP HEE EEE EEEEE SEES pee e ee Eeee ELLE PEE EERE EEE COAST SHOULD BE PROTECTED SO SAYS UNDER-SEC Y, OF FOR- BIGN AFFAIRS, SPEAKING OF JAPANESE SUPREMACY ON THE PACIFIC, (C. A. P. Cable) Newcastle, Eng., Mar, 6 Speaking here yesterday Earl Percy, tormer Under Secretary for Foreign. Affairs, discussed the Japanese supremacy in the Pacific, stating that the position as, delicate, for Japanese tmmigra- tion had been restrieted- byte Unit ed Ststes and our own overseas do: minions which she might rescut. Therefore the: defensive acts of the empire should be co-ordinated. If we have no fleet units on the Canadian Pacific coast, Canada, if attacked by Japan could not be saved by the Uni- ted States, for German menace made us unable to do anything in the Pa- cific. The British line of battle was retired In home waters. g CHARGED WITH FRAUD Leeds, Mar. 6 Wilfrid Norman Harrison and Cecil Bernard Harrison, brothers, recently returned trom Can- ada, were Yesterday charged with en- dorsing worthtfs cheques on a Can- padian-bank. The prisone d charged. Wecan e tho prosecutors: de- clined the expense of bringing wit- nesses from Canada. The prisoners ttheir would make reparation to those de- frauded. Shilolis Gure QuUIeKLY sToPs ci . CURES COLDS, MEALS THE THROAT AND LUNGS. 26 CENTS Auction Sale of Real Estate MARCH 22, 2k PM. Good inside property in good repair, sftuated on E. Allowance Eight Seven Roomed Houses. A god incomte property. GEO SATTERLEE, mwf-tIM22 Auctioneer Inve stim ents Speculations CENTRAL PARK i Lots 31 32, Bik 25, 525. Terms. All Block 19, 225 each. (En- block) Lots 31 to 34, Block 9, 700 each. Terms zi Lots 14 to 16, Block each. Terms. Lots 35. aiid 36, Block 6. 420 each. Terms. COUSINS SISSONS Lots 27 to 30, Block 11, 600 pair, Terms. (A snap). TOWNSITE. 100 feet, Main Street, 3,650.00. This is one of the finest building sites In town. Lot. 5. Block 86, 1100 cast. Lot 20, Block 82, 950: Terms. 100 feet Esplanade with 27, 250 house. A beautiful home. 37,500.00- Ferms- 66 foot corner, Blk 89, 1800. Terms. Lot 8, Block 82, 850. Terms. 50 foot corner, Esplanade, 1450 Terms. Phone me Your Listings and 1 will advertise your property extensively. A. G.. TROTMAN Imperial Bank Bldg. 4th Ave. PHONE 695, 860 S0ft. corner Rear High School. Ideal site for home. sewer, water, gas cnsfly worth 760 each. . 1150 Lot il, Bik. 86, corner Balmoral and 7th Ave. Terms. 1100 60ft., Toronto St: North. Werth 2600-when subway o- 1 O'CLOCK. +f swung on gilt ghains farther started. 10 Head of Horses, light and /.2. enhance their handsome ap 650 Splendid 50ft corner Cen- hoavy. : ++ pearance. Needless to say tral Park. One Wagon, new. tthe members of the firm know 20 Houses for Sale. One Light Wagon. ob just how to dress windows of Farm improved, three mifles One Road Scraper. +b this deseription with hand- from town to rent. One Tent 14 x 12. somely colored articles In f+ One Tent, 10 x 12. : men s wear. A number of + Sorie Hay. h improvements have been +f One-Golt-Revolvar and Belt. . made in the interior. of the 1 BoP. SOUCH new, size 44. +b store, including the construc- + . G. SATTRRLBE, Eton of a convenient gallery Phin. B. Anetioneer. -f at the rear, + cea Office 895 Toronto St. 202-4td -1- + re TE rE te parents in Canada - taxinde. BASY TERMS. SMALL HOUSE IN EAST ALLOWANCE, BLOCK 72. ONLY 1000.00, EASY TERMS. 9 ROOMED, FULLY MODERN HOUSE, RO STREET, FOR 4500.00, THIS IS A FIRST-CLASS HOME. 2 HOUSES AND STABLE OX QUEEN STREET. RENTING i) a 25.00 PER MONTH. ONLY 2000.00, TERMS. - H. G Pettet Co. 366 Toronto St. Phone 481. Real Estate Dealers. Loans and Insurance. THE WARSHALL-WICHELL HARDWARE CD, 110, Wholesale and Retail. Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing a Specialty. ee Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat FREE ONE PAIR OF Walker s Trainmens Overalls THIS IS A BIG ROOMY OVERALL AND UNION MADE. LET US EXPLAIN OUR FREE OFFER H.W. Ireland Co. oe STEWART TWEED BLOCK, MAIN ST., PHON. G 9 Lots Block 20 . 20 Lots, Block 7 ood COUSINS SISSONS - 260 each. Terms + 235 each. Terms HERALD. 500.00 each. Terms 400.00 each. Terms. 2 Lots, Block 4, Barclay Street. . 4 Lots, Block 13, cess 1200.00. Porm. CENTRAL PARK . 250 each. Terms + 885 each. Terms, gt; 290 each. Cash x ON 4 Eots, Block 27 .. 3 Lots, Block 21- 18 Lots, Block 19, WE HAYE-THE CHOICEST-SUB- nN THIS CITY ALL INSIDE THE MILE CIRCLE . oe CALL AND GET PARTICULARS. T..F. DAWSON CO. shipe and three small cruisers during the next six years, The building of five further reserve battleships to form a new active squadron of ships fa 91.0 to be accelerated. SOLD-COCAINE (wy, ALY, Diepeteh) Winnipeg, March 6. Frank Stewart was fined- 9200 today for soliiag co caine without a Moense. ERMAN NAVAL ESTIMATES (W. A. P. Cable) Berlin, Mar-6. New naval-and-mili- tary bills, to be discussed by the Reichstag this session have been com- pletely dratted-and-submitted to-the Federal Counctl; The naval bill; ac- cording to an article In Lokal Anzej- ger today, provides for the con- struction of three. additional battle
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Image 377 (1912-03-06), from microfilm reel 377, (CU1743001). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.