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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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January 20tb, 1912 nuary 20th, 1912 a NEWS FORECAST FOR THE-COMENG WEEK This -season ribbons ar make bodices, paHels,boleros, casques and all sorts of collars and cuffs, and varioug blouse garnitures. There is also 4 marked and growing preference for girdles of ribbon. Some of the smartest of these girdles are of throw or more breadths in paste colors In messaline of gauze ribbon, or in breadths of several tones of the same color, The belt is generally draped. In another style the ribbon, Is braid- ed, and in still another it is twisted. Almost every kind of ribbon ts used as trimming for party and evening wear, Floral ribbons are in bigh fa- vor, as are also bordered styles and two-tones, aN Mit With sore gotd-or silver. The color preterence seems to be for delicate shaded pattern on ee + + + + * + PEELE EET EEE (Special to the News) New York, Jan. 20 Velvets and oorduroys have become extremely pop- ular for tailored costumes and are used a great deal. Now the French are adding plush, that soft, supple, rich fabric with a gatin sheen, to the materials of the tailored class, This material lends itself most charmingly to handsome suits, particularly in combination ,with broadcloth. A dis- tin tive model much admired by the friends of its harming wearer, was of a rich olive green plush in cor Discouraged The expression occurs so many times in letters f sick women, 1 was completely discouraged. And there is always good reason for the discouragement. Years of pris, a2d, tufering. Doctor alter doctor tried iF v ficines doing no lasting good. It is a a the woman eels discouraged. iplepae ee yusands of these weak and sick women have fo health and csurage Tefsieed ee the result of tos use of Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription. Tt establishes regularity, heals inflammation and ulcere- tion, and cures weakness. .. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG AND SICK WOMEN WELL. e Refuse substitutes offered by, unscrvpulous druggis , for this reliable remedy. sa on Sick women are invited to consult by latter, free. All. corre pondeace strictly private and sacredly confidential. Write withopt far and withe a bet World's Dispensary, KV, Pierce, M.D, Pros'ts Bullulo, N.Y aa FADS AND FASHIONS. ul JEWELERY REPAIRING We give a great deal of attention to this important of work. OUR UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT places us. in a position to do re pairs that otherwise would have to, be sent (Bpecial to News), Washington, D. C., Jay 20. The week promises to be a busy one for the entrants in the free-forsall presi- dential race. President Taft 1s to ad- dress the Ohio Society in New York Saturday evening and will proceed thence to Ohio to fill engagements in Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati. Governor Harmon wit be fieard at several points in the West, Governor Wilson is to invade New England and Senator La Follette -will inake his debut before a New York audience. The first convention to elect dete fatea to the Republican national con- vention at Chicago. will be that of the DOG branch Let Us See Your-Pians and we will tell You accurately i Sept teleosts deeded Sostest Per torte 2 . Seger Sretoateeteated Sato tetaat ter tty ty Me *s so-efeefe tees Segoe oul of town FIRST CLASS AT REASONABLE how ttle lumber along with, We can do this be- cause our lumber does not ination with, broadels some enameled buttons, The rather e Weht found, ia-the widths range loug coat of the plush closed to-one from six to ten Inches. side with a full lengii line of hand- The wide- Doubloface satin with a contrasting back, and about four inches wide,' Is PRICES, TRY US. G. W. ELLIOTT JEWELER AND OPTICIAN inge Licenses - Wane coamnen WEBSTER S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM, WEBSTER The Only New unabridged dio- q tionary in many years. Contains the pith and essence of an euthoritative library. Covers every field of knowl edge. An Encyclopedia in a single book. The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 Words. Pages. 6000 Ilustrations. Cost nearly 2 the cost of a six months course, three nights a the SOUTHERN ALBERTA jititnias (EGE. it OEE MEDICINE HAT. AN Business Subjects tanghn. Write or call for particulars Completestock of Toilet Articles ries, Proprietary Medi- 9 of Physicians Pre- 4 Drug Several trios of thoroughbred Partridge Rocks. Either Eng- lish -or American: strains, Also sore, young skerels. a A. J. N. TERRILL, 12 Wsplanade, or at ews: office x cut to waste. It is full length, fully Seasoned and free from so spots. That kind. of. lumber waves you time and money both. Let us see your plans. The Gas Gity Lumber Co'y Office and Yard-opp. Flour Mill Pnone 233 -Braboh Yard at Bowell lis the material with which the AUCTION SALE LAST 5. DAYS OF SALE A large quantity of men s and ladies loth-. ing of all descriptions... Boots and Shoes, Guns, Watches, Jewelry, Skin Coats,-ete., y t to be dis- posed of, SS TY Sk pee 312 FOURTH AVE. (Opposite Dreamland Theatre) this evening at 7 o'clock sharp, This stock must be cleared regardless of H. B. BROWNE CO. Auctioneers. MONTREAL WITNESS. CANADA'S BEST METROPOLITAN AND NATIONAL NEWSPAPER Strong and Courageous The Daily Witness on trial .. 1.90 Regular rate, three dollars. The Weekly Witness and Regular rate, one dollar. These trial rates are offered to NEW subscribers or those in whose homes neither edition has been. taken lreguiarly-for at least-two years, that is, since It has been so Wonderfully Enlarged and Improved the most popular paper among church-going people. Its subscribers love it. MAKE IT YOUR 1 CHOICE FOR 1912 /trias and is used but At the abore Whirlwind Campaign Rates i Ana tell your friends about this of- fer: They would also-enjoy it. Subscriptions sent in at these rates should either be accompanied: by this advertisement or-the paper in which you saw the announcement must he named when sending the subscription. JOHN DOUGALL SON, Publish- ers, Dept, MHN:, Witness Block, at draping a knee-deptittounce of the plush, A negligea to be thoroughly piac tical should be washable, cleansing is now 80 quickly cheaply done that anything at all dainty is usually sent to the clean: ser, and for the cheap cold weathe ing flannels, fine materials usually chosen. Albatros signers secure the best effects. pink and blue it is chacming, white albatross made up over. en pial Unlined sacks and boud broidered seailoping. of the edges an by an embroidered collar of the mi or: lace, are exceedingly 4 easil; bed. Without fate prices. A lining of India sill throughout the robe or fof the garment without interferin with its laundering qualities. bing is not to be considered, latitude is allowed in the trimming of the albatross robe, though the char- lacter of such a garment should always. be-unpretentions and simple. A heavy lace insertion and edge of Cluny, Irish or heavy torchon may be used as trimming, and bands of puffing in silk or in the albatross are sometimes us- ed effectively. Much depends upon the collar in such-a robe and, of course, upon the line. for-fhe ease and comfort of the. wear: er-in-her-hours.of relaxation, ple robes in-light blue or cash: mere or broadcloth are trimmed line of black: braid edsii clumsy: and show soll more readily. their. fringe is apt to tangle of course the fringe Ing difficult, if*not 1 French makers. less expensive, of Wadded silk is a comfortable bu na rob s. with embroidered revers were of a similar shade of green broadcloth, as was the upper part of the skirt, lengthened by though: and negligees of Washable character out French flannels, challis and albatross cloth are the de- in silk is perhaps even more- effective. joir robes of pink or blue trimmed-simpiy by et- the-ears being-of Contrasting matertal terial, or possibly a collar of lingerie attractive hand embroidered scal- lops models.are sold at very moder- nerely from the waistline up adds something to lthe cost, but adds also to the warmth If tub- more silk beaver, are running small hats of tigerskin. The modish negligee, like all modish garments of the season, achieves a clinging nar- rowness. but needs also ample fulness Cashmere too is used for simple ne- Igtigees and some smart looking sim- in wide, flat white silk braid or in the white braid with an effective narrow the white. The flannels are warm but less satis- Canadian Homestead on trial 5 factory in other respects than the al- batross, because they are rather more Some of the simple bougoir robes tn wool have narrow fringe borders a5 trimming; bus even narrow challies are extremely pretty this season and some of them fe 8 / AVIATION MEET IN LOS ANGELES slerverly used by the designers of 1g circulation is being doubled, and s negligees, bordered effects being par- tioularly successful Phe material o.-an, 7 eles, Cal., Jan. 20 A score wears well, tubs welt-and-has-pleaa o - wel kn ant warmth without bunglesome thick- Tomingues field today for the open- ness; but for some reason it is not ling of the third international aviation considered-quite-c6-smart as other ma T M8- meet-given-in Los Angeles. The pro- Uttle by gramme for the meet covers nine days orate, Japanese hand embroideries aviators in Javishly adorn some of these wadded night, and yarious races: One. fea- robes, The ordinary ready miade Tobe rure will be a. competition exclusive- ruches sewn in the middle with a very pretty color effeet, Gauze and gold or silyer Mbbons about five inches wide are shirred into conventional patterns over a cord, and fancy styles, of every width and style are gathers LJinto flounces, ruffles and frills, Very narrow ribbons are largely u an edging to lace or net ruff fare put on like brald, in-x-pattern, Rich and exquisite patterns on satin Bre used as panels, tabliers and oth- ser trimmings. Among the most quaint hat shapes for. childrei are the Dutch bonnets with the puff crowns and the strik- ingly prominent sides curiously bent and standing away from the face, This style is built up in fascinating ways, ad ke Jana quite ornamental. Metal laces are often employed for that purpose. Gorgeous new evening slippers are shown-this season to march the most lexquigite toifettes, Those of- black most distinguished with a black gown. Many of the evening slippers have re- turned to the fashion of former times. and have ribbong attached that are wound around the instep and ankles like the sandals of a ballet girl. It 1s quite a fad to wear batpins that match the umbrella handle, and it ts v3 the blond tortolseshell, Jasper and car- nelian sets that are liked the best. In Paris the large hats of white faced with black velvet, Florence Fairbanks, A Simple Treatment That Will Make Hair Grow New Sold in Canada. Every up-to-date - have radiant hair. Tiere are thousands of women with harsh, faded, characterless hair, who. do not-try to improve it. . In England and Paris women take pride in having beautiful hair. Every Canadian woman can haye lustrous and luxuriant hair by using SALVIA, the Great American Sage Hair Tonic. Ev ry reader of The-News tan have an attractive head of hair f2 a few weeks by using SALVIA Pingle, the drugzist, sells a large bottle for 60 cents, and guarantees woman shon'd money back. SALVIA is a. beautiful, pleasant, non-sticky Hair Tonic. pee ee (Special to News).- and is replete with novel and interest- For the very warm robe waddedling features, Scteritific: flying will silk or zenana cloth is the thing, and give way to oth are offered in models more OF marriage ceremony and honeymoon and more or less elab- in an - aeroplane, sensations, such as a duck shooting by flight, 2 sky battle at tliy for women aviators. Prizes agere- of..the various made Into very dull double box-piattety brocade; with-emerald and gold. ar it to banish dandrot , stop tailing hair King of Prussia; and-itching scalp in ten. days, or Otherovents Fourth Oklahoma district, which has been called to meet at Coalgate on Tuesday, A general Democratic primary will be held in Lo jana Tuesday for tie election of candidates. for governor jand.other State officers and members of a legislature that will elect a suc- cessor to United States Senator Mur- phy J. Fe Interest centers chief- John 'T. Michel, candidate of the reg- ular onganization Democrats, and Judge Luther B. Hall, the choice of the so-call d Good Government leagiic. Governor-Sanders-and-, Congressman Broussard are campaigning for the seat of Senator Foster, who is a can- didate for re-election. Key West will be the scene of a thrte-day celebFation to mark the completion of the over-sea line ci the Florida East Coast Railway connect- ing the Island city. with the Florida maintand, wT Clerical and lay representatives of the Roman Catholic Church from many parts of the country will fill St, Patrick's Cathedral in New York Thursday for the brilliant religious ceremony to mark tie elevation ot ly in the gubernatorial race betweon Dr. Pierce's Pleasant. Pellets rogulat Ottawa, Jan. 20. The report is the Grand Truak Pacific propose to ask the government for a-toan-of fit- teen million dollars to help nits un- dertakings in the West. The legislation of which notice was given last Saturday end which will provide for the Issue of twenty-five LA FOLLETTE TO WOO THE EAST bowels, Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take as candy. te and invigorate stomach, liver and GTP. WANTS HORE HELP FROM TH GVERAMENT Will Ask for Loan of 15,000,000 to Help Finish Road Bill May be Turned down When Brought up. (W. A. P. Dispatch.) millions more of G. T. P. stock, will again current that the promoters of be introduced in the course of a few days, If the government were to ac- cede to the request of the company it would have forty millions avaliable In the course of the next few months, but there is said to be considerable doubt ds to the willingness of the min- istry to give the company any addi- tional help. FRANCO-AMERICAN GUAEBD Cardinal Farley. A new federal grand jury will be empaneled in Los Angeles Tuesday to resume the dynamit . conspiracy in- vestigation. It is expected that num- ferous indictments will be returned. At a special election in Detroit Tuesday the voters of that city will be given an opportunity to express their preference for the municipal ownership of the street rallvays oF Fate Tor favor with the jan extension ofthe present fran- chises until 1924 with eight tickets for a quarter. in the day time, six at night, and universal transfers. The question of raising the assess- ment Tate of ghe Modern Woodmen of America is to be definitely settled at Ih convention of about 800 delegates of the order In Chicago Tuesday. The society is otie of the oldest fraternal organizations in the country and n rolls a total of about 1,500,000--mem- MESS Tot Sa ee The eighth annual conference of the National Child Labor Committee will be held in Louisville during the three days beginning Thursday. The pro- gramme will be devoted to Child La- bor and Education. During the week Berlin will, be the sceng of brilliant court functions to celebrate simultaneously Emperor William's fifty-third birthday and the Dicentenary of Frederick the Great, of the week will In- sessions in Alberta and Saskatchewan, the consecration of the Gordon mem- orial cathedral at Khartoum, the joint conference of miners and operators at Indianapolis, and automobile shows in Detroit and Providence. AN-OPEN-LETTER FROM A WELL KNOWN CLERGY- MAN SHOWING HOW INDIGES- TION CAN BE CURED. Rev, T, A. Drury, Beansville, Ont.) writes as follows: For eighteen years I have been increasingly m- pressed with the wonderful effects for good wrought by Dr. Williams Pink Pills. , For some years I had suffered almost constantty with chronic: dys unbecoming thing, with tts bulky turn- gating 100,000 are to-be distributed /pepsla of the -most-stubborn type, at- over collar, and the handgome.zena- among tha wihners tended by different other troubles which frivariably Yollow, or accom- (Special to News). New York, Jan. 20. Senator Robert M. La Follette of Wisconsin is to bring his presidential boom to New York next week. The apostle of progressive republicanism will come to. town backed by an organization known as the Insurgents Club. With him, when he. makes his debut 6n the stage f Carnegie Hall Monday evening will be Gifford Pinchot, the erstwhile closest triend of Theodore Roosevelt. Others the bringing of Mr. La Follette to tlie metropolis are F. C. Howe, president of the Insurgents Club, and Norman Hapgood, its first vite president. For-all-kinds of. Job Printing try the News Office. zards it s an Eastern Brand. neck. Arctie-band. Either-will be tary. Sodifferent from the old-f made from factory sweepings and refuse. 2 who have taken a prominent: part in : (Special to News) wrence, Mass., Jan: 20 Many delegates are arriving in Lawremtce to attend a three days congress of the Franco-American Guard, an organiza- tion of French-Americans with num- erous branches throughout New Eng- lana and eastern Canada, The con- gress will. open tomorrow with a solemn high mass in St. Anne's church, The business sessions will continue over Monday and Tuesday. A card party given by the Altat So- ciety of St. Patrick s church will be held at the residence of Mrs. Lalonde, 116 Ottawa St, Monday, Jan. 22. Bvery- body welco 16143 Do you want to economise? Hewitt Black's Saturday Sale will help you, Investigate. When I don t want the extra protection, I just turn it up inside the cap and wear like any other. It s splendid for winter sports, pro- Jeinde the opening of she-tesislative ears forehead and back of T've found it worth while and safer to-ask for Eastern Brand in any kind of cap. They: . make them in all sensible colors and. you. can have your choice of their patented knitted band or their perfectly sani- fashioned fur. bands which are often BUY YOUR LUMBER FROM Mars of events. eae 3 Montreal, j collars of lace and lingerie are tstal- pany it as its results, prominent am- I pe ee ee W. A. Henderson Company (CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS (Estabished- 1882) A. E. Gibson, C. Ay Manager. Phone No. 198 Burns. Bloc OO . J. Jessop Nott Funeral Director and Embalmer Parlors and Residence, 422 To- ronto, Street. Winnipeg, Lethbridge, Medicine-Htat over Binning's Store), Somewhat Different Portraits lit you were to grow wheat for six- teen years chances are you would know How. (Practice makes Per- fect), We haye been -pleasing the Public for SIXTEEN YEARS, there fg Something in the name. THE BARTLETT STUDIO, a EPR RESER For Sale 5 Room Cot- tage, South Yuili, near pinseeg, Oil - Mills. Terms. Easy. CROSSLEY BROS. es os oe ot os Socks Sostees ost see so-ag Chas. Johnson Funeral Director and Embeimer Parlors at 900 Main St cornet Third Ave. Oftice 297 Main St,, 'Phove 188. Open Day and Night. Monnmenta, Builder . 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 GOV, LARABEE 80 YEARS OLD Clermont, Iowa, Jan. 20 Former Governor William Larab , for many years one of the foremost figures in fe and lace collars, which lend daint moved and washed. ae Aniong silks for negligees there ar: Kimono silks of Japanese design come in varying by the French designers are the on tin finish, Some attractive model; are made up in the India silks, summer negligee than for the wi garment and are usually made wit winter negligee robe is, as has best India silk fs used it some contras' softly through ts sem -transparen and even for these effects proaching a satin mousseline s bet ter liked. Dr.Martells Female Pill ne s to the robe but may easily be re- many weaves and many grades. Quaint degrees of beauty and quality, but the silks preferred tone crepes of dull or etinkled or sa- but theso-silka are more popular for the much tucking and lace, while the chic caid, of a knowing simplicity. Where a rule over very sheer crinkly crepe or something ap- 2 ly very xepensive: It is less expen-/ANNIVERSARY OF LAKE MYSTERY sive to buy the zenana cloth in the i. color wanted and have the robe made to fit-well-and-with-detachable linger- x1j1waukee, Wis., Jan. 20. Tomor- (Special to the News.) row will be the seventeenth anaiver- sary of the Joss of the steamer Chi- cora, of the Graliam and Morton line, ltogether with the twenty-tiine persons known to fiave been -aboard-the-ves 3 gel, Sallifg from this city the night of Sunday, January 20, 1895, bound for St. Joseph, acro:s Lake Michigan, e tthe craft-was-never heard of-again. She foundered with all hands the fol- S lowing day, but in what manner is not definitely known. , The sunken steamer has never been located. it fs the- supposition, however, that she lites. somewhere off the south end of the lake. The bodies of none of the victims ever were found. CZCEH LEADER TO a (Special to the News.) London, Jan, 20. Count Lutzow, t- who is the head of a leading family United States today to deliver a ser LECTURE-IN AMERICA of the Bohemian nobility and a writer of considerable note, safied for the fes of lectures on the history of the notice, ong which were kidney trouble ang piles, Against this-complication cf disease I waged -a vigorous warfare for several months, using many dif- ferent remedies, nome of which gave permanent relief, In my discourage- ment I was about to discontinue treat- ment altogether when I was advised bya friend to-try Dr,-Wittams Pink Pills, the use of which, though under yery untavorable circumstances, soon revived my drooping courage. medicine struck at the root of my weakness and the different troubles of which.dyspepsia Was the prime cause released let go, and disappear- d, In one month I increased fifteen pounds in welght-and received a new lease of life, Only six boxes of pills produced this wonderful change in my health, which was miraculously per- manent. Later my sister became so reduced by anaemla (though under. the care of our family doctor) that scarcely walk. In this dangerous ex- , tremity Dr. Williams Pink Pits : resorted to and In a brief space of ime restored her to perfect health. 4 minister of the gospel .. mafy test cases bave como under my fn all of which Dr. Williams have fully sustained their The she could Western Largest Stock in the Best Grade and ahoegeegortertectesteaeeeeietioaioate Canada Lumber Co., Ltd. 3 City to select from. Lowest Prices. SEE US AND SAVE MONEY. King Street and Road Allowance, Medicine Hat PHONE 461. - ( oetete dete nteneonatestostea gt; FOFOpeLe+efe-pepererepeyet The Revelstoke Sawmill Co., Ltd. Everythings The SSS Builder Requires Headquarters for STORM SASH and DOORS. Special Prices on Several Lines of Lumber, suit- + + e 3 ++. 3 + 3 ot Nineteen Years the Standard. czochs, He will fill engagements at Pink Pills Prescribed and Tecommended tor Harvard, Yale, Princeton: and other world wide reputation. This is why T women s allments; a scientifically leading universities and will-also be can conselentiously + ommend Dr. prepared remedy of proven worth. /heard in a number of the principal Williams Pink Pills as being juperior. 8 ir ure ia quick eities, The Countess Lutzow, who is to anything known to. me In the treat Repairs promptly attended to. The result from .the me im the State legislature eighteen years and permanent. For sale at all drug well known in London society, nc- ment of the many diseases for which F e No. 335- and wag governor from 1896 to 1890. stores. e.0.d.-10mo. companies her husband to America. they are recommended. Towa political circles; celebrated his eightleth, birthday anniversary at his home near here today. , Gowernor Lar- abee was born in Convecticut In- 1832+) and came to Iowa in 1853. --He served able for Homesteaders Buildings. We will glad- ly figure the material you require and estimate the cost of your building. : : Call at our yard, N. Ry. Street, or PHONE 59. - TuThSa OPO OTOL OLE OLED OLOLOPOPOPE FOOT OTOTS , W.R.Simmonds RPENTER axp CONTRACTOR pPorsrerererererereveterete
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Image 113 (1912-01-20), from microfilm reel 113, (CU1742749). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.