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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Saturday, April r ee HAT DAILY NEWe ae rea coeteeetreeeeeres ete SSesSes SSS SSS SSS Sse Heoeopers gt; TODAY You know +1 OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING AT YOUR Doon UST GIVE PEEK IN. - HE IS NO STRANGER TO YOU, BUT YOU HAVE BEEN NEGLE Oey ing about would hardly FOR ONE WEEK ONLY gt; Sem WE ARE OFFERING YOU THE CHANCE TO GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR INS : mother what l - : way, you si have someth on that parti We would to get your net or Tie o1 your comp from, Ee ER in 25 FT. LOTS INSIDE THE HALF MILE CIRCLE ARE NOW OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC FOR THE Finst TIME N ALTAWANA a 100.00, PER gt; LOT, Only spot in the city where you can get good building Lots less than half a mile from the Post Office at 100 each and up. Get the Big I HIS OFFER of ours AWor oe Man is'given a chanee to own lis own home within FIVE MINUTES walk from the Post Office, . Just daiagine what it means T where in other eases he is obliged to pay as high as 500.00 fora building lot ee 25 feet in other parts of the city, or go two miles out and buy for 100.00 per lot. First come will be first served and first served will set his own choice : : : YOU HAVE ee GOT TO,.PAY SECOND AND THIRD TURN-OVER PRICES The ORIGINAL OWNERS of this Sub-Division are ie this property direct. JIN, THIS. You get it FIRST HAND at bottom Tee eee - THESE LOTS TERMS ARE EASY, THIRD WILL BE SOLD SINGLY, IN PATHS OR ANY. WAY A PERSON WISHES TO x a ee BUY IN LARGER QUANTITIES. , Seas AND: TWELVE MONTHS. YOU HAVE-A FULL YEAR TO PAY 4 EVENINGS JUST CONSIDER WHAT 1S 10 HAPPEN IN FOR THESE ONE. HUNDRED THIS CITY DURING LOTS / IN OTHER ADDI- TIONS SELLING AT FROM 500 TO 700 PER PAIR ON AND OUTSIDE:OF THE. MILE CIRCLE ALTAWANA LOTS WILL SELL FOR MORE IN- Our offices will be: abe your List all this week as long as these lots are on os mens the market: Don t lay-off work if you DOLLAR LOTS. We have arra extensive rang IfS THE WORKINGMAN S can come in during the HVENING, and THE COMING SUMMER display today, ae Its Se pick out your lots, THEN ee AND THEN oe ae SIDE THE HALF MILE OIR- aoe us bs TIME HAVE HAD A THEM DURING THE NEXT NO WHETHER THIS e : . 8. SHOW AT ALTAWANA. BE- HOUR. It will save you money that way OPPORTUNITY OR NOT ee ee cP. Rm FORE, YOU COULD NOT LOOK and our PRICES : will save you money WE THINK IT IS, AND THAT IT-TOOK-THE OTHERS: IN-NOW, YOU CAN BUY, ty aera * : WANT YOU.10 GRASP TP. TO JUMP TO THEIR PRESENT OWM AND OCCUPY. HIGH VALUES. : NORTHERN ei Pir the envonce: ieee tien Wat to bay or SE tale proves posse Haat Mee ty MORE ine W ae ot ie are OnN PROPERTY. and. gee how it feels to have. the other fellow PAY YOU, NO LOTS WELL BE Winnipeg W SOLD, 10 ANYONE OUTSIDE QF ACTUAL EESIVENTS OF THIS CITY DURING THE FIRST THREE DAYS gate to Dul WE CANNOT OFPER YOU MORE. SS (WL AP PERRY, SEWELL PERRY ae of the ER MADE HIS FIANCEE A SPY -Traitorous German Soldier, HAIR TURNS GRAY IN PRISON NIGHT Released, She Is Now the Heroine of All Paris. (W. A. P. Cable) Paris, April 6. Wooed; won, wed- ding day fixed ,induced to spy by her betrothed, betrayed by him to the au- thorities, arrested, cast into prison, made gray haired in a single night ali these happings, crowded into one + brief year, have made the beautiful Milo, Thirton the heroine: of Paris. Sho is now diving with her parents in the Avenue Victor Hugo, The house * 4a. bombarded with letters from. all sorts and conditions of men who wish to wed her, but she has had enough of lovemaking for a while. In one thing only does she imitate Some latter day frisky princesses abe ts wri her memol What Memoirs at But have crowded four score lt; lt; years into-one, pleads-the pretty and Thirton- was a Hutchinson Block, , Toronto tag Oe: Ha Alberta teacher ina wealthy: German family, Here she Was courted most ardently by Prussian officer named Hig G1 winters diluted not the stren- gth of his wooing, Captain Schesnur, to flatter his fiancee's patriotism, said he would become a French sub- Sect, which pleased her mightily. When the engagement ring Was on for the marrlagethe captain proposed to his fancee to Commit an act of s- plonage upon the German army. At first she refused, so he played upon her heart strings and appealed to her patriotism Aile.-Thitton yielded to the en- treaties. She did not then know that he was an officer on the retired Hst and that his retirement was brought about by proficiency in gambling. She Was arrested. Fiance Turned Informer. The ungallant captain turned fn- former against hia. own fiaficee and she Was condemned to prison. The Judge tried in vain to establish some relation between her spying and the adventure of Captain Lux, the French officer wlo. recently astonished Bu- rope by his pleturesque escape trom German prison. The occupant of another cell in the same prison, captivated by the delic- - offered to help her to escape. Though her sufferings: were severe, it is char- acteristic of the feminine mind that her-chicf pain was caused by the Ger- Spapers saying she. was 31 pm old. ier tmger oot Sree arranged Policeman Finds that Mot- ors Act as Magnets and Carry Away Manhole Covers. Oregon City, Ore., April 6. Fear en- tertained by many persons that spooks were operating in this city fins boen dispelled. Tire queer, things that worfed many persons have been traced to the motors on the big freight cars that haul logs through Main: Street, at night, and the Port- land Rallway, Light and Power Com- pany bas been asked to abolish the singular occurrences. s For several months the heavy steel covers on the sewer manholes be- q tween the Car tracks Have been re- moved almost nightly, and in several instances taken two hundred or three hundred yards away. .The police at first thought It was the work of mischievious boys, but with all thelr watchfuiness they could not captute -the-supposed off nders: Policeman Green determined to renew, his vigilance and be station- Prttelenne, If at Ninth and Main streets, opposite a manhole that had almost nightly been robbed .of its cover. He made sure that the covet was tn was, infesting, He passed the cover found it msby yards down the track with one side polished where it had dragget-along the-pavement.He reported the trouble to the railway authorities, and ft was found that the dynamos. on the immense electrical engines had worked as magnets and drawn the covers off the manholes. An employee of the company said that uncovering the Sewers was ex- Pensie. to the company, a It re- quired Just that much more electricity and that efforts would be immediately made to correct, the mishaps. . The covers welgh about sixty-five pounds. It s the new Single Disc Bearing on the new No, 11 Massey-Harris drili PERE Et ee HOME SEEKERS: EXCURSIONS, 4 . + There's many toms seek- +f ers excursion right here inf the elty every day personal- ly conducted, too) by readers f+ of The Daily News Want Ads. - If, you have property for rent rooms houses, cot- tages apartments, plan a home seekers . excursion ++ through the Wants; bid pos + stbie tenanta come and loo at what you have to offer, one tnsertigh, 3 for-60c, one f week for 100. gt; Phone 18, two rings. * FEET SES PPenER ERSTE RTERE TURKS AND ITALIANS FOUGHT ON STEAMER Officials of C.P.R. Steam- ship Montreal had Lively Time with i Termigrants: The Canaitian, Panic steamship Mom treal, rom London and--Antwerp docked last-.week: at St. Joba end Yanded nivetcen hundred passengers. These neweomers ere of varied na- tionalitics, Wut prominent, antong thom were several families of Turks 1S sax Ttalions who undoulfied,y came to Canada to escape conscription intot the Turkisit and T aliam armies, Unhappily however, for those in charge of the shipy they forgot that tho good steam er Montreal wus mot the desert in front of the ilt-fated city of THpoll, and the r suit of this accidental meet- ingom the high seas was that the two factions cowtinually clasted. Duifing the first part of the voyage these onthreaks took the dorm ) of taunts and muttered: curses om the part of the subjects for the Sultan, while the Italians hetndled, theta karives im a very suggestive manner. This. miniatare watlare came tora imait one: Ke. ee day when the two ead cca y: The Wants coat but 36 tor *botililered one andtiier whilp taking the ait on the Weck: ) The remult of this was that they dmmediately felt ation vigorous calling mehn- oie emai ti get mm oe the representatives of the twonations. pespecoive leaders, and fora few-min- from the fighters, end they. were care- ates the deck resounded with the wac- fally watched during the rest of the -/eries of the conibatants and the thuds voyage, of the falling mea. How the fight atild have ended is gtill a matter of THE INTELLIGENT AND volvers were Beginning to be seen, a EFFICIENT SERVANTS argument, as just when knives and-re- are those who r ad the best papers. doven brawny sailors, headed by the Therefore te-want-wd cotum officers of the ship, charged into the be t home paper 1s the logical med- t--and- quickly put-the-quietus on ium which-to obtain the most-eapable the knives and revolverp sere faken help. Use the News Want Ads. Inside Real Estate Is a Good Investment, But gt; Real Estate Inside of the body is not good: You will get your allot- ted piece of dirt soon enough without drinking the water in its present condition. Guard your health, leave water alone and to quench eee thirst phon 122 for somne-of the famo Soft Drinks, any flavor, delivered. to a part of the City of-the- representatives: wi fe held in Dh postponed until and Winnipeg wil their delegates he The annual get Medicine Hat La be held in the co Hall on Thursda3 o'clock sharp. A tennis for the: c quested to be DF Auc Sale Tuesd gt; Sthat sharp, Mar Squ: The fol P One sid work hart gle harne 20 discs 0 new plow, ery. One tea old, welg of geldia years ol years old brows K 5 years ing, welg ove cow- milk, fre
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Image 551 (1912-04-06), from microfilm reel 551, (CU1743199). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.