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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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If you,can use dress goods, silks or dress trimmings, do not miss what..we are : : offering just now. : : - Ready -to-wears i oe Medicine Hat News Published by the Medicine Wnt News Con Ltd, every lawial evening at its office, Mnin Street, Medicine Hat, Alta. A, d. 8. TERRILL, Bditor, PHOXE: . HONE: Bdltorial, Advertising Roportorhl, and Cireulation and News Dept dob Depts. 1g RING 8, RING 43 PAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 yimr, delivered..:. 4.00 3 year by mall. 4 months, dltveped.. 2.00 3 months, deltvered.. 1.00 3 1 month, delivered....36e Addresses changed ag often 26 desired, but both naw and old ad resser net be xivon, WEEKLY NRWS. Published every Thursday tn-eixteon or contain a eummay of the hews of Tos - 6 months, in advance Tc 3 1 year in advance.... 1.50 93.00 mont).s, by mail i months, by mail. MUST HAVE RAILWAY COMPETI- TION. SRE are several large industries, the Managements of whith are anxious to locate plants in Medicine. Hat, but whose plans are held in abeyance through minent officials of these concerns have yis- ited the city and have expressed: satisfac-' tion with the inducements offered in the way of cheap, power; - .. Everything which could contribute to their success was avail- yir -D. J.Downey having acquired an es PHOTOG + IN CEYLON TEA Announcement interest in our firm, will take charge of the office duties on the 1st of February next. Mr. 8. GC. Taylor becomes general manager, and Mr: C. A. McDorman assumes an inter- est in the business. Mr. H. W. Ireland finds it necessary to take a rest from office work far a time, but will attend to all mat- ters relating to the business up to the above date. Under the new arrangement we hope to be favored with as full a share of public patronage as in the past. - EEE H.W. Ireiand Go. STEWART TWEED BLOCK, MAIN ST. PHONE 54, BROWN PEKOE regular 40 cents per pound, 4 pounds for one dollar. EXTRA CHOICE GOLDEN PEKOE 50 cents pound, 3 pounds for one dollar. ey es H. MORROW Nortir Railway. POEL SERS IOI THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Inoorpuroted 1860 Capital and Reserve 18,700,000 Total Assets ... 110,000,000 This Branch conducts a special de- SAVINGS partment for Savings Accounts, in which deposits may be made with sums of 100 and upwards. Interest paid half yearly at highest current rates. 2 2 t 3 3 2 t : MEDICINE HAT BRANCH a ed-with-a wonderful magnetism for indus- . H, McDunnongh, Manager. lt; able with the exception of shipping facilit- ies. . These industries are not yet, lost. to Medicine Hat, but the transportation ques- tion has allowed various other points to enter into competition with us, whieh un- der other circumstances would not be con- sidered for a minute. Boiled down, it is a question of cheap power vs. ready access to the market, and the manufacturers have to decide which of these indticements is the better.. Had Medicine Hat but the rail- way facilities enjoyed by some of the other Western cities, this point would be invest- tries, A weakness discovered is remedied, so we ar told in effect by an old axiom and we are informed that our member at Edmon- ton is fully seized of the situation and. is leaves no stone unturned to secure for Medicine Hat the one factor which is need- ed to assure us the future to which we are looking. es a ar definite announcement regarding railway construction in this district, before taking farther steps in the matter of selecting a location. The importance, therefore, of securing railway competition cannot be over-estimuted. That Medicine Hat is Ts the present lack of railway facilities. Pro- A number of industries-are awaiting a+573 Ben Johnson, noted English dramat- Wednesday, January 31, 1912 endeavor te-have-the anadian Northern undertake to give a service to Medicine Hat as son as possible and if his influence can be extended a little further and a definite ai nouncement as to time ean be made, he will have accomplished something which, Danville, 1, Jan. i- -Bight men will gause his name to he associated with those things which have been foremost in contelnutng to the making of Medicine at. S10: LL ratepayers should make a point of attending the public meeting this evening and discussing the. elec- tric railway by-law. 02 T wild-geese are fying north. Sure- ly this cannot be spring Yet the wild goose is generally - ackn wledged to - be the best weather forecaster in the busi- ness. lt; RROW night the Board of Trade for re-organization purposes, indigations the Board will Wwe are reluctant to believe that. the Unionists of Ulster will try-to-prevent the holding of a Home Rule meeting in Belfast. . The Unionists of Ulster are ap- pealing for sympathy on the ground tha an Irish Jiament will oppress them and deprive. of liberty of speech and act- ion. - It is to be expected, therefore, that they will set the example of encouraging liberty of free.speech at Belfast. The Ulster Unionists also believe that Home Rule for Ireland is wrong, and will not stand the test. of reason and argument. They must then believe that the'more free- ly Home Rule is discussed, the more will its weakness appear. On the other hand Mr, Winston Churchill believes that he can convert Ulster to Home Rule. Why not let him . If he. is right, his policy ought-to be carried -out. If-he-is wrong, the more-he-talks the more it will-appear that he is wrong. For these reasons we are loth to believe that those who defend the revolution of 1688 will try to prevent free speech. Toronto Star, ot 0: THIS DATE IN HISTORY. January 31. ist, born. Died Aug. 6, 1637. 1606 Guy Fawkes executed for his par- ticipation in the Gunpowder Plot. * 1752 Governor Morris, member of the Continental Congress. and U.S. sen destined to-be a good town is indisputable, put whether or not our fair city is the manufacturing hub of the entire west question of railways. Tt will be noticed that the Paeifie proposes to build this year from Calgary to Lethbridge, also from Biggar, ee a few miles west of Baskatoea to gary. From either or bot of these lines 'a branch could be built into Medicine Hat. Tf influence sufficiently powerful can be brought to bear, the lines in question might possibly be diverted sufficiently to bring them even nearer to this city than is con- templated by the present route plans. In Grand. Trunk eee late wholly, solely and entirely on this to secure a branch into this city. with securing railuy eompetition for the Hat has existed in the fact that the city is located so far from the constructed lines the Grand Trunk Pacific and the O.N.R that branch line construction to this point would entail-a-very-great expense. the completion, however, re GTP. lines we are brought within reason- able distance of this great system and the matter of obtaining a connection is simplified and rendered more certain. be completed this year between Alsask and Munson. This information comes to the News from a source so high that we have no hesitancy in stating that the extension will be an accomplished. fact-this fall. The proximity-of this line to Medicine Hat is Bee te ee OOO GED GARRATS 9 such that it is only a matter of time un- : a ee il a-branch is dropped into this city in ae- THE MERCHANTS BANK : OF CANADA A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Special attention given to the business of Ranchers and . gt;. Farmers. Savings Bank Depariment st all branches. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH . W. 0. JOY, MANAGER. HOLLINGER-ANDERSON Transfer Co. LIGHT and HEAVY DRAYING 864 Toronte Street. apid Reseosii liable ehieeieeiiceriviciek cordance with the charter which is before the Alberta Legislature and to which the News referred at length some weeks ago. pression used in the previous sentence, isa little proviso which can make or mar Me i- cine Hat. If that branch can be under construction into Medicine Hat within a couple of years and a guarantee to that cffect ean be secured, we will have some city here-by the time the rails reach the corporation limits. The industries which are willing to locate in Medicine Hat can- not ereet their.buildings and instal their - j a day or in a year and will be quite, satisfied te begin work -during the coming season, if they receive an assurance that the management of the road will begin active operations within the time speci- fied. in gt The News is aware that Hon O./R. Mit- chells in hearty accord with the policy to this case it ould eventually be much easier Heretofore, the Bt coal - With yen, Norwa: 4 DE these two you was brought to America by-his parents who settled in Utah. m spent several years in study atHarvard x Universi and at the University of Gottin- The C.N.R. Goose Lake ext nsion is to ' x completing his education he Only a matter of time, which is the ex- . ator from New York, born. Died Nov. 6, 1816. 3 es 1846 Milwaukee incorporated as'a city, 1874 Sir Garnet Wolseley defeated the Ashantees in a severe conflict near -Coomassie. - 1880 British training ship Atlanta left the Bermudas with a. crew of nearly 300, and was never heard of again. 1891 Jean L. E. Meissonier, famous French painter, died.. Born in 1811. 1892 Rev. Charles H. Spurgeon, noted pulpit orator, died, . Born June 19, 1834, fa 1898 Great strike of engineers in Eng- Jand ended, after nearly thirty weeks idl ness..- 3 : ee THIS IS MY 40th BIRTHDAY. John A. Widstoe. John Andreas Widstoe; who is-president of the International Farming Cong- ress and a physiologi chemist of wide reputation, was born in the Insland of Fro- January 31, 1872. - As a He graduat ed from Brigham Young College and later en. returned to Utah and began his career as a Damier ae cose the State Agricul- tural College, of which institution he is-new- the president. Dr. Widstoe s work as an educator and his. writings on chemistry old to-day. see Nathan Straus, eminent New York mer- el and philanthropist, 64 years old to- lay. Rae, tna eats Zane Gr y, prominent, among th youn- rger American-noyeli ig; ST yeamipla:te-day. Theodore: William Richards,: essor of chemistry: lavard, University, 44: years oldto-day.*7 2 5 ; fet, representative in eorgia district, Charles L. Bai Congress from the Sixth 59 years old to-day. John McLuech Hamilton, Philadelphia artist who i George to paint-the voronation, 99 years old (W. A. P, Dispatch) were injured, four seriously, by the falling of a mine cage crowded with men while golng to work in the Blec trio,Coal Mine, six mies wost of Dan- ville, this morning.. The cage drop- ped a distance of about 200 feet. It was stated by the mine owners that tho engineer in charge af the cages Jost control of the machine, causing one cage with its human freight to rop to the bottom of the shaft and the other coming. up empty to be thrown from the mouth of the mine. (WwW. A. P, Cable) Davenport, England, Jan. 31 The whole of the crew of the British brig Bella Rosa from MacCio, Brazil, for St. Johns, N.E., has been picked up by the French bark Valparaiso from Iquique for Dover. The report does not give details as to what happened to the Bella Ross, FISHER S SCHEME FLAT (C, AP. Cable) Melbourne, Australia, Jan. 3i. Pre mier Fisher's proposals regarding Australian and New Zealand federa- tlons for defence proposals is falling completely flat. The newspapers con- sider-the scheme premature and. ill- advised, TUG CAUGHT IN ICE (W. A. P, Dispatch.) Duluth, Minn., Jan. 81. The st am- er Crescent, Captain Wm. Jones, Du- , luth, ig trapped in tee near Two Is- lands on the North Shore. After leaving Grand Maris a week ago with forty tons of herring, bound for Duluth, she became wedged in ice, There is no hope of another tug being able to reach her. She carries a crew of five, MORGAN WORRIED OVER DUTIES W. A. P,-Cabley London, Jan. 81- T. H. Fitzhenry, who acted as J. P. Morgan's represen- tative in dealings here in regard to art matters, said: Morgan was per- fectly aware of the clause in the fin- ance act exempting works of art from the death duty, but his New York law- yer told him it might prove to be not worth the paper written on. The de- cision would rest with the treasury officials who would probably seize the: chance of securiig a large sum through death duties, Mr. Morgan's inquiries here convinced him that there was danger of this: Therefore, he has made atrangements to remove his collection gradually. CALGARY BUILDING PERMITS CW. AP. Dispatch) Calgary, Jan, 31. The building re- turns for the first month of the year for this city will total 400,000. This is 9 very large increase over the cof- responding month of last year, the total at that time being 226,000. TRIED TO BLOW UP BANK SS PILES CURED IX 6 TO 14 DAYS surance, The fire broke out in the engine room snd after smouldering between the old wooden walls, mud The firemen were driven back bY saving adjoining property. The Mondane Hotel prover was built in 1867 and was known :0 rly resi- dents as The Dodge. BANK GLEARING INCREASE (W.- . P. Dirpateh) Winnipog,-Man,Jan .31. Winnipeg bank clearings for the month show an increase of thirty-five million dollars over the same month a year ago. Fig- have won him wide recognition in scienti- ures tor January for th Hay for Sale. fie eireles and he has been honored with brea a ae follows: er ae gare Denteyee membership in some of the leading chemi- 1910 69,708,144. PHONE NO. 349. cal societies of Europe as. well as similar Tpetiaer ie (Bhi biiid organizations in America, PN tae aS ee i CHARGE LAND FRAUDS H CONGRATULATIONS TO: etn House Mover 5, Winnipeg, Jan, 31 Marlin Kelly SAND FOR SALE George W. Perkins, financier, 50 years has entered suit in the court of King s EXCAVATING Bench against Enderton and Chippara - for the return of a certain parcet of land opposite the new site of the Hud- son s Bay Company s department store on Portage Ave., and which plaintifr claims he sold to defendants through misrepresentation. The property is one of 6eries connected with the re creased values in nelghborhood pro- perty following. It is claimed that number of realty firms co; it tg the-sate andthe Fise oeget Agkeed together not to bid against one another tor the property. QUICKLY STOPS CoUaNS, cURCS COLDS, to-day. MEALS THE THROAT AND LUNGS, 26 CENTS FINLAY CO. The Lumber People. SOLE AGENTS. FIOTSON Zour Arugelst will refund money it Shite ei eiiier PAZO OINTMENT cure any So case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or + New is the time to see about Protruding Piles in: to 14 days. 50c. THAT ROOM YOU-ARE LAND MARK BURNED GOING TO. HAVE Ww. A. P. Dispatch) f aper ed Bioux-Olty, Mo., Jan. 31 A spec- F . Stee tacular fire which for a time threat- Ses eee ne ened to wipe out several structures in -f, pleased to bring and show the business district of the city Inst -- you thelr NEW. :SPRING night, destroyed the Mondane Hotel, ae PAPER samples - a land mark here, The Joss is estima- Ga Gen eens eres ted at 300,000, party covered by in- - your house. rooms: ot HEAVY TEAMING J.J. LAIT eat pusshanes Kn47 the greally fast OTR AL STREET Flowers, ae was a by. Kins Shilohs Gure has a Subscribe NOW for The Dally Neje. va WINE CAGE BROPPED- Se Sess MINERS ARE INJURED - Build X 3 Your Walls and Ceilings of z BAPTIE BEAVER BOARD THEY look bette, wear better, last Soehoete longer, and cost less than lib, plastor and wall-paper, i Turpin Tbe Man's Stone Get the Big Dolla One Trial WILL CONVINCES --- EEE EEG + you that our PURE See ae LIME FRUIT JUICE EERE EEE is the Best. Keg: Nicol, the 2 Imp. Pints Imp. Quarts . Pingle s Drug Book Store : gt;: 24 player, will scout the for the Brooklyn Supe Catcher Bill Clark his second season Princetown University The Piriladelphia Net ranged spring series tom, Philadelphia and American league. 4 Manager Jack Duta q 1 the class of the Canac cluding Pitcher Smit breaker, for his: Balt LEADER: This young Bedient, uwirler, nfst have sides his glove when t Sox give seven player * Gunning, Jacobs a three Boston Red Sox een turned over to Burkett of the -Worce it Prank (Pa ) Belt, Decorating. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. LET US FIGURD WITH YoU BEFORE PLACING YOUR co FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. Office Next te City Hall. R. B. Taylor s Transfer Light and H Draying. Prompt Attention.te all etders. CONCRETE WORK. Phone 260. terson Co. Funeral Directors and baimers tae ree )
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Image 164 (1912-01-31), from microfilm reel 164, (CU1742773). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.