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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Monday, May 6th. 1912 MEDJCINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Page 7 Shee eee eee eee rhb ininint eoteageetoateeteateeteneatectoageete ereee cee yee nxcent for a cont, the sole occupant DT Keith's unceremontous entrance P. 0. Box 1010. lef Phone 759. +t) A reaching tor ts revoirervoict oO A CHURCHES : a 7 7 slipped to the wrong side of his belt. j , What the hell he exciaimed, THE O nartied a6 Fontuved lt;I a Z gt; 3 The intruder took one glance at him . A Tal of the ) through the dinsy lght a doy of Rev. Dr. Holman preached the last take our places in the life to come, Plains cishteen, dark hair, dark eyes, nis of bis sermons yesterday on Where It is the severing test. It we have O r er 33. taco, nirondy exhibiting signa of dis 18 the Other Fellow? From Genesls not loved our brother to the extent oe stpation, i waniy ens hin chin 4: 9, Where is Ab thy brother. dal Parrish.) pation, yet ous . Wher . thy brother. of helping or have loved (By Ban and mouth and smnfled. . ed nina (to Naty e Thisis the old story of the Sons of And suve just so shall we be judged E oeoetoeteeoetontoatestestectecteege sfeetiabatatnatn te es ee eee eeslin but 1 Adam. Abel who was a shepherd) and wssigaed our place for eternity. HEATING, VENTILATING AND SANITARY alt es ieeciheseay ee eee ererg-ou the fight Are you save his offering to the Lord, and Love Is the test by which we shall Fred Willoughby? was accepted, but Cain's was refused. take our placps In the Mfe to come. Veanete cns iia hociincne What drought: the Goneral un The Ind stared at hin; bis uncer: Then Cain arose in his Jealousy and tlis the sevring test. It we have not toot here? he questioned, fins iy tain hand how closed on the butt of we have theb istory of the first mur- loved our pfother to tho extent of the man, Keith grasped the pudgy fm- 7 haven fides. was the din A lect Meicabeh VER tans consti ont at n't Ba 1a is, he his revolver, yet held inactive by the der. R helping or have loved him to help and Don't remember me I s pose don't rectly, 1 wasn t. mich ested. SyWiagh ae Seetiont to know toe? God asked the question included In ave Just s0 shall we be judged and ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS jaisx yor arer acts S22 Cacteus set mami gash osc ial 4 you gant to mow fort four vox sere Abel: ay bot sanened our place Rr etry when I came hate to tell you now you speak about ft. He's keen after to ask you question or two. er, and Cain answered, I know not, Men and women are not only hun- what you was talking about gave those papers, and doesn t fev satis Ygu you're not from the fort? am I my brother's keeper, and God sry and thirsty for food and drink, you hypodermic frst thing behaved fied regarding the report of the posse Nothing to do with the army; thts said the blood of your brother ariseth but nungry and thirsty for recognit- rwell enough though When I dug out the lead Minte bullet, badly blunted Its my opinion he s trailing atter t a private affair. to me from the ground. fon of their presence, We should For Steam, Hot Water, Vapor, Vacuum and Fan jnitting. the rib thougnt) you might vibe dintag-room was thinoing out, oat ney me mulee from drink. bis) Some people claim that this story en ie eee i x ae, igie with blood potson couldn't stay iii only ones att ? 2 2 1 8 8 fable and so ts not a thuth. Well) S10 wa te Vv cee and they were about 8 lel Then Who the devil are you? I : -obtain in s me degree the wel) Systems of Heating and Ventilating, hto o damn much to do evident arene tabled. Kate wtrerciot itm never saw you before. Tdo-Tot kNOW-Whether-this-ts-a- tect tly didn t though remember me now? self, looking around. That's very true, and my name or not, but I do know that the scene me. An example of this may be and Sanitary Plumbing. Plans, Specifications and Estimates furnished. Architects, Contractors and Builders, On App*stion. 602 MAIN ST. MEDICINE HAT must have been st General Waite s headquarters. That's it charge of Stonewall's Meld hospltai just happened to ride into Walte s camp that night damn jlucky for you I did young snip there wanted to saw the bone I stopped that Iiked your face tmagined you might be worth saving ain't so sure jot t now, or you wouldn't be out ii this God forsaken country, eating such grub my name's Fairbatn Jo- jseph Wright Fairbain, M. D. contract surgeon for the rallroad working on the line? Xgith shook his head, feeling awak- ening interest in his peculiar com- No, only from what you say. You) yw, Doctor, am very clad to have nf t you agaim and to learn Waite is actually alive. This In a rather queer affair, but will have to work itself out. Anyway, am too dead tired tonight to hunt after clues fn midst of this babel. I've been in the saddle most of the time for a week, and have got to find a bed cae q fa thing here, dryly. Got seven in a , room upstairs, amd others corded along the hall. Better share my cell only thing to do. That would be asking too much I can turn in at the corral with Neb; I've slept in worse places. Couldn't think of ft, Keith, and wouldn't help any. Neverthele: you're perfectly welcome to ft. I am is being enacted every day and God s still asking, where s thy brother. Well, we say, we go about our busi- ness and meet our payments and take things as they come. And it Is none of our business how other people live. This the old doctrine of-setfish- ness an the first preacher was a It we have no answer to this Im- portant question, it crieth to our mak- er from ihe ground. We are respon- sible for theo onditions of society with which we are surrounded and which brings out brothers and sis- ters to ruin, Some time ago in New shown by the blessing that was call- ed for to afll on the heads of our Young People s Union for their good- ness to the ynfortunate inmates of the incurable ward in our hospital, Where is thy brother? It is our duty to search him out and give our service to the good work that is being carried on by far too few. We have. responsibilities that must be faced, but they become a joy when perform- ed by eJsus Christ. To live for the benefit of others must surely savour of Heaven. Let us rejoice that we are our brother's keeper and have it in our power to relieve to some ex- jpanion. Besides, you PM No; Just drifted in here trom down tier cr eight, don't you? A jem the Arkansas, he explained brief- Usually, yee, the other admitted ood Investments 22 2 St eters oe s at night in Sheridan; Whe doctor's ruddy face whitened. T,conen ee ae me. Come on, Dead? Willis Waite dead? he re- ana Till show you the Way. When Lot 8,-Block 1, Central Park 1050.00. Terms peated. What do you mean, sir? Are morning comes I rout you out and Lots 19 and 20, Block 11, Central Park, 850.00 Cash. ree eure? when: take my turn. Lots 36 to 40, Block 24, Central Park 1675.00, Terms. , 1 ought to be sure; I buried him) Keith had enjoyed considerable ex- Lots 27 to 40, Block 28, Central Park, 500.00 pair, terms. fast this side the Cimmaron Crossing perience in frontier hotels; but noth sponsible for such an estate of af- Lots 18 to 20, Block 26, Central Park, 1350.00.terms, yout on the Santa Fe trail. ing before had ever quite equalled thi fairs? Ar to stand asid Ne Lots 39 and 40 Block 18, Ceutral Park, 700.00 cash. But do you know t was General ine pride ot Sherlian. The preduet aon vou M Repel vanik irs? fe we to stand aside while io remedy that I have ever sold for Walter the man s inalatent tone full 6 Dichroom town, which merely ex Oh You Mean Hope? ou Know/the White Slave Traffic 1s going on Eczema, Psoriasis, and all other dis. Lots 29 and 30, Block 1, Cousins and Siscons, 800.00, terms. :of doubt. isted by grace of the temporary rail- on every side, pulling under a great eases of the skin has given Lots 11 tort Block 19, Cousins and Sissons, 850.00 pair terms. 1 I have no question abont it, re- ) way terminus, t bad been hastily and 'Jack Keith. No expression of recog: Humber of our fairest and best. It/ thorough satisfaction than the Lots 27 to 30, Block 21, Cousins and Sissons, 700.00 pair, terms. turned Keith, conclusively. The man Aimstiy constructed, 80 it could be nition came into the face of the other, 8 because we aro too familiar with D. D, D. Preseription for Eesema. Lots 1 to 20, Block 29, Cousins and Sissons, 500.00 pair terms. was Waite s size and general appear- , here at a moment's and Keith i ransported elsewhere an added curtly, Shall we what is going on around us that we Chas. . Ping 8. le. jance, with gray beard, similar to the notice. Every creak of a bed echoed talk? : do not come to the rescue? Are we Chas. A Pingle, abuse: Bain Be war. He had been scalped, and hls tions often failed to reach the ceiling then Willoughby swung his feet over iface beaten, beyond recognition, but by g foot ot two, and the slightest the edge of the bed onto the floor. We must face our responsibility. in TO THE ELECTORS OF WARD 1. 5 to prove his identity. Besides, he and there was noise of every concelvable til I seo what the te abi one in which we are amiss. Let us Th, same ts abou ie follow Lots 15 and 16, Block 1, Riverside Park 700.00, terms. his companion a young fellow named xing-in plenty, from the blare of a look at the Liquor Traffic, there are appeared in ae ie a Hee issue but Lots 5and 6, Block A, Riverside Park, 2100 terms, two days before from Carson Clty. ite, to the energetic cursing of the ee Iy, more than have fallen yearly in appetr : When was this: cook in the rear, A discordant din Interviewing Willoughby. all the wars since 500 B.C. To The Electors of Ward: 1, lectors of Wa: Fairbain's lips smiled, the ruddy peiow laughter, shi shrieks of a laughter, shouts, the shrie comprehending how best to proceed, coloring sweeping back into his fa rattle of dice, an occasional Keith drew toward him the only chats 9t8 fifty thoysand die from the ef- Alderman in Ward 1, om ith, you came near parkers. There t steat Indirect loss. In our Asylums genti Phone 400. 368 TORONTO ST. Box 81 Damn me, Keith, ring of industrious Hope more widely known as Christie gentlemen whose name: 9 stving me 2 shock, he sald, Jerklly: was no safety anywhere. An exploding Maciaire had claimed this drunken fully seventy-five per cent. are con- the requisition which tas ean a ed to. me I wish t 3 my heart's just rlght tendency to aisturd the peaceful slumbers of the Hawley, he ad vehemently dented per cent, of the Inmates owe thelt this evidence nt ogtums them for apoplexy, too got to be guarded innocent occupant of No. 15, and every any such relationship. Yet there must presence to it and ninety per cent. of of thelr confidence in . thing maybe you buried some poor foum below caused the lodger to curl the cwe and what this was che plains. 2 the Inmates of poor houses have counct , evil out at Cimmaron Crossing but up in momentary expectation of man proposed to discover. The prob- te *Tafiic to thank for their-condit- To the voters in Ward 1,1 may say Dries in a Few Hours i i : H ms Ovi 5 know? Because I saw him, and talked through the floor. With this to trou- to talk frankly could he be reached MOt be overlooked. Are we merely made for turnin, 7 nkly cou vache ig the Assi and Hardens Over Night with him yesterday damn me, if I pig him, he could Me there and hear more easily by reference to the girl going top ity? Are we not going to Company ov nibola Music y over to the new owners on Yer eh eae Make the floors ready for summer- You a e 5 . : si every an si e controntin i ve ? can easily finish one room every night with without. Every creak, stamp, sullen, obstinate face con ronting tor id ourselves of this pest? We arelif nec London flags were dis- a ae snore was faithfully reported; every nim, with instinctive antagonism over our brother's keeper so-far as it 1s eaty gt; Practically. all my time At noon a battery of T work and then the floors will be fresh and ; s wash away our past responsibility in eral in though, i se Artillery in St. bright when carpets and rugs are laid away Keith; bla eyea fi Sheridan. It was not very nice of me to come : in thought, and independent in . ; yes filled with undis- Sher : this nn ee carted Tah angie Wearled, and half dead, as Keith n on you thin way, he began, apolo- *hls rerard by going Into the fight action to serve the city without being one I remember he wore during the trom wall to wall. The thin parti- There was a moment's sllence, and not the keeper of our sisters honor. Eireann papers in his pockets were suMctent 271.5 aroused the entire floor And Hire away, he said shortly, un S matter, but this is not the only Lots 3 to 10, Block 3, Riverside Park, 650.00 pair, terms. Stbley were known to have pulled out Hall oppo- Fi a band at the Ploneer Dance Po: CHAPTER XVIII. nore than 1000 men borne away. year- owing. to a misunderstanding did not ; ren days: ago. of voices surgetl up from the street Cooly, yet without in the least Among our seven million inhabl- T am in the field as a candidate for 5 women, 5 HAIL INSURANCE. cheeks. pistol shot, and the continuous yell- n the room, and sat down. Miss fects of tduor thaffic, beside the) In acceding to the request of the shouldn't be so careless not suts revolver in No. 47 was quite likely to iad as her brother, but, according to fined because of it. In our jails fifty 2 against. Now, let me tell you some- sound of quarrel in the thronged bar- be gome previous association between my ability to serve the City in the it wasn't Willis Waite. How do 1) etray puiiet coursing toward bim jeny- wad How best to cause the fellow 0R- And Its effects on home life can-/ that, as arrangements have been loors didn t, right here in this town. a id miablant: Keith etudst te te tok everything that occurred within and or the gambler? Kelth studying the do our share with vote and Influence, June tho Ist, I ehall be able to gine eat mans pric REE, Floorlusti . It will be a pleasure not and attention to city affairs, red a salute of forty lo a was, sleep was simply tmpossible. He getically, but you see I happened to heart and soul, It we do not, God influencea in my judement hy 7 5 * s + See cores eee cotbected ns heard heavy Teet-tramping up 4nd know your sister. - will hold-us guilty, a8 our brother's conflicting interests, personal a ote S the puzzling mystery. But the hon- 8 the ball; care cieiieen an My sister? Ob, guess not and sister's blood crieth to us from erwise, . E : endeavored vainly to open his door; Yes, but'I do, throwing a con- th . 3 ir the Forged face ony Rdded ee ne Sra and ganree nt Hi Ce ee a(n eee an through nomel ad 2 Dolley: 1 am convinced 2 Pees the Sound of a body falling down stairs. feeling, Miss Hope and 1 are friends. hat Medicine Hat will make, ap- York city, a young woman was Kdlled ent his distress and life will have a by a street car, the body was taken /sher interpretation. to the morgue for identification and hundreds of parents came there to lt; a - see if they could get any trace of a jong lost daughter. i This ts not a cne incident, but : tragedies of the same nature are go- ing on verx day. Are we not re- T Stop that iteh In two Seconds with D.D.D. S more Lots 21 and 22 Block 13, Herald, 1050.00, cash. Lots 52 to 67, Block 3, Herald, 850.00 pair, terms. Lots 7 and 8 Block 10, Herald, 700.00 pair, terms. Lots 28 and 29, Block 5, Herald, 2000.00 pair, terms. od 123 years ago, be- rench evolution. IS CELEBRATED 1 tothe News) The customary ob- y marked the second CHAPTER XVII. : i es rary: sai ye curse, blow, snarl re-ec 0 his intrusion, swiftly determined onlin our int ot In the Next Room. ears. Inside was hell; outside w3s the girl. in our influence. It is up to us to I believe that I am suffictently-iib Are you certain your are not mis- 7 oe distant apartment a fellov Tne boy sprang to his feet, his face h4P had fallen Into the river and) proximately, as great development in ae ee Tam, Keith. I've known Was strussling to traw off his tebt gushed. T heard his ery for help. and did not) the next twenty years/as Winnipeg Is THE PERFECT FLOOR doots, skipping about on one foot On. you mean Hope? Do you know (40 ali In my power to save him from/hag in the Jast twenty, and that ENAMEL tt qill-no eal eaetoe Bites ratte 8 HE nlimate- amid much profanity. That the boot ner? Say, I thought you were giving death. I would be as guilty of mur- buying of industrial sites, school ae si can be abi sor ener conquered was yittent when the man me that old gag about Christie der as if I had in some way took his and parks; esti scratches can be washed: with y) war and I certainly talked with him. (oo ieq into the creaking bed, an- Jaire. aoe parks; imates for water and soap and water. Ned He told me enough to partially confirm Cravied into eae cre the. Iandlord (ene ee not: wh me life, Or if a train was coming down electric plants, widening of gtreets, Gia peilonieer te cob your story. Ho sald he had started BOUNeIng defiantly, It, the landlord Certainly not; who ts she? the track-and I saw an open switch/and all elty planning should be, eon we a Want em bor * s more than ow; fello v is - 5 for Santa Fe light, because he couldn't ' a a Sait : Which would in all kelthood Indan- sidered and carried on, insofar j Fe emer BS 4 zA. qr Sat enough men to run a earavan /00, D's of chips, and the came to me at Carson, and said he'd) 50. the lives on board and I did not differ r aah j CA. ttle of chips, and the voices ft ore ent stages of development oaey sresamaatss sae A ,atraid of Indians, you know. 0, he Tee ra seco crenvionaliy rained tn nat, ster oH singe vost of 72 turn that switch when it was in my permit, and reason will werent eau and steps. g pe Fat te eae cak nimely, Gia anger. Now and then they would she's home over in Missouri. Finaliy, Power, I would be guilty of murder that prospective dovelopment in mind, BEANORAM: FJENDERSON: S p apeting. cock wouldn't turn. back for ;8* P on the floor as en order for got it out of him that she claimed to in not doing what T could to save In opinion a city s development NG. on the can is your best af all the Indians on the plains once he (Hawa tesimens a Bor From be sey alates Re ft, sane wet thes, ayaa we nave Text ubout the depends largely on the lultlatory epir 4 ty : somewhere beyond, the long- Maclaire. .y, jon t even know Captuin which refused to go to the it of thi oe ny stibCKSRE davices:in- guarantee of quality. 7 got an idea in his head he was that): eisncholy how of a distressed dof her, and what. do you suppose she reccue of those on the Titanic, I am e men in it's Council. It is kind Lord, you ought to seen the fight he put up at Spotsylvania He. also the people's prerogative to put on the curb, and a council requiring greeted-the rising moon. ever picked me out for her brother io going to say that he did, but if e comforts of the mod- Out from all this pandemontum or2 MADE IN CANADA Our large stock of cot to Cakaon wet tor aEnos: to unconsciously detect sel perfect He -did hear and refused to respond, moderate restraint s prefer * BRANDRAW F ENDERSON Filer SPE ret ee Oem ype tg ty eu aon SUPPLIES: MONTREAL, HALIFAX,ST-JOHN, TORONTO, WINNIPEG. tool. Cook got into row, gumbling, cut Tom to his left. In the toll of ob- That his sister might have left home have saved 1s on his I do not think that I have permitt- structing sound a few words reached since he did, and drifted West under It is our parf to help in the work/ed myself to become hide-bound im , ite for the in- 4 igged. ft F Mase or power nf. FOR SALE BY Scalar louver eeeure nigger tat Guat jp roaeh slight apen space be-) an ssmumed namie, apparently never /of rescuing our less fortunate broth- my opinions on matters of public In : , 3 . Lweattwall amt-cell occurred im as possible. To Keith ers to the limit of our power. - ter cE jort of fix natural fighter likes any est, and, if elected, will agnitude. Our prices, kind ot row. 8o, he hung-on there at . el Hitt whate Cebiaxe this was the explanation, andnothing T..41 not a fact that we Iook on best to honor the coatidones secede : aaa again when we haven't the price? could be more natural, consfdering - confidence placed in skingly low. c Carson, but had sense enough Lord * o, Ye maignt find Bart somewhere, Lor wok, yet he aid not feel, like tese traiics as a necessary evil 3 me, : Je :knows where he got tt to put alll. ba stake us. 1 guess I know stationing the lad's loyalty, Faith ia Something We simply have to put up 11 do not canvass your vote Der j) Hat Electric but a few hundred dollars in Hen ; Levy's safe. Then, he went out one ene loosen up. Come tne sister might yet ra hiin. with and imake the best of them with sonally please be assured that I want Perhaps the fellow who told you, all their degrading influences? M it, and that circumstances, and not this town 4s too near ne hazarded blindly, speaking the first answer I would say that God will say, disposition prevents my seeing you. T'm lable to run into thought which came to bis mind, had What s this thing thow hast dote OMPANY males infght to play poker with his driver ET PHO 4 and a friend had a drink or two , z doped, probably, and never woke up z se Yours truly, - i some reason to desire to make you thy brother's blood crieth to me from - -. pra - PHON T asker for forty-clght hours lost clothes, . ee ae I the ground. Coupled with these I migh mi jmoney, papers, and whole outfit was ata ' uet naturallycleaned--out couldp t a Transfer Co. Jit esc case: eee isia oles 8. E. MO LELLAN. 666 ea c : ' incorporate greed, unnatural squalor, . 384 Main St. Keith heard him lift the latch of the at prst; then hie face suddenly sob is Sr M apid LIGHT and HEAVY ee eee eae ears te be the (200 : sted ne thong a new thought had os and race antagonism, when all men Piano Moving easonable DRAYING eee ee ee ara iat AM right, Willoughby, he s8l4, curred to him. recognize the fact that all men are ta A Speciait ti Papers that boners most them, lnoxly, I'll try my luck, an if I see Damn me, no, it couldn't be that. brothers then will the sun begin to : peciaity lable 364 Toronto Street. ff and the mules: Bart I'll tell him yer here. So long. ne exclaimed, one hand pressing his shine into the hearts of men. You'say there was no trace? ong the hall and c 4 . Nothing to travel on after forty- poke, ae ane Hae aah dead. He couldn't be workin ne) But then. we have a more definite eight hours a posse started out next ixern aistinguished the click of glass whom de you mean? Tesponsil lity, the effect of our exam- morning, soon as they found bim i204 pottie in the next room. He was A fellow named Hawley, evasive Pl on those by which we are sur- AN when they got back they reported bav- /siting up in bed now, wide awake, y The man who claimed to have TOlnded. No man can lve to him- mg ran the fellows as tar as Cim- /opeegsed with a desire to tnvesti- mot my sister. self, nor can any man sin to himself. i ) Ni iC wand escaped. jhave been to Hawley, and if so, this The boy lifted his head again, his the powers of man toestimate. How ity jmaron Crossing there they got across . The reference overheard must) Black Bart Hawley? fExample in wrong doing 1s beyond IDEAL Assessment Rolls ns, Blk. F, 2 When your dull and heavy, your tongue furred, your 1 Fhe ed tae pores, T thing, ne /Willoughby, who was afraid of mest, eyqe filled with suspicion. are, we zolng to answer for all whol Assessment Notices bowels costive, when you feel done-up and yood-for-nothing, (eata. re ee rik sista hice Gaeeing: jes, you: masi i have sinned by following in our foot- .L 75 Notices Z have tite, no- By a i : steps along the downward path. For 2 25 ft. Blk. 38 FOR THE interest; n6 auibition, four smanees Sy achearasche camer or reckons Tere) cowie. De se Maries is mene (To be continued.) til cin ts of a color no matter what - Tax Reminders Yee STOMAGH 2nd liver are out of order. But ou dida't bury Wills Walte this time, 5a attecuy an poastble, unlatched gt; eae ragunn AND it 18, As sure as it sa violation of Receipt Books Mother Seigel s Syrup will set you Captain. You wouldn't have thought 'ntq door. There was a nolsy crowd at HIGENT AN God's law. There is a call to do good +b 7 P. 1s, 50 ft., BIk. AND LIVER right. It will clear your was a dead one if you had heard ss otner ond of the-hait,-and the EF FICIENT SERVANTS14nr the world to retieve-our brother tter Paper anton St: lt;lean your tongue, renew your appetite, tone up your stomach, im swear while he was telling the ',oanq of some one laboriously mount- from his bondage. We claim lack of - Envelopes, etc., etc, story it did him proud; never heard ing the stairs. Not desiring to be are those who read the best papers. knowledge of thelr whereabouts and 1 the second day at and give you new strength, new energy, new life. fea aioe abe ki apisies cota dy igeen, Ketth allpved swittly toward the mereforo the want ad column of the this 1s our condemnation: We ought gar shot off oor room, and : fies, and T had to fix him up Lord, /i0c, it was unfastened, and he Dest home paper is the logicat med- to know. It is our duty to look them MOTHER Ibut he called me few things. imtepped quietly within, closing it be um which to obtain the most capabl up, and give help to the needy when- El 1S SYR P j Kelth sat silent, fully convinced ning him. help. Use the News Want Ads. lever he may be found. They need lnow that the doctor was telling the : SEIG U a ane eo puatied. thant ever A.small lamp was on the washstand, the power of the gospel. Inasmuch as. 1a half-emptied bottle and two glasses Loose Leat System The News Job we do not we are guilty to that ex- over the aes oe im which aside it, while a pack of cards lay Department has evory facility tor sup- tent. fhe found hima vaso lgeattered on the floor, Pally dressed, prying the most satisfactory. Love is the test by which we shall rms, Rooming stimulate the action of your bowels, make food nourish you, site, 65 feet Ave. and Brae- She lier bette contains 34 Himes he 50 cons. tis. A. J. Wnrrn Co., LxD., Montreal. / gt;
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Image 772 (1912-05-06), from microfilm reel 772, (CU1743379). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.