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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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wbruary 21st, 1918 2100.00, 9600.00 500.00. This fa a . This will sett yer lot. mly 425.00. th Yuill. lt; Co. 81. ind Insurance. RE CO.,LTD. PERSONS. da visit to the home. A. R. Thompson of Postoffice on Friday th; but the child died er the same morning. ok place at the post ock on the fetowing ld of Mr. and. Mrs. 10 o'clock Thursday 3.. Death was due to - baby is the third ree dead and two liv al will be held bh ock Thursday a. m. of the Valley View ease by one on Mon- the presence of Miss om Bull Head Butte She intends to stay le term: The school of 22 pupils. ssey was down to his in 4-11, He says the for sleighing west of north to township 6. re are looking for- h Ist and he believes it at least two weeks 1500 copies dally. 900 ctreulated In city 00 copies Thersday. Advertivars in Daily get ar vaneRE of tas Weekty country etrout: extra charge. Books open to ad vertisers, DAILY EDITION. WA. PL ND OL ALP, i eo JRLBGRAPHIC SERVICE , VOL. 2, NO. 192 lt; B,,, Asquith s Efforts to Settle Miners Trouble Failed Premier Proposed Thre Matters Men did Not-Object. to them but Wales Owners Seem Bent on Having A Strike. (CW. A. P. Cable.) 5 London, Feb. 23. Acvording to the Daily Telegraph Premier Asquith at the cofiference at the foreign: office yesterday proposed: (YA postponement of the date of the opening 9f-the strike. , (2) That the owners should admit the principle of a minimum wage, (3) That negotiations should ensue to settle the amount of a minimum wage. The miners offered no substantial objestion tothe proposals, Some of the owners concurred but the South Wales owners refused to listen to te request for a postponement on the ground that it would only: result in further disorganization of trade. According to a statement issued by news agency, called the Labor Press Agency, the government's in- tervention in the dispute failed, neith- er party being affected by the veiled threats of what the government might do, a Neither has moved a where it already stood: Augustin Birrel; chief Secretary of Ireland, speaking at Bristol last night said it Was useless to say that a min imum wage Was impossible and he frequently hoped that the matter might be settled fairly and rationally, but added: On behalf of the nation I protest against the notion that we have no rights in this question. London, Feb. 28. Mixed feelings inch from prevail to-day among the directly in- terested In the coal trade dispute while the great majority of the gena- ral public finds it hard to believe that such a calamity as a natfonal strike of coal miners involving nearly 1,000,000 men Wil be allowed to occur. Coal owners on the whole take a less favorable view, Delegates of coal owners and miners held separte meet- ings: privately this morning to. dis- cuss the outcome of Yesterday's con- ference with Premier Asquith and ot- her members of the government. It g-thought- that the difficulty in- the English coal mining area is within easy redch of soluti n as mine own- ers are inclined to show more sym- pathy with the men s demands for universal minimum wage, they would in return expect some guaran- tee from the miners in regard to the minimum of output. Miners in Eng- land would regret to see their ex- chequer which is now well supplied, epl ted in order to support striking Welsh .coal miners whose own funds were exhausted by the strike in Wales last year. Difficulty arises as to whether peace can be negotiated in separate areas and Welsh rhiners fina coal owners are alike apposed even to the postponement of the strike with a view to negotiations which was one of Premier Asquith s- suggestions. Italy Prepares Bill to Annex Tripoli Was Introduced in the House and Di he telegram from the govemor of Caneva, comtnander-in-chiei of the It- FRENCH MINISTER HAS HIS TROUBLES Bills of His Predecessor s Wife are now Coming in for Payment, * Paris, Feb, 23. Steeg, the new: min- ister--of- the interior, refuses. to. oc- cupy his official residence and will not sign the bills contracted for the renovation. He does not care a rap for soclety and 1s an adept of the simple life. Unless the new prime minister, Polncare, interferes and per- suades Stees to sign for the bills, the former premier, Caillaux, will have a pretty tussle with the decorator s firm. Calllaux has a young and beautiful wife, eager to shine in society, and to create propergbackground for ma gt; dame's-beauty; he caused the old min- isterial palace to be overhauled from cellar to roof, redecorating and beau- titying It, He succe ded in persuad- ing parliament to grant him a pre- liminary credit of eighty thousand francs. for the purpose, but the work was so laid out as to reauire several a credits wever, before he could ask for them, Caillaux was unhorsed as premier,-and Steeg suc- ceeded to the portfolio of minister of the interior. . He took the portfolio but said he. would not take on his shoulders any of Caillaux's debts. CHINESE LEADER TREASURED QUEUE Significant Act of Yuan Shai.Kai Causes World- Wide Comment. London, Feb, 23. Yuan Shai Kai yesterday cut off his queue, says the correspondent of the Mail at: Pekin. He still, however, is unwilling. to hurt the feelings of the Manchus aiid. deprecates the public rejoicing over his election. to the presidency. The acting viceroy of the province of Chi Li has loaned Yuan 3,125,000 for bis present needi STILL WITHOUT HER. MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, ny ies ial junny ce Includ- ing Late mier. al session of the hich couyened in i Five meuiters the King Geonge nection with vhis i Jators from the simimy province, and so far as I know, Mo particular tasi- ness, spoke up Hon. C. W. Cross, whio was singled ott by a Phoenix re- porter who, happeted into the King 3 aoa sory Ac Rutheriord, ong tim premier, was in the hotel also, being just plain member for now, the attomey-general was invited to talk. The attormey-general would not talk worth cont. H and Rotert I. Shaw, mensber for Stettler, were merely happening thitough on the way, 10: Winnipeg, and they stopped over day to see Saskatoon. Politics? Nai? Real estate? Nol? of five legis- AAS CULOFF AIS 2 Rutherlord and Joseph B. Stanfier, the latters, being a member for Didsbury, Were on their way to Moore, of Lioydmimister, member for Prince Albert, while the fifth member of this party Was Mr. A. Bramley- Alexandra, and wall known in Saska- toon. C.P.R.CONSPRECTION CONTRACTS (WeALP. Dispatch) Winnipeg, Feb, 28 1: is announced tract for the constrat of road in the We tines affectea a Will be done dn the vicinity of Wey- Pourn and Swift Current, XO POLITIC, NO BUSINESS that the C. PR. has closed the con- fon of 806 miles Provinces. The 1 Mable, but it is. understood that most of the work DESERTED SHIP Propellor was Broken on Italian Steamer Were Picked Up by British Steamship. (W. A. P. Cable) Havre, France, Feb. 23. The Brit: ish ateanier Buxton which left Gulf Port arrived bere today and landed, part of the crew of the Italian stea- mer Delphine which let New Orleans, Jan, Wrd for Genta. The Delphine was spoken to on Fels. 9, 290 miles north-east of Azores when she reported her propeller was broken. When Buxton sighted her, the Italian steamer was jim good order, part of the crew, bowever, lef: the vessel, the captain with saverat others, remaining on board. Weather was very bad. U.S. SECRETARY -ON LONG YISh Ov, ALP. Dispaten Key, West, Fla., Feb, 23. The setre- tary of State Knox sails from Key West this * monming on board Cruiser Washington on g political mission om which will take tim, accorditig to, pre sent arrangements to the capitals ol Central America, to Caracas, Vene- zucka and- possibly to Cartagena; Co- loinbie, and elso to vatious points in the West Indies. Mr. Knox is making this trip at the direction of the pre- sident and Enropean diplomats look on with more than passive interest. The secretary is going to Caribbean for the purpose of diplomatic prob- lems and securing more accurate in- formation as to conditions in Central and Northern South America. The Washington will go from here to Port Amtovio, Jamaica, and the present itimery will keep Knox away until some time in April. A. INDOOR MEET PACIFIC (Special to the News) Lathietes representing clubs and col: Members. (W. A.-P. Dispatch) Rome, Feb. 23. Perdiando Martini, former kovernor of the Italien colony of Eritrea today presented to . the Chamber of deputies a report of the committee of twenty-otie.akunbers ap- pointe? to Consider bill for annexg- tion of Tripoli. The reprot dwells upon the necessity of absolute Italian. soveraignity * over Tripoli and by imviting the chamber of deputies to pass the bill, Tigment for yesterday s demonstration alian forces in Tripoli, thanking par- in favor of the army and navy also was read in the chamber this morn img. The discussion of an annexation till began at once. Garon Sidney Sonni- no, former premier, declaring his im tention to vote for the measure but reserving the fight to exainine the ac- tion of the government. List your property with H. C. Pettet Co, They will sel it if the price te right. 1st (CW. -A. P. Dinpateh.) who gained a bride last Saturday and lost her in half an hour, is still with- out his wife. No steps: have yet been taken by any of the parties concerned. The idenity of the bride-is still with- held, Winnipeg, Feb. 23. George Watson Ee A very important meeting of 8 o'clock tonight. be present, All'Melegates should TRADES COUNCH. gt; Zea MEETS TONIGHT the Medicine Hat Trades and:Labor Coun- cli will be held in Patterson's hall at feges throughout this section troope into San Francisco today to compete for honors in the big indoor track and field meet arranged by the: Pacific Athletic Association. The entry. list gives promise of one of the most not- able events of its kind ever pulled off here. Graham Elected : In South Renfrew Din WILL MEET INSURANCE Ex-Minister of Railways in Laurier Government Wins By-Election by. Good Maj- San Francisco, Cal.,-Feb, 23 Star. oil 38 Preston Plani Mill Will Erect Plant in Spring Large Mill Double Size of Present One will be Built-on Four Acres Granted by City Will Employ Over 100 Men. a As soov as spring breaks the Preston Planing MIM Co, will start the work on the erection of their new mill which will be located on one of the city s Industrial sites which was granted by the city to the company. It is understeod that Mr. Preston has taken a partner in with him and the formation of the.partuership is now under way. 5 The new mill Is expected to employ at least one hundred hands, Just what will be the extent of the building operations is not known, but it ds expected that as soon as the details are completed further informa- tion will be available: Eight Miners Die jn Oldal Mi Fifteen or Twenty Were Imprisoned. but all but Nine are Accounted for Eight Bodies Found. (CW. ALP. Dispatch.) McAllister, Okla., Feb. 23, Reports out Inte yesterday, Fifteen or twenty to State Mine Inspector there may miners were imprisoned. It is belicy- eight bodies had been taken from S? AtHt Inown dead and one man m- 5 accounted for comprise all casualties. mine No. 1 of tho Western Coal aad ine ie Mining Company in which fire broke Otte AFTERMATH OF CERMANY'S POLITICAL UNREST CAUSES BAD FINANGING STRINGERCY French and Other Foreign were Quickly with. drawn last year and- Action: is now being: Felt - States is Helping Considerably, However. (W, A. P. Cable) r Banking and- busi- other toreten montes ast ness failures have not continued on The aftermath of that movement has the scale recently feared. .New. York ' be TecKoned with. The best esti- s mates place the loss of foreign funds funds have helped to-alleviate the quring the political excitement at con- condition, Paris and London have al- siderable more than 125,000,000. For- so acted in a more friendly manner tunately fresh American assistance is financially, The truth however now being extended to Berlin. The is that only during recent weeks readiness of these countries to renew has Germany felt. the full effect of assistance has created an excellent the heavy withdrawals of French and impression. S + GOMAMISSION AND DISCUSS FIGHT. USE BOMBS 10 END TAXI STRIKE Paris Wild as Some Twenty Machines have Been Blown up by Anarchists Trying to End Trouble. Renfrew, -Ont., Feb. 23. As Paris, Feb, 23 The- greatest res- tiveness appears among the taxicab officers by reason-of-the-action of the anarchistic. members of the chauf- feaurs syndicate in resorting to bombs in an endeavor to bring the taxicab strike; sebleh has existed for several montts;to a close. 5 The first reports of these methods yesterday caused-but-littie-uneasiness;, Now, however, more than twenty bombs have been employed in various parts of the city, and public indigna- (WwW. A. P. Cable) tion-knows no- bonds. The bombs ate disposed in cabs and garages. Most of them have ex- ploded in such a way as to do only materiai damage except in one in- stance in which a bomb which had been taken to the municipal labora- tory, exploded in the hands of the sub-director, slightty-injuring-bim-and two. sub-ordinates. -Last night taxicab at an intersection of thi Sniromesnil and Cambaceres, setting fire to the vehicle, District Attorney Wears His Panama--Is Sign of Spring Plowing for Potato Planting in Alaska Indians Say Nothing Like it Recorded in Tribal. Traditions Japanese Current Theory Denied by Residents.- Juneau, Feb, 28. Residents of south- eastern Alaska decline to accept the theory that the Japanese current has shifted;-as an mfequate-explanation-of the warm weather which has prevail- ed fer for the last six weeks, and especially during the latter half of this period. Gardeners in the vicinity of Juneau have already commenced plowing for potatoes, and United States District Attorney Jobn.Rustgard has appeared in public in his panama hat. The ap- pearance of thfg particular panama hat, together with the fact that the pussy willows are in bloom, Is taken here as an Infalifble indication that spring. Js at haitd. During the Iast six weeks the ther- mometer has never fallen lower than thirty-six and has averaged over for ty. s It frequently said that winter weather-such- as the district Is enjoy ing this. season, has been noted here in the not distant past, but the evi- dence of the natives trary, Yesterday two members of the Chi tribe were questioned to thelr camp and they replied that they did. Asked if they remembered another such mild winter, they an- swered in the negative. Further they say than that, notin the memory of thelr tathers-or of thelr. grandpar- ents ha there ever been such an op- en winter, nor was there any tradi- tion of the tribe to that effect: a bomb -exploded in a Liberals Opposed To Suppressing Information isto the con- sult of yestenday s tyeelection im South Renfrew- Hon, G. P.Groliam, was defeated in. Brockville by John Webster on Sept. 21 is able once more to writa M.P. after bis' name end will agwin take his seat teside Sir eaibae ons. Dre the Conserve (W. A. P. Diapaten) feat in ths short space with 2 small sult of a great blizzard have been cleared away m tic, latest figute ob tainable. The Tiberias secure strongest men votes, majority with five to tear rom protisply to- Renlrew, Feb, 23. Owing to late minister of Reilways end Cam oro phat. scighiacucs cata bp ada in the Laurier government who are blockailing the roads as the, re- heard from for a dayi.or-more. With ority Dr. Maliney, Conservative Candidate Goes Down to His Second Defeat inside of Six Months A Strenuous Campaign. 4 ot as the T gical successor of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. News Bulletin) the storm some polls, will mot be ten polls to come, however, the Lib- trals calculate about 400. The Conservatives admit aS. the result o defeat. s x thisty days. strent us Campaikninig-the Wilfrid Leiirier im the House of Com gisction of ah ex-cabinet minister re- Renfrew, Feb. 23 Twenty-four polls News Bulle*ia) Granmn s micority British Medical Association after Long Diseu Lloyd-George s Bill will Insist on mands being Granted, re OW. 4. P, Cable) London, Feb. 23. The conference of ;liament. The doctors who the British Medical Association which Cided at previous meeting to has been holding its sessions at the te Guild Hall since Feb. 20th, today con- in the Insurance Bill untess the doctors minimum demands are granted and Reds to meet the Insurance Commis- sioners and discuss the whole ques- egga sent direct to the retailers, but To-morrow. ; Ottawa, Fou. 23. Thursday wast an other day the House of Coummons spent on the ddvails of Hon. White's Tl to establish q tari commission, it being fought out clause by clause im committee. The opposition pro- posed a large mumber of atendments hich were citer voted, dow clared to be lost, on division whether they discussed the weather In chiet point of difierence between the not insist on a vote being taken. The chief paint of difierenca between section of Jeated, the commission shall be + re- garded as being Of a comfidentiol character give Graham 198 majority. 66 Strenuous Opposition on part of Sir Wilfrid and his Followers to Clauxe in the Tar- iff Bill to Keep Secret Part of Material Gathered Manitoba Boundaries Up (CW. AP. Disyateh) The Liberals from Sir Wilfrid Laur down. riders an the winners were naturally Hot ehtitiel to have ihitermation on nded that the com- ingg-which- some Inested-words were haudy but had to be wilhdrawn. Early in the sitting Premier Bor- Wek PAVE Hotice that the Manitota which tariff change: is, tased which is boundaries resolution would ba,taken not available to them, members of parliaqient. Mr. Borden and Hon. W. up te v. ' This is only a for- mality amd the discussion will not te -axthered strongly to the take-place until next week. Election the view that the clause would be am en- ition does couragcment to the business men of the country to-give information otherwite wonld be withbeld; the Col. Sam Sharpe was ilormed by Government and the Liberals wap the the minister that the ill contained a the bill which provides provision for enquiry as to the pre- that in certain informationto be col- sence of walter stock n the capttallina- jon of any company smder dmayiry. pome rather warm rons Sighting dur In the evening was q Wild scene and comment to make said It returns from South Renfrew caused much excitement in the house and cor4 the-winmers-were-naturally Yulgilgnt. When Sir Wilinid entered. the chamber shortly after 6 o'clock there whe teas with wild liberal cheers meinber should received and a Quobec Let us have one in Quethe. Sir Wiltrid whon asked if--ha had .....any wos 8 T am vary happy. ? splendid victory a With the increase of business this ays- tem proved more and more unwork- able and the establishment of- a Lon don clearing house was felt tobe a sential, : The new depot is fully equipped with the latest. apnliance for testing. snd grading the eggs, and a practical emonstration of the process is con clusive evidence of the. impossibility of any: suspicions quality being in- cluded among those: sent to the ne- tailers., The society's supplies are - drawn from eighteen counties, prinei- BE SYSTEMATIZED A Central Poultry Clearing House Established in Heart of London. EQUIPPED IN LATEST STYLE Marchioness of Salisbury is Prominently Connected. pally from Cornwall, Devonshire, age Somersetshire, Dorsetshire, Hamp- 3 with Organization. shire, Oxfordshire, Kent, Hereford and Norfolk, as well as from North and South Wales. sae EES NEW RECORD (WP. Cabled : Paris, France, Fev, 23 Maurtes Ta dieu, French -avintor, today , broke the world s aerodrome record for two our s flight by covering a distance wlometers, 464 meters (it miles 640 yards) at th flying groun here, Tabuleau already held the record for au hour's flight which he estab- ehed January 24 at Pau, where Be fiew 205. kilometers 287 metera (25 London, Feb. A central depot or clearing house for eggs for Great- er London was opened yesterday. by the National Poultry Organization so- ciety, in Hoster e, West Smithfield, BoC. eS For about a dozen years the soclety, with which the Marchigness of Salis- Leury is preminontly connected. and which is a co-operative organization run by farmers in all parts of the country, has collected eggs from var- jous districts and acted as a distribut- ing agency between the farmers and the retailers. Inthe past the orders, for the London ar a have been dealt with by the provinciedepots-m
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Image 307 (1912-02-23), from microfilm reel 307, (CU1742976). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.