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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Ns 77 Baturaay, ebruary 11, 1012 ae ' MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS Page 11 rth, 1912, hax pted inv ions repre- Ural: THROUGH THE AEART ci s,zes,, teen tion States Sismene Court, meee nad ace enon +e ot tel WEALTH ULES per je halt-inaurance board : this case will have for-reaging co ee eee ty hock tne DF THE CITY ies estnorice tne chairman of the the Centre of Attraction -nec. Pai G Mamie: UNITED STATES board te borrow such sums of money Which J kiting millions of dollars (Continued from page ten) as may be necessary to pay claims for NEWS FORECAST FOR worth of trees in New Engh ae n a NEWs AS rees in New England, New A reounectsalncts only with the Eastern iogses, pending the collection of tax- Many Eyes are focused on Body Awaiting Eagerly THE COMING WEEK York, Ponneyivania and the south, 80 Says English Lord in Mnes and the Atlantic, but the West-los, put in no case shall the sum be . Many Important Decisions which are to be Rend- and s threatening the Ohio River Val- Warning People about ern lines and the Pacific and the Hud- more than the amoun of unpaid J SAN 7 x ered in near Future. (Special to the News) ley, Political Co: 4, 208 Bay lines to the North of us, claims at the time of the borrowing. It Wasbington, D. C., Fer, 17, Sever- M. Jusserand, the French ambassa- rruption. K Michener, leader of the Opposi-/ iy also provided that from the indem- 7 fl decisions of unusugl importance dor, will deliver the Washingto1 Measles peed ie eet nity to baie aby imo ae (Special to the News) may de handed down by the Supreme birthday address at the Union League OW. A. P. Cable) claim policy spect to losses from le ; : rsd: which had been so elegantly submitted ae any unpaid taxes. Washington, D.C., Feb. 17. A sub-) panies sdld their coal to the carrying Court of the United States when It club celebration in Chicago Thursday. yondon, Feb. 17. Following the ex- to them t would de necessary tor An amendment was carried altering ject of much discussion im Wasling- fouds for G5 per cent of theprice re- feconvenes Monday attor thrse ae Sey Saag vohetatod vo tmple of his leaders, Bonar Law, who them to have a few hours in which ( gt; iho term of office for councilors of /ton just now is the possible, conse. ved for ie wn ee eae av the hich decisions ate looked for at an apeak at the big Democratic banquet Charged the government with intro- Counider the details of the guaranted ruval munlelpalities from two years quegces, financial, industrial sad po- Se adeaetass SEE ot nt Cane early date deat with tmportant phases q Topeka. In the City of Mexico the ducing American m thods in politics, Bill. He therefore moved the adjourn- to one year, litical, of the several important deci- gt;a of construction of the Sherman Anti- American holiday will be observed by Lord Selborne, speaming in Cambridge ment of the discussion. The committee reported progress On ons that are expected to te banded Puties Gy the Tafge coalcarrying) rust get, the cotton pool case and the unvelling of the Washington mon- last night on political corruption, told The House agreed afg went into the bill. down at an early date bm the Su- 7*s the anthracite pool case. A third) ument, a gift from tmeAmericen-eel- his hearers that if they , wanted to committee of the whole further von- The act to regulate theatras aud the Court of the United (States, The 1 the decision Of the United States importance is the suit brought Mexi icacek sidering the Rural Municipalities Wil. yoo Hill Rallway Company's te ee nose daterent in Cireult Court that tribunal adjedged to txt the constitutionality of tho eee Ben tate cioeelinn See torr mae Evening SessIon were alid considered im committos lt;f e re acm the cone ot He Reading Compesy ani a number Oregon initiative and referendum Chie ts the stdtp. gemermainel. tae The discussion of the Rural Municl- the whole and reported. Th cotton Tool and ten cotttaiea railroede hace the Temple Iron aw. a DIAMOND CELEBRITIES TO SHINE Chat ook at tne experlonce of the Un Dalitics bill was, resamed at the evub: (insca-i: poot Goth ol which call for the in- Company were in eouspiracy and is- nether Champ Clark or Joseph W. ited States. The party machine wai 5 ne Shee: MURDER TRIAL FOR LIFER tcrpretation of the important phase Sutd the injunction sourlt. The other Folk Is to be the choice of Missour (Special to News) peedy, for todncy end wed eet A polnt which hs een raised acy. ae an AnticTrust acti, A ME involving Prectically the Democrats for the presidential nom- Philadetphia, Pa., Feb. 17 Many wherg tt could and how could. eral times recently in the meetings of : ae ba ; cenit be definitely Well known baseball celebrities are the railway committee came up watn, Liportar teens: third case of importance before the Whole trade in am BBormous combina- ination Is expected to in dattiia pexth ok Aipaetbey eae Denver, Colo., Feb. 17 Ieterest in court hag to do with thie constitution: tion. wera dismisted. Both the delea- determined Tuesday, when the Dem- scheduled to atteud the annual ban-7 1, -o that money from the great cor- asensational tragedy: which stirred siiey of tho initiative und refereaduma dants and the gevernmeat appealed ocratic State convention will meet in guet of the Phiiadelphia, Sporting orations and trusts because they sup- Denver last summer Will be revived 7). theses casis have been before the fom this decisiom fo the Supreme Joplin to select delegates to the na- ren grea eee Ported it and it supported them. Monday, when Frank Henwood will bel. ist eitunal, since carly in the Court of the United States tional convention. The action of the lven Monday night at Thereby to a large degree in certain laced on trial for the murder of Syl- , Missouri convention is expected also ton. Governor John K. Tener of Penn- Vester ( Tony ) vom Phiul. Henwood, Otober term, and the three weeks' The cotton pool sult, the second of ( ove an important bearing, on the sylvania, who was a star player with Darts of Am rica the real ruler of the town, snot Feess which expired today is believ- the anti-trust cases im which q dect- Hoe asi ccratie several of the big league teame defore country had been wealth und irre waa arged by George Hoadley, Oko- 1 ai ra aes cmateur bate ed to have given tha court time t0 sion is expected S900, Was brought uy eS eric will meet two days He abandoned the baseball diamond Pousible eens the worst that the toke, and supported by T. M. Twee2le, jonist and wine salesman, in the Pfepare the lengthy decisions reppir- the government aguitist James A. igter, Speaker Clark has a strong for the arena of politics, will be the Country could Have. Calgary. Opinions differed on the on oe the Brown Palace Hotel l. While the court bas vouchbafed Patten, Eugene G. Scales, Frank B. rojlowing in Oklahoma and if he wins guest of honor. Among the other question as to whether sufficlent ST tact. According to the tes- no intimation on tha subject it is Hayne and William P. Brown. The over Folk Bt the Joplin meeting he guests of the evening will be Garry room on the road allowances would 05) at the trial ill feeling had ex- Benerally supposed here that one 'ar Circuit Court for the District of Sou- is likely to recelve the Indorsement Herrmann of Cincinnatl, Kid Glea- be left for ordinary traffic if electric .145 between the two for some time more of the decisions may be handed thern New York gustaine demurrers, of the Oklahoma Democrats. On the son, the old Philadelphia player who roads were constructed upon them. ... -ceutt of a quart l over a woman down when the court reconvenes Mou- to the more importaut counts, andlother hand should Clark be turned s to be assistant manager of the Chi- Be ee ee anne tate et with whom both were salt to be in- day, with the others to follow on the the United States wued ow q writ of down by the Missourl Democrats, it is eago White Sox next season; John M. ae could not well be spared) ratuated. The woman in the case Was aucceading Mondays. 3 exror, The sustained demurrers tad believed likely that Oklahoma will Ward, who has acquired the Boston Eo peta AT Mrs, John M. Springer, wife of a Den- wy. sreatest dnterast centres in the to do with the. charge that the defen- swing to Woodrow Wilson, Nationals; Harry Wolverton, the new Fete a aes oe AKET. whaceariited a. Alvatos a ing farther light Gants possessed controlling power The annual celebration -of Washing- manager of the New York Highland: considerably. increased DOWers tT trom Mrs, Springer soon atter-the 0st cases. as throwing further. ght TUN 7 OO Sarge excess prices, to0's Birthday Thursday will be the re; James McAleer. the new presi- ral municipalities and he thought the murder of yon Phul. In his attack on/ the court's claborate interpreta er the trade, ani the charge occasion as usual of numerous ban- dent of the Boston Americans; Chas. provincial government should place von Phyl Henwdod shot G. E. Cope- tions of the anti-trust statute con- 1M ONCEY TS reo vicotton eoe, duets and much speech-making, Sen- Hbbitts of the Brooklyn cl confidence in them and allow them tolang, q mining man of Victor, Cal, tied in the voluminous decisions on thet hey did create cotton cor- TTT) Cr tnalana has beea desig- Topay Hartsel, the old Phil have complete control-over thelr OWD who died. from his wounds several the Tobacco and Standard Oil cases. E on Ti Sem TO ftom A nated to read Washington's. tsrewell American player who has signed to road allowances, days later, Henwood was tried and The sit against the anthracite pool hange resulting m restraint of it sarees pefore the senate on that day. pilot the Toledo club this year. J. RB. Boyle, Sturgeon, said every convicted of the Killing of Copeland was brought in the spring of 1997 and terstate trade. The case has aoqhired 7. ine evening Senator Fletcher of viz., whether electric railways-should be allowed to run along the road al- lowances or whether they should be obliged to purchase their own rights of way directly alongside the road allowances, The latter contention spent Beets vee 10uSs PRO OEO eee rapin reasonable opportunity should be giv- and is now:under sentence of life im- the intervening five years have been SHded interest from the Democretic ioriaa, senator Balley of Texas, Seui- aaa dior DAY en to encourage the advent of electric prisonment. spent-in taking testimony before an Protests against the Govemment s ator williams of Mississippi and Sen- 255 Let U Ss See NE railways, Jexaminer and in the hearings in the Swit against a Bulling comtiination stor Taylor of Tennessee Will speak pie gate of Fountain Pens Closes 4 2. A motion to insert-a subsection to 516 perve-pp JACK HABITS UMted States Cirenit-Court ut Phita- While transit moversnts x at the annual dinner of tie Southern Ponight Your Plans eerie the clause vesting control of highways delphia; from which court the case molested. . Society of Washington. This isthe Jasteday: in which Hat- - in the council of the municipaifty was canie to the Snpreme Court. The def-- The battle for the initiative md President Taft, Secretary . of the tare have d ChadeaTdS. seclive-one of and. we. wl tall you ag carried, The subsection gives the (Special to the News) lendunts in the tase include the three referemdum, the foundation stone of Navy Meyer and W. Morgan Shuster, ths Harris SoGhEDE hb at Pingle s how. little ember oat + minister of railways and telephones Spokane, Wash.; Feb. 17 One hun- Reading Companies, Lehigh Valley the Oregon primary system, was Weposed treasurer-general of Persia, 1 ote oF eico the along with. We can do this be- power to make.regulations in respect ared and fifty gutmers, carri rs andlware, Lackawanna and Western Rail- fought out tefbre the court last fall. will head a distinguished Ist of/ Mf the very low Bite ee hind. Tot) SEE OO aber does not ext 2. to railways along the highways. drivers, armed with double-barrel /raitroud and coal companies, Dela- THe case hange: technically. upon a speakers at the annual convention oO Si tan regularly at trom to waste. It is full length, fully OR Hall Insurance for Muntelpalities shotguns, a ton of ammunition and road, New York, Susqushanna and Claim by the State of Oregon to re- of the Navy League of the United/2070 M's) Tok Aly pen ia offered seasoned and free from soft The amendments made in the Ru- pikes, will start for Marshall, Wash., Western Railroad and numerous inde- Cover 10,000 im Hoense fecs from the States to be held in Washington on) '1 , ) 4 on nureday, Friday and spots. That kind of umber iz ral Municipalities Act concerning. hail early tomorrow morning to participate pendant coal companies. - Pacific Telephone aod Telegraph com- Thursday and eran. of all of the Oday there has been a steady stream saves you time and money both. Insurance provide that any twenty ru- in the biggest hunt ever arranged In ). original suit the oer pany. The license tax law was enac- ee) Re uastarncralivoa ds are to/of buyers coming and going all the Let us see your plans. ral municipalities may form them- this part of.the country. It wilf inark Met alc ee te had td ol vote of the people on June moe ne qhistern railroads are 2 time. The sale closes tonight and selves Into a hail insurance district, tle beginning of a campaign organ- a Serie ae ae veil 4, 1906. The defendant company in CoMfer In New York Friday regarding i have not yet secured a Den a the reeves of the municipality being ized by the Inland Empire Game Pros) ve oe hich stifled ppenling to the Supreme Court from) O1C O htt or wages, The en- Will have to make their purchase be- Th G Gi the hail insurance board. The hail in- tection and Propagation Association seeping wc stile ee ate Sugeeeas Gout, arjjed thet onsmneeTE for Bigher Wa es. The 0-/77.. su ciosing hour to get this epec- 1 e Gas ity 3 surance board will organize and op- with the object of clearing the inter- comp tition and See tates sat and thd Oregon proviaion violates the Fed: sincere are a oe na we emer qetliat price, At. Pingle s drug store, erate the business of hail insurance mountain country of Jack-rabbits, among the States, See? Meet, guarantee offa noone ot fitteen Der Sent. OA I ncata Btroet: Lumber Co yi; assessing and levying a tax for hail which have damaged crops for many every insurance purposes, Hall insurance years, The game bagged by the army lized the trade. The: court was asked republican form of government of the Chesapeake and Ohio and south may be taken up by-a municipality by of hunters will be, presented to the to enjoin the defendants from con- aeitiath toting, a pure Semocmry. of the Canadian border 1s affected by S ail iis CG Office and Yard opp. Flour van A majority vote of the electorate and Salvation. Armp for distribution tiauing: their alleged combination in view -of the fact. that umerous the demand, and also the Grand Trunk Phone 233 Branch Yard at Bowsll the municipality: may withdraw from among the poor of Spokane and oth- restraint of trade to enjoin them irom States already bave) followed the ex-) of Canada. auenty store covawe, cures, coun the hail insurance district at the end er cities. y wht ample of Oregon in adopting the ini- Governors of twelve Eastern States HEALS THE THROAT AND LUNGS. 25 CENTS: PLEO PEEP EES Leste atry. where. there was- would come in com- -that having wafted down there it is in 1e people of the prov- ould wait no longer necessary; and that n of the country to hat country unknown hat country that has advertised and 6 so ple down through the and with the people Ia, wha talk of noth- Grande Prairie and -a8 being the-mecca: a think they are mis- i eee Offers Free Power and Free a Sites to MANUFACTURERS The Greatest Natural Gas Field in the World-----Depc Coal aggregating Fifty-Million-Tons within Two Miles of the City. Competing Transportation Lines---A Never Failing sup- Pye. Pure Water--Everything which Contributes To Making -a Manufacturing Centre ot the First Magnitude. Our industrial Commissioner is Prepared to Meet Manufacturers in Any ke of the World. FOR FULL INFORMATION APPLY TO Near Edmonten y settled within 50 fon they world get a8-In-the Peace Riv- - more of it up there; nted acres up there. dvancing civilization it Is the duty of this We We laye an (o- juntry, to taks steps. t has been said that by the federat-gov- j fact that the people and intend to secure f those natural re cuse for the opening 4 , and the coming of ent to that country reason for the giv- and their credit for yee natural resources r been given by the i RARE RE te Ly a 10 ne i CERES REAR stem of railway Teg-- ng up that country. that country: belongs nd the value that will natural resources in est country will re edit of the province years to come when hat Peace River and Mest extent they will Soest 5 ome INDUSTRIAL BUREAU ra of prosperity for rery merchant and 1 2 a , rer and every real . . . Alb i a Cz d Se oo tat wcere Medicine Hat ; : : erta. : ana a 2 province whether Wane or ta ' will s that they sperity and the day he coiihtry will tiave i North, South, Bast ughout the whole. dth of the province, on page eleven)
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Image 279 (1912-02-17), from microfilm reel 279, (CU1742990). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.