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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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tetters must be signed by not necessarily. for publication. 9 for the.excluniye ort adver tising In the priz: list. of Med cine Hat Agricul :s Society. HERALD. a 1350- -Terma,-100 feet, Block 31200 Terma, 60tU Bik 38... 23, Highland Street: Soap. - 1060 Termimy, 50(t, Bic. 86 So. lsS-Good Bays x '91800 Terms,- 68 ., Blk. 8B, 1050 Terins 100ft, Bik S. 92100 Terms, 75ft. Bik, 61. 926 Terms, Soft, 4th Are, 31560 Terms, Sort. BMG 14. 3825 Termig, Gott. Bile. 13. a SOUTH. XUULL 650 Terme, LLoft. front, Rowe Street, Bik. 18. : 9750 Teruw, Soft Park Street. FEES EE Bc end it ew: 2ealaeiis Argentine, the United lis a dramatic gum. At times it is a Staten end) Canada, ee com pretty severe arraignment. of tate ment decided to retain jastitutions of variaus kinds, In par- ticular the sketch train its. beavy poms on ogphan asylums. The child 54, ctor of tisio clover picte is culyrtwron- Vie: Jderful for one po young. Were it for no-other reason than th ability to memorize the. exceptionally fong role, containitg more words than cither . of the two adult characters this dbild Jactor would be worthy of special then- tion, Joining with the prominent ab- b Beld lity of the child the other two Bit- terms do soma exceptionally worthy work: The male member as Rube shows Some fine chatacter work and and the continent of Europe. Alteria is to have a two weeks Visit frous Mr. Ritch and in this tod of the Heovince meatings will probably: at Grassy Lake and at Walsh. BIG LUMBER CONCERNS IN* TROUBLE ; (Special to the News) Mother is Guely rounded out io the poodupnie Pa. Mar, 5- Judge futerpretation of his colabotcr. This Duca of the tnlted States ioe sketch is by long odds the most ap- 17 Ya ieee : Ts trict Court, today listened to argu- peating and in every way the moet) ents for the appolitmant of a re- worthy that kas been shown ot the/ cover for the international Lumber .. . and Developiient Company, which has Miss Susie Carselio, the eccontian its general offices. in this city. The soloist. Nui sed. .Those who bev concer aware sorporstion and Reurd her will be back ageins Cotis/has a capital of 6,000,000. It was end SOtly amd-get a seat. You can t hear organized for the development of tim- white the ber every day ber and agricultural ands Ju Mexico. The petition for r celver was Tiled, Wanted All old Good Templarsand' py Tour of the- stockholders, who jall. others taroratte,ta that onder to charge that the officers and directors * communicate at once with R. H. Warey of the corporation have by means of well, outbuildings, Shilois G cod BTGPS COMOUS FEE TEENGS payment of salaries and commissions SEER-CLEMENC FOR Jefferson City, Mp., Mar. 6. A mor to obtain a com thelr home im N ws November 20, 1910. Suspicion LePAGE BROS One-Price Cash SI To the Ladies. 23 of Medicine Hat : Have you. placed your order for your Spring Suit oF Separate Coat. Weshave made arrange nents with a fashionable Suit and Coat house of Canada whereby sve can show you styles,.and take special measurements for the nest ten days: We will bet 3 pleased to show you styles of Suits and Coats at: cour ready-to-wear show room -and-promise you ; Bg Le a x. FAAS who hud served a pris- followed the trail to his home; 165, : fe fonaa: tn: Hiding Woes Labo a3. found on the Rasco prem- ges and the shoes of the suspected, man fitted the tracks around the-Hub- bell home. He. was tried at Maryville vear ago and found guilty. Accord- 1g to the evidence at the trial, poker game in which Rasco lost hea iy and Hubbell won, furiiished the motive for the quadruple killing. WoULp ELIMINATE MIDDLE MEN (Special to the News) j St,-Paul,-Minn,,.Mar. . The most ambitious project ver, undertaken: tn this section of the copntry for eo Ing which began in this city today. The meeting is to last three days and is. attended by representative farmers and grain growers of. Minnesota. and North and South Dakota. It fe plan- fed OFBAHIZe an ABBOCIAtiON. Which. shall have for its purpose the secur- ing of adequate, and gatisfactory mar- S ket facilities for the producer with- out necessity. of employing so many middlemen as-at-present- 3912. Sm Ses. 30, T 12 6 We 4th, five miles west of city. il fenced, 0 aeres broknn. Address P.0. BOX 485, Medicine Hat Bik. I, Lots Corner. ran Bik. 1, Lots 19-20, 735 Terma. Corner. 2 Bik, 26, Lota 4415, 200 each. Terms. a 75ft. frontage On two streets, S. Ratlway ani Columbia Ave Splendid site fOr business or warobouse, Terms. Speak aulck: HAMILTON and HEMEON- -Snap *- 2600. if -new house on Ottawa St Immed- Yate possession, Apply to J. A. Landry 711 Ottawa:St Phone 626. years upto elght years old; 2 im. ported; 2Canadian dred; 2 registered Clyde mares in foal; 50 head of heavy Graft and general purpose mares and sidings, some broke and some un- broke; also 400 bushels seed wheat, 5 1900 baahels seed onts, 150 bushels shall be staked out, by. the applicant Each application tivist be accom- panied by a fee-of 8 which will tere- ded If the rights. applied tor. are Oe ean tees not otherwise, ty. 8 Serhan ble output of the tinea the Fate of The perstaSparaine taicalahatall furnish the Agent mith, Fetur ccgu ties Sees cangot ob white hwllers se d. barley. For turth- epurticulars apply to A. B. Catt Roseberg- P. 0., via Medicine Hi sec, 31, twp. 9 range 5, Fb. 22-atf cantare close in house to rent. 7 rooms. Apply to BD. V. Jackeon, 408 First OFrcEs To ment an SEVENTH DAY ADYENTISTS Calgary, Alta., Mar. 6. During the Pwith 08 Feiauy: Pinder return Suitable reward lottered. deweiry, guns, revolvers, valises, 192412 ns wiles At Bary te to bathe host of the anhual enter for convention of the Western Canadian News otti e. 1500 eoptes dally. 200s 200 copics Thursday. the be We O8T On Baturday between pd bunch apeEe wey E to reached the Express. The cable dispa land announcing had found the so startling climax ti explorers of dif have been makin extremity of the of the globe, Captain Robert expedition from November 26th, equipped for this er st south, havin peditions under Royal Geographic time be attained grees 30 minutes record up to the kleton s notable e pushed further Teach 88 degree about 100 miles : This remained th the hardy navigal to attempt the reaching the. pol Captain Scott t of Australia an safled. due south a great stretch toward the south. His eblet com) was Captain Rons commissioned by and the Norv Amundsen chose South America three others who Man ronte, Amt Ayres on board th ard the close o through the stra then steered for same sheet of wi gained byway the :Au tralian t Captain Scott 1 same land trail taken. This i -that is thought+t the Andies range point of the Ros Powe L Sast-off clothing, shoes, watch. ait miiateal - instrurmenta, We buy everything mentioned abore and pay the best prices. Call at S0 South Ratlway St or Phone 587. The Globe Cleaning , -. Pressing Co. Big Loan by ranged- London, Mar. 7 correspondent satisfaction is powers whose in China have agr mount importanc cial assistance t out delay In or authority and ai ment of a strony On Saturday th informed the for about 650,000 in order to pay abroad meet-ar of troops and pr of troops for the Suff 1 London, Mareh prosecution of gettes for consp ous damage to entirely different for women situs has gone fart public, which Trading Co's Old Stand, 58 eronte-Btreet, . ; z : POR Ce eee immunity: with defied and outra HL kindgot job printing, tz the News Job Department. officia functions, daog ten season,
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Image 379 (1912-03-06), from microfilm reel 379, (CU1743007). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.