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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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26th, 1912 SERS CO. Live Stock joneers, 619 Tor- s every Friday to'ctook: Raneh conducted any- ture sales con- nsult us, our ex- osal free. H. B. ronto St. 182dtt OUS roperties in and trade for ranch unimproved, in n and Manitoba. on the Pacific of the Panama Realty Traders, W., Vancouver, 1T8d1Ta0. outfit break- ply Furrow, Tesatr AND GENTS shoes, watches, ere, valises, puit al instruments, waggons, bug- eles, carpenter and furs, horse venue, opposite P. 0. box 701. Prices Paid for 23Dtt. AT HIDE, FUR The above have gt; MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS 5 Weeeday, February 27th, 1912 Page * aeeteteegeageateateatoetecfecgecteateateatectecteaeageatreteete arate eos ete pair direr efecto oatoaie see eo dteateate te estes eeegeyeeen diy Rote ete ateatecfoatoaty sfosteateatoatretetegesteeteatpatscfoateateetesteeteetesteetecde teeta PRED 0a ON : HOCKEY GAME TO-NIGHT te seepeeces stoateeseetors Seeieeeiedas sr eioaseeteeoage R Allan Cup Saskatoon, Sasv., Feb. 27. The statement from Ottaws that the New Edinburgh -goai-keeper is to play in Hockey Will Be Played This Week Two Alberta, a Winnipeg and Eatons, Champions are Likely to Contest the Games. Rote afo-rtectontes' Games senor 0.H.A. Port Arthur and Saskatoon match is ridiculed fre as he is not eligible un der residence aed registration rules. CALENDAR OF SPORTS FOR THE WEEK TUESDAY Meeting at Richmond, Va., to com- plete organization of South Atlantic Intercollegiate Athletic Association. Wrestling match between Henry Gehring and Mike Yokel at Cleveland for middleweight championship. Annual meeting of the Canadian Cricket Association at Toronto. Packey McFarland vs. Tommy Ma- loney, 10 rounds, at New York. Jap Model Is the Business Man s Favorite with its comforta- ble, roomy fitting- the San Francisco Kennel Club, San Francisco. FRIDAY Opening of eighteenth annual Sportemen s Show in Madison Square Garden, New York. Annual indoor meet of the Regiment A. A. at Buffalo. Annual indoor meet of the First Regiment A. A. at Cincinnati. SATURDAY Annual champlonship tournament of the American Bowling Congress op- ens in Chicago, Entries close for the stake events at the spring meeting of the Latonia Jockey Club, eoth SPORT NEWS a toate afe-atoate-ste-etete 1 PoooOt ee ees DARING RIDING MARKS POLO CAME San Mateo, Cal. Feb. 26 Nearly ten thousand persons gathered Satur- day to see the final matches of the polo tournament between teams nom- inated by Lady Herbert and Mrs, Charles W. Clarge, for the El Palo- mar Cup donated BY Charles W. Clarke. Lady Herbert's team was victorious 6 1-2 to 5, safeties by Cheever Cowdin and Tweedmouth cost the vistors one half a goal, The game was featured by the dar- ing riding:and the aceurate strokes of Driscoll, the left handed No. 2 of Lady Herbert's team, who drove the five in the seven rung, sooFed by his team. Players and ponies Will depart for Colrado to-morrow to take part in the tournament there. The line up Lady Herbert's team W. L. Breeze 1; Captain. Thomas Driscoll 2; J.. Cheever Cowdin 3; Lord Tweedmouth, back. Mrs. Clark's team R. M. Tobin 1, Lord Herbert 2; Major Colin G. Ross (captain) 3; Walter 8. Hobart, back. 5 A te i BB ss ss ANS FORALLAN CO Soeoooooorood The Greatest. Actual Automobile Value for the Monay-in Canada. The Reasons Why: 1a the ehaee Ue eee ee cee and a standard of construction that simply cannot weaken and: that. will stand up under the most trying tests in motor car depend- ability. A wonderful, silent, powerful and efficient motor, enclosed, including: valves, flywheel, transmission, clutch in fact every fn an air-tight, oll-tight and dirt-proof aluminum hous: built im the Unit Power Plant type. Everything 16 possible working part 1s enclosed ing, yet so easily accessible that any trouble can be. immediately reached by simply removing one of the quick detachable casing plates, The motor is trouble- leas, speedy, powerful and always ready for the hardest work under. any kind of conditions. The full floating rear ax mating danger in axle trouble and a great deal of tire troubl point suspension; the high tension magneto; the steering gear, absolutely automatic. in its take up the center control; the full equipment; and a number of other advanced found in imported high priced cars, and most not found at all in Canadian features, many of which are only cars of the same price. Further investigation will conclusively prove that the GALT is a High Class Car with a Medium Price. MEDICINE HAT AGENCY : : mentioned above e s. Call at G04 r Phone S 7. tf qualities, its low, Patsy. Brannigan yo..Johnny Sin- clair, 10 rounds, at Cleveland. broad heel, and toe Clarence English vs. Wildcat expression of good Ferns, 15 rounds, at St. Joseph, Mo. WEDNESDAY Annual bench show of the Duquesne Kennel Club opens in Pittsburgh. Opening of annual show of the Dav- enport (Ia.) Automobile Association. A. AU, short-distance swimming championships at. Chicago. Tommy Dixon vs. Charley White, 8 rounds, at Windsor, Ont. , We picture the Jap Model in a soft Glazed Kid Blucher, with a heavy single sole of old- fashioned oak -tanned leather. We have other Make, but ee 7 Opening fica bench show of the Jap to the busy man ference oe GAME LAWS OF Sole Agents WESTERN CANADA and Delivered. A neat little booklet compiled RRIS, Preprietor. e for our customers and made to AND PRESSING in the Pingle drug store, Main ranteed. Ladice attention. Goods red. Phone 353. 176d1mo. E ublic improve- sidewalks, curb ading, water, gas m8, and sewers, yetittons forthe f the City Engi- oruary 23rd, 1912, considered by the ittee, and if ap- he by-laws which . GRIMMER, City Bagineer. L. DON, Barrister, j, Medicine Hat, t Block, Room 2; box 540. 63Dtr Mrs, Jean Mat- fain St. 168dim t, BeASc. . ingineer, .- a Land Surveyor r Railways, vage, Irrigation, Etc. Hat, Phone 484 aperhanging, Stewart. .- site Binnings) Estimates cheer- cost of Papering FOR. pa a Sie qa Snvecribe NOW for The Daily ft the. vest pocket, containing game laws of Manitoba, Sas- katchewan, Alberta and British Columbia and Ontario, also oth- er useful information to the sportsman. This booklet will be gladly mailed with our compll- ments to any-desiring same. THE CANADIAN ARMS SPORTING GOODS CO Winnipeg, Man. Turpin Bros. The.,Man s Stone Where You Get the Big Dollar s Worth Annual Indoor meet at Georgetown University, Washington, D. C. Intercollegiate swimming cham- pionships at the University of Penn- sylvania, Meeting in Milwaukee to elect new president of Wisconsin-Illinols league. Opening of annual show of the Bos- ton Automobile Dealers Association. Opening of second annual midwinter golf tournament at Del Monte, Cal. Annual tournament. for national A Special General Meeting of the Conservative Association will be held in the Court Room of the City Hall on Thursday night at 8 o'clock sharp. Important: business to. be transact- ed. 19542 London, Feb. 27.- England put Aus- tralia out for 176in their first inn- ings of the fifth test match. Englahd in their first innings inade 324, ultl- mately having a lead of 148 runs. The second innings was started yesterday, England again batting well, 209 runs being made at close of play. Gunn made 54, not out. A HOCKEY CAME TO-MGHT Brooks hockey team meets the local intermediates at, the tink tonight. The ice shouldbe im xcellent condition and q good game will likely result. The locals will Hine up the same as the Calgary game with the exception that Heinie will replace Pete Smith at point. Skating. after. HUGGER STANLEY Our (W. A P. Dispatch) London, Feb. 26, France added to her boxing laurels at the National Sporting Club last might when Dean Polsy, the featherweight champion of France idefaated Miager Stanley, the English tantamweight chumpion in fifteem rounds. The referee frequently cautioned the men fof foul fighting. Saat peeral act pace soe Catcher Kreits. 1t-was-ebingle by New Yorker had Best oi tal American league clube, but Pre- oe a sideat Somers decided thut George Jooked tia best when wearing a Cleve- New York, Feb, 27. Knockout'' When it comes to the latest atyle in Brown, the New York tightweight, men s scenery, Rebel Ogkes, of the wont popular-decisien over Jos Cos- Cardinals; has the-other big leaguers ter, of Brooklyn, a featherweight in looking like Happy Hooligans under tem-rowsd bout tonight. Several a truck. hard lefts to the stomuch were given On the eve of itis departure for the Coster in the eighth round causing him: Giants training grounds at Marlin, to hold to escape a knockout. Tex., Fred Menkle was tendered a tan- Teach Cross wus conceded by spec: quet antl presented: with a diamond tators as having the better of Willie scaxf pin by Toledo fans. Deethar in q fast tex-round bout. Another Coombe Day ? is schedul- ed at Colby Colleat next Commence- BASEBALL NOTES, ment, with the pitoher of the world s Harry Wolters, of the New York Sasiee in the box for the Alumni Yankees, is coaching the Santa Clare) ite against the Varsity. College baseball squad. It said the Philadelphia Naltionals Catcher Bunny Pearce, last season Will drop their nickname * uakers' with the Oakland Pacific Coast league end. be known as Eagles the com- team, has signad the Indianapolis ing season. Looks like some one put anne One overjon the Elks and Moose. The South Atlantic league season Gene' Foster will aghin be in will be divided, making two pennant charge of the geandgtand at the Bos- Faces to be run for the benefit of the ton National league park. Foster is Sallie fans. 74 years old, and the season of 1912 LET US SHOW YOU THE CAR, BETTER YET, GET A DEMONSTRATION. 438 Fifth Avenue Manager Callahan believes be has real understudy for Billy Sultivan in Kreitz that won the first game for thie White Sox in the Chisago series tast fall. Thip Chicago Cubs have signed Pit- cher Marshall, of last season's Tock- ford team in the Wisconsin-Ilisois Teague. 200 pounds and stands 6 foot 3 in., won 13 of the 18 games pitched for Rockford. (Assistant manager is q new wris- Kle in tuscball, but it is catching om fast. Among the former tig league ptars who will assist the coming season are Willie Keclen, with Brook- lyn; Monte Cross, with tha St. Louis Browns; Kid Gleason, with the White Sox, and Duke Farrell, with the Bos- ton Nationals. What league his Rochester Hustlers are champions of, gets the goat of Owner Chapih. Rochester won the pennant n the Eastern league test season, and then thefeme of the league was changed to: Intertiational. How a team can be champions of a Icegque that hes not had q.ceapom, and how it can be champions of league President Garry Herrmann, of the erks -s thirty-urd year at the Cincinnati Reds, is now a newspaper old grounds. now out of existence, caused Chepin s nanny to beat AUTOMOBILES Tad a The Cars that have Stood: the TWO PASSENGER ROADSTER, 24H. P. TWO PASSENGER ROADSTER, 34H. P. axlemryr..:.. FIVE PASSENGER TOURING CAH, 24 HP. Complete. with top, glass front and speedometer, semi-floating Tear axle . FIVE PASSENGER TOURING CAR, 34 H. P. 108 inch wheel base 35x4 inch wheels, demountable rims, with extra rim. - . -.Complete with top glass front and speedometer, ae Tear axis a IVE-PABSENGER TOURING CAR, 45-H.P. Why when you can get a-car that has been tried out 108 inch wheel base, 35x4 inch wheels, demountable rims, semi- Beene rear 116 inch wheel base 36x4 inch wheels demountable rims with extra rim. Hlect- vie lighted (head, side and tail lamps) by storage pattery, charged by. mo, equipped with self- oa OP; glass a and Pee Full ing rear axle. -... PHONE 182 WE HAVE MADE ARRA * 1500.00 4 750.00 Ca Experim lent sas cranked 5 Passenger Touring tem, wind-shield stration, 5 Enough plete 3,200.00. plete 2.350. The car with the self-starter which has a guarantee of 100 per cent. efficiency which cranks the car in same manner as if wer, base, 36 x 4 inch wheels complete with electric lighting and double ignition sys- 2750.00 We will be pleased to give you a demon- Mitchell . Cars i rs Car 116 inch wheel and speedometer Said Big Six 7Passenger Touring Car, com- Little Six 5 passenger Touring Car com- 2- passenger -Readster 1,450.00, /EMENTS WITH THE McLAUGHLIN CO. TO CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF RE- PAIR PARTS FOR THE COMING SEASON, WHICH MEANS YOUR CAB WILL BE LOOKED AFTER WITH- OUT -LONG-DELAYS WAITING. FOR-PARTS, The Youngeter, who weighs
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Image 333 (1912-02-27), from microfilm reel 333, (CU1743035). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.