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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Give Chilaren Good Bread and Butter yo. may say bread is plenty of it. Ina w But it makes considerable difference whether the bread you give your child: filler or whether it cou there is a vital difference different flours. The most healthful-as-well as the cheapest food in the world is-bread made Royal Household Flour This bread isn t merely something to fill a hungry stomach. It is a balanced food, rich in strength- giving, blood-making material. Te counts for Jong Life. Ie counts for x wigerous constitution, Tt counts for bone and muscle making and good rich blood. And this became Royal House- hold ? is made from the finest For Sale by LePAGE BROS. Meitcine Het ALL THAT HE BY S. E. KISER. The question will probably be ask- I have had ap opportunity of conversing with many natives, jour- nalists aud others and have found ong, and all ready Aritish raj, is a absolute necessity for years to come, that where it re- MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. THE UNREST IN INDIA By. T. H. Preston. (Representative of the Canadian Pross at the Durbar.) (In Toronto Globe) such a course was hardly anticlpated. Jed Does unrest still exist In india? The chalrman of the Reception Com- rad (rule) at an end, end 6cognize It by this is meant ty there any ser- mittee In hig speech of welcome to fully that our prosperity is bound up fous agitation at present for the de- the delegates at the opening of the with it. Furthermore, we long to be struction of British authority, 1 should Congress admitted tliis when he sald: jeitizens of a federated Empire of disposed to give a decided n ga- We had taken a solemn vow on the Which India shall be an important 10th of October, what might, we, (ie gal, would not be divided, but as days fo admit that the lengthened things, and has no sympathy with them. The alm of the Nationalists was to have Indla placed in the same position as other British colonies. We want absolute self-government within the Empire, and to be on the same footing as you in Canada are, We have no desire to see the British unit. Referring to the boons and the manner in which their announcement had been received, Mr. Benarjee sald: I have not seen so much enthusiasm among the Indian people towards the that come people of Ben- s and months vince remained nit) with despair, Into my to years, and ov: divided, we grew NOTICE Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, tc., ads under 8 8) these headin, a Additional words at same rat ad accepted for less than 25 cents, Cash must accompany the order. it will receive attention. HELY WANTED. F OUSEKEEPER WANTED At once Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and year ago, lot 50x130, R IMMEDIATE SALE Complete furnishings for six roomed house. Biting room buffet, china cabinet, table, ete. Den in mission style. beautiful quarter eut oak. Two bedroom ets, carpets, etc. Everything in plendid condition, almost new. A nap, Great change fer any person 25 words, one day .. +. -25 desirous of stepping into a completely 50 furnished house. Low rent. Apply 25 words, six days .. .. 1.00 box No, 1267 News Office. 242d3t FPOR SALE A seven room house on west Braemar St. built about Good neighbor- hood, excellent value, easy terms. Ap- ply owner, The Bartlett Studio, Fourth Ave, 218 Would accept a good ot close in a part exchange. O97-aaat moved the country would soon be re- It bag pleased God after much British crown in my thme, The un- gix-dollars a week, at Great Weat Juced to a number of minor States, Suffering and tribulation to hear our 40Ing of the partitioning of Bengal Hotel, Carlstadt, Alta. ita UGGS FOR SALE Barred Rocks, each struggling for the mastery, and prayers and throv:): lis Instrument has removed our chief grievances. It (ia Whits Rocka Brown cLeghoran bread and all children want that unceasing strife would replace /on earth He bas lulmed-the ful- Wi help do away with all hostile AID WANTED Young girl to as- Bronze Turkeys Eggs. Jas. Fleming. ae. that s: true, ine Pax Britannica, Indeed t ie con- filment of our vow. We have passed-jagitation around Bengal, and, 8 1 sist with housework. Apply 430 226-1mo. 'Y gt; ceded that the greatest sufferers by through the valley cf wars, through believe, throughout India as a whole. Braemar Street, 430dtt the removal of British protection the valley of the shuilow of death-and+He intimated further that he had just LOST AND FOUND ren. now counts just, asa ould be the Bengalis, who are the emerged Into the wplinds ofyiffe. Our * itten Lord Hardinge, the Viceroy, YANTED Apprentice for Blectric) j would be the Bengalis, Wve prover. heart a full to sv7rtlowing and a Making two. suggestions relative to) Power House, ae about 18 years. ost Betwenn traffic brid 4 ints for fature health. For tet ssitators, and yet are rover onse of grave wry redressed lends the celebration of the King s visit to Apply H. Lawton, City Engineers of crossing, blue coat ke onan between breads made from xnown to face-an enemy. There fs, Pecullar warmt tc our recepyon, HuCrta One of these was tnt theve fice. 24243 oc. Binder will be rewarded. Call however, a persistent agitation still /chastened and sobered by the recol- should be a function in which the 7anpep 7 a i King shoul WANTED A sheep herder. Apply wa. office. 243-6t -- maintatned, more particularly in Cal- l ction that we in Hensal shall never King should be entertained after na- 4p Burns, Medicine Hat. Satta, fora inrger share by-natives again welcome soi 10 the metropolia tive style, and the other. that the peo- : : STRAYED one sorrel fiy in the government of the country, but even this clamor has been silenced for a time. at least, by the boons' announced at the Durbar. It ts no secret that during the visit of their Majesties great precautions were taken for thelr protection, and that, on almost every occasion when they appeared in public, a cordon of military or police kept the populace from Growing children thrive on bread made from ROYAL HOUSE- HOLD . It gives them just the nourishment their systems need and im the most digestible and tempting form. And it is xefure food. Ht takes wer removed. The adoption of such Pendence, but one of comradship Were, he thought, two reforms which the place of meat, at one quarter of , course was both natural and le- with the rest of the Empire, -and-he particularly pressing just now, the cost, and is more quickly animilated. Fitimate in view of some unfortunate dded: Look at our countrymen in One of these was that natives should There is no better flour happenings in India of recent years, S0uth Africa Do they recelve the be given the control of the Depart- world than treatment of the sons of Empire? And ments of Sanitation and Education in but its necessity was a matter of re- gret to many, who-wished-thatit had Ween possible for Royalty to come into desire of the latter to behold the faces of their rulers, That the authorities were anxious to make assurance dou- +biy sure ts shewn by the fact that prior to the arrival of the Royal par- ty at Bombay the police of that city tad made some 200 arrests, not so much of suspected seditionists as of nativ s of whom nothing was known, the course afterwards taken being to remand the cases of these unfortun- ates for a fortnight and then release the suspects -after the departure of the Royal visitors. Possibly, as is claimed by some, sedition is. only slumbering, but I have the authority of Mr. Halliday, the Chief Commis- sioner of Police for Calcutta, for THEY ASK i SHE be brave, be one who-wins of the Government the statement that that the latter had not yet been grant- ed a position in the Emipre consist- Do we. possess - equal opportunit nen AALS the Peorie ee Soe. closer contact with the miasses, and With the rest of the Empire, realizing morec-ontrol- over the provincia tin: to have thus gratified more fully the the life ought to be ours within the amces. We pay the taxes, he add- ple should be afforded an opportunt- ty of assembling en masse at the Viceroy s residence to sl the inauguration steatetnebve Coun EATO 2Ot their Majestit: cils had nof safisfied the legitimate ing of the Legislative Coun- aspirations of the Indian people, and lls, Mr. Bernarjee sald they had no real power, and that any proposals emanating from the elected members which Were not acceptable to the Gov- ernment were always rejected. There of India. The Chairman added to: his florid references to the volte-face ent with their espect. They de- sired not a position of subservient de- the Viceroy s Government, and the may I not say look at us ti India: the other that the people phould have ed, and we ought to have a say as to the manner In which they are ex- pended. Tho Nationalist Memorial, Before I left Mr. Bernarjee handed me a copy of a memorial which he had written and which had been sign- ed by himself and other Nationalists and afterwards forwarded to the Viceroy. This document recited the history of the partition question. It was pointed out that many popular demonstrations against the measure born hopes and ld als of the Indian bad followed the announcement of the people. While a new India has Cbange, and that both the native and gradually been rising that spirit has Angio-indian press had strongly con- been growing and so the critical jemned it, Among the newspaper ex- tion has arisen. On the one hand the tracts reproduced was the following educated classes filled with new Significant paragraph: from The Eng- Empire? The President's Criticism, The President of the Congress which was attended by some 7.000 people, made an equally eloquent Speech, He had no laments over the change of capital, but rather rejoiced in ft, and enlarged on the blessings India had received under the British raj. He complained, however, as many Indians: do, of an unsympath- etic and llliberal spirit om the part of the beauracracy towards the new- Be pure of soul and glad of heart ; - When I return, bruised by defeat, Have consolation to impart ; Be innocent of worldly things, Remain the Eifl-you were the day When we, with youth's imaginings, First walked a flowery, peaceful way. Retain the glory that you had When first you caused my heart to leap ; Be timid, tender, eager, glad, e deep Contrive somehow to keep the charms That once I fancied were divine ; Let rounded softness grace your arms Sink your ambitions all in mine. Be ready when my brow shall ache To soothe me with your gentle touch ; mug Give all, if need be, for my sake, Nor think that maybe too much; Be smiling May and flowery June, Be sunshine-and be gentle rain Be lovely morning, night and noon, Be salve and ointment for my pain. Sn About. Business the avera' carefully investigate up to him, he would ances. But he is called quickly,-and he musi upon what he can tak Using poor statione: business however you There are certain things tha one s self. For instance, yo hold-for your business, you: that cannot be advertised. Ac handsomely. printed letterh ters often depends upon the We WiIT eaaly wubmtt samp can please you. Medicine Hat Medicine Sodostestententecterte lt;EBE Pee e business man had time to first impressions and judge less by appear- Yepresents you, and-you cannot prevent-it- The safe thing, therefore, is to use paper and printing so good that you are willing-to- have your work or your goods judged by it. through your stationery and printed ma impress your man favorably, while an indifferently print It is not exaggeration to say that the success of your Iet- eaving that-in the city which he guards no arrests for sedition. have been made within the Jast,couple of years, This satisfactory state of af- fairs is doubtless due to come extent to the repressive measures. adopted by the Government of India a few Years.ago in ordering the deportation Jot dangerous p rsons end-the impos- ing-of a strictor censorship-upon the utterances of the vernaciildr press. To me impart your secrets when with regard to the latter, however, Your tasks are ended for the day + i, may be added that when persect- Go forth-each moring to succeed. sors arose, difficulty was usually The highest prizes men may seek ; Be strong to turn from all the sins That tempt the foolish and the weak Have courage every day to be Qne-of-the noble, worthy few : ) Bring all your troubles home to me, Das este ote te sri tes : Be rich, be one whom other men Shall learn to honor and obey ; WANTED Common laborers, forty dollars a m uth and board or bet- ter. Season s work. Apply Craig Hiss, Tilley, Alta, 2godiot SSS MAID WANTED Capable of doing plain cooking for small family. Wages 18.00 per month. Apply at News office. 2aodt.t. (ANTED A good smart boy, must be Over 14 years of age, to learn to feed presses and make himself gen- erally useful, Good wages to the right boy. Hight hour day. Apply to Foreman, News Job Department. ED Bricklayers ant ers. Apply Lussier Construction Co., Limited, Redcliff, Alta. WANTED Two young men to sell Teal estate on commission. Apply t gt; Box 1248. Betatt EN AND WOMEN TO. LEARN barber trade, special summer rate on, join now and save money. Particulars free. Moler System Cel- lege, 609 Centre St. Calgary. 294dtt SITUATIONS WANTED, JMAN Cook wants work. Used to camp and ranch work. Write box 17, post office. 243-6t WORK WANTED Yardwork, digg- . ing cesspools, ditches, cellars. knowledge and conscious of our poli- Wssman of Calcutta: AIT govern- tleel rights, but hampered by tho ments, wen the most despotic, are bare and fetters of a system perhaps Obliged to rule in the long run in ac- good enough for other days, but now CoTdance with the wishes: of the gov- obsolete; on the other hand, the /em med: or at least eo) xetrain / from beauracracy with ite vested interests S0verning indirect. opposition to thelr te domineering habits, its old tradi- Wishes. To the above may be added Hots of obslete . and unquestioned the following excerpt from. the col- authority, supicious of. knowledge Umns of The Calcutta Statesman, one and adverse to innovatidns like every f the most influential newspapers other corporstion cut aff from, the 2 all India: The Government may people by its racial exclusiveness, OF may not choose to give weight to and wedded paternal ayatem of the outburst of feeling on the subject ete. Apply P. O. Box 1016. BOARD AND ROOM. OARD AND ROOM in fully modern house, No. 489 Montreal Street. eazalt 00D ENGLISH BOARD and room, for 1 or 2 men. 824, Third Av- enue. 241a3t OFFICES TO RENT. From doubt of your high merit free; foi0q py the authorities in placing But in each thought and word and oo oO siniiity for the seditious peeks articles upon the persons really guil- Be true, be true be true to me. , the Iatter screening themselves behind the irresponsible figure-heads, who were made to do duty. as the os- tensible publishers. In view of the interest which na- turally is felt relative to the position of matters in India at the present time, from a political point of view, I was fortunate that a meeting of the National Congress should have been held in Calcutta just prior to the visit of their Majesties to that city. This organization 1s usually regarded as oceasioning much of the so-called unrest particularly among the Ben- galls. The Congress on this oceasion was in a jubilant mood and efferves- Be one whom other men shall cheer And ask their sons to emulate; With purpose high and conscfence Clear, Be wise, be earnest, and be great, Be powerful, be splendid, cause Your fame to spread to every zone Be worthy of the world's applause But keep your smiles for me alone. to the fact that the King had an- nounced as one of the- booms of the urbar the reuniting of East. .and West Bengal, thus undoing an act which had been made the occasion of much violent denunciation. There is no necessity at this time to discuss eee eared f thre merits or-demerits of-Lord-Cur- every proposition put zon's policy. We hav the assurance of pay less attention to Sir Andrew Fraser, late Lieutenant- 2 Governor of Bengal, that the erection ot Eastern Bengal and Assam into a separate province was not made with- out due consideration, but In this, as in some other matters of Indian ad- ministration, sufficient regard svems not to have been paid by those in au- thority to the feelings of the people most concerned. Certain it is that a most vigorous afd determined oppo- eition was made to the change, and that the line that Lord Curzon drew between the two Bengals was absol- utely arbitrary and calculated to create the impression among the Ben- gal .Hindus. that it was deliberately, intended to destroy thelr legitimate influence in the governing of their own province by placing them in a minority in each of the provinces, Now, all the Bengal-speaking region will be brought under one government. The Petitioning of Bengal. The restoration of East Bengal to Ss upon to think and act t+ base his judgments e in at a glance. y or printing is poor 1 look at it, because it tare impossible to say about ur character, the esteem you r integrity these are things But you can suggest them Fr, ead on kaod stock will at once Speoner government under which it has so f the partition, but 1 wit necessar- long enjoyed power and pelf, but which is discordant with the more liberal idea of the present day. Among the existing grievances complained of by the President was that despite the pledge given by Queen Victoria and reaffirmed by. King Edward that the people of whatever rate or creed should be im- partially admitted to offices in the Government service the duties of which they may be qualified by their) education, abilitygand integrity to discharge, the Indans are still ex- cluded from. the more important of- fices, and examination for the latter can be passed in English universities alone, The Unerowned King. Ohe of the leading figures at. the bility which the present agitation has brought into the native demands, and it will sooner or later realize that just 8 religions thrive on persecution so there is nothing half so effectua as a systematic disregard of public opin- fon for fostering political discon- tent. As a matter of fact the grievance proved to be largely sentimental, the change having worked no great hard- ship, but, after all, sentimental griev- ances are often the most real to those who are affected by them. It is significant that the memorial placed upon this measure the chief responsibility for the unrest and the persecutions arising therefrom, up by making the very ily recognize the new note of practa- ()) involved in the partitioning of Bengal FFICE TO RENT Fine large office 20x24 feet in size, corner of 4th Avenue and Main street, upstairs in the News Block. Modern convenien- ces and well lighted, Most central location in the city. Apply at the News Office. ROOMS TO RENT. 0 LET Large furnished bedroom, new house, modern conveniences. Apply Box-1270, News Office. 243-1t on right shoulder, on right-shoulder, 242-6 One grey gelding branded One bay gelding, halter on, One bay gelding 2 years old. One mule, dark brown, halter on, 2 years old, 25.00 for information or recovery. . 8, DORSEY, Suffield. Alberta. AUCTIQNEERS i. 5. BROWNE Co., Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch jabor and-farm-stock-sales-conducted- any- where. House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- perience at your disposal free. H. B. Browne Co., 619 Toronto St. 182dtf MISCELLANEOUS MISS FLANAGAN wishes to an- nounce to her friends ands the Public that she has moved her dress- making parlors from Princess Ave. to 201 Balmoral St, 240a6t, lt; lt; lt; WANTED LADIES' AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, jewelry, guns, revolvers, valises, sult Cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, harness, bicyeles, carpenter tools, ete, raw hides and furs, horse hair, wooland f-sthers, bought and ) 238d6t sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co., 312 Fourth avenue, opposite. Dreamland theatre. P. O. bor 701. Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for the above. 20Dtt. HE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves. and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- and a nice new line of winter goods. We buy everything mentioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 504 South Railway St. or Phone 587. tf BUSINESS CARDS. (GER SEWING MACHINES and Sherlock, Manning Pianos and Organs for sale and to rent All Office 381 MainStreet. 0 RENT Furnished room at 207 Balmoral Street. 2a2dst O RENT Furnished front-bedroom, modern convenl nces. Apply 642 Montreal Street. 241a6t FOR SALE. The Globe Cleaning Pressing Co. Rear of Post Office, Fourth Avenue. Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired proposals adopted, and which announced at the Durbar, It is not surprising, therefore, that the change of policy was particularly gratifying to the members of the Congress, who are now asking that all the restric- tive measures relative to the holding narjes, editor of The Bangali, some- times spoken of as the uncrowned King of India. By means of a let- ter of introduction brought with me from Canada I was afforded an op- portunity of meeting this gentleman, whom I found in his sanctum sur- Founded by his st me Hf bears not the slightest resemblance to an Anarchist, notwithstanding shat be. was charged on one oceasion with sedition, and that some Europeans in Calcutta are not slow in saying even yet that he ought to be hanged. He is a quiet, benevolent-Jooking gentle- man-of perhaps 60 or 65 years of age, and professes. entire Joyalty to- the. Crown. It Is at least to his credit that the most ultra-British loyalist could ask for. Benarjee has been from the first the most persistent agitator against the partitioning of Bengal, and at the time of my visit could with diffteutty be. induced to speak of other things than the reyer- -sal-of that poltey: He-was particular- ly glad, he said, that success come at last after six years of ing. Many men had been sent to jail because of the agitation, and he had him elf been fined 400 rupees, 200 for detng-the-writer of seditious artictes and 200 for contempt of court, When arrested he had been taken to the premature. The Other Side. But if- the Nationalists are enthu- siastic. over the granting of their de mands the Anglo-Indians are in of Bengal once the change had been ment to the chatting Babus, make further demands. They defend minimum salary of 400 (Continued on page five) All Oddfellows: cw Tmntebt eained Bengal, the placing of the latter un- Magistrate s private house, and when attention. der a Governor rather than a Lieut- Governor, the concession to Assam of a chief inspectionship and the creat- printing and paper you buy. he attempted to take a chair he was told that be had no business to sit down. He replied that he had not fon of a new province out of Behar Chota, Nagpur and Orisea, which were formerly a part of Bengal but have no racial affiliation therewith, has given great satisfaction to the Ben- galis, and this satisfaction found ready expression at the National Con- gress, The action of the Government les to you. We know that we. News, Limited. Hat, Alta, come to be insulted. This, according to Mr. Benarjee, constituted the case of contempt. He appealed against the decision of the Magistrate on both counts, and the High Court sustained his appeals. -Mr- Benarjee declared that so far from being in sympathy with sedition and anarchy, he is con- w. J. Is hereby by Hope that given all to the half-breeds. Were p tions of the press shall be repealed. Hn this, however, they are somewhat no ch mood... They do not hesitate to that it would have been better to. have maintained the partitioning made, rather than give encourage- as the Bengalis are sometimescalled, to the bars placed in the way of natives securing the title of L.C.8.and the a year are requested to meet at the lodge room at 19 o'clock mn Sunday evening, April 28th, . for purpose of -attending-annlversary half - breeds are requested to attend a meeting at Elllott s house today at 6 o'clock to discuss a subject of great importance All are requested For SALE A well improved farm, S. W. 1-4 Sec. 18, T. 12, R. 6, seven-roomed house with cellar, stab- les for 4 head of horses, 6 head cattle poultry house for 100 fowl, hog pen, work shop, all fenced, 2 shallow wells with abundance of good water, well adapted for market gardening, poul- try raising;.or hog ranch. Apply to Proprietor, Frank H. Schram, Medi- cine Hat. Price 20 per acre. 244dit FOR SALE Improved quarter sec - tion, 18 miles from town, all fene- ed, well watered. 7 per acre for immediate sale. Box 491, Medicine Hat, 241a3t FFOR-SALE Duck eggs, Pekin, set- ting of eleven for 1.50. Box 83. OR SALE 80 acres of land for for sale, adjoining the town of Irvine, Alberta, cheap for cash. For particulars call or write, John M. Howland, Irvne Albertia. 241d6t OR SALE 10 extension tables, 50 dining oom chaire, Cheap for quick sale. Globe cleaning and Press- ing Co., Fourth Ave., behind the Post Office. 241ast FOR SALE Tyo lots and three mod- tn houses thereon. Lots 18 and 19 in Block 1, Townsite. 3 new frame houses the three will be sold en dloc for 11,000. One third down and balance can be arranged to suit the purchasers, Apply to Wm. Anbley, Phone No. 269 or 643 Highland St, Clothes Cailed for and Del vered. MARK HARRIS, Proprietor. E. Bartlett, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Plans, Ete. Burns Block, Medicine Hat, Phone 484 Painting and Paperhanging. Reynolds Stewart: (4th Avenue- opposite Binnings) New: Walt--Paper Estimates--cheer- fally ufrnished on cost of Papering your rooms, Phone 156. PIANO TUNING VOICING and REGULATING All kinds of repair undertaken at the lowest charge consistent with best workmanship. Expert Work Guaranteed. CHAS, A. ADSIT Telephone 68. 505 Main St THE INTELLIGENT AND EFFICIENT SERVANTS are those who read the best papers. Therefore the want ad column of the best home paper is the logical med- jum which to obtain the most capabk help. Use the News Want Ads. Be careful that the cold cream is Central Park, 2u7att, FOR SALE One J. J. Taylor sute at a bargain, Size 2 6 x2's . Can be seen at T. J. Flager s Blacksmith to attend. Bave all the more. pleasure because Stantly preaching against these 243-18. shop, or apply to box 23, P.O. 2eidtt kept covered and clean; as any ofl gathers dirt quickly. and the cream 4a left opon will soon be covered with particles of dust and dirt; if this is rubbed into the skin'the result will be pores clogged with dirt. classes of insurance. W. J, Fleming The Man V 20th Centu Garm Has the satisfact that he Is stylish ly dressed, that too much for the lty in his clothe: were made In tallor shops and sweat shop. He in body and min Get the Big L An I Seles SF. a Semi-read you plenty choose, and time to tai oughly. Repairing and Py H.S IR c.P.R. ME BREE R. B. 1 Tral Light and Hea Prompt Attent Piano Moving a Speciality. Parcels Deli YHONE SEER oh deste teste tes WILL B +, UsU eS - Louisville, sf speculation *f future of the +f Derby was si Winn, of the Ing Associati this year the fous years, is teed stake, goes to the ' added that added to the With the ailded to the hereafter wil less than 1 had express the event 01 state racing. ing doing at teed atakes. In all fut four-mile e will be-a fe ciation will tional moue + heb ht DOG SHOW 0 ebebedeb eb be bobbie Washington, 1 most notable dc the city opened pices of the Wa The collie and thd best repres the early viatto ald most atten eranians and ot of them owned oxpital s
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Image 676 (1912-04-24), from microfilm reel 676, (CU1743217). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.