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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Pp T MEDICINE Hat DALLY NEWS s Saturday, January 27th, 1912 age Two . : z he colum of A ri PYS a ss Medicine Mat News) istics, the hutier srpater than ca oben wit gi Build ablis b ie iat lews Con Li e S1 ls lt; ae Be Glasgow House ravizchetiticrcntiii i wutumyn at it od FOR Your Walls A. J. N. TERRILL, Editor. ally falls butter side down. Wonder if it; and Ceilings of - PHONE: HONE: would be the same with eleomargarine? Canada s Big Market e Faitorial, Advertising lt;P high prices of butter is said to be Competition hes Hu BEAVER BOARD Reportorhe, and Cireulation and gh P m Home tn uatry ppor unl y ca Bet Jeb Depts. due to the carelessness of the cold storage HEY look better, 12 RING pIxa 3, companies. A year ago they stored an 2) wear better, last 13 DAILY SUBSORIPTION RATES 18 overplus and lost-heavily. vtogeigoan, there wore, Oar ee longer, and cost lass 1, deltvered....8400 1 year by mall... eed poem ta Canets Thee cee of than lath, plaster and . tiyered 5 . twine was used ting Fe nate 1 ss ead boat T was rather. interesting to note that more than 527 million bushels ot wallpaper. r on Tuesday at Ottawa, Mr. W. A. Buchanan, MP. for Medicine Hat and Mr, C. A, Magrath of the Com- mission, joined hands in entertaining at luncheon a delegation from Southern Al- berta. This was certainly a very gracious act. When the men at the top are broad enough to get away from the narrowness which sometimes pervades our politics, they are surely setting an example to the men in the rank and file who are living at the country eross-roads. HE local. poultrymen are deserving of See yo small amount of praise for th man- D URING the past two or three days ner in. which they conducted the big there have been eighteen convictions three days show which came,te-a-close-tast - in Alberta for selling liquor without evening in the City Hall. hellicence, 13 being in Calgary and five in visiting exhibitors were paid their Lethbridge. The offender in each case prize money in full before leaving was fined 100 and costs. The officials of S, . This year the use of twine in See way was still ter, and as Cahada's unbroken area of arable land bpcomes smaller and the growth of more extensive with. the pass years, ong can only guess at the of binder twine to be con gumed in this country, Yet, with this most notable future stretching out be binder twine industry, co uttle of the product. made Our market ia Seeder se BEAVER BOARD does not crack, chip or 1 1 month, old ad resgep st be given. - WEEKLY NRWS. Publishec every Thursday In Pixteen or more pages, and coutains a rummany of the news of the week local and district. 6 months, in advance 75c - motths, n advance. .foe 1 year In advance.... 1.50 i If you have not taken advantage of the SPECIAL PRICES we are offering this month Prices that are clearing our winter lines and saving you real money. Come in and See for Yourself. i BEAVER BOARD reps out heat and cold, deadens sound, and re- i tards fire. ental gs is quickly and pat 7 by a Bee 5 g Saturday, January 27th, 1912 THE POULTRY SHOW. igh 3 fi i if i i ibe gE ; f i ig i BEAVER BOARD can be used in a thou sand waysinevery home, PLISSS Reduced Prices all Through 5 al E gt : F BEAVER - BOARD Sy TE E the Large Stock. -- -- Announcement Mr, D. J. Downey having acquired an interest in our firm, will take charge of the for home and all of them left with a very warm feeling for Medicine . Hat in their hearts. They were well treated during their stay and the city will-lose nothing by the good report which they will give their friends concerning their entertainment. They will all return. next. year and they will bring many .others with them.: The responsibility which fell upon,,those who undertook to conduet the Show was heavy, but it was prevented from being onerous through the financial assistance of the Provincial Gov- ernment, the City Council and the private citizens who contributed so-frely towards financing the venture. This task was also very considerably lightened by -the kind the license department are determined to the law in this respect should soon dispel can be arried on immune from detection. 207 T HE Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Dun- an Marshall, was pleased a few days ago to receive word from the Experi-, mental Farm at Medicine Hat to the effect that a fine flow of water had been struck in the well being drilled thete, sufficient for the purposes of the farm. The water ques- tion had been a rather serious one, but has now been settled. suppress the illieit-sale of liquor, and their S Guccse activity in the discovery of those who break tocated ncross the idea that the promiscuous sale of liquor Tee toe the Hine. Prior to April, 1897, fe re es re cent. i rE the 8 Piliie FINLAY CO. The Lumber People. SOLE AGENTS. WILL CONVINCE One Trial last long at the SO DON T DE Se Turpin B The Man's Stone W Get the Big Dollar's office duties on the 1st of February next. lt; zhte r eae SS ye Mr. 8. C. Taylor becomes general manager, Forde tay daily crouded the building tol) NE the contributory causes of the you that our PURE i sassoau x01 . C. AL assumes an inter- eae : wat 0 was the enforcing of the LIME FRUIT ; os aero tacos aan Ge business Mr. HE. W. ireland vere oe right of search, the same as is being ex- fea FEEEEEEES. est in the business. ercised by Italy at the present time over the finds it necessary to take a rest from office rpHuE endorsation a the -Martin-Phillips ships of oth ti nd which is bringi Imp. Pints ...... 40c. Joo Kelly. of work for a time, but will attend to all mat- by-law by the ratepayers, yestarday; ebout bad feelings, an there have Beet imp. Quarts ..... 75e. i task Gc, ex santa : ters relating to the business up to the above will do much to encourage local capital many wars in the past over the assertion ? if 3 m Mike Finn will probabl; lg date Under the new arrangement we hope to seek home investment. tt is right and of this ri i - *+ Pingle Drug and Af the-youngeters signed te tobe favored with as full a share of public proper that as much encouragement-should . :0: Book Store 2:3: ants for his Mobile Sou patronage as in the past. O*. of the great troubles facing Ont- Whether the Cantral lea, disposition to take a different view of it. are educations 4 ee Oe Be or os ear eecene Medicine Hat possesses a number of weal- Sper Ripr apie tro aaa se Wayne, Feb.-21. thy citizens and: there is no reason why Inspector Cole, of Wont Says good small Supplies of Raw Materials. See a A pason WY work can-only be secured by paying proper ae Sobbelmlninfofnfnlnfefeinininfefeteta ae W GS they should not employ their capital indus- -ajaries to teachers, which seems to be the white furniture has increased in Se fet teeen-heve sige ey sl t WI ems . rniture has increased in 3 OTSGON Griffith figures to have ee H . s ireland o. trially to the city s benefit to-an-even-tre-lyeak spot. lt;The Hast mee ke avJesson Sst 1 Catiada more noticeably than LEADER eas lt; lt; ete: STEWART TWEED BLOCK, MAIN ST., PHONE 64. s gt;- agement of this new industry is losing no 3 WHY BUTTER PRICES ARE HIGH. ater extent than has been the case hereto- fore. As noted above the action of the ratepayers yesterday should foster such action to a considerable degree. The man- time in making arrangements to carry their plans into effect.. The - wires-are already. rmits 20+ hot with orders for the forwarding of mach- ifrom the West in this matter. 90s THIS DATE IN HISTORY. January 27. 1775 Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Sch- -elling, German philosopher, born. Died August 20, 1854. 1824 Virginia legislature chartered the Cheapsake and Ohio Valley Company. 1851 John James Audubon, famous nat- almost apy other manufactured pro- duct during the past twenty years, it is worth while observing that furmi- ture in Canada today is not as expen: sive as in the United States, nor has B Seinininininlninininininininininininte Decorating. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS LET US FIGURE WITH YOU BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. Ofice Next to City Hall B Now ts the time to see Vean Gregg, the Cleve had Ed. Walsh's number Veam: pitched four times 4. and won all four g (backs. He will go wit the spring training trip. youngsters how to hit o ones. ball players on the Paci former manager of the P uralist, died. Born May 4, 1780. Daited States x decided increase last 8 Ottawa-nam: i 424.7 tm January to 145.8 THAT ROOM YOU ARE per me pes high price of butter is one of the tes Dominion of med ay Ee fapital of the BB Taxing Tereee: Sarath: GOING TO HAVE . BROWN PEKOR rogular 40 conts per foaturos of the United States dairy 1591 One hundred miners killed: by an ex-/ Site Set rue tte'a'us iar t PP APer OG pound, 4 pounds for-one dollar. Freeh Bat ects Cows ro -we eT er Bee plosion of fire-damp in the coke works SJ? Sreies noted by the department aes +4 man s comprehension in prompt fashion. near Mount Pleasant, Ja.: Raving decressed and five increased. Just phone 156 and Rey- : EXTRA CHOICE GOLDEN PEKOE With New York retailers asking from ECAR Giuseppe Verdi, Italian c oser, 2a Canad last year on the other os odiR aca is eo regular 50 cents per pound, 3 pounds 4) to 52 cents a pound, and 60 cents a. pound died. Born Oct. 9, 1814. Tiioge a remota fm bousebold . (you their NEW SPRING E for one dollar ra predicted -as-an-approaching price in Chi- ; 3 WALL PAPER samples ; E Dre rs g for and give you an estimate : ? cago, the consumer is not in doubt as to on one or all the rooms of Manager Jimmy Burke RA 7 +3 Byte side his pee teat ou He is Your house. oe Be yy that jit is buttered on one, : ,. Bishop of Ontrio. i Sas ere cRecaree' oe REO lt; STEWART: one eee f a Ae The complexity of modern business con- Right Rev. William Lennox Mills, Angli- sisted by 8 property 3 g Garis, 7y 4th ave. opp. Binnlng s Store. ei a's esac ORG oe Y 3555656 ditions makes- Janation of such inflated am bishop of Ontario, was born in Wood- anes ee ae old type of of Paliting:--Petecmitglng teams 2 Sea rete prices for a common food product a difficult stock, Ontario, January 27, 1846. After) machinery and plant. The inference Real First basemen ax a a ngeeeetoe Peles for 6 ne econ te cists ic RED ding several preparatory schools he -at poh enuiatarer compet sm cm so i el ; Site eee os nally regarded as having a place in high eompleted his education at Trinity College ees me tart to sommsarbeltace te So eater a alge oe ROYAL BANK OF CANADA pica 'ccsening proctor evn tM Seg of te sal Gey Ra ee eae z Incorpuroted 1860 3 5 hangi til : Up ; tos 8 If organized basdtaall capt aaa eserve Aimee tion, must rt ere eT eomediag sities of Ontario. Later he became seotor eae Rewmeemteamuen S f pry YT eytin ow area Total Assets ...... Spapeconigec rar ep rem ie gy effect, H of St. John s Church, in Quebee, from which hte country during the past twenty T , f rs Jeagua the Sherman anti S AVINGS ** partment for Savings Accounts, in There is another influence which enters, Place he went to Trinity Church, Montreal. oth o'be paced on goods and more r a fl S r ee ee 4 which deposits may be made wit however, and that has.much to do with the Before his election to the episcopate he was gisborate designs to be teroad ont wits - eae President SF sums of 1.00 and upwards. Interest pald halt yearly at highest price of this particular commodity. It is a lecturer at the Diocessar Theological Col: Sees eases end hard roots Light and Henry Draping. eee Fg, Tarren ret cine HAT BRANCH. + + + J that the improvement in the quality of but- ege in Montreal and Canon. of . Christ) have comterbalenced the effect of 4 ipaied Hay for Sale. cai wark. International leag : ANCH veDunnongh, Manager. 0 ter has been a powerful factor in increas- Church Cathedral in the same city. ot the Forestry Branch of Parcels Delivered: pole One Set 3 ene eee Seeeneere + ing the ee The constimer who . he Department of the Interior PHONE NO. 349. Va., team April 1. Loc : s -. : ; 30 . 349, + Lex Ey ee finds poor butter on his table spreads it . CONGRATULATIONS TO: ne he produc Drofuction at tart Potebetefobeteptefeteiietetefetetel ine aes ; -. tbhin as possible, but when he finds got . show ate Presidiat McAleer . SPS EEE EEEEE b tter Gafore him he spreads i thick. oe ihr a II., German emperor, 53 years Bebe tar Coven: sent Bante H 7 M Red ee telieves a pays a higher price for , good butter, and he old to-day, . Serene ceeihly vice: er would. interest the fare THE MERCHANTS BANK more of it--It is by a campaign of - Samuel Gompers, president of the Ame- Bt zor poke weg apes Peta woe omee s * i 5. a1 i SA U RS Ks thousand - OF-CANADA mand good butter, and despite the improve- day. See, men Pie Taxing lonter - BROAVATING ey eee BE cawenat, panmna BUS iry- methods the supply-of good Dr Henry FEarms, of New: pert, Gg-sremes ores fore RAV TEAMING oc Special attention given to te du lyutter-has not yet met the demand, In- berry College, 36 years old to-day. the Dominion was 2.50 per dozen CONCRETE WORK. THE RD ee 7 yer were deed the demand for the better product is 10: gt; end in the United States 3.83. Phi 260. a ire Sa Savings Bank Department at sl branches: inereasing more rapidly than is fhe pro- THIS DATE IN HISTORY. Phone 260. pase eee - ; MEDICINE HAT BRANCH W. 0. JOY, MANAGER ductive capacity of the industry. There- h whicdiied cobs it. Ohe bak J J L A I T- A eee Bo . : fot fore, until a larger number of farmers are January 28. i te PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS . Sam Francisco, Ha 8a making high-class butter, or until a larger;t725 Peter the Great of Russia died. Your druggist will retuna money it 116 MONTREAL STREET ing com malaria. 3 proportion of consumers are.satisfied to use Born in 1672. . To eee Erma BIA Bleue ee oo e pore Bert Goughton, the lan inferior article, the price is likely to re- 1822 Alexander Mackenzie, Canadian) Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 608 . Waisht, who cams to t HOLLINGER-AN DE RS ON main high. The world s daily market statesman, bor? Died. April 17, Patterson Co. few weeks ago; has re 1892, 1833 Charles George Gordon ( Gordon Pasha ) born in Woolwich, England. Kil- led at Khartoum, Jan, 26, 1885. . 1871 -Paris surrendered: te the-.germans . after a siege of 131 days, shows-no sign whatever of over-production, present or in the hear future. American papers, however, are working day-and night propounding reasons for the high butter prices, This is evidenced from a couple of satirical comments lipped from Funers Dirsctorsand Embetmers Transfer Co. Flowers, Peat bee Bhsos sa LIGHT and HEAVY DRAYING 364 Toronto Street. Shilolrs Cure ee a ON LIKE PAINT: CC dca Neder Mail on request, Send na fo THE WESTERN PAINT CO. For ait kmaw Gt Sob Printing try the News Office.
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Image 146 (1912-01-27), from microfilm reel 146, (CU1742778). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.