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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS Listen Let us Ineasure you for that new suit Let us measure yon for that new sult you need. Then you can get a fit and a cholee of many exclusive weaves and materials. You can get a high grade, made to measure Suit from us at a price to sult your pocket-book. Our prices are only what good materials and workmanship are worth. We can fit you and sult you. . 3 It takes only a few days from the time we put the tape on you until we turn you out a well-dressed man. FAIRLIGHT Fred Hodgson bas gone to spend Mrs Medicine Hat where she will some time. Mrs. Wm. Wilbur called on Mrs. Jobn Potter om Friday last. Dave Sheidler called on Wm. Manis last Tuesday. Jim Wentworth s well has gone ry causing him to butl bis water. Mrs. Jobm Potter called on Mrs. Wm, Wilbur on Tuesday. Dave Sheidler was seen again in the district for u few days renewing old friends. Bert Puffer have again returned to work after being laid up for a few daye since his accident. Invitations ure out for a big danca to be given at J. 1. Wilson's im the near future, Me- 10-00-FOEUNTAIN PENS 1.50 Indging from the buyers threa and four deep purchasing Harris Pens for 150 ut Pingle s Drug Store, Mr. Harris, who is personally in charge of the selling thinks that the stock lmlloted to Medicine Hat will be ex- Thausted befone the end of the weak as Saturday is the last chance, We ad- vise those contemplating buying to make an early call as we feel positive such a snap wont come to Medicine Hat for a long time again. Every, style and shape of pen 4s on sale lfrom the stmallest Tadies size whictr can be darried in q shopping bag to the largest point mude and all. sell for the uniform price of 1.50, ond all bear the maker s guaramtee for one year. Better get yours early. LOPLELO SEEPS SOSH SHS Imperial Bank of Canada Capitai and Rest .. - 11,993,800 Total Assets ...... : ..-- 72,000,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINE TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. RB, G WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. I The Marshall Hardware Co., Limited, hav- ing sold their business, all accounts are now payable to Messrs. Marshall Hunter, at their office in the Assiniboia Hotel Block, formerly. fecupied by Johnston .Co. Real Estate. THE MARSHALL HARDWARE CO, LIMITED THE STAR A Fair Exchange, ... The Mate of John M. Song by Mr. James Hallworth. Judge Lemkin s Summer Court, . lt; The Tramp Artist . Daily Performance 8.15 and 4.15 p.m. . Evening Performances 8 and 9 o'clock SOPHO NOTICE THEATRE . Selig Western Drama .++ Vitagraph Drama . Essanay Comedy Essanay Comedy ices 5 and 10 cents . Prices 10 and i5 59c a pair for Kid Gloves at The Im- perial Dry Goods Co., on sale Friday and Saturday. 185a1 Poet . WEEKLY Auction Sale ON THE MARKET SQUARE Friday, Feb. 16, at 1 o'clock sharp. The Auctioneers announce a very large entry of Single and Matched Drivers, a large num- ber of valuable Heavy Teams, several Milk Cows, 2 Buggies, Democrat, Wagons, Harness c. Also the contents of several houses of Furniture, everything to furnish a home- - Entries for this sale willbe accepted up to 12 o'clock on day of sale. For further particulars apply to H. B. Browne Co. Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Toronto St. *Phone 708. Medicine. Hat Sot oe eee so-4 Sate tote the seml-rendy. the originators of good clothes. the faremost in special measare system, selection at the store. every selection that goes In Is eut independantly of any (The Old Reliable) WELL HELLO? Did-you hear about the show-at Well you will see that much talked of picture taken in the Beautifal Yose- Tazll.* aise one of e ular comedian. Besides these you will see a Peal Miss this theatre to-night. No? mite Yalley The Painter's Yitagraph s Best Comedies with John Bum real thriller When the Sun went Out. . Bessie Portillo has been ask d to again sing In the Land of Harmony don't miss hearing this, it will be a real treat. Good music, good pictures, good singing, an all round good show. 0c. and 150. Shows at shap 8 9 Two ears more of Lumber-arrived to-day for 10 of the 25 houses we figure building here this season, As soon as weather conditions permit, these 10 7-roomed houses shall be rushed ahead, our Inten- tion to have them all completed within 90 days from time work Is commenced. on. first ohe. Handy to Industries and two blocks from New School. By speaking in time, an Intending buyer could have built-in many of his own suggestions without any addition cost; and as to payments, these like all our houses built here last year, shall be sold on extremely easy terms within the reach of anyone. Adolph . Smith For farther particulars, see C..W. Smith, 116 Montreal St, E- *Phone 411. DREAMLAND THEATRE POPES CS SSO CESOS POSLLGOGOOS other. Ba st your measure will be cut for you. not-a near pattern taken and adjusted. : the price is the same Halifax to Victoria. 0. P.R. MEN'S STORE H. S. IRELAND. North Rallway Street. SNAPS 650 Lot 7, bik. 11, P. 483 ML 715 Lot,. bik. T., near Flour mail, 350--Lot 3, bik 15, near Flour Mil, 750 Patr, bik. 20, Central Park 500 Pair, bik. 17, Central Park 3600 Pair, bIk.21, Central Park 1000 Pair, 19 and 20, bik 4, Herald. 785 Pair, bik. 15, Herald. 1050 Lot 11, bik. 58, Mon- treal St. 1050 Lot 9, bik. 11, Main St. 1050 Lot 5, bik. 86, Braemar Street. S. 8000 New Modern Cottage, Wreoateatoatoatocteatedtoteateegeate ee RS SOCIAL AND PERSONAL There will be an Afternoon Tea in ald of St. Patrick's church on Tu day gfternoon the 20th Inst. at M: F, B, MeKinnon s, 510 Main Street, and Card Party in the evening. All cordially invited 185a1 The Women's Hospital Ald Soctety desire to thank all who kindly assl ed In making th lr ball a success, 3- peclally Messrs. Lots and McRae for the use of the opera house, Mrs. Cris- Sal's orchestra for music, and Mr. Uberrheim for cut flowers Ladies leaving dishes at the hos- pital dance can have sume by calking et tha Marshall Hardware Co. Miss G. Hastie is visiting at Mrs, R. T. Collins for a few days. The Ladies Guild of St. Barnabas church are tho a Donation Tea at Mrs. H.C. Pettit's residence, 725 Toronto street, Tuesday Feb. 20th, Ladies ofthe patish ard all cordially invited. Mr, J, LeGrand of Seven Persons is in the city, Messrs. H. J. Meyer and J, Bart- lett of Lethbridge, are in the city today, Mr, J, Bradford, rancher of :Eagle Butte, hag returned to the Hat after a two month s tour in the N, W. States. Mr, Bradford went south with the intention of bringing up a bunch of horses with him, but re- turned without any. He Says that horses are high in the States, The weather there has been severe, the temperature dropping to 27 below whilst he was at Kansas City. He fu -ther stated that thi similar 9 that in Canada. He saw a considerable number of unemployed in the cities. R. H. Ford of (Grassy Lake is in the Hat. Mr. W. Dyke is in the. city Lethbridge, A Pancake Social will be held at Mrs, A. E. Flynn's, 125 Braemar St.. Monday night in aid of the Young Peo- ple s Society of Knox church. The ball in aid of the General Hos- pital held, in the opera house tast night was-a-tmost successful one, Ful- ly 100 couples were present and an excellent programme of dances. en- joyed, Mrs. Crissal s and Leonard's orchestras supplied the music. An excellent baffet luncheon was served. from 6c a pair for Kid Gloves at The Im- perial Dry Goods Co., on sale Friday and Saturday. 185d1 WILLIAMS BURRELL morning Feb. 14, a quiet wedding was solemnized when Me. Ray-L Williams of Winnifred; Alta., was united in the tonds of oly matrimony to Miss Addie Ina Barrell, alsojot Winniired.. The cere. mony was petformed by Rev. J. W. Morrow. Great Kid Glove Sale, 5 a pair at The Imperial Dry Goods Co., on sale Friday and Saturday; 18541 NEW FIRM A panteetship has recently been formed between John Williamson ond Jotm Paterson for the purpose of car- rying om a tmilding and contracting business under the firm name of Wil- Tiamson and Paterson. Messrs. Wil- Yiamsoni and Paterson are toth well known in the city, where they have been engaged in this line of work during the last five years, and in that time have carned for themselves an eavieble repatation ds skfltful and ronscientious workmen. They are prepared tohandie any-tuilding or contracting work, and mal e special- ty of- repairing and-shop- fittings. The mew firm have many friends who ex- tend their best wishes, and will, on doubtedly get q feir share of the trade. 4 + Great Kid Glove Sale, 59 a pair at The Imperial Dry Goods Co., on sale Friday and Saturday. 18504 Abottle of prevention js better than a Improved quarter section near Bull s Head Station 1000 cash. 14000. In..4- equal -pasmonts, In terest at 6 per cent. 480 neres n ar Seven Persons, well improved. A bargain 26 per acre. Horses, Cattle, Imple- ments may be had with place at fair price, Worth your atten- ton: ae Quarter Seetion, well improved 30 per acre. Real Estate men take notice. - OVERHULTZ Seven Persons, Canada. Feb 15-4tw song hits. This show gs a-whole will i WHY HESITATE? An Offer That Involves no Money Risk if You Accept It. We are 80 positive our remedy will completely relieve constipation, no matter how chronic it may be, that we offer to furnish it free of all cost Ry TS Constipation is commonly caused bythe kness of the nerves and muscl 8 of the large intestine. To expect a cure you must therefore tone up and strengthen those organs and restore them to healthier activity. We want you to try Rexall Order- Hes, on our guarantee. Phey are eaten like candy, and are particularly good for children. They seem to act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bowels. They apparently have a neutral action on the other organs. They do not purge or cause.other in- convenience. We will refund your money if they do not overcome chro- nic or habitual constipation and thus ald to relieve the myriads of associate or dependent chronic ailments: Try Rexall Orderlies at our risk, Three sizes 10c.,. 25c., and 50c. Sold only at our store The - Rexall Store. Pingle s Drug and Book Store. POLICE COURT L, Holbert: was fined 5 at the Fo- lice Court today.'by Magistrate Kealy for being in charge of a norse when drunk, I. Swartzfigure came before the magistrate being charged by Informa- tion laid by Truant Officer Mais that he did not send his boy, Daniel, to school. The accused pleaded that he did not know that the -boy had not been attending school regularly. The Voy, he, safd, had played truant without his knowledge. It appeared that the youngster was a hard nut, he had written excuses for other. boys who had not attended school. Swartz- figure was informed that he was re- sponsible that the boy attended school reguiarly and that if necessary he himself should see to It. The case Was adjourned till next Thursday to give the Father -a chance to comply with the law before being fined. VALENTINE SOCIAL The of the Young People s Union of the Baptist church, which will be held tonight, will take the form of a Valentine Social. There will be a programme of music, songs, games and readings, Light refresh- ments will be served. A hearty invi- tation is extended to all. See ete + AT DREAMLAND TO-NIGHT + + ee oho he ohe obe oho she ofe-eke ofr ofe-efe of fe Dreamlan has prepared a special for theixpatrons tonight, they will show the much talked of picture taken in the beautiful Yosemite Val: ley The Painter's Idyll, also an- other of Vitagraph s best comedies with John Bunny the popular come- dian, and thriller of a Western. Miss Bessie Portillo has heen asked to again sing In the Land of Her- mony ? and no one should miss this tbe well up to Dreamland s standard. Makes Hair Grow Pingle has an invigorator that wil) grow hair or money back. The time to take care of your hair fs when you have hair to take care ot If your hair is getting thin, gradu: before the spot appears. The greatest remedy to stop the hair from falling is SALVIA, the Great American Halr .Grower, first discovered in England. SALVIA fur- nishes nourishment to the hair roots and acts 80 qulckly.that people are amazed. And remember - destroys the Dandruff germ, the little pest that saps the life that should go to the har from the roots. SALVIA is sold by Pingle, Druggist, under a positive guarantee to cure Dandruff, stop Falling Hair and Iitch- ing Scalp in ten days, or money back. A large bottle costs 50c, The word SALVIA (Latin for sage) is on every dottle. it ally Talihig Oat, tt-canvt be-too-long: Roomed Cottage on Esplanade, Lot 50 x 170 feet. Only .. H. Cc. Pettet Co. Real Estate Dealers. 4 Track Lots, Block 5, Rosedale, each Ottawa Street, 50 feet, Block 82 .. .. Ottawa Street, 50 feet, Block 80 .. .. South Rallway Street, 100 feet . 50 feet, Block 17, Central Park 50 feet, Block 6, corner Central Park . 50 feet, Block 6, Central Park ...... 50 feet, Block 20, High School Annex . 50 feet, Block 18, Herald . 50 feet, Ross Street, 75.00 down. House and 100 feet Esplanade .. .... We haye the best list of property in North Yuiil in the City. 366 Toronto St. Phone 481. 800.00 - 800.00 - 400.00 2500.00 3100.00 Loans and Insurance. THE MARSHALL-INICHELL HARDWARE C0., LTD. Wholesale and Retail. Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Builders Supplies. Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing a Specialty. Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat REAL ESTATE SNAPS Block 15, Herald, at 300.00 each. Terms. Your last chance at the above prices. High School Annex BLOCK 22. Look and see how this block is situated and if you want building lots you cannot afford to miss them at 400.00 each. Terms. To onyone who is successful in purchas- ing any pair-of lots above mentioned, this coupon is good for 5.00 on the purchased price. McGregor and Berry BURNS BLOCK, UP STAIRS. MAIN STREET. POP rere eeroesoees Siete le ote otto tio tition 2000 POUNDS OF BUTTER Are you interested and are you a ware that the price on thia commodity is going higher every day,..1 have been fortunate in securing large quantity af a very low price, and wish to give my customers the advantage. I will deliver anywhere In the city, on approval, in 10 lots and over. I have the quality as well as quantity and guarantee satisfaction. See my salesmen or Phone 168 for prices. Remember all orders strictly C.0.D. and money talks here. FG LYNDS. Fruits WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE FOLLOWING LINES OF : : H. J. Heinz and Co. s - Sweet Gherkins : 7 Sweet Mixed Sour Mixed 3 Catsup Horse Radish Pork and Beans with Tomato Sauce x H.W. Ireland Co. STEWART TWEED BLOCK, MAIN 8T., PHONE 54, 4 Provisions for Sale to Consumers. Office 363 Main St. Sotelo goto
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Image 262 (1912-02-15), from microfilm reel 262, (CU1743029). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.