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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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fay 3rd, 1912, 3 TO RENT. NT Fine large office size, corner of 4th h street, upstairs in Modern convenfen- shted. Most central city. Apply. at the -LANKOUS ld Uke to buy from in blk 9, 10 and 11 Second Street, or in rside, Address box 25003t IES AND GENTS hing, shoes, watches, volvers, valises, suit nusical instruments, crat waggonus, bug- dicyeles, carpenter uides and furs, horse f thers, bought and he Harvard Tailoring 1 avenue, opposite tre. P.O. box 701. Best Prices Paid for 26D. E HAT HIDE, FUR CO, The above have t selection of Second the city. We carry s and Bedding, new. d Clothing, Clocks, Ys Rifles, Guns, Re- Buggies, Harness, line of winter goods. ing mentioned above t prices. Call at 604 St. or Phone 587. tf IONEERS CO., Live Stock Anctioneers, 619 Tor- Sales every Friday at l-o'clock. Ranch sales conducted any- furniture sales con- Consult us, our ex- disposal free. H. B. soning Pianos and and to rent. All nee. W. J. Fleming, street. gt; Cleaning ing Co. fice, Fourth Avenue. Pressed and Repaired - l to New. Ihand Goods Bought a Sold for and Delivered. HARRIS, Proprietor. ett, B.A.Sc al Engineer, berta Land Surveyor Friday, May 3rd A By-law to grant certaln conces- sions and exemptions to ratify and confirm a certain agreement bearing date the twenty-elghth day of March, 1912 made between the Corporation of the City of Medicine Hat, of the one part, and The Ogilvie Flour Mills Company, Limited, of the other part and to authorize the Issue of deben- tures to the amount of thirty thous- and ( 30,000) dollars for the due car- rying out thereof. WHEREAS The Ogilvie Flour Mills Company, Limited, has applied to the Council of The Corporation of the City of Medicine Hat for certain con- cessions in respect of a Flour Mill and other necessary buildings to be erected In the City of Medicine Hat. AND WHEREAS in the opinion of the Municipal Counicl of the said City it will be greatly inthe interests of the said City to procure the estal lishment of the said mills In the said City and deem it advisable and exped- fent to grant the concessions set forth in-the-agreement bearing date the 28th day ef March, 1912, a copy of which Is hereto annexed marked A. AND WHEREAS it will be neces - sary to issue Debentures of the said ity to the amount of 30,000-for the + purpose of purchasing a site as here- inafter set forth. AND WHEREAS the total amount to be raised annually for paying the said debt, and Interest is the sum of 1951.54, whereof 1500.00 is to be raised annually for payment of in- terest during the currency of the sald debentures and the sum of 451.64 Is to be taised annually for the purpose of creatin ga singing fund for pay- ment of the sald debt secured by said debentures. a AND WHEREAS the total amount of the whoJe rateable property of the City of Medicine Hat, according to the last revised roll thereof is 7,012,585,00 AND WHEREAS the amount of the Sxlsting Detemture Debt ot the-G of Medicine Hat s 947,966.86, of which no principal or interest fs in MEDICINE HAT enacts as follows: 1. It shall and may be lawful for the Mayor and Clerk of the City of Medicine Hat and they are hereby authorized and empowered for and on behalf of the Corporatipa-of.the said City to execute all such tran - fers and agreements as may be nec- essary and requisite for the due car- rying out of the said agrement bearing date the twenty-sighth day of March, A. D, 1912, on behalf of the sald City and to do all such further acts and assurances as may be necessary to Agreement and to convey in accord - ance therew ie 7 that is to say: (a) Part of the North Hast quarter of Section 30, in Township 12, in Range 5, coMtaining approximately arrears. THEREFORE: THE MUNICIPAL 1912, commercing at 9 o'clock on the CORPORATION OF CITY OF forenoon and continuing until five fully-carry-out the .tetms of the sald providing ttre sat prop- orty ts still used by the Company for manufacturing purposes. This clause shall not, however, apply to school and local improvement taxes, which shall not be affected thereby 5. THAT for the purpose of pur- chasing sald site for the sald Company it shall be lawful for the Mayor of the Corporation of the City of Medi- cln Hat and he s hereby authorized and empowered to cause-any further number of debentures of the said City to be made sued and executed fn the amounts of not less than Five Hundred Dollar each and totalling a sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars, which sald debentures shall be signed by the Mayor 9 tthe sald Corporstion thereof and duly sealed with th Corporate seal thereof. 6. THAT the sald Debentures shall pear date upon and be made payable in thirty years from the first day ot October, 1912, at the principle of- fice of the Bank of Montreal in Medl- cine Hat, Toronto, Montreal or Win- nipeg. 7. THAT the said Debentures shall bear interest at the rate of five per- centum per?annum payable yearly on the. first day of October in each and every year during the currency there- of, at elther of said offiges of said Bank, and said, debentures shall have attached thereto coupons for such yearly interest, which said coupons shall be signed by the clerk of the sald City. 8. For the purpose of paying the said debt hereby created and interest thereon the sum of 1951.54 shall be raised annually and be levied and col- lected of and from the whole rate- able property of the said city of Medi- cine Hat by a special rate in addition to all other rates during the contin- uance of such debentures for the pay- ment of stich interest and for the ult- imate payment of such debentures. . This by force on the day of the final passing +thereot- and counter-signed by the Treasurer: MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. SSeS eee fsand DOr, necessary By-law, the following bulld- ni (o) A ml of of fficient 3 ery capable Of producing 3,000 barrels of flour per day, and having installed rheretu at the outset machinery and equipment, to manufacture at Jeast 1,500 barreis of floun of 196 pounds each per day of twenty-four hours. (b) thousand, bushels capacity (c) A Warehouse cf thousand barrels capacity. ( ) A power house and such other t least five stories twenty-five tion with the business pany, and fo maintain and operate as bual- nese warrants for.a period of at lequt ten years from the commencment of operations the sald mill, elevator, warehouse, power house and other buildings, the sald buildings te be constructed as far as possible of per- manent materials;such as concrote, brick, tile and steel. 2. To reconstruct and replace with all dilligence any of the buildings hereinabove described, which may be destroyed, either by fire or otherwise in such manner as to comply with the conditions hereinabove expressed, and In the event of the operations of the Company being interrupted by reason of such destruction of the whole or any portion of their buildings as aforesaid, the terms of this contract shall be extended for a perlod corres- ponding to the period of such inter- ruption, 3. To deposit with the Corpora tion a cheque fer Twenty Thousand dollars ( 20,000.00) as a guarantee of good faith, such Cheque to be return- ed to the Company upon completion of the said buildings. and the com- mencement of operations, or at once, in the event of this agreement noi be- ing approved by the burgesses. THE CORPORATION -HEREBY JUNDERTAKES AND AGREES 1. To deed, make, ovef and convey to-the Gomyany with good title and of the Com- buildings as are necessary n connec- five ha rate or charge of One Dollar per an- nym. fs 5. To provide and Cause to be con- to ccataln machW- Structed-and-maintain good and sult able roads and sidewalks to and from the mill alte to conmest sams.with the roads and sidewalks of the Vorpora- tion, ut i Go. continue theron line spur from the C.P.K main tracks An elevator of three-jundred (through the land to be conveyed to the Company as Weraimabove describ- ed at a location to be desicnated by the Company, the Fight of way for such spur Ine getito excee twenty- feet, im. the Company to a right to the free and uninter- rupted use of the sxi main line spur for the purpose of ft business with- out any switching Sharge, provided vent its use by others, aud tom further right to tak off euch leads from the same a8 it may desire, Such main spur Hine shall be main- tained and kepteopen by the Corpor- ation and shall mgt be made over to any railway or, other Person or Cor- poration except Ywpom-the condition that the Compady shall at al times have the free Buinterrupted use of such spur without switching charge as aforesald.. 7, To use every endeavour to In- duce the Grand Trunk Pacific and the Canadian: Northern Rallways to construct. thelr Mmes. through the Corporation, and the Corporation will furthermore facilitate, as far as may be in its power, the construction of such sidings branch lines as may be necessary for the purpose of connecting the mills of the Company with the existing or any future lines of Railway which may be construct- ed without cost the Party of the Second part. 8. To grant to the Company an annual-sum equal. 0. the amount of taxes assessed against the property Herelnabove deserited for a period of ten years, and for further period of ten years an annual sizh equal to 10. The votes of the burgesses of ithe said city shall be taken on this by-law on the 14th day of May, o'clock on the afternoon of the same day at the following places and by the Deputy Returning Officers here- inafter named, that is tp say, for Wards one and two, at the City Hall by T, C. Blatchford, Deputy Return- Ing Officer; and for Wards three and four at the Court House by John Benson, Deputy Returning Officer. li, THAT Herbert Baker shall be the Returning Officer. 12, THAT on the 13th day of May 1912 at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon the Mayor shall attend at his office in the City Hall for the purpose of appomting persone fo attend th (ous summiing up of the votes by the Re- turnjng Officer on behalf of the per- sons interested in promoting or op- posing this by- law respectively. 13, The-Clerk shall attend at his -at-the final free and clear of all encumbrances as a site for the said mill and other buildings, including the necessary buildings for the manufacture of such otter products as the Company may from time to tithe decide upon in con- nection with its business, the follow- ing property, to wit (a) Part of the north east quarter of Section 30, Township 12, Range 5, containing approximately seven and one half acres. (b) Part of the south east quarter of Section 30, Township 12, Range 5, containing approximately two and one half acres. (c) . Part of the north west quarter lof Section 29, Township 12, Range 5, in the City Industrial Site containing approximately 9.4 acres. (a That part of the Road Allow ance Tyg between the north east quarter of Section 30 and the north west quarter of Sestion 29 running through the lands hereinabove de- scribed, which portion of said road al- lowance the Corporation hereby un- sessed against the said property and the amount that such taxes would be if the said property were assessed at a valuation. of Fifty Thousand Dol- lars ( 50,000.00) providing the said property is still used by the Cont pany for manufacturing purposes. This clause shall not, however, apply to school and local improvement tax- es, which shall not be affected there- by. 9, To straighten out that portion of the bed of Seven Persons Creek ly- ing in the north east quarter of Sec- tion 80, and the north west quarter of section 29, diverting it so that it will run as early as possible in a straight line through the south east quarter of said Sectidif'30, and to de- posit-the-material-reiioved fromthe new bed in that-portion of the exist- ing bed to be filled in. 10. To submit and, f properly as- sented to, to pass such By-laws as may be necessaryw to carry out this agreement, and to, take. such steps of building operations on it shal not blo k the same or pre- mill, provided, however, thit if the 4 authorized and empowered for and on behalf of the Corporation of the sald City to execute all euch transfers and agreements as muy bo necessary tol fully carry out the said sgreement dated the fifteenth day of April, 1912, and to do all eucn further acts and assurances as may be nectwsary to fully carry Out the terms of the sald agreement, 2. All real and persona property which may be owned or used by the Company shall be exempt from all municipal taxes, rates, charges and assessments alld free from every nat- ure of assessment and charge except school taxes and local improve- ment assessments for a period of ten years from the date of commencement the said yMill. shall for any reason ceage operations for one year ring said period the same shall be liable to fall taxation from the date on whii op- erations were discontinued, and pr vided also that the said exemptio extend to a greater area of the Com- pany s lands than three acres. 3. The Corporation... shall supply the said-Company with- two hundred and fifty thousand cubic feet of gas every twenty-four hours for a period of ten years from the date of com- mencement of the aforesaid building operations, the same to. be supplied free of charge, and gas in excess of that quantity, shall be furnished and supplied to the Company at the usual manufacturers rates and subject. to the By-Law or By-Laws now in force or which may hereafter be enacted governing the supply of gas to manufacturing concerns. 4, The Corporation shall also sup- ply the said Company with electricity at the usual manufacturers rates and water at the rat of five cents per 1900 gallons for a period of ten years from the-passing of this By-Law, sub- governing the supply of electricity and water to Manufacturers. 5. This By-law shall come into force on the hereof, 6. The votes of the burgesses of the said City shall be taken on this By-Law on the 14th day of May, 1912, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continu- ing until five o'clock in the after- noon of the Same day at the follow- ing places, by the following Deputy Returning Officers, that 1s to say, for Wards 1,and 2, at the City Hall by T. , Blatchford, Deputy Returning Officer, and for Wards 3 and 4, at the Ccurt House by John Benson, Deputy Returning Officer. 7. Herbert Baker shall be the Re- turning Officer. 8. On the 13th day of May, 1912, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon the Mayor -sheit-attend-at-his-office for the purpose of appointing persons to attend at the various polling places and at the final summing up of the votes by the Returning Officer on be- half of the persons interested in. the promoting or opposing of this By-law Jeet to- -the-Corporation s By-laws jthe commencement. Plant being In the interests and ben- official to the Municipality, NOW THERE this Agreement wit- neageth that the City and Company agree as follows: 1. THE CITY in consideration of the premises and of the constrnction of the sald Mill and Plant, and fur- ther consideration of the covenants and agrements herein contained agre: to supply the Company for the period of ten.years from the commencement of operation of the said. mill with two hundred and fifty thousand cuble feet of gas for twenty-four hours free of charge, provided however, it shall not be considered a breach of this clause if tha.City fails to supply. the whole or aby part of such gas) through faflure of supply or any oth- jer causes beyond its cantrol, sald gas to. be used in the way of heat, light, jand power for manufacturing. pur- Doses only by the manufacturer . op the land herein described, provided that in the eventyof the diminution. of the currency of. this agreement dom- estic users shall be supplied before: supplying any of the gus as herein before: provided, gas in excess of the above mentioned quantity being sup- Plied to the Company at Manufactur- ers Tates, subject to the By-law for the time being subsisting and existing governing the supply of natural gas to manufacturing concerns, 2. The Company further agrees with the City that the Gas supplied by the City shall be used without any unnecessary waste and the said sup- ply open for inspection by the City officials at any time. 3. The City also agrees to exempt all property which is owned or may hereafter be owned by the Company, and used as a flour mill, plant, and store house in they icitlity of the pres- ent plant of the said Vompany, the whole not to exceed three acres from the building operations on the sald mill, from all municipal taxes, rates, assessments, charges and impostttorts of every kind taxes excepted) for the period of ten years, PROVIDED, however, that if the said mill shall for any reason cease opvrations for one year during said period the said supply shall. be Hable to full taxation from the date at which operations were discontinued. 4. The City also agrees to supply the Company with electric power at. prevailing manufacturers rates and water for manufacturing purposes only. at the rate of five cents per thou- sand gallos for a period of ten years from the date of the final passing of the By-law confirming this agreement, provided, however, that it shall not be considered a breach of this clause if the Corporation fails to supply said Electricity or Water through canses Inevond its control, provided also that the Corporation will suj the Com- pany With Electricity and Water in as great proportions or percentage . of their-requirements as supplied by.the Corporation to any other Company. 5. The City also agrees to submit Spur Railways, Sewage, Itrigatiog ns, Etc. cine Wat, Phone4o4 opbosite Binnings) r Estimates ech er- on cost of Papering one 156. FUNING d REGULATING epair undertaken at ge consistent with iD. rk. Guaranteed. A. ADSIT 505 Main St FOR SALE . tanch for sale. 800 nd seventeen thous- bid. All fenced. Good and bath: Flowing img through corrals year round. Range stable for horses or thirty miles N. EL Apply estate of G. erry, Man., or Thos. prings Ranch, Medi- d McClain; Medicine S- WANTED. on of a Brick Hotel sine Hat, Alta. Plans he office of the eub- m, Monday, May 6th. tender not necessar- WILLIAMS, Architect, JUNDED, ay, no visible brand, ) Ibs., will be sold by City Pound on May unless the same is lawful charges paid WM. FUNNELL, Pound Keeper Pettit RACTOR Box 781. 6 Gure ee Seven ami one-haif-acre (b) Part of the South South East quarter of section 30, Township 12, Range 6, containing approximately two and one-half acres. (c) Part of the North West quarter of Section 29, Township, 12, Range 6, in the City Industrial Site containing approximately 9.4. acres. (a) That part of the Road Allow- ance lying between the North East quarter of section 30, and the North West quarter of S ction 29, running throngh the lands above described, WHICH TS Jowance the Corporation hereby un- dertakes to have closed. (e) Block: lettered A on Plan B 1992. The whole as shown on a plan an- nexed to said agreement and which sald plan forme part thereof. 2, And it may be further lawful for the said City to furnish the said Company with all such water which it may require at a rate not to ex- ceed five cents per thousand gallons for a period of ten-yeats from the. completion of the Company's plant as shown and the commencement of operations; provided that the City shall not be re- sponsible for any failing in the said water supply due to causes beyond its control. 3. It shall be further lawful for the said City to furnish the said Com- pany with all gas required by it for use during contruction of its plant at a nominal rate or charge of one dollar per annum and as soon as sald plant shail-have-been con: make over and convey to the Com- pany with good title, and free of all incumbrances a good tight and dry gas well sunk to the level where the largest supply of gas has been found to exist and in case the gas from the said well shall prove insufficient for good any deficiency in gas from some other source. steam coal as may be required cars at the Company's plant for. commencenient of operations. 4, It shall be further lawful thererty herelnabove described for, period of ten ye equal to th pf the said Road-Al- i structed to PROVIDED HOW- EVER that in the eveiit of the City Deng Unable to do this it shall be Jawful for the City to furnish the Company with such quantity of good to make up such deficlency free on board a iperiod of ten years from the comple- tion of the Company's plant and the for the sald City to grant to the Company an annual sum equal to the amount of taxes assessed against the prop-lagres sich with the other as follows sara and for 8 further period of, ten years an annual sum, ny SRE office in the City Hall at ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 15th day of May, 1912, to sum up the num- ber of votes given for and .ainst this by-law. READ a. first time this 15th day of April, 1912. NELSON SPENCER, Mayor. H. BAKER, Clerk. READ a second time this 15th day of April, 1912. 7 Mayor. H, BAKER, Clerk. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the foregoing is a true copy of the proposed By-law to grant certain concessions and exemptions and to ratify and confirm a certain agree ment bearing date the twenty-eighth day of March, 1912, made between the Corporation ofthe. City of Medicine Flonr Mills Company, Limited, of the other part, which has been introduc ed and whteh-may be-finally (in the event of the assent of the Burgesses being obtained thereto) af ter on mont from the 19th day of April 1912, that being the day upon the Medicine Hat News, Medcine Hat, and upon the 14th day of May, 1912, tween the h urs of nine o'clock a.m, and five o'clock p.m. at the following places fixed*for taking the vote of the burgesses: For Wards 1 and 2 at the Council Chamber in the City Hall: Court House, H. BAKER, EXHIBIT A MEMORANDUM, OF AGREEMENT jade this. 28th day of March, 1912, BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF MEDICINE HAT, (here inafter caller the of the FIRST PART, AND THE OGILVIE FLOUR COMPANY, LIMITED, SECOND PART, TAKES AND AGREES: 1. Po commence forthwith and car. Shee eon ne sala FOR eos LH 13: fagtt a valuation of Fifty Thou- N SPENCER, 3. To provide the Company with Hat of. the one part and tre Oxtivicy passed which this notice is first.published in) the voting thereon will be held be- for voters in Wards and 4 at the City Clerk. the requirements of the Company for Medicine Hat, April 18th, 1912. power, lighting and heating purposes Corporation ) MILLS, (hereinat- ter called the Company ) of the The partles hereto in consideration of the mutual covenants herein con- tained, hereby coyenant, promise and xy on with reasonable dilligence the construction upom a site hereinafter ja-it Possible have came dertakes to have closed. The whole as shown upon the plan hereto annexed to form part thereof. 2, To provide and install such main sewers as may be required to connect with the drains of the Company at its property Ine, to extend the Corpora- tion s Water system to the property line of the said site and to furnish hydrants for use in case of fire, such hydrants to be put in at points to be mutually agreed upon with the Cor- poration and the Company. all such water as it may require at a rate not to exceed 5 cents per 1,000 gallons for a veriod of ten years from the completion of the Company's plant and the commencment of oper- ations, such water to be measured by approved meters to be installed at the Company's mill and to be subject to verification and inspection by re- presentatives of hoth parties, and to as may be required to make same Operative, This agrement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Cor- poration of the City of Medicine Hat has hereby affixed its corporate seal and the hands of the Mayor and Clerk thereof, and the Company has here unto affixed its corporate seal and the hands of the Vice President and Managing Director and Secretary thereof, the day and year first above written. CORPORATION .OF THE CITY OF MEDICINE HAT. (Sgd.) NELSON SPENCER, Mayor. HERBERT BAKER, City Clerk. (Sga.) Witness : maintain a good and sufficiint pres- sure upon the said water mains at all cient protection against fire in all sponsible for any failure in the said control. over and convey to the Company with good title, and free and clear from all encumbrances a good, tight and dry. manlike manner at a point to be able to do thi times to provide a proper and-svtfi- parts of the milis, elevators and other +buttdings of the Company, provided that the Corporation stall not be re- water supply due to causes beyond its 4. To provide the Company with all gas required by it for its use dur- ing construction at a nominal rate or charge of One Dollar ( 1.00) per an- num, and as soon as the sald plant shall have been Constructed to make gas well sunk to the level where-the largest supply of gas has been found to exist, which well will be sunk by the Corporation in a proper and work- agreed upon on the land to be convey ed to the Company and hereinabove described, the Company to use every endeavour to prevent waste of gas from the-said well, the pipes, burners, and fixtures to be at all times subject 'to-inspeetion-by-the Corporation,and. in the event of the gas from the sald well proving to be insufficient for the requirements of the Company for pow- er, lighting and heating purposes, in such case the Corporation shall sup- ply and make good any deficiency in gas from some other source, and in the event of the Corporation being un- it shall furnish the Company with such quantity of good required to the Company's plant for a GEO. EVANS. THE OGILVIE FLOUR COMPANY, LIMIT BD, (Sed.) 0. W. THOMPSON, Vice President and Managing Director. MILLS. Secretary. WITNESS: A. K. GRIMMER, 1912, made between The Municipal part. Z the City-of Mediciie Hat, having capacity of one thousand ninety-eight (98) pounds each per day. AND WHEREAS the City deem. it advisable and expedient to grant the said concessions and exemptions more specifically set forth in the said ag- reement dated the fifteenth day of April, 1912, fmunicipality. THEREFORE the commencment of operations, in. ration within, - period of ten years from the com- pletion of the,Company's plant and or such balance of sald period as may be ation within/agred upon when such deticiency oc- passing of the curs, the whole at the afd. nominal lows: 1. ing date the fifteenth day of April, Corporation of the City of Medicine Hat, of the one part, and the Medicine Hat Milling Co., Limited, of the other WHEREAS Th Medicine Hat Mill- ing Co. Limited, has applied to the Council of the Corporation of the City of Medicine Hat fof certain concess- jong and exemptions in respect to a Flour Mill and Milling Plant which ft Proposes erecting: and equipping in bags of The establishment of such flour mill and plant being in the opinion of the sald Council in the in- terests of and beneficial to the sald Re: MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF MEDICINE HAT, hereby enact as fol- Tt sball and may be lawful for the Mayor and Clerk of the City of Medicine Hat, and they are herby respectively: 9. The Clerk, the said Herbert Ba- ker, shall attend at his office in the City Hall at eleven o clock in. the. forenoon on the 1th day af May, 1912, to sum up the number of votes riven for and against, this By-law. READ a first time this 17th day of Arril, 1912, NELSON SPENCER, . Mayor. H. BAKER, Clerk. READ a second time, this 17 4ay of April, 1912, Mayor H, BAKER, Clerk. cine Hat-of the-one-part and the M: cine Hat Milling Company, imi troduced and which may +0 passed (in the event of the 4 the burgesses. being obtained thereto) April, 1912, that being the da: which this notice is first v- the Medicine Hat News, Modicine Hat. and upon the 14th day of May, 1 the voting thereon will be held the burgesses: Court House. Medicine Hat, April 18th, 1912. (Sed.) H. BAKER, Clerk. nine hundred and twelve. BETWEEN: * the First Part, AND THE MEDICINE. HAT MILLING CO. t Company of the Second Part. application to the City for concessions and exeiaptions ,in res- pect to a Flour Mill and. Miltthg Plan: erectis thousand bags per-day. AND WHEREAS the City deem, PUBLIC NOTICH is hereby given that the foregoing is a true copy of the proposed bylaw to grant certain concessions. and exemptions . and to ratify and confirm a certain. agree- ment bearing date the fifteenth day of April, 1912, made between the Mun- jelpal Corporation of the City of Medi- of the other part,-which has Been in- Noally mnt of after one month from the 19th day of upon ved in be- tween the hours of nine o'clock, a.m. and five o'clock p.m. at the following places fixed for tuking the votes of For voters residing in Wards Nos. 1 and 2 at the Council Chamber, in the City Hall; for voters residing in- Wards Nos. 3 and 4 at the THIS AGREEMENT made in dup- Heate this fifteenth day of April in. the year of our Lord One Thousand HE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF MEDICINE HAT hereinafter called the City of LIMITED, hereinafter.called the WHEREAS the Company has made certain and equipping in the City of Medicine Hat, having a capacity of about one cine Hat all the foregoing covenants, approval and: assent of eaid burgess- es, 6 takes, promises and agrees to and with thousand Dollars ( 27,000, the Supply Of Sas at-auy time during the sum of 27,000.00 as hereinafter jand undertakings being. subject to the In consideration of the forego- ing covenants the Company. under - BY-LAW NOW ees A By-law to authorize the fssue of Debentures of the City of Modicime, twenty-seven: Hat to the amount: of ) for the urpose of purchasing All that part of the South West quarter of Section thirty (30) Township twelve (12), Range five-(5), -west-of-the Fourth Meridian, more particularly deserfb- ed in an agreement bearing date the twenty-second day of March, 1912, between Albion J. Matthews et aland. . the Municipal Corporation of, the City of Medicine Hat, containing 35.03 acres more or less, for Industriak Sites ; WHEREAS it is advisable that the City of Medicine. Hat. should acquire sites for Industrial purposes in and near the City, AND WHEREAS in order thereto t will be necessary to issue Deben- tures of the City of Medicine Hat for provided, (which is the amount of the debt intended to be: hereby created), the proceeds of the said Debentures to be applied for said purposes and no other, s AND WHEREAS the total amount required to -be-raised. annually by. special rate for paying the said debt and Interest is the sum of 1,766.88 whereof 1,350 00 is to be raised an- nually for payment of interest dur- ing the currency of the said Deben- tures, and 406.38 5 to be raised an- nually for the purpose of creating a Sinking Fund for payment of the debt Secured by said Debentures, AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the City of Medicine Hat according to the last, revised assessment roll thereof is 7,012,585.00, AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing Debenture- Debt of the said Municipality is 947,966.86of which no principle or interest is in arrear. THEREFORE: THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MEDI- (Sehool taxes and local improvement HAT hereby enacts as follow 1. The sum of 27,000. re expended in the purchase of the above 5 described property for Industrial Sites and for the purpose ot raising the jsaid sum Debentures of the said City of Medicine Hat in sums of not less than 1,000 will be Issued on the first day. of October, 1912, each of which said Debentures shall bear the date the first day. of October, 1912, and shall be payable on the first day of October, 1942, at the Chief Office of the bank of Montreal at Medicine Hat, Toronto. or Montreal or Winni- pele : 2. Earh of the said - Debentures shall be signed by the Mayor of the said City of Medicine Hat-and coun- ter-signed by the Treasurer thereof, and duly sealed with the Corporate Seal thereor. lt;7 3, The said Debentures shall bear interest atthe rate of five per cent. persannum payable yearly at one of the said branches of sald Bank on the- first day/of October in each and every ih fecnsenryBvsl.asea andl tn snitiake ape Suing: the currency. Soares vs vor to have them carried and passed and shall to them by the burgesses of the City of Medi- pons fer payment of said Interest which said coupons shall be signed by the Clerk of the said City. 4. During the currency of the said Debentures there. shall be raised an- nually by special rate on all the rate- able property in. the said City of Med- icine Hat the said sum of 1,350.00 for. the City as follows: (a). To. erect, or cause to be erect- ed and equipped a large new strictly up-to-date Flour mill with a capacity of ninety-elght pounds each per day, the cost of. Such erection and equip- ment to be in the neighborhood of Sixty thousand ( 60,000.00) dollars. (b) The Company shall iiploy at least thirty hands continuously when. the said plant has been in operation for one month and running provided however, that it shall not be deemed a breach of this clause if the said mill be closed for repairs or for reason- lable catise or purpose. (c) The-Plant shall be a thorough- ed throughout with the latest mach- inery. ( ) THE COMPANY agrees to pro- ceed with the construction of the said mil within a reasonable time and to have the same completed before the Bist day of December, 1912, provided. by the above date aforesaid and the aforesaid. 8 This AGREEMEN City has affixed its Corporate - the hand of the Company. t City of Medicinne Hat: ELSON SPENCER, Mayor. -H Baker, : W. 3 McNEBLY, ...5 it advisable and expedient to grant the, said concessions and exemptions, the presence of: establishment of such Flour Mill and ly substantial Flouring Mill, equipp that if the said plant be incomplete (Company shows reasonable cause for delay, the City agrees to extend the time for completion; of the-work. THE COMPANY farther- agrees to deposit with the said City, on the execution hereof a marked cheque for. the sum of Five hundred ( 500.00) dol- rs is a guarantee of good faith, said Cheque to be returned to the Com- pany when the sum of Five thousand doliars has been expended by the i Company in the construction of the said plant or forthwith in the event of this agrement not being approved as Reag a first time this 18th day 'T and every - thing herein contained shall respect- ively ensure to the -benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, ad- ministrators, successors and assigns April, 1912. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Seal and the hand of the Mayor and Clerk thereof, and the Company has affixed tts Corporate seal as witnesseth by Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the payment of interest.on said Deben- tures and the sum of 406.38 for the: purpose of creating a Sinking Fund, for payment of the debt dereby se- making in all. the sum. of 31,756.98 to be raised annually by ispecial rate aforesaid during each of the said thirty years. 5: This By-law shall take effect on the date, of the final, passing. thereof. 6. The votes of the. burgesses of ithe said City shall be taken on By-law atthe following times Iplaces, that is to say, on the four teenth day of. May next, commenc / ing at.the hour of nine o'clock in the - forenoon and continuing until five, o'clock in the afternoon of the same by the ing Officers for Wards 1.and 2 at the City Hall. by T.C, Blatchford, and for. Wards 3.and.4 at the Court House by John Benson. 7. On Monday, the 13th day of May, 1912, the Mayor shall attend ct the Council Chamber at ten o'clock in tlie forenoon to appoint, persons to attend at the various,places afore. sald, and at the final summing up of the yotes by the Returning Officer on 8. The clerk shall attend at his of-,- fice in the City Hall atrten o'clock im. the forenoon of Wednesday, the 15th. day of May, 1912, to sum up the num- ber of votes for 9 . turning Officer. of d April, 1912. ELSON SPENCER, Mayor. HE BAKER, Clerk. Read a second time this 18th day of: 33 NELSON SPENCER, PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the foregoing is a trae copy of - Medicine Hat Milling Co., Limited: Me icine Hat to the amount of 27,000 for the purpose of purchasing part .Jof the South, West Quarter of Section 7 20, Township 12, Range 5, West of the (7 4th Meridiga.trom Albion, M ns
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Image 750 (1912-05-03), from microfilm reel 750, (CU1743206). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.