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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINK HAT DAILY NEWS Monday, March 412, 1918 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL fEEEE LEELA EET) To the sattor Day ne Dear Sir In a late Issue of the Mr, A.M, Grace returned to. the * CORRESPONDENCE F/ News I soe that the olty aldermen ctty yesterday from Glelchen, He says contemplate the passing of a by-law hat the shovel gangs are atill keep- : compelling the muzzling of all dogs In be vay Peneesne ce ge Ey comune ow not muszled will ing busy as they have been all winter. Tne hockey and ekating veason 1 Note while we weleome all Com- Pe thot. Doggles interests may be ncn tearing a close. There ts 6xcel- munications trom our readers, wel Reslected tn the controversy.over the Blectric Raflway and as a lover of a tent ce at the rink now and the band will be there tonight. It ie likely that there will be but four more band wish It to be thoroughly understood that we do not necessarily subs- eribe to or endorse the opinions ex- good dog I must protest against the) passing of .such an unjust measure. This Property has made more money for investors than any It appears that the discussion arose from some cur makifig a demonstr UUon against one of the aldermen one: dark night while on his way - home nights. preased by our correspondents. All The citizens who participated 16 jetters must be signed by the writer. the banquet which waa tendered Quon not necessarily for publication but Fe a ee oa eee from a meeting of the clty council. It V 7 : S from him that he an z i mt eee have arrived gt; pately' at 5 . must have been a-dark night if poor other property in estern mae keke othe: Beige. lt; , the Foe. dogslo expected to get a good bite. By Dear Sirj Those honest folk Wo 41) means have all vicious or pugnac- Can ada. Mrs, Nicholson left for Strathcona Tip Wecang a One : ng Mghave hed out to the best store In We are menage because our consciences. are clear. The store weare going t work for has a clear conscience. They do an honorable business. We are happy, because we succeed, so does the store we work for succeed; their upright goods and upright methods compel success. Each week for a whole year we shall greet you In this paper always witha smile. Our stor folks greet you with a smile when you come In, and sell you rellable merchandise. i BARKER PATTEN yesterday. Mr, 0, Wedman of Moose Jaw is in the city, The C.P.R. RMS, Empress of Bri- tain john a at 9-10-of the 2nd Inst. The C.P.R. RMS, Empress of Ire- land arrived In Liverpool at 8.00 on the 2nd inst, Mr. L. Olsen of Bowell, arrived in the Hat yesterday. Mr. Babb left the Hat yesterday for an indefinite tour In the United States. He will be joined later by his wife at Spokane, W. Powell of Swift Current is in the Hat onDusiness. D, MeNair of-Moose Jaw is in the Hat today. Mr, J. Black of Montreal is in the city on business, Mrs. E..F. Nicholson left on Sunday for-a short. visit to ber sister, Mrs. E. Trowbridge, Edmonton. Mrs, E. S, Bowford and daughter are away for a few weeks visiting rel- atives and friends In Maple Creek and Crane Lake. Seer ie pee * AMONG THE z CHURCHES + + es the people an oppottunity of de- be eeenet aid not realize what was happening) jous dogs muzzled, but why should just prior to the last municipal elec- quiet and inoffensive dogs be com- tion, cannot fail now to see why the) pelled to wear muzzles. Imagine ma- Dimes , was Ying weed by interest- dam's pet poodle, or my quiet sport ad parties to try athi get Alderman dog Wearing the badge of viclousness.; Howson and Robinson to reaiga their They pre mo more worthy of such seats, No doubt that paper's attitude treatthent than certain of the alder- is perfectly honest so far as their edi- men whose actions on certain ques- tor is concerted, but it is wnfortunate Hons are at present recelving critt- for the community that its knowledge sm. of men and affairs is 9 limited. What Wi the Ace: wate dog mus, ite ae sled what a cinch for the tramp an ae SS aa ay baglar I don't think that this pro- 7 posed measure will receive the assent ae erti- Of the majority of the aldermen, but it a on the public questions af the it does, there will be sucha howl 7 ge that the Aldermen will think that all see the re dogtown ts turned loose on them. por of the Council meeting which they Thanking you for space, Mr. editor, published says that there is some- 1 am thing mysterious' about Alderman A Friend of a Good Dog. Hewson's notice of motion that be will introduce a Lylaw to tp sub- mitted to the poople to built g muni- 5 cipal stgeot railway. WHY IS THIS Shiloks Gure YSTERIOUS? The great majorit; HEALS THELUN eis cule oi usta tae oss STOPS COUGHS putes. 25 cexT: sider the time most opportune for the discussion of such a question. If the NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR mayor and council were honest in their public statements and not un-j Tenders will be recetyed by the un- der q baneful influence, then will dis- dersigned for the erection of a -mod- cuss this question on its merits qnd rm business block 126 ft. x 190 ft and three stories high, in Medicine Hat, rv Aether for W. R. Hull, Esq, of Calgary. in ae Cee bisrn sakes Plans, specifications and all infor- High Class Clothiers. : Toronto Street. Imperial Bank of Canada Capital and Rest . 11,993,800 Total Assets . 72,000,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. E. G WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. THE-STAR THEATRE Answer. of the Hose, The Coward, A Rural Conqueror, Com- edy, Lubin. Vaudeville, Susie Carsello, the only lady Accordian- soloist; The Three Bittners, pre senting The Walf, a comedy playlet of human Interest. cial music by our three-piece Orchestra. Picture Plays every afternoon 3.15 and 4.15. Prices 5 and 10c. Picture Plays and Acts every evening 7.45 and 9.15. Prices 15 25c. Special Matinee on Wednesday, Pictures aud Vaudeville at Reduced prices. Ladies cordially Invited. es Dreamland Theatre The Punchers Lawy 6. Ss ee. + lt;. +. Western Selig Convicts Heart ... 9-2 Pathe Drama Gay Time in New w York Clty, Rts x . Lubin Comedy Tilustrated Song by Miss Portillo. Musie by Dreamland 4-pieee Orchestra. Matinee at 8.15 and 4.15, Prices .- Evenings at Sk and 9 k. Prices - f 8 Level Lots. Block 32. Size 25x160 ft. What Must I do to be Saved, was the text taken by Rev. McDonald last night, Paul's jailer was leading a life that was not satisfying him. Do you stand with the jailer or with Paul? Paul was lving a satisfying life a satisfactory life, a life that was happy. It was not A Ife of physical health, he was a man who suffered much bod- Miy sickness, So health was not the cause of hig satisfaction. The crowd looRed down upon him because of his religion, He was called a babbler, a dish washer; he was a despised preacher preaching a dispised relig- fon. He had no worldly prosperity, he had to work for his bread. Yet in spite of all these things he was a happy man; he had nothing to hope for in this world. Imprisoned, scourged, in the stocks, and he was singing In. sheer happiness of soul. The jaller awakened and took Paul into bis best room and dressed his wounds and asked him wherein lay his great happiness and satisfaction. Paul had the satisfaction of God ring- ing through his soul. The religion of St. Paul could be likened to the sap of a plant coming up from a root which feeds-from an ever-flowing un- derground spring. How many old men could 100K back to thelr past lives for something that Was missing, some:hing they had lost in childhood? They might be rich in this world s goods, but they were not satisfied, It was their mother s re- ligion, the religion which is satis- faction. Those men had not lived half of thelr lives; they had been trying to get Satisfaction from books, from pipes, from drink; they had been tak- ing the very things which would not give them satisfaction. The word of God 1s the only thing we can set real tagting . isfaction from. Money will not satisfy the hungry soul. Our life here should be a life of preparation If we not Ilv- when-te was Doy,-in- King Solo- mon s Mines of some travellers cross ing a desert in search of gold. They were nearly dead through want of water; parched, burning lips and uce-epit-in absolute agony, when they reached an oasis and in the oasis was a small lake, they rushed into the water and absorbed it through thefr pores and through thelr mouths, and content, Thus it je with the Word. of God, absorb it and you get the only real satisfaction there 1s. and they got out satisfied, raplete W*S and the general public traffic, Sian Go Tricted, owned ani-or mation may be obtatmed at-the-office of the Architect to whom all tenders: oe eee sive for will be delivered on or before March f weft of the people, o the anti- 2545 Ty, Stated'idea of the dark ages when 1, Medicine Hat the plans and spec- eae So community irications may be had at the office.of 1 compelled cits to submit o/ Mr, williams, Architect, their avarice and greed and hand over In Winnipeg the plans and specifi- their inheritance in the shape of ali cations may be seen at the Builders municipal franchises to the money Exchange, The lowest or any tender powers to be exploited for their bene- not necessarily accepted. fit and to the d iiment of the whol F. J. LAWSON, community, Architect, I would go a little further and sug- Norman Block, Calgary. gest that the Council follaw the ex- March 4, 0.0.4. 2 wks, ample set by great many cities'and t once appoint a city planning com- mission tn take up the matter af street widening, layiag out parks, tree planting, strest cur system, and the future industrial development of the city. It is quite evident to the most superficial obecrver that the tima is ripe for such a commission be- fore our development reaches the stage where it might be very expensive to carry out desirable public improve- ments. It might be said that the Council can do this work. This is . mistake for the Council having undertaken all the: executive work of the city will find their time fully occupied and there are many good men in the city who would willingly act. upon such a com- mission and make q report which no doubt they would be quite willing: to discuss with tho Bouncil for the guid- Anco o this and future conneiis At the present time it would be a great mistake to allow any street railway construction within the city oe until , complete system for the aera Fe os file Asam Sate at end 2, Block 89, 1800.00. imoney vate om Alterman Howson s Mi 60 foot corner, blk. 6, 1150.00 stteet railway proposition it will be cash. available to commence the construc- ff 100 feet, Block 80, 200.0. Terms, meet the Medicine Het Electric rail SEE ME FOR CHOICE ESPLA- Snap up One of These Bargains. A fine lot 50 x 150 in N. Yuill with 3 room house. A snap at - iz0e.00. Terms. (For limit- ed time). 100 x 150 foot corner, Barclay St with small house, with bath, A snap at 3,500.00. Terms. f FINE RESIDENTIAL LOTS 50 feet, Block 6 cp. 840.00. Terms. 5 Lots in Block 9, c.p., 700.00. Terms. 50 feet, Block 25, cp... 525.00. Terms. 100 feet, Block 10, c. 8, 600.00 pair. Terms. 50 fest, Block 82, 850.00 Terms. 50 feet, Block 87, 1200.00. Terms. . way system at the boundary of the NADE PROPERTY. city Hmits whenever they commence LIST YOUR PROPERTY-WITH construction. ME FOR QUICK SALE. With regard to Alderman Aimley's Proposition to have the city construct ja. rgilway for the benefit of his coal Im mise, this surely is unreasonable at ee ane ne the present stage of our development. Se Just imagine cbal train coming ee SS We reve the ave eae exelusive List- 1 f Trackage Lots in the City. NOT. PROPOSED-BUT REAL TRACKAGE. From 31.00 to 34.00a Foot Get 50 feet of this Today. It s the Chance of Your Lifetime. H. C. Pettet Co. 366:Toronto St. Phone 48t. Loans and Insurance. Real Estate Dealers. 350 Pairs of Men s Shoes Must be Sold at Cost Price: before April 5th. Forced to Vacate Present Premises. F. Kass, Main Street THE MARSHALL-MMITCHELL HARDWARE CO., LTD, Wholesale and Retail. Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Builders Supplies. Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing a Specialty. Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat 6 ees You Need Not Worry If You Order From Be Sure of of the Qual- ity of Your Table Supplies H. W. Ireiand Co. along one of our streets with podes- . trians crossing amd- tecrossing and It would be impossible to stop and. the results ere awful to contemplate. Have the Council made provision to STEWART TWEED BLOCK, MAIN ST. PHONE 54. 4a the cout of a alx moz nighte a week, at the SOUTHERN lish or American some young cock AGN 812 Esplanade, or Shittiebiicieieim Would Yuu b Probably the most ment that we can pr submit proofs of yoi til you are satisfied ti 1s both pleasing and Phe quality of our enced by the fact t ever increasing patrc THE BARTLE Fourth Ave, Several trios ot i Partridge Rocks. W.R.Sim CARPENTER Awp Repairs promptly Phone No MONTREAL CANADA'S METROPOLITAN Al NEWSPAF Strongand Cc The Daily Witness - Regular rate, three 300 Each. The Weekly Witness THE BRITISH CROWN. ASSURANCE CORPORATION, oo LimiTeD, - One-quartert Cash, balance 6, 12 Riiage 078 Oe er ee what Con? Have One Rallway ae : lt; i and 18 months. Wine emcee orl aig city deine from Get in on This are Been Fad of arn and London. * ; aes a 2 kage to the coal mines around Leth- Capital - i 2,500,000 regularly for az least Sh e Sal bridge. Bo z fs, since. It bag been OE DALC i Wey mc tx sersmjes awa w AGENTS WA 4 D a : 3 - nity When you get up in the morn- /tmoney. It is unfortunate that they. in all parts of Alberta, to solicit applications for - and Imp modern house on Ottawa St. 1150 Lot 14, Bik. 87, Balmoral - HAIL INSURANCE Ite elfewtation is bein Oo san Du a ing think about your Shoes. have vot done so just at the present eg n When youre down town re- hm the public are anxicis to : member to look in at the C.P.R. WHat +s being done with their'mo- thesmost popular Phone 527. wats ae ney. For instance, how much money , Sepa teens Applicants please state experience, facilities Toliereticgoing pi ees S The -pueetnge are ota serene com spent on the Medi- (Rees for securing puaees and names of other eae subscribers . maid. t tric Railway system, 85 6, Bik. 20, High anies represented (if any) writing Hail ur- MAKE IT 3 Real Estate. Fourth Avenue. Stock up-to-date, alto how mock movey'mas spent 08) 'scnoot Annex. ance. a CHOICE FC the Slses fall at cele Seat aes eee 3 fc ook to Prices greatly retecyl real and other points, aml for what decanse we ned the money. Purpose did they fo. It dows wea The International league clubd have) WANTED Saleslady to take charke eee reeeee strange that conditions should be picked thet training camps ac fol- of our Variety Bargain Basement. Ap- created at the present time when ev- Jows: Brovidencs, Savannah , Ga.; ply at once In your own handwriting. ul Soe) meeeuel arexjous) to. Selves ito) more, Baltimore; Rochester, An- State experience, Imperial Dry 6 P. R EN STORE the publle treasury that Mr. Perry Gai Goods: Co, Aussie could not remain in-charge of that important department. It does look mysterious i i MUNICIPAL OWNERSHTP. 850 Lots 29-80, Blk 21, High School These Anderson and Sheppard site ee General Agents for the Province of Alberta, tee paleune ae P.O. Box 1059. MOOSE JAW, SASK. Subscriptions sent should either be accor advertisement or the you saw: announce named wher JOHN DOUGALL ora, Dept, SLHN,, 'W For all kinds of job printing, try the News Job Department. News Want Ads. Pay. Try Em.
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Image 365 (1912-03-04), from microfilm reel 365, (CU1743005). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.