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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS ; Saturday, March 17th, 1912 oe ee AT, . Tea buyern wanted for 10 7-roamed SOCIAL AND PERSON Ay ens iaidy to industries, and two FP hob beh ob hob oh ur. 3. . Metzod of Seven Porsons Decks from new schoo building atart- - WEEKLY + d iaituitha eity. ing ubxt week. See Adolph Smith's 4- AUOTION SALE * ew oO J. Weir is in the Hat from ittle * 00 Page 8 197d1 4. + at Pie The Star Theatre is still giving cou- a0 expics Gaby. : wm . Seargeant of Bull Springs is PODS and next Twosday night will Be on posite Dreamland * in the Hat slyg away a five dollar gold piece. Re- Theatre at + 20 oovtne Tawa Mr. Simon of Ashford Ranch after ae the holder of the greatest +f Every Tue ee * noarte charge, Boo sending ksxsek ix the city Tat yee 20 r of thiese coupons will win al 3. + terday for his ome. 5 gold place Jater at the Star Theatre. 4. GRO SATTERLEE + i if e people's picture show. 18742 * , BA Mr. T. C. Crockett ts up from Walsh ro pew Nicely furnished bed F Auctioneer. * VOL. 2, NO. 627 3 Mr. Sid Williams of the C.P.R, 1r- 27 Montreal. 1stas eral large shipments Of P)setion tsar at stetnmbre, late e the American Hotel staff is in the Hat Clothing, Shoes, Hats and PP)tootine up ota tienes Mr. Colin McLewin 1s jn the Hat to- Boys Clothing this week and J). r2ettt succes Bova wipiting Eros: room, with all modern conven- ** Office Toronto St. + WE have opened up sev fiate 2m, Bese: 72M escent oF tatentons. Ap oh ob ROP boob ae oko Pick up some of these before C.N.R. buys their right away. LOTS LOTS * hh E I fs in the Hat on a visit. pee, pera Street... . . vs guiieas BE are now S owing XC. usiv e Mrs, Rubidge will-not receive aged : aes Lat eel sedale, cach .. . ++ 1600.00 Lieut.-Govert R haus Fc it Cloth tig insane gparwoad The Following are all Money Makers. Caaanttc energie ceo oe Ended anges in E.,, Sh, 8B ll Gr vto tas got the ot wo welll NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY fans teaser tee Out family bere returned home - u . ing , Reg al ine oes, Duckley a COUSINS AND SISSONS io feats oe Central mars The bills passed to which, Lieutenai gave his assent at Alberta House, W Lots 21 and 2, block 11. Price 450. the pair. Terms. Lots 1to 10, Block-27.. Price 200 each, quarter cash, balance in 6, 12 and 18 months, HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX. Lots 28 to 30, block 27, 800 cach, quarter cash, balance 6, 12 and 18) months. Lots 82/and 33, block 20, 400.00 each. Terms. HERALD. Lots 10 and 11, block F, 600.00 the palr Terms. Lots 6 and 7, Block , 800.00 the pair. Terms. Lote-8-ami-9,-hlock , 800.00 the palr. .Terms. 2 pairs, block 9, 476.00 the pair Terms, RIVERSIDE. 1 pair, block 11. Price 475 the pair. Terms. (Seize this) Duggan Duggan Real Estate : : : 2. Fourth Ave. Agents for: Hointaman Co. piarios. 50 feet, Block 20, High School Annex 50 feet, Block 18, Herald ...,..... 50 feet, Ross Street, 125.00 down. Price . Altogether ninety- House and 100 fect Esplanade troduced, ak. dem We have the best list of property in North, Yuin in the Clty. law, one being W thrown out, The H. C. Pettet Co. ff sms fe Mortgage Corporat 366 Toronto St. Phone 481. gophers; act for t Real Estate Dealers. Loans and Insurance. ment. of wages; practice of optom for the incorporat * Eures. The latter perly advertised, * Subdivision Bill its author, Geo, F Jority of the bills came law when : Lieut, Governor: Rural Municipal wll ae soft felt hats and Lion MEN OF THE GOSPELS A series of Sunday cv sermons: Brand boys suits and knickers. f sstiser ates of tie Coops wit be commienced by Rev.'C. T. Holman, M.A., next Sunday evening in the ? First Baptist Charch. The entire se- i ing ries is as follows: Comein and Look these Lines Over )* ,: he hog te unlearned ones who received the hea- venly vision. The wise men from the east, Matt. Barker Patten 3 gt; - Peter, Mark 14 71, John 2111718, HIGH GRADE FURNISHINGS: : 1 TORONTO STREET A moral weakling who coe Pilate, Matt 2426, A great mao who became a weakling. Zacchevs, Take 91-10, A man whom acquaintance with Christ made glad. A man whom acyuaintance with. THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE CO., LID. Wholesale and Retail. Christ made sad. : 1 Canadian North Gee Haines excite Eutvicasn, Laks Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Builders Supplies. vw. a *rhe-sish youngraler, Mark 10:28 Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing a Specialty. ., f nee A 18914, Which are you. S s A iy. oe Bractice ns. see Bi gt; A hearty invitation is efftended to Total Assets . Fs , visitors, and to strangers in the city. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. py niu acels are free: Regarding trav and bridges. (Go Speed and opera Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat First Class Real ACREAGE. Town of Camrc SAVINGS BANK estan Sait meesnert lt; Se ee veoee ccosseseeeees HRE-SALE Estate Investments (- Soe Co, 812 FOURTH AVE. R E A L f EST ATE Lethbridge .M. Opposite Dreamland Theatre. . 80 At for Sab-Di id half miles fro1 Following the Crowds a ie ai ee aan Ps e : ene 2S no THR I, Be sats sek te Be BUSINESS PROPERTY. Sey N A P S sna a (35 Toot frontage on Toronto Street in heart of city at eee per foot. 9 Room d Brick Hous ; with 94 lots. Price 7,200.00, Terms. SPLENDID RESIDENTIAL LOTS. ly damaged by the Fire and Water. They purchased the entire stock of Clothing, Gent s Furnishings, Boots .. and,.Shoes at a great sacrifice In prices. Block 15, Herald, at 300.00 each: Terms. - Your last chance at the above prices. Star Theatre if To see another excellent program Thay ges acing. yatvebely ot . ay : ry 2 tpate on tho dela, Eameage font Cone oe ane to High School Annex: 3 F i AM To-days and To-morrows Pletures ae On Saturday at 7.30 prompt, i Lit, Hs '82 (elose In) 875.00 Terma. : BLOCK 22. mT The Coletehs Eezand; Roe 1 Lot, Block 91 (Fourth Axe) 1400.00, Terms. / bar sj 1 Lot, Bloek 90 (Ottawa St) Look and see how this block is situated and 3 he Cenven Beart: ES ee 1 Lot, Block 92 (Fewings 'St) if you want building lots you cannot afford Complicated rea Comer Publi 1 Lot, Block 82 (Ottawa St) to miss them at 400.00 each. Terms. not Acce FF De reise 135 aha tts pe Public Auction. as at Nanki 4 Prices 5 and-10 cents. On the Premises, Opposite 2 To onyone who is successful in purchas- Evening ees oe tae 2 eee Preamines Aecete ing any pair. of lots above mentioned, this 5 Peet a I ALSO HAVE A LARGE.LIST OF HOUSES AT REASONABLE coupon is good for 5.00 on the purchased pape Ce PRICES. CALL AND SEE PHOTOGRAPHS OF THEM. price. Yat Sen and the repablican governr Baten ender tional astembly an official reply, of Dreamland Theatre PEELE EE EE McGregor and Berry Soe (Phe Ota Reliable) E seso mat rree with BURNS BLOCK, UP STAIRS. MAIN STREET. tse te come so eS eeu eas wv tees : Se AM Reads lend to Dreamland if you don't believe it look at the front S Suit. + ap ae bk page Cem to-night and hear Miss Portillo sing that railroad song Phe bh eee eae vaes amces. This is th bit: On the New York, New Haven and Hartford A strong bill of pictures also, including Broncho Bill's Last Spree a lively com- edy and A Tennesse Love Story . pretty drama of the south. An hour's healthy amusement for only 15 .. Children 10c. - Will be the day for you to get: NEW HATS NEW SUITS. . With a 20.00 or better Suit you get a Hat Pree See What We Have For the commodity is going higher every day... have been fortunate im securing a large quantity at a very low price, and wish to give my customers the advantage. 1 will deliver anywhere in the olty, on approval, in 10M lots and oyer. I have the quality as well as quantity and guarantee satisfaction. See my salesmen or Phone :168-for prices, Hemember-all-orders strictly C.0.D. and money talks here. : F. G. LY LYNDS.. Frults and Provisions for' Sale to Consumers. Office 963 Main St. 1 Midland, Tex: Bang went ig Man This court 1 me a Har, exclai Immediately. in Commissioner This is un tng to my (bin: soundly beat his Comuttssioner fight declare, and that he had madi The object 1 56 Foot Business Site ... 84 Foot, Business Corner - For the Middle Man 100 foot, Corner, Block 8, Central Park .. Lots 5 to 20, Block 20, Cousins and Sissons, Lots 11 to 20, Block 28, Central Park : Are you Interested and are you a ware that the price on this t Buy a Home Direct S yo ou Can Save Money 3 Two cars more of Lumber arrived to-day for 10 of the 25 houses we figure buflding here this season. As soon as weather conditions permit; these 10 7-roomed houses shall be rushed ahend; our inten- tion fo have them all completed within 90 days from time work is commenced on first-ont- ta Handy to Industries and two blocks from New School. By speaking in time, an intending buyer could have built-in many of his own suggestions-without any addition costs and as to Payments, these Mike all our houses built here Inst year, shall Be sold on extremely easy terms within the reach of anyone. Adolph Snare 2000 oo Sioo POUNDS OF BUTTER 2 THEC himself for fight The dispute Dehydrated me. For the pals 100.Lots on West Side of Track, each . Lots 19 to 20 Block 6, Central Park . Potter Kent PHONE 479, + P. 0. BOX S89 Fruits and Vegetables By a new process the water is taken out of fresh fruits and vegetables, without de- stroying the flavors. They are then packed 4-eans, dry. To prepare you soak. these d lyarated products in clear fresh water and YOU HAVE THE NATURAL FRESH VEGETABLE OR FRUIT AGAIN, with Snopuergician their-original flavors restored. Order. any received the hes 785 Pair, bik. 15, Herald. 800 Lot In bik. 8., Yuill 8. 8775 Lot, bik. T., Yulll 8. - 850- Lot-in-bik.-15;- uilt-8. -81050 Lot 5, bik. 86, Braemar Last night in qthe pastor, Rev. commenced a se ing sermons en Phone 411. ew i Bp tpte te trtrsted 1000 5 roomed house. e 1500 New 5 room cottage. Aft peakiny : 3000 New 5. roomed cottage, of the following lines and try it out: vison. that shal TODAY'S MARKETS extra No. 1 feed 37; No. 1 feed 36 No. modern. VEGETABLE SOUP shepherds 6n the 5 2 feed 34 1-2. 2, ; 3500 7 roomed house. CRANBERRIES, rhea Soe see re May wheat, old, Barley, rejected, 46; feed 46; No. 4 ag birth waa made, , new, opened 100 48. 850 BIk. 9, Rosedale The Marshall Hardware Co., Limited, hav- HORSE RADISH, would haye-eoi. herds. were w drous vision lt; from the hat erns, to hermit seme we a . SPINACH - 24, closed 100 July opened 100 - hmerican-Markets 4, closed.101 3-4. Minneapoiis, Feb. 17 May wheat May atsopened 44 1-8, closed 44 opened 104, closed 104 1-2; July op- 1-8; July opened 43 1-4, closed 431-4; ened 105 1-8, closed 104 6-8. extra No. 1 feed, May, 34. Chicago, Feb. 17. May wheat op- 179, closed 179. ened 101 3-8, closed 100 3-8; July op- ened 95 1-4, closed 94 1 Sept. op- ing sold their business, all accounts are now payable to Messrs. Marshall Hunter, at-their office in the Assiniboia Hotel Block, formerly occupied by Johnston .Co. Real Estate- EASY TERMS SS Sa A SOUCH H.W. Ireland Co. these things, 1 q Cash Prices 1 - 2 t ened 93 6-9, closed 94 1 Th MIT D to liven the Wheat No,2 Nor. 96 1-4; 2 Nor. ht oo STEWART TWEED BLOCK, MAIN ST. PHONE 54. to do, and the 2 m of our duti s we Nor. 88; 4 Nor. 36, For all kinds of Job Printing try. 2 GW. 40; No. 3 C.w. 36; the News Omice, hither FGod, Theee ut their Feu
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Image 280 (1912-02-17), from microfilm reel 280, (CU1743017). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.