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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICNU HAT DAILY NEWS . Friday, March 15th, 1928 Page 4 z PEEEEEER EEE EEE PRESENT ENGINEERS DEMANDS TRICKED CANUCK br. 14. Two men are in ' REAL ; on Frank Tupper, SY WHEN 4 Palace Hotel from ou-Can-Point to Dozens of Satisfied Customers. Meat M Seneca MARCH 19th. Corner of Balmoral Street and East Road Allowance. First Class Meats of All Kinds. We can guarafitee you First- Clase Quality and Satisfacttory te ca + SCHOOL MARKS + om vert) Meee ie oa wages were prepared by commit- tee of fity, locotnot ve engineers head- edby Warren S. Stone, grand chief of the Brotherhood of Lecomotive En- piRSers, for suberission todey ot- EEEEEEEEEE EET Examination in British and Cana- - Blatan History, Grade Nine, Alexandr: School, Mar. 12, 1912. Maximum mark : 100, joint comference with a committes of C, Coursey 83, 8. Hutchinaon 74, J. Ufficiale -af-forty- lt;ixit sastern reil- Millican 68, H. Freeman 67, L. Des- Toads. harnais 66, O. Lee 65, McLean 62, The mgineers deure an increnso in M. Patterson 61, P. P: 60, J. Peter- order that their wages may be brought son 60, N, Cain 60, W. R. Earle 68, B. to the level of those paid om roads Cooper 49, Ed. Dobbin 49, H. Dobbin west of the Mississpri River. 48-8. Ballle-48,-MarryJorrold 48. A recess of severe days will be . Kida 48, M, Fallow 47, N. Evans taken in order to permit railroads to 45, M. Rae 40, R, Rice 38, D. Levine 36, G.- Wilson 34, M. Niblock 30, -M- peat 1 Riverside Lot, 50 x 825 ft, to-day. Only . Lots 12 and 13, Block G, Balmoral St, gas, water, gawer. Each 650 Two 50 ft. Lots, Block 11, Bridge Street. Each . 1 -Block 50.ft Lots, North Yulll.. Jerrold 30, M. Hartley 29. Miss Buaza announces her early Service ; 3 : Nas Giuscn a1, heeriztoeeed OU, IDIN display of spring millinery Saturday, 3 es ant ; TO SPEAK AT MEDICINE HAT March 16 and following week. 397 J. W. DARBY Lot 10, Block Q Columbia Ave: .. HORSE SHOW Toronto St. 20846 208. East Road Allowance. Lat 2; Block 14, Elizabeth Street, Lot 5, Block 86, Braemar Street Loti 95 and 26, Block 7, Central Pack, pair Corner Lot, 50 feet, Block 17, Central Park 60 ft, Block 16, Ceneral Park Halt of Block 7, Cousins and Sissons, Bach .. . Be Dry Fi ng Congress have -money between 199 appointed Messrs, Burns, McNicol Timor and Main St. Finder: will Cunningham to attend the Medicine be Tewarded by leaving at News of- Hat horse ehow to be held in this 21043 Corner of Balmoral Street, He who rund may read, ts fires ea ee ity on April 2, and address a mect- Look at your old hat. Bh iig-orr-the-work-of the congress. Bat a Saxe, teed: Sa Whole of Block 7, Riverdae. Bach .. ...+- Is the sweat leather greasy; Is the canted, Lot 14, Block 5, Rosedale Tracka ge Only Compare with others on this House, modern, 8 rooms. Central Park. - For, what it cost. ADDS TO COURT COFFERS pc A fine of 3 was inflicted on Ss. WANTED Salniouton ia morning at the Police gua tesmare wi be eodvad by Court, who pleaded guilty to being the undersigned up to March 20th, drunk end disorderly. 1912, for the hauling from 12 to a4 A similar fine was also inflicted UP- tnousand feet of lumber, 1200 brick, on G. Wilson for drunkeness and in- 35 of wood fibre, 5 thousand sapepilss lath and 14 thousand shingles from the city of Medicine Hat to the S.E. KING INSPECTS SCOUTS 1-4 See, 22, Twp. 15, range 4, West 4. Thia material to be hauled and piled London, Mar. 14. The King today in good condition and must be on the Inspected the Australian Boy Scouts ground Dy Aprit Tot, 1912. page, Then run like the dickens to Hamilton and Hemeon s Because the lots - we advertise here are the.very best buys we have. In a few days these will be all gone, because they are everyone Genuine Snaps. Get band slick; has It lost Its color and shave? If your hat Is no longer comfortable for any one of th se reasons Chuck It and come and buy a new one. Top yourself with a toppy hat. Come to us for your furnishin goods and clothing; you will get up right elothing at down right honest prices. ee BARKER PATTEN We have 40 up-to-date houses for sale. Some very cheap buys. H. C. Pettet Co. + Real Estate Agents ant Customs Brokers, Loans and inwardues, * 66 TORONTO ST. PHONE 481. ie at Buckingham Palace. The ceremony J. B, SNYDER, High Class Clothiers. : Toronto Street. Ql vas informal with Colonial Secretary J Cnatrmas Berentee 8D pice vnote Price, Terms Harcourt in attendance. 21043 Medicine Hat, Alta. 20 11-18 735 reauat THEN HAVE aT 18-14 600 usual (18-14 550 Cash 16 43-44 750 Usual A FIRST CLASS. INSTALLATION Shilols Gure SoeeeToosToes SSTSES THES Me mmmemurrmae L I. McLeay J * cotstvesttons St SRARAS acai cole ee cae : Z PRICE. 25 CENT 4 Secor When the G ateblonces of the invostment-and-the-comfort- - 2 Ate Ss om ableness accruing from it are main considerations, you will decide mperiai bank of Lanada 2 sess 700 unuat Jou mune bave w bot alr Furnace . ee , i 39-40 630 usual in How we me specie ia Moateving, Leathe We a s, 1 19-20 735 anual up the lay out of your house or advise you what the lay out sho Capital and Rest . 11,993,800 P Wish to Inform the es et ea be. Total Assets 72,000,000 2. . 10-28-31 600 pair usual Our work is done quickly, cleanly and satisfactorily. sees . b - Ladies of Medicine Hat pair usu The cost of putting in a FURNACE will be governed by the NORTH YUILL specifications and our guarantee will appear thereon. Fee ee cams gales toe ced Al ck css ee oe Ee SE pate, eae Sage Sate tthey hve moved Hi 2S Sts THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE CO., LTD, wae to the basement of the ae e Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Ha . 1 1470 Cash. Imperial Bank Building on Fourth Avenue. Our Millinery Opening Takes Place on FRIDAY For Quality Remember now the Opportun- Dreamtand Theatre Sy st aice eee Pere on WORK BOOTS, DRESS oo Ee get MARCH 15th. . Teg as atte ) Investments Nl Revenue Man and the Girl, - Biograph Drama 7 A Game of Deceptions nn ee peallg C. PLR. MEN'S STORE ee FF ee Gia eae H d een tee oer as smo tl it. 'S. IRELAND. L. J.McLeay ip 4.3.22. wose ams an Bacon x Sire 41,000.00. Ternis. TRACKAGE. -150 feet, Blk. 6, Rosedale 9000. Terms. B15 and 4.15. . oss .. -+ ++ Prices 10 and 5c. TRY Fearman s Extra Star Brand Hams : : : : 3: 3 2? Fearman s Extra Star Bran Bacon : 2 3 3? Fearman s English Breakfast Bacon 2 5-2 Matinees Usual Prices. Don t Miss this Programme. STAR THEATRE J occu FRIDAY AND SATURDAY - mouses. 7 Room Cottage on Lots 8 and 9, Block 26, corner Montreal and East Allowance. 2,700. Easy-Terms. : MESIDENTLAL LOTS aoe Lots 19 and 20, Blk S2, 945 The Winning of Ln Mesa, each. 68 feet cor. bik. 89, 1800 meer sear : Ls 4 x ft. cor. Esplanade 1450. W lreiand Co. King Edward's Durbar, .... 00-5 e000 cee 5 . 4 Lots, Bik. 21, Herald 325 each a 4 Lots bik. 10, C. S. 300 each SLKWAKRT TWEED BLOCK, MAIN ST. PHONE 54. Soeteeeteste terete oat got Music by tt Monarch Orchestra. -. x 5haltblocks,-C S 2101 2 Lots, Blk. 25 C.P. 525. 2 Lots, Blk 28; H.S.A. 735. See me for Esplanade property. Le me have your Listings. ACREAGE. We have some of the most entertaining pictures ever shown. See them and you will say so too. They are: Dad's Girl's, .. . Selig Western Thrown to the Love's Victory, ..-. .--- wee: How the Tclephone Came to Town. The Fairy s Banquet, ... eye oe USUAL ADMISSION we So spectator and a Specked tater ts, bad. Folate Breeaee ee fF MAIN STREET 45 foot in Block 15, 18,000.00. Regular, Terma ee ee. ster eres : e TOMONTO STREET 60 fect in Block 21, 17,500.00. Regular g erms. ' 50 feet corner, Block 55, 4,500.00. Regular Terms. opportunity to double your money in this. Good Buys Good. sar tget RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY RIVERSIDE PARK 3 Lots on corner, Block D size 150 feet by M in joney Makers COUBINS SISSON ee 280 feet deep for 2600.00. On usual terms. Why s a Bee hive like a bad potato? Because a Bee hive is a Bee holder. A Bee holder is a A. G. TROTMAN i E HERALD. tion, Head Office, Toronto. HERALD? 60 ft Lots ja Block C faring Darcey Only ee eaae t each. Terms Cash. Can't be ten. RAL ead This for Good Bu L stood in Block 4, 60 te frou ;street. oa alee: fn 9 Lots Block 20 2... ceeeesee es ve re ee + 200 Cache Terms 3 Re .00 Br, cash, 1 and 2 years. weet aoe y : Bee 8 Tee ee ee i oe and gas, ideal site for sere ea Lets on corner, , 600.00 all. Regular home. 90,00 each. Terms oes ED, ya couse ano eo yon ak en oo ee ee Baplanade, 100 feet, good house Eeplanade, clove tn 100 feet. sisoo. COUSINS SISSONS 100 ft. in Block 10, 1200.00 Regular 4 3590-50 ft. corner, Bik 29. , Block 13, . each. Tes ee ES Blood 1, 00 tect 900 ne CRNTRAL PARK 2 Lote, Block , 900 cash 850 p sm 700 pair, Bike 31. 5 aes OLD TOWNSITE Block 64 and 80, Moat Black E,-50 feet. 1400. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 2 Lots Block 27, 736 pr. Regular o wacty arte sees: Terme. Block 3, 50 feet. 650. Terms. a eS sy Easily worth 650 pair. 1 Lot, Block 64 dais + 1200.00. Terms. bo feet Main St. 2000. Terme pigck 4, 75 feet. 1800. Barclay SOUTH YUILL 1 50 ft Lot in Block 6, 3750, Terms HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX) f Let 8, Blook 17, South Yuitt eee MB 60 feet, block 59, Bramar 1,509. piock 8, 100 feet. 1050 2 Ree es eee ee new caine. Regtlar Terme. 576 pair, Blk 18, finest view . CENTRAL PAEK CENTRAL PARK 40 Lote Riverside Park 10,000. 3 rE a Sc aieey : in city, * i ra OLD TOWNSITE 50 feet facing south, Block 89, 1250.00. Res. Biock 18, 50 feet 500 cash. COUSINS SISSONS. Terms. 736 pair, Blk. 27. , 4 Lots, Block 27... .. .. en's) a 260 each. Terms Block 2, 50 ft, 1000. Terms, Block 1, 50 ft 700. - ss ee level Lot, Block 2, Braemar Street 950. 850 pair, a eee 3 Lie Block 21 . 385 each. Terms Block 24, 60 Tt, 600. Term. Biovk 29;-60 ft: - 9625: gt; na . 18 Lots, Block 19, . 280 each. Cash Block 26, 60 fe 560, Terme, Block 26, 3-16, 200 each. Terme ; ete Ouse Oteste Norby 1900. 3g Ohara: Suse SE ple Bi AB 2 Lots, Block 21 700.00. Terms. eet, Block 27, 550 Terms. YUILL UT North, 2,600.00. Terms arranged. ; pair, . 1 woe Hi Block 34 and 35 See Us. Block 13, 60 feet.. 700. T R A. c K. x E NORTH YUILL. WE HAVE THE CHOICEST SUB-DIVISION PROPOSITION IN L Ta G 685 pair near New Behool THIS CITY ALL INSIDE THE MILE CIBCLE - Business Property om Main and Toronto Streets, also Trackage. +T R A C K A G E 1060 Lot 16, Block B. : i A Good General Store Business for Sale at o Susp 3 3000 Modern house, Bik J. on CALL AND GET PARTICULARS. A Modern Business Block in the Heart of the City at Snap. Good One Track Lat fou Sale im Block 5, Rosedale, Price 1760.00 S Bad Aewiiee: : ee sods ew f acauy STREET -Giorth) Rentals Residential Property in All Parts of the City. We Want Listings. ' FEWINGS -RUBIDGE lt; lt; lt; 3106050 EB : e poultry Perry, Sewell Perry ny Pinanclal. Brokers, eITY. i B. F. SOU CH Great West Life Avsurance C Raftway Agents for it +t Slasut Insurance Oo. nd on. Ballway Phim. Mutel : Ocean Steamship Tickets. hinson Block. : Phone 126, Draggisi-Opiietan oot
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Image 419 (1912-03-15), from microfilm reel 419, (CU1743182). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.